Chester Genealogy (in Middlesex County, CT)

USA (1,380,571) > Connecticut (21,654) > Middlesex County (1,672) > Chester (52)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Chester are also found through the Middlesex County and Connecticut pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Land Records Map Records Marriage Records Newspapers and Obituaries Probate Records School Records Tax Records

Chester Birth Records

Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1847-1917 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. Canton 1806-1853, Chaplin 1822-1851, Chatham 1767-1854, Cheshire 1780-1840, Chester 1836-1852, Clinton 1838-1854, Diary of Aaron G. Hurd-Clinton, 1809-1878 WorldCat

Chester Cemetery Records

Cedar Lake Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Hearse Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Laurel Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Laurel Hill Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

New Town House Hill Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Old Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Town House Hill Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Saint Josephs Cemetery Find a Grave online

St. Joseph's Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

West End Cemetery Find a Grave online

West End Cemetery (aka Cedar Lake Cemetery) Billion Graves online

Chester Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Chester, Connecticut LDS Genealogy online

Chester Church Records

Filter By Year:

Account book, 1873-1899, Baptist Sabbath School (Chester, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1741-1929, Congregational Church (Chester, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1841-1849, Chester Village Methodist Episcopal Society (Chester, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1886-1941, First Baptist Church (Chester, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1898-1930, St. Luke's Mission (Chester, Connecticut : Protestant Episcopal) FamilySearch Library

Historical sketch of the Congregational Church of Chester, Connecticut : from its organization, September 15, 1742, to September 15, 1892, a period of one hundred and fifty years FamilySearch Library

Manual, Congregational Church (Chester, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Marriages Prior to 1800 in the Congregational Church of Chester Jane Devlin online

Records, 1814-1843, Female Benevolent and Praying Society (Chester, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Records, 1828-1858, Temperance Society (Chester, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Records, 1853-1909, Ladies' Benevolent Association (Chester, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Records, 1874-1919, Women's Baptist Missionary Society (Chester, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Saybrook, Connecticut, church records, Frederick L'Hommedieu copy : Old Saybrook Congregational Church 1736-1782, Centerbrook Congregational Church 1759-1832, Chester Congregational Church 1759-1835 FamilySearch Library

Sketches of Chester Sunday School, 1892 FamilySearch Library

Subscription lists 1822, Fourth Ecclesiastical Society (Chester, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Sunday School records 1819-1834, Congregational Church. Sabbath School Association (Chester, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Chester City Directories

Chester, CT 1913-1916, 1918-1919, 1924, 1928 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Connecticut City Directories (includes Chester 1964, 1982) Ancestry online

Connecticut City Directories (includes Old Saybrook, Chester, Deep River, Essex, Westbrook 1964) Ancestry online

Chester Death Records

Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1847-1917 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. Canton 1806-1853, Chaplin 1822-1851, Chatham 1767-1854, Cheshire 1780-1840, Chester 1836-1852, Clinton 1838-1854, Diary of Aaron G. Hurd-Clinton, 1809-1878 WorldCat

Chester Histories and Genealogies

For two hundred years the same, an intimate and revealing account of the beginning and growth of the town of Chester, Connecticut, and the Protestant churches therein LDS Genealogy online

For two hundred years the same, an intimate and revealing account of the beginning and growth of the town of Chester, Connecticut, and the Protestant churches therein Internet Archive online

History of Chester, Middlesex County, Connecticut Jane Devlin online

Supplement to the Deep River new era FamilySearch Library

Chester Land Records

Land records, 1836-1920 FamilySearch Library

Proprietors records 1730-1753 FamilySearch Library

Chester Map Records

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Chester, Middlesex County, Connecticut, 1903 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Chester, Middlesex County, Connecticut, 1908 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Chester, Middlesex County, Connecticut, 1914 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Chester, Middlesex County, Connecticut, August 1897 Library of Congress online

Chester Marriage Records

Marriages Prior to 1800 in the Congregational Church of Chester Jane Devlin online

Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1847-1917 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. Canton 1806-1853, Chaplin 1822-1851, Chatham 1767-1854, Cheshire 1780-1840, Chester 1836-1852, Clinton 1838-1854, Diary of Aaron G. Hurd-Clinton, 1809-1878 WorldCat

Chester Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Chester

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

New Era. (Chester, Conn.) 1874-1882

Chester Probate Records

Probate records, 1780-1920 FamilySearch Library

Chester School Records

Saybrook [Deep River] and Valley Regional [Chester, Deep River and Essex] High School Yearbooks Deep River Public Library online

Chester Tax Records

Town of Chester records, 1823-1833 Archive Grid

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