1940 U.S. Federal Census of Deepstep, Washington, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Washington County > 1940 Census of Deepstep

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsDolly born about 1887
AdensEvelyn born about 1937
AdensFlecker born about 1934
AlsobrooksBill born about 1874
AndrewsBetty born about 1929
AndrewsBobby born about 1931
AndrewsEloise born about 1923
AndrewsJ Rborn about 1890
AndrewsJames born about 1918
AndrewsLola born about 1891
AvantBarbara Jeanborn about 1936
AvantByron born about 1922
AvantC Aborn about 1873
AvantClafton born about 1914
AvantDavid born about 1917
AvantDewitt born about 1926
AvantEtta born about 1877
AvantJ Hborn about 1869
AvantJoe born about 1923
AvantLeonard born about 1924
AvantMinnie Francesborn about 1919
AvantMintie Bellborn about 1913
AvantOleta born about 1920
AvantRoy Jr born about 1939
AvantRoy Sr born about 1910
AvantSallie born about 1885
AvantSalllie Leeborn about 1886
AvantW Hborn about 1876
AvantWade born about 1919
AvantWylie born about 1939
AveyCharlie born about 1865
AveyJennie born about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BainesAdeline born about 1939
BainesAnnie Juliaborn about 1911
BainesJ Dborn about 1914
BarnesBell born about 1912
BarnesBetty born about 1932
BarnesEd born about 1922
BarnesJoe Anborn about 1939
BarnesPaul born about 1935
BarnesRosie born about 1926
BatchlerJames born about 1912
BatemanGeorgy born about 1919
BatemanMaude born about 1885
BatemanOsgood born about 1925
BatemanW Hborn about 1917
BeckerLou born about 1885
BethaClaudia born about 1892
BethaEther born about 1917
BetherOra born about 1924
BlizzardArthur born about 1913
BlizzardC Jborn about 1881
BlizzardE Uborn about 1913
BlizzardErnest born about 1911
BlizzardEvelyn born about 1923
BlizzardGertude born about 1899
BlizzardHorace born about 1876
BlizzardKizzie born about 1891
BlizzardL Lborn about 1879
BlizzardLouise born about 1918
BlizzardMammie born about 1885
BlizzardMary Ellenborn about 1936
BlizzardMimie born about 1888
BlizzardNessie born about 1887
BlizzardS Eborn about 1885
BlizzardSara Ellenborn about 1928
BlizzardThelma born about 1907
BlizzardV Annie Lborn about 1906
BlizzardVivan Lborn about 1926
BlizzardW Bborn about 1908
BlizzardW Cborn about 1879
BlizzardWilliam Rborn about 1934
BogerAnnie Lauraborn about 1924
BogerCleo born about 1922
BogerDennis born about 1884
BogerEmma Pearlborn about 1926
BogerErnest born about 1930
BogerLucile born about 1936
BogerMartha born about 1932
BogerMary born about 1932
BogerPearl born about 1901
BogerRuby born about 1919
BogerWillie Beeborn about 1920
BooneBernard born about 1916
BooneC Rborn about 1888
BooneCharlie born about 1863
BooneDaniel born about 1924
BooneEdna born about 1917
BooneJean born about 1934
BooneLillian born about 1928
BooneMargaret born about
BooneMary Sueborn about 1890
BooneThomas born about 1930
BoonerAnnie born about 1878
BoonerIrene born about 1920
BoonerJ Bborn about 1882
BoyerErnestine born about 1937
BoyerEthel born about 1921
BraetterGenette born about 1939
BraetterGuy born about 1911
BraetterMattie Maeborn about 1913
BridgesAnnie Louisborn about 1939
BridgesC Bborn about 1927
BridgesCassie born about 1922
BridgesClara Maeborn about 1913
BridgesClem born about 1898
BridgesErnest born about 1939
BridgesGeneva born about 1933
BridgesGeneval born about 1901
BridgesJames born about 1932
BridgesLaura Maeborn about 1939
BridgesLouna born about 1924
BridgesLoura born about 1910
BridgesLula born about 1902
BridgesMark born about 1902
BridgesMimmie born about 1936
BridgesOscar Leeborn about 1926
BridgesPetty Jewelborn about 1939
BridgesRobert born about 1934
BridgesRodger born about 1930
BroadnayEthel born about 1928
BroadnayJesse born about 1923
BroadnayLeona born about 1922
BroadnayLora Billborn about 1891
BroadnayRobert born about 1885
BrookinsDorothy born about 1939
BrookinsLelia born about 1874
BrookinsLizzie born about 1916
BrookinsVeazy born about 1906
BrooksCatharine born about 1919
BrooksElizabeth born about 1926
BrooksElmer born about 1937
BrooksHazel born about 1936
BrooksHelton born about 1914
BrooksJ Sborn about 1874
BrooksLodrick born about 1923
BrooksLouise born about 1908
BrooksMargarett born about 1940
BrooksMattie Maeborn about 1896
BrooksNellie born about 1878
BrooksS Eborn about 1904
BrooksThomas born about 1928
BrooksVerna born about 1931
BrownCarlton born about 1939
BrownClifton born about 1913
BrownDaisy born about 1925
BrownElmer born about 1917
BrownEulie born about 1912
BrownMary born about 1920
BrownOscar Jr born about 1922
BrownOscsar Sr born about 1885
BrownRozene born about 1896
BrownWillie Hughborn about 1939
BuchWilie Douglasborn about 1932
BuckRozel born about 1930
BuckVarie born about 1931
BudgesBenjamin born about 1922
BudgesCattie Bellborn about 1897
BudgesElbert Rayborn about 1939
BudgesHelen born about 1928
BudgesLula Sueborn about 1925
BudgesMenter Bellborn about 1931
BudgesNapeleon born about 1924
BudgesNehmiah born about 1927
BudgesOscar born about 1916
BudgesRodger born about 1895
BudgesVarie born about 1919
BulterAnnie Pearlborn about 1893
BulterH Jborn about 1892
BushEffie born about 1903
BushMary born about 1922
BushO Cborn about 1918
BushWillie Hughieborn about 1899
ButtsEmaneul Lborn about 1910
ButtsGeneva born about 1939
ButtsGussie born about 1905
ButtsHattie Bellborn about 1929
ButtsLonnie born about 1936
ButtsMilas born about 1928
ButtsMuanda born about 1938
ButtsRoy Leeborn about 1930
ButtsSammie Leeborn about 1934
ButtsWillie Jamesborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CainRaymond born about 1918
CannonHelen Roseborn about 1925
CarollJulia born about 1862
ChapmanAnnie Pearlborn about 1914
ChapmanFreeman born about 1912
ClompusB F Jborn about 1898
ClompusCarolyn born about 1928
ClompusDavid born about 1929
ClompusEvelyn born about 1924
ClompusMaynard born about 1938
ClompusMildred born about 1920
ClompusOra born about 1898
CollieLee born about 1924
CollierHiel born about 1885
CollierMay Juliaborn about 1935
CollierRoberta born about 1937
CollierSnowie born about 1905
CopelenLouie born about 1912
CopelinLennie born about 1893
CopelinLorine born about 1934
CopelinM Jborn about 1929
CopelinOtha born about 1918
CopelinThomas born about 1915
CopelinTom born about 1871
CopelinVallie Maeborn about 1921
CopelinWillie born about 1924
CorbettDoris born about 1918
CorbettEdwin born about 1916
CorbettEleonor born about 1939
CorbettJ C Srborn about 1875
CorbettOwen born about 1911
CorbettPearl born about 1881
CorbettRuth born about 1908
CorbettSara Pearlborn about 1935
CorbittBobby Rayborn about 1935
CorbittJ Lborn about 1909
CorbittLola Maeborn about 1909
CordellJudy born about 1920
CrowderThe born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanzyEvie born about 1882
DanzyL Sborn about 1878
DanzyT Jborn about 1936
DavisBevis born about 1870
DavisErnestine born about 1872
DavisHoward born about 1927
DavisR Lborn about 1866
DavisW Wborn about 1861
DennisInez born about 1940
DennisLorine born about 1938
DixonJulian Willieborn about 1916
DixonLevi born about 1859
DixonNellie born about 1877
DixonRuby born about 1922
DowlenAnnie Lowborn about 1935
DowlenJack born about 1933
DowlenLillie Bborn about 1895
DowlenMary born about 1925
DowlenW Jborn about 1884
DowlenWilliam born about 1928
DurdenButie born about 1920
DurdenC J Jrborn about 1918
DurdenC J Srborn about 1868
DurdenDouglas born about 1933
DurdenEslie born about 1879
DurdenEssie Maeborn about 1912
DurdenEvie born about 1889
DurdenJ Bborn about 1872
DurdenJames born about 1904
DurdenLonnie born about 1904
DurdenPinkie born about 1904
DurdenRalph born about 1915
DurdenRaymond born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdwardEdward born about 1921
EltonElizabeth born about 1872
EltonMarvin born about 1924
EnnieElla born about 1872
EverettLamar born about 1935
EverettLester born about 1936
EverettMary Ethelborn about 1939
EverettMary Francesborn about 1908
EverettOstelle born about 1934
EverettRay Jr born about 1933
EverettRoy Sr born about 1908

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F Surnames

FieldVernon born about 1910
FlaggBen born about 1903
FlaggJulia born about 1902
FlaggRobert born about 1870
FlaggWillie Juliaborn about 1926
FlorenceNancy born about 1919

G Surnames

GarnewCorine born about 1907
GarnewJack born about 1931
GarnewValda born about 1903
GarnewWensel born about 1927
GarrettClara born about 1923
GarrettThomas born about 1921
GileB Wborn about 1905
GileBunnah born about 1908
GileNalline born about 1932
GilesAda born about 1874
GilesAdline born about 1908
GilesBessie born about 1932
GilesC J Jborn about 1910
GilesC J Srborn about 1878
GilesCallie born about 1882
GilesCarolyn born about 1937
GilesCharles R Srborn about 1905
GilesCharles Jr born about 1936
GilesCyrus born about 1905
GilesDorothy born about 1925
GilesEmory born about 1938
GilesF L Jrborn about 1927
GilesF L Srborn about 1902
GilesFreddie born about 1938
GilesGertude born about 1898
GilesGladys born about 1918
GilesImma Maireborn about 1938
GilesJ J Srborn about 1871
GilesJ Wborn about 1897
GilesJohn Robunborn about 1930
GilesLula born about 1874
GilesMarie born about 1914
GilesMary born about 1905
GilesMary Bellborn about 1910
GilesMay born about 1874
GilesMay born about 1935
GilesMelina born about 1932
GilesMertie born about 1900
GilesR Wborn about 1903
GilesSara Francesborn about
GilmoreMae born about 1885
GladdenEssie Beeborn about 1925
GladdenJohn Willieborn about 1923
GladdenLellie Maeborn about 1915
GladdenLou Evaborn about 1931
GladdenMahalia born about 1894
GladdinIvellynn born about 1905
GladdinJ Bborn about 1893
GladdinLillie Bellborn about 1925
GrantMimmie born about 1877
GregoryEunice born about 1920
GriffinAnnie Maryborn about 1907
GriffinC Sborn about 1876
GriffinD Hborn about 1901
GriffinGeorge Haygordborn about 1939
GriffinLillie Pearlborn about 1901
GriffinM Rborn about 1892
GriffinManda Maeborn about 1930
GriffinMattie born about 1883
GriffinMill born about 1905
GriffinOtis Larnerborn about 1933
GriffinSara born about 1851
GriffinSara Elizabethborn about 1927
GriffinWillie Davidborn about 1923

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H Surnames

HaelEnnie Leeborn about 1908
HaelJohn Evaborn about 1915
HallAlma born about 1926
HallAndrew born about 1939
HallAnnie Maeborn about 1915
HallBeatrise born about 1922
HallBerta born about 1912
HallBuster born about 1899
HallBuster born about 1915
HallCecil born about 1924
HallClarence born about 1929
HallClinton Jr born about 1928
HallClinton Sr born about 1901
HallDoris born about 1930
HallE Wborn about 1892
HallEddie born about 1928
HallEmmett born about 1922
HallEssie born about 1921
HallEthel born about 1897
HallEthel Pearlborn about 1921
HallGeneva born about 1894
HallGeorge born about 1897
HallGertude born about 1923
HallHarney born about 1924
HallHodger born about 1882
HallIda Francesborn about 1920
HallIdel born about 1932
HallIrene born about 1892
HallJ Aborn about 1926
HallJames born about 1937
HallKatie Maeborn about 1927
HallLauna born about 1928
HallLeonora born about 1927
HallLillie born about 1871
HallLouise born about 1896
HallMadge born about 1920
HallMammie Kateborn about 1910
HallNewnan born about 1918
HallNora Bellborn about 1901
HallO Cborn about 1911
HallOrtho Bborn about 1918
HallPearl born about 1927
HallR Jborn about 1921
HallRaymond born about 1925
HallRobert born about 1918
HallSallie born about 1864
HallTom born about 1917
HallViola born about 1885
HallWilliam born about 1907
HallWillie born about 1931
HallWillie Maeborn about 1901
HallWillie Rodgerborn about 1928
HallZ Jborn about 1894
HamptonAnnie Ruthborn about 1936
HamptonBeauty born about 1929
HamptonCurtis born about 1939
HamptonDorothy born about 1934
HamptonEva born about 1925
HamptonIrene born about 1936
HamptonJames born about 1902
HamptonLeo born about 1938
HamptonLois born about 1938
HamptonLonie born about 1898
HamptonLonnie Jborn about 1931
HamptonMary Elizabethborn about 1934
HamptonMattie born about 1912
HamptonNelson born about 1938
HamptonOnedis born about 1926
HamptonRichard born about 1926
HamptonSallie born about 1901
HamptonW Jborn about 1932
HamptonWillie Jamesborn about 1931
HardinAlice born about 1882
HardinHubert born about 1919
HardinMeshark born about 1872
HarrisCyrus born about 1929
HarrisElword born about 1921
HarrisValerie born about 1897
HarrisW Lborn about 1894
HarrisWelton born about 1918
HavisAnna Louiseborn about 1935
HavisArthur Leeborn about 1934
HavisJennie Willborn about 1939
HavisPattie Maeborn about 1938
HavisTommie born about 1931
HaygoodBetty Francesborn about 1934
HaygoodJoan born about 1936
HaygoodMattie born about 1874
HaygoodNannie born about 1905
HaygoodW Wborn about 1901
HillLuella born about 1909
HillRobert born about 1874
HillRosa born about 1890
HolemanBetty born about 1939
HolemanBobby born about 1938
HolemanElla born about 1919
HolemanLee Sborn about 1918
HoleyCecil born about 1939
HoleyChristian Jborn about 1938
HoleyChristian Sr born about 1897
HoleyEffie Leeborn about 1913
HoleyLucille born about 1931
HoleyRetha born about 1937
HoleyThelma born about 1932
HolimanAndrew born about 1877
HolimanEula born about 1887
HollensworthMargaret born about 1918
HolmanMildred born about 1938
HolmanNola Maeborn about 1913
HolmanWalter born about 1917
HolmesElizabeth born about 1924
HolmesInez born about 1912
HolmesJ Jborn about 1882
HolmesLena born about 1890
HolmesLora born about 1910
HolmesPearl born about 1889
HolmesReed born about 1921
HolmesWeston born about 1920
HoodAnnie Floriaborn about 1909
HoodDonald born about 1939
HoodEulie born about 1907
HoodGrace born about 1913
HoodLois born about 1892
HoodMarion born about 1909
HoodRabun born about 1939
HoodRobbie born about 1890
HoodThomas born about 1923
HoodVaughn born about 1937
HooksEddie born about 1921
HooksIda born about 1931
HooksJohnnie born about 1927
HooksJulina born about 1938
HooksLambert born about 1923
HooksMitchell born about 1871
HooksMolly born about 1936
HooksPinkie born about 1933
HooksWesleys born about 1917
HooksWillie Maeborn about 1901
HortonDella born about 1873
HowardAnnie born about 1912
HowardEulie Cborn about 1934
HowardGeorge born about 1903
HowardGeorge Williamborn about 1936
HowardMamie born about 1899
HowardO Cborn about 1920
HowardWilliam born about 1887
HughesJ Bborn about 1903
HughesLena born about 1902
HuntHyman born about 1920
HutchingsAlonza born about 1926
HutchingsE G Jborn about 1921
HutchingsE G Seborn about 1881
HutchingsMattie Bellborn about 1889
HutchingsThena born about 1919

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I Surnames

IvyBertie born about 1912
IvyE Hborn about 1894
IvyElbert born about 1924
IvyFrances born about 1931
IvyJaunita born about 1936
IvySylvia born about 1926

J Surnames

JacksonBobby Lborn about 1914
JacksonCallie born about 1915
JacksonDave born about 1924
JacksonHattie Bellborn about 1893
JacksonIrene born about 1933
JacksonWillie born about 1926
JohnsonC Pborn about 1870
JohnsonCarrie born about 1879
JohnsonDoris born about 1926
JohnsonEthel born about 1900
JohnsonH Jborn about 1898
JohnsonJ Bborn about 1937
JohnsonJ Tborn about 1915
JohnsonJack Lamarborn about 1938
JohnsonJohn Arthurborn about 1921
JohnsonLaura Bellborn about 1920
JohnsonMary Juneborn about 1934
JohnsonSallie Maryborn about 1910
JohnsonWillie born about 1900
JonesBeverly Anneborn about 1939
JonesBlanche Fborn about 1911
JonesJ Wborn about 1905
JonesThomas born about 1893
JordanLee Bertaborn about 1918
JordanPaul born about 1908

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K Surnames

KingAnna born about 1885
KingDavid born about 1907
KingEva born about 1930
KingGeorge born about 1928
KingMammie born about 1913
KingWilliam born about 1884

L Surnames

LaneClara born about 1928
LaneDorsey born about 1922
LaneEdith born about 1926
LaneJohnie Bborn about 1910
LaneOra Maenborn about 1921
LaneRosa Bellborn about 1914
LaneS Mborn about 1923
LaneSara born about 1886
LaneTommie born about 1914
LaneWillie born about 1932
LashinJames born about 1919
LeeHunter born about 1939
LeverettAmida born about 1904
LeverettBessie born about 1882
LeverettBessie born about 1937
LeverettBobby born about 1931
LeverettE Aborn about 1929
LeverettFindley born about 1913
LeverettGeorge born about 1933
LeverettGeorge Wborn about 1873
LeverettIrene born about 1917
LeverettJimmie born about 1936
LeverettJohn born about 1939
LeverettJulian born about 1902
LeverettLorine born about 1902
LeverettLucille born about 1910
LeverettMargarett born about 1932
LeverettMyrtle born about 1911
LeverettOra born about 1909
LewisAddie Leeborn about 1921
LewisAndrew born about 1928
LewisDorothea born about 1928
LewisFate born about 1925
LewisFlorine born about 1929
LewisHardy born about 1895
LewisJ Bborn about 1922
LewisJack born about 1920
LewisJoe Leeborn about 1935
LewisL Cborn about 1926
LewisLilie Ruthborn about 1937
LewisLillie Bellborn about 1898
LewisM Lborn about 1887
LewisMammie Leeborn about 1935
LewisMary Louborn about 1895
LewisMurelin born about 1930
LewisRosa Maeborn about 1933
LewisSammie Leeborn about 1931
LundyWallie Leeborn about 1924

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M Surnames

MarshBrooks born about 1912
MarshEdwin born about 1919
MarshJewell born about 1913
MarshMattie born about 1879
MarshRiginalds born about 1938
MccoyBessie born about 1906
MccoyCarolyn born about 1937
MccoyCharles born about 1930
MccoyFay born about 1939
MccoyFrank born about 1928
MccoyLillie born about 1934
MccoyMammie born about 1903
MccoyNellie born about 1914
MccoyPearl born about 1893
MeeksBillie born about 1936
MeeksBuford born about 1928
MeeksClarence born about 1932
MeeksCleveland born about 1887
MeeksEstelle born about 1909
MeeksEunice born about 1937
MeeksJean born about 1934
MeeksJulia born about 1931
MeeksKate born about 1894
MeeksMary Ruthborn about 1931
MeeksNancy born about 1926
MillerJohn born about 1873
MillerSallie born about 1895
MillsAnnie Maeborn about 1898
MillsC Rborn about 1893
MillsJack born about 1920
MillsO Lborn about 1924
MillsWayne born about 1935
MillsWillie Maeborn about 1890
MooreAlford born about 1863
MooreAnnie Juliaborn about 1924
MooreArthur Leeborn about 1920
MooreBeatrice born about 1900
MooreErin Carieborn about 1930
MooreEssie born about 1902
MooreFannie born about 1934
MooreFrancel Aborn about 1913
MooreFreddie born about 1924
MooreGeorge born about 1902
MooreGussie born about 1901
MooreHarvey born about 1921
MooreJames born about 1932
MooreJames Willieborn about 1920
MooreJohnnie born about 1927
MooreJudie born about 1875
MooreJulia born about 1911
MooreJulian born about 1918
MooreLeron born about 1897
MooreLeroy born about 1929
MooreMary born about 1926
MooreReadis born about 1938
MooreRuby born about 1936
MooreThelma born about 1907
MooreWalter born about 1926
MooreWillie Homerborn about 1939
MooreWillie Leeborn about 1922

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N Surnames

NorisGloria born about 1935
NorisHelen born about 1925
NorisHubie born about 1894
NorisViola born about 1902
NorrisMary Louborn about 1915

O Surnames

OquinnBryant born about 1890
OquinnDocia born about 1880
OquinnElonora born about 1894
OquinnWilliam born about 1922
OsbourneAlovee* born about 1939
OsbourneGordon born about 1921
OsbourneLindsey born about 1913
OsbourneMarie born about 1925
OsbourneMay born about 1916
OsbourneSidney born about 1921
OsbourneW Eborn about 1938
OsbourneWillie born about 1894
OsbourneWillie born about 1900

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P Surnames

PeelerAnnie Juliaborn about 1923
PeelerElmer born about 1922
PeelerFloyd born about 1924
PeelerJ Wborn about 1926
PeelerJulean born about 1893
PeelerLessie born about 1934
PeelerMammie born about 1891
PeelerMannie Juliaborn about 1932
PeelerMary born about 1888
PeelerSam born about 1917
PeelerTressie Maeborn about 1924
PillmanG Wborn about 1875
PillmanLow born about 1876
PittmanHawey born about 1904
PittmanJ Mborn about 1869
PittmanMallie born about 1873
PittsmanBuford born about 1925
PittsmanDella born about 1888
PittsmanJ Dborn about 1883
PittsmanMorris born about 1920
PollAda born about 1896
PollBeaurena born about 1922
PollEarly born about 1884
PollEmma Leeborn about 1932
PollEmma Renaborn about 1922
PollJimmie Leeborn about 1913
PollSalie Maeborn about 1930
PollSammie Gborn about 1917
PoolAlma born about 1935
PoolAndrew born about 1912
PoolCatherine born about 1939
PoolCharlie Lee Jrborn about 1938
PoolCharlie Lee Srborn about 1911
PoolClennie born about 1907
PoolCorene born about 1918
PoolCurtis born about 1937
PoolEffie born about 1912
PoolFannie born about 1932
PoolGladys Maeborn about 1934
PoolIvy born about 1902
PoolIvy Joeborn about 1935
PoolJack born about 1937
PoolLonnie born about 1899
PoolMammie Leeborn about 1912
PoolMarvin born about 1937
PoolO Cborn about 1917
PoolSoloman born about 1934
PoundsBetty born about 1929
PoundsCorine born about 1933
PoundsEmmie born about 1900
PoundsErnest born about 1907
PoundsGrady born about 1935
PoundsHoward born about 1927
PoundsJ Bborn about 1887
PoundsJesse born about 1922
PoundsLowie born about 1932
PoundsMildred born about 1935
PoundsOltha born about 1926
PoundsRoy born about 1937
PoundsZemmie born about 1914
ProsserEvelyn born about 1911
ProsserJ Sborn about 1881
ProsserNora born about 1885
ProvowA Jborn about 1860
PulerAlice born about 1875
PulerAlma born about 1906
PulerHarold born about 1930
PulerJ Wborn about 1872
PulerLelia born about 1911
PulerSoloman born about 1914

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R Surnames

RaperDorothy born about 1930
RaperMary born about 1890
ReeversA Wborn about 1929
ReeversBlanche born about 1923
ReeversElda born about 1898
ReeversElizabeth born about 1937
ReeversErnest born about 1930
ReeversEva Pearlborn about 1911
ReeversLee born about 1878
ReeversLellie Pearlborn about 1940
ReeversMary Bellborn about 1935
ReeversMina Leeborn about 1923
ReeversNathoral born about 1890
ReeversOdel born about 1933
ReeversOscar born about 1926
ReeversOtis born about 1939
ReevesWade born about 1927
ReevesWillie born about 1926
RenfroeAntoinette born about 1923
RenfroeC Bborn about 1882
RenfroeClara born about 1901
RenfroeJack born about 1926
RenfroePhyllis born about 1928
RenfroeW Oborn about 1885
ReynoldsEdith born about 1923
ReynoldsJohn born about 1889
ReynoldsLawson born about 1926
ReynoldsMinnie born about 1900
ReynoldsSusie born about 1930
ReynoldsVaughn born about 1939
RichesonE Dborn about 1877
RichesonFlorence born about 1872
RichesonVictoria born about 1879
RickersonAlbert born about 1907
RickersonArline born about 1911
RickersonEthel born about 1917
RickersonRoy born about 1905
RobertsCorilla born about 1894
RobertsW Jborn about 1886
RobinsonBertha born about 1915
RobinsonG Bborn about 1872
RobinsonGeorge Willieborn about 1920
RobinsonIla born about 1881
RobinsonJohnnie born about 1935
RobinsonLue Arthurborn about 1913
RobinsonOwen born about 1915
RussellAnnie Pearlborn about 1902
RussellAnnie Willborn about 1928
RussellC Lborn about 1926
RussellDorothy born about 1933
RussellForest born about 1930
RussellJ Wborn about 1924
RussellJennie born about 1865
RussellJoe born about 1900
RussellJorell born about 1938
RussellOwen born about 1939
RussellThelma born about 1935
RussellWillie Jameborn about 1922

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S Surnames

SandersJ Lborn about 1914
SandersJames born about 1937
SandersMarion born about 1940
SandersMartha born about 1919
SandersWillie born about 1938
ScottFrankie born about 1927
ScottJames born about 1926
ScottJimmy born about 1906
ScottMary born about 1930
ScottWillie born about 1909
SimmonsJohn born about 1908
SimpsonAlbert born about 1936
SimpsonArline born about 1917
SimpsonEddie born about 1904
SimpsonEdward born about 1931
SimpsonEmmie Leeborn about 1939
SimpsonEvelyn born about 1931
SimpsonLilie Maeborn about 1929
SimpsonSallie born about 1935
SmithAnnie born about 1910
SmithJames born about 1909
SmithLamar born about 1933
SniderAlma born about 1927
SniderAnnie born about 1891
SniderC Lborn about 1887
SniderHubert born about 1921
SniderLois born about 1925
SniderRuth born about 1930
StephenClarence born about 1923
StephenHelton born about 1919
StephenSue Maeborn about 1917
StephensAlbert born about 1908
StephensAnnie Bellborn about 1920
StephensElla Pearlborn about 1916
StephensEssie Maeborn about 1927
StephensHerman born about 1931
StephensIda born about 1870
StephensJ Cborn about 1924
StephensJ Tborn about 1904
StephensJahe born about 1909
StephensLamon born about 1919
StephensLizzie born about 1897
StephensMattie born about 1914
StephensMel born about 1917
StephensNelson born about 1934
StephensNora born about 1893
StephensOtis born about 1923
StephensRaymond born about 1921
StephensRessie born about 1928
StephensRobert born about 1901
StephensRobert Leeborn about 1921
StephensW Lborn about 1931
StephensWalter born about 1888
StephensWillie born about 1897
StephinElla Daisyborn about 1912
StephinHamp born about 1901
SultonClaudie born about 1885
SultonR Eborn about 1884
SwintAddie born about 1873
SwintJame Cborn about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorAnnie Lauraborn about 1925
TaylorCleveland Jr born about 1926
TaylorCleveland Sr born about 1897
TaylorEmma born about 1907
TaylorJ Neasyborn about 1930
TaylorJoe Bborn about 1939
TaylorJulia born about 1923
TaylorLee Bborn about 1915
TaylorOrzeol* born about 1928
TaylorRobert born about 1844
TaylorWillie Joeborn about 1908
ThomasEva Maeborn about 1902
ThomasMary born about 1928
ThomasRosa Maeborn about 1926
ThomasWillie Frankborn about 1926
ThomasWillie Leeborn about 1901
ThompkinsJ Bborn about 1937
ThompkinsJack born about 1908
ThompkinsJasculin born about 1936
ThompkinsWillie Dborn about 1915
TuckerCorine born about 1887
TuckerCorine born about 1921
TuckerH Pborn about 1885
TurnerAlbert born about 1931
TurnerDennie born about 1871
TurnerH Lborn about 1887
TurnerW Aborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VealA Cborn about 1859
VealA Gborn about 1872
VealA Mborn about 1877
VealAgnes born about 1938
VealAlbert born about 1926
VealAlonza Gborn about 1882
VealAnn born about 1927
VealAnnie born about 1873
VealBell born about 1887
VealBernice born about 1908
VealBlanche born about 1932
VealC Wborn about 1897
VealCarolyn born about 1938
VealCatharine born about 1911
VealCharles born about 1933
VealConnie born about 1937
VealCurtis born about 1926
VealDeana Huntborn about 1882
VealDeara born about 1926
VealDora born about 1869
VealDorothy born about 1930
VealEmma Maeborn about 1927
VealEoline born about 1922
VealErnest born about 1904
VealEugene born about 1930
VealEugenia born about 1905
VealEula born about 1897
VealEula born about 1917
VealFannie Ruthborn about 1897
VealFelix born about 1919
VealFrank born about 1939
VealGeorge born about 1922
VealGertude born about 1903
VealGlen born about 1936
VealGrace born about 1932
VealH Lborn about 1892
VealHarry born about 1938
VealHazel born about 1923
VealHenry Gradyborn about 1932
VealHerbert born about 1930
VealIda born about 1863
VealIla Jeanborn about 1928
VealIrene born about 1928
VealJ Feff Jrborn about 1918
VealJ Hborn about 1907
VealJ Jeff Srborn about 1879
VealJ Tborn about 1897
VealJ Wborn about 1901
VealJames born about 1917
VealJane born about 1931
VealJean born about 1934
VealJennie born about 1882
VealJohn Dborn about 1919
VealJulian Jborn about 1897
VealLeonard born about 1935
VealLila Bellborn about 1938
VealLint born about 1892
VealLouie born about 1909
VealLouise born about 1914
VealMabel born about 1923
VealMagory born about 1932
VealMargarett born about 1928
VealMarjorie born about 1937
VealMartha born about 1926
VealMartha born about 1929
VealMary born about 1929
VealMary Lizzieborn about 1886
VealMattie Maeborn about 1868
VealMattie Mae Jrborn about 1910
VealMaude born about 1873
VealMildred born about 1939
VealO F Jrborn about 1901
VealOscar Leeborn about 1903
VealPhyllis born about 1937
VealR Fborn about 1886
VealRay born about 1909
VealRobert born about 1939
VealRuth born about 1905
VealS Hborn about 1896
VealSallie born about 1871
VealSallie born about 1898
VealSherman born about 1916
VealThelma born about 1931
VealTillie born about 1906
VealTommie born about 1934
VealToy born about 1915
VealVeron born about 1925
VealViola born about 1911
VealVirginia born about 1933
VealW H Hborn about 1887
VealWillie born about 1880
VealWillie Hughborn about 1913
VearlElizabeth born about 1925
VearlJ Rborn about 1894
VearlMina born about 1894
VearlRalph born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerRosie Leeborn about 1901
WardJoyce born about 1919
WatsonLillie Maeborn about 1902
WatsonSallie Maeborn about 1929
WattsCorine born about 1907
WattsCorine born about 1935
WattsJimmie Leeborn about 1904
WattsJohnnie born about 1927
WattsMarie born about 1914
WattsMarion born about 1940
WattsSara Maeborn about 1938
WattsSemmie Leeborn about 1933
WattsTheodise born about 1925
WattsTheodius born about 1924
WattsWillie Albertborn about 1931
WattsWylie Jr born about 1931
WattsWylie Sr born about 1907
WhiteCornelius born about 1914
WigginsAnthony born about 1922
WigginsDorothy born about 1929
WigginsDovie born about 1905
WigginsElizabeth born about 1927
WigginsElmer born about 1924
WigginsEula born about 1932
WigginsJ Aborn about 1873
WigginsJ Aborn about 1896
WigginsMalcolm born about 1926
WigginsOlive born about 1916
WigginsSpegul born about 1914
WigginsWilliam born about 1937
WilliamsCarrie Bellborn about 1918
WilliamsLaura Billborn about 1937
WilliamsRobert Leeborn about 1916
WoodBillie Jeanborn about 1930
WoodNewnan born about 1904
WoodVerna born about 1913
WoodsEloise born about 1909
WrightAnnie Beelborn about 1910
WrightDorothy Maeborn about 1937
WrightHattie Lucileborn about 1934
WrightLee Arthurborn about 1932
WrightMilton born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarboraughBeulah born about 1921
YarboraughLaura born about 1861
YarboraughMammie born about 1906
YarboraughNettie born about 1861
YarboraughShelar born about 1939

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