1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cross Roads in Cherokee County, Cherokee, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Cherokee County > 1940 Census of Cross Roads in Cherokee County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AaronClarence born about 1914
AaronKenneth born about 1939
AaronNettie born about 1921
AaronNora born about 1898
AndrewsGodys born about 1938
AndrewsHenry born about 1911
AndrewsMyrtle born about 1912
AndrewsNallie Maeborn about 1929

B Surnames

BaileyCarylan born about 1931
BaileyE Jborn about 1923
BaileyElizabeth born about 1925
BaileyIrene born about 1894
BaileyJohn Wborn about 1891
BaileyJohn Jr born about 1921
BaileyK Eborn about 1902
BaileyLoyce born about 1939
BaileyMarie born about 1918
BaileyMoode born about 1902
BaileyWillie born about 1920
BanisterEvelyn born about 1927
BanisterHerman born about 1914
BanisterHerman born about 1924
BanisterMargarett born about 1884
BanisterPauline born about 1920
BloisA Lborn about 1870
BloisLula born about 1872
BoffingtonKate born about 1922
BoffingtonMoud born about 1893
BoffingtonRobert Bborn about 1892
BogwellBonnie born about 1934
BogwellCloud Aborn about 1932
BogwellEffa born about 1907
BogwellGordon Wborn about 1897
BogwellGovane born about 1931
BogwellI Lborn about 1859
BolandBobbie born about 1939
BolandForrest born about 1908
BolandLeola born about 1908
BolandMartha born about 1937
BolingClinton born about 1933
BolingClyde born about 1938
BolingCurtis born about 1936
BolingM Rborn about 1909
BolingR Cborn about 1932
BolingVirginia born about 1915
BolingWinell born about 1931
BoydDeen born about 1935
BoydI??? Wborn about 1892
BoydMary born about 1894
BoydRoy born about 1930
BoydRupert born about 1933
BoydTaz born about 1923
BrockettBetty Leeborn about 1939
BrockettJames born about 1937
BrockettJean Bborn about 1913
BrockettZana Leeborn about 1919
BrownCoriene born about 1921
BrownJoe Fborn about 1895
BrownJohn born about 1929
BrownLaura born about 1902
BuckhananCicero born about 1926
BuckhananHomer born about 1909
BuckhananHozell born about 1932
BuckhananIdabell born about 1930
BuckhananJames born about 1928
BuckhananJunior born about 1936
BuckhananLinda born about 1911
BuckhananPreston born about 1938
BurdineAldan born about 1926
BurdineC??? Dborn about 1899
BurdineClara born about 1897
BurdineGleen born about 1930
BurdineKizzie Maeborn about 1924
BurnsAustin born about 1905
BurnsDoris born about 1939
BurnsEmma Sueborn about 1937
BurnsIla born about 1907
BurnsVelma born about 1936
BurnsVivian born about 1934
ByersIda born about 1895
ByersJ?? Rborn about 1876
ByrdA?? Gborn about 1904
ByrdGeorgia born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CannanCarylan born about 1938
CannanFannie born about 1913
CannanJ Dborn about 1933
CannanJane born about 1916
CannanJohn Hborn about 1909
CannanMattie born about 1935
CannanMattie Mborn about 1875
CannanRoy born about 1916
CarnesEarl born about 1932
CarnesHarold born about 1938
CarnesNelley born about 1915
CarnesThod born about 1912
CarnesTom born about 1935
CautrellLula born about 1884
ChopmanC Lborn about 1906
ChopmanJoe Paulborn about 1938
ChopmanMartha born about 1909
ChopmanMartha Louiseborn about 1936
ChumleyAndrew born about 1929
ChumleyAnna born about 1926
ChumleyAvalee born about 1935
ChumleyEdward born about 1932
ChumleyElford born about 1939
ChumleyElsie born about 1905
ChumleyWilliam Aborn about 1882
ChumleyWillie ??ceborn about 1930
ClaudAlma born about 1927
ClaudBelton born about 1925
ClaudBlanche born about 1935
ClaudBonnie born about 1925
ClaudBunson born about 1939
ClaudCarol Sueborn about 1933
ClaudDee born about 1899
ClaudEvan born about 1902
ClaudGay born about 1927
ClaudGeraldine born about 1917
ClaudGladys born about 1923
ClaudGrace born about 1920
ClaudHabert born about 1921
ClaudHoyt born about 1917
ClaudJoyce born about 1938
ClaudLoyd born about 1916
ClaudOcela born about 1929
ClaudPeggy Annborn about 1940
ClaudRal born about 1931
ClaudRalph born about 1934
ClaudRaymond born about 1938
ClaudRobert born about 1939
ClaudT??? Fborn about 1897
ClaudTam Jr born about 1929
ClaudUsda born about 1899
CloudBettie born about 1936
CloudBetty born about 1939
CloudBilley born about 1938
CloudCarl born about 1908
CloudCorylan born about 1936
CloudDoryce born about 1939
CloudErsell born about 1928
CloudEugene born about 1920
CloudEvelyn born about 1931
CloudHubert born about 1934
CloudJ?? Tborn about 1915
CloudJoyce born about 1939
CloudLilan born about 1918
CloudMamie born about 1900
CloudMarie born about 1915
CloudMary born about 1932
CloudWill born about 1882
CloudWinnie Graceborn about 1933
CochranE Wborn about 1923
CochranE?? Fborn about 1885
CochranElbert born about 1925
CochranEmmett born about 1917
CochranEvans Tborn about 1877
CochranGilbert born about 1928
CochranJoe Annborn about 1937
CochranJunior born about 1896
CochranLouise born about 1931
CochranMary Leeborn about 1920
CochranPeggy Marieborn about 1939
CochranW Cborn about 1914
CochranWanda born about 1939
CochranWillie Bborn about 1914
CollittRuby Leeborn about 1927
CollittTillman born about 1924
CookEva born about 1886
CookThomas Oborn about 1883
CopeHarold born about 1920
CopeHazel born about 1924
CornettBetty born about 1934
CornettDoryce born about 1936
CornettElla born about 1905
CornettEva born about 1900
CornettNina born about 1863
CornettS??? Mborn about 1916
CowartCora born about 1907
CowartImagine born about 1940
CowartIrish born about 1904
CoxAda born about 1898
CoxAda born about 1927
CoxH Pborn about 1921
CoxHomer born about 1892
CoxMeorlan born about 1924
CoxReobosna born about 1937
CoxWalter born about 1889
CoxWayman born about 1930
CrahanE Dorisborn about 1940
CrahanEdith born about 1905
CrahanGrady Gborn about 1896
CrahanLouise born about 1935
CroweEdward born about 1933
CroweElbert born about 1936
CroweH Lborn about 1924
CroweHenry Gborn about 1901
CroweJunior born about 1931
CroweLucille born about 1939
CroweMamie born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisJaulla born about 1886
DaviseClifford born about 1893
DayCharles born about 1935
DayJames born about 1930
DayMary born about 1938
DayPauline born about 1906
DayRuba born about 1928
DayWilbarn born about 1931
DayWm born about 1900
DeanAllen Lborn about 1905
DeanAlmina born about 1879
DeanCormel born about 1928
DeanDaisey born about 1911
DeanDorthy born about 1935
DeanDorthy born about 1938
DeanE??? Dborn about 1880
DeanGeorge born about 1918
DeanHoyt born about 1922
DeanJewell born about 1925
DeanJohn born about 1934
DeanMary born about 1900
DeanMelvin born about 1936
DeanRose Maeborn about 1938
DeanSam born about 1930
DeanWinnell born about 1932
DeanWinnie Graceborn about 1933
DeanWm born about 1897
DobsonBarbra born about 1938
DobsonBetty born about 1936
DobsonJane born about 1911
DobsonLee Hborn about 1917
DobsonO Mborn about 1914
DobsonRuby born about 1915
DobsonRuil born about 1937
DobsonWm born about
DobsonWm born about 1861
DobsonWynelle born about 1916
DrummondNelley born about 1881

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E Surnames

EchalsLucy born about 1902
EchalsVirgl born about 1904
EcholsEasley Mborn about 1884
EcholsMary Francisborn about 1872
EdwardsAgnes born about 1930
EdwardsD L Jrborn about 1934
EdwardsFrauie born about 1912
EdwardsGeordan born about 1924
EdwardsGrady Leeborn about 1936
EdwardsHunter born about 1921
EdwardsJ Eborn about 1933
EdwardsJames born about 1933
EdwardsJeanette born about 1932
EdwardsJosephine born about 1935
EdwardsJuanita born about 1931
EdwardsLawrence born about 1936
EdwardsLester born about 1896
EdwardsMannie born about 1872
EdwardsMary born about 1856
EdwardsR Tborn about 1919
EdwardsRoger born about 1938
EdwardsRoss Mborn about 1887
EdwardsRoy born about 1928
ElrodJ Wborn about 1918
EnglandBud born about 1930
EnglandClarence born about 1932
EnglandGeorge born about 1925
EnglandHurbert born about 1936
EnglandJohn Henryborn about 1924
EnglandLora born about 1910
EnglandLouise born about 1928
EnglandLoyce born about 1930
EnglandMamie born about 1939
EnglandVirgal born about 1934
EnglandW Hborn about 1897
EppersonEddie born about 1916
EppersonL Rborn about 1906
EppersonLila born about 1889
EppersonLila Maeborn about 1919
EppersonMack born about 1901
EppersonMattie born about 1912
EppersonPaul born about 1906
EppersonRosie born about 1876
EppersonW Mborn about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FossettAlene born about 1917
FossettJohn Rborn about 1896
FossettJohnella born about 1938
FossettLewis born about 1915
FossettRuby born about 1899
FoutsAngeline born about 1901
FoutsEdwine born about 1926
FoutsEffie born about 1924
FoutsEster born about 1931
FoutsEstielle born about 1921
FoutsGeorge Dborn about 1899

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G Surnames

GaydanAdell born about 1928
GaydanAnt born about 1939
GaydanBonnie born about 1926
GaydanC Lborn about 1932
GaydanGeorge born about 1937
GaydanRose born about 1897
GaydanSilar born about 1935
GaydanT Iborn about 1873
GillandLorena born about 1913
GillandSam born about 1911
GillandW Aborn about 1876
GillelandAcholine born about 1935
GillelandB Vborn about 1887
GillelandBerney born about 1936
GillelandBilley born about 1928
GillelandDorthy born about 1927
GillelandEdward born about 1928
GillelandGene born about 1940
GillelandJ?? Bborn about 1897
GillelandKathleen born about 1908
GillelandLila born about 1900
GillelandMary born about 1929
GillelandRoger born about 1933
GillelandSamuel born about 1925
GillelandWoldan born about 1931
GlooverBlanche born about 1929
GlooverColune born about 1925
GlooverDorthy born about 1923
GlooverEmma born about 1896
GlooverHerbert Pborn about 1895
GlooverHin?ghy born about 1920
GlooverR Tborn about 1934
GlooverThomas born about 1936
GoddisCatherine born about 1919
GoddisJ Hborn about 1917
GoddisL?? Hborn about 1898
GoddisOdesa born about 1899
GoodeBessie born about 1912
GoodeCl?? born about 1901
GoodeJerry Luborn about 1940
GreenAgatha born about 1923
GreenAlace born about 1912
GreenBill born about 1919
GreenBlanch born about 1927
GreenBonnie born about 1918
GreenEmma born about 1905
GreenEugene born about 1928
GreenFrankie born about 1930
GreenFrankie born about 1933
GreenG Lborn about 1911
GreenGertrude born about 1898
GreenGleen born about 1933
GreenH Nborn about 1883
GreenHattie born about 1904
GreenHoyt Aborn about 1908
GreenJ Wborn about 1925
GreenJack born about 1927
GreenJerry born about 1940
GreenJimmie born about 1939
GreenJoan born about 1939
GreenLee born about 1922
GreenLoyd born about 1935
GreenLucile born about 1917
GreenMae born about 1892
GreenMargie born about 1926
GreenMax born about 1933
GreenMax born about 1936
GreenMollie born about 1873
GreenNelmer born about 1921
GreenRalph born about 1930
GreenRalph born about 1939
GreenRobert born about 1918
GreenRobert born about 1935
GreenTam Eborn about 1901
GreenTim born about 1882
GreenTom Wborn about 1905
GreenTona born about 1915
GreenTummie Dborn about 1931
GreenVester born about 1914
GreenWill Eborn about 1874
GreenWilliam born about 1913
GreenWillie born about 1931
GreenWilma born about 1933
GrooverCarl Fborn about 1920
GrooverFrankie born about 1922

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H Surnames

HaldenCharley born about 1901
HaldenEdd born about 1894
HaldenIda born about 1905
HaldenMary born about 1862
HaldenW? Hborn about 1856
HaldenZeb born about 1893
HaltCelestee born about 1929
HaltLouise born about 1908
HaltMaliene born about 1931
HaltR Lborn about 1934
HaltRumbert Bborn about 1907
HamiltonBerry born about 1920
HamiltonCoaledge born about 1929
HamiltonDaisy born about 1902
HamiltonG??? Hborn about 1894
HamiltonG??mae born about 1924
HamiltonHarold born about 1926
HamiltonHelen born about 1937
HamiltonJoe Brownborn about 1922
HamiltonLeah born about 1936
HamiltonM Hborn about 1900
HamiltonMargarett born about 1894
HamiltonMary born about 1933
Harris??tean born about 1926
HarrisBen born about 1887
HarrisC??? Gborn about 1888
HarrisCatherine born about 1925
HarrisDow born about 1894
HarrisDoye born about 1924
HarrisE??lean born about 1922
HarrisJessie born about 1896
HawkinsBessie born about 1900
HawkinsBetty born about 1937
HawkinsC?? Wborn about 1902
HawkinsEverett born about 1930
HawkinsInez born about 1922
HawkinsJ Lborn about 1872
HawkinsJoe Tborn about 1892
HawkinsMage Bellborn about 1938
HawkinsMildred born about 1927
HawkinsNecie born about 1874
HawkinsNells Ruthborn about 1920
HawkinsNoah born about 1924
HawkinsRuby born about 1907
HawkinsSylvia born about 1939
HawksElizabeth born about 1935
HawksLeaudice born about 1902
HawksMaryler born about 1930
HawksMyrtle born about 1908
HawksTommie born about 1938
HaynesAnna Maeborn about 1912
HaynesD Lborn about 1913
HaynesJimmie born about 1927
HaynesKennie born about 1937
HaynesMarie born about 1933
HeardDorthy born about 1935
HeardJackey born about 1939
HeardMinnie born about 1894
HeardRuby born about 1914
HeardTam born about 1912
HenbilBilley born about 1918
HenbilGrady Aborn about 1907
HenbilVera born about 1913
HeordBerty born about 1888
HeordFrancis born about 1919
HeordJ Aborn about 1887
HeordJames born about 1939
HeordJohn born about 1921
HeordLee born about 1916
HeordLeola born about 1919
HeordMattie born about 1926
HeordShirley born about 1918
Hester??? born about 1893
HesterBetty born about 1928
HesterBetty born about 1930
HesterCarl Eborn about 1882
HesterCliffie born about 1917
HesterFay born about 1914
HesterGene born about 1937
HesterGeorge Eborn about 1917
HesterGeralene born about 1940
HesterHubert born about 1934
HesterHuland born about 1932
HesterJohn Rborn about 1875
HesterJunior born about 1925
HesterLevogee born about 1939
HesterLewiese born about 1916
HesterLouise born about 1923
HesterMallie born about 1884
HesterMaud born about 1897
HesterMoggie born about 1910
HesterNettie born about 1889
HesterRoy born about 1921
HesterRupert born about 1923
HesterT??? Pborn about 1887
HesterWigt Fborn about 1906
HicksAlene born about 1904
HicksBilley born about 1936
HicksC Bborn about 1909
HicksFrances born about 1928
HicksFrank born about 1909
HicksLau?? born about 1940
HicksLaura Bellborn about 1910
HicksMax born about 1930
HillAllie born about 1901
HillEarl born about 1897
HillHazel born about 1925
HillHelen born about 1931
HillMildred born about 1933
HillMilford born about 1938
HillThelma born about 1928
HillWilliam born about 1929
HittDavid born about 1930
HittEh?? born about 1928
HittImogene born about 1935
HittJohn born about 1937
HittMae born about 1908
HittOscar born about 1905
HittT Mborn about 1939
HiydeDesmond born about 1910
HiydeMartha born about 1934
HiydePauline born about 1915
HoganBill born about 1905
HoganJarlene born about 1930
HoganJe??? born about 1914
HoganNeel born about 1936
HoganRodolph born about 1927
HolbrookAnde born about 1921
HolcombsMattie born about 1878
HopkinsElizabeth born about 1886
HopkinsW Tborn about 1880
HowellJohn Cborn about 1881
HowellMyrtle born about 1884
HulseyGriffin born about 1914

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J Surnames

JamesAlma born about 1891
JamesBen born about 1932
JamesBessie born about 1933
JamesBetty born about 1936
JamesBetty born about 1939
JamesCarrie born about 1899
JamesCecil born about 1916
JamesChristeen born about 1933
JamesDimple born about 1930
JamesDonald born about 1939
JamesFay born about 1936
JamesFlora born about 1921
JamesFrank born about 1936
JamesGladys born about 1924
JamesGladys born about 1931
JamesGrady Cborn about 1891
JamesHazel born about 1934
JamesHerbert Bborn about 1892
JamesHugh born about 1929
JamesJewel born about 1905
JamesLila born about 1906
JamesLouise Aborn about 1909
JamesLoyce born about 1926
JamesMamie born about 1939
JamesMarie born about 1936
JamesOscar born about 1916
JamesTom born about 1934
JamesW Rborn about 1863
JamesWalter born about 1939
JamesWash born about 1892
JamesWilliam born about 1922
JohnsonH??? Mborn about 1892
JohnsonLena born about 1893
JohnsonLula born about 1888
JohnsonPauline born about 1932
JohnsonR Aborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KerbyH??? Mborn about 1883
KerbyHanie born about 1919
KerbyMattie born about 1879
KirbyAudry born about 1925
KirbyBessie born about 1908
KirbyClarence born about 1931
KirbyDe??al born about 1938
KirbyDorthy born about 1932
KirbyEunice born about 1929
KirbyEvelyn born about 1927
KirbyFrancis born about 1855
KirbyG Wborn about 1935
KirbyI Mborn about 1937
KirbyJunior born about 1933
KirbyMattie born about 1909
KirbyShelba Geanborn about 1939
KirbyShirley born about 1935
KirbyVancele born about 1933
KirbyW Mborn about 1910

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L Surnames

LathanFanney born about 1887
LaweAra born about 1922
LaweBettie born about 1921
LaweDessie Maeborn about 1916
LaweLota born about 1925
LaweMary born about 1887
LaweS Sborn about 1882
LewisMoxena born about 1937
LittleAnna Banborn about 1926
LittleBlunner born about 1915
LittleBuren born about 1913
LittleC?? Hborn about 1882
LittleCohuan born about 1924
LittleHayward born about 1928
LittleLora Maeborn about 1928
LittleMauda born about 1890
LittleThemla born about 1932
LittleWildon born about 1926
Lothern??? born about 1886
LothernAltan born about 1921
LothernArozana born about 1859
LothernAvay Bborn about 1899
LothernBatrice born about 1910
LothernBetty ???born about 1940
LothernBobbie born about 1931
LothernBonnie Leeborn about 1916
LothernC Nborn about 1912
LothernCarol Sueborn about 1936
LothernCharles born about 1928
LothernCharlotte born about 1935
LothernClara born about 1910
LothernDogloss born about 1939
LothernDolley born about 1897
LothernDonald born about 1927
LothernDorthy born about 1938
LothernE M???born about 1883
LothernEdd born about 1889
LothernElizabeth born about 1918
LothernEloise born about 1927
LothernEthel born about 1891
LothernEthel born about 1911
LothernEula born about 1902
LothernFrank Kborn about 1906
LothernFred born about 1938
LothernGeorge Wborn about 1872
LothernGeorgia born about 1888
LothernHagord born about 1923
LothernHallis born about 1937
LothernHelen born about 1901
LothernIris born about 1924
LothernJeraldine born about 1926
LothernJessey Deanborn about 1916
LothernJewell born about 1915
LothernJoyce born about 1936
LothernL Johnborn about 1882
LothernLaurence born about 1927
LothernLee born about 1900
LothernLila born about 1876
LothernLoise born about 1924
LothernLozzie born about 1887
LothernLula born about 1873
LothernLunda Lueborn about 1938
LothernMae born about 1900
LothernMarie born about 1914
LothernMartha born about 1931
LothernMatilda Annetteborn about 1938
LothernMildred born about 1925
LothernNell born about 1930
LothernPatsey born about 1935
LothernPearl born about 1894
LothernR??? Gborn about 1895
LothernRalph born about 1924
LothernRalph born about 1933
LothernRay born about 1925
LothernRe?? M Wborn about 1918
LothernRichard born about 1921
LothernRoy born about 1918
LothernRuckes born about 1908
LothernS Wborn about 1862
LothernSada born about 1928
LothernSyble born about 1934
LothernTalmage born about 1933
LothernW Herbertborn about 1913
LothernWillis born about 1922
LothernWilma born about 1929
LothernWm Gborn about 1890
Loveloc??? born about 1930
LovelocEdna born about 1933
LovelocGeorgia born about 1900
LovelocNettie born about 1920
LunmmosC Homerborn about 1894
LunmmosHerbert born about 1920
LunmmosRachell born about 1917
LunmmosRuby born about 1897

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M Surnames

MadisonBilley Sueborn about 1937
MadisonEdna born about 1935
MadisonEra born about 1916
MajorHershell born about 1929
MajorIriene born about 1927
MajorLoyce born about 1925
MajorMarie born about 1918
MajorS??? Mborn about 1896
MangumFrank born about 1915
MangumHoke born about 1895
MangumJames born about 1935
MangumLaura born about 1917
MangumOdesa born about 1908
MangumTamar born about 1939
MangumVirgle born about 1929
McclareEthel born about 1893
McclareFrancies born about 1935
McclareGeorge born about 1934
McclareGeorge Gborn about 1911
McclareHarvey Dborn about 1885
McclareHubert born about 1919
McclareJessiee born about 1936
McclareMagdaline born about 1930
McclareMartha born about 1940
McclareMary born about 1938
McclareMattie born about 1915
McclarePearl born about 1882
McclareRobert Nborn about 1916
McclareWilson born about 1924
MccollumEddie born about 1908
MccollumEugene born about 1928
MccollumH Fborn about 1904
MccollumJ Lborn about 1926
MccollumLouise born about 1930
MccollumMack born about 1938
MccollumPobigh born about 1932
McdougalJames born about 1931
McdougalJoe born about 1921
McdougalLee born about 1916
McdougalMargie born about 1925
McdougalSinda born about 1891
McdougalWilliam Cborn about 1887
McpersonChristeene born about 1924
McpersonJ Aborn about 1878
McpersonLucie born about 1882
McphersonAnnie Louborn about 1903
McphersonJohn Mborn about 1905
MilfordCleo born about 1917
MilfordRobert born about 1916
MillsD W ??born about 1884
MillsHazell born about 1931
MillsJames born about 1936
MillsJoe Eborn about 1907
MillsLema born about 1892
MillsMartha born about 1886
MillsMyrtle born about 1911
MilwoodAlford born about 1907
MilwoodHazel born about 1938
MilwoodIda Mayborn about 1932
MilwoodJ Iborn about 1936
MilwoodJessie born about 1914
MilwoodLouise born about 1930
MilwoodTam born about 1939
MilwoodWilliam born about 1934
MulkeyC??? Gborn about 1878
MulkeyMae born about 1891
MundyBertie born about 1910
MundyCharles born about 1932
MundyCleo born about 1912
MundyJohn born about 1936
MundyLona born about 1923
MundyMoud born about 1880
MundyPeggy born about 1938
MundyRalph born about 1908
MundyRoy born about 1906
MyerBobbie born about 1930
MyerCora Leeborn about 1917
MyerJennie born about 1895
MyerJoskie born about 1934
MyerL Iborn about 1927
MyerLouise Jborn about 1890
MyerMyrtle born about 1924

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N Surnames

NeighbourCora born about 1912
NeighbourGad born about 1916
NeighbourJannie Bellborn about 1937
NeighbourMoude born about
NeighbourRuth born about 1935
NelsonClara born about 1913
NelsonEmmett born about 1913
NelsonJohn Jborn about 1876
NelsonLula born about 1881
NelsonMax born about 1932
NicklesBonnie born about 1927
NicklesBulamae born about 1926
NicklesClarence born about 1932
NicklesCora born about 1902
NicklesFloyd born about 1929
NicklesGeorge born about 1892
NicklesHenry born about 1921
NicklesJames born about 1935
NixEmma born about 1883
NixFerman born about 1912
NixJ Cborn about 1920
NixJessie born about 1908
NixLada born about 1884
NixLena born about 1917
NorrellJack born about 1920

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P Surnames

ParkerEdward Hborn about 1918
ParkerEdward Jr born about 1937
ParkerEugine born about 1940
ParkerJosephine born about 1915
PearlBetty born about 1939
PearlCharley born about 1922
PerryBirkes born about 1920
PerryClara born about 1922
PhillipsCatherine born about 1936
PhillipsFlora born about 1914
PhillipsJinnie born about 1939
PhillipsL Cborn about 1937
PhillipsLorene born about 1934
PhillipsMattie born about 1935
PhillipsMinnie born about 1930
PhillipsPaul born about 1900
PhillipsPauline born about 1932
PhillipsR Mborn about 1875
PhillipsSallie born about 1875
PhillipsSara born about 1861
PodgittBarbara born about 1938
PodgittCharles born about 1928
PodgittDoa??? born about 1936
PodgittMary born about 1910
PodgittMinnie born about 1918
PodgittPaul born about 1907
PodgittW Hborn about 1915
PogMalissa born about 1876
PogMorgan born about 1872
PorterAnga born about 1916
PorterElizabeth born about 1932
PorterHarold born about 1930
PorterLilamae born about 1888
PorterPaul born about 1922
PorterWash born about 1884
PriceClarice born about 1906
PriceJohn born about 1929
PriceKenneth born about 1932
PriceMonin born about 1935
PriceRuby born about 1904
PriceSibyl born about 1925
PrvitteDovie born about 1885
PurcellBetty born about 1938
PurcellBill born about 1940
PurcellDan born about 1936
PurcellEthel born about 1918
PurcellFrances Mborn about 1917

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R Surnames

RaineyAnna born about 1889
RaineyDenver born about 1924
RaineyW Hborn about 1885
RaneyDonald born about 1920
RaneyJohn born about 1915
RaneyJunior born about 1939
RaneyLouise born about 1922
RaneyNelley born about 1921
RaperBle???an born about 1939
RaperFlossie born about 1913
RaperNelly Ruthborn about 1935
RaperS?? Aborn about 1910
ReynoldsDayl born about 1929
ReynoldsEdith born about 1925
ReynoldsEdna born about 1927
ReynoldsElmer born about 1923
ReynoldsEugene born about 1934
ReynoldsGrady born about 1939
ReynoldsHomer Lborn about 1896
ReynoldsJ Mborn about 1936
ReynoldsMyldred born about 1938
ReynoldsNettie born about 1902
ReynoldsPaul born about 1931
RichAngeleana born about 1911
RichE Grantborn about 1870
RichHubert born about 1939
RichLoyd born about 1934
RichMarg?? born about 1937
RichMattie born about 1931
RichPat Bborn about 1911
RichPat Jr born about 1930
RichVictora born about 1875
RichardsEthellee born about 1925
RichardsEtta Maeborn about 1933
RichardsEugene born about 1931
RichardsEvalee born about 1895
RichardsJ??? Wborn about 1890
RichardsLora born about 1923
RichardsValrie born about 1928
RichardsW Eborn about 1895
RichardsZana born about 1895
RichieCliff born about 1907
RolandAloce born about 1919
RolandBessie born about 1907
RolandBilley born about 1932
RolandC?? Eborn about 1903
RolandCarter born about 1918
RolandClide born about 1930
RolandFrancis born about 1927
RolandGeorgie born about 1888
RolandGlagde born about 1926
RolandInez born about 1929
RolandJimmie born about 1934
RolandNelva born about 1920
RolandOlaine born about 1925
RolandPete born about 1887
RolandRoscoe born about 1932
RolandRubenell born about 1929
RolandTam born about 1921
RolandThurstan born about 1918
RolandW?? Eborn about 1875
RollinsClara born about 1925
RollinsDewey born about 1928
RollinsMarge born about 1888
RoperAlf Aborn about 1871
RoperB??? Gborn about 1911
RoperBettie born about 1938
RoperHerbert born about 1935
RoperLouise born about 1872
RoperMartha born about 1869
RoperMinnie born about 1913
RoperRuby born about 1916
RoperU Gborn about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamplesBobbie born about 1933
SamplesCharles born about 1939
SamplesDella born about 1907
SamplesLilie born about 1908
SamplesMarie born about 1937
SamplesMary born about 1879
SamplesRalph born about 1912
SamplesRoy born about 1913
SamplesRuth born about 1932
SamplesVirgie born about 1907
SamplesWillie born about 1909
SamplesWillie Deaneborn about 1935
SandawOscar born about 1899
SandawViola born about 1883
SandowBilly born about 1924
SandowBobby born about 1928
SandowEthel born about 1896
SandowG Wborn about 1890
SandowJimmie born about 1935
SandowMat Ma??born about 1927
SandowMax born about 1922
SandowRalph born about 1931
SatterfieldM Cborn about 1886
SatterfieldMargie born about 1881
SewellBroughton born about 1915
SewellEva born about 1915
SewellJohn Pborn about 1912
SewellRuby born about 1912
SewellShirley born about 1937
SheemokeNancy born about 1881
ShodbomBrody born about 1934
ShodbomDannie born about 1939
ShodbomE??? Eborn about 1902
ShodbomGrace born about 1903
ShodbomJames born about 1921
ShodwickC Nborn about 1884
ShodwickClarence Fborn about 1912
ShodwickEula born about 1909
ShoemakerChristena born about 1934
ShoemakerIla born about 1916
ShoemakerRoy born about 1913
SmithA Eborn about 1886
SmithA Lborn about 1862
SmithAda born about 1907
SmithAnelle born about 1924
SmithBertha born about 1914
SmithBob born about 1934
SmithCarl born about 1924
SmithCharles born about 1925
SmithCharley born about 1935
SmithDaisey born about 1882
SmithDella born about 1868
SmithDorthy born about 1932
SmithEdd born about 1886
SmithEdith born about 1923
SmithElizabeth born about 1939
SmithElmer born about 1921
SmithFanny born about 1927
SmithFrank born about 1873
SmithFrank Hborn about 1915
SmithGeorge born about 1915
SmithGeorgia born about 1888
SmithGrace born about 1904
SmithHoyt born about 1917
SmithJ Fborn about 1860
SmithJ??? Nborn about 1903
SmithJoe Hborn about 1879
SmithLee born about 1880
SmithLouise born about 1930
SmithLoyce born about 1916
SmithMae born about 1892
SmithMary born about 1887
SmithMary born about 1905
SmithMatt Laveborn about 1911
SmithMaud born about 1883
SmithNelley Ruthborn about 1935
SmithPatsey born about 1938
SmithRalph born about 1929
SmithSelena born about 1907
SmithW Fborn about 1921
SmithWillie Louborn about 1919
SmithWynell born about 1938
SmitheChristine born about 1925
SmitheDrucilla born about 1899
SmitheHamrick born about 1923
SmitheTam Wborn about 1895
SmithwickA?? Rborn about 1883
SmithwickBertha born about 1895
SmithwickC Wborn about 1880
SmithwickFonda born about 1937
SmithwickFrank born about 1921
SmithwickGrady born about 1925
SmithwickHoward born about 1928
SmithwickIda born about 1888
SmithwickKate born about 1907
SmithwickLean born about 1930
SmithwickLizzie born about 1896
SmithwickLorene born about 1924
SmithwickMary born about 1890
SmithwickMaxina born about 1932
SmithwickPatricia born about 1940
SmithwickR Revsborn about 1897
SmithwickTom?? Geneborn about 1934
SmithwickTummie born about 1912
SmithwickVesta born about 1914
SmithwickW Ernestborn about 1890
StrownEstell born about 1891
StrownF Mborn about 1925
StrownIna Maeborn about 1921
StrownLoyce born about 1923
Stwart??? born about 1890
StwartBobbie born about 1935
StwartCharles born about 1937
StwartHelen born about 1933
StwartOscar Vborn about 1912
StwartPearl born about 1890
StwartR Bborn about 1930
StwartShelby born about 1916
SwimsCatherine born about 1924
SwimsChrystene born about 1926
SwimsClara Maeborn about 1935
SwimsElison born about 1922
SwimsHoyt born about 1933
SwimsMaud born about 1899
SwimsMitchell born about 1939
SwimsN Fborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TribbeN?? born about 1876
TribbleNute born about 1877
TunrerDoglas born about 1940
TunrerEsso Maeborn about 1911
TunrerH??? Nborn about 1910
TunrerRalph born about 1937
TurnerA Jborn about 1868
TurnerBiddie Joeborn about 1939
TurnerBilley born about 1916
TurnerCarolyn born about 1934
TurnerCharles born about 1927
TurnerDeane born about 1927
TurnerDora born about 1882
TurnerEgbert born about 1912
TurnerFlorence born about 1908
TurnerFrancis born about 1919
TurnerGillaland born about 1919
TurnerIda born about 1905
TurnerJack Nellborn about 1934
TurnerJames born about 1925
TurnerJohn born about 1919
TurnerJohn Jborn about 1903
TurnerLeneal born about 1922
TurnerMamie born about 1900
TurnerMyrtle born about 1906
TurnerSam born about 1900
TurnerT??? Dorisborn about 1939
TurnerThomas born about 1916
TurnerVick born about 1872
TurnerWilliam Bborn about 1874
TurnerWinnie born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VoilerJohn Jr born about 1913
VoilerMary born about 1883

W Surnames

WallaceBessie born about 1899
WallaceBobbie born about 1932
WallaceFrancis born about 1938
WallaceMargrett born about 1922
WallaceN??? Hborn about 1893
WallaceSmith born about 1927
WalliceCorylan born about 1926
WalliceGeorge born about 1928
WalliceHarold born about 1929
WalliceJenette born about 1925
WalliceJuanita born about 1923
WalliceNaland born about 1931
WallicePauline born about 1906
WarrenAzzie Bellborn about 1913
WarrenRoy born about 1912
WarshamWillie born about 1920
WatkinsTu??? born about 1858
WebbBetsie born about 1896
WebbBonnie born about 1924
WebbBuler born about 1897
WebbI Nborn about 1922
WebbJaunita born about 1929
WebbSusie born about 1902
WestC??? Bborn about 1884
WestCharles born about 1940
WestEdward born about 1926
WestElmer born about 1908
WestEmma born about 1885
WestEvelin born about 1930
WestFrank born about 1919
WestH Cborn about 1913
WestInez born about 1912
WestJohn born about 1937
WestLurmel born about 1936
WestMarlen born about 1934
WestMary Janeborn about 1884
WestMarylin born about 1938
WestMertie born about 1897
WestMyrle born about 1918
WestOdell born about 1917
WestPaul born about 1923
WestR Eborn about 1893
WestRobert born about 1921
WestRobert born about 1936
WestSara born about 1926
WestWalker born about 1911
WestrookMargarett born about 1873
WestrookTom Mborn about 1872
WheelerBill born about 1922
WheelerBillley born about 1935
WheelerBonnie born about 1932
WheelerBula born about 1910
WheelerCecil Hborn about 1906
WheelerDellie born about 1901
WheelerDoyl born about 1936
WheelerE Jborn about 1926
WheelerErnest Fborn about 1894
WheelerEugene born about 1937
WheelerGi?? born about 1930
WheelerGoy Mborn about 1912
WheelerHolland born about 1929
WheelerHomer Jborn about 1895
WheelerHugh born about 1933
WheelerMargaret born about 1938
WheelerMarsha born about 1893
WheelerOzelle born about 1918
WheelerRegina born about 1936
WheelerTom born about 1924
WheelerWillie born about 1913
White??? born about 1900
WhiteAlice born about 1890
WhiteAlice born about 1901
WhiteAloce born about 1932
WhiteAngie born about 1873
WhiteBelley born about 1932
WhiteBen born about 1928
WhiteBob born about 1918
WhiteBrooke born about 1922
WhiteCarylan born about 1932
WhiteCharles born about
WhiteCharles born about 1930
WhiteDean Fborn about 1914
WhiteE Dborn about 1896
WhiteEdith born about 1905
WhiteFloy born about 1896
WhiteForrest born about 1904
WhiteFrank born about 1887
WhiteGerald born about 1927
WhiteHarry born about 1932
WhiteInez born about 1908
WhiteJ Tamborn about 1877
WhiteJack born about 1927
WhiteJewell born about 1925
WhiteJimmie born about 1938
WhiteKathryne born about 1920
WhiteLora Francisborn about 1923
WhiteLouernce born about 1934
WhiteMary born about 1934
WhiteMiriam born about 1924
WhiteRobert born about 1929
WhiteRoy born about 1901
WhiteRuby born about 1910
WhiteShelby born about 1922
WhiteSherley born about 1938
WhiteSmith born about 1928
WhiteWilliam born about 1930
WhiteWillie ???born about 1939
WhiteWm Wborn about 1918
WhiteWynell born about 1915
WilkieAloce born about 1934
WilkieAnna born about 1906
WilkieBe?? born about 1932
WilkieBelly Geneborn about 1937
WilkieBettie born about 1932
WilkieBurian born about 1933
WilkieC?? Bborn about 1909
WilkieCarylan born about 1939
WilkieCatherine born about 1928
WilkieClara born about 1908
WilkieCollie Maeborn about 1912
WilkieDortha born about 1926
WilkieE?? Fborn about 1883
WilkieE??? Eborn about 1912
WilkieEdith born about 1908
WilkieEdith Dborn about 1909
WilkieEugene born about 1933
WilkieF??? born about 1916
WilkieFlora born about 1912
WilkieFran?? born about 1932
WilkieFrankie born about 1935
WilkieG Clevelandborn about 1910
WilkieGernie born about 1908
WilkieGrody born about 1927
WilkieH Gborn about 1877
WilkieH Gradyborn about 1911
WilkieH??? Cborn about 1903
WilkieHermond born about 1929
WilkieHomer born about 1928
WilkieHoubert born about 1926
WilkieHulan born about 1935
WilkieI Tborn about 1924
WilkieIda born about 1905
WilkieJames born about 1934
WilkieJames born about 1940
WilkieJessie Lborn about 1894
WilkieJoe born about 1901
WilkieJohn Hborn about 1872
WilkieJulinia born about 1867
WilkieKate born about 1901
WilkieKathleen born about 1930
WilkieLamar born about
WilkieLeon born about 1929
WilkieLeroy born about 1935
WilkieLewis born about 1937
WilkieLinda Sueborn about 1939
WilkieLula born about 1883
WilkieMae born about 1896
WilkieMartha born about 1918
WilkieMary born about 1934
WilkieMattie born about 1889
WilkieMorris born about 1931
WilkieMyron born about 1934
WilkieMyrtle born about 1889
WilkieOla born about 1905
WilkieParnell born about 1928
WilkiePearl born about 1913
WilkieRobert born about 1905
WilkieRupart born about 1939
WilkieSam born about 1902
WilkieShirley born about 1936
WilkieSpencer born about 1913
WilkieStarlind born about 1940
WilkieThe?? Doshaborn about 1872
WilkieWinniel born about 1925
WilliamsBonnie born about 1924
WilliamsDoyl born about 1925
WilliamsEsdell born about 1916
WilliamsF?? Eborn about 1884
WilliamsFrankie born about 1931
WilliamsJ Mackborn about 1881
WilliamsJulia born about 1889
WilliamsM??? born about 1898
WilliamsMaggie born about 1903
WilliamsMary born about 1873
WilliamsMary born about 1881
WilliamsMilton born about 1920
WilliamsRoscoe born about 1872
WilsonElisk Vborn about 1916
WilsonEugene born about 1922
WilsonMaitt born about 1888
WilsonMartha born about 1927
WilsonThomas born about 1925
WingoBetty born about 1927
WistBarsha born about 1938
WistHessie born about 1921
WistJackie born about 1936
WistJohn Lborn about 1909
WistShirley born about 1937
WoodallA Rborn about 1875
WoodallGrace born about 1926
WoodallIla born about 1927
WoodallMinnie born about 1888
WorshunCharley born about 1925
WorshunEmma born about 1892
WyattBettie born about 1937
WyattBilly born about 1938
WyattBobbie born about 1918
WyattDeloris born about 1933
WyattDonald born about 1935
WyattFay born about 1922
WyattGene born about 1939
WyattH Gradyborn about 1911
WyattIda born about 1892
WyattJimmie born about 1915
WyattJoyce born about 1935
WyattLinton born about 1913
WyattM Dborn about 1909
WyattPearl born about 1886
WyattS?? Sborn about 1886
WyattWinnie born about 1917
WyottE Jborn about 1937
WyottFrank born about 1915
WyottGeneva born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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