1940 U.S. Federal Census of Buckeye in Laurens County, Laurens, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Laurens County > 1940 Census of Buckeye in Laurens County

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsLee born about 1933
AdamsLizzie born about 1890
AdamsRosa Leeborn about 1920
AdamsRuby Dellborn about 1937
AdamsWillie Fborn about 1939
AddisonEllene born about 1895
AddisonKatherine born about 1923
AlligoodDelmar born about 1931
AlligoodMaude born about 1913
AlligoodVance born about 1909
AndersonLucy born about 1866
ArlineAnnie born about 1928
ArlineJohn Lborn about 1926
ArlineLester born about 1898
ArlineLillie born about 1901
ArlineLucille born about 1934
ArlineMabel born about 1931
ArlineTaft born about 1935
ArlineWillie Eborn about 1924
ArlineZattie born about 1939
ArlmeLuther Aborn about 1920
AshleyHenrietta born about 1897
AshleyLetha born about 1918
AshleyOrrie born about 1870
AshleyWill born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BarberCarlton born about 1928
BarberCarter born about 1924
BarberMeldon born about 1901
BarberNora born about 1905
BarlowAnnie born about 1916
BarlowAnnie Leeborn about 1933
BarlowCurtis born about 1939
BarlowEnnie Beeborn about 1939
BarlowEuly born about 1913
BarlowEuly Lborn about 1917
BarlowEvelyn born about 1938
BarlowGeraldine born about 1937
BarlowHelen born about 1922
BarlowLem born about 1907
BarlowNamon born about 1935
BarlowVey born about 1937
BellIsaac born about 1885
BellRosa born about 1928
BellT Cborn about 1930
BlackshearAlfred born about 1907
BlackshearAlzona born about 1927
BlackshearHoward born about 1875
BlackshearIvy Lowborn about 1934
BlackshearL Hborn about 1938
BlackshearNed born about 1875
BlackshearPearl born about 1880
BlackshearSallie born about 1913
BlackshearVanelle born about 1939
BraddyAdelaide born about 1894
BraddyAdelaide born about 1933
BraddyJames born about 1916
BraddyRobert Eborn about 1893
BrantleyBhaby born about 1939
BrantleyHorace born about 1927
BrazelCharlie born about 1890
BrazelDovie born about 1904
BrazelEugene born about 1923
BrazieAlonzo born about 1889
BrettJanet born about 1937
BrettMary Sueborn about 1938
BrettOra Leeborn about 1918
BrettTom born about 1911
BrookinsFlora born about 1918
BrookinsKing born about 1926
BrookinsMay Lborn about 1926
BrookinsOscar born about 1879
BrookinsRebecca born about 1891
BrookinsTom born about 1908
BrownAda born about 1893
BrownAnnie Claudeborn about 1926
BrownArlie born about 1933
BrownBetsey born about 1870
BrownC Jborn about 1910
BrownCaswell born about 1877
BrownCharles born about 1935
BrownCharley born about 1896
BrownCharley Jr born about 1935
BrownClifford born about 1930
BrownDrunell born about 1926
BrownElizabeth born about 1915
BrownEloise born about 1928
BrownEugene born about 1938
BrownFrances born about 1932
BrownGene born about 1913
BrownGertrude born about 1901
BrownHerger born about 1927
BrownInez born about 1906
BrownJames Dborn about 1872
BrownJosie born about 1930
BrownKathleen born about 1930
BrownLula born about 1887
BrownMannie born about 1898
BrownMary born about 1924
BrownMary Francesborn about 1939
BrownMelo born about 1924
BrownOwen born about 1904
BrownPautome born about 1911
BrownReba born about 1929
BrownRoger born about 1936
BrownRussel born about 1934
BrownSusie born about 1870
BrownVaeda born about 1939
BrownW Lborn about 1933
BrownW Mborn about 1932
BrownWillie born about 1885
ButlerIda born about 1890

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C Surnames

CarterDealtha born about 1905
CarterEvelyn born about 1909
CarterLewis born about 1880
CarterMollie born about 1888
CarterTeshia born about 1872
CarterWesley born about 1907
ChambersAnnie Maeborn about 1939
ChambersKatie Maeborn about 1930
ChambersMattie born about 1907
ChambersWillie born about 1907
ChillersGaynor born about 1891
ChillersMinnie born about 1922
ChillersUlysses born about 1927
ChillersUree born about 1929
ChillusE Cborn about 1918
ClarkDonnie born about 1921
CoatesBobbie born about 1930
CoatesChristine born about 1933
CoatesJunior born about 1928
CoatesRuth born about 1932
CoatsMaggie born about 1881
ColemanAlbert born about 1872
ColemanCharles born about 1879
ColemanClarence born about 1925
ColemanClaudie born about 1921
ColemanDaisy born about 1896
ColemanEddie born about 1936
ColemanEva born about 1915
ColemanGene born about 1934
ColemanJames born about 1922
ColemanJulia Belleborn about 1903
ColemanLee born about 1939
ColemanLenora born about 1926
ColemanMary born about 1890
ColemanMiller born about 1885
ColemanRobert born about 1891
ColemanRosa Leeborn about 1902
ColemanWalter born about 1898
ColemanWillie born about 1929
ColeyClinton born about 1939
ColeyDavid born about 1934
ColeyEddie born about 1924
ColeyFelton born about 1922
ColeyIke born about 1917
ColeyJ Aborn about 1927
ColeyJake born about 1891
ColeyJessie born about 1923
ColeyLessie born about 1916
ColeyMckinley born about 1937
ColeyPearl born about 1893
ColeyPearl born about 1926
ColeySanford born about 1931
ConeyA Wborn about 1925
ConeyB Cborn about 1889
ConeyBessie Louborn about 1930
ConeyElla Feerborn about 1889
ConeyEva born about 1902
ConeyGeorge born about 1926
ConeyJoseph born about 1932
ConeyLee born about 1910
ConeyWillie Mackborn about 1936
CoreyAnnie born about 1927
CoreyEmma born about 1913
CoreyIda born about 1906
CoreyLucile born about 1930
CoreyMarshal born about 1904
CoreyWillie born about 1925
CorneliusClaxton born about 1927
CorneliusHorace born about 1930
CorneliusMattie born about 1936
CorneliusWillie born about 1912
CovingtonHorace born about 1893
CovingtonLillie Maeborn about 1895
CovingtonLillie Pearlborn about 1927
CovingtonMarilyn born about 1930
CovingtonSonny born about 1932
CoxAnnie Leeborn about 1923
CoxIsadore born about 1895
CoxJanet born about 1931
CoxMaltie born about 1885
CoxMilt born about 1882
CoxPauline born about 1898
CoxPearl born about 1928
CoxwellDena born about 1882
CoxwellJune born about 1927
CoxwellPaul born about 1923
CulbenRebecca born about 1912
CullensCarolyn born about 1939
CullensFleda born about 1879
CullensGeorge born about 1876
CullensGladys born about 1882
CullensGrace born about 1917
CullensJo Anborn about 1937
CullensMillard born about 1903
CullensNathan born about 1875
CummingsBessie born about 1940
CuylerBeatrice born about 1930
CuylerCrecie born about 1929
CuylerEvlyes born about 1936
CuylerHardy born about 1933
CuylerIson born about 1925
CuylerMorris born about 1934
CuylerRuth born about 1939
CuylerSam born about 1927
CuylerVesta born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanielBertha Leeborn about 1928
DavisBessie born about 1900
DavisJames born about 1890
DavisMary born about 1899
DavisRichard born about 1934
DavisRosa Leeborn about 1918
DawkinsAnnie born about 1926
DawkinsChassie born about 1907
DawkinsCorrow born about 1930
DawkinsDelmar born about 1927
DawkinsJack born about 1929
DawkinsJames born about 1922
DawkinsJim born about 1887
DawkinsRoy born about 1926
DeesAdelle born about 1914
DeesM Cborn about 1909
DodsonOlive born about 1857
DolemanEd born about 1891
DolemanFlora Leeborn about 1938
DolemanJulia born about 1901
DolemanRuby Leeborn about 1938
DolemanTrudie born about 1940
DomenyAlma born about 1923
DomenyAlva born about 1885
DomenyE Aborn about 1884
DomenyJames Lborn about 1921
DomenyRobert born about 1928
DominyAllan born about 1937
DominyBrigham born about 1909
DominyGwendolyn born about 1931
DominyMary born about 1909
DorasaiAnnie Maudeborn about 1923
DorasaiBessie born about 1920
DorasaiCherry born about 1927
DorasaiDaisy born about 1922
DorasaiDella born about 1884
DorasaiElvonia born about 1931
DorasaiMattie born about 1912
DorasaiTom born about 1880
DorasaiTuner born about 1913
DorasaiWillie Leeborn about 1929
DownsMaggie born about 1912
DownsRichard born about 1912
DownsRichard Jr born about 1936
DupreeErnest born about 1913
DupreeEstella born about 1897
DupreeEva Maeborn about 1938
DupreeGeneva born about 1912
DupreeLamar born about 1920
DupreeOsie Leeborn about 1922
DupreeSidney born about 1895

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E Surnames

EagleLeray born about 1916
EagleLuonie born about 1912
EagleMamie born about 1924
EagleMavis born about 1939
EdwardJames born about 1937
EvansCharles born about 1876
EvansCurtis born about 1915
EvansMattie born about 1876
EvansPauline born about 1915
EvansReha Maeborn about 1939
EvansSudella born about 1934
EvansViola born about 1915

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F Surnames

FleandersWillie Dborn about 1925
FordCarol born about 1870
FordHelen born about 1928
FordJoe born about 1895
FranklinAllina born about 1935
FranklinCharley born about 1939
FranklinChristine born about 1914
FranklinDoolina born about 1934
FranklinJudge born about 1878
FranklinMary born about 1877
FranksJoe born about 1914
FranksJohn Bborn about 1869
FranksLillie born about 1880
FranksLuther born about 1918
FranksWillie born about 1916

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G Surnames

GahamGeorgia born about 1886
GahamHarold born about 1928
GahamNellie born about 1926
GahamOliver born about 1889
GahamRoy born about 1922
GlennCharles born about 1939
GlennKate born about 1886
GlennRay born about 1935
GlennRoy born about 1909
GordanBernice born about 1940
GraceRachel born about 1868
GreenA Wborn about 1925
GreenA Wborn about 1926
GreenBetsy born about 1881
GreenCecil born about 1919
GreenJasper born about 1881
GreenMaggie born about 1916
GreeneCarlton born about 1922
GreensCharley born about 1887
GreensMamie Sborn about 1894
GunderBeatrice born about 1937
GunderDavid born about 1934
GunderDorothy born about 1913
GunderGeorge born about 1902
GunderLovester born about 1939
GunderRobert born about 1931
GunderRose born about 1937
GuytonChryston born about 1923
GuytonElizah born about 1880
GuytonElla Rborn about 1922
GuytonHeke born about 1874
GuytonMaloney born about 1934
GuytonMarie born about 1926
GuytonRobbie Clydeborn about 1933
GuytonRosa born about 1882
GuytonThomas born about 1893
GuyutonHattie born about 1885
GuyutonRobbie Cborn about 1931

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H Surnames

HamptonBetty born about 1936
HamptonJennie born about 1939
HamptonReba born about 1909
HamptonRobert Lborn about 1905
HamptonRobert Jr born about 1937
HardawayCarl born about 1919
HardawayLois born about 1922
HardawayRobert Lborn about 1882
HarrisClarie born about 1929
HarrisLiza born about 1902
HarrisLucile born about 1905
HaynesClesla born about 1929
HaynesEugene born about 1937
HaynesEulysees born about 1925
HaynesFannie born about 1890
HaynesFeton born about 1934
HaynesJ Wborn about 1908
HaynesMary Nborn about 1929
HaynesMattie born about 1912
HaynesWillie Pearlborn about 1930
HendersonArnailer born about 1900
HendrixLizzie Belleborn about 1914
HendrixWilliams Marionborn about 1940
HenryEffie born about 1918
HenryJoe born about 1913
HenryJoseph Leeborn about 1939
HenryLeonard born about 1918
HicksThomas Mborn about 1878
HillsonBeulah born about 1881
HillsonSeabom born about 1882
HinesAnnie born about 1914
HinesAnnie Louborn about 1924
HinesArthur born about 1932
HinesBrown born about 1926
HinesGeorge born about 1907
HinesGeorge born about 1933
HinesGladys born about 1937
HinesJunior born about 1929
HinesLizzie born about 1885
HinesLoss born about 1880
HinesMary Lizzieborn about 1928
HinesMattie Leeborn about 1935
HinesMoses born about 1940
HinesRobert born about 1921
HinesSara born about 1922
HinesWillie Leeborn about 1926
HinesWillie Leeborn about 1931
HodgeJoe born about 1929
HodgesCharles born about 1908
HodgesMamie born about 1910
HolderChristine born about 1928
HolderDorothy born about 1939
HolderEunice born about 1907
HolderEvelyn born about 1933
HolderH L Dborn about 1900
HolderHerbert born about 1925
HolderJoyce born about 1935
HolderMary Wilborn about 1930
HolderVirginia born about 1937
HomFrankie born about 1934
HomHerman born about 1933
HomOdessa born about 1905
HornEmma born about 1890
HornEmmett born about 1872
HowlerGreen born about 1872
HowlerHuston born about 1927
HowlerSara born about 1886
HughesMilton Miltonborn about 1938
HughesWillie Mborn about 1920
HuntAnnie born about 1934
HuntLula Bborn about 1930
HuntRobert born about 1932
HurstAnna born about 1878
HurstAnnie born about 1905
HurstEmory born about 1896
HurstLily born about 1922
HurstLorene born about 1924

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J Surnames

JacksonElmira Bborn about 1874
JacksonIra born about 1860
JacksonSavannah born about 1875
JamesAnnie born about 1906
JamesEloise born about 1926
JamesMatthew born about 1935
JamesOscar born about 1901
JamesOstella born about 1939
JamesWill Leeborn about 1931
JohnsonBillie born about 1938
JohnsonBritt born about 1900
JohnsonCarolyn born about 1936
JohnsonCharles born about 1926
JohnsonClaxton born about 1929
JohnsonDavie born about 1933
JohnsonMamie born about 1903
JohnsonMarvin born about 1899
JohnsonMattie Maeborn about 1908
JordanBessie born about 1924
JordanCarrie born about 1922
JordanCharles Cborn about 1878
JordanClarence born about 1928
JordanJames born about 1922
JordanKatie Maeborn about 1940
JordanMildred born about 1927
JordanNettie born about 1898
JordanOtis born about 1932
JordanSam born about 1936
JordanW L Budborn about 1890

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K Surnames

KellamAsephers born about 1928
KellamGolden born about 1925
KellamGrealheart born about 1936
KellamMianie born about 1926
KellamOdessa Leeborn about 1932
KellamVerna born about 1938
KellamWillie Dellborn about 1930
KellumSophie born about 1864
KellumW Cborn about 1920
KnightAda born about 1890
KnightBennie born about 1936
KnightBertha born about 1924
KnightEddie Leeborn about 1935
KnightFrances born about 1938
KnightGeorge born about 1916
KnightLillie Bellborn about 1902
KnightMorris born about 1880
KruseyCharles born about 1903
KruseyCharles born about 1932
KruseyEva born about 1906
KruseyHellelie born about 1927
KruseyJames born about 1939
KruseyOllia Mayborn about 1930
KruseyWade born about 1923
KyserBraddock born about 1922
KyserCleo born about 1913
KyserCyremher born about 1902
KyserEllene born about 1936
KyserEstene born about 1921
KyserFrances born about 1930
KyserFreddie born about 1936
KyserMccoy born about 1912
KyserMonroe born about 1915
KyserPaul Rayborn about 1920
KyserRobert born about 1925
KyserRobert Hborn about 1876
KyserViola born about 1888

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L Surnames

LakeAnna born about 1937
LakeHelen born about 1916
LakeW Eborn about 1913
LarmusDoris born about 1938
LarmusJohnny born about 1919
LarmusJohnny Jr born about 1939
LarmusLavonia born about 1921
LatimoreBessie born about 1921
LatimoreE Lborn about 1914
LatimoreLeonard born about 1884
LatimoreLeonard Jr born about 1924
LatimoreRosa born about 1918
LatimoreRosamay born about 1939
LawvorAnnie Louborn about 1890
LawvorTommy born about 1875
LaylorCleola born about 1917
LentonTilda born about 1877
LewisAdolph born about 1905
LewisAlbert born about 1939
LewisAsa born about 1926
LewisBuddy born about 1918
LewisCora Leeborn about 1906
LewisCorrie born about 1934
LewisDenia born about 1890
LewisElla born about 1885
LewisEthel Mborn about 1921
LewisEzekiel born about 1912
LewisGladys born about 1937
LewisIdelia born about 1912
LewisIsabell born about 1892
LewisJoann born about 1940
LewisLessie born about 1917
LewisMason born about 1924
LewisRobert born about 1915
LewisRule Leeborn about 1912
LewisSam born about 1890
LewisW Bborn about 1929
LewisWallace born about 1903
LimmonsLou born about 1880
LinderBeulah born about 1922
LinderJenobie born about 1914
LinderMargaret Jasborn about 1928
LinderTommie Leeborn about 1919
LongMinnie Minnieborn about 1889
LordEdna born about 1920
LordEloise born about 1926
LordHattie born about 1891
LordHelen born about 1936
LordJ Wborn about 1924
LordJames born about 1934
LordL Cborn about 1925
LordLouis born about 1890
LordMac born about 1931
LordOtis born about 1918
LordRosa Leeborn about 1919
LordWill born about 1932

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M Surnames

MaddoxBen born about 1885
MaddoxBen born about 1938
MaddoxEarl born about 1933
MaddoxEula born about 1922
MaddoxEunice born about 1915
MaddoxHubie born about 1915
MaddoxLizzie born about 1891
MaddoxLois born about 1921
MaddoxMary Fborn about 1935
MaddoxMary Lborn about 1920
MaddoxMildred born about 1936
MaddoxThomas born about 1940
MansonAnnie Ruthborn about 1936
MansonBobbie born about 1938
MansonClifton born about 1917
MansonClifton Jr born about 1934
MansonOllie Belleborn about 1918
MarmonCurtis born about 1915
MarmonOra born about 1916
MarmonTrelaine born about 1939
MartinAdenus born about 1936
MartinCleo born about 1900
MartinDurzle born about 1925
MartinEffie born about 1881
MartinFrance born about 1893
MartinGracie Cborn about 1868
MartinJohn born about 1886
MartinJoseph born about 1917
MartinLetha born about 1911
MartinLoretta born about 1932
MartinLouise born about 1927
MartinLula born about 1921
MartinMary born about 1928
MartinMatthew born about 1925
MartinNoah born about 1921
MartinPaul born about 1893
MartinSallie Maeborn about 1923
MartinSolomon born about 1918
MartinWilliam born about 1878
MasonBessie born about 1917
MathisHerbert born about 1928
MathisLois born about 1922
MathisLouis born about 1926
MathisLuke born about 1882
MathisVera born about 1897
MausonA Jborn about 1917
MausonAlfred born about 1882
MausonEstelle born about 1892
MausonHomer born about 1908
MausonIdella born about 1925
MausonJames born about 1925
MausonRobert born about 1928
MazelBertha Dborn about 1900
MazelGeneva born about 1919
McafeeJohn born about 1870
McafeeMary born about 1909
McafeeSallie born about 1879
McstephensRebecca born about 1922
McstephensWillie born about 1920
McwaltersWillie Wiborn about 1930
MeeksBen Hillborn about 1911
MeeksDaisy born about 1938
MeeksDave born about 1874
MeeksEmma Lborn about 1910
MeeksEtta born about 1936
MeeksGeorgia born about 1921
MeeksJunior born about 1939
MeeksLula born about 1881
MeeksMargaret born about 1930
MeeksRuben Jborn about 1900
MeeksRubie Leeborn about 1928
MercerCarrie Leeborn about 1880
MesbieWillie born about 1880
MillerBillie born about 1940
MillerDoyle born about 1936
MillerIrie born about 1901
MillerMarilyn born about 1930
MillerRuby born about 1911
MillerRuth born about 1933
MillerToy born about 1938
MillerVirginia born about 1931
MillesCharlie born about 1862
MillesVectoria born about 1875
MinceyC Wborn about 1934
MinceyDella born about 1902
MinceyElretha born about 1925
MinceyLouella born about 1922
MinceyNadine born about 1936
MinceySnookum born about 1929
MinceyWansey born about 1918
MorganBetty Frankborn about 1934
MorganBobbie Jeanborn about 1938
MorganCecil born about 1919
MorganClara born about 1922
MorganDeryl born about 1932
MorganDorelta born about 1907
MorganFrank born about 1904
MorganJack born about 1930
MorganJames born about 1878
MorganLaxton born about 1926
MorganMoeella born about 1919
MorganRay born about 1914
MorganRuby born about 1919
MorganSiel born about 1910
MorganWaeclo born about 1939
MunfordClyde born about 1906
MunfordEssie Bborn about 1909
MunfordFlorence born about 1928
MunfordMary Lborn about 1927
MunfordWillie Jamesborn about 1930
MurphyBeulah born about 1930
MurphyCelesta born about 1939
MurphyGertrude born about 1910
MurphyHerman born about 1909
MurphyHerman Jr born about 1932
MurphyOrlando born about 1928
MurphyRuberta born about 1934
MurphySallie Maeborn about 1936

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N Surnames

NealDudley born about 1933
NealFreddie born about 1924
NealMary born about 1921
NealMattie Louborn about 1913
NealToney born about 1887
NelsonClyde born about 1910
NelsonJ born about 1916
NoraAnnie Wborn about 1937
NoraLelia born about 1911
NoraVlysees born about 1913
NoraWillie Mborn about 1935
NorrisEunice born about 1938
NorrisGeneva born about 1908
NorrisJohn Wborn about 1912
NorrisLannie born about 1918
NorrisLatha born about 1915
NorrisLaura born about 1933
NorrisLucien born about 1908

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O Surnames

OnealRobert born about 1924
OnielLuther born about 1931

P Surnames

PalmerAaron born about 1885
PalmerAda born about 1928
PalmerEthel Leeborn about 1921
PalmerMamie born about 1892
PalmerRobert born about 1923
PalmerWillie Lborn about 1925
PanksterAddie Mborn about 1924
PlummerAlberta born about 1911
PlummerAnnette born about 1934
PlummerArdell born about 1905
PlummerArdell Jr born about 1936
PlummerCaesar born about 1905
PlummerCordie Leeborn about 1911
PlummerErnest born about 1907
PlummerErnest Jr born about 1938
PlummerEthel Leeborn about 1928
PlummerHattie Tborn about 1884
PlummerHorace born about 1913
PlummerJ Cborn about 1891
PlummerJack born about 1893
PlummerJames Le born about 1939
PlummerJoe Louisborn about 1938
PlummerJohnnie born about 1904
PlummerJulia Maeborn about 1907
PlummerJulus born about 1922
PlummerLela Maeborn about 1934
PlummerLeola born about 1898
PlummerLovill born about 1915
PlummerMamie Louborn about 1907
PlummerPaul born about 1929
PlummerPerry Leeborn about 1893
PlummerRobbie Leeborn about 1940
PlummerRosa born about 1913
PlummerWeyman born about 1909
PlummerWildred born about 1932
PlummerWilliam born about 1880
PlummerWillie born about 1905
PlummerWillie Jr born about 1927
PlummerZovie born about 1873
PorterBurnice born about 1901
PriceMarcus born about 1924

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R Surnames

RawlsDaisy born about 1884
RawlsDaisy Jr born about 1927
RawlsDenis born about 1909
RawlsJames born about 1922
RobersonJohn born about 1913
RobersonSallie born about 1909
RobisonAddie Oborn about 1890
RobisonJessie born about 1873
RogersWillie born about 1926
RosserA Cborn about 1940
RosserIna Maeborn about 1914
RosserJ Cborn about 1936
RosserRobert born about 1905
RosserW Cborn about 1937

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S Surnames

SalletMollie born about 1883
SaltonWillie Pborn about 1919
SandersEarldene born about 1935
SandersEtta born about 1913
SandersHughes born about 1932
SandersJames born about 1866
SandersLevelle born about 1939
SandersMarilyn born about 1938
ScarboroBill born about 1922
ScarboroFreeman born about 1917
ScottEloise born about 1926
ScottEpsie born about 1898
ScottErnest born about 1929
ScottLeevon Oborn about 1898
ScottLouise born about 1925
ScruggsDavis born about 1894
ScruggsNola born about 1900
SellersCaroline born about 1938
SellersOble born about 1907
SellersRobert born about 1933
SellersRuth born about 1901
ShinholsterLeya born about 1855
SimmonsJohnson born about 1936
SimmonsR Jborn about 1937
SimmonsW Jborn about 1939
SimsBobbie Leeborn about 1866
SimsWillie Leeborn about 1930
SladeA Lborn about 1898
SladeAlice Mayborn about 1926
SladeCharles born about 1917
SladeCharles Jr born about 1937
SladeEddie born about 1932
SladeEthel born about 1917
SladeGussie born about 1900
SladeLilly born about 1933
SladeLouis born about 1924
SladeWilliam born about 1935
SmithBertha Leeborn about 1915
SmithCecie born about 1925
SmithGeorge born about 1923
SmithGrady born about 1914
SmithJ Cborn about 1913
SmithLee born about 1903
SmithLevolta born about 1922
SmithLinton born about 1935
SmithLussie born about 1905
SmithRoberta born about 1938
SmithRoosevelt born about 1934
SmithToby born about 1929
SmithWayman born about 1938
SmithWillie born about 1930
StephenLouis born about 1880
StephensAdquie born about 1928
StephensCora Leeborn about 1921
StephensDessie Leeborn about 1925
StephensElizabeth born about 1936
StephensEmory born about 1911
StephensEthel Maeborn about 1923
StephensJ Wborn about 1918
StephensPredetha born about 1926
StephensRas born about 1896
StephensRas Jr born about 1929
StephensSusie Maeborn about 1901
SummerAnnie Bellborn about 1910
SummerJohn born about 1911
SummerSadie born about 1934

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T Surnames

TaylorAddie Leeborn about 1909
TaylorAlfred born about 1909
TaylorChristine born about 1938
TaylorClifford born about 1934
TaylorClinton born about 1908
TaylorClydie born about 1938
TaylorEnnis born about 1917
TaylorLillian born about 1935
TaylorLobelia born about 1904
TaylorOdessa born about 1913
TaylorOliver born about 1936
TaylorOtis born about 1940
TaylorRosa Maeborn about 1932
TaylorTomie Leeborn about 1930
ThomasBennie Jborn about 1940
ThomasCharlie born about 1918
ThomasFrank born about 1865
ThomasJeanie born about 1885
ThomasLonnie born about 1916
ThomasLonnie Jr born about 1940
ThomasMattie Bellborn about 1922
ThomasMitchell born about 1923
ThomasNancy born about 1918
ThomasRuby born about 1919
TillmanDoretha born about 1923
TuckerAlberta born about 1892
TuckerAnnanias born about 1893
TuckerJulia born about 1880
TuckerWill born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodEldredge born about 1924
UnderwoodJ Rborn about 1888
UnderwoodLouis born about 1922
UnderwoodLouise born about 1922
UnderwoodSallie Mayborn about 1891
UsherGenie born about 1873
UsherRichard born about 1871

W Surnames

WaldenAlbert born about 1886
WaldenGeorgia born about 1901
WalkerAlfred born about 1893
WalkerBernice born about 1910
WalkerBobbie Jeanborn about 1938
WalkerD Jborn about 1867
WalkerDoris born about 1903
WalkerEd born about 1892
WalkerEffie Maeborn about 1918
WalkerEthel Leeborn about 1926
WalkerFlorence born about 1924
WalkerGladys born about 1921
WalkerJa M Edborn about 1918
WalkerJames born about 1904
WalkerJoe born about 1922
WalkerLizzie born about 1898
WalkerLorene born about 1921
WalkerMaggie born about 1898
WalkerMargaret born about 1920
WalkerMelton born about 1923
WalkerNettie Maeborn about 1917
WalkerPearlie Maeborn about 1919
WalkerRay born about 1931
WalkerRobbie Leeborn about 1923
WalkerRobert Earlborn about 1940
WalkerRoger born about 1904
WalkerShirley born about 1904
WalkerSusanna born about 1900
WalkerThomas born about 1929
WalkerTommie born about 1923
WalkerWilliam born about 1931
WalkerWillie born about 1895
WalkerWillie Jamesborn about 1940
WalkerWillie Leeborn about 1919
WallsJulia born about 1865
WalterLucile born about 1907
WaltersJuanita born about 1935
WaltersMary born about 1936
WaltersTeresa born about 1940
WarrenArthur born about 1925
WarrenMatilda born about 1885
WarrenSeaborn born about 1873
WarrenSeaborn Jr born about 1923
WashingtonJerry born about 1865
WatersAda born about 1932
WatersBeatrice born about 1916
WatersBetty born about 1934
WatersDaisy born about 1926
WatersErnest born about 1912
WatersGeorgia born about 1899
WatersH Bborn about 1937
WatersJ Bborn about 1937
WatersJames born about 1905
WatersJoan born about 1937
WatersLizzie born about 1880
WatersLonnie born about 1883
WatersMagnolia born about 1908
WatersMinerva born about 1880
WatersOsa born about 1932
WatersOzilla born about 1928
WatersR Dborn about 1930
WatersWayman born about 1935
WatersWillie born about 1925
WatersWillis born about 1935
WatersZola born about 1924
WatkinsJ Wborn about 1934
WatkinsMary Lborn about 1916
WatkinsMobbie Leeborn about 1916
WatkinsNina Maeborn about 1937
WatkinsSheralyn born about 1939
WellsAlfonia born about 1934
WellsAnnie Leeborn about 1910
WellsBobbie Jeanborn about 1940
WellsCarrie Maeborn about 1936
WellsDalphus born about 1939
WellsDerris born about 1910
WellsFleta born about 1936
WellsFrances born about 1938
WellsHannah born about 1914
WellsIgora born about 1924
WellsIrene born about 1934
WellsJ Dborn about 1928
WellsJames born about 1911
WellsJohn born about 1932
WellsJohn Dborn about 1874
WellsMollie born about 1909
WellsOsa born about 1907
WellsOsa Jr born about 1937
WellsOttie Maeborn about 1930
WellsRuby born about 1913
WellsSula Maeborn about 1936
WellsUmas Leeborn about 1939
WellsWalker born about 1900
WelsonHocella born about 1932
WhighamAnnie Belleborn about 1885
WhighamFrank born about 1868
WhighamLucille born about 1931
WhighamMildred born about 1924
WhitfieldCecil born about 1922
WhitfieldDolly born about 1902
WilcherBertha born about 1918
WilcherC Wborn about 1927
WilcherColonder born about 1936
WilcherColumbus born about 1878
WilcherComelia born about 1931
WilcherElberta born about 1931
WilcherElene born about 1917
WilcherGeorge born about 1926
WilcherLurline born about 1932
WilcherMay Desaborn about 1938
WilcherSidney born about 1910
WilcherWildred born about 1914
WilcherWillie born about 1939
WilcherWillie Kateborn about 1909
WilliamsBertha born about 1844
WilliamsEddie Cborn about 1928
WilliamsElla Maeborn about 1924
WilliamsFrances born about 1919
WilliamsHenry born about 1901
WilliamsJ Bborn about 1930
WilliamsJohn born about 1935
WilliamsLe Moye born about 1926
WilliamsLee Mackborn about 1920
WilliamsMolly born about 1905
WilliamsOdell born about 1921
WilliamsOtha born about 1901
WilliamsVera born about 1922
WilliamsViola born about 1928
WilliamsWillie Maeborn about 1928
WilsonCatherine born about 1934
WilsonDella born about 1896
WilsonGeraldine born about 1932
WilsonJuanita born about 1932
WilsonRoy born about 1934
WimberlyIsabelle born about 1887
WimberlyRiley born about 1886
WinfieldArmos born about 1901
WinfieldLeroy born about 1924
WinfieldLorene born about 1936
WinfieldLouella born about 1929
WinfieldMattie born about 1902
WinfieldOttamus born about 1921
WinnEli born about 1885
WinnJosephine born about 1887
WoodBernice born about 1935
WoodDaisy born about 1930
WoodDee born about 1928
WoodEdward born about 1938
WoodEldred born about 1906
WoodEloise born about 1934
WoodEstelle born about 1933
WoodInelle born about 1935
WoodJames born about 1880
WoodJames Jr born about 1928
WoodLilly Maeborn about 1934
WoodLouise born about 1927
WoodLuca born about 1927
WoodLutrelle born about 1903
WoodMallie born about 1881
WoodMarvin Fborn about 1902
WoodMary born about 1870
WoodPecola born about 1913
WoodRudolphus born about 1931
WoodWillie Jborn about 1939
WrightAdolph Oborn about 1913
WrightArline born about 1935
WrightArthur Leeborn about 1902
WrightCarrie born about 1861
WrightCharlie Jborn about 1930
WrightClara born about 1901
WrightClaxton born about 1921
WrightComelia born about 1928
WrightCornelia born about 1881
WrightDaniel born about 1884
WrightDolfuss born about 1892
WrightDora born about 1929
WrightDora Dborn about 1901
WrightDovie born about 1902
WrightEk born about 1921
WrightGeraldine born about 1934
WrightHattie born about 1927
WrightHattie Maeborn about 1901
WrightHerschel born about 1895
WrightHortence born about 1890
WrightInez born about 1895
WrightInez born about 1933
WrightJames born about 1923
WrightJerry born about 1894
WrightJohn born about 1936
WrightJordan born about 1891
WrightJulia Leeborn about 1933
WrightKatie born about 1868
WrightLaura born about 1866
WrightLawrence born about 1914
WrightLezbeth born about 1923
WrightLillie born about 1939
WrightLillie Maeborn about 1938
WrightLilliek Maeborn about 1898
WrightLilly born about 1895
WrightLucy born about 1881
WrightLula Belleborn about 1911
WrightMamie Louborn about 1929
WrightMary born about 1890
WrightMary Louborn about 1917
WrightMary Wborn about 1936
WrightMattie born about 1890
WrightMattie born about 1934
WrightMay born about 1928
WrightMoyelle born about 1910
WrightNancy born about 1924
WrightOra born about 1924
WrightPatsy born about 1880
WrightR Wborn about 1921
WrightReta Mayborn about 1924
WrightRiley born about 1931
WrightRobert born about 1904
WrightRobert Leeborn about 1927
WrightRoger born about 1931
WrightRosa born about 1930
WrightRose Budborn about 1929
WrightRuby born about 1922
WrightSam born about 1891
WrightSam born about 1936
WrightSammy born about 1892
WrightSamuel born about 1917
WrightSarah born about 1937
WrightSidney born about 1922
WrightSylvester born about 1927
WrightThelma born about 1930
WrightTony born about 1870
WrightTressie born about 1926
WrightVera born about 1917
WrightVilonia born about 1925
WrightWilliam born about 1890
WrightWilliam born about 1918
WrightWillie born about 1912
WrightWillie Bellborn about 1928
WrightZora born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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