1940 U.S. Federal Census of Daviston, Taylor, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Taylor County > 1940 Census of Daviston

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAlbert Cborn about 1884
AdamsAlbert Cborn about 1926
AdamsAnnie Ruthborn about 1938
AdamsCarlton Bentleyborn about
AdamsFlorine born about 1918
AdamsFrederick Lukeborn about 1938
AdamsJ Bentleyborn about 1913
AdamsJames Ronaldborn about 1928
AdamsJohn Benjaminborn about 1934
AdamsJohn Robertborn about 1936
AdamsLillie Jewelborn about 1903
AdamsLuke Aborn about 1895
AdamsNettie Ireneborn about 1873
AdamsPhronia born about 1894
AdamsRosa Marieborn about 1933
AlexanderAlonzo born about 1878
AlexanderLonzie Aborn about 1928
AlexanderMarshall Joeborn about 1930
AlexanderRosa born about 1895
AlexanderRuba Bborn about 1932
AlexanderTaylor Hborn about 1927
AmersonBeatrice born about 1904
AmersonEarnest born about 1902
AmersonLewis born about 1933
AmosAllie born about 1914
AmosBillie Cleonborn about 1934
AmosJoseph Tborn about 1897
AmosLillian Elizabethborn about 1926
AmosMary born about 1896
AmosMrs Dollie born about 1875
AmosNannie Leeborn about 1915
AmosTecumpsek born about 1865
AmosThomas Bborn about 1919
AmosWilliam Cborn about 1928
AmosWoodrow Wborn about 1913
AveryLilian Vborn about 1867

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B Surnames

BeelandJim Tborn about 1888
BeelandJulian born about 1923
BeelandLouise born about 1925
BeelandLudie born about 1894
BeelandMargie born about 1931
BeelandNelle born about 1927
BelleHannah Belleborn about 1921
BelleLuberta born about 1938
BelleMurphy born about 1916
BelleNathaniel born about
BickleyAnnie Laurieborn about 1925
BickleyCharley Jborn about 1924
BickleyCharley Westeyborn about 1851
BickleyHattie Maeborn about 1898
BickleyHerman Wborn about 1902
BickleyHomer Clarenceborn about 1927
BickleyHomer Leeborn about 1904
BickleyRosa Leeborn about 1908
BickleyVirginia Joyborn about 1930
BlackstonCatherine born about 1922
BlackstonEula Leeborn about 1930
BlackstonGordene born about 1936
BlackstonGordon Lborn about 1910
BlackstonJames Aborn about 1924
BlackstonLewis born about 1932
BlackstonMyra born about 1939
BlackstonSadie Sarahborn about 1914
BlackstonViola born about 1904
BoothJames Rborn about 1877
BoothWillie Leeborn about 1881
BradyHardy born about 1916
BradyJosie born about 1877
BradyJunior born about 1929
BradyMaybell born about 1919
BradyW J Jrborn about 1911
BradyWill born about 1878
BrakeAlice born about 1903
BrakeRobert born about 1903
BrakeRobert Jr born about 1927
BrakeWorner born about 1929
BrownAnna Leeborn about 1929
BrownFlora born about 1916
BrownGeorge Cleoborn about 1906
BrownIrene born about 1901
BrownLink born about 1890
BrownLink Jr born about 1925
BrownPearlie Maeborn about 1932
BrownRalph born about 1938
BrownRosa Leeborn about 1936
BrownTonnie Leeborn about 1925
ButlerBettie Sueborn about 1934
ButlerJames born about 1908
ButlerJoe Anneborn about 1936
ButlerRubie born about 1912
ByarsJames Dudleyborn about 1915
ByarsJeffie born about 1893
ByarsSam born about 1893

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C Surnames

CaracterAnnie Pearlborn about 1935
CaracterCharley born about 1919
CaracterDaisy Louborn about 1923
CaracterElbert born about 1926
CaracterEosine born about 1938
CaracterEssie Bborn about 1918
CaracterG Bborn about 1927
CaracterGlasker born about 1937
CaracterGonnie Rborn about 1933
CaracterIda Lunborn about 1906
CaracterJessie Andrewborn about 1920
CaracterJohn born about 1868
CaracterJohn Jr born about 1936
CaracterLiza born about 1893
CaracterMartharene born about 1939
CaracterMary Ruthborn about 1924
CaracterNellie born about 1939
CaracterSamuel born about 1894
CaracterViola born about 1932
CaracterWarren born about
CorbinHamp born about 1908
CorbinMary Aliceborn about 1906
CulverhouseAlpha Mayborn about 1902
CulverhouseArchie born about 1927
CulverhouseBrooks born about 1932
CulverhouseCarson born about 1928
CulverhouseCecil born about 1925
CulverhouseClarence born about 1928
CulverhouseClinton born about 1922
CulverhouseClyde born about 1933
CulverhouseDouglas born about 1924
CulverhouseEdna born about 1928
CulverhouseEli Jeromeborn about 1926
CulverhouseElla Leeborn about 1899
CulverhouseEthel born about 1917
CulverhouseEva born about 1925
CulverhouseEva Cledeborn about 1893
CulverhouseFlem born about 1930
CulverhouseFrancis born about 1863
CulverhouseFreeman born about 1896
CulverhouseG Fredborn about 1919
CulverhouseGeorge Bborn about 1898
CulverhouseGeorge Bborn about 1927
CulverhouseHugh Hborn about 1894
CulverhouseJ Tborn about 1935
CulverhouseJohn Hborn about 1899
CulverhouseJulian born about 1923
CulverhouseJune Wynellborn about 1929
CulverhouseLena born about 1902
CulverhouseLuna Dorrisborn about 1925
CulverhouseMadie born about 1895
CulverhouseMargaret born about 1931
CulverhouseMarzelle born about 1926
CulverhouseRobert Jeromeborn about 1883
CulverhouseRuby born about 1926
CulverhouseVerman born about 1915
CulverhouseWilliam born about 1886
CulverhouseWillie Effieborn about 1902
CulverhouseWillie Joeborn about 1934

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D Surnames

DeanMary Lizaborn about 1906
DeanRichard born about 1885
DixonFrank born about 1913
DixonJessie Mayborn about 1914
DixonJohn born about 1875
DixonMary Janeborn about 1886
DixonPerry born about 1876
DixonSadie Bellborn about 1892
DownsAnnie Belleborn about 1879
DownsBessie Eborn about 1885
DownsDaner Bborn about 1909
DownsJames Mborn about 1875
DownsLuciele born about 1920
DraneBoss born about 1878
DraneLula born about 1879

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E Surnames

EdmonsonAddie born about 1890
EdmonsonAlbert Clintonborn about 1940
EdmonsonAlbert Leeborn about 1922
EdmonsonBarbara Anneborn about 1935
EdmonsonEffie Jewelborn about 1927
EdmonsonJ Wborn about 1933
EdmonsonLeah born about 1915
EdmonsonLula Maeborn about 1907
EdmonsonNancy Clideborn about 1931
EdmonsonR Mitchelborn about 1909
EdmonsonW Jborn about 1918
EmmettFlorence Evelynborn about 1937
EmmettJames Wborn about 1870
EmmettMary Ellenborn about 1935
EmmettMaybell born about 1910
EmmettRobert Morrisborn about 1939

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F Surnames

FallawEmma born about 1893
FallawJames Rborn about 1882
FallawJames R Iiborn about 1927

G Surnames

GassettCarrie Marthaborn about 1925
GassettDaisy born about 1884
GassettMadison Eborn about 1916
GassettOliver Aborn about 1868
GilsonEva Jborn about 1895
GilsonHugh born about 1888
GilsonHugh Jr born about 1917
GilsonMary Francisborn about 1928
GuinedAnnie Belborn about 1897
GuinedHattie Maeborn about 1927
GuinedHerbert Lborn about 1925
GuinedJackson born about 1923
GuinedJames Tborn about 1897
GuinedJohn Danielborn about 1921
GuinedRichard Bborn about 1936
GuinedSarah Oliviaborn about 1934
GuinedWilliam Bborn about 1930

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H Surnames

HalsteadJames Robertborn about 1926
HalsteadMaud born about 1903
HalsteadRobert Hborn about 1892
HammockAlice born about 1866
HammockAlton born about 1929
HammockAudry born about 1925
HammockCharley Hborn about 1904
HammockGrace Elizabethborn about 1936
HammockJame Eugeneborn about 1898
HammockJohn Wborn about 1869
HammockJohnie Robertborn about 1935
HammockL Pratherborn about 1907
HammockLarry Dennisborn about 1940
HammockLilian born about 1918
HammockLouise born about 1925
HammockLula Belleborn about 1915
HammockMarion born about 1938
HammockMildred born about
HammockN Doneborn about 1877
HammockNeal born about 1940
HammockNettie Virginiaborn about 1904
HammockWillie Maeborn about 1920
HarmonFannie Leeborn about 1915
HarmonJamie born about 1913
HarmonRiley born about 1936
HawkinsWillie born about 1902
HeathAnna Kingborn about 1910
HeathAnnie Aborn about 1862
HeathClara Louiseborn about 1880
HeathClifford Cborn about 1878
HeathElsie born about 1917
HeathJohn Aborn about 1862
HillNaomi born about 1874
HodoAlfred born about 1939
HodoJames born about 1914
HodoJames Jr born about 1938
HodoLeola born about 1917
HowellCherry Lborn about 1898
HowellDaisy Reeborn about 1925
HowellEma Leeborn about 1932
HowellHerbert born about 1938
HowellM Hborn about 1928
HowellManuel born about 1883
HowellWarren Jr born about 1937
HowellWillie Lesterborn about 1922

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J Surnames

JinksEmory born about 1901
JinksGorden born about 1902
JinksLyda born about 1900
JinksMattie Drewborn about 1904
JinksMattie Ruthborn about 1926

K Surnames

KendrickAddie Jewelborn about 1912
KendrickSarah Ruthborn about 1937
KendrickW Horaceborn about 1905
KendrickWilliam Tborn about 1935
KirkseyJames Aborn about 1914
KirkseyJunior born about 1928
KirkseyRosa born about 1910

L Surnames

LevestonEugene born about 1926
LevestonIra Sborn about 1877
LevestonJanie Virginiaborn about 1907
LevestonM Feltonborn about 1933
LevestonOris Smith Jrborn about 1928
LevestonRuby Dborn about 1939
LevestonWoodrow born about 1937
LittleAlton born about 1927
LittleAnna Maeborn about 1926
LittleCarol born about 1932
LittleDaisy Pearlborn about 1931
LittleFannie Clideborn about 1934
LittleHomer Jamesborn about 1928
LittleHorace Cborn about 1939
LittleJoe Lewisborn about 1939
LittleMattie Leeborn about 1902
LittleMinnie born about 1906
LittleRobert born about 1887
LittleT Jborn about 1935
LittleWillie Bborn about 1937
LittleWright born about 1892
LockardAbraham born about 1940
LockardClarence born about 1907
LockardClarence Jr born about 1934
LockardHettie born about 1937
LockardLillie Bborn about 1930
LockardMattie Mborn about 1894
LockardRuthie Maeborn about 1932
LockartAnnie Louborn about 1908
LockartBooker Tborn about 1915
LockartDorris born about 1934
LockartEmma born about 1860
LockartEvelyn born about 1937
LockartFebbie born about 1876
LockartHollis born about 1922
LockartIsreal born about 1873
LockartJames born about 1921
LockartLeila born about 1892
LockartLucy born about 1920
LockartMandy born about 1880
LockartNovie born about 1920
LockartPleasant born about 1906
LockartR Cborn about 1928
LockartWilliam born about 1910
LockartWillie Leeborn about 1938

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M Surnames

MathewsJ Bborn about 1927
MathewsJohn born about 1867
MathewsJohn born about 1928
MontfortDaisy born about 1890
MontfortEbbie born about 1875

O Surnames

OwensBertha born about 1926
OwensGeorge born about 1923

P Surnames

ParkerLige born about 1881
ParkerNannie born about 1876
ParksJohn Carsonborn about 1913
ParksOdelle born about 1920
ParksWalter Thomasborn about 1939
PaschalCarrie born about 1910
PaschalJames born about 1912
PaschalJohn Heneryborn about 1906
PaschalJohn Henry Jrborn about 1938
PaschalJohnie Leeborn about 1935
PaschalLillie Maeborn about 1917
PaschalRobert Lewisborn about 1939
PayneLeona born about 1928
PayneLouise Virginiaborn about 1931
PaynePaul Altonborn about 1935
PayneRuby Estelleborn about 1902
PayneRufus born about 1902
PikeEllis born about 1899
PikeMattie Louborn about 1892

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R Surnames

ReeseAnna Mayborn about 1925
ReeseGus born about 1888
ReeseHattie Mayborn about 1896
RobersonSonnie born about 1937
RobinsLois born about 1905
RobinsTerrell born about 1913
RutherfordBernie born about 1939
RutherfordBettie born about 1926
RutherfordClarence born about 1933
RutherfordClayra born about 1933
RutherfordEsther born about 1902
RutherfordJames Tborn about 1897
RutherfordMildred born about 1923

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S Surnames

SamsClarence Leeborn about 1938
SamsEugene Tborn about 1934
SamsMary Lizzieborn about 1936
SamsTeara born about 1908
SamsWillie born about 1905
SamsWillie Maeborn about 1930
SealeyArchie Brownborn about 1923
SealeyDennie Nborn about 1872
SealeyHerbert Aborn about 1892
SealeyMary Jewellborn about 1903
SealeyMildred Virginiaborn about 1925
SearcyA Cborn about 1931
SearcyAlex born about 1884
SearcyAlex Jr born about 1908
SearcyAndrew born about 1873
SearcyAndrew Jr born about 1910
SearcyArmelia born about 1887
SearcyBulah born about 1910
SearcyCharley Wborn about 1933
SearcyCherry born about 1925
SearcyClara Maeborn about 1925
SearcyConnelia born about 1919
SearcyDur Leeborn about 1936
SearcyElla Maeborn about 1903
SearcyEva Kateborn about 1924
SearcyHettie born about 1880
SearcyJunior born about 1937
SearcyKary born about 1934
SearcyLizzie Bborn about 1913
SearcyLouise born about 1926
SearcyMalissie born about 1919
SearcyRiley born about 1935
SearcyRobert born about 1938
SearcySarah born about 1935
SearcySilas born about 1901
SearcyTony born about 1922
SearcyValene born about 1933
SearcyWillie Wborn about 1923
SimmonsClara Dborn about 1882
SlaughterCharley born about 1866
SmithElizabeth born about 1872
SmithEula Belleborn about 1914
SmithFannie Vborn about 1900
SmithGorman born about 1915
SmithGorman Jr born about 1937
SmithHazel born about 1922
SmithJohn Aborn about 1924
SmithLeonard born about 1920
SmithLillie Maeborn about 1925
SmithMargaret born about 1927
SmithO Hughborn about 1895
SmithOscar born about 1871
SmithRufus born about 1894
SmithRuth born about 1893
SmithVirginia born about 1928
SpinksAnnie Bborn about 1876
SpinksW A Longborn about 1872
StringfieldGeorgia Sborn about 1884
StringfieldWilliam born about 1887
SuggsLucy Rborn about 1876
SuggsRobert Mborn about 1869

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T Surnames

TaylorWilliam Lborn about 1919
ThompsonHoward Rborn about 1897
ThompsonTommie born about 1864
TriceHelen born about 1933
TriceJerry born about 1913
TriceJohnie Williamborn about 1939
TriceLugene born about 1916
TuckerBettie Fayborn about 1930
TuckerBoyd born about 1929
TuckerClara Mayborn about 1939
TuckerDonnie Mayborn about 1923
TuckerEddie Lborn about 1886
TuckerHorace Royborn about 1920
TuckerJames Bborn about 1935
TuckerJones Edwardborn about 1937
TuckerMay born about 1898
TuckerMildred Inezborn about 1932
TuckerRobert born about 1926
TuckerWillie born about 1922
TurnerMattie born about 1881
TurnerThomas born about 1884

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W Surnames

WatleyClarence Bborn about 1926
WatleyCora Maeborn about 1919
WatleyEtta Mayborn about 1898
WatleyGussie born about 1892
WatleyJ Albertborn about 1912
WatleyJames Robertborn about 1925
WatleyJohn Williamborn about 1922
WatleyMattie Julieborn about 1924
WatleyRoshelle born about 1921
WatleyRoyce born about 1917
WatleySamuel Sborn about 1875
WhatleyJames Robertborn about 1873
WhatleyMamie Bborn about 1908
WhatleyRobert Mborn about 1902
WhatleyWillis Robertborn about 1928
WillisClara Belleborn about 1890
WillisJ Thomasborn about 1886
WillisWalter Jborn about 1889
WilsonAlfred born about 1927
WilsonBessie born about 1898
WilsonCatherine born about 1938
WilsonCharley born about 1924
WilsonCleta Maeborn about 1903
WilsonClide born about 1892
WilsonDorothy Elizabethborn about 1931
WilsonDrew born about 1867
WilsonEmma born about 1862
WilsonEva born about 1907
WilsonGrady born about 1901
WilsonHarold born about 1931
WilsonHerman born about 1930
WilsonJ Cecilborn about 1922
WilsonJames born about 1926
WilsonLizzie Graceborn about 1902
WilsonLuther born about 1888
WilsonMargurite born about 1922
WilsonMartha Francisborn about 1935
WilsonRobert Fborn about 1920
WilsonThomas Aborn about 1895
WindhamAnnie born about 1937
WindhamElizabeth born about 1927
WindhamGrace born about 1939
WindhamIone born about 1905
WindhamJames Fborn about 1924
WindhamJulia born about 1922
WindhamKate Nelleborn about 1931
WindhamLilian Inezborn about 1925
WindhamLula Cborn about 1885
WindhamMartha born about 1934
WindhamO Dborn about 1924
WindhamOtis born about 1886
WindhamWilliam Hborn about 1883
WindhamWillie Aborn about 1920
WoodardC Arterborn about 1891
WoodardEula Leeborn about 1916
WoodardHarvey born about 1922
WoodardJossie born about 1892
WoodardJunita born about 1937
WoodardMelmon born about 1915
WoodardSallie Emmaborn about 1923

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Y Surnames

YoungJim Henryborn about 1906
YoungbloodHamp born about 1890
YoungbloodMary Lborn about 1908

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