1940 U.S. Federal Census of Falling Water, Habersham, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Habersham County > 1940 Census of Falling Water

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsA Vborn about 1905
AdamsArnold born about 1931
AdamsFlorence born about 1936
AdamsMargaret born about 1910
AdamsMary born about 1918
AdamsRobert Lborn about 1917
AddisAnnie Maeborn about 1933
AddisFrances born about 1932
AddisJim born about 1912
AddisJimmie born about 1935
AddisLoraine born about 1936
AddisMary Loisborn about 1930
AddisMinnie Leeborn about 1919
AddisMyrtle born about 1908
AddisMyrtle born about 1912
AddisOscar born about 1938
AddisVirgil born about 1917
AddisVirgil Jr born about 1939
AddisWilliam born about 1902
AddisWilliam Edwardborn about 1935
AddisonClifford born about 1888
AddisonDorothy born about 1901
AddisonHenry born about 1907
AddisonPearl born about 1903
AddisonSarah Louborn about 1863
AkemonLessie Leeborn about 1917
AllenBertha born about 1921
AllenBertha Louborn about 1930
AllenCecil born about 1915
AllenDock born about 1918
AllenEllen born about 1916
AllenGrace born about 1919
AllenHubert Hborn about 1920
AllenInez born about 1925
AllenIrene born about 1927
AllenJaneas born about 1937
AllenJerry born about 1939
AllenJulia born about 1883
AllenMary Annborn about 1906
AllenMary Willborn about 1935
AllenNellie born about 1923
AllenNobie born about 1878
AllenParlee born about 1938
AllenPearl born about 1896
AllenR Hborn about 1883
AllenRaul Sborn about 1922
AllenRobert Fborn about 1913
AllenRoy born about 1908
AllenS Fborn about 1882
AllenSallie born about 1867
AllenSyble born about 1917
AllenVersie born about 1926
AllenVivian born about 1929
AllenWilla born about 1911
AustonMary born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BallewBilly born about 1933
BallewCharles Jr born about 1927
BallewCharlie born about 1908
BallewEzel born about 1936
BallewHarold born about 1931
BallewHershel born about 1929
BallewLeatrice born about 1938
BallewOla born about 1909
BaxterL Sborn about 1870
BaxterLilia born about 1880
BerryLessie born about 1891
BerryTobe born about 1888
BlackEthel born about 1913
BondNancy born about 1881
BrewerBobby Joeborn about 1938
BrewerCrawford born about 1912
BrewerEdith born about 1918
BrewerElmo born about 1929
BrewerFlura born about 1888
BrewerKathryn born about 1923
BrewerRobert Eborn about 1916
BrewerT Eborn about 1891
BrewerVirginia born about 1926
BrookshireArlin Frankborn about 1937
BrookshireCarrie born about 1911
BrookshireFaye born about 1934
BrookshireFrank born about 1908
BrookshireJames Garlandborn about 1937
BrookshireMildred born about 1931
BrookshireWilma born about 1929
BrownBonnie born about 1921
BrownTed born about 1917
BurtonBertha Maeborn about 1934
BurtonD Lborn about 1910
BurtonGala born about 1939
BurtonOphelia born about 1918
BurtonRiley Bborn about 1938
BurtonThirese born about 1936
ByrdAnnie Gayborn about 1928
ByrdAustin born about 1891
ByrdBetty Nelleborn about 1932
ByrdCloyd born about 1912
ByrdEdna born about 1909
ByrdGeraldine born about 1935
ByrdMargaret born about 1939
ByrdMary Louborn about 1912
ByrdWeaver born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallawayKatherine born about 1917
CarsonBeulah born about 1916
CarsonStella born about 1910
CasonHal born about 1915
CasonHal Jr born about 1937
CasonVera born about 1916
CatheyBetty born about 1933
CatheyBilly born about 1935
CatheyBonnie born about 1910
CatheyErnest born about 1907
CatheyJean born about 1937
ChapmanBarbara born about 1933
ChapmanEdna born about 1913
ChapmanFlonnie born about 1926
ChapmanHerford born about 1921
ChapmanHerschel born about 1915
ChapmanHerschel Jr born about 1936
ChapmanHoward born about 1938
ChapmanMageline born about 1919
ChapmanMargaret born about 1939
ChapmanNellie Louborn about 1940
ChapmanRaul Kborn about 1911
ChapmanRaymond born about 1936
ChapmanSamuel born about 1936
ChapmanVelma born about 1917
ChapmanVera born about 1932
ChapmanW Aborn about 1879
ChapmanWalter born about 1924
ChurchAlma born about 1920
ChurchBetty Annborn about 1937
ChurchBonnie born about 1923
ChurchCallie born about 1891
ChurchCharles Eborn about 1879
ChurchCora Leeborn about 1910
ChurchEd born about 1884
ChurchEdna born about 1931
ChurchErvin born about 1920
ChurchEthelene born about 1932
ChurchHazel born about 1914
ChurchHoward born about 1929
ChurchJean born about 1934
ChurchLewis born about 1913
ChurchMargaret born about 1926
ChurchMary born about 1915
ChurchMary Jessieborn about 1923
ChurchOma born about 1915
ChurchReeves Eborn about 1916
ChurchVina born about 1891
ClevelandBartira born about 1903
ClevelandC Bborn about 1903
ClevelandGenell born about 1932
ClevelandGerald born about 1934
ClevelandLucille born about 1929
ClevelandMerle born about 1939
CokerFord born about 1921
CokerGrace born about 1921
CokerHoward Lborn about 1896
CokerJ Rborn about 1933
CokerKathleen born about 1924
CokerLloyd born about 1918
CokerMinnie born about 1900
CokerMittie Leeborn about 1894
CokerOwen Leeborn about 1936
CokerP Mborn about 1894
CraggMattie Joeborn about 1915
CraggMellie Joeborn about 1915
CraggRosa born about 1911
CresmanG Cborn about 1908
CresmanRachel born about 1912
CrowCharles born about 1932
CrowEdna born about 1936
CrowHoyt born about 1906
CrowMarion born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaltonBetty Joborn about 1938
DaltonBuddy born about 1939
DaltonMadeline born about 1918
DaltonRay born about 1915
DanielFloyd born about 1940
DanielLonnie born about 1896
DanielLonnie Jr born about 1933
DanielLucille born about 1935
DanielLucindia born about 1876
DanielMae born about 1906
DanielMary Louborn about 1932
DanielOscar born about 1927
DanielOttis born about 1906
DanielRalph born about 1930
DanielThelma born about 1936
DanielZolla born about 1938
DensmoreStella born about 1914
DillsHelen born about 1928
DixonA Wborn about 1903
DixonAlden Billyborn about 1938
DixonAudrey born about 1914
DixonCarrie Ethelborn about 1909
DixonGarland born about 1910
DixonHoward born about 1930
DixonJerry born about 1939
DixonLatrelle born about 1927
DixonLouise born about 1936
DixonMary Jessieborn about 1909
DixonRuthelen born about 1933
DixonThelma born about 1910
DixonW Cborn about 1906
DixonW Eborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

ElrodA Mborn about 1867
ElrodA Oborn about 1890
ElrodAlice born about 1902
ElrodAnn born about 1902
ElrodAnna born about 1872
ElrodAnna Maeborn about 1927
ElrodAubrey born about 1931
ElrodAvanelle born about 1929
ElrodB Mborn about 1905
ElrodBarbara born about 1930
ElrodBeatrice born about 1911
ElrodBertie born about 1920
ElrodBill born about 1925
ElrodBilly born about 1935
ElrodBurlen born about 1921
ElrodCharles born about 1929
ElrodCleo born about 1926
ElrodClifton born about 1922
ElrodConnie Maeborn about 1924
ElrodDewey born about 1926
ElrodDoris Jeanborn about 1939
ElrodE Hborn about 1894
ElrodErnest born about 1922
ElrodEsther born about 1911
ElrodEvelyn born about 1932
ElrodFletcher born about 1914
ElrodG Leeborn about 1883
ElrodG Wborn about 1922
ElrodGrace born about 1932
ElrodHoyle born about 1930
ElrodJ Aborn about 1907
ElrodJ Dborn about 1898
ElrodJ Mborn about 1874
ElrodJ Sborn about 1919
ElrodJames born about 1936
ElrodJanette born about 1921
ElrodJoyce born about 1933
ElrodKenneth born about 1936
ElrodLela born about 1911
ElrodLester born about 1906
ElrodLewis Cborn about 1922
ElrodLou Nelleborn about 1933
ElrodLowell born about 1936
ElrodMary born about 1920
ElrodMaryln born about 1935
ElrodMildred born about 1929
ElrodNeoma born about 1903
ElrodPatricia born about 1939
ElrodPeggy born about 1934
ElrodRandall born about 1939
ElrodRandolph born about 1935
ElrodRay born about 1925
ElrodRilla born about 1921
ElrodRoy born about 1926
ElrodRuth born about 1928
ElrodSally born about 1899
ElrodT Jborn about 1920
ElrodThelma born about 1917
ElrodVirginia born about 1884
ElrodVirginia born about 1931
ElrodVita born about 1904
ElrodW Lborn about 1896
ElrodW Tborn about 1904
ElrodWayman born about 1924
ElrodWiley born about 1908
EnglandJoseph born about 1919
EnglishC Dborn about 1907
EnglishCharles born about 1934
EnglishComa Leeborn about 1938
EnglishDoris born about 1936
EnglishHarold born about 1932
EnglishHenrietta born about 1910
EnglishIrenus born about 1898
EnglishJennie born about 1870
EnglishKathleen born about 1910
EnglishNancy born about 1906
EnglishW Mborn about 1866
EnglishWilene born about 1930
EnglishWillie born about 1917
ErwinCora born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FitzgeraldJulius born about 1912
FitzgeraldOllie born about 1905
FitzgeraldSacra born about 1880
FranklinLorain born about 1913
FreeMamie born about 1895
FreemanA Lborn about 1874
FreemanCrawford born about 1928
FreemanLessie born about 1908
FreemanVera Maeborn about 1930
FreemanW Hborn about 1904
FreemanW H Jrborn about 1929

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G Surnames

GabrelsG Lborn about 1938
GabrelsGeneva born about 1933
GabrelsGeorge born about 1913
GabrelsJames born about 1905
GabrelsMargie born about 1909
GabrelsMarjorie born about 1929
GabrelsRosa born about 1918
GabrelsRosammer born about 1882
GabrelsRosilee born about 1935
GabrelsW Gborn about 1903
GabrielsBobby Leeborn about 1939
GabrielsC Gborn about 1915
GabrielsC G Jrborn about 1937
GabrielsJ Dborn about 1937
GabrielsNathalie born about 1934
GabrielsOla born about 1904
GaileyElsie Maeborn about 1915
GaileyHetty born about 1883
GaileyJ Dborn about 1913
GaileyLa Verne born about 1938
GaileyLonnie born about 1923
GaileyMyrie born about 1911
GaileyRubye born about 1917
GarmanMamie born about 1896
GarmanW Fborn about 1905
GarmonIda born about 1909
GarmonLina born about 1881
GarmonMary born about 1901
GarmonW Wborn about 1876
GerrinBarney born about 1938
GerrinBetty born about 1935
GerrinBurgess born about 1909
GerrinCoy Leeborn about 1930
GerrinGenelle born about 1940
GerrinGuy born about 1932
GerrinKenneth born about 1933
GerrinLester born about 1906
GosnellOrio born about 1903
GossAmos born about 1925
GossKatharine born about 1919
GossLon Annborn about 1890
GossW Rborn about 1882
GreenClaud born about 1929
GreenD Hborn about 1884
GreenD H Jrborn about 1922
GreenEllie born about 1890
GreenLucille born about 1932
GreenRosetta born about 1920
GreenThomas born about 1925
GrovesAda born about 1887
GrovesAda Cborn about 1918
GrovesAnnie Belleborn about 1921
GrovesC Bborn about 1914
GrovesDolly Jeanborn about 1937
GrovesGeneva born about 1919
GrovesPauline born about 1914
GrovesW Hborn about 1883
GrovesWm Rborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallVinnie born about 1887
HallfordBrunelle born about 1911
HallfordClarence born about 1923
HallfordDewey born about 1904
HallfordE Kborn about 1906
HallfordEdward born about 1925
HallfordGrace born about 1906
HallfordHelen born about 1932
HallfordHoward born about 1930
HallfordHughie born about 1929
HallfordJerry born about 1931
HallfordJim born about 1901
HallfordJimmie born about 1933
HallfordLarry born about 1939
HallfordLewis born about 1922
HallfordLiza born about 1871
HallfordLucille born about 1940
HallfordLuther born about 1931
HallfordMyrtle born about 1901
HallfordObalene born about 1931
HallfordRaymond born about 1935
HallfordVera born about 1926
HallfordVermon born about 1924
HallfordW Hborn about 1904
HallfordWillie born about 1927
HallfordWilma born about 1919
HarperA Cborn about 1882
HarperAlma Allenborn about 1895
HarperC Vborn about 1912
HarperClyde born about 1932
HarperDarrell born about 1929
HarperEliza Annborn about 1889
HarperErnest Jr born about 1927
HarperFrank Lborn about 1904
HarperGary born about 1938
HarperJames born about 1931
HarperJerry born about 1937
HarperLewis born about 1939
HarperMarilyn born about 1936
HarperMax born about 1936
HarperMozelle born about 1909
HarperRuth born about 1913
HarperW Hborn about 1915
HarperWinona born about 1917
HarperYvonne born about 1935
HarrisA Mborn about 1862
HarrisBobbie Jeanborn about 1935
HarrisClaudine born about 1915
HarrisDouglas born about 1931
HarrisGerald born about 1939
HarrisL Fborn about 1910
HarrisNellie born about 1906
HarrisRex born about 1935
HarrisTerrell born about 1939
HarrisWalter born about 1909
HenryAdlaid born about 1887
HenryJ Aborn about 1880
HenryJamie born about 1922
HicksMartha Juliaborn about 1916
HillBertha born about 1908
HillCarolyn born about 1934
HillCharles born about 1930
HillDoris born about 1932
HillHugh born about 1928
HillJay born about 1905
HillLois born about 1933
HillMargaret born about 1936
HillPeggy born about 1939
HillReeves born about 1926
HillRuth born about 1937
HopeRuth born about 1919
HumphriesIrene born about 1908
HumphriesMollie born about 1876
HumphriesW Cborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IrvinArvil born about 1925
IrvinBobbie Leeborn about 1940
IrvinDilliah born about 1887
IrvinE Bborn about 1884
IrvinE B Jrborn about 1929
IrvinElizabeth born about 1940
IrvinEmory born about 1912
IrvinJ Sborn about 1911
IrvinJames Emoryborn about 1938
IrvinJane born about 1921
IrvinJennie born about 1931
IrvinMinnie born about 1905
IrvinMinyard born about 1924
IrvinMyra Louborn about 1915
IrvinOdell born about 1927
IrvinOllie Maeborn about 1920
IrvinSam born about 1905
IrvinTroy born about 1926
IvesterAnnie Leeborn about 1931
IvieEthel born about 1917
IvieEva Maeborn about 1921
IvieFreeman born about 1919
IvieJanette born about 1932
IvieLouise born about 1921
IvieNellie born about 1926
IvieNina Wborn about 1892
IvieVirginia born about 1923
IvieW Gborn about 1875

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J Surnames

JankinsDouglas born about 1940
JankinsKatherine born about 1920
JankinsWiley born about 1917
JarniganEvelyn born about 1901
JarrettEmma Jeneborn about 1920
JenkinsCarrie born about 1908
JenkinsHoward born about 1929
JenkinsJimmie born about 1924
JenkinsNan born about 1889
JenkinsT Nborn about 1884
JenkinsWilliam born about 1922
JonesA Mborn about 1905
JonesCarolyn born about 1930
JonesDonald born about 1933
JonesJoe born about 1928
JonesLida born about 1902
JonesLonnie born about 1910
JonesRonald born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KellyHenry born about 1908
KingMattie born about 1881
KingMaude born about 1911
KingR born about 1872
KingRobert Leeborn about 1921

L Surnames

LedfordBetty Jeanborn about 1938
LedfordCarrie born about 1889
LedfordCondia born about 1913
LedfordGrady born about 1930
LedfordLonnie born about 1923
LedfordMarie born about 1920
LedfordOscar born about 1912
LedfordRalph born about 1933
LedfordRoscoe born about 1909
LedfordRuth born about 1925
LedfordW Dborn about 1888
LloydCatherine born about 1918

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M Surnames

MartinJoe born about 1918
MasonAlley born about 1900
MasonEllen born about 1915
MasonGeorge born about 1902
MasonLester born about 1908
MasonOlavee born about 1927
MastersBlanche born about 1920
MastersCharles born about 1933
MastersDorothy born about 1903
MastersG Wborn about 1901
MastersHerman born about 1928
MastersOscar born about 1924
MastersRobert born about 1921
McalisterAnnie born about 1896
McalisterE Sborn about 1886
McalisterElsie Maeborn about 1926
McalisterLewis born about 1930
McalisterMarvin born about 1928
McalisterViola born about 1931
McallisterBetty born about 1933
McallisterCharles born about 1935
McallisterEugene born about 1939
McallisterJim born about 1923
McallisterMildred born about 1929
McallisterPearl born about 1908
McallisterRaymond born about 1937
McallisterS Pborn about 1906
McconnellAlice born about 1913
McconnellClara born about 1910
McconnellEarl born about 1911
McconnellG Vborn about 1903
McconnellGaynelle born about 1939
McconnellNadine born about 1939
McconnellNannie born about 1878
McconnellRay born about 1912
McconnellRoss born about 1908
McconnellW Rborn about 1875
MccrackinBilly born about 1933
MccrackinDonald born about 1930
MccrackinFrank born about 1923
MccrackinJulian born about 1895
MccrackinKatherine born about 1927
MccrackinMyrtle born about 1892
McentireBurns born about 1935
McentireCarrie born about 1876
McentireCharles born about 1937
McentireClyde born about 1929
McentireConnice born about 1907
McentireDaisy born about 1916
McentireEd Jr born about 1930
McentireGertrude born about 1904
McentireHarold born about 1939
McentireHazel born about 1925
McentireJames born about 1939
McentireLoss born about 1909
McentireMattie born about 1902
McentireMaudree born about 1930
McentireN Eborn about 1905
McentireRalph born about 1926
McentireRandolph born about 1934
McentireReece born about 1931
McentireRichard born about 1907
McentireRoy born about 1935
McentireT Bborn about 1908
McentireT Hborn about 1870
McentireT Wborn about 1901
McentireTania born about 1878
McentireW Wborn about 1873
McentireWalter Jborn about 1928
McnabbOma born about 1906
MedlockAnna born about 1912
MedlockCallie born about 1895
MedlockCharles born about 1914
MedlockCharles Jr born about 1935
MedlockDorothy born about 1914
MedlockDouglas born about 1935
MedlockEmma born about 1925
MedlockRalph born about 1911
MedlockW Hborn about 1873
MerckBessie born about 1884
MerckC Cborn about 1878
MerckCleo born about 1916
MerckHarry born about 1920
MerckHoward born about 1923
MerckJ Wborn about 1938
MerckJames born about 1928
MerckJohn born about 1911
MerckLewis born about 1934
MerckLucille born about 1935
MerckMary born about 1907
MerckRuth born about 1926
MinyardEva born about 1926
MinyardG Wborn about 1890
MinyardIda born about 1890
MoodyA Kborn about 1858
MoodyClaudette born about 1936
MoodyMamie born about 1911
MoodyWillard born about 1933
MooreVerdie born about 1907
MossBirdie Leeborn about 1926
MossC Cborn about 1909
MossDoris born about 1932
MossHoyt born about 1903
MossJ Cborn about 1930
MossLarry born about 1938
MossNettie born about 1910
MossOla born about 1909
MossRuth born about 1928
MoteDouglas born about 1937
MoteEdna born about 1918
MoteErford born about 1914
MoteEurlene born about 1919
MoteJerry born about 1938
MoteRobert Wborn about 1917
MotzAubrey Iii born about 1937
MotzAubrey Jr born about 1905
MotzBertha born about 1906
MotzCaldwell Wallyborn about 1939
MullinaxGuy born about 1934
MullinaxLeota born about 1914
MullinaxMelvin born about 1913
MyersLiney born about 1922

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N Surnames

NicelyHester born about 1917
NicholsElizabeth born about 1915
NicholsJim born about 1915
NicholsonEllie born about 1894
NicholsonFilmore born about 1896
NicholsonHettie born about 1896
NickolsBessie born about 1910
NoggleRobert born about 1878
NorrisCindia born about 1891
NorrisEllen born about 1927
NorrisEmma born about 1930
NorrisEthel born about 1915
NorrisJackson Tborn about 1916
NorrisJerry born about 1939
NorrisJoyce born about 1936
NorrisJune born about 1933
NorrisLewis born about 1924
NorrisLouise born about 1914
NorrisT Hborn about 1888

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O Surnames

OldhamCharles born about 1939
OldhamChester born about 1937
OldhamDonald born about 1934
OldhamElsie born about 1930
OldhamFloyd born about 1928
OldhamJoan born about 1936
OldhamK Aborn about 1886
OldhamNancy born about 1908

P Surnames

PalmerA Jborn about 1895
PalmerBeatrice born about 1930
PalmerCarolyn born about 1938
PalmerG Fborn about 1879
PalmerGerald born about 1933
PalmerIrene born about 1922
PalmerJane born about 1864
PalmerJane born about 1931
PalmerKenneth born about 1928
PalmerNova born about 1884
PalmerRoger born about 1919
PalmerRoss born about 1926
PalmerRuth born about 1917
PalmerStella born about 1899
PardueCandice born about 1900
PardueDessie born about 1873
PardueEthel born about 1911
PardueEugene born about 1932
PardueJohn Eborn about 1875
PardueRobert Lborn about 1902
PardueSue born about 1927
PardueThomas born about 1930
PardueW Dborn about 1909
PardueWayne born about 1922
PardueWinford born about 1924
PattersonBetty Geneborn about 1939
PattersonDorothy born about 1921
PattersonGene born about 1911
PhilyawClaude born about 1930
PhilyawElsie born about 1913
PhilyawExie born about 1910
PhilyawFarman born about 1918
PhilyawGrover born about 1921
PhilyawL Sborn about 1888
PhilyawLillie born about 1924
PhilyawLillie Maeborn about 1891
PhilyawVeron born about 1927
PritchettAlvie born about 1897
PritchettDorothy born about 1929
PritchettElsie born about 1912
PritchettGladys born about 1920
PritchettJackie born about 1926
PritchettM Lborn about 1922
PritchettMargie born about 1923
PritchettMesser born about 1918
PritchettRubye born about 1921
PurdyEdward born about 1919
PurdyEllie born about 1894
PurdyGeorge born about 1926
PurdyGrace born about 1932
PurdyKatie born about 1921
PurdyLouise born about 1931
PurdyLucille born about 1921
PurdyMabel born about 1917

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R Surnames

RamseyEdith born about 1937
RamseyJ Aborn about 1908
RamseyJerry born about 1935
RamseyJewell born about 1913
ReepeMary Ettaborn about 1871
ReepeR Bborn about 1913
ReepeRobie born about 1902
ReepsJohn born about 1909
ReepsRuth born about 1919
RobertsBeatrice born about 1892
RobertsBillie born about 1933
RobertsDarlene born about 1935
RobertsEsta Maeborn about 1915
RobertsFaye born about 1914
RobertsFlorence born about 1915
RobertsFred born about 1911
RobertsGeorge born about 1932
RobertsIsabel born about 1903
RobertsJoan born about 1935
RobertsKathryn born about 1925
RobertsLaura born about 1885
RobertsLucille born about 1926
RobertsMargaret born about 1939
RobertsMerle born about 1940
RobertsNettie Belleborn about 1928
RobertsOtis born about 1915
RobertsPaul born about 1914
RobertsPeggy Sueborn about 1938
RobertsR Bborn about 1918
RobertsS Pborn about 1884
RobertsTed born about 1938
RobertsThomas born about 1934
RobertsW Oborn about 1905
RobertsWallace born about 1919
RobertsonWinnie born about 1917
RobinsonBetty born about 1929
RobinsonDorcous born about 1869
RobinsonEmma born about 1901
RobinsonEvelyn born about 1922
RobinsonH Aborn about 1902
RobinsonKatie Ruthborn about 1932
RobinsonOllie born about 1885
RobinsonW Wborn about 1878
RogersAnnie born about 1901
RogersIcie born about 1920
RogersIra born about 1898
RogersJ Bborn about 1932
RogersJames born about 1922
RogersLois born about 1928
RogersMargie born about 1936
RogersMarie born about 1933
RogersShuford born about 1923
RogersWilliam born about 1922
RothellAna Leeborn about 1920
RothellCharles born about 1935
RothellHugh born about 1938
RothellJ Bborn about 1922
RothellJanie born about 1925
RothellJossie born about 1930
RothellLoy born about 1934
RothellLuther Jborn about 1898
RothellPearl born about 1899

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S Surnames

SeaboatBobbie born about 1935
SeaboatN Fborn about 1912
SeaboatSylvia born about 1913
ShellnutJim born about 1873
ShirleyHoyal born about 1927
ShirleyPearl born about 1898
ShoreMildred born about 1886
ShortBob born about 1933
ShortJack born about 1934
ShortKay born about 1939
ShortNan born about 1911
ShortNancy born about 1937
ShortP Wborn about 1910
SmithBen born about 1917
SmithBertha born about 1912
SmithCarolyn born about 1939
SmithEvelyn born about 1930
SmithFloyd born about 1904
SmithHugh born about 1913
SmithJesse born about 1933
SmithJulie born about 1879
SmithMorris born about 1938
SmithMozelle born about 1916
SmithR Lborn about 1936
SmithRay born about 1934
SmithRichard Lborn about 1911
SmithRobert born about 1935
SmithRubye born about 1907
SmithVella born about 1902
SmithW Aborn about 1911
SosebeeA Aborn about 1890
SosebeeAlma born about 1900
SosebeeAnnette born about 1935
SosebeeAustralia born about 1924
SosebeeB Hborn about 1878
SosebeeBartine born about 1928
SosebeeBeatrice born about 1902
SosebeeBelle born about 1894
SosebeeBernice born about 1924
SosebeeC Oborn about 1901
SosebeeC Wborn about 1903
SosebeeCharles born about 1932
SosebeeChristine born about 1924
SosebeeCoy born about 1926
SosebeeCynthia born about 1878
SosebeeDewey born about 1918
SosebeeErnest born about 1900
SosebeeEtta born about 1893
SosebeeEufaula born about 1940
SosebeeEvelyn born about 1921
SosebeeFaye born about 1927
SosebeeFelie born about 1893
SosebeeGail born about 1939
SosebeeGrace born about 1929
SosebeeHoward born about 1926
SosebeeIda Ruthborn about 1916
SosebeeIone born about 1898
SosebeeJ Kborn about 1890
SosebeeJewell born about 1924
SosebeeKen born about 1927
SosebeeL Jborn about 1902
SosebeeLa Verne born about 1916
SosebeeLucille born about 1931
SosebeeMrs S Dborn about 1872
SosebeeRobie born about 1906
SosebeeRubye born about 1932
SosebeeS Yborn about 1916
SosebeeTattie born about 1899
SpiveyBlanche born about 1929
SpiveyCharlotte born about 1909
SpiveyIrene born about 1920
SpiveyLunell born about 1932
SpiveyR Hborn about 1908
SpiveyWillene born about 1927
StriblingBrewster born about 1923
StriblingCharles born about 1925
StriblingKatharine born about 1890
StriblingKatharine Sborn about 1921
StriblingLenamae born about 1898
StriblingM Wborn about 1916
StriblingS Yborn about 1891
StriblingT Eborn about 1883
StriblingT E Jrborn about 1920
StroudCleo born about 1919
StroudJim Rborn about 1900
StroudLewis born about 1915
StroudLewis Jr born about 1938
StroudMattie born about 1899
StroudMontine born about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TanksleyElmer born about 1925
TanksleyLester born about 1916
TanksleyLizzie born about 1887
TanksleyM Pborn about 1881
TanksleyPearl born about 1917
TanksleySylvester born about 1919
TaylorAvanelle born about 1927
TaylorBetty born about 1931
TaylorG Bborn about 1904
TaylorMyrtle born about 1906
TaylorRonnie born about 1897
TerrellBarbara Jeanborn about 1934
TerrellC Eborn about 1908
TerrellNathalie born about 1908
TerrellOna born about 1890
TerrellStanley born about 1938
TerryBetty born about 1938
TerryHazel born about 1921
TerryJames born about 1933
TerryPearline born about 1908
TerryW Hborn about 1909
ThompsonD Cborn about 1912
ThompsonMollie born about 1907
TinchBlanche born about 1921
TinchBurgess born about 1933
TinchCarol born about 1931
TinchEstelle born about 1913
TinchG Mborn about 1891
TinchGrady born about 1928
TinchJ Bborn about 1923
TinchLaura born about 1896
TinchMuriel born about 1935
TinchRalph born about 1939
TinchRobert Lborn about 1914
TinchRobert Leeborn about 1921
TinchW Cborn about 1925
TrotterBrady born about 1924
TrotterDonald born about 1939
TrotterDoris born about 1936
TrotterElizabeth born about 1880
TrotterFloyd Jborn about 1912
TrotterGrace born about 1914
TrotterGwendolyn born about 1910
TrotterJ Hborn about 1878
TrotterJ Mborn about 1919
TrotterJames born about 1934
TrotterJoyce born about 1939
TrotterLeona born about 1915
TrotterTexana born about 1882
TrotterW Wborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WestmorelandFloyd born about 1907
WhiteAda born about 1896
WhiteFlorence born about 1930
WhiteH Hborn about 1886
WhiteLewis born about 1916
WhiteRoy born about 1934
WhitingBeulah born about 1906
WhitingC Gborn about 1900
WhitingJ Gborn about 1930
WhitingW Lborn about 1864
WhitingWalter Leeborn about 1928
WilbanksCarol born about 1939
WilbanksCecil born about 1916
WilbanksEula Maeborn about 1918
WilliamsAnnette born about 1938
WilliamsAnnie born about 1888
WilliamsCoralee born about 1936
WilliamsDoyle born about 1908
WilliamsErnest born about 1906
WilliamsEtheline born about 1940
WilliamsEula born about 1902
WilliamsGeorge born about 1926
WilliamsHester born about 1915
WilliamsLee born about 1928
WilliamsLuther born about 1922
WilliamsMae born about 1908
WilliamsRuth born about 1935
WilliamsSallie born about 1906
WilliamsT Aborn about 1884
WilliamsTom born about 1933
WilliamsVinnie born about 1867
WilliamsWoodrow born about 1917
WrightEvelyn born about 1930
WrightF Mborn about 1908
WrightHoward born about 1932
WrightMontiruce born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YorkAzalee born about 1911
YorkBarbara Jeanborn about 1939
YorkBobby Jeanborn about 1937
YorkCarolyon born about 1936
YorkDeral born about 1933
YorkEarl born about 1912
YorkFrances born about 1882
YorkGarrett born about 1939
YorkJ Cborn about 1910
YorkJames born about 1925
YorkJulius Rborn about 1906
YorkLafayette born about 1939
YorkLexie born about 1906
YorkThelma born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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