1940 U.S. Federal Census of Drayton, Dooly, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Dooly County > 1940 Census of Drayton

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlansEthel born about 1889
AlansJoe born about 1878
AlansMary born about 1921
AlansSam born about 1919
AndersonBessie born about 1902
AndersonFrank born about 1897
ArmstrongChristene born about 1902
ArmstrongDoris born about 1939
ArmstrongEugene born about 1933
ArmstrongEzella born about 1924
ArmstrongJessie born about 1936
ArmstrongLorenio born about 1928
ArmstrongMarvin born about 1938
ArmstrongNathion born about 1925
ArmstrongSam born about 1888
ArmstrongWilliam born about 1935
AtkinsDollie born about 1930
AutherHenry born about 1919
AutherJane born about 1937
AutherMary born about 1924

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B Surnames

BaganAuther born about 1902
BaganAuther Jr born about 1930
BaganBula born about 1916
BaganCoriene born about 1940
BaganEylem born about 1932
BaganRosa Maeborn about 1933
BishopG Wborn about 1918
BishopJohnie born about 1940
BishopMary born about 1919
BoganBill born about 1868
BoganRobert born about 1924
BottMary born about 1925
BowersAllison born about 1925
BowersDewey Lborn about 1922
BowersMinnie Leeborn about 1890
BowersSam born about 1918
BowersSam Fborn about 1870
BraggClifford born about 1927
BraggDorothy born about 1929
BraggJan born about 1888
BraggJanie born about 1931
BraggMamie born about 1898
BraggMilbia born about 1934
BraggSarah born about 1936
BrooksBooker Leeborn about 1933
BrooksBurnice born about 1929
BrooksCatherine born about 1931
BrooksJohn born about 1936
BrooksMary born about 1937
BrownAnnie Bellborn about 1925
BrownBob born about 1938
BrownCallie born about 1926
BrownCatherine born about 1936
BrownEma Mayborn about 1938
BrownFelton born about 1921
BrownHazel born about 1923
BrownJ Cborn about 1928
BrownJohn born about 1934
BrownJula born about 1931
BrownMamie born about 1906
BrownMattie born about 1907
BrownMenie Leeborn about 1934
BrownOzell born about 1930
BrownSam born about 1906
BrownSam Jborn about 1939
BrownSara born about 1936
BrownTom born about 1901
BrownWillie born about 1921
BryantAlice born about 1902
BryantBessie born about 1922
BryantDorothy born about 1930
BryantHenderson Jr born about 1902
BryantHenderson Sr born about 1898
BryantJames born about 1938
BryantJoe born about 1936
BryantJohn born about 1927
BryantRobert born about 1928
BryantRuth born about 1927
BryantSara born about 1904
BryantStandley born about 1932
BryantTom born about 1924
BurchNellie born about 1918
BurchRylands born about 1912
BurdenLezzie born about 1937
BurdenNellie born about 1889
BurdenWill born about 1886
BurdenWillie born about 1934
ButlerClemmon born about 1872
ButlerJim born about 1864
ByromEve Maeborn about 1913

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C Surnames

CalhounAlice born about 1901
CalhounSam born about 1930
CannonTempie born about 1858
ChristmasEssie Maeborn about 1925
ChristmasJames born about 1915
ChristmasJonnie born about 1915
ChristmasLois Twinsborn about 1934
ChristmasLouise born about 1934
ChristmasMyrtle born about 1906
ClarkJuff born about 1880
ClarkNicey Leeborn about 1903
ClarkRennie born about 1918
ClarkTrella Maeborn about 1922
CobbAnnie born about 1919
ColemanElizabeth born about 1932
ColemanEugene born about 1927
ColemanHarrison born about 1888
ColemanSara born about 1921
ColemanSarah born about 1905
CottonBessie born about 1916
CottonBessie Mayborn about 1932
CottonCail born about 1930
CottonCecil born about 1905
CottonNansie born about 1934
CottonWalter born about 1939
CovingtonCatherine born about 1934
CovingtonJames born about 1918
CovingtonMargie born about 1927
CovingtonTedie born about 1893
CrossJohn born about 1923
CrossMartha born about 1878

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D Surnames

DanielsAnnie Maeborn about 1890
DanielsAuther born about 1915
DanielsBratric born about 1916
DanielsCharlie Jr born about 1917
DanielsCharlie Sr born about 1887
DanielsCora Louborn about 1930
DanielsD Lborn about 1939
DanielsDamison born about 1924
DanielsEddie born about 1929
DanielsElla born about 1877
DanielsEva Maeborn about 1932
DanielsIda born about 1878
DanielsJ Wborn about 1932
DanielsJames born about 1925
DanielsJames born about 1927
DanielsJessie Leeborn about 1928
DanielsJim born about 1874
DanielsJula Maeborn about 1917
DanielsLietha born about 1925
DanielsLillier born about 1880
DanielsOscar born about 1880
DanielsPearl born about 1886
DanielsViola born about 1923
DanielsWarren born about 1880
DanielsWillie born about 1914
DanielsWillie Cborn about 1939
DunardBertha Louborn about 1922
DunardEsroe born about 1902
DunardHarriet born about 1880
DunardJ B Jrborn about 1928
DunardJune born about 1930
DunardMary Roseborn about 1936
DunnLucas born about 1864
DunnLula born about 1878

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E Surnames

EdgeLennard born about 1939
EdgeLouise born about 1920
EnglishAbe born about 1870
EvensJessie born about 1900
EvensLillie Mayborn about 1906
EvensLillie Mayborn about 1932
EvensR Gborn about 1927

F Surnames

FeltonAlbert born about 1865
FeltonAmmie born about 1927
FeltonCleveland born about 1928
FeltonGeorge born about 1894
FeltonGeorge born about 1915
FeltonGeorge Jr born about 1936
FeltonHamp born about 1890
FeltonHazel born about 1938
FeltonHenry born about 1939
FeltonIrene born about 1923
FeltonJames born about 1928
FeltonJames born about 1929
FeltonLeone born about 1937
FeltonLien born about 1896
FeltonLouise born about 1921
FeltonLucile born about 1921
FeltonMary born about 1937
FeltonMary Lizzieborn about 1917
FeltonRaburn born about 1913
FeltonRoberta born about 1872
FeltonSam born about 1939
FeltonSarah born about 1921
FeltonWillie Lowborn about 1911
FosterAuther born about 1917
FosterEunice born about 1927
FosterMiller born about 1892
FosterRuth born about 1921
FriddickEllie born about 1890
FriddickWill born about 1871
FudgeDan born about 1914
FudgeFrank born about 1938
FudgeHenry born about 1937
FudgeMary born about 1939
FudgeMary Francesborn about 1921
FudgeMary Leeborn about 1929
FudgeRosa Maeborn about 1916
FudgeSamie born about 1933
FudgeWilburn born about 1931

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G Surnames

GlennEarnestine born about 1930
GlennEnock born about 1854
GlennMyrtle born about 1904
GlennRobert born about 1899
GreenAnnie born about 1911
GreenAnnie born about 1920
GreenBernice born about 1938
GreenC Jborn about 1920
GreenDavid born about 1927
GreenGilbert born about 1885
GreenGilbert Jr born about 1928
GreenJ Cborn about 1931
GreenJack born about 1913
GreenLewis born about 1927
GreenLillie Maeborn about 1902
GreenM Cborn about 1923
GreenWillie Leeborn about 1927

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H Surnames

HaddockGuendorland born about 1935
HaddockJohn born about 1880
HaddockLula born about 1882
HaddockRuby born about 1915
HamiltonBertha Leeborn about 1924
HamiltonJohn born about 1919
HamiltonJohnie born about 1938
HargrovesCallie born about 1894
HargrovesCharles born about 1931
HargrovesElizabeth born about 1908
HargrovesEllis born about 1935
HargrovesJohnie born about 1933
HargrovesMary born about 1938
HargrovesSanford born about 1937
Hayes??? born about 1892
HayesJessie born about 1921
HayesJettie Bellborn about 1924
HayesJewell born about 1890
HayesMargaret born about 1892
HayesMary born about 1893
HayesMary born about 1929
HayesSam born about 1938
HayesTom born about 1936
HeraldDella born about 1895
HeraldFannie born about 1875
HeraldFrancis born about 1931
HeraldHenry born about 1938
HeraldO Cborn about 1929
HeraldSam born about 1934
HeraldWillie Fborn about 1925
HillCalvin born about 1936
HillDewey born about 1900
HillDoris born about 1928
HillDorothy born about 1938
HillEdith born about 1920
HillHazel born about 1921
HillJune born about 1932
HillL Bborn about 1926
HillLula born about 1900
HillMary Alinborn about 1924
HillPolly born about 1934
HillR Dborn about 1939
HillS Tborn about 1920
HillTheo born about 1915
HiltonAline born about 1917
HiltonMary born about 1935
HiltonS Bborn about 1872
HiltonS Tborn about 1915
HollisBessie born about 1923
HollisJames born about 1917
HoltA Cborn about 1880
HoltElizabeth born about 1925
HoltFrances born about 1924
HoltJ Tborn about 1922
HoltNellie born about 1882
HoltRalph born about 1928

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J Surnames

JohnsonCasey born about 1888
JohnsonIda born about 1910
JohnsonIone born about 1896
JohnsonJohn born about 1886
JohnsonOra Dellborn about 1938
JonesBunk born about 1905
JonesDorothy born about 1939
JonesEdgar born about 1924
JonesEmma born about 1866
JonesEula Maeborn about 1917
JonesHenry born about 1935
JonesJ Wborn about 1917
JonesJessie Bborn about 1932
JonesJohn Wborn about 1938
JonesLara Dellborn about 1924
JonesLucy born about 1922
JonesNollie Bborn about 1909
JonesNollie Jr born about 1933
JonesOla Maeborn about 1934
JonesRosa Leeborn about 1917
JonesTennie born about 1851
JonesViola born about 1912
JonesW Cborn about 1939

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K Surnames

KanneyClifford born about 1890
KanneyEllen born about 1918
KanneyFrank born about 1929
KanneyT Rborn about 1885
KeyClara born about 1873
KeyClara born about 1907
KeyJames born about 1900
KeyJeff born about 1869
KeySara born about 1920
KeySara born about 1937
KeyWillie born about 1928
KeysJohn Willieborn about 1929
KeysKatherine born about 1928
KeysKitie born about 1894
KeysLoranza born about 1893
KeysLoranza Jr born about 1922
KeysWillie born about 1925
KillensAuther born about 1919
KillensBankie Leeborn about 1903
KillensEthel born about 1920
KillensEva Mayborn about 1937
KillensHorace born about 1895
KillensJimmie born about 1927
KillensRosa Maeborn about 1938
KillinsHazel born about 1928
KinardB Eborn about 1907
KinardEugene born about 1936
KinardFrank born about 1929
KinardIrene born about 1906
KinardJames born about 1930
KinardJohnie born about 1932
KinardMarie born about 1934
KinardMary Francesborn about 1927
KinardPauline born about 1936
KinardTangie born about 1913
KinardW Cborn about 1938
KinardW Mborn about 1877
KindrickAndrew born about 1880
KindrickAnnie Emeborn about 1936
KindrickAnnie Geneborn about 1938
KindrickBula Maeborn about 1934
KindrickJosie born about 1918
KindrickLeslie born about 1900
KindrickLucile born about 1931
KindrickM??? born about 1924
KindrickMarie born about 1922
KindrickMary born about 1928
KindrickRome born about 1915
KindrickRome Jr born about 1939
KindrickThomas born about 1937
KindrickVid Anderson Jrborn about 1929

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L Surnames

Lamb??? born about 1929
LambE Cborn about 1902
LambG Lborn about 1890
LambKate born about 1893
LambLurine born about 1924
LambMajor born about 1928
LambMillard born about 1933
LambRuth born about 1906
LambShirley born about 1936
LesterAlbert born about 1937
LesterBessie born about 1931
LesterBettie born about 1939
LesterClaudie born about 1910
LesterDerrick born about 1936
LesterEstella born about 1934
LesterEugene born about 1912
LesterEva born about 1935
LesterFrances born about 1928
LesterFred born about 1911
LesterFredie Maeborn about 1932
LesterHenry born about 1937
LesterJames born about 1933
LesterLon Ellenborn about 1914
LesterMajor born about 1914
LesterMarvin born about 1938
LesterMary born about 1935
LesterMary born about 1937
LesterMaud born about 1915
LesterMelben born about 1939
LesterR Cborn about 1934
LesterRosa Maeborn about 1929
LesterWillie born about 1927
LewisMary born about 1937
LewisRobert born about 1938
LewisSusie born about 1932
LewisWillie born about 1935
LockermanEula born about 1891
LockermanHattie born about 1914
LockermanJ Dborn about 1911
LockermanJ D Jrborn about 1932
LockermanLillie Maeborn about 1926
LockermanLurline born about 1937
LockermanRuth born about 1935
LucasBray born about 1860
LucasIda born about 1867
LucasSarah born about 1891
LucusBeatric born about 1902
LucusChristine born about 1890
LucusEmanual born about 1933
LucusFreddie Maeborn about 1919
LucusGeorge born about 1918
LucusManuel born about 1910
LucusRosswell born about 1929
LucusWill born about 1888
LucusWill Jr born about 1927

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M Surnames

MainorBray Lucasborn about 1937
MainorDoyle born about 1930
MainorEstella born about 1889
MainorMary born about 1927
MainorNelson born about 1925
MainorRufus born about 1884
MainorRufus Jr born about 1922
MainorSusie born about 1929
MainorTom born about 1891
MainorVera born about 1897
MalyBaker Tborn about 1920
MalyCora born about 1890
MalyDewey born about 1894
MarnAnnie Ruthborn about 1939
MarnKathryn born about 1932
MarnMartin born about 1934
MarnMildred born about 1906
MarnW Cborn about 1888
MatkinsSam born about 1919
McclemmonsMary born about 1916
McclemmonsR Bborn about 1915
McfiltonAndie Olaborn about 1937
McfiltonCharlie born about 1924
McfiltonCora Maeborn about 1927
McfiltonGeorge born about 1898
McfiltonGeorge born about 1940
McfiltonJames born about 1935
McfiltonJule Jr born about 1932
McfiltonLouise born about 1919
McfiltonMargie born about 1930
McfiltonMary Lucyborn about 1928
McfiltonWillie born about 1897
McfiltonWillie born about 1919
Mckenzie??? born about 1913
MckenzieAuther Leeborn about 1939
MckenzieJames born about 1935
MckenzieJoe born about 1936
MckenzieJoe born about 1937
MckenzieRosa Leeborn about 1920
MckenzieWillie born about 1909
MckenzieWillie born about 1933
MckenzieWillie born about 1938
McmurryBertha born about 1920
McmurryFred born about 1927
McmurryGladys born about 1929
McmurryJohn born about 1892
McmurryJohn Henryborn about 1925
McmurryLina born about 1922
McnealGeorge born about 1889
MixonJanie born about 1861
MooreLouise born about 1911
MurphyHilda born about 1905
MurphyMartha born about 1931
MurphyMary born about 1932
MurphyVirginia born about 1866
MurrellAnnie born about 1928
MurrellBill born about 1928
MurrellLewis born about 1900
MurrellLewis Jr born about 1938
MurrellMarie born about 1902
MurrellSam born about 1932
MurrellSara born about 1930
MurryEddie born about 1927
MurryWallace Wborn about 1878

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N Surnames

NealAffie born about 1901
NealEddie born about 1900
NealJohn born about 1897
NealJohn Henryborn about 1920
NealLessie born about 1897
NealMattie born about 1880
NhetfieldEthel born about 1900
NhetfieldHenry born about 1907
NhetfieldJ Cborn about 1929
NhetfieldJohn Hborn about 1926
NhetfieldLula Maeborn about 1928
NhetfieldTom born about 1925
NhetfieldWillie Henryborn about 1922

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O Surnames

OdumConnie born about 1875
OdumJohn born about 1910
OdumSallie born about 1904

P Surnames

PattersonCarrie born about 1898
PattersonCharlie born about 1888
PattersonCharlie Jr born about 1928
PattersonMattie Pearlborn about 1923
PearcyHermen born about 1927
PearcyMary Louborn about 1912
PearcyWinston born about 1912

Q Surnames

QuinnsEmily born about 1888
QuinnsHoward born about 1924
QuinnsIrene born about 1929
QuinnsJodie born about 1883
QuinnsJohn born about 1927

R Surnames

RiceHenry born about 1909
RiceSusie born about 1890
RickleyJoseph born about 1901
RickleySal Maeborn about 1910
RicksN Tborn about 1867
RileyB Dborn about 1920
RileyEd born about 1873
RileyIda born about 1902
RileyJinnie born about 1917
RodgersBob born about 1910
RodgersHenry born about 1930
RodgersLizzie born about 1875
RodgersLulia born about 1900
RodgersNathion born about 1870

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S Surnames

SabbEvelyn born about 1891
SabbWallace Sallyborn about 1867
ShirahHilton born about 1924
ShirahJ Wborn about 1910
ShirahJohn born about 1884
ShirahJohn born about 1932
ShirahMary born about 1914
ShirahMatie born about 1885
ShirahPauline born about 1925
SimpsonLizzie born about 1878
SingletaryRalph born about 1894
SmithHenry born about 1860
SolomonEddie born about 1906
SolomonEva born about 1912
SolomonEva Maeborn about 1937
SolomonFletcher born about 1935
SolomonJessie born about 1934
SolomonMatie Ruthborn about 1939
StewartAlice born about 1889
StewartS Mborn about 1892

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T Surnames

ThomasJohnie Leeborn about 1938
ThompsonBrant born about 1890
ThompsonDorothy born about 1920
ThompsonGertrude born about 1891
ThompsonJohnie born about 1930
ThompsonOla born about 1934
ThompsonRichard born about 1922
ThompsonRosa Maeborn about 1932
ThompsonRuth born about 1927
TurnerAddie born about 1910
TurnerAddie Maeborn about 1938
TurnerJ born about 1900
TurnerJoe born about 1934
TurnerMary born about 1936
TurnerSam born about 1931
TurnerStone born about 1929
TurnsCatherine born about 1929
TurnsHenry born about 1936
TurnsSara Mayborn about 1914
TurnsSteve born about 1888

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V Surnames

VaughanFarol born about 1907
VaughanJ Nborn about 1906
VaughanJacqueline born about 1932
VaughanJames born about 1936
VaughanJerald born about 1939
VaughanLeigh born about 1938
VaughanNan Adamaborn about 1930
VaughanWindland born about 1927

W Surnames

WakerCarrie born about 1873
WakerGrover born about 1918
WakerMattie born about 1920
WakerSusie Bellborn about 1921
WakerWillie born about 1915
WalkerMark born about 1868
WalkerMattie born about 1870
WallaceCatherine born about 1931
WallaceJ Cborn about 1928
WallaceJohn born about 1868
WallaceUla Cborn about 1930
WalterJ Dborn about 1938
WalterLeone born about 1890
WalterMary Louborn about 1923
WalterO Cborn about 1922
WalterTimmie born about 1865
WalterTimmie Jr born about 1929
WalterW Cborn about 1920
WaltersElizabeth born about 1938
WaltersJ Cborn about 1936
WaltersJoe born about 1890
WellsD Aborn about 1888
WheelerEthel born about 1919
WheelerW Wborn about 1908
WheelerWilliam born about 1939
WhiteAnnie Bellborn about 1925
WhiteGeorge born about 1890
WhiteHenry born about 1924
WhiteIsiah born about 1896
WhiteJessie born about 1910
WhiteJolly born about 1919
WhiteLiola born about 1924
WhiteMaxie born about 1902
WhittBeatrice born about 1927
WhittHugh born about 1889
WhittRuth born about 1901
WilliamAlbert born about 1898
WilliamEugene born about 1888
WilliamIda born about 1896
WilliamMary born about 1924
WilliamMinnie born about 1890
WilliamsBob born about 1903
WilliamsChristell born about 1929
WilliamsJessie born about 1917
WilliamsL Hborn about 1919
WilliamsMarie born about 1928
WilliamsPearl born about 1910
WitcherAuther born about 1902
WitcherAuther Jr born about 1924
WitcherClifford born about 1906
WitcherGeorge born about 1937
WitcherIrene born about 1927
WitcherJohn born about 1928
WitcherJulia born about 1938
WitcherMary born about 1930
WitcherMattie born about 1934
WoodMazie born about 1903

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Y Surnames

Yann??? born about 1937
YannEva born about 1893
YannFannie Sueborn about 1920
YannN Tborn about 1887
YannNezie Leeborn about 1914
YannPriston born about 1914
YannRaymond born about 1928
YannW Cborn about 1935
YannW T Jrborn about 1932
YannZara Maeborn about 1926
YoungRobert born about 1923

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