1940 U.S. Federal Census of Peace Valley, Morgan, Colorado

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Colorado > Morgan County > 1940 Census of Peace Valley

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

ArtleyBuelah Mborn about 1910
ArtleyFrank Bborn about 1878
ArtleyFrank Mborn about 1906
ArtleyJessie Mborn about 1883
ArtleyVirginia Iborn about 1921
AveyFrancis Vborn about 1916
AveyLarry Lborn about 1938
AveyLoretta Jborn about 1939
AveyMercella Aborn about 1936
AveyOra Mborn about 1915
AveyRosie Mborn about 1935

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B Surnames

BartholomewAaron born about 1889
BartholomewCarrol born about 1937
BartholomewMarie Sborn about 1939
BartholomewMildred born about 1914
BennettAlice Eborn about 1925
BennettEarl Mborn about 1894
BennettSlyvia Pborn about 1899
BowlesClayton Dborn about 1904
BowlesDonald Jborn about 1938
BowlesElva Lborn about 1907
BowlesGeraldine Aborn about 1929
BowlesPhyllis Gborn about 1932

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C Surnames

CoffinMinnie Eborn about 1887
CoffinRobert Eborn about 1880
CooperLee Tborn about 1890
CrouchOlive Mborn about 1881
CrouchRobert Wborn about 1874
CrouchWalter Hborn about 1897
CrouchWillard Rborn about 1901
CrowRolan Rborn about 1889

D Surnames

DikemanJoseph Wborn about 1890
DikemanLoren Jborn about 1918
DomenyClyde Rborn about 1912
DomenyDonetta Lborn about 1932
DomenyGary Mborn about 1938
DomenyRuth Iborn about 1910
DomenySondra Kborn about 1940
DrewDelbert Lborn about 1930
DrewDonald Vborn about 1928
DrewLloyd Eborn about 1925
DrewMaude Mborn about 1906
DrewRalph Eborn about 1900
DrewVera Mborn about 1927

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E Surnames

ErnestBernice Bborn about 1901
ErnestDouglas Lborn about 1929
ErnestKeith Eborn about 1925
ErnestLawrence Lborn about 1897

F Surnames

FarnikEllsworth Eborn about 1937
FarnikFrank born about 1912
FarnikIsabelle Eborn about 1914
FarnikJacob born about 1889
FarnikJacob born about 1925
FarnikMary born about 1889
FarnikWilliam born about 1932
FickenBarbara Mborn about 1932
FickenHilda Mborn about 1905
FickenMinele Kborn about 1928
FickenOtto Hborn about 1897
FickenVirginia Lborn about 1922
FiscusDonald Rborn about 1938
FiscusEdith Mborn about 1907
FiscusMaxine Oborn about 1924
FiscusWillard Dborn about 1901
FoilesClyde Eborn about 1909
FoilesRuth Mborn about 1911
FranklingCharles Bborn about 1883
FranklingMarie Cborn about 1881
FranscoAnthony Cborn about 1906
FranscoArlene Eborn about 1912
FranscoDavid Lborn about 1931
FranscoGloryann born about 1935
FranscoRoger Dborn about 1940
FritzGeorge born about 1907
FritzJacob Jborn about 1853

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G Surnames

GoodwinElla born about 1862

H Surnames

HarmanArthur Eborn about 1932
HarmanHarold Dborn about 1938
HarmanJewell Eborn about 1902
HarmanJunior Lborn about 1929
HarmanLawrence Lborn about 1931
HarmanMarie Lborn about 1905
HarmanMarjorie Mborn about 1927
HastingsAnna Vborn about 1921
HastingsJames Jborn about 1918
HullingerBert Aborn about 1885
HullingerMary Gborn about 1881

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J Surnames

JohnsonClifford Wborn about 1890
JohnsonGladys Rborn about 1925
JohnsonMattie Gborn about 1895
JonesDelbert Lborn about 1875
JonesEthel Lborn about 1912
JonesHarriet Cborn about 1871
JonesRobert Fborn about 1901

K Surnames

KaploTm Tborn about 1894
KellyMaxine born about 1926
KiddEmma Rborn about 1919
KiddJoannie Mborn about 1938
KnollEllis Lborn about 1937
KnollMarjorie Lborn about 1919
KnollOrville Eborn about 1914
KnollShirley Nborn about 1936

L Surnames

LawBilly Dborn about 1938
LawHarold Wborn about 1931
LawMildred Pborn about 1911
LawTheodore born about 1906

M Surnames

MathesOswald Cborn about 1919
McCloudDonald Wborn about 1924
McCloudEdmund Wborn about 1884
McCloudKeith Eborn about 1926
McCloudLettie Mborn about 1883
McCloudMatilda Mborn about 1862
McCloudWilliam Eborn about 1919
McConnellBuddy Lborn about 1939
McConnellClifford Gborn about 1935
McConnellHelen Lborn about 1937
McConnellMildred Lborn about 1914
McConnellMurry Lborn about 1911
MenkingDonald Lborn about 1937
MenkingEarl Oborn about 1906
MenkingHelen Lborn about 1909
MenkingLois Mborn about 1939
MenkingNellie Lborn about 1874
MillerAlberta Aborn about 1923
MillerBetty Jborn about 1931
MillerBill Hborn about 1903
MillerClara Dborn about 1914
MillerGladys Dborn about 1934
MillerHarold Lborn about 1937
MillerIda Eborn about 1892
MillerJohn Aborn about 1888
MillerVivian Mborn about 1933
MillerWilliam Jborn about 1940
MorenDennis Jborn about 1934
MorenFloria Fborn about 1894
MorenJesse born about 1894
MullisonAnna born about 1885
MullisonDonald Wborn about 1925
MullisonRaymond Eborn about 1923
MyersAlbert Jborn about 1902
MyersAlberta Bborn about 1939
MyersBuelah Iborn about 1936
MyersHazel Eborn about 1910
MyersJack Eborn about 1938
MyersJewel Aborn about 1937
MyersLuella Eborn about 1895
MyersRosa born about 1870
MyersViola Jborn about 1934

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N Surnames

NealMabel Vborn about 1898
NealRobert Mborn about 1890

O Surnames

ObrienAgnes Eborn about 1937
ObrienFlorence Eborn about 1916
ObrienHugh born about 1909
ObrienHugh born about 1939

P Surnames

PageDarnel Dborn about 1929
PageGeraldine born about 1900
PageRichard Dborn about 1927
PageThomas Aborn about 1898
PageThomas Aborn about 1923
PhillipsGeorge Dborn about 1933
PhillipsHerbert Rborn about 1918
PhillipsHilda Mborn about 1921
PhillipsLuther Lborn about 1867
PhillipsVernon Cborn about 1894
PhillipsWinnie Bborn about 1896

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R Surnames

RoschMargaret born about 1872
RowinJ Wborn about 1895

S Surnames

SeiwaldBarbara Jborn about 1938
SeiwaldEdward Lborn about 1893
SeiwaldEdward Lborn about 1926
SeiwaldJeanette Mborn about 1908
SeiwaldJessie Mborn about 1892
SeiwaldJohn Aborn about 1882
SeiwaldJohn Dborn about 1927
SeiwaldJoseph Fborn about 1928
SeiwaldPaul Eborn about 1940
SmithElmer Eborn about 1914
SmithHazel Eborn about 1914
SmithWayne Eborn about 1937
SwickCecil born about 1894
SwickHelen Cborn about 1901
SwickIla Rborn about 1926
SwickSrepta Cborn about 1924

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T Surnames

ThomasAlice Mborn about 1908
ThomasClifford Wborn about 1909
ThomasHiram Lborn about 1878
ThomasMary Jborn about 1878
ThomasRobert Cborn about 1919

W Surnames

WelbornGerald Jborn about 1935
WelbornHarold Jborn about 1935
WelbornLucille Gborn about 1928
WelbornMary Jborn about 1895
WelbornWalter Hborn about 1895
WirthAntonio born about 1909
WirthAugest Aborn about 1907
WirthAugest Eborn about 1939
WirthBetty Jborn about 1932
WirthMarilan born about 1938
WoodCarolyn Mborn about 1904
WoodClarence Dborn about 1897
WoodDonald Cborn about 1927
WoodGordon Lborn about 1928
WoodHoward Dborn about 1936
WoodsClara Eborn about 1888
WoodsRoy Mborn about 1883
WulfBertha Gborn about 1939
WulfCharles Aborn about 1880
WulfElinor Nborn about 1917
WulfElmer Mborn about 1912
WulfFrank Wborn about 1910
WulfLouanne born about 1934
WulfMae born about 1914
WulfMarvin Cborn about 1906
WulfMensa Iborn about 1881
WulfMyrtle Lborn about 1936
WulfRaymond Aborn about 1921
WulfThora Aborn about 1913
WulfTracy Cborn about 1925

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Y Surnames

YoungBenjamin Lborn about 1874
YoungMaggie born about 1879
YoungTony Cborn about 1866

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