1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hampton, Windham, Connecticut

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Connecticut > Windham County > 1940 Census of Hampton

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AlbertFlorence Jborn about 1915
AlbertJeanette born about 1939
AlbertJeanette born about 1939
AlbertMary Louiseborn about 1938
AlbertSamuel Lborn about 1910
AlbertSamuel Tborn about 1936
AllenMinnie Cborn about 1877
AllenSimeon Cborn about 1900

B Surnames

BakerCharles born about 1857
BakerFrederick born about 1925
BakerNellie born about 1888
BarrettCarrie born about 1924
BarrettCharles born about 1925
BarrettCharlotte born about 1927
BarrettHazel born about 1899
BarrettIrving born about 1932
BarrettOscar Aborn about 1893
BatesHarry born about 1898
BatesJessie born about 1897
BehleLouis born about 1896
BennitArthur born about 1889
BerggrenOtto born about 1897
BerggrenRhea born about 1910
BerggrenRonald born about 1938
BoganJames Aborn about 1923
BraneyFlorence born about 1884
BraymanMary born about 1847
BreedenDora born about 1920
BrennElizabeth Aborn about 1870
BridgesBertha Cborn about 1891
BridgesGeorge Fborn about 1885
BrownFred born about 1884
BrownJ Cborn about 1875
BrownJeannie born about 1895
BrownLydia born about 1924
BrownViolet born about 1892
BurchnallAlice Eborn about 1921
BurchnallAlice Wborn about 1890
BurchnallRichard Mborn about 1895
BurchnallRuth Aborn about 1926
BurdickAsa Tborn about 1880
BurdickCharlotte Gborn about 1908
BurdickCora born about 1883
BurdickDonald born about 1925
BurdickMalcolm born about 1917
BurdickMary born about 1900
BurdickMoston born about 1899
BurdickRichard born about 1930
BurdickStanton Rborn about 1910
BurellFlorence Mborn about 1924
BurellFrancis Pborn about 1933
BurellHector Jborn about 1930
BurellHeston Jborn about 1901
BurellKathryn Mborn about 1905
BurellKathryn Mborn about 1928
BurnhamBertha Bborn about 1892
BurnhamHelen born about 1927
BurnhamJesse Lborn about 1891
BurnhamLester born about 1865
BurnhamMarion Aborn about 1922
BurnhamNina born about 1871
BurnhanAnnie Mborn about 1862
BurnhanFredrick Cborn about 1867
BurstyFlorence born about 1898

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C Surnames

CarlsonElma Cborn about 1895
CarlsonHannah Nborn about 1926
CarlsonPeter Aborn about 1873
CarrollRuth born about 1879
CarterMargaret born about 1930
ChafferGeorge Oborn about 1868
ChafferGrace Nborn about 1868
ChapelDora born about 1875
ChapelEdward Eborn about 1880
ChapelHelen Mborn about 1901
ChapelJennie born about 1874
ChapelRobert Eborn about 1910
ChapelRobert Jborn about 1936
ChapelSherman born about 1912
ChapelWilliam Mborn about 1877
ChartierDonald born about 1935
ChartierNorman born about 1931
ChestersCharles born about 1886
ChestersCharles Fborn about 1919
ChestersHerbert Aborn about 1921
ChestersLucille Mborn about 1890
ClarkFred Hborn about 1882
ClarkHerbert born about 1862
ClevelandNellie Cborn about 1856
ColburnEdna born about 1900
ColburnEva born about 1931
ColburnFrank born about 1921
ColburnGeorge born about 1923
ColburnWesley born about 1898
ColvinByron Aborn about 1852
ColvinLena Lborn about 1900
ColvinRalph Gborn about 1885
CongdonElizabeth born about 1935
CookEmily Hborn about 1864
CookEthel Mborn about 1889
CooperSarah Kborn about 1874
CoteFlorence born about 1924
CoteJane born about 1925
CoteMildred born about 1935
CoteOdelia born about 1901
CoteOmes born about 1898
CoteTheresa born about 1928
CouchonGertrude Lborn about 1904
CouriHarriet Coleborn about 1893
CouriRichard Aborn about 1912
CouriRosemary Hborn about 1911
CovertHomer born about 1880
CovertMarjorie born about 1882
CovertThomas born about 1925

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D Surnames

DaltonBeatrice born about 1895
DaltonJoseph born about 1898
DarrowEdith born about 1866
DarrowEugene born about 1856
DellEva Mborn about 1854
DixonCharley Bborn about 1914
DonahueClaire Jborn about 1926
DonahueGertrude Mborn about 1888
DonahueJohn Jborn about 1876
DonahueJohn Jr born about 1930
DonahueRita Eborn about 1918
DonahueShirley Iborn about 1928
DouresHenry born about 1861
DouresNellie Aborn about 1877
DouresOliver Wborn about 1907
DubberkeAlice Mborn about 1885
DubberkeStanley Aborn about 1922
DubberkeWilliam Nborn about 1894
DubeLucien born about 1912
DunhamRichard born about 1919
DupontWalter Aborn about 1897

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E Surnames

EasterbrocksJoseph born about 1862
EdmondAnnie Hborn about 1880
EdwardsAlice Bborn about 1863
EdwardsBernard Wborn about 1891
EdwardsHarold born about 1912
EdwardsLloyd born about 1888
EdwardsMarino born about 1929
EdwardsMary Eborn about 1887
EmmonsAustin Eborn about 1923
EmmonsEdwin Wborn about 1856
EmmonsErnest Nborn about 1886
EmmonsMary Pborn about 1889
EmmonsMary Pborn about 1921
EsterbrocksEvelyn Pborn about 1900
EsterbrocksJames Aborn about 1932
EsterbrocksJoseph Aborn about 1902
EsterbrocksShirley Mborn about 1928

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F Surnames

FarnhamC Rhodesborn about 1932
FarnhamJane Goodrichborn about 1938
FarnhamKarin born about 1934
FarnhamWinifred born about 1900
FittsAdeline Mborn about 1861
FittsAdeline Mborn about 1923
FittsAlbert Nborn about 1871
FittsArthur Eborn about 1899
FittsArthur Eborn about 1935
FittsCharles born about 1875
FittsDelia Aborn about 1875
FittsGeorge Eborn about 1862
FittsJanet born about 1926
FittsTheresa Eborn about 1899
FitzeraldAlvina born about 1901
FitzeraldDonald born about 1934
FitzeraldEdward born about 1903
FitzeraldNorman born about 1935
FitzeraldPaul born about 1939
FitzgeraldJames Jborn about 1874
FitzgeraldRichard born about 1911
FitzgeraldSarah born about 1897
FoxCharles born about 1915
FreeJames born about 1922
FreemanKarl Cborn about 1894
FriesFlorence born about 1887
FriesFlorence born about 1922
FriesJane Louiseborn about 1940
FriesRussell born about 1926
FriesWilliam born about 1873
FullerGeorge Wborn about 1916

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G Surnames

GennetteEleanor Mborn about 1930
GennetteHelen Lborn about 1896
GennetteJames Mborn about 1933
GennetteJoseph Fborn about 1897
GennetteRobert Fborn about 1928
GillClaytn Nborn about 1867
GlazierErnest Lborn about 1881
GreenLawrence born about 1924
GreenMary born about 1879
GreenRobert born about 1878
GreenRobert Jr born about 1918
GreenmanFredrick Jborn about 1878
GreenmanGorver Cborn about 1886
GreenmanWalter Rborn about 1879
GrenierEva born about 1893
GrenierFrank born about 1890
GrenierJack born about 1923
GriffithAmy born about 1881
GuntherHelene Mborn about 1926
GuntherLucile born about 1928

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H Surnames

HallFlorence born about 1890
HallGeorge Jborn about 1890
HammondAlice Nborn about 1852
HarmondHessie Wborn about 1879
HarmondJ Lborn about 1891
HarveyAdah Mborn about 1895
HarveyIda Mborn about 1868
HarveyLloyd Aborn about 1894
HawkesAmy Iborn about 1925
HawkesHattie born about 1887
HawkesLester born about 1884
HawkesVida Dborn about 1926
HiltunenHeikki born about 1915
HinesAlice Lborn about 1876
HinesArther Dborn about 1877
HodgesBruce Wborn about 1938
HodgesCharles Rborn about 1911
HodgesEvelyn Wborn about 1915
HodgesRoss born about 1936
HoffmanAlbert Jborn about 1892
HoffmanAnna born about 1867
HoffmanDonald Eborn about 1921
HoffmanJoseph born about 1869
HoffmanRoger Aborn about 1924
HoffmanVera Jborn about 1900
HolbackAdolph Jr born about 1922
HolbackEdward born about 1927
HowallDorothy born about 1922
HowallGeorge Aborn about 1891
HowallGeorge Fborn about 1923
HowallJohn Mborn about 1925
HowallMichael Cborn about 1927
HowallThomas Jborn about 1929
HughesMargaret Fborn about 1869
HulingGeorge born about 1893
HulingKenneth born about 1927
HulingMattie born about 1893
HumsCharles Hborn about 1872
HumsJennie Eborn about 1875
HumsJoyce Aborn about 1933
HumsMarshall Hborn about 1909
HumsMarshall H Jrborn about 1936

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J Surnames

JerowLoren born about 1917
JewettCarl Wborn about 1894
JewettChester born about 1865
JewettDorothy Bborn about 1894
JewettE Cborn about 1873
JewettLizie born about 1870
JewettMary born about 1867
JewettMay Rborn about 1869
JewettMinnie Eborn about 1868
JewettWilliam Wborn about 1870
JohnsonFrank Aborn about 1892
JohnsonFreda Lborn about 1886

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K Surnames

KaylorArmine born about 1890
KaylorRudolph born about 1882
KeechBetty Lonborn about 1934
KeechEmma Cborn about 1907
KeechJerome Cborn about 1905
KeechMarjorie Allineborn about 1932
KeefeInentin Lborn about 1923
KeelerEdith born about 1873
KeethEvelyn Hborn about 1914
KeillyJames Eborn about 1867
KeillyMary Aborn about 1872
KeillyThomas Jborn about 1864
Keisch born about 1890
KempAndrew J Jborn about 1929
KempHarriett Fborn about 1932
KempHelen Kborn about 1906
KempHerbert Fborn about 1935
KempMinnie Eborn about 1931
KempPhillip Oscarborn about 1937
KempSusie born about 1939
KempSusie born about 1939
KendzerskiMicke born about 1876
KendzerskiStanley born about 1902
KendzerskiStella born about 1876
KentArnold Cborn about 1880
KenyonAlice Pborn about 1859
KenyonFrank born about 1888
KenyonLillian born about 1881
KenyonLouis born about 1896
KimballAlbertine Lborn about 1912
KimballDaisy Rborn about 1933
KimballElsie Cborn about 1937
KimballOlive Aborn about 1914
KimballRichard Gborn about 1905
KimballShirley Lborn about 1934
KoennickeFrank born about 1929
KoennickeGustave born about 1887
KoennickeKurt born about 1924
KoennickeWerner born about 1926
KoskiElsie Eborn about 1924
KoskiIda born about 1899
KoskiJohn Eborn about 1886
KoskiMargaret Mborn about 1919
KoskiMildred Iborn about 1927
KoskiWilliam Dborn about 1912
KoskiWilliam Jborn about 1937
KrupulaAlice born about 1913
KrupulaArnie born about 1938
KrupulaCarl born about 1913

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L Surnames

LagrenEllida Jborn about 1897
LagrenGeorge Jborn about 1892
LandallMaud Lborn about 1898
LarkhamJohn born about 1919
LarkhamStella born about 1896
LeighBessie born about 1914
LewisBarbara Jborn about 1929
LewisGardner Hborn about 1920
LewisJohn Gborn about 1892
LewisLucy Hborn about 1895
LincolnJosephine born about 1879
LoomisLillian Bborn about 1879

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M Surnames

MaherGeorge born about 1883
MarcusAxel born about 1900
MarcusMargaret Annborn about 1929
MarcusMargaret Mborn about 1898
MarryJohn born about 1926
MarshArthur Dborn about 1887
MarshHazel Vborn about 1894
MarshJean Hborn about 1925
McDermottAnna born about 1901
McDermottCalvin born about 1930
McDermottRobert born about 1897
McDermottRobert Jr born about 1933
McLaughlinHelen born about 1915
McLaughlinPatrick born about 1880
McMahonMary born about 1874
MerrellColon Fborn about 1893
MerrellElsie Bborn about 1899
MerrellGeorge Gborn about 1923
MerrellHazel Aborn about 1930
MerrellJean Bborn about 1920
MillerAmelia born about 1868
MillsAlbert Lborn about 1868
MillsGertrude born about 1870
MisevethAleck born about 1911
MisevethNettie Sborn about 1891
MisevethSamuel born about 1916
MorseErmond born about 1918
MosseGeorge Bborn about 1863
MurphyJohn Jborn about 1877
MurphyMary Cborn about 1878

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N Surnames

NavinJulia born about 1880
NavinPaul born about 1908
NavinTimothy born about 1875
NebroskyJohn born about 1890
NebroskyMary born about 1894
NebroskyStephen born about 1923
NeffWilliam Hborn about 1851
NelsonGustaf Bborn about 1901
NelsonGustaf B Jrborn about 1922
NelsonHoward Vborn about 1926
NelsonSigne Oborn about 1900
NicholsCarrie Eborn about 1859
NicholsGeorge Eborn about 1877
NicholsMay Aborn about 1880

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O Surnames

OdonallHarold born about 1904
OliverClinton Aborn about 1895
OliverDonald born about 1929
OliverGladys born about 1905
OliverJames Rborn about 1892
OliverJames Jr born about 1927
OliverJane born about 1925
OliverMary Blairborn about 1860
OliverW Cborn about 1862
OlsonLawrence Wborn about 1918
OsbornJohn Cborn about 1866
OsbornVirginia born about 1866

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P Surnames

PacittoJohn born about 1895
PacittoMarie born about 1928
PacittoPaul born about 1931
PacittoThomas Inaborn about 1927
PawlekowskiArnold Lborn about 1937
PawlekowskiBarney born about 1920
PawlekowskiBeatrice born about 1917
PawlekowskiLeon born about 1915
PawlekowskiRaymond Lborn about 1939
PawlekowskiSylvia born about 1917
PawlikowskiElizabeth born about 1924
PawlikowskiFrank born about 1911
PawlikowskiGeorge Bborn about 1922
PawlikowskiLeona Mborn about 1920
PawlikowskiMary born about 1890
PawlikowskiStephena born about 1939
PawlikowskiStephena born about 1939
PearlElizabeth Mborn about 1880
PearlGertrude Aborn about 1893
PearlJoyce born about 1938
PearlMary Elizabethborn about 1919
PearlMildred Mborn about 1917
PearlReuben Eborn about 1886
PearlWilliam Aborn about 1879
PearlWilliam Wborn about 1915
PeteskyFrank born about 1868
PhillipsDwight born about 1880
PhillipsGeorge born about 1876
PhillipsHattie born about 1872
PhillipsLilah Ellaborn about 1912
PostemskyAnthony born about 1934
PostemskyEdward born about 1917
PostemskyFrank born about 1884
PostemskyFrank born about 1933
PostemskyGeorge born about 1929
PostemskyGladys born about 1922
PostemskyJohn born about 1925
PostemskyMary Eborn about 1888
PostemskyRose born about 1923
PostemskyStaffie born about 1922
PostemskyTomas born about 1885
PostemskyVictor born about 1925
PostemskyVictoria born about 1892
PrattDonald born about 1914
PrattHarrison born about 1913
PutnamMelvin Lborn about 1869

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R Surnames

RikerFred Hborn about 1877
RikerMary born about 1879
RobbinsDoris Sborn about 1902
RobbinsEva Aborn about 1934
RobbinsJane Aborn about 1932
RobbinsLillian born about 1913
RobbinsWilliam Hborn about 1898
RobertsMignon Lborn about 1874
RogersGrace Lborn about 1930
RogersRay Nealborn about 1927
RogersRaymond Cborn about 1893
RogersRuby Lborn about 1891
RogersShirley Lborn about 1921
RuddyFanny born about 1874
RufellEdith Violetborn about 1896
RupellLambert born about 1893
RupellVeronica born about 1886

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S Surnames

SaundersAlbert Rborn about 1877
SaundersAmy Jborn about 1887
SchmulkAlbert Tborn about 1922
SchmulkDoris Aborn about 1925
SchmulkDorothy Mborn about 1924
SchmulkHenry Mborn about 1917
SchmulkJohn Wborn about 1918
SchmulkMarion Lborn about 1927
SchmulkMyra Jborn about 1893
SchmulkRaymond Lborn about 1928
SchmulkTheodore Rborn about 1930
SchmulkWilliam Tborn about 1892
ScotoHarold born about 1911
ScotoHerbert Bborn about 1922
ScotoJohn Sborn about 1877
ScotoMary Dborn about 1879
ScotoMildrred Eborn about 1912
ScotoVirginia Mborn about 1924
ScottDorothea Eborn about 1934
SerfertCurt Rborn about 1913
SerfertJanet Sborn about 1907
SkivingtonMichael born about 1875
SmithAlbert Elliottborn about 1884
SmithFrank born about 1878
SmithIola born about 1904
StaryLevy Whitekerborn about 1921
StenslandCarl Eborn about 1934
StenslandHelen Mborn about 1901
StenslandThor Eborn about 1894
StevensEdith Kborn about 1880
StevensEdith Mborn about 1915
StevensOlive Wborn about 1873
StockingClarence born about 1930
StockingEdson born about 1904
StockingIsabe born about 1905
StockingMarion born about 1928
StoneClarence Eborn about 1926
StoneElmer Cborn about 1886
StoneEvelyn Nborn about 1895
StoneFrancis Eborn about 1919
StoneHarold Aborn about 1897
StoneHazel Aborn about 1897
StoneWalter Aborn about 1922
StoneWarren Aborn about 1926
SurridgeFrederick Aborn about 1921
SurridgeFrederick Jborn about 1893
SurridgeHelen Jborn about 1925
SurridgeHelen Mborn about 1896
SurridgeJean born about 1928

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T Surnames

ThompsonCharles Lborn about 1890
ThompsonCharles Rborn about 1903
ThompsonDora born about 1866
ThompsonGeorge Mborn about 1861
ThompsonGertie born about 1872
ThompsonLena born about 1903
TrambergLoura born about 1887
TrambergLydia born about 1925
TremelHelen born about 1920
TremelJoseph born about 1893
TremelKatherine born about 1893
TremelPaul born about 1927
TroyDonald born about 1924
TroyEdwin born about 1926
TroyMary Hborn about 1906
TulakAnna born about 1877
TulakMichael born about 1876
TullerHelen born about 1895
TullerRaymond Pborn about 1891

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V Surnames

VargasAddie Hborn about 1917
VargasAdrianne Jborn about 1929
VargasAlfred Fborn about 1905
VargasAlfred F Jrborn about 1930
VargasHenry born about 1936
VargasLorraine Vborn about 1926
VargasTheresa Lborn about 1932
VargasVirginia Lborn about 1927
VickersMarion born about 1929
VickersPauline born about 1907
VickersSamuel born about 1878

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W Surnames

WalbackAdolph born about 1890
WalbackCharles born about 1920
WalbackKate born about 1895
WarjenskiNellie born about 1881
WarjenskiWilliam born about 1878
WarrenJohn born about 1906
WarrenMila born about 1910
WeaverEliza Hborn about 1888
WeaverStanley Lborn about 1881
WebsterClarence Mborn about 1893
WebsterElsiena Eborn about 1895
WilliamsNellie born about 1862
WillisAda born about 1893
WillisJohn born about 1927
WillisJohn Hborn about 1870
WillisJoseph born about 1883
WillisLulu born about 1874
WillisWilliam born about 1930
WilsonCeline born about 1871

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Y Surnames

YerxaJuliet born about 1911
YerxaRalph Bborn about 1907

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