1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bunconlie, Walton, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Walton County > 1940 Census of Bunconlie

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllgoodFrances Eborn about 1913
AllgoodJoe Maxborn about 1931
AllgoodJohn Nborn about
AllgoodJosiah born about 1909
AlmonTomas born about 1872
AlmondAnnie Louiseborn about 1936
AlmondCharles born about 1920
AlmondCurtice born about 1926
AlmondEliyaher born about 1911
AlmondMyrtice born about 1924
AlmondPearlis born about 1907
AlmondSusie born about 1862
ArlineCharlie born about 1937
ArlineDoshin born about 1917
ArlineLou Ellaborn about 1934
ArlineNed born about 1918
ArmstrongEugene born about 1927
ArmstrongMarion born about 1923
ArmstrongMarlie Loisborn about 1901
ArmstrongMartin born about 1900
ArmstrongMartin Jr born about 1926
AthaChalotte born about 1935
AthaEmmett born about 1921
AthaEunice born about 1910
AthaFloyd born about 1917
AthaGrace born about 1890
AthaGrady Pborn about 1926
AthaHomer born about 1921
AthaJames Pborn about 1891
AthaJames Wborn about 1937
AthaJames Jr born about 1923
AthaJannie born about 1894
AthaMyrtie born about 1890
AthaSarah born about 1928
AthaVera born about 1932
AthaWalter born about 1913
AthaWilliam born about 1885
AthaWilliam born about 1926
AtherAlbert Leeborn about 1918
AtherClarke born about 1922
AtherClifford born about 1927
AtherEasie Ruthborn about 1924
AtherJessie born about 1930
AtherLelin born about 1898
AtherOlen born about 1920
AtherPhilip born about 1937
AtherRichard born about 1932
AtherRobert born about 1882
AtkinsonAaron born about 1860
AtkinsonAmma born about 1895
AtkinsonAnnie Fborn about 1925
AtkinsonBetty born about 1927
AtkinsonCassie born about 1920
AtkinsonFloyd born about 1913
AtkinsonHomer Hborn about 1896
AtkinsonJohn born about 1903
AtkinsonLottie born about 1901
AtkinsonMargret Rborn about 1929
AtkinsonThomas Aborn about 1922
AtkinsonWilliam Hborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyCharlie born about 1934
BaileyEmma born about 1905
BaileyEnnis born about 1933
BaileyFletchers born about 1924
BaileyGeorge born about 1931
BaileyJohn born about 1925
BaileyMary born about 1936
BaileyNullie born about 1927
BaileySolmund born about 1904
BaileyWalter born about 1922
BailyRoy born about 1902
BakerClifton born about 1924
BakerClovis born about 1924
BakerCoy born about 1934
BakerDoyle born about 1921
BakerEvelyn born about 1930
BakerIla born about 1893
BakerIverson born about 1890
BakerJ Cborn about 1927
BakerLaura born about 1897
BakerLoyle born about 1921
BakerMary Sueborn about 1936
BakerMaydelane born about 1904
BakerOtis born about 1897
BakerShelby Geneborn about 1938
BakerWillie born about 1897
BarkenDorris born about 1938
BarkenJames born about 1928
BarkenJosie born about 1906
BarkenL Aborn about 1925
BarkenLouis born about 1927
BarkenMathew born about 1935
BarkenOther born about 1939
BarkenPhilip born about 1931
BarkenSylvester born about 1901
BarkenSylvester Jr born about 1929
BarleyAlexander born about 1883
BarleyErminie born about 1915
BarleyMacshaell born about 1881
BarleyNorma born about 1938
BarleyOssie born about 1885
BarleyRutla born about 1913
BarleySusie born about 1883
BarleyWoodrow born about 1913
BarnesAda born about 1903
BarnesBellie born about 1934
BarnesBlondine born about 1927
BarnesCecil born about 1931
BarnesL Cborn about 1929
BarnesLeda Maeborn about 1922
BarnesLeon born about 1925
BarnesLudon born about 1924
BarrettDora born about 1897
BarrettDorothy born about 1925
BarrettFloyd born about 1921
BarrettWilliam Hborn about 1891
Bennett??? born about
BennettHoke Tborn about 1915
BennettMary born about 1937
BennettPeggie Annborn about 1936
BennettSadie born about 1915
BetesCharles born about 1919
BetesRo??e born about 1883
BetesVunylon born about 1923
BlarguneBinna born about 1938
BlarguneCharlie born about 1907
BlarguneE?? Maiborn about 1932
BlarguneHazel born about 1914
BlarguneJesse Leeborn about 1910
BlasingameRoe born about 1907
BlasingameWillie Maiborn about 1911
BoggsLillie Bellborn about 1923
BoggsMinnie born about 1880
BoggsPaul born about 1879
BoggsPaul Jr born about 1921
BokerBerry born about 1911
BokerCarrol born about 1939
BokerLucile born about 1910
BoneDonald born about 1928
BoneJessie Lborn about 1888
BoneVena born about 1895
BossBetty born about 1930
BossFloyd born about 1911
BossJesse born about 1891
BossKenneth born about 1939
BossLelia born about 1872
BossLellis born about 1873
BossLucille born about 1911
BossLuther Dborn about 1933
BossLuther Gborn about 1910
BossRobert born about 1932
BossRuth born about 1913
BossSarrah born about 1913
BossWendell born about 1936
BradyMargret born about 1925
BrandLillian born about 1879
BrandThomas born about 1883
BrewerBetty Joryeborn about 1933
BrewerClaude born about 1906
BrewerDorothy Sueborn about 1936
BrewerEd born about 1863
BrewerInman born about 1929
BrewerLudie born about 1902
BrewerNathors born about 1931
BrewerSarah born about 1880
BrewerSarah born about 1910
BrewerThomas born about 1901
BrewerVirginia born about 1923
Briscoe??bonadge born about 1921
BriscoeHenry born about 1896
BriscoeLouise born about 1923
BriscoeMae born about 1899
BriscoeW Lborn about 1920
BrondHoward born about 1897
BrondHoward Jr born about 1924
BrondMattie born about 1900
BrondeClaude born about 1898
BrondeGraccio born about 1904
BrondeHazel born about 1925
BrondeKatie born about 1857
BrondeThelma born about 1937
BrooksAlfred born about 1912
BrooksAnnette born about 1929
BrooksArchebald Hborn about 1876
BrooksBertha born about 1919
BrooksBetty born about 1932
BrooksBetty born about 1934
BrooksBetty Joeborn about 1932
BrooksBoyce born about 1881
BrooksCalvin born about 1878
BrooksCara born about 1898
BrooksCarl born about 1920
BrooksCora born about 1917
BrooksCramen born about 1901
BrooksDaid born about 1923
BrooksEllen born about 1905
BrooksEugene born about
BrooksEugene born about 1928
BrooksEula Mborn about 1921
BrooksEunice born about 1921
BrooksFlorence born about 1910
BrooksGlydes born about 1918
BrooksGolden born about 1898
BrooksGolden Jr born about 1927
BrooksGurley born about 1894
BrooksHarold born about 1924
BrooksJennie born about 1930
BrooksJimmie born about 1936
BrooksJosephe Cborn about 1907
BrooksJoyce born about 1938
BrooksLouise born about 1926
BrooksLucy born about 1884
BrooksLuke born about 1903
BrooksMadge born about 1911
BrooksMary Louborn about 1859
BrooksMaties Lonborn about 1900
BrooksMattie born about 1901
BrooksRobena born about 1884
BrooksSallie Maiborn about 1898
BrooksSylvanas born about 1885
BrooksWalter born about 1910
BrooksWeymon born about 1929
BrooksWilliam born about 1920
BroswellCharles born about 1873
BroswellCharles Jr born about 1911
BroswellJesse Wborn about 1883
BroswellMinnie born about 1885
BroswellVirginia born about 1916
BroswellWade born about 1922
BroughtonLonzo born about 1867
BroughtonLucy born about 1909
BrownCharles Hborn about 1905
BrownLady born about 1881
BryndAnnie Lonborn about 1938
BryndDonald born about 1933
BryndHelen born about 1923
BryndHuglon born about 1905
BryndJohnie born about 1929
BryndMae Bellborn about 1905
BryndMildred born about 1931
BryndOlin born about 1925
BurnettElzora born about 1880
BurnettSyrenous born about 1874
BusnetteBen Fborn about 1916
BusnetteGraceie born about 1917
BusnetteShirley born about 1940
ByrdBeulah born about 1905
ByrdClande Eborn about 1886
ByrdClay born about
ByrdEddie born about 1908
ByrdElla Morborn about 1925
ByrdEmma born about 1903
ByrdEssie born about 1887
ByrdFannie born about 1901
ByrdJohn Tborn about 1898
ByrdNeol born about 1940
ByrdOtis born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampCarroll Vborn about 1937
CampCharles born about 1938
CampClaude born about 1911
CampEula born about 1883
CampEula born about 1906
CampEvelyn born about 1930
CampGene born about 1939
CampGerald born about 1934
CampJames born about 1935
CampLonia Belleborn about 1917
CampLouis born about 1920
CampLucy born about 1894
CampMamie born about 1919
CampMarshel born about 1880
CampOrren born about 1915
CampRay born about 1903
CampRay born about 1925
CampRobert born about 1923
CampRoyal Vborn about 1939
CampRuth born about 1936
CampThelma born about 1928
CampTommie born about 1905
CampWilliam Mborn about 1918
CapelaHarry born about 1923
CarterAlex born about 1912
CarterAllene born about 1923
CarterAlva born about 1906
CarterAnnie Louisborn about 1936
CarterAnny Bborn about 1922
CarterArthur born about 1915
CarterBeatrice born about 1920
CarterBerta Bborn about 1920
CarterBerth born about 1920
CarterBertha born about 1904
CarterBetty Geneborn about 1939
CarterCa?? born about 1916
CarterCapitala born about 1861
CarterChester born about 1932
CarterClarence born about 1909
CarterClarice born about 1922
CarterCurtis born about 1907
CarterDora born about 1928
CarterDorathy Sborn about 1939
CarterDorothy born about 1931
CarterDorthy born about 1938
CarterEarley born about 1909
CarterEdward Wborn about 1908
CarterElla born about 1886
CarterEugene born about 1937
CarterEulen Sueborn about 1939
CarterFaye born about 1939
CarterFrances born about 1915
CarterFrank Jborn about 1878
CarterGeorgia born about 1882
CarterGrady born about 1931
CarterGrover born about 1918
CarterHoke born about 1908
CarterHorace born about 1922
CarterHoward born about 1912
CarterJames Hborn about 1913
CarterJames Oborn about 1932
CarterJesse born about 1875
CarterJoyce Annborn about 1937
CarterJulious born about 1920
CarterLe Roy born about 1931
CarterLillie born about 1883
CarterLillie Maieborn about 1932
CarterLizzie Mborn about 1923
CarterLorce born about 1885
CarterLouis born about 1926
CarterLucile born about 1930
CarterLuna Maeborn about 1924
CarterMamie born about 1925
CarterMary born about 1920
CarterMattie born about 1887
CarterMattie Louborn about 1920
CarterMattie Ruthborn about 1922
CarterMelvin born about 1916
CarterMinnie born about 1934
CarterMinnie Rborn about 1916
CarterMinnie Ruthborn about 1916
CarterOlive born about 1939
CarterOttis born about 1900
CarterRalph born about 1908
CarterRalph born about 1916
CarterRichard Leeborn about 1936
CarterRonald born about 1931
CarterRuby born about 1924
CarterRuby Nellborn about 1924
CarterSadie born about 1931
CarterSamuel born about 1923
CarterSarah born about 1886
CarterVirgiel born about 1878
CarterWilford born about 1937
CarterWilliam born about 1927
CarterWilliam born about 1930
CarteySusie born about 1873
ChanceyBertie Cborn about 1923
ChanceyPatricia Linzborn about 1939
ChanceyTroey born about 1920
ChancyLeza born about 1869
ChancyWrene born about 1870
ChriswellAtta Maiborn about 1933
ChriswellBettie born about 1935
ChriswellCallie born about 1926
ChriswellClifford born about 1923
ChriswellCorll born about 1926
ChriswellDavid born about 1882
ChriswellDora born about 1933
ChriswellDoyet born about 1933
ChriswellEdna born about 1927
ChriswellEdward born about 1931
ChriswellEdwind born about 1934
ChriswellElmer born about 1897
ChriswellElton born about 1936
ChriswellFrances born about 1928
ChriswellHerman born about 1930
ChriswellHorace born about 1938
ChriswellJessie Frankborn about 1937
ChriswellJohn born about 1910
ChriswellJohn Frankborn about 1932
ChriswellJohn Henryborn about 1920
ChriswellLelia born about 1902
ChriswellLewis Cborn about 1933
ChriswellLillie Maiborn about 1907
ChriswellLon born about 1937
ChriswellLucelle born about 1903
ChriswellLuen Cborn about 1886
ChriswellMai born about 1909
ChriswellRuhylene born about 1936
ChriswellRussell born about 1907
ChriswellS?llie born about 1896
ChriswellSevanah born about 1886
ChriswellVester born about 1900
ClayBlondie born about 1921
ClayBonnie born about 1925
ClayChristine born about 1919
ClayColeman born about 1907
ClayEarly born about 1924
ClayEtta born about 1893
ClayEunice born about 1888
ClayFrances born about 1937
ClayGeorge born about 1926
ClayLarry born about
ClayLewis born about 1889
ClayLewis born about 1919
ClayLouise born about 1910
ClayMartha born about 1926
ClayMary Louborn about 1932
ClayNancy born about 1922
ClayOlen born about 1929
ClayParks born about 1918
ClayPaul born about 1915
ClayRalph born about 1930
ClayRebecca Annborn about 1935
ClaySara Bellborn about 1926
ClayWilliam born about 1932
CleryAllel born about 1895
CleryMadge born about 1902
CleryRuhen born about 1900
ColeRobert born about 1925
ConLila born about 1910
ConLouis born about 1928
ConTurner born about 1894
CookCharlie born about 1934
CooperClenton born about 1880
CooperGey born about 1907
CooperGloria born about 1924
CooperMamie Eborn about 1889
CooperSylvia born about 1937
CooperVyndetta born about 1928
CooperWilliam born about 1886
CooperWilliam Dborn about 1912
CooperWilliam Wborn about 1879
CouchAlton born about 1909
CouchLenara born about 1917
CouchPeggy born about 1934
CouckMack born about 1914
CouckMyrtle Leeborn about 1919
CouckWarner Rborn about 1940
CounHarold born about 1915
CounHarold Jr born about 1939
CounJayne born about 1920
CownGunta born about 1889
CownPauline born about 1890
CoxEarl born about 1886
CoxJoe Henryborn about 1923
CoxJohn Eborn about 1925
CoxLaverne born about 1928
CrumbleyDorothy born about 1915
CrutchfieldCharlie born about 1909
CrutchfieldMattie born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DarineEffie born about 1901
DaySarah born about 1883
DealCaro born about 1895
DealLuther born about 1885
DealSybil born about 1919
DerrdenCharles born about 1926
DerrdenClifford born about 1929
DerrdenEdward born about 1901
DerrdenLillie Maiborn about 1924
DerrdenRunell born about 1907
DerrdenVernon born about 1933
DialHake born about 1918
DuncanFloy Leeborn about 1939
DuncanHenry Lborn about 1900
DuncanJames Eborn about 1927
DuncanLiburty Bueborn about 1929
DuncanMamie Bellborn about 1901
DuncanRussell born about 1931
DurdenJohn born about 1930
DurdenMildred born about 1933
DurdenVivian born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EastBetty Geneborn about 1937
EastHowel born about 1933
EastMattie Louborn about 1912
EcholsEasice born about 1917
EcholsGrady Jr born about 1939
EcholsHenry Gborn about 1915
EcholsJoseph Cborn about 1938

F Surnames

FarmerHugh born about 1914
FarmerLizzie born about 1915
FarmerLois born about 1925
FarmerMary born about 1933
FarmerRuby Leeborn about 1935
FarmerSollie born about 1939
FincherAlma Joborn about 1917
FincherEddie born about 1881
FincherEddie Jr born about 1912
FincherHenry born about 1915
FincherJessie born about 1895
FincherWilliam born about 1916
FinleyJennie born about 1933
FordAlden born about 1921
FordEdna born about 1933
FordEula Mborn about 1897
FordHorald born about 1927
FordLela born about 1926
FordRuessell born about 1931
ForresterBillie Cborn about 1921
ForresterCatherine born about 1918
ForresterEmmett born about
ForresterHenry Cborn about 1885
ForresterJesse born about 1929
ForresterJessie born about 1889
ForresterJohnie born about 1900
ForresterNewell born about 1907
ForresterOdell born about 1925
ForresterRuby born about 1906
ForresterSelders born about 1940
ForresterThelma born about 1915
ForresterThomas born about 1935
ForresterWinston born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GeigerAlvans Jborn about 1904
GeigerBlondine born about 1909
GennaMary born about 1860
GergerAlden born about 1888
GergerMary born about 1891
GilreathBealrice born about 1918
GilreathEdwin born about 1922
GilreathPearl born about 1896
GilreathThomas Nborn about 1890
GimamesClemie born about 1894
GimamesHazel born about 1911
GlazeAlbert Mborn about 1894
GlazeAlice born about 1896
GlazeArvel born about 1925
GlazeDaisy Bellborn about 1917
GlazeElizebth born about 1932
GlazeHeman born about 1889
GlazeHenry born about 1921
GlazeLevene born about 1926
GlazeLuther born about 1895
GlazeMancel born about 1928
GlazeRandolph born about 1922
GoberJohn born about 1917
GoberJohne born about 1936
GoberLorender born about 1928
GoberRuby born about 1918
GoberWilliam born about 1937
GreenAlice Annborn about 1938
GreenAubrey born about 1917
GreenBahe born about 1884
GreenBelma born about 1920
GreenBernice born about 1917
GreenBetty Joborn about 1930
GreenBonnie born about 1924
GreenClyde born about 1935
GreenDennis born about 1893
GreenDennis Jr born about 1927
GreenDonald born about
GreenDorsey born about 1917
GreenEllen born about 1925
GreenEthel born about 1901
GreenEugenie born about 1931
GreenEva born about 1883
GreenFrances born about 1922
GreenGrover born about 1913
GreenHenry born about 1879
GreenInez born about 1918
GreenJack born about 1938
GreenJames born about 1916
GreenJames Jr born about 1936
GreenJanice born about 1939
GreenJoe born about 1904
GreenJuliaett born about 1921
GreenKale Peorlborn about 1894
GreenLeola born about 1905
GreenMarjorie born about 1920
GreenSybil born about 1939
GreenThomas born about 1929
GreenVera born about 1923
GreenWilliam born about 1894
GreeneCecil born about 1935
GreeneCledie born about 1913
GreeneElhelene born about 1906
GreeneFloriene born about 1930
GreeneFrances born about 1918
GreeneGory born about 1939
GreeneGrady born about 1904
GreeneGrady Jr born about 1931
GreeneLenard born about 1906
GreeneMarteel born about 1925
GreeneOdis born about 1928
GreeneRuthe Leeborn about 1911
GreensHoward born about 1904
GreensStella born about 1908
GuthrieAgnese Mborn about 1924
GuthrieAlline born about 1925
GuthrieAlvin Pborn about 1893
GuthrieAnnis born about 1924
GuthrieArchie born about 1928
GuthrieCleona born about 1932
GuthrieDorothy born about 1939
GuthrieElsie born about 1926
GuthrieGrace born about 1923
GuthrieHarrold born about 1937
GuthrieJ Cborn about 1917
GuthrieJ Wborn about 1932
GuthrieJoy born about 1935
GuthrieLa?? born about 1913
GuthrieLant born about 1893
GuthrieLee Troyborn about 1935
GuthrieLezzie born about 1897
GuthrieLucy born about 1897
GuthrieMae born about 1920
GuthrieMary born about 1896
GuthrieModene born about 1914
GuthriePaul Rborn about 1921
GuthriePreston Bborn about 1888
GuthrieRichard Leeborn about 1929
GuthrieRobert born about 1891
GuthrieRuby born about 1896
GuthrieRuby born about 1921
GuthrieThomas Lborn about 1926
GuthrieWayman born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HadenBetty Geneborn about 1939
HadenEva Maeborn about 1914
HadenGladys born about 1934
HadenMargret born about 1933
HadenWinston born about 1910
HammonEmory born about 1876
HammonLita born about 1890
HammonOscer born about 1873
HammondJohn born about 1879
HammondMary born about 1880
HannonArthy born about 1916
HannonJames Hborn about 1922
HannonJoseph Aborn about 1940
HannonJoseph Pborn about 1917
HannonMarjory born about 1893
HannonMary Jborn about 1938
HarbinEmma born about 1881
HarbinWilliam born about 1871
HardeyChester Aborn about 1892
HardeyMary born about 1891
HarrisElleanon born about 1914
HarrisHershell born about 1911
HarrisMelvin born about 1907
HarrisVenice Bellborn about 1907
HatawayRobert born about 1912
HatawayRuth born about 1937
HatawayThelma born about 1920
HayerA Jborn about 1929
HayesAlloy born about 1911
HayesInez born about 1912
HayesLeroy born about 1939
HayesLouis born about 1936
HayesMattie Sueborn about 1931
HayesSarah Lborn about 1933
HegginbothanDorris born about 1926
HegginbothanMattie born about 1902
HegginbothanRobt born about 1894
HelmaTrnet born about 1925
HendrikCarl Wborn about 1896
HewattGlem born about
HewattJo Annborn about 1938
HewattMary born about 1919
HewattWindall born about 1915
HopkinsAlbert Lborn about 1924
HopkinsArtie Bellborn about 1926
HopkinsDorris born about 1922
HopkinsJohn Bborn about 1927
HopkinsLen born about 1914
HopkinsMamie born about 1886
HopkinsRosa Leeborn about 1920
HudsonDaniel born about 1892
HudsonLeon born about 1919
HumphriesCloe born about 1898
HumphriesGorton born about 1894
HumphriesLaverne born about 1926
HumphriesLawrence born about 1919
HumphriesReba born about 1929
HuntParlee born about 1894
HuntRobert born about 1919
HuntSara born about 1924
HurnfbnierEuenniee born about 1924
HurnfbnierHomer born about 1896
HurnfbnierLillie Maeborn about 1904
HurnfbnierRebecca born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IrvinJude Cborn about 1875
IrwinBachel born about 1931
IrwinBessie born about 1902
IrwinCarmen born about 1927
IrwinClarke born about 1923
IrwinEmmett born about 1921
IrwinEugene born about 1922
IrwinEvelyn born about 1925
IrwinHomer born about 1886
IrwinJohnie born about 1899
IrwinMildred born about 1921
IrwinMilton born about 1925
IrwinNancy born about 1933
IrwinNealie born about 1890
IveyBetty Joborn about 1933
IveyBobby Jamesborn about 1940
IveyCharlie Wborn about 1873
IveyClyde born about 1921
IveyEssie Louborn about 1899
IveyEugene born about 1939
IveyFrances born about 1922
IveyGeorge born about 1919
IveyHallie Pearlborn about 1937
IveyJames born about 1927
IveyJhonie born about 1931
IveyLelia born about 1888
IveyLura Maiborn about 1924
IveyNaomi born about 1923
IveyNell born about 1930
IveyOvaline born about 1927
IveyPatsie Marieborn about 1940
IveyTroy born about 1898
IveyTroy Chffordborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonJesse Lborn about 1889
JacksonRuby born about 1876
JenkinsBlondene born about 1911
JenkinsEgbert born about 1883
JenkinsFay born about 1933
JenkinsJohnie born about 1907
JenkinsJohnie Floydborn about 1929
JenkinsSusie born about 1888
JohnsonAlvin born about 1906
JohnsonAnderson born about 1872
JohnsonAttie born about 1892
JohnsonBeatrice born about 1915
JohnsonBennie born about 1936
JohnsonByron born about 1920
JohnsonCharles born about
JohnsonCharles born about 1921
JohnsonCharles born about 1931
JohnsonClara born about 1911
JohnsonDonald born about 1933
JohnsonEffie Sueborn about 1939
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1889
JohnsonElla Maeborn about 1929
JohnsonEmma born about 1895
JohnsonEthel born about 1913
JohnsonEva Maeborn about 1908
JohnsonEvelyn born about 1937
JohnsonEvritte Fborn about 1938
JohnsonFannie born about 1906
JohnsonFrances born about 1935
JohnsonFred Fborn about 1902
JohnsonFredrick born about 1938
JohnsonGary born about 1912
JohnsonGeneva born about 1906
JohnsonHerry Ettaborn about 1860
JohnsonHope born about 1872
JohnsonHorace born about 1932
JohnsonIla born about 1912
JohnsonJames born about 1880
JohnsonJames Lborn about 1883
JohnsonJames Jr born about 1912
JohnsonJennie born about 1930
JohnsonJeon born about 1933
JohnsonJoehope born about 1927
JohnsonJohn born about 1931
JohnsonJohn Bborn about 1894
JohnsonJohn Cborn about 1883
JohnsonJuhore Bborn about 1920
JohnsonLa Mor born about 1939
JohnsonLillie Maeborn about 1920
JohnsonMack born about 1902
JohnsonMae born about 1890
JohnsonMargret born about 1912
JohnsonMargret born about 1925
JohnsonMartha born about 1871
JohnsonMary Fborn about 1923
JohnsonMescal born about 1930
JohnsonNellie born about 1928
JohnsonRoman Bborn about 1911
JohnsonRosie Lborn about 1902
JohnsonSilas born about 1904
JohnsonT Neneborn about 1928
JohnsonThomas born about 1935
JohnsonTroy born about 1933
JohnsonWalter born about 1892
JohnsonWalter L Jrborn about 1917
JohnsonWilliam born about 1935
JohnsonWinston born about 1927
JonesBerta born about 1904
JonesBeveyn Annborn about 1936
JonesClara born about 1898
JonesEvelyn born about 1927
JonesH Lborn about 1937
JonesHorace born about 1930
JonesJohnia Aborn about 1900
JonesLois born about 1906
JonesMable born about 1932
JonesMartha born about 1865
JonesSluford born about 1925
JonesUdez born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KnightBerta born about 1883
KnightGrady born about 1915
KnightGrady Lee Jrborn about 1938
KnightHarold Mborn about 1935
KnightHenry born about 1875
KnightJesse born about 1908
KnightLizzie born about 1937
KnightMae born about 1908
KnightMartha born about 1931
KnightMelvin born about 1940
KnightNeelie born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LackeyIre born about 1890
LackeyJohnie born about 1937
LackeyMary born about 1921
LackeyMary Aliceborn about 1938
LackeyMattie born about 1895
LackeyOtis born about 1910
LacyElizabeath born about 1932
LacyFred born about 1909
LacyHenry born about 1878
LacyIda born about 1892
LacyRoy born about 1911
LarkeyCharles born about 1939
LarkeyClydell born about 1936
LarkeyElla born about 1917
LarkeyFrank born about 1937
LarkeyJ Dborn about 1917
LeachJames Bborn about 1882
LeachSarah born about 1880
LeachWilliam Sborn about 1883
LeeAnnie born about 1920
LeeEthel born about
LeeJackson born about 1917
LeeMelvin born about 1939
LeeOtis born about 1911
LeeRosa born about 1916
LeodsAlice Rubyborn about 1925
LeodsEstie Francesborn about 1896
LeodsJohn Hborn about 1898
LeodsLouise Aborn about 1890
LeodsNancy born about 1902
LeodsRobert born about 1929
LindseyCecil born about 1926
LindseyDorris born about 1922
LindseyLenard born about 1929
LindseyMyrtle born about 1891
LongBerta Maeborn about 1902
LongBertha born about 1925
LongEric born about 1893
LongEvelyn born about 1931
LongJanet born about 1939
LongJohn Dborn about 1902
LongJoseph Rborn about 1908
LongJoseph Rastne Srborn about 1870
LongLucy born about 1876
LongMattie Lonborn about 1915
LongMinnie born about 1893
LongMontine born about 1908
LongNathan born about 1927
LongRichard Aborn about 1936
LongRichared born about 1901
LucasClifford born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MalcomClifford born about 1920
MalcomCora born about 1915
MalcomFlora born about 1935
MalcomGrant born about 1914
MalcomJohn born about 1888
MalcomJohn Gborn about 1912
MalcomJohn Jr born about 1924
MalcomLamar born about 1928
MalcomLessie born about 1919
MalcomLillian born about 1891
MalcomLuicle born about 1920
MalcomMary Eborn about 1895
MalcomMildred born about 1918
MalcomNellie born about 1889
MalcomPaul born about 1926
MalcomRobert born about 1885
MalcomRobert Tborn about 1911
MalcomVirginia born about 1922
MalcomWillie born about 1915
MathewsClyde born about 1936
MathewsGue born about 1904
MathewsGussie Leeborn about 1929
MathewsHenry Cborn about 1931
MathewsMinnie born about 1909
MathisEssie born about 1909
MathisLewis born about 1930
MathisThomas born about 1932
McadamsJohn Eborn about 1907
McadamsMary Leeborn about 1913
MccluaCarl Jr born about 1926
MccluaDorothy born about 1927
MccuellusBenj Fborn about 1877
MccuellusTannie born about 1877
MccullenBulah born about 1917
MccullenEuell born about 1913
MccullenFlorence born about 1912
MccullenGerald born about 1937
MccullenMardin born about 1920
MccullersBobby Geneborn about 1932
MccullersClarke born about 1924
MccullersEla born about 1905
MccullersEthel born about 1897
MccullersFrank born about 1902
MccullersGlen born about 1906
MccullersGolden born about 1908
MccullersGurley born about 1910
MccullersHerman born about 1910
MccullersHerschel born about 1893
MccullersIla born about 1901
MccullersJackie born about 1939
MccullersJael born about 1928
MccullersLena born about 1904
MccullersLenard born about 1929
MccullersMary Sueborn about 1925
MccullersMax born about 1938
MccullersNena born about 1907
MccullersOtis born about 1902
MccullersPatsy born about 1939
MccullersPatsy Canollborn about 1938
MccullersPauline born about 1906
MccullersPearl born about 1884
MccullersVirginia Douborn about 1926
MccullersWilliam born about 1898
McdanulBotton born about 1883
McdanulLenard born about 1927
McdanulLittie born about 1883
MilliganDorothy Nellborn about 1926
MilliganEliza Jr born about 1929
MilliganElzah born about 1889
MilliganGrace born about 1935
MilliganMaxine born about 1937
MilliganRevie born about 1894
MilliganWilliam born about 1921
MiltonErnest born about 1921
MiltonJewel born about 1939
MiltonOdessa born about 1923
MitchellElla born about 1888
MitchellRobert Eborn about 1888
MobleyArtis born about 1907
MobleyBessie born about 1912
MobleyCecil born about 1933
MobleyHenry born about 1931
MolleyAda born about 1898
MolleyAndrew Maeborn about 1924
MolleyClyde born about 1917
MolleyEarnest born about 1897
MolleyEssie Maieborn about 1923
MolleyLoyde born about 1920
MoneDorothy born about 1927
MoneHygood born about 1922
MoneJesse born about 1888
MonetDora born about 1884
MoonAbenie Louiseborn about 1922
MoonAda born about 1871
MoonAsa born about 1896
MoonBetty born about 1930
MoonBillie born about 1935
MoonBobby born about 1939
MoonBroadur born about 1917
MoonCallie born about 1880
MoonCarl born about 1927
MoonCarrie born about 1912
MoonCharles born about 1934
MoonCharles born about 1938
MoonCleveland born about 1910
MoonClyde born about 1932
MoonDella born about 1902
MoonDennis born about 1934
MoonE Rayborn about 1905
MoonEliza born about 1872
MoonElizabeth born about 1925
MoonElla born about 1886
MoonEmery Sborn about 1880
MoonEthel born about 1880
MoonGerald born about 1924
MoonGeraldine born about 1923
MoonGordon born about 1881
MoonHenry Aborn about 1890
MoonHomer born about 1899
MoonHulon born about 1907
MoonJeor born about 1936
MoonJoseph Nborn about 1869
MoonLenora born about 1873
MoonMarschall born about 1878
MoonMary born about 1908
MoonMary born about 1911
MoonMerrill born about 1936
MoonMerritt born about 1934
MoonMildred born about 1923
MoonNancy born about 1883
MoonOlin born about 1913
MoonOscar born about 1919
MoonRosie born about 1897
MoonRuth born about 1899
MoonSadie Maiborn about 1936
MoonSara born about 1913
MoonThomas born about 1909
MoonWilliam Oborn about 1900
MooneDalsey born about 1884
MooneGeueal born about 1874
Morre??l born about 1916
MorreLyword born about 1915
MorrisBissie born about 1890
MorrisElizebtee born about 1903
MorrisEric born about 1923
MorrisJames born about 1885
MorrisRalph born about 1913
MunellBertha Maiborn about 1915
MunellCecil born about 1938
MunellPaul born about 1915
MyersBella born about 1911
MyersBetty born about 1935
MyersCatherine born about 1931
MyersClexton born about 1937
MyersDonald born about 1938
MyersFrances Eborn about 1905
MyersHoyt born about 1909
MyersHurbert born about 1903
MyersHurbert Jr born about 1930
MyersJanet born about 1934
MyersJeff born about 1918
MyersJimmie born about 1934
MyersJoal Gborn about 1876
MyersJoe Sborn about 1905
MyersLena Bellborn about 1914
MyersLizzie born about 1875
MyersMary born about 1909
MyersMaxine born about 1939
MyersPeggie Annborn about 1934
MyersRay Pborn about 1901
MyersRuby born about 1925
MyersRuthie Dborn about 1908
MyersSarah born about 1939
MyersShirley born about 1935
MyersSyvise born about 1937
MyersThomas born about 1911
MyersVerla born about 1909
MyersWendell born about 1937
MyersWill born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeedhamDoris born about 1926
NeedhamDorothy born about 1926
NeedhamEthel born about 1887
NeedhamEugene born about 1921
NeedhamGladys born about 1909
NeedhamJoe Nealborn about 1928
NeedhamQuinton Lborn about 1919
NeedhamSanders born about 1911
NeedhamThomas born about 1923
NeedhamVirgil born about 1918
NormanAllen born about 1885
NormanCora born about 1891
NunnallyAlexander Sborn about 1862
NunnallyArouty Mborn about 1872
NunnallyBeothary born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdamAlline born about 1907
OdamEssie born about 1894
OdamMary Nellborn about 1928
OdamMattie born about 1864
OdamRube born about 1904
OdamWayne born about 1931
OdamWillie born about 1925
OkelleyDavid Hborn about 1874
OkelleyLeila born about 1887
OkellyDewey born about 1899
OkellyJames Hborn about 1922
OkellyJohn Dborn about 1938
OkellyRunelle born about 1905
OkellySarah Eborn about 1936
OshorneBarbara born about 1933
OshorneByron born about 1904
OshorneGene born about 1937
OshorneGrace born about 1905
OshorneTolmage born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PairEva born about 1913
PairFrances born about 1928
PairJohn Wborn about 1901
PairRaymond born about 1930
PalmerAlice born about 1902
PalmerAlire born about 1913
PalmerAndrew born about 1876
PalmerClaud born about 1899
PalmerDorra born about 1917
PalmerDorris born about 1921
PalmerE Rartueborn about 1924
PalmerElizah born about 1874
PalmerEunice born about 1921
PalmerGeorge Wborn about 1864
PalmerHomer Lborn about 1900
PalmerLella born about 1914
PalmerLewis born about 1914
PalmerLola born about 1877
PalmerLouis born about 1925
PalmerLular born about 1873
PalmerRobert born about 1913
PalmerWinnie born about 1901
PartainAdus born about 1897
PartainAgness born about 1931
PartainAnnie born about 1904
PartainClyde born about 1933
PartainDoster born about 1922
PartainJohnnie born about 1926
PartainJoseph born about 1924
PeppersJaet born about
PeppersLary born about 1892
PeppersLary Jr born about 1923
PerkinsWalter born about 1879
PickleFranie born about 1890
PittmanAlbert Mborn about 1885
PittmanEstells born about 1894
PittmanJames Oborn about 1917
PittmanLonnie Dborn about 1887
PittmanMattes Eborn about 1921
PittmanRheasie born about 1895
PittmanRuby Cborn about 1922
PittmanWillie born about 1915
PriceBeverly born about 1933
PriceDorris born about 1917
PriceElla born about 1883
PriceJ Lborn about 1912
PulcherSarah born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaganBerta born about 1879
RaganBurphet born about 1906
RaganEmma born about 1907
RaganJames born about 1936
RaganLois born about 1930
RamerBanniee born about 1915
RamerFlorine born about 1937
RamerJames born about 1935
RamerWilliam born about 1916
RanayBobby Graceborn about 1939
RanayBooks T Jrborn about 1935
RanayEdgar Leeborn about 1930
RanayFlorence born about 1913
RanayFlowks born about 1936
RanayLe?? born about 1917
RanayVera Maiborn about 1931
RayD Cborn about 1919
RayEugene born about 1921
RayGladys born about 1938
RayJesse Dborn about 1873
RayJesse Gantborn about 1919
RayLarry Danborn about 1939
RayNettie born about 1880
RayNora Bellborn about 1909
ReagarDonald born about 1931
ReagarFlossie born about 1915
ReagarRichard born about 1935
ReagarRlecka born about 1933
ReevesFred born about
ReevesSallie Maeborn about 1901
ReynoldsBillie born about 1932
ReynoldsClyde Lborn about 1904
ReynoldsClyde Jr born about 1928
ReynoldsEffie born about 1907
ReynoldsGeneva born about 1929
ReynoldsPalay born about 1939
ReynoldsPeggie born about 1938
ReynoldsRobert born about 1936
ReynoldsRosadind born about 1934
RobertsonEssie born about 1893
RobertsonGeorge born about 1890
RobertsonJames born about 1894
RulledgeEnoch born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SammonMargret born about 1855
SammonNettie born about 1882
SharptonCharles born about 1928
SharptonWilda Jeneborn about 1927
ShepardAlbert born about 1903
ShepardAlice born about 1872
ShepardCharlie born about 1913
ShepardMary Louborn about 1917
ShortAnn born about 1935
ShumateC Hborn about 1923
ShumateEugene born about 1934
ShumateGrover born about 1910
ShumateHelen born about 1936
ShumateMageart born about 1939
ShumateMamie born about 1922
ShumateMary born about 1884
ShumateSarah born about 1915
ShumateThurman born about 1919
ShumateThurman Jr born about 1939
SimsBillie born about 1929
SimsCharas Hborn about 1924
SimsFrances born about 1920
SimsGerne born about 1933
SimsJulia born about 1922
SimsMarjoriea born about 1925
SimsRalph born about 1901
SimsRuby born about 1902
SlephensAda born about 1893
SlephensEmmet born about 1919
SlephensErnest born about 1914
SlephensGrace born about 1922
SlephensHugh born about 1938
SlephensMarthea born about 1915
SlephensMatt?? born about 1925
SmithAnnie Mborn about 1892
SmithArlie Fborn about 1920
SmithBarbera Annborn about 1935
SmithBerry born about 1891
SmithBoyu born about 1939
SmithCallie born about 1887
SmithCarl born about 1898
SmithClara born about 1923
SmithDonald Kborn about 1937
SmithDonna born about 1939
SmithEddie born about 1925
SmithEdna born about 1921
SmithEdward Cborn about 1916
SmithElbert born about 1929
SmithElmer born about 1911
SmithEssie born about 1896
SmithEster born about 1900
SmithEva Hborn about 1885
SmithFrederick Dborn about 1926
SmithGean Antonyborn about 1939
SmithGladys born about 1897
SmithGrady born about 1915
SmithHellen born about 1932
SmithJ Dborn about 1914
SmithJames born about 1933
SmithK Bborn about 1905
SmithLenarid born about 1897
SmithLezzie born about 1904
SmithLillie born about 1880
SmithLouel born about 1932
SmithMargret born about 1937
SmithMarye born about 1925
SmithMattie Belleborn about 1919
SmithMildred born about 1918
SmithRalph Lborn about 1897
SmithRalph Wborn about 1890
SmithShirley Anborn about 1939
SmithUna Dborn about 1921
SmithVirginie born about 1936
SmithWayman Hborn about 1888
SmithWilliam born about 1920
SpeneyGrody born about 1898
SpeneyHenry born about 1929
SpeneyL Cborn about 1938
SpeneyLouise born about 1937
SpeneyVera born about 1908
StarrettAnnie Bellborn about 1924
StarrettHoyt born about 1933
StarrettWilliam born about 1925
StephensClara born about 1845
StephensFrances born about 1920
StephensHelen born about 1938
StephensJ Bborn about 1911
StevensAlonzo Mborn about 1901
StevensCarolyn born about 1927
StevensConnie born about 1926
StevensEthel born about 1897
StevensHellen born about 1929
StevensJulius Lborn about 1938
StevensRuby Gborn about 1907
StevensSam Bborn about 1888
StillBobby Geneborn about 1937
StillDorle born about 1887
StillEmmet born about 1906
StillGrace born about 1912
StillNannie born about 1868
StillRoyce born about 1924
StillTommie born about 1916
StillWilliam Iborn about 1884
StullDewey born about 1911
StullFlorence born about 1911
StullNeelia Janeborn about 1940
StullOna born about 1874
StullPeggie born about 1936
StullWilliam Dborn about 1937
SwordsEstell born about 1899
SwordsEugene born about 1919
SwordsGeorge born about 1925
SwordsGrace Eborn about 1900
SwordsLynwood born about 1928
SwordsMajol born about 1925
SwordsRay born about 1900
SwordsRoy Cborn about 1901
SwordsRoy Leeborn about 1920
SwordsSara born about 1935
SwordsShirley born about 1940
SwordsVernon born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalentCharles born about 1883
TallentMae born about 1894
ThomasAngeline born about 1868
ThomasAnnie born about 1901
ThomasBertha born about 1901
ThomasCarlton born about 1930
ThomasClarence born about 1925
ThomasEdwin born about 1925
ThomasEmmett born about 1923
ThomasErnest born about 1903
ThomasFrank Eborn about 1896
ThomasHazel born about 1923
ThomasJamie born about 1918
ThomasJesse born about 1922
ThomasJohn Hborn about 1869
ThomasMartha born about 1875
ThomasNathe Leeborn about 1927
ThomasNora Maeborn about 1900
ThomasPauline born about 1909
ThomasSlarterey Rborn about 1896
ThomasSylvnus born about 1899
ThomasToioe born about 1863
ThompsonBertha born about 1925
ThompsonBill born about 1925
ThompsonBilly born about 1939
ThompsonBroadus born about 1923
ThompsonBurt born about 1898
ThompsonCalvin born about 1927
ThompsonClaude born about 1929
ThompsonDaesy born about 1921
ThompsonDorle Maiborn about 1900
ThompsonDorothy born about 1923
ThompsonE Wborn about 1914
ThompsonEddie born about 1929
ThompsonElla born about 1888
ThompsonEssie Ruthborn about 1926
ThompsonFlorine born about 1933
ThompsonFloyd born about 1920
ThompsonFloyd born about 1926
ThompsonFrances born about 1916
ThompsonGrady born about 1918
ThompsonHellen born about 1939
ThompsonHerschell born about 1915
ThompsonHerschell born about 1939
ThompsonHorace born about 1939
ThompsonHoward born about 1934
ThompsonInez born about 1931
ThompsonJames G Jrborn about 1911
ThompsonJasper born about 1911
ThompsonJoe born about 1896
ThompsonJohn born about 1926
ThompsonLessie Hborn about 1889
ThompsonLezzie born about 1927
ThompsonLouise born about 1917
ThompsonMartile born about 1931
ThompsonMary Nellborn about 1927
ThompsonMary Neolborn about 1931
ThompsonRobert born about 1892
ThompsonRussell born about 1919
ThompsonSamuel born about 1894
ThompsonSarah born about 1924
ThompsonSattie Rborn about 1902
ThompsonThomas born about 1919
ThompsonTrinnie born about 1894
ThompsonValley born about 1893
ThompsonWalter born about 1927
ThompsonWilliam born about 1925
ThoyesonElizabeth born about 1935
ThoyesonHershel born about 1909
ThoyesonInez born about 1917
ThoyesonMary Nellborn about 1934
TuckAda born about 1876
TuckChester Leeborn about 1919
TuckEula born about 1894
TuckGeorge Sborn about 1891
TuckH??? born about 1881
TuckJ Bborn about 1924
TuckJoyce born about 1937
TuckLottie born about 1905
TuckLouise born about
TuckMorris born about 1922
TuckSusan born about 1881
TuckWilliam Dborn about 1901
TuckerAlton born about 1905
TuckerCharus born about 1926
TuckerDia born about 1880
TuckerDonald born about 1931
TuckerFlorra born about 1928
TuckerHarold born about 1933
TuckerJames born about 1897
TuckerJames Jr born about 1922
TuckerMable born about 1924
TuckerMary born about 1905
TuckerOla born about 1886
TuckerPhenoy born about 1926
TuckerThomas Jborn about 1875
TueyCharles Jr born about 1939
TueyCharlie Lborn about 1905
TueyNell born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeCalvin born about 1925
WadeClaude born about 1927
WadeDonald born about 1939
WadeEdna born about 1917
WadeEvie born about 1890
WadeHawey Wborn about 1925
WadeNelvin born about 1936
WadeRobert Dborn about 1914
WadeSusannah born about 1867
WagesEdward Cborn about 1904
WagesEstell born about 1910
WagesJoyce born about 1937
WagesLeon born about 1934
WagesWilliam born about 1929
WallaceEghest born about 1912
WatsonAda born about 1916
WatsonAlvin born about 1906
WatsonCurtis born about 1906
WatsonDonald born about 1936
WatsonElisha Tborn about 1861
WatsonEmma born about
WatsonFrances born about 1917
WatsonMillard born about 1916
WatsonRoy born about 1924
WatsonThomas born about 1912
WhitleyAda born about 1881
WilliamsFrank born about 1886
WilliamsHenry born about 1908
WilliamsJohn born about 1891
WilliamsJohn Henryborn about 1930
WilliamsMary born about 1911
WilliamsSally born about 1905
WilliamsSara born about 1908
WilliamsThomas born about 1932
WinslettGail Iborn about 1939
WinslettJessie born about 1868
WinslettNorra born about 1913
WinslettVessie born about 1873
WinslettVirginia born about 1934
WinslettWillen born about 1932
WinslettWilliam born about 1913
WolinoAlbert born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanceyCathelene born about 1927
YanceyCecil born about 1914
YanceyCharles born about 1929
YanceyGrover born about 1893
YanceyHulon born about 1923
YanceyImogine born about 1927
YanceyJoe born about 1916
YanceyLeor born about 1922
YanceyMattie born about 1893
YarbroughDella born about 1874
YoungGrace born about 1878
YoungJoseph born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZemmonsFrances born about 1935
ZemmonsL??? born about 1910
ZemmonsRobert born about 1938
ZemmonsRosa born about 1917

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