1940 U.S. Federal Census of West Holbrook, Otero, Colorado

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Colorado > Otero County > 1940 Census of West Holbrook

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdcockEva born about 1885
AdcockTom Jborn about 1883
AllenCarthal born about 1919
AllenEdmon born about 1889
AllenEdmon Jr born about 1928
AllenZelma born about 1893
AveraEdwin born about 1933
AveraElmer born about 1928
AveraEvelyn born about 1937
AveraHazel born about 1903
AveraHenry Eborn about 1897
AveraIda born about 1922
AveraJames born about 1930
AveraLorene born about 1926
AveraNorma born about 1932
AveraRobert born about 1924

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B Surnames

BarnsCharles born about 1917
BarnsHattimae born about 1919
BarnsRay born about 1939
BeremanBearl born about 1918
BeremanMabel born about 1918
BeremanShirley born about 1937
BerryAltha born about 1884
BerryRobert born about 1881
BerryVictor born about 1906
BlackfordAllie born about 1883
BlackfordFred born about 1903
BlackfordVirginia born about 1906
BlackfordWm Wborn about 1879
BomanClara born about 1922
BomanFrances born about 1897
BomanRay born about 1896
BomanRichard born about 1933
BomanRobert born about 1926
BomanWm born about 1924
BurnsAlbert born about 1920
BurnsDorothy born about 1927
BurnsEdwin born about 1937
BurnsEstella born about 1892
BurnsGrace born about 1932
BurnsJoseph Hborn about 1911
BurnsLauma born about 1884
BurnsNorma born about 1930
BurnsTommy born about 1924
BurtAlma born about 1926
BurtDeloma born about 1922
BurtEvyln Leeborn about 1924
BurtHarry born about 1900
BurtOna born about 1902

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C Surnames

CauseyLois born about 1903
CauseyWm Aborn about 1893
CollinsLucretia born about 1876
ConyersRay born about 1919
CourtneyArtha Raeborn about 1927
CourtneyFrances born about 1900
CourtneyWart born about 1890
CummingsDora born about 1884
CummingsDora Leeborn about 1925
CummingsIra born about 1874
CummingsIrven born about 1913

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D Surnames

DickAline born about 1928
DickFrank born about 1930
DickGertrude born about 1926
DickHarry born about 1872
DickMartha born about 1886
DickMildred born about 1922
DickNell born about 1924
DriverFannie born about 1892
DriverJacob Lborn about 1874
DunavanInez born about 1900
DunavanOra born about 1890

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E Surnames

EdwardsBarbara born about 1937
EdwardsJanice born about 1939
EdwardsRuth born about 1915
EdwardsWm Aborn about 1910
EdwardsWm Aborn about 1934
EnderudGlen Cborn about 1928
EnderudPearl born about 1905
EnderudWm Cborn about 1895

F Surnames

FelpsElmer born about 1907
FelpsLois born about 1908
FelpsLois Jeanborn about 1936
FelpsMargeret born about 1875
FelpsPhylis born about 1937
FelpsRichard born about 1932
FelpsRobert born about 1934
FelpsWm Tborn about 1903
FoosAdam born about 1913
FoosFrances born about 1917
FoosSandra Sueborn about 1939
FosterHoward born about 1909
FosterLyda born about 1876
FreidenbergerByron born about 1938
FreidenbergerEvelyn born about 1901
FreidenbergerHenry born about 1920
FreidenbergerHerbert born about 1937
FreidenbergerIrene born about 1928
FreidenbergerJake born about 1922
FreidenbergerJanet born about 1935
FritchDorothy born about 1921
FritchErmma born about 1884
FritchMartha born about 1914
FritchSamuel born about 1881

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H Surnames

Hanagan??? born about 1867
HanaganRaphael born about 1903
HeinleinCharles Eborn about 1919
HeinleinJesse Aborn about 1924
HeinleinMyrtle born about 1895
HeinleinWm Bborn about 1928
HeinleinWm Oborn about 1895
HendersonBlanche born about 1901
HodgeBergen born about 1867

J Surnames

JamesBeulah born about 1925
JamesDavid born about 1930
JamesEunice born about 1923
JamesPaul born about 1918
JamesPermelia born about 1890
JamesRuth born about 1916
JamesTom Aborn about 1883
JonesDorothy Mborn about 1921
JonesEarl Boydborn about 1923
JonesEmma born about 1892
JonesEugene born about 1933
JonesEverett Gborn about 1910
JonesFloyd born about 1925
JonesForrest born about 1926
JonesHelen Sborn about 1913
JonesIrvin born about 1920
JonesJerold born about 1932
JonesJohn Cborn about 1879
JonesPatricia born about 1938
JonesRosa born about 1881
JonesUna Bborn about 1890

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K Surnames

KenagyFrances born about 1904
KenagyJacob Lborn about 1868
KenagyMary born about 1871
KenagyPatricia born about 1932
KenagyPeggy born about 1936
KenagyRalph Jborn about 1903

L Surnames

LanceEthel Marieborn about 1934
LanceLa Verne born about 1936
LanceLaura born about 1912
LanceOren born about 1910
LanceVelma Jeanborn about 1938
LongHenry Leeborn about 1931
LowerCecil born about 1898
LowerEsther born about 1933
LowerEunice born about 1928
LowerMerle born about 1923
LowerNellie born about 1900
LowerRoscoe born about 1894
LowerRoy born about 1921
LuskDean born about 1938
LuskHazel born about 1907
LuskRoy born about 1901
LuskWayne born about 1929

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M Surnames

MaierAlex born about 1913
MaierCarl born about 1929
MaierDianne born about 1939
MaierGeorge born about 1921
MaierGeorge Pborn about 1889
MaierIshmel born about 1923
MaierJake born about 1939
MaierMary born about 1896
MaierRichard born about 1934
MaierRodger born about 1936
MaierRozella born about 1915
MarlinNeal Earnestborn about 1917
MartinAlene born about 1939
MartinAlfred born about 1937
MartinFred born about 1934
MartinGeorge born about 1932
MartinGladys born about 1909
MartinVirgil born about 1904
MartinVirgil born about 1930
MayEllen born about 1916
MayRobert Dborn about 1915
McDonaldGeorgia born about 1923
McMahonJames born about 1856
McNewCecil born about 1928
McNewChristine born about 1926
MeeksBerry born about 1855
MeeksFrank born about 1895
MeeksFrank Jr born about 1933
MeeksIna Maeborn about 1939
MeeksLolamae born about 1911
MiddaghJames Eborn about 1921
MiddaghLydia Jborn about 1888
MiddaghRobert born about 1925
MiddaghWm Nborn about 1887
MontayaAlbert born about 1887
MontayaColinda born about 1906
MorrisBetty born about 1925
MorrisClarence born about 1927
MorrisClyde born about 1918
MorrisDaisy born about 1899
MorrisEarl born about 1921
MorrisGene born about 1930
MorrisJanet born about 1939
MorrisMargeret born about 1923
MorrisMaud born about 1877
MorrisVivian born about 1933
MorrisWalter born about 1875
MorrisWm Fborn about 1912
MotoyaDora born about 1939
MotoyaFrank born about 1915
MotoyaMary born about 1922
MotoyaSusanna born about 1937

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N Surnames

NewbyMildred born about 1917
NewbyOlen Dborn about 1899

P Surnames

PaulDon Aborn about 1893
PaulHoward born about 1925
PaulLaura born about 1894
PaulVirginia born about 1931
PeacockEttie born about 1882
PeacockMiles born about 1881
PfiesterSusan born about 1873

Q Surnames

QuickDarlene born about 1927
QuickJack born about 1926
QuickJohn born about 1934
QuickMelsene born about 1929
QuickMildred born about 1907
QuickRalph born about 1904
QuickVerald born about 1933
QuillenJohn born about 1925
QuillenJunior born about 1928
QuillenOllie born about 1888
QuillenWillis born about 1922

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R Surnames

RiceAllen Dborn about 1899
RiceRachel born about 1900
RickmanClaud born about 1903
RickmanElla born about 1874
RussellBlanch born about 1928
RussellDaniel born about 1931
RussellGeorge Leeborn about 1939
RussellJohn Lborn about 1903
RussellRuby born about 1910

S Surnames

SaylorsNettie born about 1893
SaylorsPaul born about 1900
SchlegelElizabeth born about 1889
SchlegelElmer born about 1922
SchlegelEsther born about 1921
SchlegelGeorge born about 1925
SchlegelGeorge Kborn about 1886
SchlegelHenry born about 1883
SchlegelKathrine born about 1884
SchlegelNathan born about 1918
SchlegelRebecca born about 1916
SchlegelRosie born about 1920
SchlegelSolomon born about 1928
ScottEdwin born about 1922
ScottMildred born about 1921
ScottPaul born about 1923
SelbyWm Cborn about 1925
SheltonEugene born about 1881
SheltonGeorgene born about 1896
SheltonJoyce born about 1935
SheltonNorma born about 1906
SheltonShirley born about 1936
SheltonWarren born about 1906
SilvaGertrude born about 1912
SilvaOwen Dborn about 1909
SilvaRobert born about 1936
SkinnerAlbert born about 1925
SkinnerBonnie Maeborn about 1928
SkinnerEva Ruthborn about 1928
SkinnerKatherine born about 1910
SkinnerWalter born about 1903
SmithHenry born about 1866
SmithMary Mborn about 1876
SnelsonHelen born about 1923
SnelsonJane born about 1938
SnelsonJoan born about 1938
SnelsonObed Bborn about 1906
SnelsonRay born about 1929
SnelsonRoxa born about 1907
SnelsonRuth born about 1925
SprouseAlice born about 1882
SprouseGeorge born about 1871
SprouseRichard born about 1927
SprouseVera born about 1922
SwollowJoe born about 1895

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T Surnames

TaylorWm Gborn about 1909
TerryAlice born about 1921
TerryBenjamin born about 1894
TerryIsabelle born about 1926
TerryKeith born about 1923
TerryMaud born about 1894
TovattDan born about 1885
TovattKittie born about 1893

V Surnames

ValdezGabriel born about 1901
ValdezMagdlene born about 1912
ValdezSabnio born about 1933
VandalsemHarry Eborn about 1885
VandalsemRachel born about 1897

W Surnames

WaddelowBlanche born about 1887
WaddelowHarry born about 1885
WaddelowVernon born about 1914
WadleighAlma Darleneborn about 1934
WadleighCalvin born about 1933
WadleighEdith born about 1925
WadleighHarold born about 1894
WadleighJoyce born about 1924
WadleighLeland born about 1936
WadleighLloyd born about 1938
WadleighLucy born about 1895
WadleighMary born about 1919
WadleighMyrtle born about 1929
WadleighNorman born about 1933
WadleighOleda born about 1938
WadleighOlive born about 1900
WadleighRalph Lborn about 1889
WadleighRoy born about 1917
WadleighVerda born about 1900
WadleighWalter born about 1919
WenickEmanuel born about 1916
WenickLoretta born about 1940
WenickMartha born about 1915
WickhamAudrey born about 1939
WickhamFern born about 1914
WickhamJames born about 1934
WickhamLarry born about 1939
WickhamNelson born about 1910
WickhamWayne born about 1937
WilsonWarren born about 1921
WrightBertha born about 1885
WrightDavid born about 1921
WrightErnest born about 1889

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