1940 U.S. Federal Census of Brook, Walton, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Walton County > 1940 Census of Brook

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AllenHerbert born about 1915
AllenSybol born about 1920
AndersonArthur born about 1908
AndersonDean Youngborn about 1885
AndersonDean Young Jrborn about 1921
AndersonFletcher born about 1873
AndersonHazel born about 1927
AndersonOlevia born about 1912
AndersonPrick born about 1891
AndersonSara Jeanborn about 1930

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B Surnames

BaileyAudrey born about 1917
BaileyHarold born about 1910
BaileyHarrison born about 1938
BaileyHenry born about 1884
BaileyMary born about 1891
BartonEarl born about 1936
BartonEula Bellborn about 1905
BartonHarold born about 1934
BartonIrene born about 1930
BartonOscar born about 1904
BartonPatsy born about 1940
BartonShirley born about 1938
BartonWillie born about 1932
BatchelorBettie born about 1939
BatchelorHoyt born about 1914
BatchelorOlen born about 1934
BatchelorWillene born about 1937
BatchelorWillie Maeborn about 1916
BereMinnie born about 1904
BereRob born about 1900
BlanchettJames Claydeborn about 1885
BlanchettTexanna born about 1887
BlasingameCharity born about 1857
BoyceAnnie born about 1897
BoyceCara born about 1934
BoyceE Wborn about 1920
BoyceGeraldine born about 1927
BoyceGrady born about 1909
BoyceGrady Jr born about 1934
BoyceJohn born about 1875
BoyceJohnnie born about 1929
BoyceLelia born about 1931
BoyceMozelle born about 1911
BoyceNancy Emmaborn about 1921
BoyceOssie born about 1909
BoyceThelma born about 1929
BoyceWillie Leeborn about 1927
BoyceWillie Robertborn about 1917
BradleyAbe Leeborn about 1933
BradleyAlvin born about 1911
BradleyGaynelle born about 1931
BradleyGeraldine born about 1935
BradleyJean born about 1940
BradleyMozella born about 1913
BradshawAdell born about 1925
BrayArmindie born about 1868
BrayErnest born about 1894
BrayHazel born about 1925
BrayKatie born about 1887
BrayRobert born about 1929
BrayWillie Joeborn about 1933
BreedloveEleanor born about 1875
BreedloveElmer born about 1911
BreedloveEva Maeborn about 1913
BreedloveHerman born about 1919
BreedloveLee Royborn about 1934
BrooksLee born about 1882
BrooksLillie born about 1886
BroughtonEloise born about 1939
BroughtonJulius born about 1921
BroughtonVera Bellborn about 1923
BrowningLille Bellborn about 1937
BrowningLillian born about 1939
BrowningR Tborn about 1916
BrowningStella Wborn about 1918
BurdettAnnis born about 1925
BurdettBobbie Loisborn about 1935
BurdettCora Florenceborn about 1917
BurdettDorothy born about 1930
BurdettEtheleene born about 1895
BurdettJohnnie born about 1920
BurdettLaura Maeborn about 1924
BurdettNathan born about 1922
BurdettNu Millieborn about 1923
BurdettSam born about 1885
ButlerHoyt born about 1915
ByrdBettie born about 1930
ByrdBillie born about 1934
ByrdBobbie born about 1928
ByrdClaud born about 1908
ByrdDorothy born about 1923
ByrdJohnsie born about 1908
ByrdLevie born about 1867
ByrdLizzie Reaborn about 1918
ByrdLula born about 1882
ByrdMell born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarltonCharlie born about 1904
CarltonEllene born about 1912
CarltonWillie Guyborn about 1932
CarrCotensil born about 1939
CarrEthel Doraborn about 1935
CarterAnnie Maudeborn about 1929
CarterAugusta born about 1916
CarterCherrie Nellborn about 1936
CarterClarence born about 1903
CarterDaisey born about 1915
CarterEstelle born about 1908
CarterHenry born about 1919
CarterLouise born about 1934
CarterMattie born about 1939
CarterOscar born about 1915
CarterRobert born about 1910
CarterRobert Juniorborn about 1935
CarterSanders Oscarborn about 1937
CarterThelma born about 1926
CarterTheo born about 1909
CarterWillie Joeborn about 1932
CatlinEssie born about 1919
CatlinJack born about 1917
ChurchAndrew born about 1920
ChurchBettie Joeborn about 1928
ChurchFlossie born about 1930
ChurchHazel born about 1927
ChurchMary born about 1922
ChurchRoosevelt born about 1925
CollinsColumbus born about 1918
CollinsLizzie Maeborn about 1921
ConnerCarrie born about 1892
ConnerClaude born about 1887
ConnerElse born about 1925
ConnerEugene born about 1936
ConnerHelen born about 1921
ConnerLois born about 1931
ConnerMyrtice born about 1934
ConnerRince born about 1919
CookDorothy born about 1919
CookFloyd born about 1917
CookHerbert born about 1929
CookJimmie born about 1895
CookJohn born about 1926
CookLey born about 1873
CookMary born about 1902
CooperAngie born about 1929
CooperArnelia born about 1889
CooperBennie Howardborn about 1939
CooperBess born about 1897
CooperCharlie born about 1932
CooperClaude born about 1920
CooperEugene born about 1924
CooperFlay Bellborn about 1925
CooperFlossie born about 1899
CooperGeorge Berryborn about 1930
CooperJessie born about 1899
CooperJohn born about 1927
CooperL H Jrborn about 1933
CooperLorenze born about 1923
CooperLuther Hborn about 1895
CooperMandie born about 1861
CooperMarie born about 1929
CooperMaude Dellborn about 1916
CooperRay born about 1918
CooperRobert Lewisborn about 1936
CooperRube born about 1888
CooperSidney born about 1936
CopelandBennie Lewisborn about 1934
CopelandHarry born about 1903
CopelandJulia Florenceborn about 1931
CopelandLarry Geneborn about 1937
CopelandMary born about 1908
CotnerWilliam born about 1872
CriswellEstelle born about 1911

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D Surnames

DanielButter Maeborn about 1913
DanielJune born about 1908
DavisLuther born about 1915
DavisStella born about 1922
DialMelisse born about 1859
DialMyra born about 1883
DuncanAgnes born about 1925
DuncanCalvin born about 1908
DuncanDixie born about 1932
DuncanDorey born about 1923
DuncanEtta born about 1903
DuncanGary born about 1936
DuncanHelen born about 1934
DuncanMildred born about 1930
DuncanOla born about 1888
DuncanSyboe born about 1927
DuncanTrammel born about 1921
DuncanZeb born about 1876
DurdenDatey born about 1932
DurdenDavid born about 1930
DurdenEthel born about 1904
DurdenJames Gborn about 1896
DurdenJames Henryborn about 1928

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E Surnames

EtchersonElla Maeborn about 1931
EtchersonOzella born about 1909
EtchersonSylvanius born about 1907

F Surnames

FullerPauline born about 1914
FullerTommie Leeborn about 1917

G Surnames

GilesAnnie Maggieborn about 1938
GilesAnnie Rachaelborn about 1918
GilesEula Maeborn about 1919
GilesG Wborn about 1919
GilesRoseberry born about 1915
GilesWilliam Roseveltborn about 1939
GlassBell born about 1896
GlassDouglas born about 1921
GlassFrances born about 1922
GlassHerschel born about 1930
GlassHulen born about 1936
GlassRalph born about 1924
GlassRuth born about 1931
GlassScott born about 1893
GlassWillie Maeborn about 1933
GoberAlonzo born about 1930
GoberMary Aliceborn about 1932
GoberRuby born about 1912
GoberSam born about 1912
GoberWillie Maeborn about 1908
GordenFred born about 1932
GordonJessie Deanborn about 1912
GordonJohn Richardborn about 1906
GordonMary Aliceborn about 1931
GreenTour born about 1890

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H Surnames

HallCora Leeborn about 1908
HallHurell born about 1938
HallLeon born about 1932
HallMargret born about 1928
HallOlin born about 1910
HallOlin Jr born about 1930
HallRuth born about 1934
HarveyEarlie born about 1885
HarveyInez Elizabethborn about 1905
HarveyJoseph Allenborn about 1921
HarveyJoseph Pintstonborn about 1893
HarveyMattie born about 1861
HarveyWillie Maeborn about 1920
HecterBen born about 1878
HecterLena born about 1890
HoodAyce born about 1894
HoodCliff born about 1895
HoodHubert born about 1931
HoodJohnnie born about 1932
HoodThomas born about 1926
HoodWilliam born about 1924

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J Surnames

JacksonAb born about 1875
JacksonAlbert born about 1915
JacksonAnnette born about 1929
JacksonCap born about 1914
JacksonCornilus born about 1907
JacksonElmire born about 1932
JacksonEmma born about 1935
JacksonErnest Mellborn about 1882
JacksonFlorence Bellborn about 1922
JacksonHelen born about 1928
JacksonHerschel born about 1911
JacksonJames born about 1922
JacksonJeanette born about 1928
JacksonJeattie Maeborn about 1886
JacksonJim born about 1886
JacksonJimmie Ruthborn about 1930
JacksonJoel born about 1913
JacksonKatherine born about 1938
JacksonMary Leeborn about 1919
JacksonMrs Nelia born about 1859
JacksonOscar born about 1883
JacksonOscar Haroldborn about 1917
JacksonPrincella born about 1901
JacksonRuth born about 1909
JacksonRuth born about 1922
JacksonWillie Maeborn about 1890
JohnsonEstelle born about 1917
JohnsonMary born about 1937
JohnsonMattie born about 1876
JohnsonOscar born about 1912
JohnsonRobert Oscarborn about 1935
JonesCordie born about 1912
JonesElmo born about 1913
JonesErastus born about 1918
JonesHelen born about 1929
JonesHettie Maeborn about 1907
JonesJackie born about 1931
JonesMorris born about 1934
JonesNorris Leeborn about 1938
JonesOtis born about 1910
JonesSara born about 1918
JonesWillie Geyborn about 1936

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K Surnames

KimbrallBielie born about 1938
KimbrallHerman born about 1915
KimbrallLouise born about 1918

L Surnames

LockeyFannie born about 1882
LockeyGeorge born about 1882
LocklinCorine born about 1926
LocklinEd born about 1884
LocklinJohn born about 1932
LocklinLois born about 1920
LocklinLuther born about 1929
LocklinMamie Ruthborn about 1923
LocklinMary born about 1895
LocklinRuth Maeborn about 1929
LogginsCarine born about 1919
LogginsDorothy born about 1932
LogginsJames born about 1926
LogginsMontine born about 1924
LogginsNoah Lewisborn about 1896
LogginsVada born about 1894

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M Surnames

MaddoxOtis born about 1912
MalcomAnnie Carryborn about 1924
MalcomBobbie Lewisborn about 1939
MalcomChristine born about 1935
MalcomCurties born about 1914
MalcomDall born about 1889
MalcomEdgar born about 1917
MalcomGladys Bellborn about 1928
MalcomHerman born about 1921
MalcomLorene born about 1937
MalcomLouella born about 1926
MalcomMae Lizzieborn about 1939
MalcomMattie born about 1876
MalcomMccroy born about 1910
MalcomMccroy Jr born about 1937
MalcomOssie born about 1913
MassieJulia born about 1926
McdanielHomer born about 1903
McdanielLouie born about 1904
McguffeyFrances born about 1927
McguffeyJoan born about 1932
McguffeyJohnnie born about 1929
McguffeyRachael born about 1904
McguffeyVinnie born about 1861
McguffeyWalter born about 1901
McguffeyWalter Jr born about 1935
McintoshDavid Iborn about 1875
McintoshEmmett born about 1903
McintoshFannie born about 1908
McintoshJohn born about 1906
McintoshLena born about 1898
McintoshMahlon born about 1935
McintoshMary born about 1881
McintoshNellie Ruthborn about 1920
McintoshSara born about 1916
McintoshSylvia born about 1937
MillsapAda born about 1898
MillsapDorsey born about 1938
MillsapLorenze born about 1932
MillsapLouise born about 1935
MillsapMary born about 1921
MillsapOllie born about 1930
MillsapWill born about 1886

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P Surnames

PerkinsAlton Brooksborn about 1904
PerkinsBettie born about 1934
PerkinsElizabeth born about 1933
PerkinsMary born about 1865
PerkinsNettie Leeborn about 1928
PerkinsThelma born about 1910
PittmanFrances born about 1920
PittmanHorace born about 1917
PittmanMorris born about 1939
PruettOrrie born about 1890

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Q Surnames

QueenEmory Leeborn about 1900
QueenIna born about 1902
QueenIna Claraborn about 1931

R Surnames

ReevesErvin born about 1912
ReidBillie Franklinborn about 1939
ReidFlorie Marieborn about 1921
ReidGeorge born about 1917
RhodesEd born about 1879
RhodesLottie Ruthborn about 1919
RhodesNellie Maeborn about 1916
RhodesRaymond Cliffordborn about 1908
RhodesTiny Beulahborn about 1882
RichardsonBettie born about 1929
RichardsonRuth born about 1907
RobertsLola born about 1897
RoweAlbert born about 1905
RoweBobbie born about 1934
RoweCatherine born about 1939
RoweFannie born about 1895
RoweGeorge Wborn about 1880
RoweHerschel born about 1922
RoweHomer born about 1923
RoweJames Thomasborn about 1929
RoweMattie born about 1897
RoweModina born about 1926
RoweOssie Maeborn about 1915
RowePansy Montineborn about 1935
RowePaul Lewisborn about 1932
RoweVeriley born about 1924
RoweWill born about 1894

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S Surnames

SheatsBertha born about 1899
SheatsBessie Leneborn about 1926
SheatsEloise born about 1915
SheatsEvelyn Louiseborn about 1932
SheatsHomer born about 1888
SheatsHomer Jr born about 1923
ShoreBertie born about 1901
ShoreBeverly born about 1927
ShoreJack born about 1929
ShoreLillie Ruthborn about 1922
ShoreRay born about 1935
ShoreThomas born about 1924
ShoreWillard Cborn about 1899
SimsSusie born about 1872
SmithAlvin born about 1911
SmithAnelia born about 1875
SmithBarbar Annborn about 1936
SmithBessie born about 1905
SmithBessie Maudellborn about 1938
SmithCharles born about 1936
SmithDollie Maeborn about 1938
SmithDorothy born about 1930
SmithElonzo born about 1934
SmithEzelle born about 1916
SmithGeorge Bborn about 1893
SmithGeorge Berryborn about 1920
SmithHarry born about 1905
SmithHoward born about 1925
SmithJ Cborn about 1930
SmithJeanette born about 1938
SmithJim born about 1869
SmithJim Lewisborn about 1929
SmithJulia Maeborn about 1934
SmithLa Vada born about 1909
SmithLuther born about 1899
SmithLuther Jr born about 1928
SmithMaude born about 1902
SmithMaybel born about 1930
SmithR Lborn about 1936
SmithRoosevelt born about 1908
SmithRoosevelt Jr born about 1928
SmithSavannah Bellborn about 1928
SmithSylvanius Sr born about 1931
SmithSylvia born about 1932
SmithWilliam Kirkborn about 1915
SmithWilliam Kirk Jrborn about 1939
SpanceWill born about 1871
SpenceAnnie born about 1908
SpenceErastus born about 1905
SpenceJoe born about 1911
SpenceRobert born about 1903
SpenceSusiane born about 1872
StancilIla Beeborn about 1884
StephensAndrew born about 1915
StephensEdna born about 1921
StephensEmma born about 1876
StephensHester born about 1873
StephensIla born about 1908
StephensJohn Tborn about 1875
StephensLizzie Maeborn about 1889
StephensMell born about 1916
StephensOlen born about 1921
StillEdgar born about 1883
StillHarold born about 1919
StillMae Tildiaborn about 1882
StillThomas born about 1921
StoweEffie born about 1915
StoweRaymond born about 1933
SummersonAnnie born about 1887
SummersonJohn born about 1870

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T Surnames

TaylorBillie born about 1937
TaylorBunyan born about 1909
TaylorCharles born about 1929
TaylorEleanor born about 1932
TaylorElnora born about 1910
ThompsonDella born about 1888
ThompsonEffie Lee Noraborn about 1931
ThompsonElise born about 1936
ThompsonEmma born about 1870
ThompsonFrances Louiseborn about 1893
ThompsonHerbert born about 1928
ThompsonJames Willieborn about 1897
ThompsonPaschael born about 1931
ThompsonPreston born about 1886
ThompsonPreston Jr born about 1926
ThompsonRalph Russellborn about 1920
ThompsonWillie Francesborn about 1925
TuggleAnnie Maeborn about 1922
TuggleChester born about 1917
TuggleMary Nellborn about 1939

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W Surnames

WatersDorothy born about 1934
WatersSara born about 1905
WatersWeyman born about 1901
WatersWilliam born about 1924
WitcherAlbert Joeborn about 1939
WitcherBessie Loucleborn about 1928
WitcherGrady Colemanborn about 1926
WitcherHomer born about 1929
WitcherMaggie born about 1907
WitcherR Alvaborn about 1903
WitcherWilliam Nealborn about 1924

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Y Surnames

YanceyElsie born about 1917
YanceyLamar born about 1939
YanceyLinnis born about 1915
YanceyThomas born about 1937
YoungEdwin born about 1925
YoungElizabeth born about 1933
YoungJack Haroldborn about 1936
YoungJeff Haroldborn about 1914
YoungJerry Cooperborn about 1935
YoungJoice Arenborn about 1936
YoungMary Eulaborn about 1905
YoungMetz born about 1902
YoungMorris born about 1927
YoungNancy Carolinaborn about 1938
YoungPettie Nellborn about 1844
YoungSara Avnetteborn about 1913

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