Chaplin Genealogy (in Windham County, CT)

USA (1,380,571) > Connecticut (21,654) > Windham County (1,490) > Chaplin (39)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Chaplin are also found through the Windham County and Connecticut pages.

Chaplin Birth Records

Records of births and deaths, 1792-1851; records of marriages, 1821-1854 FamilySearch Library

Records of births and deaths, 1852-1912; records of marriages, 1853-1940 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. Canton 1806-1853, Chaplin 1822-1851, Chatham 1767-1854, Cheshire 1780-1840, Chester 1836-1852, Clinton 1838-1854, Diary of Aaron G. Hurd-Clinton, 1809-1878 WorldCat

Chaplin Cemetery Records

Bare Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bare Hill Cemetery Records (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Bedlam Cemetery Billion Graves online

Bedlam Cemetery Records (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Bedlam Road Cemetery Find a Grave online

Chaplin Cemetery Records (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Chaplin Center Cemetery Find a Grave online

Chaplin Center Cemetery Billion Graves online

Chewink Cemetery Find a Grave online

Clark Cemetery Find a Grave online

Clark Cemetery Records (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

New Cemetery Records (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Old Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Cemetery Records (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Russ Cemetery Find a Grave online

Russ Cemetery Records (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Small Pox Cemetery Records (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

South Chaplin Cemetery Find a Grave online

South Chaplin Cemetery Billion Graves online

Chaplin Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Chaplin, Connecticut LDS Genealogy online

Chaplin Church Records

A Brief historical sketch of the Church of Christ in Chaplin, Ct : including the confession of faith and covenants, adopted by said church, also, the names of all persons admitted FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1809-1906, Ecclesiastical Society (Chaplin, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

The confession of faith and covenants, of the Church of Christ in Chaplin, Connecticut : also the names of all persons admitted as members since its organization Genealogy Gophers online

Chaplin Death Records

List of deaths which have occurred in the town of Chaplin since its incorporation, July 4, 1822-1906 FamilySearch Library

Records of births and deaths, 1792-1851; records of marriages, 1821-1854 FamilySearch Library

Records of births and deaths, 1852-1912; records of marriages, 1853-1940 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. Canton 1806-1853, Chaplin 1822-1851, Chatham 1767-1854, Cheshire 1780-1840, Chester 1836-1852, Clinton 1838-1854, Diary of Aaron G. Hurd-Clinton, 1809-1878 WorldCat

Chaplin Land Records

Land records, 1823-1917 FamilySearch Library

Chaplin Marriage Records

Records of births and deaths, 1792-1851; records of marriages, 1821-1854 FamilySearch Library

Records of births and deaths, 1852-1912; records of marriages, 1853-1940 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. Canton 1806-1853, Chaplin 1822-1851, Chatham 1767-1854, Cheshire 1780-1840, Chester 1836-1852, Clinton 1838-1854, Diary of Aaron G. Hurd-Clinton, 1809-1878 WorldCat

Chaplin Probate Records

Probate records, 1850-1919 FamilySearch Library

Chaplin School Records

Parish Hill High School yearbook, 1977 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Parish Hill High School yearbook, 1977, 1983, 1984 Classmates online

Parish Hill High School yearbooks, 1977, 1983, 1984 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Chaplin Tax Records

Town of Chaplin records, 1822-1927 Archive Grid

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