1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fairplay in Habersham County, Habersham, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Habersham County > 1940 Census of Fairplay in Habersham County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBill born about 1910
AdamsBilly born about 1938
AllenBernice born about 1929
AllenCallie born about 1887
AllenCharles born about 1888
AllenElsie born about 1888
AllenEmmett born about 1932
AllenFulton born about 1921
AllenJ Bborn about 1918
AllenMilton born about 1874
AllenMilton Jr born about 1921
AllenNorman born about 1927
AllenRay born about 1926
AlleyEthel born about 1900
AlleyHoward born about 1920
AlleyJulia born about 1865
AlleyThelma born about 1927
AtkinsManock Sborn about 1885
AtkinsRalph born about 1892
AtkinsRalph Jr born about 1922
AtkinsSarah Fborn about 1926
AtkinsSarah Teresaborn about 1872
AtkinsWallace born about 1904

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B Surnames

BarronBryan born about 1910
BarronEtna Bborn about 1869
BarronLou born about 1873
BrockAmanda born about 1873
BrockJoe Cborn about 1858
BurkeGeneva born about 1929
BurkeJames Aborn about 1886
BurkeMary born about 1882
BurtonAddie born about 1895
BurtonBilly born about 1929
BurtonCastello born about 1919
BurtonClyde Bborn about 1925
BurtonWilliam born about 1889

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C Surnames

CashBessie Maeborn about 1921
CashWilliam born about 1939
ChastainJessie Leeborn about 1907
ChastainLeon Mauriceborn about 1931
ChastainLucy Eleanorborn about 1936
ChastainLuther born about 1901
ChastainMary Francesborn about 1929
ChastainTalmadge Rborn about 1934
ChastainThomas Lborn about 1938
CraneBen born about 1879
CraneElizabeth born about 1916
CraneIla Maeborn about 1924
CraneMarvin born about 1919
CranePearl born about 1889
CraneTom born about 1921

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D Surnames

DoddRay born about 1922
DoddRuby born about 1916
DoddRuth born about 1882
DoddTaylor born about 1878

E Surnames

EllerAnnie born about 1894
EllerFrankie born about 1924
EllerGertrude born about 1940
EllerJeff born about 1914
EllerNancy born about 1869
EllerRoland born about 1896
EllerSallie born about 1898
EnglishCharles born about 1935
EnglishClarence born about 1937
EnglishCleo born about 1908
EnglishGeraline born about 1933
EnglishLacey born about 1903
EnglishLewis born about 1939
EvansJulia born about 1873
EvansSandy Lborn about 1851

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F Surnames

FosterFrank born about 1922
FranklinAltha born about 1890
FranklinBobby born about 1939
FranklinCarl born about 1909
FranklinCatherine born about 1928
FranklinCharles born about 1936
FranklinChristine born about 1938
FranklinCleo born about 1923
FranklinEdith born about 1931
FranklinFlora Mayborn about 1917
FranklinHilyer born about 1887
FranklinLawrence born about 1916
FranklinLillian born about 1939
FranklinLou Emmaborn about 1918
FranklinMyrtle born about 1912
FranklinP Qborn about 1925
FranklinRuth born about 1920
FreeKatie born about 1888
FreeMilligan Iborn about 1888
FryBenton born about 1937
FryBernice born about 1924
FryDavid Wborn about 1873
FryElvin born about 1922
FryFreeman born about 1926
FryGeorge born about 1884
FryGeorge Calvoborn about 1919
FryHattie born about 1898
FryHendrix born about 1908
FryJames Altonborn about 1939
FryJimmie born about 1935
FryLeno born about 1914
FryLloyd born about 1938
FryLouise born about 1882
FryMargie born about 1911
FryMargie Beatriceborn about 1922
FryMerle Paulineborn about 1940
FryNancy born about 1855
FryOsco born about 1917
FryRoy born about 1938
FryThelma born about 1924
FryWester born about 1880
FryWillie born about 1885

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G Surnames

GarnerBertha Maeborn about 1926
GarnerDewey born about 1922
GarnerEtta born about 1892
GarnerHenry born about 1890
GarnerJames born about 1924
GarnerRufus born about 1918
GosnellBilly born about 1935
GosnellEdna born about 1906
GosnellFrances born about 1881
GosnellGlenn born about 1928
GosnellGrady born about 1937
GosnellHarold born about 1933
GosnellLamar born about 1939
GosnellMina born about 1906
GosnellMourice born about 1939
GosnellOlin born about 1918
GosnellRay born about 1926
GosnellRoberta born about 1919
GosnellWelborn born about 1876
GreggAlbert born about 1881
GreggCharles born about 1939
GreggClaude born about 1918
GreggFreeman born about 1934
GreggHoward born about 1935
GreggNelia born about 1914
GreggOllie born about 1921
GreggSarah born about 1875
GreggSarah Annborn about 1939
GreggWill born about 1910
GrovesEualine born about 1935
GrovesFloyd born about 1933
GrovesOvaline born about 1935
GrovesRobert born about 1909
GrovesSusie born about 1914
GunnJames Jborn about 1865

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H Surnames

HeywardByard Cborn about 1868
HeywardE Barnwellborn about 1900
HeywardFrances born about 1873
HolcombDonald born about 1936
HolcombDora born about 1914
HolcombDoyle born about 1923
HolcombEarl born about 1925
HolcombEllie born about 1902
HolcombJames born about 1868
HolcombJanie born about 1934
HolcombJoe born about 1939
HolcombMary Janeborn about 1869
HolcombMozelle born about 1931
HolcombRaleigh born about 1908
HolcombRuth born about 1923
HolcombStella born about 1938
HolcombSylvia born about 1900
HolcombVera born about 1928

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I Surnames

IvesterAmelia born about 1873
IvesterMillis Aborn about 1872
IvesterRalph Aborn about 1905
IvesterV Byrdborn about 1899

J Surnames

JarrellBarbara Annborn about 1937
JarrellBertie Leeborn about 1929
JarrellBessie born about 1908
JarrellCarlton born about 1909
JarrellHenry born about 1881
JarrellJames born about 1930
JarrellKenneth born about 1932
JarrellLula born about 1881
JarrellMamie Margaretborn about 1939
JarrellMamie Rubyborn about 1920
JarrellMiller born about 1918
JarrellMiller Philipborn about 1938
JonesAlma born about 1919
JonesAlma Janeborn about 1893
JonesBernard born about 1931
JonesByard born about 1890
JonesElla Maeborn about 1916
JonesElla Maeborn about 1924
JonesErnest born about 1917
JonesEugene born about 1925
JonesHassie born about 1891
JonesHubert born about 1939
JonesJames Kborn about 1921
JonesJohn Robertborn about 1887
JonesKatie born about 1910
JonesLewis born about 1917
JonesNaomi born about 1901
JonesOllie born about 1881
JonesStella born about 1922
JonesThurston born about 1903
JonesVassie born about 1882
JonesWillene born about 1927
JonesWilliam Hborn about 1880
JonesWinnie born about 1922
JusticeAmos Mborn about 1879
JusticeNancy born about 1871

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L Surnames

LawrenceAmanda born about 1900
LawrenceBessie born about 1914
LawrenceComer born about 1898
LawrenceJ Bborn about 1925
LawrenceJesse Bborn about 1889
LawrenceMildred born about 1928
LawrenceSarah born about 1889
LawrenceWilliam born about 1919
LoggansCora born about 1892
LoggansMary born about 1913
LoggansThomas born about 1890
LokeyHugh Lborn about 1924
LokeyKathryn born about 1896
LokeyStanley Aborn about 1895
LokeyStanley A Jrborn about 1920
LovellBelle born about 1902
LovellBuren born about 1927
LovellClaude born about 1930
LovellEarl born about 1933
LovellEthel born about 1925
LovellHazel born about 1923
LovellJohn Jr born about 1889

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M Surnames

ManguardBobbie born about 1937
ManguardIda born about 1910
ManguardRuth born about 1931
MartinBetty born about 1936
MartinHenry Leeborn about 1938
MartinLallie Maeborn about 1912
MartinOdell born about 1911
MartinPauline born about 1916
MartinWalter Leeborn about 1915
McclainWillene born about 1917
McclureBelle born about 1878
McclureDricille born about 1871
McclureDrucilla born about 1928
McclureJames Lborn about 1871
McclureJulia born about 1915
McclureMartha born about 1876
McclureMary born about 1862
McclureMattie Tborn about 1908
McclureRobert Eborn about 1899
McclureRobert Jr born about 1930
MorrisonArthur born about 1932
MorrisonBetty Jeanborn about 1937
MorrisonHenry born about 1890
MorrisonJoseph born about 1925
MorrisonMae born about 1916
MorrisonMalcolm born about 1927
MorrisonOra born about 1893
MurrayArlevia born about 1908
MurrayBetty born about 1878
MurrayEdwin born about 1924
MurrayJulian born about 1934
MurrayLeonard born about 1906
MurrayLevis born about 1928
MurrayLois born about 1931
MurrayWiley born about 1926

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N Surnames

NicholsonAlice born about 1905
NicholsonBetty born about 1933
NicholsonBlanche born about 1916
NicholsonBoyd born about 1932
NicholsonCatherine born about 1924
NicholsonClaude born about 1920
NicholsonClyde born about 1922
NicholsonCorbett born about 1926
NicholsonEffie born about 1894
NicholsonElvira born about 1866
NicholsonEmory born about 1903
NicholsonErnest born about 1909
NicholsonGarland born about 1923
NicholsonGrace born about 1934
NicholsonGuy born about 1921
NicholsonHazel born about 1928
NicholsonHelen born about 1936
NicholsonHenry Hborn about 1937
NicholsonHomer born about 1929
NicholsonJ Cborn about 1940
NicholsonJennie born about 1924
NicholsonLawrence born about 1891
NicholsonNancy born about 1890
NicholsonPeggie Sueborn about 1935
NicholsonRay born about 1925
NicholsonRobert Aborn about 1933
NicholsonSusie born about 1931
NicholsonTruett born about 1935
NicholsonWilliam born about 1885
NicholsonWillie Jr born about 1926
NixBertie born about 1902
NixCarl born about 1926
NixLois born about 1928
NixRalph born about 1893
NixRobert born about 1933
NixRuth born about 1924

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P Surnames

PittsRanie born about 1850
PorterBelle Vborn about 1882
PorterJohn Cborn about 1882
PottsJames Lborn about 1922

R Surnames

RobertsEarl born about 1935
RobertsElga born about 1879
RobertsElvin born about 1905
RobertsEmma born about 1933
RobertsHelen born about 1930
RobertsHomer born about 1904
RobertsJessie born about 1911
RobertsLodelia born about 1877
RobertsLucille born about 1916
RobertsPhilip born about 1931

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S Surnames

SandersChristine born about 1917
SandersEdger born about 1913
SandersJanie Sueborn about 1939
SavageBertha Maeborn about 1904
SavageClarice born about 1911
SavageDennis born about 1920
SavageJ Vborn about 1922
SavageJoe born about 1937
SavageJohn Tborn about 1893
SavageLauvaughn born about 1939
SavageLewis born about 1928
SavageLillie Maeborn about 1926
SavageOdell born about 1910
SavageRobert born about 1908
SavageRobert Lewisborn about 1939
SavageRosaline born about 1918
SavageSallie born about 1871
SiskRosa Leeborn about 1925
SmithEliza Ettaborn about 1886
SmithGarnet Eborn about 1888
SmithHal born about 1926
SmithLoy Bborn about 1918
SmithMary born about 1928
SmithOra born about 1888
SmithOra Mabelborn about 1925
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1921
StewartCofer Leeborn about 1914
StewartDexter Bborn about 1922
StewartDixie Leeborn about 1938
StewartDwereaux born about 1895
StewartEvelyn born about 1924
StewartRoger born about 1939
SwoffordEsta born about 1894
SwoffordJess Aborn about 1889
SwoffordLewis born about 1925
SwoffordRuby born about 1922

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T Surnames

TatumSusie born about 1879
TaylorAlbert born about 1933
TaylorArthur born about 1927
TaylorBelle born about 1888
TaylorBen born about 1930
TaylorCharlie born about 1887
TaylorConnie born about 1902
TaylorDenzer born about 1922
TaylorDock Jborn about 1902
TaylorEdna born about 1925
TaylorFred born about 1912
TaylorGaines born about 1935
TaylorHester born about 1928
TaylorHubert born about 1896
TaylorHugh born about 1932
TaylorInez born about 1914
TaylorJanet born about 1930
TaylorJulius Dborn about 1865
TaylorLila Mayborn about 1936
TaylorLloyd born about 1925
TaylorLois born about 1929
TaylorMerl born about 1924
TaylorMyrtle born about 1901
TaylorNorman born about 1919
TaylorOma born about 1891
TaylorRobert born about 1928
TaylorRobert born about 1939
TaylorSallie born about 1901
TaylorWilliam born about 1888
ThitworthEdward born about 1884
ThitworthEunice born about 1923
ThitworthGrace born about 1930
ThitworthHoward born about 1932
ThitworthLizzie born about 1890
ThitworthMargie born about 1927
ThitworthParis born about 1925
ThompsonAlbert born about 1926
ThompsonBuford born about 1897
ThompsonHoward born about 1933
ThompsonNellie born about 1907
ThompsonRuth born about 1929
ThompsonW Bborn about 1927
TomlinBernice born about 1928
TomlinCecil born about 1926
TomlinDillard born about 1906
TomlinDolly born about 1906
TurpenArles born about 1914
TurpenCarolyn born about 1932
TurpenDrucilla born about 1894
TurpenEvelyn born about 1923
TurpenMarilyn born about 1938
TurpenMartha born about 1926
TurpenNorthan Uborn about 1893
TurpenNorthan U Jrborn about 1927
TurpenOvalene born about 1907
TurpenVirginia Annborn about 1937

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V Surnames

VinsonAnnie Maeborn about 1920
VinsonCharles born about 1917
VinsonInez born about 1922
VinsonJames born about 1874
VinsonJimmie born about 1939
VinsonJohn Lewisborn about 1924
VinsonLouise born about 1923
VinsonMary born about 1922
VinsonNellie born about 1900

W Surnames

WattsCatherine born about 1935
WattsChester born about 1903
WattsClara born about 1905
WattsElsie born about 1927
WattsImogene born about 1938
WattsRufus born about 1923
WebbornLula born about 1879
WoodallCurley Eborn about 1881
WoodallGlenn born about 1914
WoodallJulia born about 1889
WoodallJune born about 1919
WoodallMyra born about 1939
WoodallRoberta born about 1919
WootenBobbie born about 1935
WootenClaude born about 1910
WootenGrover born about 1909
WootenPatsy born about 1937
WootenPauline born about 1915
WootenRuby born about 1910
WorleyArthur born about 1932
WorleyC Tborn about 1937
WorleyDoris born about 1939
WorleyElizabeth born about 1926
WorleyGarrison born about 1929
WorleyGertrude born about 1934
WorleyJack born about 1904
WorleyLois born about 1909

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