1940 U.S. Federal Census of Goddistown, Union, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Union County > 1940 Census of Goddistown

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlsonBarbara Annborn about 1939
AlsonBonnie Leeborn about 1933
AlsonCarl Cborn about 1901
AlsonCaroline Jeanborn about 1929
AlsonMinnie Floreneborn about 1910
AlsonWayne born about 1935
AschRuth born about 1927

B Surnames

BerryClaud born about 1918
BrookshireBobby born about 1940
BrookshireBruce born about 1916
BrookshireEdward born about 1912
BrookshireForrestine born about 1921
BrookshireMaude born about 1888
BrookshireWyley born about 1884
BurnsEdna born about 1916
BurnsLannis born about 1917

C Surnames

CainJ Ransonborn about 1911
CainLennie born about 1912
CainLoyd born about 1936
CainLucile born about 1933
CainLyda Bellborn about 1938
CarderDella born about 1912
CarderHarold born about 1930
CarderHershel born about 1934
CarderInez born about 1932
CarderKeff born about 1913
CarderMaggie born about 1918
CarderPat born about 1939
CarderRay born about 1905
CarterIshmael born about 1868
CauenderMartha born about 1854
CobbMarvin born about 1883
CochronJack born about 1877

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G Surnames

GarrettJames Wborn about 1920
GarrettJone born about 1855
GarrettMaria born about 1914
GarrettMary born about 1885
GarrettTom born about 1895
GilreathBessie born about 1920
GilreathEugene born about 1935
GilreathGusta born about 1927
GilreathHerschel born about 1915
GilreathHubert born about 1930
GilreathJoseph Lborn about 1891
GilreathJoseph Jr born about 1920
GilreathLois born about 1932
GilreathMurphie born about 1890
GilreathRalph born about 1921
GilreathRool born about 1923
GilreathRussell born about 1917
GilruthBlanche born about 1910
GilruthHershel born about 1914
GoochAndrew born about 1881
GoochBelle born about 1884
GoochBert born about 1909
GoochBill born about 1926
GoochBlondine born about 1940
GoochCarl born about 1897
GoochClara Maeborn about 1932
GoochDaniel born about 1939
GoochDella born about 1912
GoochDoris Marieborn about 1922
GoochEldo born about 1912
GoochEllen born about 1916
GoochEmmer born about 1883
GoochG Martinborn about 1880
GoochGeorge born about 1919
GoochGlenn born about 1918
GoochGlenn born about 1924
GoochHelen born about 1939
GoochHomer born about 1904
GoochInes born about 1934
GoochInez born about 1938
GoochIrene born about 1930
GoochIrvin born about 1938
GoochJessie born about 1923
GoochJohn born about 1872
GoochKatheleen born about 1928
GoochLillian born about 1918
GoochLizie born about 1875
GoochLuther born about 1888
GoochMabel born about 1906
GoochMaggie Leeborn about 1915
GoochMattie Leeborn about 1927
GoochMilton born about 1915
GoochNancy born about 1886
GoochNell born about 1926
GoochPauline born about 1921
GoochRoy born about 1916
GoochTom born about 1930
GoochW Arthurborn about 1910
GrizzelArlie born about 1904
GrizzelDicie born about 1914
GrizzelFred born about 1936
GrizzelHarve born about 1938
GrizzelVernell born about 1934
GrizzleArthur born about 1910
GrizzleClifford born about 1917
GrizzleClyton born about 1894
GrizzleDollie born about 1869
GrizzleEldridge born about 1868
GrizzleElsie born about 1918
GrizzleHenry born about 1926
GrizzleJunior born about 1929
GrizzleLillian born about 1913
GrizzlePearl born about 1892
GrizzleReatha born about 1938
GrizzleRichard born about 1922
GrizzleRobert born about 1936
GrizzleVirginia born about 1932
GrizzleWalter born about 1928
GrizzleWayne born about 1934
GurleyArthur born about 1926
GurleyCarl born about 1895
GurleyClyde born about 1901
GurleyHarold born about 1925
GurleyHelen born about 1929
GurleyJuan born about 1870
GurleyLillie born about 1906
GurleyLois born about 1921
GurleyMartha born about 1883
GurleyRebecca born about 1875
GurleyRuth born about 1925
GurleyVermont born about 1922
GurleyVianna born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HarkinsCharles born about 1924
HarkinsCicero Wborn about 1886
HarkinsCorena born about 1916
HarkinsDock born about 1911
HarkinsGeorge born about 1869
HarkinsLonnie Hborn about 1911
HarkinsLura born about 1875
HarkinsMartha born about 1883
HarkinsRussell born about 1919
HarkinsTom born about 1871
HeadAdelie born about 1880
HeadEarnest born about 1902
HeadFrankie Marieborn about 1939
HeadGuy born about 1919
HeadHattie born about 1915
HeadHoyt born about 1915
HeadJ W Initial Nomeborn about 1931
HeadJames born about 1929
HeadJane Bellborn about 1933
HeadJohn Jborn about 1866
HeadJunior born about 1927
HeadLarine born about 1939
HeadLola Bellborn about 1938
HeadLucreacie born about 1857
HeadMay Birdborn about 1925
HeadNicie born about 1908
HeadRichard born about 1870
HeadStella born about 1911
HeadTasker born about 1937
HeadWillard born about 1935
HeadWillie born about 1911
HendricksJane born about 1887
HendricksWarren Dborn about 1855
HendrixAllen born about 1938
HendrixAllen Lborn about 1883
HendrixBlanche born about 1899
HendrixEdna born about 1920
HendrixEvelyn born about 1930
HendrixWarren born about 1932
HiltonBetty Joborn about 1938
HiltonBymon born about 1927
HiltonDayle born about 1923
HiltonDessie born about 1924
HiltonFannie born about 1893
HiltonFloyd born about 1898
HiltonGrace born about 1931
HiltonLucile born about 1920
HiltonMyrtle born about 1929
HiltonWillie Nellborn about 1934
HoochAmanda born about 1909
HoochBetty Louborn about 1939
HoochGeorge Wborn about 1870
HoochGilbert born about 1929
HoochJohn born about 1903
HoochJulia born about 1877
HoochSonnie Graceborn about 1931
HoochWillie Maeborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JonesBoyd born about 1872
JonesNellie born about 1882
JustusA E Initia Nomeborn about 1938
JustusDavis born about 1864
JustusEli born about 1871
JustusJewell born about 1927
JustusLossie born about 1902
JustusMartha born about 1875
JustusOrvil Eborn about 1899
JustusRoscoe born about 1922
JustusT J Imtioe Nomeborn about 1928
JustusVirginia Bareborn about 1936

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L Surnames

LunsfordAlva born about 1934
LunsfordBoss Sborn about 1896
LunsfordCalvin Eborn about 1925
LunsfordConley Wborn about 1927
LunsfordFloyd born about 1889
LunsfordLaura born about 1892
LunsfordMamie Ednaborn about 1904
LunsfordMarie born about 1937
LunsfordMarjorie born about 1929
LunsfordMertie born about 1932
LunsfordVirgil born about 1923
LunsfordWoodrow born about 1913

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M Surnames

MathisAmanda born about 1918
McdougaldAlma born about 1898
McdougaldJane born about 1940
McdougaldMary born about 1874
McdougaldMyrtle born about 1912
McdougaldWarren Jborn about 1908

P Surnames

ParkerAdell born about 1926
ParkerGladys born about 1929
ParkerHarold born about 1931
ParkerHastle born about 1923
ParkerHayden born about 1921
ParkerHenry born about 1925
ParkerHobert born about 1919
ParkerIda born about 1897
ParkerJames born about 1934
ParkerJames Jborn about 1899
ParkerMary born about 1933
ParkerMary Francesborn about 1940
ParkerMattie born about 1921
ParkerMinnie Bellborn about 1928
ParkerShirley born about 1933
PattersonBetty Ruthborn about 1938
PattersonCarroll born about 1931
PattersonDillard born about 1918
PattersonElba born about 1897
PattersonEugene born about 1928
PattersonEvelyn born about 1936
PattersonGeorge born about 1889
PattersonGordon born about 1926
PattersonJoyce born about 1933
PattersonWayne born about 1923
PattersonWillard born about 1921
PayneAudrey born about 1931
PayneBascom born about 1894
PayneBob born about 1929
PayneDicie born about 1892
PayneDora born about 1922
PayneLee born about 1923
PayneZadie born about 1926
PruittBertha Maeborn about 1923
PruittGroie born about 1931
PruittJunior born about 1921
PruittLawrence born about 1928
PruittLeila Ellenborn about 1938
PruittLizzie born about 1900
PruittMack born about 1899
PruittSamuel born about 1935
PruittStanford born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SelfAlice Jeanborn about 1937
SelfGeorge Wborn about 1934
SelfJay Rborn about 1932
SelfLan Deanborn about 1939
SelfMarvin born about 1935
SelfRem born about 1906
SelfZara born about 1915
SissumBetty born about 1935
SissumGladys born about 1927
SissumGoodman born about 1890
SissumGrace born about 1925
SissumJake born about 1930
SissumMarsh born about 1919
SissumStella born about 1888
SisumCharlie Dborn about 1940
SisumDorothy born about 1938
SisumEdith born about 1927
SisumFletcher born about 1893
SisumJewell born about 1930
SisumMillie born about 1932
SisumSallie born about 1915
SisumStella born about 1898

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T Surnames

TaittPaul born about 1939
TaittRalph born about 1933
ThomasonBitha born about 1899
ThomasonFlorine born about 1926
ThomasonJewell born about 1928
ThomasonJonie born about 1936
ThomasonLee Aughnborn about 1924
ThomasonNorman born about 1902
ThomasonVerlin born about 1922
ToddAlvin Dborn about 1903
ToddEddie Maeborn about 1927
ToddElsie born about 1932
ToddGeorge born about 1934
ToddJura Maeborn about 1905
ToddMara Onellborn about 1929
ToddMarion Dborn about 1931
ToddThelma born about 1935
TrittBertha born about 1910
TrittClarence born about 1914
TrittDonald born about 1919
TrittElla Maeborn about 1924
TrittIrene born about 1931
TrittJean born about 1931
TrittLester born about 1902
TrittMae born about 1914
TrittMary Katherineborn about 1939
TrittMelvin born about 1908
TrittPauline born about 1929
TrittPearl born about 1893
TrittRobert born about 1937
TrittThomas Clydeborn about 1931
TrittTrua Nellborn about 1928
TrittViola born about 1918
TrittWill Bborn about 1887

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W Surnames

WackerEmma born about 1890
WarrenVirginia born about 1925
WatkinsAva born about 1918
WatkinsBarbara born about 1939
WatkinsGriffie born about 1915
WatkinsJ Nayborn about 1886
WatkinsJimmie born about 1919
WatkinsLittie born about 1890
WilkinsFletcher born about 1901
WilkinsGladys born about 1916
WilkinsImilda born about 1929
WilkinsJ M Initial Nomeborn about 1923
WilkinsJohn Mborn about 1870
WilkinsLuther Nborn about 1915
WilkinsMary born about 1880
WoodyAtrice born about 1918
WoodyLay born about 1916

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