USA (1,380,571) > Connecticut (21,654) > Tolland County (1,114) > Coventry (112)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Coventry are also found through the Tolland County and Connecticut pages.
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths LDS Genealogy
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths Internet Archive
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths, from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844; LDS Genealogy
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths, from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844; Internet Archive
Births, marriages, baptisms, and deaths : from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844 FamilySearch Library
Births, marriages, baptisms, and deaths : from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844 Genealogy Gophers
Index to vital statistics, 17-- to 1936 FamilySearch Library
Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1858-1936 FamilySearch Library
Babcock Cemetery Find a Grave
Babcock Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry
Births, marriages, baptisms, and deaths : from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844 FamilySearch Library
Carpenter Cemetery US Gen Web
Center Cemetery Interment
Center Cemetery Find a Grave
Coventry Cemetery Find a Grave
French Soldier Camp Site (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry
Hazen Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry
Mathewson Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry
Nathan Hale Cemetery Booth and Dimock Memorial Library
Nathan Hale Cemetery Interment
Nathan Hale Cemetery Genealogy Trails
Nathan Hale Cemetery Find a Grave
Nathan Hale Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry
Nathan Hall Cemetery (From Hale Collection) Jane Devlin
New Center Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry
North Cemetery (Flint Yard Cemetery) Interment
North Coventry Cemetery Find a Grave
North Coventry Cemetery Billion Graves
Old Cemetery Records (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry
Old Center Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry
Saint Mary Cemetery Find a Grave
Silver Street Cemetery Find a Grave
Silver Street Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry
South Street Cemetery Find a Grave
South Street Cemetery US Gen Web
St. Mary's Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry
Strong Cemetery (From Hale Collection) Jane Devlin
Strong Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry
Strong Yard; South Yard; North or Flint Yard; Center Yard Booth and Dimock Memorial Library
Warren Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry
Census of Coventry 1790 US Gen Web
Census of Pensioners 1840 US Gen Web
Federal Census of 1940, Coventry, Connecticut LDS Genealogy
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths, from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844; LDS Genealogy
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths, from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844; Internet Archive
Births, marriages, baptisms, and deaths : from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844 Genealogy Gophers
Catalogue of the surviving members of the First Congregational Church, in Coventry, Conn., January 24, 1839 : together with some historical notices, &c. prefixed FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1740-1910, Second Congregational Church at North Coventry (Coventry, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1740-1936, First Congregational Church at South Coventry (Coventry, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1772-1819, First Ecclesiastical Society (Coventry, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1777-1895, North Society (Coventry, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library
Church records, First Church of Christ (Coventry, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library
Historical notice of the Congregational Church in north Coventry, Conn : with the articles of faith, covenant, and a catalogue of members FamilySearch Library
City Directories (includes Coventry Directory 1890) Ancestry
Connecticut City Directories (includes Coventry 1940) Ancestry
Connecticut City Directories (includes Willimantic, Coventry 1904) Ancestry
Rockville (Connecticut) city directories FamilySearch Library
Willimantic (Connecticut) city directories FamilySearch Library
Willimantic, Windham, Coventry directory FamilySearch Library
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths LDS Genealogy
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths Internet Archive
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths, from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844; LDS Genealogy
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths, from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844; Internet Archive
Births, marriages, baptisms, and deaths : from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844 FamilySearch Library
Births, marriages, baptisms, and deaths : from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844 Genealogy Gophers
Index to vital statistics, 17-- to 1936 FamilySearch Library
Record of deaths, North Coventry, 1826-1869 Connecticut State Library
Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1858-1936 FamilySearch Library
Notes on the early history of Coventry Connecticut State Library
Official program, old home week, Coventry, Connecticut : August 25-31, 1912, celebrating bi-centennial of the town of Coventry, bi-centennial of the First Congregational Church, erection of the Booth and Dimock Memorial Library. Connecticut State Library
The Roots of Coventry, Connecticut FamilySearch Library
Coventry town papers and records, 1723-1872, Coventry (Conn.). Archive Grid
Land records, 1714-1905; general index, 1714-1920 FamilySearch Library
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths LDS Genealogy
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths Internet Archive
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths, from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844; LDS Genealogy
Births, marriages, baptisms and deaths, from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844; Internet Archive
Births, marriages, baptisms, and deaths : from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844 FamilySearch Library
Births, marriages, baptisms, and deaths : from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Connecticut, 1711-1844 Genealogy Gophers
Coventry Marriage Records 1763-1799 Genealogy Trails
Index to vital statistics, 17-- to 1936 FamilySearch Library
Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1858-1936 FamilySearch Library
Lexington Alarm List US Gen Web
Men Who Served in the Revolutionary War US Gen Web
Freemen of Coventry, Connecticut, Continuation of 1738 list and later additions US Gen Web
Miscellaneous town records, 1692-1840 FamilySearch Library
Town records, 1692-1853 FamilySearch Library
Offline Newspapers for CoventryAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Coventry Broadcaster. (Coventry, Conn.) 1954-1980s |
Probate records, 1849-1917 FamilySearch Library
Coventry town papers and records, 1723-1872, Coventry (Conn.). Archive Grid
Town of Coventry records, 1783-1926 Archive Grid
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