1940 U.S. Federal Census of Broken Arrow, Walton, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Walton County > 1940 Census of Broken Arrow

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsJ Bborn about 1911
AdamsLilious born about 1891
AdamsPearl born about 1891
AdamsThelma born about 1918
AllenC Cborn about 1911
AllenCora born about 1915
AllenEffie born about 1886
AllenEmory Sborn about 1882
AllenFrances born about 1915
AllenGeorge born about 1922
AllenJ Aborn about 1871
AllenJohn born about 1922
AllenJoseph born about 1913
AllenJune born about 1925
AllenLena born about 1918
AllenMae born about 1881
AllenMollie born about 1889
AllenOdell born about 1917
AllenPatsy born about 1936
AllenRamey born about 1918
AllenRobert born about 1925
AllenShirley Annborn about 1936
AllenVernon born about 1914
AllenWill born about 1886
AllgoodAda born about 1888
AllgoodEffie born about 1893
AllgoodEugie born about 1883
AllgoodGrace born about 1893
AllgoodIrene born about 1934
AllgoodJ Dborn about 1876
AllgoodJ Hborn about 1873
AllgoodLeila born about 1860
AllgoodLeon born about 1928
AllgoodManice born about 1904
AllgoodMargaret born about 1878
AllgoodOlivia born about 1890
AllgoodP Hborn about 1885
AllgoodRoy born about 1902
AllgoodWilliam born about 1918
AndersonJ Hborn about 1876
AnglinE Cborn about 1886
AnglinMinnie born about 1900
AnglinR Hborn about 1917
ArmsteadBetty Rachelborn about 1934
ArmsteadCharles Bborn about 1921
ArmsteadEdd born about 1899
ArmsteadEdward Floydborn about 1919
ArmsteadHubert Wayneborn about 1932
ArmsteadJames Haywonborn about 1940
ArmsteadMartha Vborn about 1923
ArmsteadRosel Danielborn about 1929
ArmsteadTommie Jr born about 1926
ArmsteadWilliam Hborn about 1937
ArmsteadWinston born about 1917
AthaCharlie Willborn about 1921
AthaGrace born about 1895
AthaLoucile born about 1919
AthaMartiele born about 1914
AthaMat born about 1862
AthaMatt born about 1869
AthaMozell born about 1896
AthaNelson born about 1919
AthaO Tborn about 1889
AthaOdessa born about 1898
AthaPink born about 1894
AthaStanton born about 1922
AthaT Nborn about 1895
AthaThos born about 1873
AthaTlodie born about 1921
AtkinsonCassie born about 1922
AtkinsonTheo born about 1918
AustinEaster born about 1906
AustinJessie born about 1876
AustinRobert born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAnnie Pearlborn about 1929
BaileyEdna born about 1909
BaileyLoucile born about 1938
BaileyRuby Nellborn about 1926
BaileyW Cborn about 1902
BainesCharles born about 1925
BanksDorothy born about 1935
BanksEthleen born about 1930
BanksJauneta born about 1936
BanksJefferson Jr born about 1939
BanksJoe Caryborn about 1919
BanksRan born about 1893
BanksRosetta born about 1902
BanksVera Bellborn about 1928
BanksWalter Maeborn about 1934
BanksWillie Henryborn about 1932
BarnesDe Lois born about 1937
BarnesDonald born about 1935
BarnesEdwin born about 1932
BarnesEstell born about 1913
BarnesGrace born about 1924
BarnesJ Rborn about 1921
BarnesJulious born about 1911
BarnesMary Francesborn about 1940
BarnesPearl born about 1883
BartonAnn born about 1937
BartonBobby born about 1936
BartonCriswell Jr born about 1930
BartonEvelyn born about 1929
BartonGena born about 1932
BartonGeorge born about 1904
BartonMagie Bellborn about 1908
BartonRosie Leeborn about 1919
BartonRube born about 1902
BartonSallie born about 1886
BartonThad born about 1926
BartonW Pborn about 1876
BartonWayne born about 1925
BatchelorElla born about 1900
BatchelorEmory born about 1898
BatchelorG Pborn about 1862
BatchelorSallie Eborn about 1870
BeddingfieldRochel born about 1923
BeddingfieldSnow Dellborn about 1925
BlasingameDonald born about 1934
BlasingameE Jborn about 1891
BlasingameElizabeth born about 1924
BlasingameG Hborn about 1909
BlasingameHarvell born about 1921
BlasingameHorace born about 1926
BlasingameMary Eborn about 1883
BlasingameMattie Janeborn about 1901
BlasingameMinnie born about 1913
BlasingameNan born about 1939
BlasingameT Pborn about 1885
BlodsonRich born about 1903
BlodsonRosie Maeborn about 1905
BossCharlie Willborn about 1927
BossDean born about 1919
BossEvie born about 1893
BossG Gborn about 1892
BowanCharlie born about 1930
BowanFrances born about 1923
BowanFred born about 1936
BowanGrady born about 1925
BowanJohnie Sborn about 1920
BowanLias born about 1900
BowanLinda Joyceborn about 1940
BowanM Lborn about 1924
BowanMargie born about 1932
BowanMinnie Leeborn about 1915
BowanSara born about 1934
BowanSilas born about 1928
BoyceSylvester born about 1886
BradyDelco born about 1934
BradyLessie born about 1911
BradyWillie born about 1902
BrandMellie born about 1886
BrandRansom born about 1884
BrawdonBissie born about 1908
BrawdonIunice born about 1932
BrawdonJames Cborn about 1936
BrawdonJohnie born about 1907
BrawdonJohnie Rborn about 1938
BrawdonMcclinton born about 1934
BrawdonMelba born about 1939
BriscesBill born about 1901
BriscesMargaret born about 1920
BriscesWilliam born about 1939
BriscoeAgnes born about 1923
BriscoeAnette born about 1935
BriscoeG Wborn about 1874
BriscoeHardy born about 1927
BriscoeNell born about 1892
BrodnaxAgnes born about 1918
BrodnaxJ Collieborn about 1873
BrodnaxLavada born about 1879
BrooksAda born about 1888
BrooksBilly Mackborn about 1939
BrooksDoris born about 1917
BrooksFloyd born about 1915
BrooksG Cborn about 1882
BrooksHelen born about 1924
BrooksJ Aborn about 1891
BrooksLouise born about 1922
BrooksMack born about 1916
BrooksSara born about 1921
BrooksTena Aborn about 1888
BrooksWilliam born about 1918
BrownAllice Louborn about 1938
BrownHerbert born about 1936
BrownJettie born about 1883
BrownLonnie born about 1893
BrownRussell Tborn about 1915
BrownSallie born about 1919
BrownThomas Jr born about 1939
BrownTimothy born about 1903
BrownTom born about 1919
BrownViola born about 1914
BrownW Lborn about 1883
BuckhartLewis born about 1905
BurnettBen born about 1884
BurnettCleondia born about 1932
BurnettCora born about 1881
BurnettIrene born about 1916
BurnettWilliam born about 1904
ByrdAlice born about 1899
ByrdDonald born about 1929
ByrdGrady born about 1896
ByrdJane born about 1937
ByrdJaunita born about 1926
ByrdLeila born about 1906
ByrdRobert born about 1924
ByrdWilliam Rborn about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampAllen born about 1934
CampIna born about 1930
CampJ Bborn about 1883
CampLola born about 1900
CarterAnnie born about 1895
CarterBilly born about 1934
CarterBruce born about 1938
CarterDean born about 1917
CarterDora born about 1918
CarterDorsey born about 1917
CarterEffie born about 1884
CarterGerald born about 1935
CarterGuy born about 1909
CarterHomer born about 1888
CarterJ Wborn about 1909
CarterJames born about 1915
CarterJohn Marcerborn about 1934
CarterJulia Annborn about 1932
CarterLellian born about 1921
CarterLouise born about 1918
CarterLuna Leeborn about 1878
CarterMary Francesborn about 1912
CarterMary Janeborn about 1871
CarterMaudie Leeborn about 1911
CarterMercer born about 1910
CarterMinnie Leeborn about 1929
CarterR Bborn about 1885
CarterRea born about 1887
CarterRobert Leonardborn about 1936
CarterSadie Bellborn about 1925
CarterSanders born about 1926
CarterVerner born about 1900
CarterW Wborn about 1875
ChaneyInez Cborn about 1905
ChaneyW Rborn about 1923
ClayEly Abethborn about 1922
ClayEva Uborn about 1888
ClayJessie born about 1924
ClayMargie born about 1922
ClayW Aborn about 1885
CleggMyrt born about 1884
ColquettEdmon born about 1881
ColquettSadie born about 1892
ColquittAnnie Leeborn about 1939
ColquittBertha Leeborn about 1940
ColquittEliga born about 1918
ColquittLee Ruthborn about 1937
ColquittLewis born about 1919
ColquittMartha born about 1920
ColquittRosia Leeborn about 1917
ComptonDorothy born about 1921
ComptonEula born about 1895
ComptonJames Davidborn about 1940
ComptonJohn Jborn about 1888
ComptonMary born about 1913
ComptonOrrin born about 1917
ConnerDonald born about 1930
ConnerDoyle born about 1930
ConnerPearl born about 1913
ConnerW Lborn about 1893
ConnonLouise born about 1920
ConnonOra Mborn about 1892
ConnonPaul born about 1886
ConnonWilliam born about 1923
CookEula born about 1921
CookLois born about 1926
CorterAlbert born about 1925
CorterGinnie Maeborn about 1894
CorterLewis born about 1922
CorterOdessa born about 1923
CorterW Rborn about 1881
CriswellEarley born about 1915
CriswellEueal born about 1926
CriswellJack born about 1922
CriswellL Cborn about 1887
CriswellLeila born about 1906
CriswellLewis born about 1933
CriswellMary born about 1918
CriswellMary Allieborn about 1937
CrutchfieldAnderson born about 1913
CrutchfieldBobby Davidborn about 1937
CrutchfieldEarnest born about 1939
CrutchfieldHenry born about 1881
CrutchfieldIrene born about 1926
CrutchfieldJessie Leeborn about 1923
CrutchfieldJim born about 1908
CrutchfieldJocie born about 1928
CrutchfieldLizzie Nellborn about 1913
CrutchfieldRobert Leeborn about 1923
CrutchfieldSallie born about 1886
CrutchfieldWilliam born about 1921
CurlisCornelia born about 1877
CurlisJames Nelsonborn about 1932
CurlisNelson born about 1873
CurlisViola born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisWalter born about 1922
DevineIrene born about 1919
DevineJohn born about 1904
DevineMaggie born about 1895
DialArvie Jborn about 1893
DialE Hborn about 1889
DialJanie born about 1856
DialJoe born about 1924
DialLeila born about 1882
DialLula born about 1867
DialMiller born about 1929
DialNancy born about 1878
DialSara born about 1893
DialSara Elizabethborn about 1921
DukesLillie Maeborn about 1922
DuncanE Vborn about 1893
DuncanFrank born about 1908
DuncanInez born about 1923
DuncanM Bborn about 1909
DuncanMary Aliceborn about 1939
DuncanMary Eborn about 1866
DuncanSara born about 1871
DurdenAlex born about 1895
DurdenAnnie Louborn about 1918
DurdenBobby born about 1932
DurdenCharles born about 1928
DurdenCharlette born about 1926
DurdenEdson born about 1935
DurdenEmory born about 1923
DurdenEthel born about 1930
DurdenEugene born about 1933
DurdenFreddie born about 1935
DurdenGeorge born about 1939
DurdenHarold born about 1923
DurdenHelen born about 1931
DurdenHoward born about 1937
DurdenJ Mborn about 1865
DurdenJoe born about 1937
DurdenLaverne born about 1929
DurdenLouise born about 1925
DurdenM Gborn about 1892
DurdenMacquill born about 1934
DurdenMarie born about 1899
DurdenMartha born about 1869
DurdenMattie born about 1871
DurdenMattie born about 1896
DurdenMattie Bellborn about 1897
DurdenMorris born about 1926
DurdenOphelia born about 1929
DurdenPauline born about 1929
DurdenRidgeway born about 1916
DurdenRochel born about 1922
DurdenVivian born about 1933
DurdenW Cborn about 1902
DurdenW C Jrborn about 1925
DurdenW Lborn about 1868

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E Surnames

EastBerthaleen born about 1922
EastDoris born about 1929
EastDoyle born about 1935
EastMagelle born about 1901
EastMary born about 1924
EastP Jborn about 1898
EastSanders born about 1932
EcholsAnnie Ruthborn about 1940
EcholsBeatrice born about 1918
EcholsC Lborn about 1880
EcholsChristine born about 1932
EcholsEmma born about 1879
EcholsGarnell born about 1928
EcholsGeorge born about 1936
EcholsGladys born about 1934
EcholsJames Floydborn about 1937
EcholsJessie Maeborn about 1930
EcholsMontene born about 1938
EcholsOliv born about 1908
EcholsOllie Maeborn about 1911
EcholsWilliam born about 1931
EcholsWillie Leeborn about 1935
EdigerdeW Rborn about 1869
EdmonsonCarlton born about 1939
EdmonsonEddie born about 1928
EdmonsonHulon born about 1931
EdmonsonJ Wborn about 1925
EdmonsonJulies born about 1935
EdmonsonJunior born about 1935
EdmonsonTommie Dborn about 1905
EdmonsonWillie born about 1905
EdsonEttie Pearlborn about 1906
EdsonJ Eborn about 1891
EdsonRobert Shirleyborn about 1933
EdwardsCllie born about 1898
EdwardsFrances born about 1931
EllisArthur born about 1896
EllisBessie born about 1919
EllisFloyd born about 1923
EllisHarvey born about 1887
EllisHarvie Jr born about 1926
EllisHenry born about 1926
EllisJ Bborn about 1918
EllisJ Cborn about 1918
EllisMargie born about 1898
EllisMinnie born about 1901
EllisWesley born about 1928
EllisonMary Lborn about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FillingimAnnie Lewisborn about 1912
FillingimJanie Louborn about 1935
FillingimLewis born about 1939
FillingimRoy born about 1914
FillingimThelma born about 1932
FillingimWilliam born about 1937
FloydJohnie born about 1919
FloydViola born about 1904
ForresterBerta born about 1884
ForresterEdwin born about 1913
ForresterFred born about 1910
ForresterGennie born about 1863
ForresterGerold born about 1939
ForresterJulia born about 1915
ForresterRube Rborn about 1882
FreemanDaisy Mborn about 1920
FreemanHenry born about 1938
FreemanRebecca born about 1886

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G Surnames

GeigerGerald born about 1929
GeigerHenry born about 1885
GeigerHilda born about 1918
GeigerHomer born about 1914
GeigerLeone born about 1933
GeigerMary born about 1923
GeigerMyrtie born about 1888
GilesElmer born about 1934
GilesElvin born about 1936
GilesErastus born about 1927
GilesEula Maeborn about 1921
GilesGeneva born about 1939
GilesGeorgia born about 1878
GilesGerline born about 1925
GilesHerschel born about 1929
GilesMarian born about 1925
GilesOttis Cborn about 1938
GilesRoeberta born about 1903
GilesRosie Leeborn about 1931
GilesSam born about 1898
GilesSam Jr born about 1940
GlennRobert born about 1924
GowerAlice Maeborn about 1919
GowerAllice born about 1892
GowerFrances born about 1923
GowerR Lborn about 1890
GreenAbbie born about 1875
GreenBetty born about 1931
GreenBilly born about 1933
GreenBonnie born about 1937
GreenClifford born about 1911
GreenDaniel born about 1871
GreenDavid born about 1901
GreenDoras born about 1938
GreenDorothy born about 1928
GreenElizabeth born about 1871
GreenErastus born about 1930
GreenEvie Louborn about 1912
GreenFloyd born about 1935
GreenGladis born about 1913
GreenGladys born about 1911
GreenJ Aborn about 1862
GreenJ Bborn about 1913
GreenJohn Bborn about 1933
GreenJohnie born about 1893
GreenKathreen born about 1929
GreenLarry born about 1921
GreenLuther born about 1919
GreenMaudie Leeborn about 1932
GreenStella born about 1902
GriffrithAndrew born about 1938
GriffrithGrace born about 1923
GriffrithLeon born about 1918

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H Surnames

HalcombAdell born about 1924
HalcombArleen born about 1926
HalcombCilla born about 1899
HalcombCine born about 1922
HalcombEmma born about 1927
HalcombEthel Moeborn about 1934
HalcombEugene born about 1938
HalcombLottie born about 1929
HalcombLoucile born about 1932
HalcombShirley Ruthborn about 1936
HalcombWyley born about 1873
HallAlvin born about 1907
HallAnnie born about 1927
HallBetty Joeborn about 1933
HallBobie Leeborn about 1938
HallDeevey born about 1925
HallDelia born about 1888
HallDeneice born about 1930
HallFrances born about 1931
HallGeorge born about 1907
HallHelyer born about 1929
HallHoyt born about 1933
HallLeona born about 1905
HallMelvin born about 1919
HallMemphis born about 1927
HallNedia Jeanborn about 1939
HallNorris born about 1936
HallObera born about 1911
HallR Cborn about 1886
HallThomas Mborn about 1937
HamiltonDelphia born about 1889
HamiltonEugene born about 1915
HamiltonEvelyn born about 1920
HamiltonMago born about 1881
HannahL Mborn about 1881
HannahRose born about 1887
HannahSara born about 1920
HardwickBessie Leeborn about 1934
HardwickGloria Maeborn about 1936
HardwickJ Cborn about
HardwickLane born about 1914
HardwickMaggie born about 1918
HardwickMary Joborn about 1937
HarperHerman born about 1935
HarperRoss born about 1889
HarperSallie born about 1895
HaulkJohn born about 1868
HaulkJohn Jr born about 1922
HaulkMinnie born about 1869
HaulkPirkle born about 1898
HawkAnnie Loisborn about 1932
HawkEstellle born about 1903
HawkEvelyn born about 1929
HawkFloyd born about 1922
HawkGus born about 1884
HawkHarris born about 1919
HawkHelen born about 1926
HawkHorace born about 1927
HawkJ Cborn about 1905
HawkJacqulin born about 1939
HawkLeevernon born about 1938
HawkLewis born about 1871
HawkLouise born about 1909
HawkLouise born about 1934
HawkLoyd born about 1922
HawkLyda born about 1886
HawkMildred born about 1925
HawkRuby Nellborn about 1922
HeadAnna born about 1901
HeadBarbria born about 1930
HeadBetty Annborn about 1934
HeadHillyer born about 1928
HeadLewis born about 1892
HeadLewis Jr born about 1926
HeadLouise born about 1912
HeadLouise born about 1919
HeadR Hborn about 1907
HeadSara Margreteborn about 1932
HendersonAnnie Louborn about 1906
HendersonDairy born about 1906
HendersonDavid Jr born about 1929
HendersonIrene born about 1927
HendersonMary Celborn about 1934
HendersonRobert Leeborn about 1932
HendrixEla Maeborn about 1911
HendrixGlenn born about 1939
HendrixGrady born about 1916
HendrixHarold Deanborn about 1937
HendrixLynn born about 1939
HendrixObera born about 1915
HensleyBilly Jeanborn about 1938
HensleyJessie born about 1900
HensleyRichard born about 1932
HensleyRuby born about 1900
HentonAllene born about 1922
HentonCora born about 1896
HentonDonnie born about 1934
HentonPennie Pborn about 1906
HentonRuby Dellborn about 1920
HentonSallie born about 1863
HentonW Aborn about 1896
HentonWillie Leeborn about 1939
HesterCharlie born about 1895
HillLouise born about 1932
HowardEddie born about 1916
HudsonClara born about 1903
HudsonR Pborn about 1892
HudsonReba Maeborn about 1924
HudsonThurman born about 1921
HutsonLenda born about 1937
HutsonLewis born about 1908
HutsonLouise born about 1910

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J Surnames

JacksonAlbert born about 1883
JacksonAlbert Jr born about 1923
JacksonAndrew born about 1920
JacksonHelen born about 1927
JacksonManaie born about 1889
JaynesR Mborn about 1876
JaynesSallie born about 1879
JohnsonBenjaman born about 1877
JohnsonCandice born about 1896
JohnsonCecil born about 1924
JohnsonChristanna born about 1874
JohnsonClaudie Leeborn about 1932
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1923
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1928
JohnsonGeorge born about 1911
JohnsonGerald born about 1931
JohnsonH Bborn about 1899
JohnsonH Cborn about 1901
JohnsonH Lborn about 1910
JohnsonHerschel Jr born about 1935
JohnsonHoyt born about 1935
JohnsonIna born about 1909
JohnsonJ Cborn about 1917
JohnsonJack born about 1928
JohnsonJoe born about 1934
JohnsonJohn Bborn about 1895
JohnsonLafayette born about 1937
JohnsonLillie born about 1894
JohnsonLucy born about 1916
JohnsonMamie born about 1904
JohnsonMartha Annborn about 1940
JohnsonMatildia born about 1920
JohnsonRunell born about 1923
JohnsonRuth born about 1918
JohnsonShirley born about 1938
JohnsonStenson born about 1939
JohnsonTrenton born about 1926
JohnsonVelma born about 1898
JohnsonVera born about 1920
JohnsonWilliam born about 1864
JonesCorlee born about 1930
JonesCorzee born about 1930
JonesFrank born about 1924
JonesJane born about 1914
JonesLuther born about 1929
JonesMyrna born about 1938
JonesMyrtle born about 1911
JonesTommie born about 1933
JonesTroy Leeborn about 1938
JonesWill born about 1910

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K Surnames

KenneyPercy born about 1910
KimbrellAdell born about 1905
KimbrellBlondene born about 1929
KimbrellClifford born about 1938
KimbrellDamarias born about 1928
KimbrellHoward born about 1907
KimbrellJ Bborn about 1928
KimbrellMartha born about 1923
KimbrellNonia born about 1905
KimbrellR Bborn about 1883
KimbrellRichard born about 1927
KimbrellSadie born about 1936
KimbrellVivian born about 1933
KnightAda born about 1882
KnightBessie born about 1910
KnightClarence born about 1910
KnightEugene born about 1939
KnightLula born about 1891
KnightSam born about 1887
KnightSammie born about 1936
KnightTerry born about 1931
KnightTom born about 1890

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L Surnames

LackeyClaude born about 1905
LackeyWade born about 1927
LackeyWillie born about 1926
LackyThomas Rborn about
LenchElizabeth born about 1863

M Surnames

MalcolmBelle born about 1915
MalcolmCarl born about 1909
MalcolmCharles Fborn about 1882
MalcolmEdward born about 1923
MalcolmFrances born about 1933
MalcolmHazel born about 1929
MalcolmJacqulin born about 1937
MalcolmJames born about 1925
MalcolmLeske born about 1939
MalcolmLouis born about 1886
MannAnnie Robieborn about 1914
MannHenry Wborn about 1914
MannJ Lborn about 1881
MannWilbera born about 1937
ManningsRuth born about 1915
MaskClara Leeborn about 1931
MaskErnest born about 1906
MaskErnest Edwardborn about 1936
MaskSadie Maeborn about 1905
MateEugene born about 1928
MateHazel born about 1930
MateJeweleen born about 1937
MateKathreen born about 1935
MateOla born about 1911
MateWill born about 1906
MayBessie born about 1924
MayCharles Aborn about 1898
MayCharlie Jr born about 1935
MayEffie born about 1899
MayLoucile born about 1926
MayMary born about 1923
MayRosie Leeborn about 1922
MccullersLeila born about 1922
MccullersPeggy born about 1939
McelhanmonFelton born about 1929
McelhanmonFrank born about 1922
McelhanmonHoward born about 1932
McelhanmonJ Hborn about 1898
McelhanmonJames born about 1927
McelhanmonOla born about 1900
McelroyLora born about 1884
McelroyRobinson Cborn about 1880
McgiboneyGuy born about 1902
McgiboneyGuy Jr born about 1933
McgiboneyMargaret born about 1935
McgiboneySara Geanborn about 1928
McgiboneyViola born about 1905
MckisickAgnes born about 1925
MckisickBetty Sueborn about 1932
MckisickBobby born about 1935
MckisickErastus born about 1923
MckisickJ Gborn about 1894
MckisickJohnie born about 1928
MckisickMildred born about 1927
MckisickSusie born about 1892
McwatersAdell born about 1938
McwatersAnnie Loisborn about 1927
McwatersBetty born about 1932
McwatersCharles born about 1929
McwatersEstell born about 1901
McwatersLouise born about 1934
McwatersOla Leeborn about 1925
McwatersR Aborn about 1911
McwatersRalph born about 1922
MiddibrooksA Rborn about 1935
MiddibrooksCharles born about 1894
MiddibrooksElma born about 1900
MiddibrooksJack born about 1924
MiddibrooksMattie born about 1927
MiddibrooksRuby born about 1930
MitchamAngie born about 1865
MitchamGrace born about 1899
MitchamWalter born about 1885
MitchellAllan born about 1936
MitchellLouise born about 1905
MitchellMircam born about 1930
MitchellR Fborn about 1899
MobleyBilly Jackborn about 1935
MobleyBoby Jeanborn about 1935
MobleyDoris born about 1927
MobleyEtta Mborn about 1892
MobleyFlaudie born about 1920
MobleyGirtrude born about 1924
MobleyJo Mborn about 1919
MobleyJorie Jr born about 1917
MobleyLillie born about 1900
MobleyM Hborn about 1894
MobleyOrie born about 1882
MobleySara Nellborn about 1930
MoonAdell born about 1920
MoonAlbert born about 1917
MoonAlma Jeanborn about 1936
MoonAnnie Pearlborn about 1923
MoonC Tborn about 1939
MoonCybil born about 1939
MoonLeona born about 1920
MoonPilling born about 1919
MoonR Sborn about 1939
MoonRobert Cborn about 1928
MoonSamuel Deadborn about 1936
MoonTroy born about 1920
MoonVestus born about 1902
MooreAlbert born about 1935
MooreD Fborn about 1908
MooreHazel born about 1929
MooreNeomia born about 1929
MooreOdean born about 1931
MooreOssie Bellborn about 1909
MooreThomas born about 1927
MooreWilliam born about 1924
MorrisLouise born about 1925
MorrisLuster Lborn about 1918
MortinEra Maeborn about 1931
MortinHelda born about 1938
MortinJ Mborn about 1897
MortinLois Deanborn about 1926
MortinRegenia born about 1936
MortinStella born about 1909
MortonLavada born about 1938

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N Surnames

NunallyBruno born about 1889
NunallyElizabeth born about 1926
NunallyElla born about 1890
NunallyHarris born about 1922
NunallyMargarite born about 1920

O Surnames

OkellyA Pborn about 1911
OkellyBarbara born about 1938
OkellyLannie born about 1910
OkillyRoy born about 1921

P Surnames

PaceElmer born about 1928
PaceRichard born about 1875
PaceSallie born about 1889
PalmerAuburn born about 1895
PalmerBetty born about 1933
PalmerBobby born about 1933
PalmerEthel born about 1903
PalmerFloyd born about 1911
PalmerJames born about 1930
PalmerJeneva born about 1914
PalmerJohnie born about 1940
PalmerLuther born about 1903
PalmerMamie born about 1904
PalmerMaybel born about 1936
PalmerOrrin born about 1930
PalmerThomas born about 1935
PartainAlbert born about 1917
PartainAlice born about 1876
PartainFloyd born about 1872
PartainMary Annborn about 1938
PartainMary Lborn about 1917
PaytonLola Maeborn about 1927
PearsonIdella born about 1886
PerkinsElizabeth born about 1912
PerkinsJohn born about 1920
PerryA W Jrborn about 1919
PerryArthur born about 1894
PerryBilly born about 1928
PerryBobby born about 1926
PerryHarry born about 1921
PerryLouise born about 1924
PerryLula born about 1896
PerryMildred born about 1931
PetersMamie born about 1889
PhilipsBessie Maeborn about 1930
PhilipsBonnie Kateborn about 1925
PhilipsHorace born about 1923
PhilipsHosia born about 1932
PhilipsJohn Henryborn about 1936
PhilipsJohnie born about 1920
PhilipsOgene born about 1938
PhilipsRoscoe born about 1934
PhilipsSarant Bborn about 1935
PhilipsSylvanous born about 1901
PhilipsSylvanous Jr born about 1928
PhilipsViola born about 1903
PickrillSara born about 1869
PittmanAlfred born about 1933
PittmanAlice Maeborn about 1929
PittmanAlma Geneborn about 1931
PittmanBeatrece born about 1937
PittmanBernice born about 1921
PittmanBertha born about 1923
PittmanBessie born about 1903
PittmanBetty born about 1932
PittmanClyde born about 1938
PittmanCurtis born about 1905
PittmanDavid Sborn about 1925
PittmanDonald born about 1935
PittmanGrace born about 1929
PittmanGrover born about 1926
PittmanJames born about 1929
PittmanJames born about 1930
PittmanLeon born about 1903
PittmanLloyde born about 1932
PittmanMary Leeborn about 1927
PittmanMattie Leneborn about 1903
PittmanMildred born about 1934
PittmanOla born about 1922
PittmanPaul born about 1924
PittmanPirkle born about 1934
PittmanRoy Leeborn about 1919
PittmanW Aborn about 1938
PittmanW Fborn about 1894
PittmanWillie Maeborn about 1909
PorterLouise born about 1921
PorterPhelix born about 1916
PrattBessie Maeborn about 1915
PrattClaudie Maeborn about 1918
PrattEaster born about 1937
PrattGeorge born about 1911
PrattGeorge Wborn about 1936
PrattHenry born about 1874
PrattJ Bborn about 1916
PrattJanet born about 1934
PrattLarry Joeborn about 1940
PreastJess born about 1873
PreastSallie born about 1875
PruettBlanche born about 1906
PruettC Jborn about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RallinsGeorg born about 1861
RameyAnnie Dorisborn about 1933
RameyBertha Leeborn about 1922
RameyC Dborn about 1920
RameyG Pborn about 1898
RameyHomer born about 1917
RameyOdean born about 1931
RameyRuby Ffrancisborn about 1936
RameyRunnie born about 1909
RameySara Francesborn about 1901
RayB Dborn about 1897
RayBilly born about 1933
RayClark born about 1928
RayDollie born about 1938
RayEssie born about 1888
RayEthleen born about 1930
RayHulon born about 1926
RayRobert Cborn about 1885
RayWillie born about 1897
ReedElzora born about 1921
ReedJim born about 1918
ReedJunior born about 1919
ReedRichard Jr born about
ReedSeabe born about 1885
ReynoldsAnnetta born about 1907
ReynoldsDorothy born about 1939
ReynoldsRoy Duglasborn about 1933
ReynoldsRoy Rborn about 1906
RigginsEthleen born about 1922
RigginsEugene born about 1919
RigginsGeneva born about 1920
RigginsHarrie born about 1921
RigginsHurrie Cborn about 1939
RigginsJohnie born about 1915
RileyEsther born about 1880
RileyGevian born about 1919
RileyGrace born about 1916
RileyIda born about 1893
RileyJames born about 1923
RileyMore born about 1874
RileyW Lborn about 1886
RutledgeAlice born about 1882
RutledgeGordon born about 1911
RutledgeKinmon born about 1913
RutledgeLouise born about 1919
RutledgeNettie born about 1919
RutledgeTomie born about 1909
RutledgeWalter born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SammonsE Rborn about 1927
SammonsLizzie born about 1866
SammonsRamie born about 1904
SammonsSara Elizabethborn about 1929
SharpCora born about 1929
ShellmonAllice born about 1912
ShellmonFannie born about 1873
ShellmonJohnie born about 1916
ShelnuttAllene born about 1922
ShelnuttBobby Bugeneborn about 1932
ShelnuttBunnie Vborn about 1873
ShelnuttCaroline born about 1938
ShelnuttCecil born about 1928
ShelnuttClara born about 1908
ShelnuttE Hborn about 1900
ShelnuttEmily Joyceborn about 1938
ShelnuttGloria born about 1934
ShelnuttHattie born about 1879
ShelnuttHorris born about 1920
ShelnuttHortense born about 1928
ShelnuttHoward born about 1924
ShelnuttKinneth born about 1936
ShelnuttLewis Lamarborn about 1930
ShelnuttM Mborn about 1908
ShelnuttMagie Louborn about 1902
ShelnuttMarvin Jr born about 1932
ShelnuttVendesta born about 1930
ShumateAleene born about 1890
ShumateB Cborn about 1888
ShumateHelen born about 1934
ShumateJ Lborn about 1932
ShumateLoucile born about 1924
ShumateMarjorie born about 1928
ShumateMildred born about 1926
SilveyJunior born about 1927
SimsEllen born about 1930
SimsErnest born about 1920
SimsJ Wborn about 1890
SimsNancy born about 1893
SimsRalph born about 1928
SimsRuth born about 1928
SkeltonB Bborn about 1896
SkeltonCarrie born about 1908
SkeltonDelnard born about 1908
SkeltonDuglas born about 1925
SkeltonEarley born about 1936
SkeltonFranklin Bborn about 1934
SkeltonGladis born about 1920
SkeltonHazil born about 1927
SkeltonHerman born about 1932
SkeltonJ Aborn about 1874
SkeltonJulia born about 1916
SkeltonM Lborn about 1907
SkeltonMargaret born about 1928
SkeltonSylverter born about 1930
SkeltonTay born about 1939
SkeltonTilda Gborn about 1862
SkeltonWinfred born about 1930
SkinnerBobby Royborn about 1937
SkinnerEmmett born about 1915
SkinnerOssie born about 1920
SmithA Gborn about 1878
SmithAgnes born about 1924
SmithAnna born about 1935
SmithDida born about 1888
SmithEffie born about 1905
SmithElizabeth born about 1932
SmithEllen born about 1929
SmithGerald born about 1923
SmithHenry born about 1874
SmithIva born about 1926
SmithJ Wborn about 1910
SmithJames born about 1938
SmithJames Cborn about
SmithJane born about 1870
SmithJessie born about 1865
SmithJohn born about 1931
SmithJohn Henryborn about 1924
SmithJohn Sborn about 1879
SmithKatherine born about 1915
SmithM Lborn about 1918
SmithMattie Maeborn about 1935
SmithMennie born about 1884
SmithMilton born about 1913
SmithNannie born about 1868
SmithOla born about 1881
SmithPaul Fborn about 1883
SmithRosie born about 1921
SmithSallie born about 1875
SmithSamuel born about 1894
SorrellArnesteen born about 1934
SorrellCybil born about 1930
SpearClarence born about 1940
SpearJ Cborn about 1935
SpearRlesh born about 1905
SpearRosia born about 1913
SpearSara Elizabethborn about 1930
SpiarGeorge born about 1925
StanfordAnn born about 1917
StanfordWalter born about 1916
StarksAaron born about 1916
StarksAlex born about 1878
StarksAnnie Bellborn about 1911
StarksAnnie Reeborn about 1931
StarksJoe born about 1923
StarksJoel born about 1923
StarksLe Roy born about 1925
StarksLizzie Maeborn about 1915
StarksMagnolia born about 1920
StarksMargaret born about 1884
StarksRobert born about 1920
StarksWillie born about 1905
StarksWillie Ruthborn about 1935
StoneAnnie Loisborn about 1920
StoneDorthy Sueborn about 1930
StoneEffie born about 1899
StoneG Cborn about 1890
StoneG Rborn about
StoneMary Nellborn about 1929
StoneWilliam born about 1899
StowEarnest Cborn about 1929
StowEula Maeborn about 1926
StowH Leeborn about 1904
StowLillian Vborn about 1906
StoweAlbert Jr born about 1929
StoweBen born about 1913
StoweEvelyn Louiseborn about 1933
StoweIda Mborn about 1901
StoweRachel born about 1926
StoweRobert Aborn about 1936
StoweSara Ellenborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorJoe born about 1878
ThomasAnnie Loiesborn about 1937
ThomasEverlenia born about 1913
ThomasGuckene born about 1935
ThomasJanette born about 1939
ThomasJohn Gilbertborn about 1934
ThomasWillie born about 1909
ThompsonBessie Ruthborn about 1927
ThompsonBrookin born about 1901
ThompsonCharles born about 1885
ThompsonChristeen born about 1916
ThompsonClyde born about 1910
ThompsonDavid born about 1933
ThompsonFannie Maeborn about 1914
ThompsonGrady born about 1889
ThompsonGus born about 1883
ThompsonHouston born about 1925
ThompsonIda born about 1875
ThompsonJeff born about 1923
ThompsonJune born about 1892
ThompsonLavoda born about 1922
ThompsonLewis born about 1913
ThompsonLou born about 1884
ThompsonMarcus born about 1915
ThompsonMartha born about 1924
ThompsonMyrtle born about 1928
ThompsonRelma born about 1902
ThompsonRenthia born about 1892
ThompsonThelma born about 1930
ThompsonWillie born about 1886
ThompsonWillie born about 1920
TitshawCarl born about 1907
TitshawCharles born about 1934
TitshawEula Bellborn about 1909
TitshawLouis born about 1936
TownleyDorothy born about 1934
TownleyErnest born about 1910
TownleyRora born about 1915
TreemanClefford born about 1924
TreemanJames born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerAnna Rertborn about 1929
WammackSadie born about 1927
WarleyCarol born about 1932
WarleyMargie born about 1930
WarleyMary born about 1907
WarleyMelba born about 1929
WarleyMillard born about 1936
WarleyMyrtice born about 1925
WatersBessie born about 1906
WatersCecil born about 1929
WatersEla born about 1910
WatersErnest born about 1906
WatersFloyd born about 1938
WatersFranklin born about 1936
WatersJ Lborn about 1881
WatersJ Rborn about 1902
WatersJennie born about 1891
WatersLe Roy born about 1930
WatersLizzie Bellborn about 1934
WatersMary Elizabethborn about 1939
WatersRuth born about 1922
WeathersEsther born about 1913
WeathersLoyd born about 1939
WeathersTillman born about 1935
WeathersTom born about 1902
WhitleyDoris born about 1925
WhitleyJ Mborn about 1881
WhitleyLissie born about 1892
WhitleyRobert born about 1923
WilliamsBertha born about 1903
WilliamsJohnie born about 1908
WoodClara born about 1884
WoodD Aborn about 1884
WoodGall born about 1937
WoodJacquelin born about 1930
WoodRennah born about 1910
WoodW Dborn about 1908
WoodruffMae born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanceyEthan Eborn about 1913
YanceyLoucile born about 1915
YoungCarol born about 1933
YoungClimie born about 1922
YoungEdward Lborn about 1938
YoungElla born about 1888
YoungHarriett born about 1939
YoungJ Cborn about 1909
YoungJ C Srborn about 1887
YoungMargarette born about 1920
YoungMorris born about 1931
YoungNellie Maeborn about 1913
YoungOscar born about 1915
YoungWildon born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZinnamonChes born about 1903

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