1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cedar Creek in Taylor County, Taylor, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Taylor County > 1940 Census of Cedar Creek in Taylor County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlbritonBob born about 1897
AlbritonBobby born about 1938
AlbritonHalton born about 1932
AlbritonHattie born about 1903
AlbritonJ Bborn about 1925
AlbritonJames Roscoeborn about 1921
AlbritonLaura born about 1929
AlbritonLozie Deeborn about 1936
AlbritonMary Francesborn about 1927
AlbritonOather Leeborn about 1934
AllmanCarrie born about 1885
AllmanDouglas born about 1924
AllmanRobbie born about 1885
AmersonDoris Maeborn about 1928
AmersonFleet born about 1872
AmersonJewell born about 1917
AmersonJohn Henryborn about 1921
AmersonMary Jr born about 1939
AmersonMinnie born about 1883
AultmanJames born about 1918
AultmanJohn born about 1886
AultmanOla born about 1886
AverittEarlean born about 1936
AverittGrace born about 1916
AverittGrady born about 1914

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B Surnames

BakerAda born about 1872
BarnesCharles born about 1919
BarnesDon born about 1921
BarnesElsie born about 1898
BarnesEvelyn born about 1905
BarnesG Rborn about 1875
BarnesJ Eborn about 1887
BarnesJerald born about 1918
BarnesJoe born about 1919
BarnesMartha Nellborn about 1938
BarnesMary born about 1867
BarnesValina born about 1892
BarrowBobby born about 1932
BarrowDorothy born about 1925
BarrowFrances born about 1906
BarrowHelen born about 1932
BarrowHenry born about 1896
BarrowHoward born about 1927
BarrowJames born about 1921
BarrowOra born about 1901
BarrowRalph born about 1925
BarrowSyble born about 1929
BeattyLester born about 1913
BellAdel born about 1916
BellAgnes Corleanborn about 1939
BellBob born about 1874
BellEarl Josephborn about 1936
BellJennie born about 1885
BellJesse born about 1917
BellJesse Jr born about 1935
BellMildred born about 1915
BellMurray born about 1908
BellRuth Earleanborn about 1932
BennettJohn Wborn about 1867
BennettMary Janeborn about 1869
BooneEddie Lewisborn about 1935
BooneGeorge Wborn about 1933
BooneHenry Bborn about 1937
BooneIda Maeborn about 1906
BooneJohn Thomasborn about 1906
BooneJohny Leeborn about 1931
BooneMary Isabelleborn about 1929
BooneMorgan Eborn about 1939
BooneNera born about 1904
BredyA Lborn about 1885
BrewerAnnie born about 1919
BrewerBetty born about 1912
BrewerDonnie Maeborn about 1914
BrewerElouise born about 1933
BrewerFleming born about 1911
BrewerFloyd Aaronborn about 1939
BrewerFred born about 1914
BrewerHarold Gableborn about 1938
BrewerJ Rborn about 1916
BrewerJames Bennettborn about 1931
BrewerLudie born about 1900
BrewerMarvin born about 1908
BrewerMilton born about 1891
BrewerRee born about 1918
BrewerRobert born about 1938
BrewerWilber born about 1920
BrookAlice born about 1914
BrookHenry born about 1910
BrooksBernice born about 1915
BrooksMary Bellborn about 1939
BrownAnnie born about 1893
BrownBetty born about 1932
BrownDreucilla born about 1931
BrownEddice born about 1903
BrownFranklin born about 1934
BrownGeorgie Maeborn about 1919
BrownJames Wilkesborn about 1924
BrownJoe Nathanborn about 1931
BrownNathaniel born about 1928
BrownTom born about 1893
BrownWilliam born about 1900
ByrantDurword born about 1922
ByrantHorace born about 1926
ByrantLaura born about 1893
ByrantM Aborn about 1883
ByrantThomas born about 1908

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C Surnames

CacterOsie born about 1890
CacterSuanna born about 1898
CallahamHarvey born about 1909
CallahamLucille born about 1913
CallahanDan born about 1924
CallahanDoris born about 1922
CallahanFrank born about 1892
CallahanJewel born about 1901
CallahanRoy born about 1931
CallahanSalon born about 1905
CallahanTonsie born about 1903
CallierCarl born about 1914
CallierClara Inezborn about 1918
CarpenterAuthor born about 1909
CarpenterBetty Jeanborn about 1937
CarpenterEdna born about 1917
CarpenterEdna born about 1935
CarpenterElma born about 1911
CarpenterFrances born about 1926
CarpenterFreeman born about 1922
CarpenterGlorius born about 1937
CarpenterHazel Maryborn about 1925
CarpenterHelen Annborn about 1936
CarpenterJ Cborn about 1919
CarpenterJeannette born about 1930
CarpenterJesse Bellborn about 1893
CarpenterJohn Robertborn about 1886
CarpenterLizzie Maeborn about 1895
CarpenterMarvin born about 1932
CarpenterMary Janeborn about 1940
CarpenterMath born about 1898
CarpenterMyrtle born about 1928
CarpenterOscar born about 1912
CarpenterRobert born about 1923
CarpenterThomas born about 1927
CarpenterThomas born about 1931
CarpenterWill Jborn about 1892
CarterBessie Leeborn about 1918
CarterClaude born about 1892
CarterLivia born about 1916
CarterM Cborn about 1918
CarterPearl born about 1893
CarterWillie Janeborn about 1936
CartersDavid born about 1929
CartersIda born about 1890
CartersJames Andrewborn about 1880
CartersJoseph born about 1926
CartersLeila born about 1927
CartersT Jborn about 1924
CartersWillis born about 1923
CockranFrances born about 1897
CockranRobert born about 1918
CockranTommie born about 1891
CollierBud born about 1932
CollierEster born about 1894
CollierEvelyn born about 1930
CollierJewel born about 1927
CollierMathel born about 1919
CollierPaskel born about 1923
CollierPauline born about 1925
CollierStella born about 1935
CollierThomas born about 1893
CollierVerna born about 1921
CollinTrusty born about 1914
CollinsKate born about 1898
CollinsLizzie born about 1894
CollinsManse born about 1866
CollinsWillie Jamesborn about 1936
CooperAnnie Lborn about 1908
CooperBarnice born about 1927
CooperBetty born about 1935
CooperC Cborn about 1879
CooperClyde born about 1903
CooperCorine born about 1908
CooperDaisy Pearlborn about 1933
CooperElizabeth born about 1907
CooperFleet born about 1884
CooperFreddie born about 1926
CooperGussie born about 1887
CooperJames Ranborn about 1903
CooperJames Wborn about 1873
CooperJimnat born about 1926
CooperJohn Tborn about 1877
CooperJulian Tborn about 1916
CooperKitty born about 1883
CooperLena Rinersborn about 1873
CooperLenora born about 1916
CooperLenwood born about 1884
CooperLibby Maeborn about 1889
CooperMaggie born about 1897
CooperPauline born about 1919
CooperRobert Davidborn about 1937
CooperWalter born about 1928
CooperWilliam born about 1915
CorbranMary Eborn about 1867
CouingtonEva born about 1900
CouingtonLouise born about 1922
CouingtonLucille born about 1927
CovilleBennie born about 1923
CovilleLewis born about 1921
CoxSallie Maeborn about 1876
CoxWilliam C Dborn about 1868
CratchAlma born about 1900
CratchAlma Ruthborn about 1928
CratchHenry Jr born about 1930
CrmbellAdel born about 1938
CrmbellArcher born about 1936
CrmbellCleveland born about 1898
CrmbellJunior born about 1931
CrmbellNathenia born about 1923
CrmbellRobert born about 1934
CrmbellRosie born about 1901
CrmbellSuganna born about 1929
CromerAldine born about 1931
CromerAra born about 1924
CromerJoyce Annborn about 1935
CromerJunior born about 1929
CromerMartha Louborn about 1867
CromerMinnie Louborn about 1933
CromerThelma born about 1902
CulliverCecil born about 1927
CulliverHershel born about 1935
CulliverJames Wallaceborn about 1882
CulliverOrie born about 1891

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D Surnames

DavisDaisy born about 1907
DavisEthel Maeborn about 1930
DavisJames born about 1902
DavisLula Annaborn about 1927
DavisMary Loisborn about 1925
DownsAdrinne born about 1939
DownsCecil born about 1909
DownsCharity born about 1909
DrakeEdward Pborn about 1915
DuncanBennie born about 1919
DuncanBertha Maeborn about 1928
DuncanFleta Maeborn about 1926
DuncanJames born about 1927
DuncanJesse born about 1848
DuncanJessie Bborn about 1939
DunningCornelia born about 1895
DurhamArlene born about 1931
DurhamBertha born about 1902
DurhamClifford born about 1929
DurhamJesse born about 1933
DurhamLouise born about 1936
DurhamMae born about 1926
DurhamOdessa born about 1922

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E Surnames

EllistonAlice born about 1888
EllistonBeatrice born about 1922
EllistonBeula born about 1889
EllistonGeorge born about 1925
EllistonJason born about 1914
EllistonMartha Janeborn about 1926
EllistonWilliam Eborn about 1880

F Surnames

FewJesse Lborn about 1919
FloydCharlie Leeborn about 1929
FloydEddie born about 1939
FloydJunior born about 1933
FloydLewis born about 1937
FloydPerry Leeborn about 1907
FloydSallie Maeborn about 1931
FloydWillie Jamesborn about 1935
FretwellLury Maeborn about 1918

G Surnames

GilesBennie born about 1926
GilesJohn Bborn about 1919
GilesMinnie born about 1889
GilesTom born about 1883
GipsonMilds born about 1921
GloverConelia born about 1890
GrantBud born about 1919
GrayCarrie born about 1928
GrayDaisy born about 1908
GroverCalvin born about 1915
GroverLeola born about 1921
GrundyAgie born about 1907
GrundyCarrie born about 1870
GrundyDoris born about 1928
GrundyEthel born about 1923
GrundyFlorene born about 1921
GrundyHovean born about 1900
GrundyLee born about 1868
GrundyLenard born about 1900
GrundyLola ?born about 1919
GrundyLonnie Arisborn about 1925
GrundyNorris born about 1928

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H Surnames

HankersonBilly Jeanborn about 1934
HankersonJ Cborn about 1925
HankersonJames born about 1921
HankersonJohn born about 1890
HankersonJoyce born about 1936
HankersonNora born about 1898
HarmonCharlie Lborn about 1914
HarmonEmily born about 1920
HarmonHenry born about 1882
HarmonJasper born about 1898
HarmonJim born about 1888
HarmonRosa Maborn about 1917
HarmonSara born about 1849
HarmonSidney born about 1920
HarrisEarl born about 1938
HarrisEdgar born about 1888
HarrisGeorge Sborn about 1935
HarrisIda born about 1874
HarrisMatalyn born about 1916
HarrisRetha Maeborn about 1915
HarrisRoosevelt born about 1935
HarrisWillie Janeborn about 1936
HarveyAnnetta born about 1926
HarveyBessie born about 1888
HarveyE Edwardborn about 1884
HarveyElla Mazieborn about 1887
HarveyFred born about 1885
HarveyHiram born about 1916
HarveyIda born about 1857
HarveyJ Pborn about 1907
HarveyJames Eborn about 1939
HarveyLenwood born about 1924
HarveyLoree born about 1914
HarveyMary Joborn about 1933
HearseCharlie born about 1878
HearseLaura born about 1882
HeathAlbert born about 1910
HeathBessie Louborn about 1913
HeathDoris born about 1926
HeathEddie Leeborn about 1937
HeathEdna Maeborn about 1937
HeathEdward born about 1908
HeathHerie Leeborn about 1912
HeathLeo born about 1939
HeathLeon born about 1939
HeathLizzie Bethborn about 1934
HeathLucille born about 1906
HeathMargie born about 1940
HeathMinnie Pearlborn about 1939
HeathVeola born about 1938
HeathVerna Maeborn about 1933
HendersonCecil Pborn about 1920
HendersonClifford born about 1926
HendersonGracie born about 1930
HendersonLu born about 1892
HendersonWillie Eborn about 1933
HillCleatus born about 1897
HillClyde born about 1906
HillDan born about 1928
HillDarrell born about 1924
HillFermon born about 1934
HillGracie Leeborn about 1902
HillInez born about 1922
HillJames Mborn about 1932
HillJean born about 1938
HillJimmie born about 1939
HillJohn Morganborn about 1898
HillMildred born about 1911
HillMyrtle born about 1926
HillRoy born about 1921
HillWilber born about 1930
HillWilma born about 1908
HobbsB Lborn about 1892
HobbsGeneva born about 1904
HobbsJohnny born about 1935
HobbsLaura born about 1938
HobbsLucille born about 1912
HobbsMack born about 1936
HobbsTalmage born about 1934
HodgerAda born about 1884
HodgerAda Maeborn about 1934
HodgerClaudie Maeborn about 1908
HodgerClifford born about 1930
HodgerDoris born about 1929
HodgerFannie Maeborn about 1937
HodgerJunior born about 1931
HodgerL Zborn about 1939
HodgerLenzie born about 1907
HodgerSammie Leeborn about 1936
HowardInez born about 1928

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I Surnames

IveyAnnie Graceborn about 1935
IveyErnest born about 1895
IveyJohnny born about 1930
IveyLowise born about 1911

J Surnames

JackonEmma Leeborn about 1928
JackonEuton Jr born about 1926
JackonEuton Sr born about 1869
JackonRosa Leeborn about 1930
JacksonBill born about 1885
JacksonGeorge born about 1917
JacksonMamie born about 1916
JacksonOra born about 1913
JamesAnnie Jborn about 1898
JamesGrady born about 1886
JamesMildred born about 1923
JenkinsAlbert Otisborn about 1936
JenkinsAnnie Maudborn about 1926
JenkinsEddie Jr born about 1933
JenkinsEssie Maeborn about 1916
JenkinsOssie Maeborn about 1938
JenkinsOtis born about 1911
JenkinsVirgie Maeborn about 1939
JenkinsWilliam born about 1935
JohnsonBeatrice born about 1911
JohnsonEleum born about 1864
JohnsonJack born about 1910
JohnsonMary Pearlborn about 1932
JohnsonOra born about 1890
JoinerAretious born about 1924
JonesBilly born about 1929
JonesBobby born about 1930
JonesBruce born about 1934
JonesErvin born about 1915
JonesEula born about 1938
JonesFlorence born about 1933
JonesGladys born about 1908
JonesHelen born about 1936
JonesJaunita born about 1940
JonesJimmie born about 1935
JonesJimmie born about 1940
JonesJoan born about 1938
JonesLouise born about 1917
JonesMary Leeborn about 1932
JonesRobert born about 1935
JonesWilliam Royborn about 1901
JordanPowell born about 1910
JordanSallie Maeborn about 1923

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K Surnames

KilcresseBen born about 1861
KilcresseDavid born about 1896
KilcresseKate born about 1890
KilereanLinda born about 1926
KilereanMalcolm born about 1928
KilereanMamie born about 1908

L Surnames

LangstonAllie Bellborn about 1924
LangstonIke born about 1902
LangstonSavannah born about 1904
LarkhartAllan born about 1874
LarkinAlain born about 1894
LarkinOlie born about 1905
LasseterClara born about 1931
LasseterEddie Leeborn about 1933
LasseterGarfield born about 1925
LasseterHattie born about 1895
LasseterJames Maryanborn about 1936
LasseterLee Willieborn about 1938
LasseterM Cborn about 1929
LasseterR Bborn about 1927
LasseterSherman born about 1880
LawhornAlberta born about 1887
LawhornAusburn born about 1873
LawhornKaterine born about 1880
LawhornMorris born about 1924
LawhornWilliam Ranborn about 1885
LockheartEdmund born about 1866
LonzieClarence born about 1920
LonzieMozetta born about 1926
LoveEddie Frankborn about 1933
LoveEdmund born about 1909
LoveGeorgia born about 1913
LoveJames born about 1905
LoveMilton born about 1939
LoveSallie Bellborn about 1902
LoveWillie Robertborn about 1935

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M Surnames

MangramAnnie Maeborn about 1939
MangramCornell born about 1937
MangramErnest born about 1915
MangramIleba born about 1921
MangramLuella born about 1876
MangramNettie Maeborn about 1917
MangramW Hborn about 1935
MasseyElizabeth born about 1931
MasseyMary Luborn about 1909
MasseyThomas born about 1907
MattockErnestine born about 1921
MattockEva Leeborn about 1939
MccartyCalvin Oborn about 1894
MccartyCatherine born about 1898
MccartyMary Lizzieborn about 1918
McchargueBentley born about 1926
McchargueC J Jrborn about 1921
McchargueClarence born about 1896
McchargueDonnie born about 1933
McchargueGwendolyn born about 1940
McchargueMartha born about 1930
McchargueMattie Ruthborn about 1899
McchargueMelvin born about 1923
McchargueRuth born about 1928
McchargueWilma born about 1925
McchorgueDavid born about 1917
McchorgueEmily Joyceborn about 1939
McchorgueSara born about 1920
MccorkleBarbara born about 1937
MccorkleBetty born about 1933
MccorkleMary born about 1911
MccorkleZack born about 1901
MccraryEmmett born about 1905
MccullerErnest born about 1890
McculliverMary Janeborn about 1912
McculliverThomas born about 1902
McgintyFrances born about 1925
McgintyLillian born about 1904
McphersonNellie Janeborn about 1885
McphersonWilliam Hborn about 1879
McreaJohn born about 1895
McreaJosephine born about 1900
MillerCarrie Leeborn about 1924
MillerEarl born about 1898
MillerEarlie Maeborn about 1930
MillerEugene born about 1935
MillerKatie born about 1908
MillerM Eborn about 1932
MillerMinnie Leeborn about 1927
MillerMissouri born about 1936
MillionsAnnie Sueborn about 1930
MillionsCharlie born about 1890
MillionsDan born about 1927
MillionsHugh born about 1916
MillionsMarilee born about 1920
MillionsOla born about 1887
MorgranDolly Maeborn about 1936
MorgranHorce born about 1938
MorgranI Wborn about 1930
MorgranL Mborn about 1926
MorgranLily Maeborn about 1928
MorgranLonie born about 1934
MorgranLonzie born about 1908
MorgranLuella born about 1940
MorgranMary Francesborn about 1909
MorgranTollie Cborn about 1932
MosseyEdna born about 1917
MosseyLester born about 1909
MurrayFannie born about 1895
MurrayJoe Allenborn about 1907
MurrayLucille born about 1910
MurrayMonrae born about 1872
MurrayNettie Bellborn about 1924
MurrayO ?born about 1909
MurrayRosetta born about 1891
MurrayT born about 1887
MurrayT Jborn about 1935

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O Surnames

OgburnAlbert born about 1906
OgburnBlanche born about 1909
OgburnCarrie Wborn about 1939
OgburnCladie Maeborn about 1925
OgburnClister born about 1875
OgburnDaisy Leeborn about 1909
OgburnE Bborn about 1916
OgburnEula Bellborn about 1931
OgburnEulie born about 1899
OgburnHazel born about 1932
OgburnJohn Lborn about 1936
OgburnJunior born about 1934
OgburnJunior born about 1936
OgburnL born about 1870
OgburnLucy born about 1902
OgburnLula Maeborn about 1926
OgburnMary born about 1918
OgburnMattie Leeborn about 1940
OgburnNatherine born about 1928
OgburnPecolia born about 1929
OgburnRosa Leeborn about 1931
OgburnWillie Cborn about 1924
OliverClyde born about 1900
OliverLucille born about 1902

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P Surnames

PalmerAnnie born about 1918
PalmerMarvis Lormarborn about 1939
PalmerMary Juliaborn about 1933
PalmerRobert Fordborn about 1935
PalmerWilliam Hborn about 1895
PeeklesAnna born about 1864
PeeklesClara born about 1895
PeeklesHenry born about 1893
PhilmonBlanche born about 1900
PhilmonHomer Cborn about 1939
PhilmonJoyce Maeborn about 1937
PhilmonLewis born about 1911
PitillerAlma born about 1923
PitillerBertha Maeborn about 1933
PitillerGeorge Wborn about 1933
PitillerJesse born about 1881
PitillerJesse Louborn about 1936
PitillerLewis born about 1886
PitillerVesta Leeborn about 1921
PurvisArmanda born about 1929
PurvisBetty born about 1932
PurvisDora born about 1894
PurvisWalter born about 1892
PurvisWilliam born about 1926
PurvisWinefred born about 1923

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R Surnames

RangeEddie Leeborn about 1915
RangeGrady Willborn about 1930
RangeHenry born about 1880
RangeLess born about 1936
RangeLonzie born about 1925
RangeMay Dorisborn about 1924
RangeRufus Bborn about 1929
RangeTimey born about 1891
RangeWillie Cborn about 1933
RayAlton born about 1927
RayBilly born about 1935
RayBlondel born about 1920
RayGeorge born about 1885
RayKatie born about 1894
RayMargaret born about 1924
RayMartha Ellenborn about 1933
RayTownsend born about 1930
RayWynel born about 1926
ReddickGlen Cborn about 1907
ReddickLois born about 1910
ReddickSonja born about 1936
RileyC Tborn about 1914
RileyEssie Maeborn about 1897
RileyEva Bellborn about 1924
RileyJohnny Leeborn about 1932
RileyJohny Mborn about 1939
RileyLaila Pearlborn about 1918
RileyLula Mozellborn about 1935
RileyMary Joyceborn about 1937
RileyMattie Pearlborn about 1935
RileyNettie Leeborn about 1930
RileyNina Maeborn about 1926
RileyRogene born about 1938
RogerDoc born about 1906
RogerIda Wilmaborn about 1929
RogerJ Wborn about 1867
RogerJames Aborn about 1927
RogerL Rborn about 1932
RogerLewis born about 1934
RogerLouise born about 1936
RogerMay Sueborn about 1911
RogersBessie born about 1919
RogersConnie born about 1934
RogersCorneta born about 1932
RogersEddie born about 1937
RogersElmo born about 1902
RogersFrank born about 1930
RogersFreddie born about 1937
RogersJack born about 1939
RogersJanie born about 1927
RogersJerry Pborn about 1888
RogersLamar born about 1917
RogersLula born about 1937
RogersMarie born about 1937
RogersMary born about 1915
RogersMary Lizzieborn about 1902
RogersMozella born about 1935
RogersRoy born about 1933
RogersRuth born about 1917
RogersVasco born about 1910
RogersWheeler born about 1912
RogersZelma born about 1919
RoyWilliam Bborn about 1871
RustinC Fredborn about 1905
RustinDonald born about 1931
RustinEvelyn born about 1928
RustinFred born about 1904
RustinFredrick born about 1926
RustinJaunita born about 1925
RustinLenora born about 1916
RustinMilton born about 1930
RustinRalph born about 1939
RustinRuby born about 1906

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S Surnames

SalesAldine born about 1919
SalesAnnie born about 1894
SalesColeman born about 1923
SalesEddie born about 1927
SalesFermon born about 1935
SalesFleta born about 1930
SalesGladys born about 1934
SalesLenora born about 1931
SalesPhilip born about 1890
SalesRaymond born about 1930
SalesWanza born about 1938
SandarsAllen born about 1893
SandarsBobby Jenborn about 1938
SandarsDavid Allenborn about 1922
SandarsHerman born about 1929
SandarsJ Lborn about 1926
SandarsLouise born about 1923
SandarsLudella born about 1902
SandarsMadge born about 1939
SandarsPalmer born about 1932
SandarsRuth born about 1935
SandersAnna born about 1885
SandersBeula Reeneborn about 1929
SandersCoste born about 1924
SandersJohn Dborn about 1882
SandersMamie born about 1906
SandersRuby born about 1930
SaugerEmeny born about 1896
SaugerJohn Pborn about 1891
SaugerJohn Willsborn about 1921
SawyerInez born about 1926
SawyerJames Wborn about 1931
SawyerLeroy born about 1929
SawyerMary Lowiseborn about 1923
SearcyCarol born about 1932
SearcyCatee born about 1939
SearcyClara Bellborn about 1912
SearcyE Cborn about 1922
SearcyErnstine born about 1929
SearcyHam born about 1926
SearcyHazel born about 1924
SearcyJacob born about 1902
SearcyJasper born about 1927
SearcyM Sborn about 1938
SearcyMary Loisborn about 1935
SearcyMilion born about 1936
SearcyVerna born about 1930
SearcyViola born about 1886
SearcyW Mborn about 1931
SearcyWillie Bborn about 1923
ShelterCliffie born about 1900
ShelterIllinois born about 1895
ShortBoyd born about 1939
ShortClarence born about 1914
ShortGrace born about 1919
ShortJimmie born about 1937
ShyElla Ruthborn about 1924
ShyWilman born about 1910
SmithA Wborn about 1922
SmithAlma born about 1921
SmithAnnie Leeborn about 1919
SmithBertha born about 1922
SmithCassie born about 1884
SmithD born about 1893
SmithDotty born about 1924
SmithGertude born about 1904
SmithGus born about 1873
SmithHake born about 1920
SmithIda Pearlborn about 1938
SmithMary born about 1882
SmithMioma born about 1920
SmithVeristine born about 1939
SmithWeaver Lborn about 1921
StringfieldAlbert born about 1928
StringfieldArnold born about 1926
StringfieldMattie born about 1887
StringfieldOtis born about 1923
SuggsMinnie born about 1880

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T Surnames

TarrellEula Bessborn about 1930
TaylorA Cborn about 1906
TaylorA C Jrborn about 1934
TaylorAlice born about 1884
TaylorAlice Gertudeborn about 1929
TaylorAllonza born about 1938
TaylorAmila born about 1937
TaylorArlina born about 1908
TaylorCatherine born about 1939
TaylorDuncan born about 1919
TaylorEarlean born about 1940
TaylorFlorence born about 1883
TaylorHenry Jr born about 1919
TaylorHenry Sr born about 1879
TaylorLester born about 1927
TaylorMinnie Leeborn about 1922
TaylorOssie born about 1924
TaylorReecy born about 1903
TaylorWillie Deeanborn about 1935
TerrellNash born about 1909
TerrellOssie Maeborn about 1911
TerryW Sborn about 1928
TheusJane born about 1939
TheusJeannette born about 1936
TheusMaud born about 1916
TheusWilliam born about 1915
TownsWillie Leeborn about 1911
TurnerAlton born about 1928
TurnerAnes born about 1929
TurnerBeula born about 1888
TurnerBill born about 1904
TurnerBoyette born about 1939
TurnerEthel Luborn about 1938
TurnerJacob Nborn about 1872
TurnerJohn Wborn about 1906
TurnerLula born about 1873
TurnerMitchel born about 1911
TurnerRivers born about 1904
TurnerRuth born about 1907
TurnerTom born about 1919
TurnerW Cborn about 1928

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U Surnames

UptonThomas Wborn about 1871
UptonWillie Aborn about 1891

W Surnames

WalkerAdel born about 1924
WalkerJamie Cborn about 1922
WalkerWillie born about 1918
WaltersBeula Maeborn about 1933
WaltersEddie Bborn about 1932
WaltersMace Jr born about 1929
WaltersRosala born about 1936
WaltersWillie Bborn about 1934
WatkinsJoan born about 1865
WatleyJassie born about 1866
WeedsAuthor born about 1885
WeedsDelia born about 1883
WeedsElma born about 1917
WeedsGloria born about 1936
WeedsMelba born about 1938
WeedsMurray born about 1916
WeedsSamuel born about 1919
WhiteAlma born about 1927
WhiteFrances born about 1900
WhiteOscar born about 1897
WhiteThelma born about 1916
WilcherBuddy born about 1921
WilcherC Bborn about 1928
WilcherClem born about 1890
WilcherClemie Leeborn about 1923
WilcherDolly Maeborn about 1935
WilcherEpson born about 1930
WilcherGeorgia born about 1865
WilcherGladys born about 1927
WilcherGoldie Maeborn about 1922
WilcherHarris born about 1899
WilcherJimmie Louborn about 1919
WilcherLess born about 1892
WilcherLestor born about 1878
WilcherLilia born about 1939
WilcherLouise born about 1924
WilcherMagur born about 1912
WilcherMay Beleborn about 1905
WilcherMinnie born about 1902
WilcherMittie born about 1901
WilcherMonroe born about 1875
WilcherOsella born about 1938
WilcherSamson born about 1867
WilcherTom born about 1926
WilckerEthel Maeborn about 1922
WilckerHiran born about 1923
WilckerMary born about 1884
WilckerMot born about 1880
WilkisFelton born about 1910
WilkisIris born about 1915
WilkisJesse Royborn about 1938
WilliamElnora born about 1925
WilliamsonBeuna Annborn about 1939
WilliamsonEdward born about 1914
WilliamsonJaunita born about 1918
WilliamsonLily Maborn about 1937
WillisEd born about 1880
WilsonHassie born about 1891
WishamAgnes born about 1928
WishamAndrey born about 1929
WishamAnnie born about 1929
WishamBessie Jewelborn about 1920
WishamBurl born about 1910
WishamEmma Graceborn about 1934
WishamEva born about 1934
WishamHarvey born about 1931
WishamHazel born about 1932
WishamHilda born about 1938
WishamInez born about 1925
WishamIrma born about 1913
WishamJ R Srborn about 1865
WishamJ T Jrborn about 1907
WishamLeona born about 1905
WishamLouise born about 1936
WishamMillard born about 1932
WishamNeva born about 1934
WishamOllie Kateborn about 1911
WishamPearl born about 1891
WishamRuby born about 1911
WishamRuby born about 1921
WishamSam born about 1890
WishamSolon born about 1911
WishamSolon Jr born about 1938
WishamVerna born about 1935
WishamWanza born about 1901
WishamWanza born about 1928
WishamY Sborn about 1910

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Y Surnames

YoungwoodBeatrice born about 1935
YoungwoodBeula born about 1898
YoungwoodDave born about 1897
YoungwoodHenry born about 1919
YoungwoodJunior born about 1928
YoungwoodOris born about 1920
YoungwoodVera Maeborn about 1940

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