1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fork in Putnam County, Putnam, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Putnam County > 1940 Census of Fork in Putnam County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames

A Surnames

AlfordAnnie born about 1925
AlfordCharles born about 1918
AlfordEmma born about 1887
AlfordJohn born about 1922
AlfordLucy born about 1931
AlfordMable born about 1927
AlfordWilliam Tborn about 1885

B Surnames

BaileyEarnest born about 1924
BaileyVelma born about 1925
BreadusCarrie born about 1858
BrookGeorge Gborn about 1909
BrookNele born about 1912
BurstonAlton born about 1929
BurstonAnnie Lborn about 1927
BurstonCharlie born about 1903
BurstonFelton born about 1935
BurstonIda Lborn about 1939
BurstonIda Mborn about 1912
BurstonLouise born about 1928
BurstonRubie Mborn about 1937

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C Surnames

ClarkDan born about 1867
ClarkJohnnie born about 1918
ClarkLula born about 1890
ClarkMatilda born about 1898
ClarkSam born about 1895

F Surnames

Farley??? born about 1901
FarleyAnnie Pborn about 1934
FarleyClements born about 1924
FarleyClifton born about 1934
FarleyFane born about 1929
FarleyJeff born about 1901
FarleyJeff Jr born about 1927
FarleyLois born about 1912
FarleyMaggie Bborn about 1917
FarleyMarrie Bborn about 1932
FarleyMusie born about 1937
FarleySidney Jborn about 1936
FarleyVera Mborn about 1932
FarleyWalke Wborn about 1939

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G Surnames

GrayChester born about 1875
GrayCorene born about 1882

H Surnames

HalbrokeBillie born about 1938
HalbrokeEarl born about 1931
HalbrokeHattie born about 1913
HalbrokeLewis born about 1933
HalbrokeW Bborn about 1908
HallAlice born about 1900
HallJames Eborn about 1939
HallMartha born about 1919
HallMartha Mborn about 1935
HallMary Aborn about 1937
HallTom born about 1899
HallWillie born about 1915
HallWillie Jr born about 1933
HarwellAdelaide born about 1921
HarwellCornelius Gborn about 1920
HarwellCrystal Gborn about 1929
HarwellEugene Tborn about 1933
HarwellMartha Vborn about 1925
HarwellVerna born about 1898
HeadClarence born about 1927
HeadWilliam Dborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonE Jborn about 1916
JacobJudie born about 1923
JeffersonDorothy Mborn about 1928
JeffersonEvan born about 1882
JeffersonGeorge born about 1905
JeffersonJ Cborn about 1924
JeffersonJeff born about 1880
JeffersonLizzie born about 1880
JeffersonMary born about 1918
JeffersonMay Bborn about 1916
JeffersonSami born about 1914
JeffersonWillie Mborn about 1923
JeffersonWinnie born about 1884

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K Surnames

KellyEmaline born about 1850

L Surnames

LaysonEvan Pborn about 1881
LaysonLucy Aborn about 1884
LaysonMarcus born about 1887
LaysonSallie Rborn about 1880
LittleEmma Kborn about 1938
LittleLillian born about 1920
LittleMary Lborn about 1936
LittleWilliam born about 1884

M Surnames

MathisBertha Mborn about 1937
MathisBertha Sborn about 1920
MathisEstella born about 1919
MathisGeorge born about 1929
MathisHattie born about 1926
MathisIrene born about 1939
MathisIsrael born about 1923
MathisLouise born about 1935
MathisLuvenia born about 1933
MathisMattie Lborn about 1893
MathisMonroe born about 1884
MathisWillie Fborn about 1914
McmillinAmos Wborn about 1901
McmillinAmos W Jrborn about 1930
McmillinBettie Aborn about 1932
McmillinBlanche Nborn about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PattersonCharles Jborn about 1937
PattersonForestine born about 1932
PattersonJanie born about 1878
PattersonJanie Rborn about 1934
PattersonLeola born about 1930
PattersonMargaret born about 1929
PattersonNeomi born about 1923
PattersonRobert born about 1901
PattersonRobert L Jrborn about 1936
PattersonWillie born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReidFrances born about 1873
ReidMajor born about 1865
RoseLucy born about 1910
RoseNancy Mborn about 1938
RoseWilburn Mborn about 1934
RossFlorence born about 1910

S Surnames

SherwoodHarrison born about 1880
SherwoodJoe born about 1922
SherwoodKate born about 1903
SingletonEffie Oborn about 1917
SingletonJames Pborn about 1914
SingletonJames P Jrborn about 1939
SingletonMaggie born about 1886
SingletonSamuel Mborn about 1883

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