1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wilton, Fairfield, Connecticut

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Connecticut > Fairfield County > 1940 Census of Wilton

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottAntoinette born about 1905
AbbottArcher Cborn about 1880
AbbottCaroline born about 1927
AbbottCarrie born about 1908
AbbottCharles born about 1930
AbbottHarry born about 1897
AbbottHarry born about 1925
AbbottMary born about 1857
AbbottSarah Jborn about 1887
AbbottThomas born about 1905
AbbottThomas Jr born about 1935
AckermanArthur born about 1886
AckermanEvelyn born about 1889
AdamsWinifred Mborn about 1883
AfflandAugust born about 1887
AfflandMarie Aborn about 1888
AffleckBertrom Lborn about 1886
AffleckGertrude Eborn about 1887
AgoesAlbert born about 1925
AgoesAnna born about 1889
AgoesJohn born about 1879
AgoesMary born about 1915
AicherBernard born about 1918
AicherEdna born about 1892
AicherEmma born about 1913
AicherRichard born about 1890
AikenAlfred Wborn about 1912
AikenRobert Wborn about 1883
AikenTheresa born about 1882
AlbinAnna born about 1906
AlbinJohn born about 1902
AlemanyJose born about 1896
AlemanyJoseph born about 1920
AlemanyMary born about 1896
AllenEdward born about 1902
AllenJeanse born about 1886
AllenRosalie born about 1896
AllenShirley born about 1921
AllingElizabeth born about 1889
AllingKenneth born about 1888
AllmanEgon born about 1905
AllmanMetta born about 1908
AlmsteadHarry born about 1898
AlmsteadMary born about 1860
AlmsteadMyrtle born about 1901
AlmsteadTheodore born about 1855
AlterCharles Sborn about 1870
AmesLora born about 1914
AmlderAnna Sborn about 1895
AmlderElizabeth Rborn about 1920
AmsteadVina born about 1871
AmsteadWilliam born about 1895
AnconaAntoinette born about 1932
AnconaCharles born about 1927
AnconaJosephine born about 1899
AnconaNona born about 1934
AnconaPhyliss born about 1923
AnconaRose born about 1925
AnconaThomas born about 1885
AndersonAlbert born about 1890
AndersonAnna born about 1865
AndersonAnna born about 1927
AndersonArne born about 1919
AndersonArthur born about 1929
AndersonArthur born about 1936
AndersonAugusta born about 1859
AndersonCarol Jborn about 1940
AndersonCharles born about 1886
AndersonCharles Jr born about 1926
AndersonChristine born about 1887
AndersonDolores born about 1927
AndersonDoris born about 1932
AndersonElly Aborn about 1916
AndersonErick Sborn about 1886
AndersonEstelle born about 1897
AndersonFlorence born about 1887
AndersonGeorge born about 1891
AndersonGeorge born about 1892
AndersonGeorge born about 1924
AndersonGerda born about 1897
AndersonGertrude born about 1902
AndersonGrace born about 1923
AndersonHenney born about 1895
AndersonJosephine Pborn about 1887
AndersonKurt Rborn about 1936
AndersonLaury born about 1920
AndersonMary born about 1923
AndersonRobert born about 1929
AndersonRobert Wborn about 1912
AndersonSamuel Mborn about 1893
AndersonTure born about 1926
AndrewsHenriette born about 1892
AnthonyClarence Dborn about 1885
AnthonyGrace Wborn about 1885
AntognetteAugust born about 1929
AntognetteConado born about 1918
AntognetteLavines born about 1895
AntognetteNana born about 1919
AntognetteNicholas born about 1892
ArpkinsElizabeth born about 1899
ArpkinsHoward born about 1924
ArpkinsMelvin born about 1900
AsplundEdwin born about 1935
AsplundGeorge born about 1909
AsplundMarion born about 1936
AsplundSylvia born about 1914
AuronJohn Gborn about 1908
AuronRuby Iborn about 1916
AveryBruce born about 1934
AveryDorothea born about 1910
AveryDouglas born about 1935
AveryJudith born about 1932
AveryRobbina born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileeDavid Hborn about 1926
BaileeEarle Cborn about 1891
BaileeJoanna De Pborn about 1933
BaileeMargaret Hborn about 1896
BaileeSusanah Cborn about 1930
BakerMary Hborn about 1891
BakerWilliam Rborn about 1891
BanksBeatrice born about 1915
BanksCharles born about 1921
BanksEdith born about 1885
BanksOliver born about 1882
BanksRobert born about 1917
BanksWilliam born about 1906
BannettAlice born about 1886
BannettFrank Eborn about 1883
BannettWillard Eborn about 1924
BargstoneDorothy born about 1912
BargstoneMary born about 1874
BargstonePatar born about 1870
BargstonePatar born about 1929
BargstoneWagner born about 1906
BarieerEvelyn born about 1893
BarieerLouis born about 1886
BaringerDiane born about 1937
BaringerElinor born about 1916
BaringerGeorge born about 1873
BaringerGeorge born about 1899
BaringerHellen born about 1912
BaringerKenneth born about 1908
BarkerCharles born about 1918
BarkerJames born about 1882
BarkerJames born about 1920
BarkerMarie born about 1884
BarksWilliam Rborn about 1914
BarrettAllie born about 1925
BarrettAnna Iborn about 1916
BarrettAnna Tborn about 1914
BarrettArtella born about 1926
BarrettArthur Sborn about 1908
BarrettBernice born about 1887
BarrettBryan born about 1937
BarrettCatherine born about 1875
BarrettCatherine born about 1923
BarrettDavid born about 1924
BarrettEdward born about 1915
BarrettEmma born about 1884
BarrettFrank born about 1884
BarrettGordon born about 1938
BarrettGrace Aborn about 1898
BarrettHarriet born about 1861
BarrettHarrison Hborn about 1915
BarrettHarrison H Jrborn about 1937
BarrettHarry Jborn about 1887
BarrettHomer born about 1918
BarrettHoward born about 1913
BarrettJames born about 1905
BarrettJohn Cborn about 1884
BarrettLouis born about 1865
BarrettLouis Jborn about 1900
BarrettMargaret born about 1912
BarrettOlive born about 1925
BarrettPatricia born about 1920
BarrettRandolf born about 1917
BarrettRaymond born about 1921
BarrettRobert born about 1939
BarrettRobert Eborn about 1910
BarrettRuth born about 1923
BarrettWesley born about 1914
BarrettWilliam Hborn about 1860
BarringerAlan born about 1926
BarringerCarol born about 1903
BarringerLawrence born about 1897
BarringerLawrence born about 1934
BarringerPatricia born about 1932
BarrnettAnne Cborn about 1893
BarrnettCharles Dborn about 1888
BartholmewDavid born about 1935
BartholmewDiana born about 1937
BartholmewEliot born about 1904
BartholmewMargaret born about 1908
BartholmewPeter born about 1927
BassBessie born about 1893
BassBessie born about 1921
BassCharles born about 1926
BassClifford born about 1932
BassEdward born about 1918
BassGeorge born about 1890
BassGeorge born about 1915
BassKenneth born about 1935
BassMervin born about 1912
BassOrin born about 1926
BassRussell born about 1923
BassettEdna born about 1883
BassettNorman born about 1928
BassettRuth born about 1917
BassettWalter born about 1883
BatchelderDavid Hborn about 1890
BatchelderDavid H Jrborn about 1922
BatchelderGeorgia born about 1893
BaterFrederick born about 1887
BaterMyrtle born about 1895
BattersonAlice Gborn about 1904
BattersonArthur Sborn about 1899
BattersonEleanore born about 1934
BattersonHenry born about 1929
BattersonJessie born about 1867
BattersonMargaret born about 1928
BazataAgnes born about 1903
BeallDorothy born about 1904
BeallJohana born about 1936
BeallLester born about 1930
BeallLestie born about 1903
BeardleyCarrie born about 1860
BeckDorothy born about 1888
BeckThomas born about 1882
BeckerAlfred Cborn about 1883
BeckerHermiona born about 1880
BediniAnthony born about 1932
BediniClementina born about 1911
BediniJoseph born about 1893
BeersEdgar Gborn about 1885
BeersElla born about 1911
BeersLydia born about 1920
BeersMary born about 1909
BeersMary born about 1913
BeersMary Aborn about 1888
BellJulia Lborn about 1914
BellRobert Bborn about 1908
BenedictLouise Eborn about 1886
BenettDoris born about 1902
BenettLora born about 1874
BenettRichard born about 1866
BennettElla Bborn about 1883
BennettErnest Hborn about 1906
BennettEthel Iborn about 1910
BennettEvelyn Lborn about 1930
BennettEverett Hborn about 1867
BennettFrancis born about 1909
BennettFrancis Jr born about 1938
BennettFrederick Eborn about 1883
BennettJoan Eborn about 1933
BennettMary born about 1910
BennettMary Cecileborn about 1934
BensonFlorence Hborn about 1887
BensonLeslie Lborn about 1885
BentonAnne born about 1933
BentonCarroll born about 1938
BentonChristopher born about 1936
BentonOrient born about 1911
BentonPhilip born about 1909
BentonPhilip born about 1929
BeplerHenrietta born about 1901
BeplerWilliam born about 1898
BeplerWilliam Jr born about 1922
BernsteinSelma born about 1904
BernsteinVictor born about 1904
BernwoodAnne Cborn about 1939
BernwoodAnne Cborn about 1939
BernwoodMildred Gborn about 1912
BernwoodPaul born about 1903
BernwoodRobert Hborn about 1936
BethelClara born about 1893
BethelClaudine born about 1879
BethelMary born about 1849
BethelMaude born about 1876
BigslowAnna Wborn about 1902
BirdsallHildah born about 1862
BislandMarion born about 1897
BislandWilliam born about 1889
BjarnbakElse born about 1885
BlaneyCharles Pborn about 1868
BlaneyHelen Bborn about 1883
BlaneyLarson born about 1914
BodenmillerJulius born about 1893
BodenmillerLeona born about 1902
BoldakoffAlexis born about 1891
BoldakoffAnna born about 1898
BontonAletha Mborn about 1914
BontonEdith Aborn about 1895
BontonElda Lborn about 1894
BontonFloyd Bborn about 1896
BontonMarjorie born about 1928
BontonSarah Iborn about 1862
BooneCapt Charlesborn about 1877
BooneLouise Hborn about 1884
BoorettCarolyn born about 1932
BoorettHelen Sborn about 1907
BoorettWalter Wborn about 1908
BorglumDavid born about 1932
BorglumHarriet born about 1905
BorglumLinda born about 1930
BorglumPaul born about 1901
BorisMary born about 1914
BowenJames born about 1938
BowenMarion born about 1906
BowenRobert born about 1901
BoxaMarie born about 1901
BoxellGeorge Wborn about 1908
BoxellGrace Mborn about 1905
BoysaArthur born about 1895
BradleyCaroline born about 1918
BradleyGrover born about 1890
BradleyHarriet Lborn about 1908
BradleyJane born about 1893
BradleyLeonard Jborn about 1901
BradleyVirginia born about 1923
BraistedDoris born about 1925
BraistedEdith born about 1903
BraistedMelvin born about 1904
BraistedMelvin born about 1930
BranchWinnie born about 1888
BreedNelson born about 1891
BreedVira born about 1894
BreenenIrving born about 1893
BregerFrank Gborn about 1887
BregerMarjorie Bborn about 1889
BrennemanBenny born about 1876
BrewsterCharles born about 1895
BrewsterMary born about 1892
BreyerAnn Mborn about 1921
BriggsJenet Cborn about 1881
BriggsMatthew born about 1885
BroganAnna born about 1905
BroganGodfrey born about 1928
BroganPatricia born about 1940
BroganWilliam born about 1905
BroganWilliam born about 1927
BronsonElmer born about 1905
BronsonMargaret born about 1905
BrownAmanda born about 1908
BrownBeatrice Kborn about 1884
BrownCaroline born about 1873
BrownClyde born about 1905
BrownDoris born about 1893
BrownHarold born about 1887
BrownJulia Cborn about 1887
BrownKatheryn born about 1895
BrownLila born about 1916
BrownLuther Cborn about 1873
BrownMarion born about 1921
BrownMay Rborn about 1873
BrownStanley J Gborn about 1917
BrownVirginia born about 1915
BrownWilliam born about 1870
BrownWilton born about 1884
BrundageAlexander born about 1870
BryantEstelle Vborn about 1894
BryantJames Rborn about 1895
BryantJames Jr born about 1924
BryantMary born about 1922
BuchamCatherine born about 1909
BuchamElizabeth born about 1934
BuchamJames born about 1912
BurnsRoberta born about 1855
BursHorace born about 1897
BursMarjorie born about 1890
BurtBasil born about 1900
BurtBasil born about 1939
BurtBasil born about 1939
BurtCharles born about 1897
BurtIsabelle born about 1931
BurtJanett born about 1900
BurtMildred born about 1903
BurtonAnne Bborn about 1924
BurtonBenjamin Bborn about 1892
BurtonEmeroy Sborn about 1892
BurtonEunice Bborn about 1928
BurtonHelen Sborn about 1921
ButlerCurtis born about 1931
ButlerIra born about 1932
ButlerJohana born about 1882
ButlerThedore born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CahillCatherine born about 1913
CahillJohn Jborn about 1910
CannetteEdith born about 1915
CannetteRobert born about 1914
CanrettsAnthony born about 1917
CanrettsAntonette born about 1883
CanrettsFrank born about 1871
CanrettsGrace born about 1915
CanrettsJulia born about 1919
CanrettsLeonard born about 1921
CanterburyAlice born about 1872
CanterburyArthur born about 1872
CardElizabeth born about 1892
CardElizabeth born about 1920
CardEverett born about 1917
CardIrene born about 1911
CardJames born about 1926
CardJohn born about 1934
CardLeon born about 1890
CardLeon born about 1915
CardLeon born about 1938
CardLeona born about 1924
CardLoretta born about 1928
CardMary born about 1937
CardPaul born about 1932
CardRichard born about 1936
CardRuth born about 1930
CarlsonAxel born about 1912
CarlsonCarl born about 1908
CarlsonEllen born about 1878
CarlsonEunice born about 1904
CarlsonHilma born about 1885
CarlsonIda born about 1880
CarlsonJohn born about 1883
CarlsonNarold born about 1906
CarlsonRose born about 1916
CarlsonVictor born about 1907
CarlsonWalter born about 1913
CarlsonWalter Jr born about 1937
CarneyCharles born about 1870
CarneyCharles born about 1903
CarneyHannah born about 1866
CarpenterEloise Mborn about 1939
CarpenterEloise Mborn about 1939
CarpenterEvelyn L???born about 1902
CarpenterMarthana born about 1874
CarpenterOrin Eborn about 1902
CarpenterReed Tborn about 1936
CarrBlanche born about 1888
CarrDonald born about 1888
CarrollEdward Cborn about 1926
CarrollRichard born about 1929
CarsonFrank born about 1881
CarsonJames born about 1866
CarsonViolet born about 1902
CartieArthur born about 1881
CartieJane Grayborn about 1875
CartinAngeline born about 1929
CartinElla born about 1909
CartinJack born about 1936
CartinThomas born about 1912
CartinThomas born about 1930
CastleGertrude born about 1894
CastleHoward Jborn about 1929
CastleHoward Vborn about 1882
ChamleyJames born about 1884
ChapinRoberta born about 1854
ChapmanClarence born about 1884
ChapmanDorothy born about 1910
ChapmanGeorge Jborn about 1892
ChapmanHarriet Sborn about 1894
ChapmanJames Sborn about 1921
ChapmanMabel Fborn about 1891
ChapmanMary Hborn about 1923
ChappaAntonio born about 1907
ChappaMarjorie born about 1925
ChelichClara born about 1896
ChelichMiriam born about 1924
ChelichMoses born about 1893
ChelichRichard born about 1922
ChelmenskyMichael born about 1938
ChelmenskyPaul born about 1928
ChelmenskyPauline born about 1904
ChelmenskyRoman born about 1903
ChelmenskyRudolph born about 1934
ChelmenskySteven born about 1932
CherryBoyd Vborn about 1893
CherryFrances Hborn about 1895
CherryLaura Cborn about 1865
ChichesterHellen born about 1896
ChichesterSherwood born about 1892
ChipmanChristine Eborn about 1905
ChipmanDavid Rborn about 1934
ChipmanRobert Kborn about 1932
ChipmanSidney Sborn about 1904
ClarkCora born about 1882
ClemmerGeorge Wborn about 1867
ClemmerLucy born about 1878
CleoryCharlotte Wborn about 1918
CleoryJohn Tborn about 1913
CogswellWilliam born about 1898
ColburnIda Lborn about 1869
ColeLillian born about 1900
ColeWilliam Hborn about 1897
ColesMargaret born about 1939
ColesMargaret born about 1939
ColesRebecca born about 1915
ColesWilliam born about 1910
ColeySuzanne born about 1866
CollenderCharlotte Fborn about 1861
CollierChristopher born about 1930
CollierEdmund born about 1900
CollierHope Sborn about 1934
CollierJames Lborn about 1929
CollierKatherine born about 1899
CollinsEdwin born about 1915
CollinsHardon Deborn about 1869
CollinsJoseph born about 1904
CollinsMargret born about 1910
CollisCarolyn born about 1925
CollisCharles born about 1890
CollisCharles Jr born about 1916
CollisDorothy born about 1918
CollisFred born about 1921
CollisHoward born about 1923
CollisRobert born about 1927
CollisSarah born about 1887
CommbsWilliam Hborn about 1887
ComstockAlice born about 1880
ComstockChristiana Hborn about 1854
ComstockGeorgiana born about 1879
ComstockJames born about 1881
ComstockMabel born about 1888
ComstockMargaret born about 1917
ComstockWilliam born about 1858
CookeAnn Mborn about 1922
CookeEdward Jborn about 1895
CookeEvelyn born about 1915
CookeLeslie born about 1909
CookeMarceline born about 1930
CookeRalph born about 1921
CookeSophia Aborn about 1901
CooksEllen born about 1875
CooksHenry born about 1867
CorsaDonald born about 1929
CorsaGeorge Bborn about 1875
CorsaGrace born about 1930
CorsaHoward born about 1904
CorsaHoward born about 1933
CorsaMary Fborn about 1877
CorsaWinifred born about 1909
CosierFlorence Lborn about 1901
CosierFrederick born about 1896
CosierShirley Gborn about 1933
CowhamBertha born about 1894
CowhamGenevive born about 1926
CowhamJoyce born about 1923
CowhamPatricia born about 1931
CowhamRichard born about 1891
CowhamThomas born about 1927
CoxMary born about 1912
CrofootInez born about 1886
CrofootKate born about 1856
CrossEdward born about 1893
CrowleyOlive born about 1920
CsechLena born about 1899
CudlippAlice Bborn about 1903
CudlippChamdler Jr born about 1932
CudlippChandler born about 1899
CudlippCornelia born about 1936
CudlippIvy born about 1934
CurtisDorothy Bborn about 1893
CurtisNancy born about 1933
CurtisPatricia born about 1930
CurtisRalph Rborn about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DarbJoseph born about 1920
DarbMary born about 1924
DarbStanley born about 1890
DarbWladyslaw born about 1892
DattersonWilkie born about 1890
DavenportBertha born about 1877
DavenportEstelle born about 1889
DavenportHarry born about 1887
DavenportJohn born about 1911
DavenportVirginia born about 1925
Davies??? born about 1932
DaviesAlfred born about 1930
DaviesHarold born about 1928
DaviesMervin born about 1900
DaviesMonica born about 1905
DavisArthur born about 1878
DavisBarbara born about 1928
DavisFrances born about 1885
DavisFred born about 1891
DavisHerbert Aborn about 1903
DavisJennie born about 1902
DavisJohn born about 1878
DavisMabel born about 1901
DavisNeville born about 1932
DavisWilliam Aborn about 1854
DeanHarold born about 1933
DebenignoDominick born about 1906
DebenignoVirginia born about 1916
DeforestGertrude born about 1876
DeforestLena born about 1901
DeforestRichard born about 1929
DeforestWillis born about 1901
DeforestWillis born about 1926
DefranesCharles born about 1929
DefranesGrace born about 1923
DefranesNana born about 1932
DefranesPhilipina born about 1898
DefranesPhylis born about 1928
DefranesRussell born about 1917
DefranesSamuel born about 1889
DelugaJosephine born about 1917
DenikeDorothy born about 1911
DenikeDorothy born about 1933
DenikeFrank born about 1909
DenikeGerald born about 1905
DenikeGerald Jr born about 1926
DenikeMildred born about 1906
DenikeShirley born about 1928
DennellyWalter born about 1891
DennonEsther born about 1918
DennonJames born about 1882
DennonJohn born about 1915
DennonMary born about 1925
DenscherVallerie born about 1893
DerdickCharles born about 1923
DerdickClare born about 1925
DerdickFrances born about 1921
DerdickFrank born about 1883
DerdickMargaret born about 1895
DerdickMargaret born about 1919
DeweilLina born about 1878
DewelseyHugh born about 1893
DickensonEstelle born about 1880
DickensonThomas born about 1877
DiguardisGiacinti born about 1901
DiguardisLouis born about 1900
DiguardisMary born about 1925
DiguardisRose born about 1923
DingeeBlanche born about 1884
DingeeLawrence born about 1892
DiorioBiagio born about 1882
DiorioJames born about 1919
DiorioMary born about 1886
DiorioRose born about 1917
DisbronHarry Hborn about 1921
DisbronJohn Oborn about 1891
DisbronMarcella Hborn about 1898
DisbronMarcella Mborn about 1924
DixonArthur born about 1906
DixonDorothy born about 1931
DixonEllen born about 1906
DixonHelen born about 1934
DoddNellie born about 1898
DonellFannie born about 1882
DotsonCharles born about 1925
DotsonEdna Lborn about 1916
DotsonFred Jborn about 1915
DotsonJames born about 1876
DotsonJohn born about 1887
DotsonJohn Jr born about 1924
DotsonMaxine born about 1927
DotsonSora born about 1902
DouglasDonald born about 1900
DouglasDonald born about 1933
DouglasNancy born about 1930
DouglasTerry born about 1905
DrownMay Lborn about 1896
DuesbergAugusta born about 1871
DuesbergMinnie born about 1876
DuesbergOtto born about 1870
DuesbergWilliam born about 1861
DullisMargaret born about 1858
DunElinore born about 1923
DunHarry born about 1921
DunHenry Wborn about 1886
DunJames born about 1926
DunMarie Dborn about 1884
DuncanKatherine born about 1911
DuncanRobert Kborn about 1907
DwyerMary Eborn about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EabellandCharles Oborn about 1865
EabellandFrances Aborn about 1862
EaklandAlice Mborn about 1893
EaklandCharles O Jrborn about 1891
EasonEstella Fborn about 1899
EasonWalter Fborn about 1894
EbbleSwartzha born about 1899
EberbardtAnthony born about 1913
EberbardtBarbara born about 1936
EberbardtGlenn born about 1939
EberbardtGlenn born about 1939
EberbardtOla born about 1917
EberbardttDorothy Eborn about 1915
EberbardttFrank Fborn about 1912
EberbardttLois Vborn about 1940
EberbardttThomas Fborn about 1937
EdgeEveline Jborn about 1916
EdgeJohn Pborn about 1912
EdgeKatherine born about 1918
EdgeMagdalena born about 1891
EdgeRobert born about 1914
EdgeTheresa born about 1939
EdgeThomas born about 1923
EdlerFrank born about 1907
EdlerJudith born about 1939
EdlerJudith born about 1939
EdlerMarie born about 1912
EdwardsCatherine born about 1910
EdwardsDonald Nborn about 1931
EdwardsEugene Tborn about 1934
EdwardsGrace born about 1902
EdwardsNicholas born about 1903
EdwardsWilliam born about 1902
EdwatdaBernice Vborn about 1884
EdwatdaVictoria born about 1913
EdwatdaWilliam Fborn about 1883
EggartaAugust born about 1913
EichingerAndrew born about 1894
EichingerLouise born about 1892
EkstedtGeorge born about 1892
EllmerElizabeth born about 1907
EllmerKarl born about 1905
ElsteAlfred born about 1889
ElsteAugusta born about 1891
EltisZulema born about 1907
EmersonGrace born about 1889
EngelEdith born about 1898
EngelJeanne born about 1921
EngelLewis Gborn about 1889
EngelsAnn born about 1931
EngelsAnna born about 1894
EngelsAudrey born about 1931
EngelsGustav born about 1859
EngelsGustav born about 1894
EngelsLillian born about 1929
EperhardtAnna born about 1886
EperhardtFrank born about 1891
ErdmanFrank born about 1912
ErdmanJohn born about 1857
ErdmanJohn born about 1881
ErdmanMary Jborn about 1888
EricsonEric born about 1913
EricsonEvelyn born about 1889
EricsonHarry born about 1919
EricsonLydia born about 1886
EricsonVictor Bborn about 1884
EttnsonDale born about 1905
EttnsonJoan born about 1935
EttnsonKatherine born about 1903
EvansAlice born about 1898
EvansAlmus born about 1892
EvansArthur born about 1898
EvansBuchard born about 1914
EvansChristopher Bborn about 1887
EvansClara born about 1914
EvansClare born about 1916
EvansDavid born about 1923
EvansDonald born about 1918
EvansDorothy born about 1920
EvansEdith born about 1917
EvansElizabeth born about 1890
EvansFred born about 1903
EvansHugh born about 1931
EvansJohn born about 1912
EvansJohn born about 1939
EvansKenneth born about 1922
EvansMargaret born about 1897
EvansMarion born about 1928
EvansMegan born about 1927
EvansNina born about 1891
EvansRuth born about 1896
EvenoEllen born about 1904
EvenoRaymond born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FadenMargaret born about 1890
FaganthomasEdward born about 1882
FaganthomasMyra born about 1890
FagerstromCarl born about 1880
FagerstromHugo born about 1905
FallnadgeElmer Lborn about 1891
FallnadgeMary Eborn about 1896
FancherEva born about 1855
FarenceHaeriett born about 1915
FarenceHarriett born about 1937
FarenceMichael born about 1908
FarenceRichard born about 1939
FarleyDonald Tborn about 1905
FarleyDonald Tborn about 1934
FarleyRebecca Kborn about 1906
FarnhanEdna born about 1895
FarnhanGeorge born about 1905
FarrellSteve born about 1878
FaulknerBernice born about 1890
FaulknerSarah Aborn about 1860
FaulknerWorthe born about 1890
FeildsMary born about 1936
FeildsPauline born about 1902
FeildsPeter born about 1935
FeildsReginald born about 1894
FergersonMary born about 1880
FergusonBarbara born about 1936
FergusonEmma born about 1907
FergusonGeorge born about 1906
FergusonMilton born about 1928
FerrisDorothy Aborn about 1911
FerrisJohn Wborn about 1870
FerrisJohn W Jrborn about 1909
FerrisMyra Lborn about 1871
FeshHelen born about 1922
FicherBessie born about 1882
FickeAlbert born about 1886
FickeBruce born about 1935
FickeHazel born about
FickeMartin born about 1926
FinchEloise Pborn about 1908
FinchGertrude Fborn about 1909
FinchLeo Jborn about 1900
FinchLeslie Eborn about 1898
FinnMae born about 1900
FishEdward born about 1912
FishEliza Mborn about 1914
FisherDorothy born about 1913
FisherElisba Bborn about 1898
FisherGlenna Wborn about 1901
FisherMarilyn born about 1938
FisherWendall Wborn about 1934
FisherWendell Wborn about 1910
FlemingEllen born about 1893
FlemingFrank born about 1889
FlemingRobert born about 1929
FlemingThomas born about 1927
FlewellynBeverly born about 1935
FlewellynErnest born about 1909
FlewellynErnest Jr born about 1928
FlewellynHelen born about 1909
FlewellynRaymond born about 1930
FlinnBarbara born about 1939
FlinnBarbara born about 1939
FlinnCharles Jborn about 1874
FlinnElinor born about 1910
FlinnGeorge Mborn about 1901
FolingerAnna Eborn about 1865
FormerDolores born about 1932
FormerElla born about 1879
FormerMadiline born about 1935
FormerWilliam born about 1877
FormerWilliam born about 1901
FosterGertrude born about 1885
FosterSusan born about 1870
FosterSydney born about 1881
FrankMae Rborn about 1879
FrickeClara born about 1876
FrickeWilliam born about 1875
FrisellIven born about 1884
FrisellMarion born about 1887
FuhrerDoris born about 1919
FuhrerFrederick born about 1917
FuidorakIrene Leliaborn about 1915
FuidorakJohn born about 1909
FuidorakJohn Mattheaborn about 1935
FuidorakLoren Arthurborn about 1939
FuidorakLoren Arthurborn about 1939
FullerAllan born about 1919
FullerBarbara Mborn about 1933
FullerCharles Vborn about 1902
FullerCora born about 1879
FullerJohn Wborn about 1927
FullerWillis born about 1879
FurbeckPatricia born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GallusEthel born about 1915
GamblingLouise born about 1893
GamblingRichard born about 1890
GarnickMiles Tborn about 1886
GarnickSarah Vborn about 1883
GatelyCatherine Eborn about 1910
GatelyThomas Mborn about 1906
GautheyDiane Eborn about 1936
GautheyJoan Mborn about 1934
GautheyJules Lborn about 1909
GautheyPhilomina born about 1907
GautheyRichard Jborn about 1932
GayJohn born about 1877
GeddesAdrienne born about 1934
GeddesAlice born about 1880
GeddesAlice born about 1911
GeddesArlene born about 1939
GeddesArlene born about 1939
GeddesEdythe born about 1903
GeddesElsie born about 1916
GeddesRoy H Srborn about 1878
GeddesRoy Jr born about 1909
GedneyEdith born about 1875
GedneyHenry Bborn about 1865
GeorgeAugusta Mborn about 1880
GeorgeWalter born about 1888
GeorgeWilliam born about 1878
GeraghtyAnn born about 1923
GerrishGordon born about 1936
GerrishLois born about 1932
GerrishMae born about 1910
GerrishMaryln born about 1939
GerrishMaryln born about 1939
GerrishShirley born about 1937
GerrishWalter born about 1909
GerschkeElizabeth born about 1904
GerschkeErnest born about 1901
GerschkeHelene born about 1932
GiffordArthur born about 1879
GiffordFrances born about 1881
GilbertElizabeth born about 1857
GilbertGeorge born about 1898
GilbertJohn born about 1933
GilbertKathryne born about 1900
GilbertMargaret Aborn about 1893
GilbertMary born about 1939
GilbertMary born about 1939
GilbertRichard born about 1936
GilbertThomas born about 1928
GildenElizabeth Gborn about 1937
GildenLouis born about 1905
GildenMary Gborn about 1906
GildenRobert Hborn about 1938
GloverDonald Rborn about 1922
GloverDorothy Mborn about 1929
GloverEleanor born about 1921
GloverF Roymondborn about 1920
GloverJohn Eborn about 1925
GloverJoseph Oborn about 1893
GloverJoseph O Jrborn about 1919
GloverMae Aborn about 1892
GloverRichard Jamesborn about 1940
GochringOlive Gborn about 1898
GochringWilliam Eborn about 1900
GodfreyEdwin Cborn about 1868
GodfreyFlorence born about 1895
GodfreyHelen Hborn about 1870
GodfreyNorman born about 1896
GodfreyWilliam Rborn about 1857
GodoSarah Kborn about 1886
GoepplerWilliam born about 1872
GoltzAudrey born about 1931
GoodwillieClarence born about 1884
GoodwillieRhoda born about 1884
GoodwinIsabel born about 1890
GordonVirginia born about 1900
GotholdArthur born about 1880
GotholdFlorence born about 1883
GottgenJohn Fborn about 1893
GottgenRay Sborn about 1892
GouldCarrie born about 1884
GouldEdward born about 1890
GrayHarriet born about 1877
GreeleyJoseph born about 1905
GreeleyMargery born about 1909
GreeleyMargery born about 1930
GreeleySamuel born about 1935
GreenBlanche Cborn about 1917
GreenCarol Nborn about 1937
GreenDavid born about 1929
GreenDean Gborn about 1938
GreenDoris born about 1926
GreenEdith Cborn about 1904
GreenFlorence born about 1922
GreenFrances born about 1892
GreenFrederick Wborn about 1910
GreenFrederick W Jrborn about 1939
GreenFrederick W Jrborn about 1939
GreenGeorge Wborn about 1915
GreenGordon born about 1934
GreenRichard born about 1932
GreenSusan Sborn about 1915
GreenWard Wborn about 1907
GreenWellington born about 1888
GreenWilliam born about 1920
GreeneCornelia Bborn about 1915
GreeneKarl Hborn about 1916
GregaryCharlotte Eborn about 1883
GregaryHariette Cborn about 1876
GreggJanet Kborn about 1904
GreggJohn Rborn about 1868
GregoryBenedict Hborn about 1901
GregoryBenedict Jr born about 1930
GregoryCharles Fborn about 1897
GregoryDavid Hborn about 1902
GregoryDorothy born about 1901
GregoryEdith Rborn about 1898
GregoryElsie Mborn about 1895
GregoryHelen born about 1875
GregoryHorace born about 1908
GregoryIda born about 1865
GregoryIda Jborn about 1860
GregoryJohn Rborn about 1931
GregoryJulia born about 1916
GregoryPatricia Mborn about 1932
GregoryRalph Sborn about 1890
GregoryStanley Bborn about 1926
GregoryThomas W Tborn about 1933
GrummanSallie Rborn about 1877
GrummanSeth Lborn about 1867
GruselleJohney born about 1884
GruselleRichard born about 1918
GuiletteLeonard born about 1919
GuintMyra born about 1863
GustavsonCarl Sborn about 1936
GustavsonEbba Mborn about 1903
GustavsonRagnar Aborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaajanenAmanda born about 1890
HaajanenBarbara born about 1928
HaajanenFrances Jborn about 1918
HaajanenJohn born about 1888
HaajanenMardin born about 1922
HaajanenMarjorie born about 1932
HaccoCasmer born about 1925
HaccoIda born about 1885
HaccoPeter born about 1880
HaddenStewart Mborn about 1925
HaffeaDonald born about 1932
HaffeaHarry born about 1899
HaffeaHelen born about 1908
HaffeaLouise born about 1861
HaffeaMargaret born about 1930
HaintzJean Aborn about 1887
HallAnna born about 1926
HallClyde born about 1899
HallClyde born about 1928
HallDelia born about 1900
HallMary born about 1888
HallMary born about 1930
HamiltonWilliam born about 1914
HammerJoan born about 1938
HammerJohn born about 1905
HammerLiv Eborn about 1908
HammilHarriet born about 1862
HammilHattie born about 1881
HanfordCarrie Tborn about 1873
HanfordEthel Hborn about 1916
HanfordFrederick Oborn about 1870
HanfordFrederick O Jrborn about 1913
HanfordWinifred Cborn about 1911
HanryThomas born about 1931
HansenAugustus born about 1897
HansenFrances born about 1900
HarbsAmelia born about 1900
HarbsMarcus born about 1903
HarcoFlorence Pborn about 1920
HarcoPeter Pborn about 1919
HardAnne Kborn about 1913
HardDe Courey Lborn about 1913
HardMarjorie Aborn about 1939
HardingMabel born about 1883
HardmanAlvina born about 1882
HardmanFrank born about 1882
HardyNordahl Edwardborn about 1908
HardySandra born about 1938
HardyVera born about 1913
HarisAnna born about 1912
HarrisonMag Mborn about 1880
HarrisonWilliam Jborn about 1880
HartEthel born about 1878
HartwigAnna born about 1881
HaulinsMay born about 1885
HavellGeorge Fborn about 1901
HavellGeorge Jr born about 1931
HavellMargaret Wborn about 1933
HavellMildred Wborn about 1904
HawksGrace born about 1907
HawksMarie born about 1929
HawksStanley born about 1905
HawksSusana born about 1931
HawksSylvia born about 1933
HeadingGeorge born about 1891
HeadingLaura born about 1895
HeckCarl born about 1927
HeckEdson born about 1891
HeckMarjorie born about 1896
HedinAgnes born about 1909
HedinCarl born about 1905
HedinNancy born about 1939
HedinNancy born about 1939
HedinRobert born about 1934
HeibeckAnna born about 1921
HeibeckDonald born about 1932
HeibeckGeorge born about 1881
HeibeckGeorge born about 1926
HeibeckHelen born about 1924
HeibeckKatherine born about 1898
HellerHellen born about 1900
HellerHerbert born about 1893
HellerJohn born about 1925
HendersonHelen born about 1863
Hennig born about 1888
HentonJulia born about 1918
HeoseBetty Zborn about 1939
HeoseBetty Zborn about 1939
HeoseCarol Aborn about 1937
HeoseGrace Fborn about 1907
HeoseOtto Aborn about 1894
HermansdoperAlfred born about 1898
HermansdoperAlfred born about 1926
HermansdoperDoris born about 1918
HermansdoperHerbert born about 1922
HermansdoperIrene born about 1931
HermansdoperWalter Sborn about 1894
HertigBelle born about 1860
HetheringEva born about 1852
HeydrickCharles Sborn about 1873
HidgeSarah Fborn about 1878
HillChristopher born about 1883
HillMary born about 1884
HirschMary born about 1884
HiscoxFlorence Pborn about 1877
HiscoxMarjorie born about 1882
HogbergMary born about 1903
HollerBernice born about 1909
HollerHurbert born about 1905
HolmArthur born about 1885
HolmMary born about 1875
HolsmanMary born about 1913
HolyBarbara Aborn about 1936
HolyFlorence Jborn about 1905
HolyT Ellsworthborn about 1906
HoodJean born about 1916
HopkinsElizabeth born about 1875
HopkinsEtta born about 1870
HopkinsFrederick born about 1876
HopkinsGeorgina born about 1930
HowardHelen born about 1886
HowardJeannie born about 1860
HoytDoris born about 1929
HoytEllis born about 1914
HoytGertrude born about 1908
HoytJean born about 1931
HoytLawrence born about 1903
HoytLawrence born about 1927
HoytLulla born about 1888
HoytRichard born about 1897
HoytRichard Jr born about 1924
HoytSarah born about 1866
HoytSarah born about 1899
HubbardArthur born about 1924
HubbardBarbara born about 1920
HubbardDorthea Dborn about 1892
HubbardGeorge Dborn about 1926
HubbardGeorge Eborn about 1892
HubbardJohn Cborn about 1931
HubbardMargaret born about 1892
HubbardSarah born about 1929
HubbardVincent born about 1892
HudakMary born about 1897
HughesLillian born about 1882
HughesWilfred Aborn about 1883
HumpbriesBernadette Gborn about 1882
HunterHoward born about 1882
HunterHoward Jr born about 1913
HunterMary born about 1890
HunterSarah Hborn about 1872
HunterWilliam Hborn about 1872
HurbettJosephine born about 1855
HurbettLouis Rborn about 1852
HurbrettDavid Sborn about 1859
HurbrettLottie Wborn about 1872
HurlbrettHenrietta Wborn about 1887
HurlbrettNelson Sborn about 1890
HurlbuttHenry Aborn about 1891
HurlbuttRoxanna Wborn about 1881
HurlhettEverett Rborn about 1894
HurlhettEverett R Jeborn about 1922
HurlhettJane born about 1896
HurstMary born about 1853
HusteadConstance born about 1926
HusteadDavid born about 1901
HusteadHelen born about 1928
HusteadJoan born about 1935
HusteadMarcella born about 1899
HylandDorothy Pborn about 1890
HylandJohn Rborn about 1886
HylandMary Pborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IfflandHenry Aborn about 1916
IfflandHenry Cborn about 1883
IfflandHerbert Vborn about 1913
IfflandLouise born about 1864
IfflandMarion Wborn about 1916
IfflandPaul Hborn about 1938
IsaacsEvelyn born about 1909
IsaacsJules born about 1938
IsaacsNathaniel born about 1905
IversenDoris born about 1934
IversenElizabeth born about 1916
IversenJack born about 1905
IversenKatherine born about 1939
IvesFlorence Aborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonAlbert born about 1896
JacksonEmma Lborn about 1869
JacksonHarry born about 1875
JacksonJohn Cborn about 1873
JacksonMollie born about 1896
JacksonTheresa born about 1872
JamesLillian born about 1894
JamesVictor born about 1882
JayFlorence born about 1919
JayFred born about 1916
JayneAda born about 1900
JayneFred born about 1903
JayneFred born about 1935
JayneLois born about 1933
JayneWilliam born about 1935
JenksDorothy born about 1917
JenksElinor born about 1904
JenksElizabeth born about 1911
JenksJulia born about 1878
JenningsC*Ta born about 1875
JenningsConstance born about 1939
JenningsConstance born about 1939
JenningsDavid born about 1934
JenningsFloyd Cborn about 1873
JenningsHarry Sborn about 1885
JenningsJohn Hborn about 1904
JenningsJosephine Gborn about 1905
JenningsKatherine Sborn about 1882
JenningsPauline born about 1933
JensenCurtis born about 1936
JensenFrederick born about 1902
JensenLois born about 1936
JensenSanhta born about 1908
JensenWilliam born about 1903
JeromeAnne born about 1930
JeromeLillian Kborn about 1904
JeromeWilliam Lborn about 1903
JeromeWilliam Jr born about 1927
JoepolerAdelaide born about 1857
JoepolerChester Cborn about 1883
JohnsenGolm?n born about 1900
JohnsenGudruer born about 1907
JohnsonAlice Bborn about 1898
JohnsonAnne Cborn about 1893
JohnsonAugust born about 1883
JohnsonCarl born about 1920
JohnsonCatherine born about 1888
JohnsonCharles born about 1939
JohnsonCharles born about 1939
JohnsonClinton born about 1919
JohnsonCorinne born about 1901
JohnsonDavid born about 1930
JohnsonDoris born about 1925
JohnsonEdward Wborn about 1887
JohnsonElder born about 1890
JohnsonEllen born about 1896
JohnsonEmily Hborn about 1894
JohnsonEverett born about 1928
JohnsonFlorence born about 1918
JohnsonFrank born about 1884
JohnsonFrank Eborn about 1922
JohnsonGeorge Sborn about 1891
JohnsonGunnar born about 1902
JohnsonGunnar Jborn about 1890
JohnsonHarry born about 1914
JohnsonHerbert born about 1935
JohnsonHerman born about 1896
JohnsonInez born about 1886
JohnsonJ Albertborn about 1873
JohnsonJohn Cborn about 1921
JohnsonJosephine born about 1896
JohnsonKatherine born about 1867
JohnsonLawrence born about 1922
JohnsonNancy born about 1921
JohnsonOlga born about 1883
JohnsonOtto born about 1887
JohnsonRaymond born about 1926
JohnsonRoaul born about 1917
JohnsonSamuel born about 1924
JohnsonShirley Jborn about 1923
JohnsonSigne born about 1893
JohnsonSusanna born about 1905
JonesElmer born about 1884
JonesJohn Wborn about 1869
JonesMarion born about 1898
JonesRose born about 1893
JonesRuth born about 1898
JoyneCarl born about 1907
JoyneIrving Cborn about 1897
JoyneLillian born about 1871
JoyneWilliam Wborn about 1863

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KarstensH William 3rdborn about 1938
KarstensH William Jrborn about 1913
KarstensJeanne born about 1913
KayesElsie Fborn about 1885
KayesFenton born about 1915
KeelerDavid born about 1924
KeelerEsther Jborn about 1890
KeelerFlossie Mborn about 1894
KeelerGeorge born about 1932
KeelerGlenn Mborn about 1893
KeelerJay Gborn about 1925
KeelerJeanne born about 1896
KeelerKate born about 1856
KeelerRaymond born about 1894
KeelerRobert born about 1927
KeelerSamuel Cborn about 1912
KeelerSamuel Jborn about 1889
KeelerWayne Mborn about 1917
KeelerWendall Rborn about 1925
KellerElizabeth born about 1887
KellerHary born about 1885
KelloggAugustus Gborn about 1883
KelloggAugustus 3rd born about 1935
KelloggBarbara born about 1939
KelloggEdith born about 1937
KelloggJanet Rborn about 1895
KelloggKatheryn born about 1934
KelloggRita Mborn about 1904
KelloggRoyal Sborn about 1875
KelloggRuth Mborn about 1890
KellyAlbert born about 1911
KellyMarion born about 1910
KernerRose born about
KernerSaul born about 1880
KeyesHarold Bborn about 1886
KeyesJoan born about 1917
KiddJoseph born about 1892
KilloumeHarold Lborn about 1895
KilloumeHarold L Jrborn about 1930
KilloumeMary Aborn about 1892
KirbyBessie born about 1894
KirbyDorothy born about 1919
KirbyErnest born about 1915
KirbyEthel born about 1922
KirbyThomas born about 1890
KirehnelFrederick born about 1895
KirehnelKatherine born about 1895
KirehnelNancy Aborn about 1922
KnakalAnthony born about 1905
KnakalMarie born about 1914
KnappCharles W Pborn about 1878
KnappElizabeth Jborn about 1917
KnappPauline Aborn about 1912
KnauthJohn Aborn about 1935
KnauthMarjorie born about 1898
KnauthMary Aborn about 1938
KnauthVictor Wborn about 1896
KockBruce born about 1914
KockMabel born about 1917
KodjbanoffBasil born about 1877
KodjbanoffFlorence born about 1880
KramerFrank born about 1865
KrehbielLouise born about 1873
KrekowHarold born about 1902
KretwitzAnna born about 1878
KuchnelIgnatz born about 1864
KyleEdwin born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LackmanAnna Cborn about 1861
LackmanCordt Hborn about 1860
LagronepErnest Pborn about 1879
LagronepGertrude Mborn about 1881
LandsiedelHarry born about 1884
LandsiedelMargaret born about 1885
LandsiedelRobert born about 1920
LauElsie born about 1912
LaurenceJeanne born about 1925
LaurenceJeanne Rborn about 1932
LaurenceJohn Rborn about 1912
LaurenceLouis born about 1927
LaurenceRuth Sborn about 1914
LawrenceEthel born about 1924
LawrenceHelen born about 1909
LawrenceMildred born about 1890
LawrenceMildred born about 1928
LawrenceRemsen born about 1886
LawsonInez born about 1892
LawsonKenneth born about 1929
LearyEugenia born about 1904
LearyGeorge born about 1902
LeeCornelia born about 1879
LeeCornelius born about 1904
LeeHelena born about 1919
LeePriscilla born about 1906
LeffertsSally born about 1879
LeggeCharles born about 1886
LeggeCharles born about 1927
LeggeErnest born about 1930
LeggeJean born about 1890
LeggeLeonard born about 1922
LendbloomBess Rborn about 1920
LendbloomElizabeth born about 1893
LendbloomVictor Eborn about 1919
LennonFlorentine Mborn about 1921
LennonJohn Cborn about 1918
LennonJohn Kborn about 1860
LennonMande Hborn about 1883
LentGordon born about 1901
LiedbergEric born about 1897
LiedbergEthel born about 1903
LiedbergGail born about 1935
Light?uith born about 1900
LightFlorence born about 1924
LincolnPetter born about 1928
LindAnna born about 1908
LindAnthony born about 1930
LindNils born about 1894
LindPetter born about 1932
LindblomAlice born about 1889
LindblomAlice born about 1921
LindblomCharles Fborn about 1880
LindblomEdward born about 1889
LindblomEdward born about 1919
LindblomLilli Bborn about 1877
LindleronFredrick born about 1914
LindleronRoberta born about 1916
LindlomFrances Tborn about 1904
LindlomGerald Rborn about 1904
LindlomRussell Jborn about 1926
LindlomVirginia Lborn about 1928
LindstromHarry Vborn about 1896
LindstromIna Aborn about 1896
LindstromLeonard Cborn about 1927
LindstrumAdrian born about 1939
LindstrumDonald born about 1935
LindstrumEsther born about 1907
LindstrumNelson born about 1903
LindstrumRobert born about 1937
LipmannHoward Wborn about 1905
LipmannJean Hborn about 1909
LipmannPeter Wborn about 1935
LitoErnest Jborn about 1899
LitoFrances born about 1927
LitoMary Aborn about 1877
LitoMary Mborn about 1901
LitoVincent born about 1901
LitoVincent born about 1922
LittleArthur born about 1879
LittleBlanche Eborn about 1889
LittleWinifred Mborn about 1908
LittlehalesLillian born about 1874
LoceyKay born about 1937
LoceyMargaret born about 1931
LoceyMillicent born about 1907
LoceyMilton born about 1902
LockwoodAndrew born about 1868
LockwoodDavid born about 1898
LockwoodDavid Jr born about 1926
LockwoodElla born about 1869
LockwoodWilliam born about 1874
LofinkConrad born about 1894
LofinkDonald born about 1920
LofinkGladys born about 1898
LofinkGladys born about 1927
LofinkVictor born about 1925
LokkegaardConrad born about 1897
LolesArthur Hborn about 1890
LolesBarbara born about 1923
LolesDorothy born about 1916
LolesFlorence born about 1893
LolesTheodore born about 1919
LongGladys born about 1899
LostEmma born about 1910
LosterAndrew born about 1863
LounsburyChester born about 1936
LounsburyDonald born about 1932
LounsburyEverett born about 1902
LounsburyEverett born about 1935
LounsburyJoseph born about 1940
LounsburyMyra born about 1937
LounsburyRuth born about 1911
LounsburyTimothy born about 1939
LounsburyTimothy born about 1939
LozynickAndrew born about 1931
LozynickEllen born about 1903
LozynickLillian born about 1930
LozynickStephen born about 1902
LozynickStephen Jr born about 1929
LucasAnne Hborn about 1931
LucasFrank Lborn about 1907
LucasLois Fborn about 1885
LucasLynn Mborn about 1935
LucasMarion Kborn about 1906
LuckettEdna Mborn about 1918
LuckettJames Dborn about 1913
LumHarold born about 1885
LunnCharles Aborn about 1890
LunnLotta born about 1889
LynchCecily Fborn about 1908
LynchKenneth born about 1904
LynchKenneth Mborn about 1937
LynchPatricia Aborn about 1935
LynchWinifred Fborn about 1932
LynnMabel Eborn about 1912
LyonJennie born about 1854
LyonLouise born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MagesJane born about 1932
MalindkiMartha born about 1886
MalkinDorothy born about 1914
MalkinFred born about 1909
MalkinGary born about 1937
MalkinGeorge born about 1937
MalkinJoan born about 1935
MangiechHelen born about 1924
MarhofferAnna born about 1872
MarhofferGladys born about 1901
MarhofferHarry born about 1898
MarhofferHarry born about 1931
MarhofferHenry born about 1872
MarhofferJulia born about 1934
MarhofferMilton born about 1903
MarhofferMilton born about 1928
MarhofferRobert born about 1933
MarhofferSusannah born about 1905
MarshallNancy Rborn about 1929
MarshallRay Fborn about 1899
MarstonElizabeth born about 1903
MartellLouise born about 1921
MartemsonMary born about 1894
MartinBeatrice born about 1932
MartinDorothy Mborn about 1910
MartinFallerlah Wborn about 1905
MartinGeorge Kborn about 1903
MartinJoan Mborn about 1929
MartinMargaret Lborn about 1902
MartinNancy born about 1934
MartinPatricia born about 1939
MartinPatricia born about 1939
MartinRaymond Bborn about 1935
MartinRaymond Dborn about 1906
MartinRaymond Mborn about 1901
MartinRichard born about 1929
MartinThomas Rborn about 1931
MayerChristiana born about 1938
MayerJan born about 1905
MayerPieter born about 1934
MayerRuth born about 1904
MayfieldCollis born about 1920
MaysElizabeth born about 1910
McCleeseustonFrancis born about 1872
McClureMargaret born about 1857
McCormichDorothy Bborn about 1911
McCormichJean Cborn about 1939
McCormichJean Cborn about 1939
McCormichJohn Mborn about 1912
McCoyAlice born about 1915
McCoyElizabeth born about 1874
McCoyElizabeth born about 1911
McCoyHelen born about 1908
McCoyJohn born about 1874
McEwenWilliam born about 1872
McGarrieWilliam born about 1898
McGarveyDoris born about 1929
McGarveyHanna born about 1904
McGarveyJames born about 1902
McGuireSabina born about 1860
McIlwainErwin born about 1909
McIlwainJames born about 1867
McIlwainWinnie born about 1873
McKayRose born about 1899
McKendrickMarjorie born about 1922
McMichaelCarrie born about 1914
McMichaelJohn born about 1916
McNamaraDaniel born about 1908
McNamaraFrances born about 1910
McNamaraJohn born about 1906
McNamaraJohn Jborn about 1934
McNamaraKatherine born about 1912
McNamaraMary born about 1875
McNamaraMary Eborn about 1930
McNillanAnna born about 1876
McNillanThomas born about 1870
McNuttJames born about 1932
McOwenAllen born about 1883
McOwenBertha born about 1891
McOwenWilliam born about 1920
MeadBertha born about 1890
MeadBeverly born about 1938
MeadCharles born about 1912
MeadConrad born about 1868
MeadErnest born about 1914
MeadGertrude born about 1914
MeadJannet born about 1937
MeadLois born about 1936
MeadRuth born about 1914
MeekCarie born about 1886
MeekClifton born about 1888
MeekJane born about 1921
MeekRobert born about 1920
MelskiHellen born about 1911
MerrileC Silasborn about 1873
MerrileFlorence Mborn about 1889
MerrileWorth born about 1917
MerwinAugustus born about 1919
MerwinGertrude born about 1909
MerwinJane born about 1885
MerwinJane born about 1938
MerwinMartha born about 1939
MerwinMartha born about 1939
MerwinTimothy born about 1884
MerwinTimothy Jr born about 1912
MeyerCarol born about 1929
MeyerCharles born about 1891
MeyerEdna born about 1917
MeyerEthel born about 1892
MeyerRaymond born about 1918
MeyersAugusta born about 1927
MeyersBrigeid born about 1893
MeyersFrederick born about 1920
MeyersFritz born about 1887
MeyersKathleen born about 1930
MeyersMary born about 1922
MeyersWilliam born about 1924
MichaelJospehine Mborn about 1916
MichaelLouis Aborn about 1910
MichaelMichael Jr born about 1939
MichaelMichael Jr born about 1939
MicklesCharles born about 1871
MicklesLillian Eborn about 1873
MiddlebrookCornelious born about 1904
MiddlebrookMary born about 1864
MiddlebrookMary born about 1901
MiddlebrookMary Jborn about 1929
MiddlebrookRobert born about 1934
MilesRhobe born about 1878
MilesWalter Jborn about 1874
MilleDorothy Nborn about 1894
MilleGilford Nborn about 1922
MilleGilford Wborn about 1890
MilleJanet born about 1925
MillerCarl Gborn about 1895
MillerCarl Iborn about 1934
MillerD Henryborn about 1884
MillerElizabeth born about 1902
MillerLewis born about 1903
MillerLewis Jr born about 1932
MillerLouis Pborn about 1865
MillerMarion born about 1911
MillerMary Lborn about 1918
MillerMary Rborn about 1884
MillerOlive Cborn about 1883
MillerRaymond Cborn about 1920
MillerSamuel Jborn about 1914
MillerStephen born about 1934
MillikanArchie born about 1881
MillikanJulis born about 1886
MillsElizabeth born about 1889
MillsElizabeth born about 1921
MillsHerbert Lborn about 1883
MillsoaughEdward Eborn about 1870
MillsoaughFlorence Jborn about 1876
MinerDonald Dborn about 1913
MinerDonald D Jrborn about 1937
MinerEve Bborn about 1916
MinerRobin Bborn about 1939
MinerRobin Bborn about 1939
MitchellMary born about 1905
MitchellWilliam born about 1905
MoloneyJohn Dborn about 1892
MoloneyPauline born about 1893
MonroeCharlotte Eborn about 1885
MonroeNellie born about 1885
MonroeWilliam Hborn about 1865
MonroeWilliam H Jrborn about 1914
MontvilleStanley born about 1896
MontvilleViolet born about 1899
MooneyJohn born about 1920
MooreCharles Aborn about 1936
MooreCorine Cborn about 1917
MooreDolores born about
MooreDorothy born about 1905
MooreFlorence born about 1890
MooreHenry Lborn about 1926
MooreHenry Sborn about 1913
MooreJohn born about 1916
MooreLawrence born about 1898
MoorePeter born about 1930
MooreRobert Jborn about 1930
MooreSara born about 1935
MooreSris Pborn about 1912
MoranGertrude born about 1875
MorbleIsabel born about 1882
MorehouseAgnes Bborn about 1882
MorehouseBlanche born about 1919
MorehouseEdwin born about 1921
MorehouseFlorence Jborn about 1892
MorehouseGrace born about 1893
MorehouseLivingston Sborn about 1902
MorehouseMary Hborn about 1913
MorehouseRobert born about 1889
MorehouseSherman Lborn about 1928
MorehouseVirginia born about 1938
MorehouseWilton born about 1875
MoriarityJohana born about 1855
MortonElizabeth born about 1888
MortonRobert Hborn about 1888
MosleAnne born about 1910
MosleMury born about 1938
MosleWilliam born about 1908
MosleWilliam born about 1934
MountainHenry born about 1865
MountainMinnie Aborn about 1872
MudgettJohn E Rborn about 1882
MudgettMertle Bborn about 1882
MuhrenbergHildegard born about 1913
MuhrenbergWilma born about 1909
MurphyEmilie born about 1893
MurphyKatherine born about 1921
MurphyRussell born about 1923
MurphyThomas born about 1884
MurphyThomas born about 1921
MurrayGeorge born about 1881
MurrayIda born about 1883
MurrayJohn Jborn about 1887
MyresHoward Eborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaberEric born about 1934
NaberJohn born about 1904
NaberKittie born about 1909
NachFerdinand born about 1898
NachLuise born about 1905
NaserEdger born about 1930
NaserJessie born about 1895
NaserRobert born about 1892
NaserRobert born about 1928
NashMary born about 1875
NealeyBertha Wborn about 1893
NealeyJ Bartonborn about 1890
NelsonAngeling born about 1926
NelsonAnna born about 1909
NelsonClifford Jborn about 1935
NelsonMartin born about 1898
NelsonMartin Jr born about 1938
NelsonRoy Hborn about 1929
NichdsonAlbina Y Mborn about 1902
NichdsonEdgar W Jrborn about 1907
NolanEllen born about 1853
NolanJohana born about 1886
NolanMae born about 1885
NoomanGertrude born about 1887
NoomanThomas Wborn about 1883
NormandAimes Bborn about 1914
NormandArthur Wborn about 1913
NorthGladys born about 1880
NrownCharles born about 1917
NrownFlorence born about 1885
NrownRichard born about 1923
NrownSamuel born about 1886
NrownSamuel born about 1918
NunzarroDominick born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObozaGeorge born about 1921
ObozaJohn Jborn about 1917
ObrienEdward born about 1872
OgdenClerie born about 1889
OgdenJosephine born about 1880
OharaBrooks born about 1929
OharaClifford born about 1897
OharaJames born about 1929
OharaMarion born about 1905
OharaMark born about 1931
OharaWadsworth born about 1928
OhareAlex born about 1904
OhareLenore born about 1908
OharperAda Mborn about 1881
OharperEdward Jborn about 1877
OlmsteadAlice born about 1859
OlmsteadCharles born about 1906
OlmsteadElinor born about 1893
OlmsteadElsie born about 1893
OlmsteadEugene born about 1881
OlmsteadHattie born about 1866
OlmsteadJoan born about 1934
OlmsteadLawrence born about 1904
OlmsteadLois born about 1935
OlmsteadRena born about 1881
OlmsteadRichard born about 1874
OlmsteadRobert born about 1896
OlmsteadRuth born about 1904
OlmsteadStanley born about 1900
OlmsteadWalter born about 1877
OlmsteadWilbur born about 1860
OlsenAgnes born about 1892
OlsenElizabeth Mborn about 1885
OlsenJohn born about 1870
OlsenLillian born about 1881
OlsenMartin Aborn about 1890
OlsonSylvey born about 1901
OneilAndrew born about 1859
OneilBarbara born about 1922
OneilEmily born about 1860
OneilFrank born about 1885
OneilFrank Rborn about 1923
OneilIva born about 1895
OngramDavid Lborn about 1938
OngramHerbert D Drborn about 1903
OngramLoraine Fborn about 1905
OrtizConstance born about 1901
OrtizDolores born about 1927
OrtizFrank Mborn about 1890
OrtizIsidora born about 1922
OsborneDaniel Oborn about 1910
OstnchaerJohn born about 1892
OsullivanMargaret Mborn about 1900
OtwayButh born about 1933
OtwayFrank born about 1902
OtwayFrank born about 1927
OtwayLinda born about 1939
OtwayMary born about 1904
OultonAllen born about 1937
OultonDoris born about 1928
OultonGrace born about 1898
OultonNash born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaccadamiGelsina born about 1919
PaguinEdey Mborn about 1894
PaguinLouis born about 1920
PaguinLouis Jborn about 1892
PaguinMarietta born about 1924
PaguinRoch born about 1921
PaineJohn Gborn about 1891
PaineRhoa Aborn about 1898
PaineRobert Gborn about 1917
ParilliFlora born about 1881
ParilliIrene born about 1918
ParilliMarie born about 1913
ParilliNicholas born about 1914
ParilliPatricia born about 1919
ParilliTony born about 1920
ParilliVincent born about 1870
ParksClaude Pborn about 1876
ParksDaisy Bborn about 1876
ParksDavid Wborn about 1919
PartrickFredrick Jborn about 1864
PartrickIda Eborn about 1879
PascoJohn born about 1890
PattenGene Rborn about 1932
PattenMarjorie Dborn about 1905
PattenNancy Mborn about 1933
PattenRay born about 1898
PearceArthur born about 1914
PearceMarion born about 1916
PearceMarion born about 1939
PearceMarion born about 1939
PearcePatricia born about 1938
PedersenAnne born about 1870
PedersenJames born about 1865
PedersenMarjorie born about 1903
PedersenRuth born about 1903
PeffersCharles Eborn about 1906
PeffersHelen Fborn about 1905
PeffersJoan born about 1933
PenaultJoseph Dborn about 1889
PenaultMargaret Cborn about 1894
PenaultMargaret Fborn about 1937
PerdreauxHarry Jr born about 1905
PerdreauxMadge born about 1913
PerkinsCharles born about 1877
PerkinsEsther Hborn about 1886
PerkinsJ Wentwoothborn about 1885
PerkinsLon born about 1885
PerkinsViola born about 1891
PerrettsAimer born about 1881
PerryHelen born about 1908
PerryRobert born about 1924
PerryWalter born about 1899
PettersonAlvin born about 1892
PettersonCarl born about 1932
PettersonCornelia born about 1913
PettersonDorothy born about 1924
PettersonGilbert born about 1886
PettersonHilda born about 1897
PettersonJohann born about 1934
PettersonJulia born about 1907
PettersonRuth born about 1893
PhelanHarry born about 1907
PhelanJulia born about 1907
PhelanPaul born about 1936
PhelanWayne born about 1939
PhelanWayne born about 1939
PhelpsGeorge Hborn about 1884
PhelpsLaura Sborn about 1886
PhillipsMay born about 1900
PhittipsEmma born about 1920
PiersallEmma born about 1910
PiersallJudith born about 1930
PiersallRalph born about 1908
PiersonCarl born about 1892
PiersonCarl born about 1914
PiersonMarie born about 1889
PiersonVal born about 1920
PinkhamAlyce born about 1890
PinkhamRichard born about 1880
PlassmanElizabeth born about 1865
PlassnanEmily born about 1909
PlassnanRobert Hborn about 1910
PlattH Leeborn about 1915
PlattHelen Cborn about 1889
PlattMarjorie Lborn about 1918
PlattPatricia born about 1911
PlattPetter born about 1912
PlummerEthel born about 1907
PlummerHarry born about 1898
PlummerMabel born about 1936
PoeterEleanor Sborn about 1904
PoeterHarold Eborn about 1882
PostAngeline Mborn about 1879
PostMabel Lborn about 1877
PostMarion Gborn about 1872
PowersLucy born about 1927
PowersMargaret born about 1922
PowersWilliam born about 1896
PowersWinifred born about 1895
PowresrsArthur born about 1887
PrestonBarbara born about 1912
PrestonJohn Hydeborn about 1907
PrestonSylvia born about 1935
PricoMargaret born about 1880
ProctonGifford born about 1912
PryorThomas Jborn about 1867
PurdyZuelika born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuirkEdith born about 1888
QuirkJohn Hborn about 1888

R Surnames

RamsyeHelene born about 1904
RamsyeTerry born about 1886
RandolphDorothy born about 1898
RandolphEstelle born about 1924
RandolphEthel born about 1923
RandolphInnes born about 1897
RandolphJames born about 1927
RantanenKaarlo born about 1893
RantanenKatri born about 1896
RantanenMiriam born about 1916
RapertoFlora born about 1926
RapertoJoseph born about 1922
RapertoMarion born about 1887
RapertoMarion born about 1929
RapertoRose Juneborn about 1932
RapertoVera born about 1923
RaymanEva born about 1860
RaymondCgarlotte born about 1929
RaymondCharles Tborn about 1926
RaymondEly born about 1891
RaymondEly Jr born about 1915
RaymondJeanette Mborn about 1924
RaymondMannie Sborn about 1890
RaymondMary Sborn about 1919
RayofCharles Eborn about 1934
RayofHenry Cborn about 1898
RayofHenry C Jrborn about 1931
RayofOlga born about 1902
RedinglonJohn Chanborn about 1877
RedinglonLyuda Bookborn about 1890
ReedFlora Bborn about 1921
ReichardtCharles born about 1936
ReichardtHarry born about 1906
ReichardtJoyce born about 1932
ReichardtMyrtle born about 1912
ReichertDorothia born about 1878
ReidAbie born about 1934
ReidAlan born about 1938
ReidRobert Oborn about 1897
ReidYonda born about 1903
RethomBelle Eborn about 1882
RethomHenry Rborn about 1873
ReycnoldsCarrie born about 1878
RfahlCharles born about 1927
RfahlCharles Aborn about 1890
RfahlIrene born about 1899
RfahlRichard born about 1929
RhinehartAnna born about 1880
RichCarla born about 1934
RichElinor Lborn about 1907
RichSylvan born about 1902
RichdaleChristina born about 1867
RichdaleJohn born about 1866
RichdaleWalton born about 1901
RickhamCharles born about 1932
RickhamRufus born about 1902
RickhamRufus born about 1928
RickhamVirginia born about 1904
RickusGeorge Mborn about 1901
RickusGeorgine born about 1938
RickusJean born about 1905
RickusMyrna born about 1936
RidleyClifford born about 1935
RidleyCuthbert born about 1872
RidleyEdmund Cborn about 1902
RidleyMabelle born about 1908
RimballRachael born about 1896
RnondesBlanche born about 1898
RnondesJacqueline born about 1927
RnondesPhillip Hborn about 1896
RnondesRobert Gborn about 1928
RobersonCharles born about 1900
RobersonKenneth born about 1929
RobersonRose born about 1901
RobertsGordon Aborn about 1897
RobertsJuanita Aborn about 1898
RobertsMarcia born about 1924
RobertsPatricia born about 1922
RobinsonHellen born about 1922
RocheAmelia born about 1895
RocheCecelia born about 1900
RocheClaude born about 1892
RocheDorothy born about 1922
RocheEdith born about 1916
RocheEdna born about 1898
RocheEdna born about 1924
RocheElizabeth born about 1872
RocheEugene born about 1898
RocheEugene born about 1925
RocheJames born about 1906
RocheJames born about 1930
RocheJenette born about 1920
RocheLetitia born about 1918
RocheMae born about 1921
RocheRose born about 1905
RockArthur born about 1891
RockIsabelle born about 1890
RockJames born about 1926
RockPhillip born about 1919
RogersCharles F Jrborn about 1918
RogersElaine Eborn about 1915
RogersFannie born about 1885
RogersHudson born about 1882
RohrEmma Lborn about 1920
RonderGladys born about 1906
RonderJames born about 1926
RonderWilliam born about 1927
RonnholmCarl born about 1910
RonnholmLeonard born about 1929
RonnholmVelma born about 1910
RoonholmAxel born about 1880
RoonholmBetty born about 1922
RoonholmClerna born about 1881
RoonholmDoria born about 1913
RoonholmFred born about 1918
RoosMay Mborn about 1894
RoosPeter Cborn about 1876
RosanoffLieff born about 1891
RosanoffLyova born about 1931
RosanoffMarie born about 1897
RosendallHilda born about 1871
RosendoKatherine Eborn about 1869
RosenthalLucy Rborn about 1889
RowdsMary Rborn about 1868
RowdsRalph Sborn about 1865
RoyAntoinette Vborn about 1929
RoyceGrace born about 1907
RucciIda born about 1919
RucciJoseph born about 1910
RucciRomola born about 1940
RuhlandG Rowersborn about 1907
RuhlandMay Rborn about 1906
RumleyFrances born about 1923
RumleyHarriet born about 1895
RumleyJoan born about 1927
RumleyJohn born about 1926
RumleyLeo born about 1885
RumleyLeo born about 1921
RumleyPatricia born about 1929
RuscoeAlma born about 1914
RuscoeBarbara born about 1937
RuscoeCurtis born about 1901
RuscoeCurtis born about 1924
RuscoeErnest born about 1873
RuscoeEvelyn born about 1903
RuscoeHarold born about 1927
RuscoeLinda born about 1940
RuscoeMamie born about 1873
RuscoeMildred born about 1934
RuscoeMinnie born about 1879
RuscoeWilliam born about 1877
RuscoeWilliam born about 1926
RuscoeWillis Eborn about 1875
RussellElizabeth born about 1912
RussellJeanne born about 1924
RussellJohn born about 1927
RussellLyle born about 1892
RussellMary born about 1902
RussellPatricia born about 1924
RussellPetter born about 1931
RussellRobert born about 1934
RyanAlice born about 1894
RyanJosephery born about 1934
RyanMargaret Cborn about 1903
RyanMildred born about 1922
RyanWilliam Cborn about 1930
RyanWilliam Jborn about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SabiliaHelen Mborn about 1930
SabiliaLouis Eborn about 1938
SabiliaLouis Jborn about 1901
SabiliaMary Jborn about 1899
SalonenArthur born about 1921
SalonenElyna Lawrenceborn about 1919
SalonenGustave born about 1929
SalonenHenry born about 1919
SalonenIna born about 1890
SalonenLawrence born about 1920
SalonenOscar born about 1893
SalteyAnthony Jborn about 1918
SanfordDavid born about 1930
SanfordEdith born about 1896
SanfordHenry born about 1892
SanfordJohn born about 1929
SanfordMarion born about 1909
SanfordMarion born about 1932
SanfordRobert born about 1928
SanfordRose Maryborn about 1926
SanfordSpencer born about 1921
SanfordWilliam born about 1896
SanfordWilliam born about 1923
SansoneAnna born about 1916
SansoneBarbara born about 1934
SansoneEugene born about 1907
SantiIrene born about 1901
SaofieldAda born about 1882
SaofieldSamuel born about 1880
SaofieldWalter born about 1927
SargantGeorge born about 1875
SavonisAnna born about 1912
SaxtonEthel born about 1891
SaxtonPierre born about 1885
SchausoCarl Jborn about 1904
SchausoGretchen born about 1939
SchausoGretchen born about 1939
SchausoPatricia born about 1927
SchausoPeter born about 1934
SchausoZelma Mborn about 1908
SchelcherBessie born about 1934
SchelcherCarlton born about 1919
SchelcherFrances born about 1905
SchelcherJacqueline born about 1940
SchelcherMarie born about 1910
SchelcherPaul born about 1870
SchelcherSarah born about 1880
SchelcherVincent born about 1911
SchilderErnestine born about 1855
SchlaeferEdna Eborn about 1874
SchlaeferGeorge born about 1876
SchmittAustin born about 1921
SchmittCarl born about 1890
SchmittCarl born about 1930
SchmittChristofer born about 1931
SchmittDavid born about 1924
SchmittGertrude born about 1893
SchmittGertrude born about 1933
SchmittJacob born about 1926
SchmittJohn born about 1928
SchmittMichael born about 1922
SchmittPetter born about 1923
SchmittRobert born about 1920
SchnellElse born about 1899
SchnellPhilip born about 1886
SchreindersArthur born about 1919
SchreindersBenny born about 1881
SchreindersEdward born about 1917
SchreindersGeorge born about 1926
SchreindersMertte born about 1884
SchreindersSidney born about 1920
SchreindersWilliam born about 1922
SchubertAlma Eborn about 1891
SchubertJ Johnborn about 1869
SchubertJohn Mborn about 1870
SchubertPaul born about 1899
SchuylerLillian born about 1920
SchwengerAlvilda born about 1914
SchwengerHarry born about 1908
ScibnerBarbara born about 1938
ScofieldArther born about 1910
ScofieldElsie born about 1914
ScofieldJohn born about 1871
ScofieldJohn born about 1874
ScofieldMarion born about 1915
ScofieldMyrtle born about 1874
ScofieldPhyllis born about 1934
ScofieldRaymond born about 1909
ScofieldRaymond born about 1939
ScofieldRaymond born about 1939
ScottArthur born about 1903
ScottBertha born about 1888
ScottBryn born about 1930
ScottDorothy born about 1931
ScottEmma born about 1906
ScottHurlbutt born about 1871
ScottJohn born about 1866
ScottLawrence born about 1914
ScottRalph born about 1934
ScottRobert born about 1933
ScribnerClara born about 1896
ScribnerClifford born about 1932
ScribnerDonald born about 1933
ScribnerDorothy born about 1918
ScribnerEthel born about 1919
ScribnerFlorence born about 1901
ScribnerGladys born about 1929
ScribnerIrving born about 1925
ScribnerLancing born about 1920
ScribnerMarion born about 1922
ScribnerMary born about 1922
ScribnerMilton born about 1923
ScribnerPhilip born about 1928
ScribnerRichard born about 1936
ScribnerRobert born about 1927
ScribnerRusell born about 1914
ScribnerWalter born about 1898
ScribnerWilliam born about 1868
ScribnerWilliam Jr born about 1889
ScrilnerAlan born about 1928
ScrilnerAudrey born about 1934
ScrilnerChamey born about 1902
ScrilnerHelen born about 1903
ScubnerGrace Mborn about 1899
ScubnerLloyd Cborn about 1931
ScubnerLloyd Eborn about 1901
ScubnerPhyllis born about 1924
SearlesClearance* born about 1912
SearlesKenneth born about 1926
SearlesSarah born about 1888
SegersHennie born about 1920
SegersJosephine born about 1921
SegersLouis born about 1890
SegersLouise born about 1888
SegersMargaret born about 1924
SegersPetter born about 1934
SeldeaGeorge Hborn about 1891
SeldeaHelen born about 1905
SeymonsClinton born about 1872
ShanElinor born about 1912
ShayerHartow born about 1908
ShayerRachel born about 1908
SheedyAnne born about 1900
SheedyJohanne born about 1930
SheedyJoseph born about 1886
ShemouskyOlga born about 1881
ShemouskyPeter born about 1877
ShipmanAlma Wborn about 1882
ShipmanClarence born about 1887
ShipmanHorace Fborn about 1919
ShipmanLouis born about 1916
ShortellAgnes born about 1923
ShortellJames born about 1917
ShortellJulia born about 1888
ShortellLaurence born about 1883
ShortellLaurence born about 1920
ShortellMarge born about 1925
SimpsonCharles born about 1901
SimpsonElizabeth Bborn about 1908
SimpsonJames J Bborn about 1906
SimpsonJames Kborn about 1934
SimpsonJean Mborn about 1877
SimpsonJohn E 2ndborn about 1937
SimpsonJohn Wborn about 1913
SimpsonRev Charles Wborn about 1874
SiscsJohn born about 1921
SiscsRose born about 1885
SmilesChristopher born about 1894
SmilesChristopher born about 1934
SmilesConstantine born about 1935
SmilesImelda born about 1905
SmilesMarylyn born about 1925
SmithBarbara born about 1936
SmithBeverly born about 1936
SmithBlanche born about 1896
SmithBradford born about 1935
SmithChanning born about 1907
SmithE Boydborn about 1861
SmithEdith Mborn about 1910
SmithElise born about 1913
SmithElizabeth Eborn about 1921
SmithElsie born about 1912
SmithEmery born about 1938
SmithEverett born about 1912
SmithEverett born about 1938
SmithH Elizabethborn about 1923
SmithHazel Iborn about 1888
SmithHerbert born about 1905
SmithKaren born about 1898
SmithMarie Eborn about 1916
SmithMary Mborn about 1864
SmithMildred born about 1907
SmithMinnie born about 1904
SmithSusanah born about 1938
SmithWilliam Aborn about 1908
SoderlandArthur born about 1883
SofrickEthel Mborn about 1912
SofrickVictor Jborn about 1907
SomeroFlorence born about 1881
SowarbyBernice born about 1905
SowarbyHarold born about 1927
SowarbyMiles born about 1866
SpamnbaurAdeline born about 1883
SpamnbaurAnne born about 1889
SparrowAnne Lborn about 1900
SparrowRobert born about 1892
SparrowRobert born about 1936
SpicerViolet born about 1881
SpicerWillicant born about 1904
SquireCharles Bborn about 1921
SquireMildred born about 1894
SquireReginald Hborn about 1890
SquireReginald H Jrborn about 1913
StackJames Aborn about 1901
StackJames A Jrborn about 1934
StackMary Aborn about 1903
StanleyMary Eborn about 1869
StannardEverett born about 1905
StannardJulia born about 1882
StarkJohann Bborn about 1911
StchlinEdward Jborn about 1888
SterlingAnna born about 1880
SterlingCharles born about 1916
SterlingEdgar born about 1921
SterlingElizabeth born about 1881
SterlingEthel Fborn about 1889
SterlingGrace born about 1894
SterlingJohn born about 1880
SterlingMonta??? born about 1883
SterlingNelson born about 1918
SterlingWalter born about 1888
SterlingWalter born about 1928
SterlingWilliam Kborn about 1885
SterneAnne born about 1918
SterneBarbara born about 1921
SterneEmma Gborn about 1895
SterneRoy Mborn about 1889
SteugesJames Rborn about 1893
SteugesMary Lborn about 1908
Stewart??? born about 1894
StewartCarrie Bborn about 1876
StewartDonald Aborn about 1896
StewartIrene Mborn about 1896
StewartVirginia Rborn about 1925
StjohnArcher born about 1897
StjohnGertrude born about 1900
StjohnMichael born about 1931
StockAnne Cborn about 1904
StockErnest Rborn about 1897
StockJune Kborn about 1930
StockesLillian born about 1875
StollenwerkMargaret born about 1874
StoneAlbert born about 1871
StoneFrank born about 1885
StoneGenevieve born about 1901
StoneJennie Kborn about 1880
StoneKatherine Pborn about 1919
StoneKathrine born about 1897
StoneMildred born about 1924
StoneSarah born about 1900
StoneThomas born about 1925
StoneWilliam Eborn about 1905
StoneWilliam S Drborn about 1920
StranasHenry Rborn about 1864
StudwellDorothy Fborn about 1932
StudwellFrances Sborn about 1904
StudwellGeorge Eborn about 1929
StudwellJean Sborn about 1933
StudwellMarion Aborn about 1938
StudwellRaymond born about 1894
StudwellRobert Rborn about 1928
SturgesDonald Cborn about 1910
SturgesMarguerite Cborn about 1909
StwenEdith Mborn about 1902
StwenEdwin Oborn about 1897
StwenJoel born about 1935
StwenNancy born about 1931
StwenSylvia born about 1933
SuantLucas born about 1898
SumnersMary born about 1873
SusansonCharles born about 1866
SusansonJennie born about 1876
SweanMarienne born about 1908
SwetsJacobes born about 1878
SwetsWilhelmina born about 1884
SwiftLeo born about 1893
SymtheRose born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalbotFred born about 1878
TaltmadgeFlorence Iborn about 1917
TaltmadgeLinda Aborn about 1939
TaltmadgeLyde Aborn about 1915
TannerBenjamin Aborn about 1935
TannerCharles Eborn about 1889
TannerClara Mborn about 1930
TannerEdith Lborn about 1932
TannerFlorence Jborn about 1922
TannerFrank Bborn about 1926
TannerHattie Sborn about 1888
TannerJohn Eborn about 1918
TannerMargaret Eborn about 1924
TannerMarie born about 1891
TannerRobert born about 1921
TannerThomas Fborn about 1927
TannerWilson born about 1886
TanningLewis born about 1872
TaylorEdith born about 1882
TaylorFern Eborn about 1907
TaylorKenneth Gborn about 1905
TaylorMadlyn born about 1925
TeelerAlbert born about 1882
TeelerKatherine born about 1882
TerryMary Lborn about 1890
TerryRoy Mborn about 1916
ThayerArnold born about 1889
ThayerEvelyn born about 1893
ThayerWuanitu born about 1893
TheriaultDorothy born about 1920
ThompkinsBetty born about 1922
ThompkinsJack born about 1919
ThompkinsLucius born about 1890
ThompkinsSelma born about 1894
ThompsonAda Maudborn about 1884
ThompsonAlice born about 1882
ThompsonEdith Jborn about 1881
ThompsonFrank born about 1876
ThompsonHerbert born about 1876
ThompsonHugh Leonardborn about 1913
ThompsonJohn Cborn about 1886
ThompsonKathyrn Mborn about 1917
ThompsonMabel Aborn about 1894
ThompsonPercy born about 1902
ThorpeEdith born about 1922
ThorpeJohn born about 1888
ThorpeRose born about 1888
ThrockmortonAntoinette Dborn about 1901
ThrockmortonJohn Wborn about 1899
TinkerMary born about 1907
TinkerNorman born about 1933
TinkerTheodore born about 1904
TinkerWayne born about 1931
TobinFlorence born about 1924
TobinFrank born about 1905
TobinHelen born about 1906
ToblerAudrey Mborn about 1919
ToblerJohn Hborn about 1911
ToppinSarah Oborn about 1885
TreadwellEmma born about 1927
TreadwellJeannette born about 1920
TreadwellJohn born about 1891
TreadwellRuth born about 1892
TreadwellRuth born about 1922
TrusewiceAlfred born about 1915
TrusewiceAnna born about 1898
TrusewiceEdmund born about 1912
TrusewiceHelen born about 1919
TuckerAnn born about 1930
TuckerFran born about 1907
TuckerGertrude born about 1870
TuckerJohn Jborn about 1903
TuckerRobin born about 1932
TurnerDelia born about 1913
TurnerEdna born about 1900
TuttleMildred born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UtzClinor born about 1903
UtzMerle born about 1908

V Surnames

ValdenDonald born about 1911
ValdenMary born about 1913
VanceCharles born about 1872
VanceHelen born about 1878
VandenboskBeatrice Lborn about 1913
VandenboskDick born about 1896
VandeveldeJohn born about 1918
VandeveldeLouis born about 1913
VandeveldeMargaret born about 1893
VandeveldeMargaret born about 1918
VandeveldeRobert born about 1885
VanheinegenJan Jborn about 1937
VanheinegenRuth Aborn about 1907
VanheinegenWillard Aborn about 1908
VanhooaearAda Lborn about 1871
VanhooaearClinton born about 1869
VanhunganElizabeth Bborn about 1876
VanhunganJacob Cborn about 1880
VannameMary born about 1889
VannameWarren born about 1888
VanpiperFrances born about 1900
VanpiperGeorge born about 1893
VanwyckCatherine born about 1904
VanwyckPatricia born about 1936
VanwyckPatsy born about 1929
VanwyckPetty born about 1933
VanwyckPhilip born about 1904
VanwyckPhilip born about 1931
VarneyRoda born about 1923
VietorCaroline born about 1872
VinockPaul Gborn about 1896
VioletEly born about 1848
VioletteClement born about 1932
VioletteDaniel born about 1902
VioletteDoris born about 1925
VioletteHazel born about 1928
VioletteIrene born about 1929
VioletteMaime born about 1907
VioletteMildred born about 1926
VioletteNorman born about 1938
VionJoan born about 1934
VionJohn born about 1930
VionMaude born about 1907
VolkFlorence Zborn about 1882
VolkJoseph Aborn about 1884
VollandArchie born about 1918
VollandArchie Sr born about 1879
VollandArthur born about 1914
VollandBarbara born about 1939
VollandBarbara born about 1939
VollandEthel born about 1919
VollandPhyllis born about 1917
VollandRichard born about 1938
VollandSophie born about 1887
VollmerElla born about 1895
VollmerJohn born about 1936
VollmerJohn Wborn about 1881
VollmerLeatrice born about 1926
VollmerLois born about 1928
VollmerMarion born about 1926
VollmerMildred born about 1900
VollmerWallace born about 1894
VonfabrceWm Kborn about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WabrlickMina born about 1880
WahlrabArnold born about 1903
WahlrabEmma born about 1907
WahlrabOtto born about 1933
WahrlichAgnes Cborn about 1908
WahrlichErie born about 1907
WahrlichJanet Iborn about 1937
WahrlichRichard Eborn about 1930
WakermanLouis born about 1865
WaldoGeorge born about 1881
WalkerJosephine Cborn about 1906
WalkerLinda born about 1939
WalkerLinda born about 1939
WalkerMargaret Cborn about 1935
WalkerRobert Jborn about 1894
WalkerRobert Jborn about 1918
WallaceChester born about 1925
WallaceEthel born about 1921
WallaceHelen born about 1902
WallaceRobert born about 1923
WalshJoseph born about 1904
WaltersRobert born about 1902
WaltersSuzanne born about 1904
Walton??? Mborn about 1916
WaltonJohn Sborn about 1910
WanellCharles Pborn about 1922
WanellElizabeth Pborn about 1919
WanellFrank Lborn about 1890
WanellFrank L Jrborn about 1918
WanellGeorge Wborn about 1925
WanellGeorgene Pborn about 1893
WanellHarry Bborn about 1917
WanellPatricia Gborn about 1928
WardAugusta born about 1911
WardDaphne Jborn about 1928
WardFrank Tborn about 1895
WardJennie Gborn about 1891
WardWilliam born about 1911
WardellAlice Mborn about 1873
WardellSamuel Eborn about 1867
WarnckeBessie born about 1891
WarnckeGeorge Lborn about 1882
WarnckeLouis born about 1918
WarnckeMadlyn born about 1918
WatsonLena born about 1890
WayshnerCarl Aborn about 1902
WayshnerEdith Gborn about 1912
WebbAnne born about 1894
WebbClaton born about 1910
WebbDavid born about 1870
WebbFrancis born about 1912
WebbLeila born about 1921
WebbWilliam born about 1918
WeedCarlton born about 1896
WeedMarie born about 1895
WeichelAlice born about 1924
WeichelIrene born about 1898
WeichelIrene born about 1919
WeichelMarie born about 1921
WeichelPaul born about 1899
WeiglAnna born about 1935
WeiglBalthaser born about 1902
WeiglBarbara born about 1932
WeiglChristina born about 1930
WeiglMargaret born about 1903
WeiglMary born about 1937
WeinbergAnthony born about 1928
WeinbergGladys born about 1898
WeinbergLouis born about 1885
WeinbergPeter born about 1926
WeirLebert Howardborn about 1879
WeishertDorothy born about 1917
WeishertFlorence born about 1902
WeishertFrancis born about 1915
WeishertWarren born about 1938
WeitzelConrad born about 1890
WeitzelEdna born about 1900
WelchJennie born about 1904
WelchVictor born about 1899
WeldEdward Lborn about 1874
WenderothAlbert Wborn about 1898
WenderothAmelia Cborn about 1894
WenderothIda Fborn about 1867
WesterlingFritz born about 1895
WestonEstelle born about 1890
WestonEthel born about 1883
WestonFrederick born about 1882
WestonGeorge born about 1879
WestonPetter born about 1922
WhippleAndrew Lborn about 1931
WhippleFrederick Hborn about 1930
WhippleJames Rborn about 1926
WhippleJoseph born about 1894
WhippleJoseph R Jrborn about 1925
WhippleKatheryn M Gborn about 1900
WhippleMary Gborn about 1922
WhippleWalter Wborn about 1933
WhiteJohn Bborn about 1897
WhiteJohn Sborn about 1929
WhiteMartha born about 1897
WhiteMary Dborn about 1901
WhiteNorman Rborn about 1921
WhiteRobert Aborn about 1938
WhiteWilliam Nborn about 1895
WhitlockAnna born about 1859
WhitlockCharles born about 1862
WhitlockEdna Lborn about 1879
WhitneyAlice Lborn about 1877
WhitneyEarl born about 1909
WhitneyGeneva born about 1934
WhitneyJoseph Fborn about 1896
WhitneyLoretta born about 1911
WhitneyWayne born about 1930
WhitneyWilliam Dborn about 1871
WhitneyWinifred Rborn about 1897
WhittleseyJulia D Hborn about 1877
WhittlingMarie Louiseborn about 1890
WichrowskiBarbara born about 1926
WichrowskiCecelia born about 1929
WilcoxCarrie born about 1928
WilcoxCharles born about 1925
WilcoxHarold born about 1934
WilcoxHarvy born about 1890
WilcoxMay born about 1926
WilcoxNaomi born about 1905
WileekCharles born about 1899
WileekMarie born about 1931
WileekMildred born about 1901
WileekNancy born about 1926
WillandLouise Bborn about 1867
WilliamsChar??rolet born about 1887
WilliamsCharles Aborn about 1906
WilliamsDaniel born about 1907
WilliamsDorothy Gborn about 1904
WilliamsHarold born about 1912
WilliamsJane Gborn about 1936
WilliamsJeffrey born about 1937
WilliamsJohn born about 1884
WilliamsNed born about 1910
WilliamsRalph born about 1910
WilliamsRuth born about 1916
WilliamsSarah born about 1908
WilliamsonOlivia Lborn about 1919
WilliamstonThomasine born about 1917
WilsonDora Eborn about 1875
WilsonHarold born about 1894
WilsonJohn born about 1930
WilsonLincoln born about 1899
WilsonMildred born about 1897
WilsonVirginia born about 1904
WilsonWilbur born about 1883
WilsonWilliam born about 1927
WingBarbara Dborn about 1904
WingKingsley born about 1929
WingNathaniel born about 1939
WingNathaniel born about 1939
WingWillis Kborn about 1900
WinlowEleanor born about 1900
WinlowJohn Sborn about 1887
WinnewisserAgnes Kborn about 1892
WinnewisserHarry Kborn about 1917
WinnewisserJacob Hborn about 1889
WinterAndrew Lborn about 1864
WinterHarriet born about 1892
WinterKate born about 1884
WinterMary born about 1918
WinterOliver born about 1927
WinterRichard born about 1887
WinterRichard Jr born about 1925
WintonRose Cborn about 1875
WisonDorothy Sborn about 1892
WisonHenry Jborn about 1894
WisonJames Sborn about 1922
WisonJoan born about 1925
WisonThomas Hborn about 1923
WittiamsFrederick born about 1913
WittiamsHelen Aborn about 1882
WittiamsWilliams Eborn about 1881
WogelAnna born about 1881
WogelReinhold born about 1881
WolffAlbert born about 1874
WolffAlbert born about 1905
Woods??? Tborn about 1917
WoodsCharles Gborn about 1901
WoodsFallerlah Gborn about 1875
WoodsJack Mborn about 1906
WoodsW Montgomeryborn about 1877
Worren??? born about 1938
WorrenEdna born about 1883
WorrenLouise born about 1917
WorrenNurthan born about 1880
WorthyAnna Bborn about 1908
WorthyDale born about 1937
WorthyEllen born about 1938
WorthyGeorge Eborn about 1904
WrezinHenry Mborn about 1897
WrezinRalph born about 1900
WrezinRobin Cborn about 1935
WrezinSally Lborn about 1907
WrezinSally Lborn about 1931
WylanEthel born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YaterEdwin born about 1914
YaterJames born about 1877
YaterRobert born about 1920
YoungAlbain Kborn about 1912
YoungBessie Bborn about 1918
YoungDaida Mborn about 1939
YoungDaida Mborn about 1939
YoungDavid Aborn about 1910
YoungEleanor Wborn about 1915
YoungEmily born about 1939
YoungEmily born about 1939
YoungGrace Hborn about 1906
YoungHugh born about 1916
YoungJean born about 1920
YoungJean Sborn about 1916
YoungJohn Aborn about 1913
YoungLouise born about 1940
YoungMichael Bborn about 1939
YoungMichael Bborn about 1939
YoungNancy Mborn about 1933
YoungPricilla Cborn about 1931
YoungPrudence Iborn about 1934
YoungRichard Aborn about 1936
YoungSamuel Wborn about 1905
YoungSarah Anne Wborn about 1933
YoungSteven Bborn about 1939
YoungSteven Bborn about 1939
YoungguistAdolph born about 1896
YoungguistFlorence born about 1898
YoungguistKenneth born about 1927
YoungguistMarion born about 1931
YpungElizabeth Cborn about 1874
YpungHoward Aborn about 1901
YpungPheobe born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZaggAlbert F Jrborn about 1932
ZaggAlbert Lborn about 1878
ZaggFlora born about 1925
ZaggMinnie Eborn about 1893
ZiannEdith born about 1925
ZiannElla Mborn about 1903
ZiannHans Gborn about 1903
ZiannRuth born about 1927
ZiannWalter born about 1931
ZinnMary born about 1894
ZionAlfred born about 1893
ZionAlfreda born about 1926
ZionCharles born about 1926
ZionFred born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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