1940 U.S. Federal Census of Center Hill in Habersham County, Habersham, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Habersham County > 1940 Census of Center Hill in Habersham County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsGarnett born about 1924
AdamsHarvey born about 1928
AdamsHubert born about 1919
AdamsMamie born about 1890
AdamsSam Yborn about 1922
AlexanderCaroline born about 1939
AlexanderCrawford born about 1926
AlexanderDora Belleborn about 1922
AlexanderElizabeth born about 1922
AlexanderEmanuel born about 1866
AlexanderFannie Belleborn about 1908
AlexanderG Lborn about 1898
AlexanderGussie born about 1924
AlexanderH Cborn about 1916
AlexanderHerschel born about 1887
AlexanderJunior born about 1928
AlexanderLex born about 1914
AlexanderLottie born about 1920
AlexanderLouise born about 1930
AlexanderMary born about 1887
AlexanderRosie born about 1898
AlexanderThelma Rigginsborn about 1918
AlexanderThomas born about 1924
AlexanderWilma Ireneborn about 1939
AndersonClarence born about 1902
AndersonDessie born about 1910
AndersonEffie Leeborn about 1937
AndersonHoward born about 1915
AndersonJames born about 1934
AndersonJoe born about 1930
AndersonJohn Aborn about 1936
AndersonLawrence born about 1903
AndersonLouellen born about 1932
AndersonMartha Leanborn about 1938
AndersonMary born about 1874
AndersonMary Sueborn about 1928
AndersonRobert born about 1936
AndersonRuby born about 1910
AndersonSylvester born about 1933
AnsleyBelle born about 1892
AnsleyCharles born about 1936
AnsleyEverett born about 1930
AnsleyFlorence born about 1864
AnsleyHampton born about 1884
AnsleyHomer born about 1914
AnsleyImogene born about 1931
AnsleyJohn Henryborn about 1907
AnsleyJuanita born about 1933
AnsleyMarcelle born about 1915
AnsleyOra Leeborn about 1919
AnsleyPauline born about 1912
AnsleyRebecca born about 1935
AnsleyWillie Maryborn about 1909
ArmourJane born about 1868
ArmourThomas born about 1867
AskewJohn born about 1925
AyersBetty born about 1937
AyersCurtis born about 1892
AyersGladys born about 1923
AyersHarsel born about 1911
AyersJohn born about 1920
AyersLiza born about 1874
AyersMellie born about 1900
AyersOrphia born about 1908
AyersTheron born about 1930
AyersWill born about 1914
AyersWilliam Thomasborn about 1935
AyersWilly Joeborn about 1938
AyersWinston born about 1904
AyersWinston Jr born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BardenAnnie Dorisborn about 1924
BardenAnnie Susanborn about 1899
BardenBilly Joeborn about 1929
BardenDaniel Edwardborn about 1931
BardenEmily Louiseborn about 1922
BardenFrank Jborn about 1885
BardenFrank Leeborn about 1920
BardenIda Claudeineborn about 1918
BardenJames Russelborn about 1923
BardenLena Brabsonborn about 1927
BardenMary Annborn about 1934
BarefootBetty Annborn about 1938
BarefootCarl born about 1934
BarefootJohn Thomasborn about 1933
BarefootJohn Wborn about 1890
BarefootMargaret born about 1911
BarefootWalter Eugeneborn about 1936
BarrettAlpha born about 1888
BeckCarlton born about 1934
BeckClay born about 1930
BeckFrances born about 1929
BeckHubert born about 1901
BeckKatie born about 1932
BeckLena born about 1910
BeckTroy born about 1937
BennettEva Ruthborn about 1922
BennettHarvey born about 1894
BennettIrene born about 1924
BennettSara Elizabethborn about 1864
BennettVina born about 1892
BerryDovie born about 1911
BerryLuther born about 1898
BlaineCatherine born about 1922
BlaineRobt born about 1916
BlairAlwayne born about 1930
BlairAustralia born about 1924
BlairBurns born about 1921
BlairCaroline born about 1929
BlairCarrie Hendersonborn about 1904
BlairCleo born about 1927
BlairDoris born about 1923
BlairEarnest born about 1892
BlairElford born about 1919
BlairEunice born about 1870
BlairFrances born about 1925
BlairGarnett born about 1931
BlairHoyt born about 1903
BlairHoyt Jr born about 1932
BlairLois born about 1926
BlairLona born about 1916
BlairMildred born about 1924
BlairMozelle born about 1916
BlairOmie born about 1891
BlairOmie born about 1897
BlairParalee born about 1921
BlairSara Francesborn about 1861
BlairSarah born about 1870
BlairSyble born about 1927
BleckleyJulia born about 1873
BleckleyLogan born about 1870
BowdenGrace born about 1920
BowenAlma born about 1920
BowenClara born about 1896
BowenDoris born about 1934
BowenEtna Fayborn about 1929
BowenHarrison born about 1890
BowenHubert born about 1925
BowenJames born about 1938
BowenJohn born about 1938
BowenLaverne born about 1931
BowenTelford born about 1940
BowenWilliam born about 1915
BradyBen born about 1912
BradyChristine born about 1934
BradyElla born about 1913
BradyEugene born about 1935
BradyGeraldine born about 1937
BradyLurline born about 1932
BradyMamie born about 1939
BradyRene born about 1931
BramblettElizabeth born about 1938
BramblettMary Anneborn about 1939
BramblettStoy born about 1920
BramblettWilly Mayborn about 1921
BramholdEsther born about 1881
BramholdVictor born about 1873
BrockDeveraux born about 1911
BrockGrace Smithborn about 1916
BrockLe Roy born about 1932
BrockRuby born about 1931
BrownBruce born about 1928
BrownEmma born about 1933
BrownHerman born about 1931
BrownHugh born about 1935
BrownLouise born about 1899
BrownMildred born about 1925
BrownRandall born about 1892
BrownRuth born about 1923
BrownSelma born about 1921
BrownShirley born about 1937
BurgessCorner born about 1916
BurgessEarnest born about 1932
BurgessFannie Mayborn about 1930
BurgessMary born about 1884
BurrellCarol born about 1936
BurrellCeena born about 1921
BurrellClinton born about 1924
BurrellEmma born about 1901
BurrellEugene born about 1938
BurrellFrancis born about 1896
BurrellGarnett born about 1927
BurrellGeneva born about 1936
BurrellHenry born about 1890
BurrellIbra born about 1923
BurrellIrene born about 1930
BurrellJohn born about 1899
BurrellJohn Jborn about 1877
BurrellLloyd born about 1919
BurrellMaudie Reeborn about 1928
BurrellRalph born about 1927
BurrellRoy born about 1925
BurrellRuth born about 1897
BurrellRuth born about 1932
BurrellStella Mayborn about 1932
BurrellWilma born about 1935
BurrellWinnie born about 1923
ButtsCorbett born about 1927
ButtsCorine born about 1922
ButtsEllene born about 1920
ButtsGeorge Wborn about 1925
ButtsHarold born about 1930
ButtsMinnie born about 1898
ButtsMontine born about 1932
ButtsSylvia Annborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CantrellAddie Louborn about 1935
CantrellBetty Joeborn about 1938
CantrellBeulah born about 1901
CantrellBilly born about 1930
CantrellFloyd born about 1927
CantrellFrank born about 1899
CantrellFrank born about 1932
CantrellGeraldine born about 1928
CantrellHudson born about 1923
CarlingNancy Leeborn about 1932
CarshA Dborn about 1887
CarshBonnie born about 1918
CarshDennis born about 1922
CarshEthel born about 1897
CarshJulian born about 1920
CarshMax born about 1927
CashAmiel born about 1907
CashAnne born about 1928
CashBartley born about 1904
CashBernice Burrellborn about 1905
CashBirdie born about 1911
CashEloise born about 1930
CashElsie born about 1933
CashFrances born about 1931
CashIda born about 1896
CashJoel born about 1885
CashJohn born about 1905
CashJohn Fborn about 1890
CashLois Dborn about 1904
CashRo Wborn about 1888
CashRuth born about 1936
CashSarah born about 1869
CashStewart born about 1876
CashTommy born about 1933
ChambersCharles born about 1932
ChambersConnie born about 1922
ChambersEmma Mayborn about 1937
ChambersHastin born about 1878
ChambersJames Leeborn about 1920
ChambersLester born about 1939
ChambersRoy born about 1922
ChambersSara Janeborn about 1902
ChambersSusie born about 1927
ChambersVonie born about 1934
ChaseDolly Rayborn about 1884
ChaseJean Nettieborn about 1923
CherryFrank born about 1880
ChitwoodAnnie born about 1931
ChitwoodBilly born about 1934
ChitwoodEdith born about 1928
ChitwoodIrene born about 1922
ChitwoodLucile born about 1927
ChitwoodMary born about 1902
ChitwoodSusie born about 1925
ChitwoodWilliam born about 1899
ChurchwellCarl born about 1912
ChurchwellMabel born about 1914
ClarkAddie Bellborn about 1921
ClarkAlice born about 1928
ClarkClara born about 1910
ClarkClarence born about 1905
ClarkClarence Jr born about 1930
ClarkDorothy born about 1926
ClarkJohn born about 1919
ClarkJoyce born about 1935
ClarkLula born about 1880
ClarkVerner born about 1918
CodyCatherine born about 1934
CodyClaude born about 1915
CodyClaude Wborn about 1935
CodyEllene born about 1908
CodyJames born about 1932
CodyJas Alecborn about 1888
CodyJeannettie born about 1932
CodyJessie born about 1934
CodyJohn Aborn about 1911
CodyLewis born about 1908
CodyNettie born about 1881
CodyPhillip born about 1938
CodyViolet born about 1910
CodyWilifred born about 1915
CooperAudrey born about 1930
CooperHenry born about 1885
CooperMargaret born about 1902
CooperOla born about 1926
CroweChristine born about 1930
CroweClifford born about 1925
CroweElese born about 1918
CroweGertrude born about 1933
CroweJack born about 1915
CroweMartha Jeanborn about 1935
CroweMary born about 1896
CroweOtis born about 1923
CroweRobert born about 1894
CulorsAmret Cborn about 1883
CulorsCharles Cborn about 1920
CulorsGeorge Wborn about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleLillie born about 1888
DaleSam Robertborn about 1912
DaltonLizzie born about 1873
DanielAllie born about 1925
DanielLewis born about 1926
DanielRalph born about 1930
DanielRoy born about 1901
DanielSeena born about 1904
DavisAnnette born about 1929
DavisBernice born about 1921
DavisBlanche born about 1935
DavisDonie born about 1886
DavisEdwin born about 1921
DavisHarold born about 1932
DavisHershell born about 1914
DavisMary Francesborn about 1892
DavisMary Lizzieborn about 1915
DavisNorman born about 1915
DavisPreston born about 1910
DavisRichard born about 1940
DavisSwan born about 1881
DavisVernie Mayborn about 1933
DavisWimkey Sborn about 1877
DickersonLula born about 1886
DillAndrew born about 1881
DillArnold born about 1910
DillBertha born about 1910
DillClifford born about 1913
DillEstelle born about 1910
DillEungee born about 1895
DillEverett born about 1932
DillFloy born about 1927
DillFrank born about 1927
DillG Pinkborn about 1877
DillG Pink Jrborn about 1932
DillGeorge Omaborn about 1939
DillGrace born about 1923
DillHershell born about 1906
DillIrene born about 1931
DillJames born about 1932
DillJohn born about 1912
DillJohn Henryborn about 1937
DillLeona born about 1935
DillLewis born about 1926
DillLillie born about 1887
DillLola Belleborn about 1925
DillLouise born about 1924
DillLucile born about 1920
DillMary Francesborn about 1921
DillRaymond born about 1939
DillRobert born about 1924
DillRuth born about 1929
DillVirginia born about 1937
DillWillie Mayborn about 1928
DillWilly Blancheborn about 1939
DillWilma born about 1935
DillinghamMonroe born about 1874
DillinghamNannie born about 1884
DunnJim born about 1877
DyerMartha born about 1860

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F Surnames

FosterHolmes born about 1922
FosterJames Hborn about 1884
FosterMary born about 1923
FosterMary Mottborn about 1887
FradyGarnette born about 1908
FradyMary born about 1912
FranklinEmanuel born about 1923
FranklinEugene born about 1921
FranklinSarah born about 1921
FreeElizabeth born about 1928
FreeEllen Sueborn about 1924
FreeFrank born about 1896
FreeFred born about 1927
FreeJohn born about 1922
FreeKathleen born about 1936
FreeLessie born about 1896
FreeLucius born about 1917
FreemanAnnie Mayborn about 1910
FreemanBeatrice born about 1932
FreemanBetty Louiseborn about 1938
FreemanBilly born about 1927
FreemanEssie Mayborn about 1934
FreemanGeorge Bborn about 1873
FreemanGeorge Jr born about 1927
FreemanGordon born about 1908
FreemanHobart born about 1923
FreemanHoward born about 1910
FreemanHubert born about 1925
FreemanJack born about 1930
FreemanJimmy born about 1931
FreemanLaura born about 1900
FreemanMadeline born about 1934
FreemanOscar Bborn about 1931
FreemanWillard born about 1937
FreemanZadie born about 1905
FricksJaquline born about 1932
FricksJoyce born about 1937
FricksLucy Marieborn about 1935
FricksMary Louborn about 1928
FricksRuby born about 1910
FricksSamon born about 1905
FricksSusanne born about 1854
FricksThomas Lamonborn about 1939
FunkAgnes born about 1935
FunkBetty born about 1931
FunkBonnie born about 1933
FunkEmma Mayborn about 1926
FunkEssie born about 1901
FunkGodfrey born about 1902
FunkGodfrey Jr born about 1927
FunkHarvey born about 1929
FunkLaverne born about 1927
FunkRalph born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GibbyOscar born about 1917
GibsonAgnes born about 1935
GibsonArthur born about 1898
GibsonArthur Jr born about 1925
GibsonBen Alleyborn about 1902
GibsonBetty born about 1939
GibsonBetty Joeborn about 1939
GibsonCarlene born about 1933
GibsonChas Wborn about 1927
GibsonElsa Mayborn about 1922
GibsonEva Mayborn about 1930
GibsonFannie born about 1892
GibsonH Cborn about 1869
GibsonHoyt born about 1921
GibsonIrene born about 1921
GibsonJeannette born about 1870
GibsonJohn Henryborn about 1903
GibsonLois born about 1927
GibsonLouise born about 1914
GibsonLucile born about 1920
GibsonLucy Mayborn about 1924
GibsonMoe Jeanborn about 1933
GibsonOscar Cborn about 1876
GibsonRalph born about 1925
GibsonSallie born about 1905
GibsonSamantha born about 1876
GibsonSyble born about 1930
GosnellAlburn born about 1881
GosnellArville born about 1938
GosnellBrady born about 1906
GosnellCatherine born about 1930
GosnellEsther born about 1905
GosnellJoe Abbborn about 1911
GosnellRosa Belleborn about 1881
GosnellRosy Ellenborn about 1932
GosnellWilliam Aborn about 1937
GrantMary Louborn about 1912
GrantWilmer born about 1931
GrubbsLillian born about 1882
GrubbsMelvin Cborn about 1869
GunnelsEthel born about 1927
GunnelsWalter Bborn about 1931
GunnelsWindy born about 1900

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H Surnames

HardyDorothy born about 1923
HardyFrances born about 1927
HardyGeorge born about 1892
HardyGeorge Jr born about 1929
HardyJames Owenborn about 1932
HardyMaude born about 1889
HardyPauline born about 1925
HarrisBessie born about 1898
HarrisBetty born about 1934
HarrisBeulah born about 1890
HarrisEarnest born about 1927
HarrisHenry born about 1893
HarrisIley born about 1887
HarrisImogene born about 1932
HarrisIrvin born about 1923
HarrisJimmie born about 1924
HarrisJimmie born about 1925
HarrisJoe born about 1927
HarrisJoseph born about 1922
HatfieldCaroline born about 1929
HatfieldElsene born about 1931
HatfieldGary born about 1935
HatfieldHansell born about 1939
HatfieldLaura Mayborn about 1905
HatfieldLe Roy born about 1903
HatfieldMarion born about 1928
HatfieldVivian born about 1938
HeardAlice born about 1937
HeardGessie born about 1911
HeardGussie Annborn about 1937
HeardHarry born about 1903
HeardKitty Louborn about 1922
HeardLe Roy born about 1920
HeardLizzie born about 1936
HeardLula Mayborn about 1910
HeardMarcus born about 1889
HeardMary Louborn about 1939
HeardRilla born about 1890
HeardRobert born about 1835
HeardRobert born about 1918
HeardSarah born about 1913
HeardTom born about 1921
HeardVicie born about 1852
HeardWilliam born about 1910
HefnerCallie born about 1927
HefnerElsie born about 1923
HefnerElzora born about 1861
HefnerEmma Louborn about 1920
HefnerFrances born about 1939
HefnerFrank born about 1886
HefnerHarold born about 1921
HefnerMaude born about 1889
HefnerRalph born about 1932
HefnerRichard born about 1911
HerrinAnna born about 1890
HerrinCranford born about 1873
HerrinEdgar Cborn about 1910
HicksBrady born about 1921
HicksEllison born about 1927
HicksLonnie Mborn about 1928
HicksMargaret born about 1897
HoganJames Fborn about 1918
HoganJoseph born about 1889
HoganMaggie born about 1891
HolbrookAlice born about 1917
HolbrookAlice Worleyborn about 1924
HolbrookAndrew born about 1901
HolbrookAndrew Jr born about 1932
HolbrookBurnice born about 1919
HolbrookFloyd born about 1930
HolbrookFrank born about 1915
HolbrookJess Rborn about 1886
HolbrookMalissa born about 1891
HolbrookMary Ruthborn about 1937
HolbrookMinnie born about 1908
HolbrookNina born about 1925
HolbrookRaymond born about 1934
HolbrookRuby born about 1929
HolbrookWayne born about 1927
HolbrookWilliam born about 1924
HolbrookWinfield born about 1927
HurtBeatrice born about 1917
HurtClyde born about 1925
HurtDolly born about 1929
HurtEarnest born about 1914
HurtJames Cborn about 1890
HurtJames Jr born about 1938
HurtOllie born about 1895

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I Surnames

IrvinAnnie Ruth Royborn about 1907
IrvinNeill born about 1938
IrvinTinsley born about 1934

J Surnames

JacksonEd born about 1900
JacksonSally Worleyborn about 1901
JamesJames born about 1871

K Surnames

KimbrellBetty born about 1939
KimbrellBlanton born about 1928
KimbrellBonnie born about 1914
KimbrellCatherine born about 1932
KimbrellGeorge born about 1898
KimbrellGeraldine born about 1923
KimbrellHoward born about 1930
KimbrellJack born about 1920
KimbrellJames born about 1935
KimbrellJoyce born about 1933
KimbrellLizzie born about 1900
KimbrellLloyd born about 1934
KimbrellMary Fayborn about 1938
KimbrellOnida Mayborn about 1925
KimbrellRuby born about 1931
KimbrellRussel born about 1936
KimbrellTommy born about 1910
KimseyAnnie born about 1880
KimseyChas Dborn about 1875
KimseyRoss born about 1911
KimseyStekka born about 1921
KingEugene born about 1938
KingEula Mayborn about 1922
KingGladys born about 1920
KingGrace born about 1935
KingHattie born about 1891
KingHerbert Leeborn about 1940
KingJames born about 1936
KingJames Gborn about 1927
KingMartha born about 1938
KingRebecca born about 1937
KingSadys born about 1920
KingSam born about 1888
KingWilliam Gborn about 1919

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L Surnames

LandersBessie born about 1884
LandersCharlie born about 1912
LandersFannie Hborn about 1914
LandersJames Oborn about 1884
LandersLorna born about 1931
LandersLottie born about 1914
LandersSanford born about 1905
LandersThurman born about 1933
LandersWillene born about 1924
LathanAdele born about 1888
LathanArthur born about 1912
LathanCarl born about 1932
LathanClyde born about 1913
LathanColleen born about 1934
LathanDawson born about 1909
LathanDorothy born about 1910
LathanEarl born about 1939
LathanElsie Maeborn about 1917
LathanEmory born about 1918
LathanEverett born about 1938
LathanGarland born about 1908
LathanLouise born about 1936
LathanRosa born about 1921
LathanThomas born about 1936
LathanViolaree born about 1938
LathanViolet born about 1916
LathanWilleen born about 1936
LathanWillie Louborn about 1919
LeonardAnita Annborn about 1936
LeonardEarl born about 1916
LeonardJohn born about 1912
LeonardKatie born about 1910
LeonardSadie born about 1908
LeonardSally born about 1876
LeonardTheodore born about 1912
LeonardTommy born about 1935
LeonardVera born about 1912
LeonardWalter born about 1871
LeonardWilliam Vborn about 1921
LeonardYvonne born about 1939
LewallenVelma born about 1923
LoudermilkAnna Carleborn about 1879
LoudermilkArthur born about 1905
LoudermilkBetty Annborn about 1934
LoudermilkBeulah born about 1909
LoudermilkBonnie Mayborn about 1921
LoudermilkCager born about 1932
LoudermilkCallaway born about 1877
LoudermilkCharles born about 1936
LoudermilkClara Leeborn about 1935
LoudermilkConnie born about 1891
LoudermilkCrawford born about 1922
LoudermilkDewitt born about 1928
LoudermilkDoc Bborn about 1888
LoudermilkDoc B Jrborn about 1923
LoudermilkDovie born about 1904
LoudermilkEarnestine born about 1909
LoudermilkEdgar born about 1912
LoudermilkEffie born about 1894
LoudermilkEfford born about 1924
LoudermilkErford born about 1917
LoudermilkErford born about 1929
LoudermilkErford born about 1930
LoudermilkErnest born about 1887
LoudermilkEstelle born about 1883
LoudermilkEthel born about 1927
LoudermilkEvelyn born about 1932
LoudermilkFrances born about 1852
LoudermilkGarland born about 1920
LoudermilkGladys born about 1930
LoudermilkGordon born about 1905
LoudermilkHoyt born about 1933
LoudermilkJ Hborn about 1883
LoudermilkJack born about 1934
LoudermilkJames born about 1927
LoudermilkJames Wborn about 1919
LoudermilkJames Wborn about 1934
LoudermilkJas Williamborn about 1927
LoudermilkJessie born about 1928
LoudermilkJewel born about 1930
LoudermilkJoe born about 1925
LoudermilkJoe Harveyborn about 1926
LoudermilkJohn Bborn about 1921
LoudermilkJohnson born about 1887
LoudermilkJudge Dborn about 1885
LoudermilkJudge Jr born about 1918
LoudermilkJulia born about 1920
LoudermilkKathleen born about 1923
LoudermilkKenneth born about 1933
LoudermilkLarkin born about 1891
LoudermilkLarkin Jr born about 1925
LoudermilkLizzie born about 1902
LoudermilkLois Annborn about 1937
LoudermilkLola Evansborn about 1922
LoudermilkLouise born about 1931
LoudermilkLula born about 1900
LoudermilkMartha born about 1880
LoudermilkMartha born about 1915
LoudermilkMary born about 1930
LoudermilkMary Francesborn about 1920
LoudermilkMildred born about 1934
LoudermilkNora born about 1897
LoudermilkOllie born about 1936
LoudermilkOneal born about 1913
LoudermilkOtto born about 1919
LoudermilkOvilene born about 1935
LoudermilkPaul born about 1898
LoudermilkPauline born about 1916
LoudermilkPauline born about 1926
LoudermilkQuinton born about 1924
LoudermilkReece born about 1939
LoudermilkRoland born about 1915
LoudermilkRosa Belleborn about 1897
LoudermilkRoy born about 1890
LoudermilkRuby born about 1912
LoudermilkRuby Leeborn about 1915
LoudermilkSally Kateborn about 1910
LoudermilkShirley Annborn about 1937
LoudermilkSidney born about 1904
LoudermilkSwinton born about 1928
LoudermilkThelma born about 1932
LoudermilkTom Irvinborn about 1912
LoudermilkVirginia born about 1930
LoudermilkWilliam born about 1935
LoudermilkWillie born about 1930
LoudermilkWillie Blairborn about 1891
LoudermilkWilma born about 1937
LoudermilkWinnie born about 1901
LoudermilkZeb Leeborn about 1927
LoudermilkZelma born about 1914

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M Surnames

MastersAlice born about 1904
MastersEugene born about 1927
MastersJohn Mborn about 1904
MastersWilliam born about 1928
MaxwellAlice born about 1920
MaxwellAnn born about 1937
MaxwellTatum born about 1919
McconnellAnnie Lillianborn about 1937
McconnellBetty Jeanborn about 1935
McconnellEmma born about 1900
McconnellFrank born about 1927
McconnellLois born about 1926
McconnellLouis born about 1939
McconnellPaul born about 1901
McconnellPaul Jr born about 1928
McconnellTommie Leeborn about 1930
McconnellWillie Mayborn about 1932
MccrackinCharity born about 1890
MccrackinConnie born about 1885
MccrackinElla born about 1900
MccrackinJames Cborn about 1921
MccrackinOma Leeborn about 1920
MccrackinTom born about 1882
MccrackinVillian Bennieborn about 1931
McnabbEffie born about 1890
McnabbIver Nborn about 1891
McnabbThor Jborn about 1917
MeeksClyde born about 1912
MeeksEd born about 1892
MeeksEugene born about 1939
MeeksGarnett born about 1915
MeeksGeorgia born about 1910
MeeksIsabelle born about 1925
MeeksJohn Henryborn about 1933
MeeksLloyd born about 1928
MeeksMary born about 1880
MeeksMary born about 1910
MeeksMary born about 1920
MeeksOdell born about 1931
MerritEthel born about 1919
MerritJas Tborn about 1898
MorrisArah born about 1911
MorrisCora Leeborn about 1929
MorrisGilbert born about 1910
MorrisGilbert Jr born about 1936
MorrisJackie born about 1938
MorrisJas Bborn about 1933
MorrisMozelle born about 1931
MoterAdeline born about 1929
MotesAvery born about 1939
MotesFanny Tomlinborn about 1903
MotesGeneford born about 1937
MotesJoyce born about 1934
MotesMarinda born about 1879
MotesOtis born about 1903
MotesWillene born about 1925
MottPhineas born about 1883
MurrayDorothy born about 1926
MurrayEdgar born about 1935
MurrayEdwin born about 1935
MurrayHugh born about 1924
MurrayJames Dborn about 1917
MurrayRansom born about 1891
MurrayReba born about 1927
MurrayRichard born about 1936
MurrayViola born about 1903

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N Surnames

NicklesonCollene born about 1928
NicklesonGeorge born about 1922
NicklesonMaude born about 1906
NixAndrew born about 1885
NixFrances born about 1923
NixFrancis born about 1923
NixIvalee born about 1924
NixKary born about 1915
NixZona born about 1892

O Surnames

OwensMattie born about 1888

P Surnames

PageyEmma Maryborn about 1934
PageyJessie Fredborn about 1932
PageyLizzie born about 1904
PageyLucile born about 1936
PalmerBeatrice born about 1929
PalmerDonald born about 1939
PalmerElla born about 1919
PalmerGeorge Aborn about 1921
PalmerRoy born about 1919
PalmerRoy born about 1926
PalmerRuth born about 1933
PalmerTom born about 1888
PalmerWillie born about 1916
PayneDonald born about 1932
PayneFrances born about 1922
PayneHarold born about 1918
PayneWildy born about 1866
PettsJohn born about 1888
PettsLilly born about 1886
PettsRobert born about 1915
PettsWillie born about 1918
PitmanFloyd born about 1923
PitmanLucy Maeborn about 1902
PitmanLyman born about 1921
PitmanNewton born about 1874
PittsBeulah born about 1939
PittsLewis born about 1909
PittsSaraj born about 1903
PittsT Wborn about 1916
PruittSallie born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RayLona Tinsleyborn about 1864
RichAmelia born about 1918
RichBenj H Jrborn about 1924
RichBenjamin Hborn about 1896
RichChas A Lindberghborn about 1932
RichGeorge Pruittborn about 1926
RichGertrude born about 1900
RichHerbert Hooverborn about 1922
RichRobt E Leeborn about 1929
RichRoxy Belleborn about 1920
RobertsBob born about 1900
RobinsonAlfred born about 1932
RobinsonBelle born about 1928
RobinsonBessy born about 1930
RobinsonEarl born about 1924
RobinsonEugene born about 1934
RobinsonFain born about 1892
RobinsonMamie born about 1895
RobinsonSam Cborn about 1937
RudesealComer born about 1915
RudesealDora born about 1875
RudesealEvelyn born about 1924
RudesealHenry born about 1882
RudesealHomer born about 1915
RudesealHoyt born about 1925
RudesealNora born about 1883
RudesealOrpha born about 1919
RudesealWayne born about 1912
RumseyCarl born about 1924
RumseyClara born about 1903
RumseyGeneral born about 1900
RumseySue Ellenborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersGertrude born about 1917
SandersRoland born about 1919
SandersWinfield born about 1872
SandersWinfield Jr born about 1926
SandersZumaline born about 1923
SavageDewey born about 1922
SavageGenie born about 1911
SavageHenry born about 1874
SavageOtie born about 1881
SavageRuth born about 1935
SavageTallent Jimborn about 1861
SavageUlys born about 1927
SellersBeulah born about 1899
SellersDelphia born about 1922
SellersEverett born about 1912
SellersFlora Bellborn about 1911
SellersFloyd born about 1900
SellersFloyd Lee Jrborn about 1937
SellersGeorge born about 1893
SellersHenry Harryborn about 1932
SellersHomer born about 1877
SellersJerry born about 1861
SellersJulia born about 1913
SellersJulie Annborn about 1939
SellersLillian born about 1874
SellersLizzie Mayborn about 1914
SellersMarion born about 1902
SellersMartha born about 1880
SellersThomas born about 1909
SellersThomas Leonborn about 1935
SimpsonCarl born about 1937
SimpsonClarence born about 1906
SimpsonElsie born about 1911
SimpsonGeorge born about 1888
SimpsonGlen born about 1936
SimpsonGordon born about 1904
SimpsonLavonia born about 1880
SimpsonNeal born about 1939
SimpsonWilliam Sborn about 1875
SimpsonWilliam Troyborn about 1934
SmithCatherine born about 1933
SmithChas Boydborn about 1939
SmithEarl Bruceborn about 1939
SmithEdna born about 1931
SmithEllene born about 1930
SmithEmma born about 1875
SmithEmma born about 1920
SmithGeneva born about 1916
SmithGeorgia Eugeniaborn about 1928
SmithGladys born about 1934
SmithHarold born about 1905
SmithHelen born about 1935
SmithHoyt born about 1917
SmithJ Henryborn about 1884
SmithJames Eborn about 1936
SmithJames Lloydborn about 1939
SmithJohn born about 1870
SmithLloyd born about 1914
SmithLouise born about 1929
SmithLouise born about 1937
SmithMartha born about 1902
SmithMinnie born about 1876
SmithNellie born about 1928
SmithNelly born about 1899
SmithPauline born about 1933
SmithStella born about 1883
SmithWilly Bborn about 1905
StameyCharles born about 1930
StameyClaude born about 1905
StameyClyde born about 1932
StameyFrances born about 1938
StameyJohn born about 1939
StameyManie born about 1904
StameyMargaret born about 1928
StephanReba born about 1906
StephanRussell born about 1862
StephanSarah born about 1912
StephenAnsel Roeborn about 1939
StephenEddie Raeborn about 1917
StephenRoy born about 1916
StevensBilly Vborn about 1938
StevensClayton born about 1936
StevensJames Bborn about 1938
StevensLaverne born about 1925
StevensLillian born about 1930
StevensMartha Leeborn about 1934
StevensMelvin born about 1928
StevensPearline born about 1922
StevensVan Burenborn about 1899
StewartJoe born about 1927
StewartJulie born about 1898
StewartLuther born about 1918
StewartMary Ruthborn about 1925
StewartMonteen born about 1922
StewartRoy born about 1920
StewartWalter Wborn about 1893
StroudAlfred born about 1883
StroudAlfred Jr born about 1930
StroudAvery born about 1932
StroudBruce born about 1939
StroudDon born about 1935
StroudHubert born about 1926
StroudJas Charlesborn about 1922
StroudLuther born about 1913
StroudPearl born about 1895
StroudReece born about 1914
StroudVernon born about 1928
SwaffordHoyt born about 1933
SwaffordHubert born about 1911
SwaffordHubert Jr born about 1932
SwaffordJoyce born about 1935
SwaffordMay born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TabelsDella born about 1907
TomlinAlice born about 1896
TomlinBen Hborn about 1899
TomlinEmma born about 1895
TomlinGeofford Jborn about 1870
TomlinLester born about 1892
TomlinOrpha born about 1900

U Surnames

UmberhantArthur born about 1923
UmberhantChristine born about 1933
UmberhantEline born about 1926
UmberhantEmma born about 1901
UmberhantEugene born about 1939
UmberhantEverett born about 1929
UmberhantGlen born about 1935
UmberhantLarkin born about 1899
UmberhantOtis born about 1924

W Surnames

WalkerJoe Wborn about 1872
WalkerOllie born about 1878
WeaverAmon born about 1894
WeaverBeulah born about 1927
WeaverBob born about 1933
WeaverCharles born about 1933
WeaverClaude born about 1935
WeaverEllen born about 1929
WeaverEssie born about 1909
WeaverFurman born about 1925
WeaverGene Haroldborn about 1938
WeaverGladys born about 1929
WeaverGlenn born about 1937
WeaverGordon born about 1918
WeaverHomer born about 1907
WeaverJoe born about 1931
WeaverLillie born about 1899
WeaverLuther born about 1927
WeaverMarie born about 1937
WeaverMarjorie born about 1935
WeaverOllie born about 1907
WeaverParis born about 1939
WeaverPearlie Mayborn about 1937
WeaverRalph born about 1939
WeaverRobert born about 1913
WeaverWalter born about 1924
WebbNelly Patriciaborn about 1939
WebbPauline Mborn about 1918
WebbRobert born about 1911
WhitenCurtie born about 1875
WhitenGeorge Lborn about 1876
WhitfieldAline born about 1910
WhitfieldBetty born about 1931
WhitfieldPauline born about 1927
WhitfieldPierce born about 1909
WhitfieldRay born about 1936
WillaRuth born about 1933
WilliamsFannie born about 1883
WilliamsJabel born about 1889
WilsonHenry Hborn about 1873
WilsonJohn Henryborn about 1912
WilsonLatt Lborn about 1898
WilsonLaura born about 1878
WilsonLee born about 1902
WilsonMurle born about 1904
WilsonRobt Eugeneborn about 1930
WilsonVera born about 1935
WintersLesso Sr born about 1915
WintersRuby born about 1918
WorleyCatherine born about 1934
WorleyDee born about 1920
WorleyGeneva born about 1931
WorleyLouellen born about 1933
WorleyOscar born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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