1940 U.S. Federal Census of Canoochee in Evans County, Evans, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Evans County > 1940 Census of Canoochee in Evans County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAgnes born about 1909
AdamsClarence born about 1900
AdamsEdward born about 1940
AikenAdell born about 1916
AikenBobbie born about 1914
AikenHerburt born about 1905
AikenHerburt L Jrborn about 1929
AikenJoan born about 1931
AikenJoan born about 1936
AikenPauline born about 1933
AikenVicie Cubaborn about 1939
AikenWilliam C Jrborn about 1936
AikenWilliam Lborn about 1940
AkinsCleo born about 1923
AkinsMelrose born about 1926
AkinsNortha Bellborn about 1904
AkinsTellie Eborn about 1902
AndersonAddie born about 1876
AndersonDaniel Dborn about 1903
AndersonDaniel Jr born about 1935
AndersonEunice born about 1926
AndersonFannie born about 1906
AndersonHattie born about 1902
AndersonHenry born about 1889
AndersonHenry Rborn about 1920
AndersonJ Otisborn about 1922
AndersonJames born about 1908
AndersonJasper Edwinborn about 1934
AndersonJerry Russelborn about 1938
AndersonJimimia born about 1886
AndersonJohnie born about 1867
AndersonJulia born about 1891
AndersonLetha born about 1916
AndersonLillie Leeborn about 1909
AndersonMarie Katherineborn about 1931
AndersonMartha Annborn about 1927
AndersonMary Lizzieborn about 1910
AndersonMelton Coneborn about 1925
AndersonMelton Jborn about 1885
AndersonOra Paulineborn about 1881
AndersonPenton born about 1904
AndersonR Clemonborn about 1913
AndersonRuby born about 1913
AndersonS Petrborn about 1858
AndersonUvalda born about 1910
AndersonWillie Eborn about 1882
AndersonWinona born about 1922
ArnsdorffAlice born about 1874
ArnsdorffLenton born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyGertrude born about 1908
BarrowAlene born about 1928
BarrowBillie born about 1930
BarrowC Jborn about 1925
BarrowCarliss born about 1935
BarrowClifford born about 1922
BarrowCurtis born about 1939
BarrowDereta born about 1937
BarrowEdmund born about 1868
BarrowElease born about 1932
BarrowGuy born about 1916
BarrowHester born about 1923
BarrowIdalene born about 1927
BarrowJasson born about 1918
BarrowJimmie born about 1939
BarrowJoe Carltonborn about 1936
BarrowLucille born about 1932
BarrowMaggie born about 1890
BarrowMamie Aborn about 1934
BarrowMamie Louborn about 1907
BarrowManning born about 1905
BarrowMary born about 1913
BarrowRetha born about 1909
BarrowRoxie born about 1919
BarrowRufus born about 1913
BarrowSie Aborn about 1881
BarrowW Clarineborn about 1911
BathElla born about 1887
BathEnoch Hborn about 1892
BathHarry born about 1917
BathHomer born about 1924
BathIona born about 1919
BathKelly born about 1922
BathVera Dellborn about 1918
BeasleyAudreylene born about 1939
BeasleyBessie born about 1902
BeasleyD Nealborn about 1897
BeasleyDaldon born about 1933
BeasleyDan Oborn about 1878
BeasleyDelmas born about 1931
BeasleyDessie born about 1900
BeasleyDillworth born about 1925
BeasleyElwood born about 1925
BeasleyFrank Eborn about 1907
BeasleyGeraldine born about 1921
BeasleyLeleah born about 1879
BeasleyLuke Gborn about 1900
BeasleyMargaret born about 1930
BeasleyMary born about 1906
BeasleyMattie Louborn about 1912
BeasleyNormagene born about 1934
BeasleyPauline born about 1928
BeasleyPriscilla born about 1936
BeasleyTom Eborn about 1907
BeasleyTrellia born about 1938
BeasleyVinnie born about 1873
BeasleyVinnie born about 1910
BeasleyViola born about 1903
BeasleyWilliam Mborn about 1873
BetheaCora Maeborn about 1932
BetheaEura Retaborn about 1934
BetheaFrank born about 1911
BetheaLeola born about 1935
BetheaLucille born about 1911
BetheaMarie born about 1930
BetheaStella born about 1930
BetheaTheodore born about 1938
BetheaWaldo born about 1936
BirdAlbert born about 1895
BirdAlbert Jr born about 1937
BirdCharlie Wborn about 1927
BirdDoc born about 1911
BirdGladys born about 1928
BirdGracie Maeborn about 1932
BirdJohn Rborn about 1933
BirdKatie born about 1934
BirdLucy born about 1935
BirdMada born about 1913
BirdMaggie born about 1934
BirdMamie born about 1902
BirdRuby Leeborn about 1930
BirdVirgil born about 1931
BlockerBunce born about 1893
BlockerLavon born about 1936
BlockerLois born about 1909
BoggsMargia born about 1933
BooneEmily born about 1922
BorroughsBirdie born about 1899
BorroughsCanrie Lborn about 1891
BorroughsCharles Lborn about 1930
BorroughsSimon Henryborn about 1927
BowenAlfred born about 1931
BowenAlfred Jacksonborn about 1900
BowenCharles born about 1937
BowenEmmie born about 1909
BowenEthel Margareteborn about 1909
BowenHarold born about 1929
BowenHedland born about 1905
BowenKeneth born about 1933
BowenMargarette born about 1939
BowenMarty born about 1932
BowenRandy born about 1935
BowenVera born about 1929
BowenVernon born about 1927
BradleyAlfred born about 1937
BradleyAliase born about 1926
BradleyAlmata born about 1930
BradleyAnnett born about 1934
BradleyBennie born about 1930
BradleyCharles born about 1928
BradleyCharles born about 1939
BradleyDudley born about 1938
BradleyFannie Mborn about 1936
BradleyInez born about 1916
BradleyJohnie Bborn about 1936
BradleyJulius Lborn about 1901
BradleyLonnie Bborn about 1876
BradleyLucille born about 1924
BradleyMatilda born about 1882
BradleyMelrose born about 1927
BradleyNancy born about 1875
BradleyNobie born about 1906
BradleyOve born about 1923
BradleySampson born about 1905
BradleySheonell born about 1912
BradleyVerlin born about 1926
BradleyWalter Eliotborn about 1932
BradleyWelthy Maeborn about 1934
BradleyWillie Bborn about 1912
BradleyWillie B Jrborn about 1932
BradleyWilma born about 1916
BradleyWilton born about 1916
BrewtonAlberta born about 1898
BrewtonAlexander born about 1908
BrewtonAnnie Bellborn about 1932
BrewtonBernease born about 1933
BrewtonBubba born about 1938
BrewtonCarrie Evaborn about 1930
BrewtonCloteria born about 1922
BrewtonCora born about 1929
BrewtonElijah born about 1918
BrewtonGeneva born about 1939
BrewtonHenry born about 1878
BrewtonHenry born about 1924
BrewtonJ Dborn about 1921
BrewtonJames born about 1922
BrewtonJanior born about 1939
BrewtonLouise born about 1920
BrewtonLulu born about 1913
BrewtonMaggie born about 1921
BrewtonMaude born about 1920
BrewtonOtha born about 1935
BrewtonPearl born about 1911
BrewtonQueen born about 1925
BrewtonRena born about 1914
BrewtonSam born about 1908
BrewtonSarah born about 1940
BrewtonShellie born about 1867
BrewtonStella born about 1927
BrewtonTroy born about 1914
BrewtonValree born about 1939
BrewtonWilliam born about 1870
BrewtonWilliam born about 1916
BrewtonWilliam Jr born about 1937
BrewtonWillie Hborn about 1866
BrownWill born about 1910
BrunnerJ Walterborn about 1914
BrunnerMary Elizabethborn about 1919
BullardGlennie born about 1900
BullardJoseph Ernetborn about 1895
BurgesLena born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallawayAllen Bborn about 1915
CallawayMabelle born about 1915
CallawayRichard Allenborn about 1939
CarrEthel born about 1902
CarrJames born about 1878
CassidyHattie born about 1900
CassidyJ Bborn about 1893
CobbBertha Maeborn about 1923
CobbCurtis born about 1939
CobbPenton born about 1918
CollinsBetty Sueborn about 1931
CollinsBuford born about 1922
CollinsDan born about 1905
CollinsElease born about 1927
CollinsLanette born about 1928
CollinsMary Loisborn about 1935
CollinsNewt born about 1905
ColsonAnnie Janeborn about 1919
ColsonDan Sborn about 1876
ColsonDaniel Bborn about 1862
ColsonHilda born about 1892
ColsonLester born about 1917
ColsonMolly born about 1915
CoreyJohn born about 1871
CoreyQueen born about 1875
CostinDawse born about 1880
CribbsBetty Annborn about 1939
CribbsBuleah born about 1919
CribbsWilliam Harrisborn about 1913
CroftLoretta born about 1935
CroftMabelle born about 1920
CroftWillie Fborn about 1915
CrosbyBerta Maeborn about 1915
CrosbyBlenia born about 1924
CrosbyCharlie born about 1928
CrosbyDarnell born about 1931
CrosbyHarley born about 1901
CrosbyJames born about 1933
CrosbyLeland born about 1935
CrosbyNancy Louiseborn about 1939
CrosbyRaleigh born about 1900
CrosbySheppie born about 1935
CrosbyWilla Deneborn about 1926
CrosbyWilliam Cborn about 1937

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D Surnames

DavisAndrew born about 1905
DavisCarrie Leeborn about 1935
DavisEarnest born about 1931
DavisFrances born about 1926
DavisJohnie Maeborn about 1928
DavisJunior born about 1932
DavisRosie born about 1901
DavisWillie Leeborn about 1935
DeloachAurley born about 1890
DeloachAvis born about 1899
DeloachAvis born about 1939
DeloachBessie born about 1911
DeloachBetty born about 1937
DeloachBill Hborn about 1924
DeloachBourbon born about 1896
DeloachClara born about 1913
DeloachDudley Aborn about 1923
DeloachEmma born about 1867
DeloachEnoch Hborn about 1857
DeloachFrank Eborn about 1888
DeloachGenie born about 1884
DeloachHattie born about 1908
DeloachJ Mborn about 1919
DeloachJim born about 1889
DeloachJim Jr born about 1928
DeloachJoan born about 1935
DeloachJoe born about 1886
DeloachJohn born about 1877
DeloachJohn Gborn about 1899
DeloachMargie born about 1936
DeloachMary born about 1897
DeloachMary Elizabethborn about 1862
DeloachMaude born about 1917
DeloachNannie born about 1897
DeloachOphelia born about 1880
DeloachRena born about 1896
DeloachSidney born about 1935
DeloachTheodoshia born about 1920
DeloachTom born about 1884
DeloachUlma born about 1907
DeloachW Manningborn about 1899
DennisColquit born about 1928
DennisDora born about 1895
DennisGwendolyn born about 1933
DennisMarion born about 1932
DennisUlysses born about 1925
DensionJames born about 1932
DensionRachel Hborn about 1850
DriggersAnnie born about 1903
DriggersBertha Maeborn about 1927
DriggersClayton born about 1919
DriggersDaisy born about 1922
DriggersEdgar born about 1920
DriggersEugene born about 1925
DriggersFrank born about 1913
DriggersGordon born about 1903
DriggersGrace born about 1927
DriggersJames Hborn about 1928
DriggersJasper born about 1934
DriggersJimie born about 1938
DriggersLeroy born about 1919
DriggersMargaret born about 1928
DriggersMaude born about 1895
DriggersMildred born about 1922
DriggersPauline born about 1935
DriggersRose Annieborn about 1916
DriggersRovena born about 1906
DriggersVersie born about 1914
DriggersW Dampeaborn about 1874
DriggersWalton born about 1932
DriggersWilliam born about 1925
DriggersWilliam Hborn about 1929
DriggersWillie Maeborn about 1933
DriggersWilton born about 1932
DuffieldAnnie Reborn about 1907
DuffieldDovie Leeborn about 1933
DuffieldHarrie Jeanborn about 1940
DuffieldRuby Leeborn about 1925
DuffieldW Leonborn about 1908
DuffieldW Rogerborn about 1937
DuttonMary Louborn about 1910

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E Surnames

EasonJames born about 1905
EstillJessie born about 1880
EstillJohn born about 1909

F Surnames

FloydCharlie Gborn about 1897
FloydJean born about 1931
FloydVelda born about 1910
FortnerAnnie Olaborn about 1929
FortnerOla born about 1888
FortnerTalmage born about 1924
FrostArnold born about 1939
FrostBen Jamesborn about 1938
FrostEloise born about 1923
FrostJames Hborn about 1915

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G Surnames

GeraldAllan born about 1936
GeraldAlvin born about 1913
GeraldBernice born about 1935
GeraldDollie born about 1918
GeraldHoyt Eborn about 1911
GeraldJerry born about 1939
GeraldLeah born about 1914
GlissonDelores born about 1939
GlissonJerome born about 1915
GlissonLoree born about 1918
GlissonSandra born about 1937
GoodmanCenie born about 1917
GoodmanPress born about 1904
GoodmanVernease born about 1933
GoodmanWilford Walkerborn about 1927
GreenGeorge Cborn about 1884
GreenWillie Cborn about 1890
GrinerGenie born about 1892
GrooverC Jborn about 1928
GrooverDane born about 1886
GrooverDurell born about 1932
GrooverLou Maeborn about 1890

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H Surnames

HagansAndrew born about 1880
HagansClarence born about 1892
HagansDorothy Louiseborn about 1929
HagansEliza born about 1898
HagansGertrued born about 1913
HagansHenry Leeborn about 1931
HagansJ Rborn about 1929
HagansJaunita born about 1938
HagansJohn Dborn about 1919
HagansMeldene born about 1933
HagansNathaniel born about 1937
HagansNathaniel born about 1938
HagansRetha Maeborn about 1926
HagansVandella born about 1890
HagansVera Maeborn about 1934
HagansWillie born about 1912
HagginsEllis born about 1921
HagginsHarry born about 1926
HagginsJohn Rborn about 1897
HagginsJulia born about 1897
HagginsLanelle born about 1932
HagginsRobert born about 1923
HagginsThelma born about 1929
HamiltonCadie Greenborn about 1880
HarrelLula born about 1893
HarrelNathan born about 1892
HelmuthDe Loach born about 1927
HelmuthIda Francesborn about 1921
HelmuthJohn Gborn about 1898
HelmuthLyndal Leeborn about 1923
HelmuthSammie born about 1931
HelmuthWallace born about 1925
HelmuthWilma born about 1900
HendersonMike born about 1921
HendersonMinnie born about 1876
HendersonPemel born about 1919
HendersonWill born about 1872
HendleyOllie born about 1905
HendleyWilliam born about 1910
HendrixClyde born about 1918
HendrixDezy born about 1884
HendrixEarnestine born about 1928
HendrixElizabeth born about 1937
HendrixEula born about 1909
HendrixJ Cborn about 1913
HendrixLeola born about 1909
HendrixMarion born about 1939
HendrixRemer born about 1906
HendrixRufus Alerborn about 1907
HendrixSammie born about 1931
HightowerWillie Leeborn about 1916
HollandAnnie Kateborn about 1909
HollandBen Bborn about 1906
HollandDeward born about 1937
HollandMartha Annborn about 1940
HolsenbackAndrew Hborn about 1881
HolsenbackEmily born about 1892
HolsenbackLloyd born about 1928
HortonGerla born about 1935
HortonLevon born about 1934
HugginsHarry born about 1912
HugginsLucille born about 1920
HughesBryant born about 1874
HughesEmma born about 1880

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J Surnames

JerniganArnie born about 1916
JerniganGeorgia born about 1924
JerniganGiney born about 1892
JerniganLonnie born about 1889
JohnsonMary born about 1909
JohnsonMinnie born about 1885
JohnsonP Eldrigeborn about 1883
JonesCleta born about 1931
JonesDaniel Wborn about 1888
JonesDonald Odelborn about 1917
JonesEffie born about 1911
JonesElease born about 1931
JonesElvie Leeborn about 1926
JonesErma born about 1920
JonesGeorge born about 1907
JonesHenry born about 1928
JonesHoppie born about 1906
JonesInez born about 1911
JonesJacquline born about 1934
JonesJames Edwinborn about 1932
JonesJaunita born about 1926
JonesLa Vada born about 1933
JonesLee Otisborn about 1924
JonesLennie Jborn about 1897
JonesLetha born about 1901
JonesMabelle born about 1895
JonesMartha born about 1898
JonesMarvin born about 1901
JonesMary born about 1924
JonesMildred born about 1920
JonesMildree born about 1930
JonesNannie Louborn about 1928
JonesPathenia born about 1924
JonesRena born about 1937
JonesRufus born about 1923
JonesSamuel Gborn about 1903
JonesSeward born about 1926
JonesThomas born about 1922
JonesViola born about 1907
JonesWillis born about 1924
JonesWilton born about 1920

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K Surnames

KellyEtta born about 1902
KellyHenry born about 1901
KicklighterElla Enidaborn about 1929
KicklighterLee Glynborn about 1927
KirbyBertha born about 1899
KirbyBessie born about 1927
KirbyCornelius born about 1923
KirbyFrank born about 1898
KirbyGladys born about 1932
KirbyJohn Ramonborn about 1921
KirbyMary Eleneborn about 1929
KirklandBertha born about 1919
KirklandJames born about 1915
KitesB Ednaborn about 1924
KitesJames Mborn about 1892
KitesVirdie born about 1895
KitesVirginia born about 1931
KnightsBessie born about 1889
KnightsFrances born about 1898
KnightsS Tborn about 1926
KnightsUlysses born about 1928
KnowlesAlton born about 1911
KnowlesTommie Leeborn about 1921

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L Surnames

LeeAnnie born about 1911
LeeBeatrice born about 1925
LeeFennie born about 1914
LeeHenry Rborn about 1928
LeeLuther born about 1901
LeeNorma Jeanborn about 1937
LeeRussel born about 1931
LeeTalmade born about 1933
LeeVadna born about 1910
LewisAlice born about 1876
LewisAlice Annborn about 1937
LewisAnnie Nellborn about 1918
LewisBenjamin born about 1922
LewisBerman born about 1925
LewisBobby born about 1940
LewisDelia born about 1880
LewisEarnest born about 1938
LewisEffie Hborn about 1909
LewisElma born about 1919
LewisEthel born about 1901
LewisEunice born about 1905
LewisEunice born about 1926
LewisEva Maeborn about 1918
LewisFoster born about 1894
LewisFraire Gborn about 1910
LewisFreda born about 1932
LewisGladys born about 1913
LewisGuyton born about 1916
LewisJ Potterborn about 1880
LewisJack born about 1934
LewisJames born about 1938
LewisJohn Wborn about 1921
LewisJohnnie born about 1906
LewisLawson born about 1918
LewisLester born about 1908
LewisLillie Elizabethborn about 1923
LewisLouise born about 1924
LewisLowell born about 1932
LewisLucious born about 1903
LewisLucious born about 1905
LewisLudric born about 1918
LewisMaude born about 1895
LewisMike born about 1886
LewisMike Jr born about 1928
LewisNed born about 1888
LewisNellie born about 1895
LewisNocolete born about 1928
LewisOneda born about 1933
LewisRalph born about 1909
LewisRobun born about 1923
LewisRoland born about 1921
LewisRuby born about 1914
LewisSallie born about 1891
LewisSarah born about 1905
LewisSula born about 1905
LewisTalmage born about 1923
LewisWade born about 1901
LewisWade Jr born about 1939
LewisWalstene born about 1923
LewisWalton born about 1914
LewisWilliam Rborn about 1888
LewisWilma born about 1909
LewisWilton born about 1911
LittlesBeatrice born about 1924
LittlesElla born about 1905
LittlesHendy born about 1882
LittlesJim born about 1906
LittlesJoe born about 1898
LittlesLula born about 1905
LittlesMillie born about 1890
LittlesOscar born about 1899
LittlesSarah born about 1911
LittlesWillie born about 1922
LucasEarnest born about 1913
LucasElla Loueborn about 1920
LucasVera born about 1937
LucasWarnell born about 1939

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M Surnames

MarshalDave born about 1911
MarshalFreddie born about 1934
MarshalGladys born about 1933
MarshalJunior born about 1937
MarshalLulu born about 1915
MarshalThed born about 1935
MartainWalter born about 1900
MccartherHenry born about 1898
MccloudLeroy born about 1900
MccloudMary Agnesborn about 1913
MccorkleAlice born about 1885
MccorkleBlanche born about 1904
MccorkleEdward born about 1921
MccorkleHarold born about 1912
MccorkleRobert Cborn about 1902
McfallenKalop born about 1909
McfallenSusie born about 1915
MeldrimIsiah born about 1865
MeltonAlice Marieborn about 1937
MeltonBlanche born about 1904
MeltonCarrie Mborn about 1912
MeltonFrank born about 1902
MeltonMabelle born about 1915
MeltonWilliam Emoryborn about 1934
MickelGeraldine born about 1935
MickelHenry born about 1915
MickelMaggie Louborn about 1921
MickelNathaniel born about 1936
MilesBessie born about 1930
MilesClaudine born about 1937
MilesDouglas Eborn about 1904
MilesFairsy born about 1905
MilesJane born about 1932
MilesLemon born about 1925
MilesLoree born about 1923
MinceyGrace born about 1929
MinceyMeldrum born about 1884
MinceyRaymon born about 1926
MinceyRichard born about 1923
MinceyVirgil born about 1892
MitchelAlda born about 1940
MitchelAlton born about 1939
MitchelAnnette born about 1932
MitchelBillie born about 1933
MitchelCarolyn born about 1933
MitchelEli Jborn about 1871
MitchelElton born about 1938
MitchelElvin born about 1902
MitchelEstus born about 1930
MitchelFreddie born about 1938
MitchelGertie born about 1898
MitchelGrace born about 1902
MitchelHazel born about 1923
MitchelHerman born about 1933
MitchelJ Lborn about 1919
MitchelJ Lemonborn about 1907
MitchelJimie born about 1939
MitchelKate born about 1902
MitchelLavon born about 1933
MitchelLonnie born about 1897
MitchelLoretta born about 1934
MitchelMaree born about 1936
MitchelMarilon born about 1935
MitchelMildred born about 1909
MitchelOra Maeborn about 1910
MitchelRalph Aborn about 1908
MitchelShirley born about 1938
MitchelVelma born about 1915
MitchelVerlis born about 1936
MitchelWallace born about 1908
MitchellArchie born about 1927
MitchellBarney born about 1914
MitchellBrookie Eborn about 1880
MitchellEarnest born about 1924
MitchellQueen born about 1889
MockBonnie born about 1933
MockLoura born about 1910
MockLowell Wborn about 1902
MockRonald born about 1935
MockWilliam born about 1931
MorrisA Elisheyborn about 1873
MosleyJerry born about 1937
MosleyJimmie born about 1932
MosleyMildred born about 1919
MosleyVonetta born about 1909
MosleyW Cecilborn about 1918
MosleyWallace Eborn about 1909
MurryCarrie Louborn about 1934
MurryEddie born about 1928
MurryGeorge born about 1886
MurryJimie Leeborn about 1939
MurryLee Verdaborn about 1937
MurryMarie born about 1907
MurryWillie Dellborn about 1930

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N Surnames

NailLizzie born about 1902
NailRamon Cborn about 1903
NasworthyHarmon Bborn about 1870
NasworthyIda Cborn about 1881
NesmithAlethia born about 1902
NesmithBurnis born about 1923
NesmithCarolyn born about 1935
NesmithD Tenantborn about 1897
NesmithDavid born about 1933
NesmithDevoy born about 1921
NesmithElwyn born about 1936
NesmithLinda born about 1938
NesmithLoren born about 1904
NesmithMazell born about 1909
NesmithThomas born about 1934
NesmithVernon born about 1928
NesmithWenton born about 1928

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O Surnames

OdumArchie born about 1921
OdumGeorge Wborn about 1938
OdumJames born about 1924
OdumJoe born about 1879
OdumKathleen born about 1925
OdumLetha Bellborn about 1919
OdumOliver born about 1916
OdumRupert born about 1918
OdumRutha born about 1923

P Surnames

ParksCarrie born about 1908
ParksGeorge born about 1925
PerryAnnie born about 1919
PerryBessie born about 1890
PerryClarence born about 1935
PerryFannie Maeborn about 1923
PerryFrancis born about 1900
PerryRichard born about 1919
PickelsimerCarson born about 1932
PickelsimerClaude born about 1926
PickelsimerGeorge born about 1908
PickelsimerLloyd born about 1924
PickelsimerLucy born about 1909
PickelsimerPauline born about 1922
PickelsimerRalph born about 1927
PickelsimerWillie born about 1919
PowellEva Virginiaborn about 1887
PowellEverit born about 1939
PowellGrady born about 1911
PowellJunior born about 1937
PowellLanie Bellborn about 1918
PowellLeila born about 1935
PowellMamie Louborn about 1925
PowellMarion born about 1933
PriceBell born about 1916
PriceBetty Elizabethborn about 1940
PriceCarrie born about 1930
PriceEdna born about 1914
PriceEugene born about 1911
PriceEugene Tborn about 1938
PriceLouise born about 1933
PriceMary born about 1938
PriceWiley Rborn about 1908
PriceWiley R Jrborn about 1936
PyeEva born about 1898
PyeJ Eddieborn about 1904

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R Surnames

RichBirdie Maeborn about 1919
RichDan born about 1860
RichJohn born about 1910
RichJohn Lborn about 1935
RichSusie Maeborn about 1934
RiggsMassie born about 1890
RiggsSuell born about 1899
RimesBen Jborn about 1883
RimesJames Cborn about 1903
RimesLydia born about 1883
RimesRuth born about 1907
RobertsAlton born about 1930
RobertsEloise born about 1926
RobertsEvelyn born about 1924
RobertsFrank born about 1901
RobertsGeorgie born about 1868
RobertsJames born about 1931
RobertsLeslie Maeborn about 1933
RobertsMamie Ruthborn about 1936
RobertsMolly born about 1895
RobertsOtis born about 1899
RobertsOtis B Jrborn about 1921
RobertsRufus born about 1922
RogersAllen born about 1924
RogersElbert born about 1927
RogersEvelyn born about 1931
RogersFrances born about 1933
RogersJ K Jrborn about 1923
RogersJewell born about 1898
RogersJohn Kellyborn about 1896
RogersMarie born about 1900
RogersMary Leeborn about 1920
RogersOneil born about 1925
RogersSam Gborn about 1887
RogersTomie Peltonborn about 1922
RountreeBessie born about 1913
RountreeBillie born about 1937
RountreeElwood born about 1935
RountreeLamar born about 1931
RountreeLeague born about 1933
RountreeLonnie born about 1903
RountreeRoy Lborn about 1900
RountreeWillie born about 1913
RovesAldon born about 1924
RovesGordon born about 1900
RovesGordon born about 1926
RovesJeanette born about 1933
RovesManuel born about 1932
RovesRosa Leeborn about 1930
RovesZada born about 1902
RushingBonnie Jeanborn about 1933
RushingCorneilus Sborn about 1907
RushingGeryl Paulborn about 1936
RushingJ Paulborn about 1877
RushingLyle Nealborn about 1934
RushingMarshal born about 1923
RushingMurry Deanborn about 1938
RushingRozzie born about 1886
RushingViolet born about 1916
RustinEffie born about 1926
RustinGordon born about 1921
RustinJohn born about 1924
RustinLillie Maeborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SappDoris born about 1924
SappE Jackborn about 1892
SappEssie born about 1913
SappHarry born about 1933
SappJohn Perryborn about 1886
SappLena Bellborn about 1921
SappMaude born about 1898
SappPet born about 1885
SappSoren born about 1916
SappWarnell born about 1922
SaturdayClarence born about 1908
SaturdayOla Maeborn about 1914
SaturdayRobbie born about 1938
ScottSylvester born about 1916
ShearfieldBill born about 1937
ShearfieldGeorg born about 1907
ShearfieldGeorge Jr born about 1934
ShearfieldMarion born about 1939
ShearfieldMyrtle born about 1916
ShearfieldSon born about 1935
SikesAlthea born about 1939
SikesAnnie Blancheborn about 1922
SikesAretha born about 1933
SikesArlie Dborn about 1894
SikesArrie born about 1909
SikesBetty born about 1928
SikesBonnie born about 1924
SikesCoy born about 1900
SikesDan Mborn about 1881
SikesE Hampieborn about 1862
SikesEdward born about 1935
SikesFay born about 1930
SikesFlorence born about 1930
SikesFloyd born about 1928
SikesGilbert born about 1939
SikesGincy born about 1891
SikesGussie born about 1901
SikesHarry born about 1924
SikesHerman born about 1926
SikesJ Bufordborn about 1907
SikesJacqueline born about 1930
SikesJaunita born about 1914
SikesJosie Bellborn about 1926
SikesKermit born about 1931
SikesLa Verna born about 1915
SikesLawson born about 1909
SikesLayton born about 1924
SikesLena Maeborn about 1910
SikesLeroy born about 1918
SikesMaggie born about 1880
SikesMaggie born about 1883
SikesMamie born about 1903
SikesMarlyn born about 1922
SikesMinnie born about 1907
SikesOkie Leeborn about 1932
SikesPalmer born about 1907
SikesRoger born about 1923
SikesTroy born about 1905
SikesVerdie born about 1922
SikesVicy born about 1886
SikesWillie born about 1892
SikesZena Leeborn about 1920
SmithAbron born about 1917
SmithDeliah born about 1905
SmithEdna born about 1932
SmithEu Geniaborn about 1877
SmithEvelyn born about 1929
SmithJency Annborn about 1937
SmithRuth born about 1912
SmithVera born about 1919
SmithWalter born about 1934
SmithWalter Aborn about 1911
SmithWarnell born about 1903
SowellEugene born about 1915
SowellMary Aliceborn about 1881
SowellNellie born about 1920
SowellTomie born about 1919
SowellWillie Lborn about 1878
StaffordDurward born about 1918
StaffordHester born about 1893
StaffordJohn Rborn about 1885
StokesLenton born about 1913
StricklandJohnie Eborn about 1919
StricklandMildred born about 1881
StricklandNeva born about 1917
StricklandT Jesseborn about 1881
StubbsViola born about 1878
SurrencyBealer born about 1899
SurrencyBessie born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThomasCavasso born about 1929
ThomasEvelyn born about 1924
ThomasJewell born about 1926
ThomasJoseph Eborn about 1900
ThomasReba born about 1923
ThomasRuth born about 1933
ThompsonCharlie Tborn about 1887
TillmanAubrey Vendelborn about 1936
TillmanGertie born about 1911
TillmanIgay G Jrborn about 1932
TillmanIvey Gborn about 1909
TillmanJoan born about 1938
TippinsBernice born about 1912
TippinsLindale born about 1916
ToddJulius born about 1905
ToddLottie born about 1906
ToddMildred born about 1926
ToddW Jborn about 1924
TuckerBerman born about 1924
TuckerBessie born about 1900
TuckerBobby Rayborn about 1936
TuckerBonnie Maeborn about 1932
TuckerByron born about 1923
TuckerFrank born about 1900
TuckerLillie born about 1904
TuckerLonnie Nborn about 1893
TuckerRobert Kborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerEmanuel born about 1912
WalkerFloyd born about 1919
WalkerJohnie born about 1911
WalkerJulia Hborn about 1874
WalkerManuel born about 1876
WalkerO Cborn about 1923
WallaceDaisy Leeborn about 1883
WallaceJ Henryborn about 1874
WallaceJames Sborn about 1925
WareEdna born about 1927
WareEffie Leeborn about 1939
WareEssie Leeborn about 1932
WareEvelyn Leneborn about 1926
WareIsiac Jr born about 1902
WareIsiac Sr born about 1864
WareJames born about 1910
WareMelrose born about 1935
WareQueen Esterborn about 1906
WareRufus born about 1892
WareTommie Janeborn about 1889
WarnockAlfred born about 1879
WarnockEmogene born about 1922
WarnockGeneva born about 1920
WarnockLeatie born about 1893
WatersAdda Louborn about 1907
WatersBillie Geneborn about 1933
WatersClara born about 1892
WatersHilda born about 1929
WatersJames Oscarborn about 1936
WatersThelma born about 1925
WatersWallace born about 1933
WatersWalter Hborn about 1935
WatersWatson born about 1910
WatersWilliam Bborn about 1889
WatersWillie Fborn about 1931
WatersWillie Tborn about 1912
WatersWillie Jr born about 1934
WatersWilma born about 1910
WellsLester born about 1924
WellsOrelia born about 1922
WellsWillie Leeborn about 1912
WildsCalvin born about 1939
WildsEleen Mooreborn about 1919
WildsJimie born about 1936
WildsNora Veneborn about 1938
WildsW Lewisborn about 1914
WilkersonAnnie Maeborn about 1903
WilkersonBenjamin Jborn about 1923
WilkersonJoe born about 1937
WilkersonMary Annborn about 1935
WilkersonPaul born about 1929
WilkersonWillie Rborn about 1902
WilliamsBeatrice born about 1923
WilliamsBuddie born about 1930
WilliamsCarolyn born about 1926
WilliamsCarrie born about 1891
WilliamsEdwin born about 1924
WilliamsEva born about 1900
WilliamsGeorge born about 1926
WilliamsGertrude born about 1918
WilliamsJ Cborn about 1921
WilliamsJames born about 1923
WilliamsJesse Leeborn about 1938
WilliamsJulia born about 1928
WilliamsLester born about 1922
WilliamsLoree born about 1938
WilliamsMarcelle born about 1905
WilliamsRosa Bellborn about 1909
WilliamsRosa Leeborn about 1923
WilliamsRosevelt born about 1905
WilliamsTerance born about 1922
WilliamsThomas born about 1925
WilliamsUla Maeborn about 1922
WilliamsWallace born about 1920
WilliamsWillie born about 1935
WrightLulu born about 1890
WrightWill born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarboughBillie Markborn about 1940
YarboughElton born about 1925
YarboughGeraldine born about 1937
YarboughIda Janeborn about 1929
YarboughLillian born about 1928
YarboughMattie born about 1907
YarboughWillie born about 1892
YarboughWillie Jr born about 1936

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