1940 U.S. Federal Census of Baldwin in Habersham County, Habersham, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Habersham County > 1940 Census of Baldwin in Habersham County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsGladys born about 1890
AlexanderAbsolum born about 1878
AlexanderChas born about 1917
AlexanderElla born about 1882
AlexanderLulu born about 1877
AlexanderNat born about 1910
AndersonEdna born about 1905
AndersonElizabeth born about 1887
AndersonGertrude born about 1896
AndersonJacky born about 1937
AndersonJoe born about 1899
AndersonPeggy Joeborn about 1933
AndersonThomas born about 1891
AndrewsEvelyn born about 1930
AndrewsThelma born about 1908

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B Surnames

BakerBeatrice born about 1912
BakerZenobia born about 1903
BoggsBlanche born about 1923
BoggsCallie born about 1889
BoggsCora Leeborn about 1915
BoggsEarl born about 1887
BoggsHelen born about 1933
BoggsJoe born about 1913
BowenAldon Leeborn about 1940
BowenEffort born about 1917
BowenMable born about 1923
BrannonCliff born about 1931
BrannonEva born about 1891
BrannonT Lborn about 1923
BrockBertha born about 1903
BrockDewey born about 1929
BrockDwain born about 1927
BrockReba born about 1931
BrockSilas born about 1878
BrooksJoe born about 1898
BrooksMary Janeborn about 1859
BrownHazel born about 1901
BruceLeonard born about 1927
BruceRudee born about 1925
BruceSarah born about 1923
BryantBernice born about 1917
BryantGarland born about 1909
BuchananHarlie born about 1914
BuchananJoe Carltonborn about 1939
BuchananJohnnie born about 1938
BuchananLarry born about 1938
BuchananMaudie born about 1913

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C Surnames

CandellBobbie Joeborn about 1938
CandellHarold born about 1926
CandellLee born about 1903
CandellMack born about 1932
CandellMary Louborn about 1924
CandellMyrtle born about 1904
CantrellAddie Louborn about 1895
CantrellJames born about 1923
CantrellW Hborn about 1894
CantrellWale born about 1919
CatlettFrances born about 1916
CatlettRalph born about 1917
ChandlerJulia Nellborn about 1918
ChandlerW V Drborn about 1868
ChitwoodMary born about 1878
ChitwoodWilliam born about 1876
ClarkOra Maeborn about 1920
CleavelandMary born about 1884
CleavelandWalter born about 1882
CroggsCora born about 1907
CroggsEdna Louborn about 1932
CroggsJohn Cborn about 1927
CroggsJohn Wborn about 1904
CromartieMary born about 1914

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D Surnames

DavisEmma Ruthborn about 1920
DavisJohn Sborn about 1888
DavisLloyd born about 1915
DavisYoung born about 1917
DoverEdward Rborn about 1890
DullisDora born about 1917
DullisEula born about 1878
DullisHarlin born about 1919

E Surnames

EnglishChristine born about 1924
EnglishLeon born about 1923
EnglishMaud born about 1882
EvertonCarol born about 1931
EvertonEvelyn born about 1929
EvertonMae born about 1897

F Surnames

FranklinNelia born about 1904

G Surnames

GabrelsLola born about 1928
GallawayRuth born about 1925
GallowayIda born about 1874
GallowayW Wborn about 1872
GarrisonGeorgie born about 1914
GarrisonJessie Deanborn about 1933
GarrisonMarlin born about 1904
GrantAnne born about 1933
GrantBernice born about 1904
GrantEthel born about 1927
GrantEugene born about 1929
GrantJack born about 1933
GrantMay born about 1879
GrantNace born about 1902
GrantPeter born about 1903
GrantSudie born about 1910
GrantWorth Bborn about 1876
GriffinBetty Jeanborn about 1940
GriffinCarrie Leeborn about 1921
GriffinJeanette born about 1921
GriffinLorene born about 1937
GriffinOllie born about 1908

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H Surnames

HallGrady born about 1915
HallGrady Jr born about 1934
HallLewis born about 1939
HallMargaret born about 1937
HallViolet born about 1917
HanieBob born about 1937
HanieJames Tborn about 1911
HanieJimmie born about 1934
HanieLouise born about 1908
HarkinsBelle born about 1905
HarkinsIra born about 1899
HigginsBetty Ruthborn about 1934
HigginsBilly born about 1936
HigginsFrank born about 1929
HigginsFred born about 1910
HigginsJohnnie born about 1938
HigginsLulu born about 1912
HigginsMartha Leenborn about 1931
HigginsRoyce born about 1932
HildaWright born about 1917
HodgsonIda Cborn about 1870
HouseGertrude born about 1910

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I Surnames

IamsDorris born about 1912
IamsUlysses born about 1911

J Surnames

JamesHenry born about 1920
JamesRuth born about 1919
JordanDolly born about 1921
JordanMarlon born about 1911
JordanRandall born about 1939

K Surnames

KeenerJean born about 1910
KeenerJoseph born about 1911
KingDorris born about 1916
KingGrace Elizabethborn about 1934
KingJames Groverborn about 1916
KingLurline born about 1918
KingMamie Mrs born about 1887
KingSandy born about 1912

L Surnames

LandrumPhillip Oborn about 1878
LandrumsFannie born about 1903
LogginsAltoona born about 1940
LogginsBertha born about 1904
LogginsElmo born about 1938
LogginsFred born about 1894
LogginsO'bryan born about 1922
LogginsOndie born about 1933
LogginsWillie Maeborn about 1930
LongWilliam born about 1924

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M Surnames

ManglebergElizabeth born about 1894
MartinBrantley born about 1939
MartinEula born about 1936
MartinHazel born about 1930
MartinNorene born about 1934
MartinRichard born about 1927
MartinTexie born about 1907
MartinWilliam born about 1905
McdonaldDecie born about 1907
McdonaldHomer born about 1899
McdonaldHomer Jr born about 1929
McduffieRoss born about 1886
McduffieTinie born about 1887
McduffieZonie born about 1928
MeeksBurton born about 1898
MeeksClara born about 1899
MeeksInfant born about 1940
MeeksIrene born about 1925
MeeksJeanette born about 1936
MeeksJewel born about 1929
MeeksLouis born about 1927
MeeksWilliam born about 1924
MooneyChas born about 1927
MooneyDick born about 1923
MooneyEthel born about 1903
MooneyHarold born about 1925
MurpheeGlen born about 1917
MurphyAlbert Jr born about 1926

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N Surnames

NationsBilly born about 1935
NationsDallas born about 1909
NationsElizabeth born about 1925
NationsFlorine born about 1932
NationsGertrude born about 1931
NationsLilly born about 1910
NationsNelar born about 1899
NationsPauline born about 1924
NationsThomas born about 1928
NationsTom born about 1901
NationsVirgil born about 1919
NationsWillene born about 1930
NunallyMary Janeborn about 1869

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P Surnames

PalmerHoward born about 1920
PalmerJessie born about 1920
ParkerCloia born about 1905
ParkerCordelia born about 1880
ParkerDavid born about 1917
ParkerDavid Jr born about 1937
ParkerLeona born about 1913
ParkerSam born about 1875
ParkerWinfred born about 1940
ParsonCleveland born about 1924
PaulLanier born about 1923
PowellBetty born about 1930
PowellBobbie born about 1936
PowellCranford born about 1911
PowellCranford born about 1933
PowellLola born about 1915
PowellMartha Maeborn about 1931
PowellMilton born about 1925
PowellRuth born about 1898
PowellTom born about 1892
PowellZola born about 1914

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R Surnames

RhodesDavid born about 1916
RhodesMary born about 1910
RhodesPerle born about 1879
RichardChas born about 1938
RichardClara born about 1918
RichardUla Maeborn about 1933

S Surnames

SeagravesBelle born about 1897
SeagravesCarl born about 1896
ShoreCarolyn born about 1918
ShoreGlen born about 1918
ShoreGrover born about 1925
ShoreJack born about 1913
ShoreLulu born about 1886
ShoreMary born about 1922
ShoreWill Aborn about 1869
ShowAustralia born about 1897
ShowDorthea born about 1921
ShowImogene born about 1917
ShowLuther born about 1891
ShowPatricia Annborn about 1935
ShowThomas born about 1927
SigersAaron born about 1938
SigersAddis born about 1879
SigersGeojorie born about 1919
SigersJames Cborn about 1874
SigersKnox born about 1907
SigersMattie Graceborn about 1932
SigersMattie Leeborn about 1909
SigersMaudene born about 1930
SigersMax born about 1940
SiskEmma born about 1860
SiskMattie born about 1880
SiskSam Rborn about 1876
SmelleyGwendlyn born about 1925
SmelleyHoward born about 1900
SmelleyLurline born about 1927
SmelleyPearl born about 1905
SmelleyReginald born about 1930
StewardDora born about 1910
StewardJessie born about 1927
StewardSarah born about 1932
SumpterJim born about 1912
SumpterJoe born about 1937
SumpterPearl born about 1883

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T Surnames

TankesleyOscar born about 1888
TankesleyOscar Jr born about 1930
ThompsonClaud born about 1914
ThompsonIda born about 1884
ThompsonJean born about 1922
ThompsonLarry born about 1940
ThompsonLewis born about 1921
ThompsonRobt Oborn about 1882

V Surnames

VanhornJerry born about 1939
VanhornVirginia born about 1922
VaughanBobbie born about 1928
VaughanClayde born about 1904
VaughanFlora born about 1905
VaughanFrances born about 1926
VaughanIris born about 1923
VaughanMillard born about 1939
VaughanRebecca born about 1937
VinsonCatherine born about 1931
VinsonDolly born about 1935
VinsonFannie born about 1893
VinsonManning born about 1926
VinsonSam born about 1890
VinsonSam Jr born about 1928
VinsonTom born about 1925

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W Surnames

WallMargaret born about 1892
WallMartin born about 1892
WhiteGrover born about 1886
WhiteMinnie born about 1888
WhitmoreAlvin born about 1914
WhitmoreSallie born about 1891
WilliamsClyde born about 1936
WilliamsGeraldine born about 1924
WilliamsJerrel born about 1940
WilliamsJess born about 1896
WilliamsNelson born about 1937
WilliamsThelma born about 1915
WolfLydia born about 1862
WorleyLloyd born about 1924
WorleyNora born about 1926

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Y Surnames

YoungbloodDora born about 1920
YoungbloodEdgar born about 1917
YoungbloodHoward born about 1939
YoungbloodLottie Janeborn about 1937

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