1940 U.S. Federal Census of Brosstown, Union, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Union County > 1940 Census of Brosstown

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BarryAllie born about 1913
BarryHazel born about 1930
BarryLorine born about 1940
BarryMildred born about 1937
BarryRuth born about 1931
BarryWillie Eborn about 1906
BenellAddie Wborn about 1893
BenellFred Aborn about 1892
BenellJack born about 1931
BenellLeon born about 1924
BenellLorain born about 1920
BradleyAnnie Maeborn about 1913
BradleyNewman Rborn about 1910
BradleyWilliam Cborn about 1939
BrittainRebecca born about 1873
BryantBonnie born about 1889
BrysonJack born about 1939
BrysonLency Cborn about 1915
BrysonLyle born about 1936
BrysonR L Jrborn about 1931
BrysonRoscoe born about 1911
BrysonSlyvan born about 1933
BurnsAllen born about 1898
BurnsC Dborn about 1924
BurnsEdna born about 1903
BurnsEulamay born about 1921
BurnsVernon born about 1929

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C Surnames

CallinsCecie born about 1929
CallinsClarence born about 1938
CallinsClinton born about 1933
CallinsEdwin Cborn about 1908
CallinsLois born about 1908
CannardBertha born about 1892
CannardGeorge born about 1927
CannardGeorge Washingtonborn about 1860
CannardMary born about 1924
CannardTommie born about 1929
CollinsAlley born about 1886
CollinsAnn Mborn about 1885
CollinsCarl born about 1913

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D Surnames

DeaverBertha Eborn about 1905
DeaverHomer Eborn about 1897
DeaverOrpheus Eborn about 1930

E Surnames

EdwardsAddie born about 1866
EdwardsCharles born about 1907
EdwardsDannie Maeborn about 1934
EdwardsEthel born about 1918
EdwardsJim born about 1905
EdwardsJim born about 1913

F Surnames

FranksAud born about 1925
FranksCharlie born about 1896
FranksHorace born about 1928
FranksKate born about 1908
FranksL Dborn about 1935
FranksLay born about 1917
FranksLouise born about 1919
FranksO Cborn about 1930
FranksOttis born about 1924
FranksUna born about 1932
FranksWillia Maeborn about 1922

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H Surnames

HensonLay born about 1925
HensonMary Leeborn about 1902
HensonPaul born about 1932
HensonRuby born about 1936
HensonW Aborn about 1927
HoodBuddy born about 1939
HoodDorthy born about 1938
HoodEssie born about 1918
HoodHomer Lborn about 1913
HoodTiny Dborn about 1935
HowellBobby Jborn about 1938
HowellEarl Mborn about 1928
HowellFloyd Lborn about 1926
HowellJack Jborn about 1930
HowellLenard Cborn about 1893
HowellMaline Eborn about 1923
HowellMollie Mborn about 1896
HowellOpal Fborn about 1933
HullanderAbe born about 1922
HullanderAlex Wborn about 1888
HullanderAlfred born about 1919
HullanderAnnie Eborn about 1880
HullanderJohn Wborn about 1881
HullanderManda born about 1881

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J Surnames

JonesAlex Cborn about 1888
JonesCarrol Mborn about 1913
JonesDorthy born about 1934
JonesEthel Lborn about 1910
JonesFay born about 1938
JonesGarnett Wborn about 1913
JonesGeorgie Mborn about 1916
JonesInez born about 1931
JonesJames born about 1932
JonesJohn Hoytborn about 1908
JonesLorine born about 1939
JonesNancy born about 1888
JonesWilliam Dborn about 1909
JonesWilliam Dborn about 1933
JonesWilma born about 1936

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K Surnames

KeithBilly born about 1939
KingClifford born about 1909

M Surnames

McclureBufaso born about 1934
McclureMae born about 1904
McclureT Hborn about 1892
MilesGlen born about 1920
MilesJohn Walterborn about 1885
MilesLewis born about 1917
MilesMary Louborn about 1886

N Surnames

NelsonAlice born about 1891
NelsonAnn born about 1847
NelsonBass born about 1927
NelsonHazel born about 1930
NelsonLee Rborn about 1884
NelsonRoland born about 1923
NelsonWill born about 1921
NixCole born about 1910
NixEma Eborn about 1895
NixHarold born about 1939
NixImogen born about 1939
NixIra Maeborn about 1931
NixJessie born about 1912
NixLonda born about 1934
NixMinnie born about 1915
NixNina Kborn about 1929
NixOttis born about 1912
NixPaul Jborn about 1904
NixShelby Rborn about 1925

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P Surnames

PayneBobbie Rborn about 1927
PlattAdas born about 1924
PlattAlok born about 1925
PlattAscro Dborn about 1870
PlattBunil born about 1915
PlattDavid born about 1920
PlattElizabeth born about 1853
PlattEllen born about 1876
PlattElmer Dborn about 1893
PlattElvie born about 1896
PlattFlora Lborn about 1905
PlattFloyd born about 1922
PlattFred born about 1933
PlattGrady born about 1905
PlattHarve Cborn about 1894
PlattLawrence born about 1920
PlattLester born about 1928
PlattMax born about 1932
PlattTommie Wborn about 1905
PlattViola born about 1905
PlattWillie Tborn about 1937
PraterMack Cborn about 1883
PraterMertie Lborn about 1884
PraterRickie born about 1859
PraterUla Maeborn about 1921

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R Surnames

RabunEliza born about 1895
RabunJessie Leeborn about 1926
RabunLucile born about 1919
RabunMinnie Ruthborn about 1923
RandalsAllie Lborn about 1866
RandalsJ Eborn about 1865
ReedAddie born about 1900
ReedBuren born about 1915
ReedCleo born about 1924
ReedEnna born about 1906
ReedJulia Aborn about 1872
ReedLuther born about 1910
ReedMary Louborn about 1912
ReedMary Ruthborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SautherDane Cborn about 1883
SautherJessie Bborn about 1876
ScruggsBell born about 1887
ScruggsFred born about 1886
ScruggsKathleen born about 1906
SmithCasey born about 1930
SmithCaspar born about 1925
SmithCasper Aborn about 1893
SmithFlora Aborn about 1891
SmithLeella born about 1916
SmithLester Tborn about 1911
SmithNeal born about 1938
SmithNettie Maryborn about 1927
SmithVirginia born about 1932
SmithWilma born about 1940

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T Surnames

ThomasAla born about 1917
ThomasAnnie born about 1940
ThomasArnold born about 1938
ThomasBarmell born about 1931
ThomasBarney born about 1933
ThomasBessie born about 1914
ThomasBoyd born about 1905
ThomasCecil born about 1935
ThomasDora born about 1905
ThomasEasias born about 1900
ThomasElsie born about 1898
ThomasEveline born about 1925
ThomasGeneva born about 1935
ThomasIva Leeborn about 1929
ThomasJerry born about 1934
ThomasJimmie Ruthborn about 1936
ThomasJoe born about 1916
ThomasJoe Jr born about 1938
ThomasLois born about 1918
ThomasMelvin born about 1938
ThomasNorman born about 1918
ThomasPaul Lborn about 1891
ThomasPaul Jr born about 1919
ThomasPete Jborn about 1914
ThomasRaymond born about 1938
ThomasRuby born about 1920
ThomasRyle born about 1916
ThomasSammy born about 1937
ThomasSarah born about 1938
ThomasTanzley born about 1922
ThomasTommie born about 1918
ThomasVonie born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WoodringArnold Wborn about 1895
WoodringPauline born about 1901

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