1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jaroso, Costilla, Colorado

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Colorado > Costilla County > 1940 Census of Jaroso

A Surnames B Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdsonAnn born about 1925
AdsonAnna born about 1870
AdsonBen born about 1889
AdsonJeane born about 1935
AdsonKatherine born about 1897
AdsonMartin born about 1865
AdsonRobert born about 1922
AliresAdelia born about 1920
AliresDelferio born about 1886
AliresErmeldinda born about 1922
AliresEvelyn born about 1939
AliresFred born about 1908
AliresGuirma born about 1887
AliresMax born about 1914
AliresPerfecto born about 1911
AliresVictoria born about 1937
AndersonDonald born about 1921
AndersonElenita born about 1920
AndersonFred born about 1892
AndersonWillia born about 1893
AraganDanel born about 1939
AraganFelonis born about 1911
AraganGeorge born about 1903
AraganGilberto born about 1937
AraganLucila born about 1930
ArchulitaAlvia born about 1935
ArchulitaChorels born about 1927
ArchulitaDaisy born about 1928
ArchulitaEster born about 1909
ArchulitaMaxwell born about 1900
ArchulitaPete born about 1930
ArellenoLaura born about 1922
ArellenoMax born about 1922
AtencioBenita Sborn about 1914
AtencioBobby born about 1930
AtencioJoe Dborn about 1904

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B Surnames

BarkerCharlotte born about 1921
BarkerDavid born about 1928
BarkerDora born about 1930
BarkerDuene born about 1934
BarkerHelen born about 1926
BarkerJay born about 1896
BarkerLois born about 1931
BarkerLyle born about 1924
BarkerMax born about 1922
BarkerMearel born about 1919
BarkerRuth born about 1897
BarkerTeddy born about 1932
BeeryRichard Wborn about 1876
BookhammerLevi born about 1926
BookhammerLevina born about 1921

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D Surnames

DeherreraBetrice born about 1889
DeherreraCedelia born about 1919
DeherreraClovadio born about 1914
DeherreraElmo born about 1928
DeherreraLillie born about 1932
DeherreraLito born about 1910
DeherreraLuis born about 1925
DeherreraTiva born about 1922
DeherreraTivo born about 1890

F Surnames

FayBetty born about 1934
FrancisGoldie born about 1883
FrancisIva born about 1881
FrontionNancy born about 1878
FrontionWilliam born about 1870
FurmanHarry born about 1867
FurmanOlivia born about 1876

G Surnames

GallegasFernando born about 1880
GallegasJohn born about 1921
GallegasMary born about 1923
GallegasRosenda born about 1910
GallegasVictoria born about 1917
GallegosAngus born about 1938
GallegosAntonio born about 1937
GallegosJose born about 1912
GallegosMary born about 1916
GarciaDellia born about 1936
GarciaEvelin born about 1938
GarciaHerman born about 1926
GarciaJose born about 1931
GarciaMacoolia born about 1900
GarciaMarcia born about 1934
GarciaPerfecto born about 1896
GarciaVernice born about 1927
GerardGeorge born about 1870
GerardSandona born about 1877
GriffithIzora Eborn about 1898
GriffithWilliam Fborn about 1898
GuardadoAlex born about 1921
GuardadoAndrita born about 1896
GuardadoAngelina born about 1924
GuardadoEster born about 1931
GuardadoJose born about 1893
GuardadoJose born about 1926
GuardadoJuanita born about 1934
GuardadoMary born about 1928

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H Surnames

HamiltonEarl Rborn about 1890
HamiltonMarie Eborn about 1888
HindsC Dborn about 1871
HitchcockGladys born about 1904
HitchcockJoanne born about 1935
HitchcockLenorelie born about 1932
HitchcockLeslie born about 1906
HitchcockNancy born about 1938
HollenbeckE Hborn about 1891
HorpesterFern born about 1907
HorpesterGlenn born about 1908

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J Surnames

JohnsonEd Eborn about 1895
JohnsonMary Kborn about 1891
JohnsonRobert born about 1895

K Surnames

KatsumotoGeorge born about 1937
KatsumotoJintoro born about 1882
KatsumotoKenneth born about 1939
KatsumotoKeyoshi born about 1915
KatsumotoRuth born about 1919
KatsumotoUnejin born about 1885

L Surnames

LangdonEdna Eborn about 1915
LangdonJohn Eborn about 1904
LangdonMary Eborn about 1865
LangdonWilliam Mborn about 1893
LangeDonald born about 1925
LezotteDavid born about 1905
LezotteMarguerite born about 1910
LobatoAndrita born about 1904
LobatoBernice born about 1931
LobatoDaisy born about 1934
LobatoDemetrio born about 1895
LobatoDemetrio born about 1932
LobatoDorthy born about 1937
LobatoEdulia born about 1929
LobatoElisero born about 1925
LobatoEloysa born about 1900
LobatoErmenia born about 1937
LobatoEyda born about 1925
LobatoLevy born about 1928
LobatoOdlia born about 1923
LobatoOneso born about 1896
LobatoPreslia born about 1939
LobatoRosenaldo born about 1926
LobatoTerecita born about 1927

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M Surnames

MartinJoan born about 1930
MartinMarvin born about 1927
MartinezCorenia born about 1902
MartinezElegio born about 1902
MartinezRose born about 1935
MederAnnie born about 1929
MederBenjamin Jborn about 1887
MederFreida Sborn about 1900
MederGrace born about 1927
MederHomer born about 1933
MederJosephine born about 1925
MederMary born about 1924
MederStilda born about 1936
MedillJewell born about 1900
MedillJoseph born about 1901
MedillMargaret born about 1921
MedinaCora born about 1932
MedinaEsgulestic born about 1900
MedinaFrank born about 1939
MedinaHover born about 1928
MedinaJoe born about 1926
MedinaJuses born about 1938
MedinaMary born about 1923
MedinaMike born about 1930
MedinaPollo born about 1936
MedinaSerapia born about 1893
MedinaSorapio born about 1934
MeyerEdna Mborn about 1910
MeyerErnest Mborn about 1898
MeyerGeorge born about 1929
MeyerJuanita born about 1932
MeyerShirley Jeanborn about 1938
MiddletonBuddie born about 1937
MiddletonJimmy born about 1940
MiddletonNancy born about 1939
MiddletonNelson born about 1912
MiddletonPearl born about 1919
MillerLouis Eborn about 1900
MillerLouis E Jrborn about 1925
MillerNorah Iborn about 1905
MontoyaBertha born about 1904
MontoyaBertha born about 1940
MontoyaBessie born about 1921
MontoyaDaniel born about 1938
MontoyaEdna born about 1927
MontoyaEleasa born about 1932
MontoyaJen born about 1934
MontoyaJohn born about 1889
MontoyaPalonia born about 1930
MontoyaSara born about 1923

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N Surnames

NaranjoEmbrosia born about 1917
NaranjoJake Lborn about 1939
NaranjoJuan Lborn about 1905
NaranjoJuan L Jrborn about 1936

P Surnames

PachecoJose Cborn about 1935
PachecoJuan Fborn about 1903
PachecoMaria Cborn about 1931
PachecoMaria Jborn about 1906
PackardDavid born about 1890
PackardOpal born about 1892
PackardOpal born about 1924
PhilippsElulla born about 1873
PhilippsHarry born about 1872
PhilippsKenneth born about 1915
PhilippsPerry born about 1875
PhillipsDavid born about 1937
PhillipsGeorgia born about 1940
PhillipsLucille born about 1906
PhillipsPual born about 1908
PhlippsDennis born about 1927
PhlippsGrace born about 1899
PhlippsRoy born about 1897
PhlippsWilma born about 1920
PittmanLarkin Bborn about 1870
PrattGeorge Jborn about 1873

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Q Surnames

QuntianaCleotilda born about 1931
QuntianaCristina born about 1912
QuntianaEufercio born about 1933
QuntianaFlorence born about 1936
QuntianaGilberto born about 1929
QuntianaJoe born about 1906

R Surnames

RauseHasele born about 1911
RauseMary born about 1858
RauseRoy born about 1897
RauseRoy born about 1903
RomeroAndrew born about 1905
RomeroArmando born about 1927
RomeroBen born about 1907
RomeroBen born about 1929
RomeroCaroline born about 1930
RomeroCaselda born about 1935
RomeroCeralia born about 1874
RomeroEnnas born about 1936
RomeroErla born about 1929
RomeroJoe born about 1930
RomeroLeo born about 1939
RomeroManwelita born about 1908
RomeroMoses born about 1902
RomeroPedro born about 1863
RomeroRuth born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SabinLee Oryborn about 1917
SabinLee Royborn about 1888
SabinMay born about 1891
SallieEdith born about 1911
SallieEdith born about 1940
SallieElbert born about 1905
SallieElizabeth born about 1929
ShockeyUlysses Eborn about 1898
ShroutInfant born about 1940
ShroutVirgie born about 1914
ShroutVirginia Belleborn about 1860
ShroutW Eborn about 1894
SmithCarrie born about 1862
SmithThaddeus born about 1860
SontistvanBelasmino born about 1938
SontistvanMacoolia born about 1915
SontistvanRosenaldo born about 1916
SturkeyBen born about 1864
SturkeyMay born about 1901
SuttonMarguerite Dborn about 1887
SuttonSamuel Cborn about 1869

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T Surnames

ThomasAmy born about 1936
ThomasAngues born about 1926
ThomasHelen born about 1923
ThomasLilly born about 1929
ThomasPerry born about 1934
ThomasRoger born about 1939
ThomasUchida born about 1897
ThomasYashiko born about 1909
ThompsonJames Wborn about 1875
TrujilloAlbert born about 1933
TrujilloCorine born about 1920
TrujilloEmma born about 1927
TrujilloGilberto born about 1928
TrujilloJulia born about 1923
TrujilloMarion born about 1895
TrujilloRosie born about 1931
TrujilloSoleda born about 1898
TrujilloStela born about 1926
TurnerBud born about 1916
TurnerDollie born about 1890
TurnerEva born about 1877
TurnerThomas born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UyedaFrank born about 1923
UyedaGrace born about 1937
UyedaHelen born about 1925
UyedaHendry born about 1921
UyedaMarjorie born about 1931
UyedaTsuma born about 1894
UyedaYusaku born about 1882

V Surnames

VasbyEdna born about 1926
VelesquezAlberts born about 1919
VelesquezOphelia born about 1919
VialpandoAdlina born about 1940
VialpandoBeatrice born about 1917
VialpandoLloyd born about 1917
VigilEstephanita born about 1928
VigilGeneva born about 1931
VigilJose Bborn about 1904
VigilMaria Aborn about 1903
VigilMaria Aborn about 1940
VigilPaul born about 1925

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W Surnames

WarrenDiana Janeborn about 1939
WarrenIva Mayborn about 1905
WarrenJames Cborn about 1892
WelkerAda born about 1885
WelkerRobert born about 1885
WestEvelyn born about 1928
WestGeorgia born about 1891
WestGussie born about 1889
WestMax born about 1917
WhiteJohn born about 1938
WhiteLouis born about 1914
WhiteLoyed born about 1913
WilsonJohnna born about 1872

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