Hamden Genealogy (in New Haven County, CT)

USA (1,380,571) > Connecticut (21,654) > New Haven County (4,018) > Hamden (133)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Hamden are also found through the New Haven County and Connecticut pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Land Records Marriage Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries Probate Records School Records

Hamden Birth Records

Records of births, marriages, deaths, 1867-1903 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. [17], Haddam 1668-1852 ; Hamden 1786-1854 ; Hampton 1786-1851 WorldCat

Vital Records of Hamden, Connecticut, 1786-1854 A-G Jane Devlin online

Vital Records of Hamden, Connecticut, 1786-1854 H-W Jane Devlin online

Hamden Cemetery Records

B'nai Scholom Association Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Centerville Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Central Burying Grounds Billion Graves online

Central Burying Grounds Find a Grave online

Congregation Beth El Cemetery Billion Graves online

Congregation Beth El Keser Israel Memorial Park Find a Grave online

Doolittle Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Dunbar United Church of Christ Columbaum Find a Grave online

Hamden Plains Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hamden Plains Cemetery Billion Graves online

Hamden Plains Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Hamden Plains Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Jewish Congregational B'nai Israel Inc. Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Mount Carmel Burying Ground Find a Grave online

Mount Carmel Burying Ground Society Billion Graves online

Mount Carmel Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Carmel, Conn. : between Cheshire & New Haven FamilySearch Library

New Haven Jewish Cemetery Database New Haven Jewish Cemetery Database online

Saint Mary's Cemetery Find a Grave online

St. Mary's Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

State Street Cemetery Find a Grave online

State Street Cemetery Billion Graves online

State Street Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Temple Beth Sholom Cemetery Find a Grave online

Westwood Cemetery Find a Grave online

Whitneyville Cemetery Interment online

Whitneyville Cemetery Find a Grave online

Whitneyville Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Hamden Census Records

Census of Pensioners 1840 US Gen Web online

Hamden Church Records

Filter By Year:

A centennial discourse, delivered January 26th, 1864 : the one hundredth anniversary of the Mt. Carmel Congregational Church, Hamden, Conn. FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1790-1927, Grace Church (Hamden, Connecticut : Protestant Episcopal) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1795-1915, Whitneyville Congregational Church (Hamden, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1897-1944, Hamden Plains Methodist Church (Hamden, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1897-1944, Hamden Plains Methodist Episcopal Church (Hamden, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

East Plain Congregational Church, Whitneyville, Records 1795-1915 (included in Connecticut Church Record Abstracts) Ancestry online

Hamden church records FamilySearch Library

Hamden, Conn., Catholic church records, 1852-1957 Archive Grid

Hamden, Conn., church records, 1795-1966 Archive Grid

Historical materials : relating to the old Mount Carmel Parish of New Haven, now the northern part of Hamden, Conn. FamilySearch Library

History of Grace Church, Hamden, Conn. : from its organization, March 1, 1790 to July 1, 1912 FamilySearch Library

History of Grace Church, Hamden, Conn. : from its organization, March 1, 1790 to July 1, 1912 Genealogy Gophers online

New Cambridge church records, 1747-1800 (New Haven County, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

The old Mount Carmel parish : origins and outgrowths Ancestry online

The old Mount Carmel parish : origins and outgrowths FamilySearch Library

The old Mount Carmel parish, origins & outgrowths LDS Genealogy online

The old Mount Carmel parish, origins & outgrowths Internet Archive online

Hamden City Directories

Filter By Year:

Connecticut City Directories (includes Hamden 1934-35, 1937, 1940, 1942) Ancestry online

Connecticut City Directories (includes New Haven, West Haven, North Haven, Hamden 1940) Ancestry online

Connecticut City Directories (includes New, West, East, and North Haven, Hamden 1934) Ancestry online

Connecticut City Directories (includes North Haven, Hamden 1940, 1942) Ancestry online

East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, and Woodbridge City Directory 1950 MyHeritage online

East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, and Woodbridge City Directory 1951 MyHeritage online

East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, and Woodbridge City Directory 1952 MyHeritage online

East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, and Woodbridge City Directory 1955 MyHeritage online

East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, and Woodbridge City Directory 1959 MyHeritage online

Hamden (New Haven County, Ct.) city directory : including Cheshire and North Haven FamilySearch Library

Hamden City Directory 1936 MyHeritage online

Hamden City Directory 1940 MyHeritage online

Hamden City Directory 1944 MyHeritage online

Hamden City Directory 1947 MyHeritage online

Hamden City Directory 1955 MyHeritage online

Hamden Plains, CT 1927-28 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Hamden, CT 1929-1935 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Hamden, Connecticut city directory FamilySearch Library

Hamden, Connecticut, City Directory, 1956 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Hamden, Connecticut, City Directory, 1957 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Hamden, Connecticut, City Directory, 1959 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Hamden, Connecticut, City Directory, 1960 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Hamden, Connecticut, City Directory, 1961 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Hamden, Connecticut, City Directory, 1962 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Hamden, Connecticut, City Directory, 1963 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Hamden, Connecticut, City Directory, 1966 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Hamden, Connecticut, City Directory, 1967 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Hamden, Connecticut, City Directory, 1983 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

New Haven, West Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, and Woodbridge City Directory 1953 MyHeritage online

New Haven, West Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, and Woodbridge City Directory 1959 MyHeritage online

New Haven, West Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, and Woodbridge City Directory 1960 MyHeritage online

West Haven, North Haven, Hampden, and Woodbridge City Directory 1950 MyHeritage online

Hamden Death Records

Records of births, marriages, deaths, 1867-1903 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. [17], Haddam 1668-1852 ; Hamden 1786-1854 ; Hampton 1786-1851 WorldCat

Vital Records of Hamden, Connecticut, 1786-1854 A-G Jane Devlin online

Vital Records of Hamden, Connecticut, 1786-1854 H-W Jane Devlin online

Hamden Histories and Genealogies

History of the town of Hamden Ancestry online

History of the town of Hamden, Connecticut : with an account of the centennial celebration, June 15th, 1886 FamilySearch Library

History of the town of Hamden, Connecticut : with an account of the centennial celebration, June 15th, 1886 WorldCat

The history of Hamden, Connecticut, 1786-1936 LDS Genealogy online

The history of Hamden, Connecticut, 1786-1936 Internet Archive online

The history of Hamden, Connecticut, 1786-1959 FamilySearch Library

The history of Hamden, Connecticut, 1786-1959 LDS Genealogy online

The history of Hamden, Connecticut, 1786-1959 Internet Archive online

Hamden Land Records

Land records, 1786-1905; general index, 1786-1880 FamilySearch Library

Hamden Marriage Records

Hamden Marriage Records: Mt. Carmel Congregational Church: 1783-1790 Genealogy Trails online

Records of births, marriages, deaths, 1867-1903 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. [17], Haddam 1668-1852 ; Hamden 1786-1854 ; Hampton 1786-1851 WorldCat

Vital Records of Hamden, Connecticut, 1786-1854 A-G Jane Devlin online

Vital Records of Hamden, Connecticut, 1786-1854 H-W Jane Devlin online

Hamden Miscellaneous Records

Annual reports of the town of Hamden, state of Connecticut 1962 LDS Genealogy online

Annual reports of the town of Hamden, state of Connecticut 1962 Internet Archive online

Lists of Freemen, Selectmen, Representatives, and Senators in Hamden 1785 to 1886 Jane Devlin online

Hamden Newspapers and Obituaries

Hamden Journal 12/07/2006 to 03/05/2008 Genealogy Bank online

Post-Chronicle 01/10/2018 to 01/09/2019 Genealogy Bank online

Post-Chronicle: Web Edition Articles 05/12/2000 to 12/13/2018 Genealogy Bank online

Offline Newspapers for Hamden

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Hamden Chronicle. (Hamden, Conn.) 1946-1957

Hamden Chronicle. (Hamden, Conn.) 1958-Current

Hamden Times. (Hamden, Conn.) 1935-1938

North Haven Chronicle. (Hamden, Conn.) 1966-1968

Post. (Hamden, Conn.) 1991-Current

Suburban Spokesman. (Hamden, Conn.) 1957-1958

Times-Observer and Hamden Times. (Hamden, Conn.) 1938-1940s

Hamden Probate Records

New Haven (Conn.) probate records, 1647-1916 FamilySearch Library

Hamden School Records

Filter By Year:

Arnold College of Health and Physical Education yearbook, 1946 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Eli Whitney Technical High School - Artisan Yearbook (Hamden, CT), 1958 E Yearbook online

Eli Whitney Vocational Technical School yearbook, 1958, 1975 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Eli Whitney Vocational Technical School yearbook, 1958, 1975, 1993 Classmates online

Eli Whitney Vocational Technical School yearbooks, 1958, 1975, 1993 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Hamden Hall Country Day School yearbooks, 1942, 1943, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1958, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Hamden Hall Country Day yearbook, 1942, 1943, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1958, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1977, 1978, 1979 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Hamden Hall Country Day yearbook, 1942, 1943, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1958, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986 Classmates online

Hamden Hall Country Day yearbook, 1950, 1952, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Hamden High School - Venture Yearbook (Hamden, CT), 1936, 1937, 1940, 1941, 1945, 1954, 1958, 1959, 1960 E Yearbook online

Hamden High School yearbook, 1936, 1937, 1940, 1941, 1945, 1950, 1951, 1954, 1955, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Hamden High School yearbook, 1936, 1937, 1941, 1945, 1950, 1951, 1954, 1955, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1979 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Hamden High School yearbook, 1936, 1937, 1941, 1945, 1950, 1951, 1954, 1955, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 Classmates online

Quinnipiac College yearbooks, 1963, 1965, 1973, 1985 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Quinnipiac University - Brave Yearbook (Hamden, CT), 1963, 1965, 1973 E Yearbook online

Sacred Heart Academy - Clelian Yearbook (Hamden, CT), 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 E Yearbook online

Sacred Heart Academy yearbook, 1962, 1966, 1974, 1975 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Sacred Heart Academy yearbook, 1962, 1966, 1974, 1975, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1996 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Sacred Heart Academy yearbook, 1962, 1966, 1974, 1975, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1996 Classmates online

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