1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hampton in Polk County, Polk, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Polk County > 1940 Census of Hampton in Polk County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdkinsJuanita born about 1925
AdkinsLily Lborn about 1888
AdkinsWilliam born about 1887
AlexanderClarence born about 1934
AlexanderClaudy born about 1938
AlexanderClinton born about 1936
AlexanderClyde born about
AlexanderClyde Jborn about 1932
AlexanderElla Tborn about 1873
AlexanderLaura Rborn about 1912
AllenAnne born about 1936
AllenAnnie Smithborn about 1902
AllenChas Wborn about 1881
AllenEdna Allineborn about 1938
AllenJames Mborn about 1892
AllenJohn Wborn about 1896
AllenLillian Sborn about 1901
AllenMary Fayeborn about 1931
AllenMattie Ireneborn about 1925
AllenMattie Lborn about 1874
AllenWilliam Fborn about 1923
AllisonDolly Aruelleborn about 1924
AllisonRobt Fborn about 1900
AllisonRuby Janeborn about 1927
ArringtonBessie Gborn about 1897
ArringtonJames Lborn about 1931
ArringtonWilliam Fborn about 1901

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B Surnames

BakerHarvey Pborn about 1875
BakerSudie Yborn about 1876
BarkerCarrie Bborn about 1939
BarkerCeola Mborn about 1917
BarkerChatmon born about 1904
BarnetteFannie H Sborn about 1886
BarnetteFrances born about 1905
BarnetteMiles Pborn about 1868
BarnetteViola Mborn about 1880
BarnetteWilliam Wborn about 1878
BeckCarl Wborn about 1901
BeckCharles Dborn about 1935
BeckCharles Jr born about 1930
BeckCharley born about 1902
BeckCharlotte born about 1933
BeckDugan born about 1924
BeckElla Wborn about 1879
BeckEugene Dborn about 1936
BeckGimmie Hborn about 1907
BeckHelen Dborn about 1936
BeckJ Dborn about 1908
BeckJames Wborn about 1933
BeckLe Roy born about 1939
BeckLucille Sborn about 1913
BeckMildred Rborn about 1913
BeckWilliam Bborn about 1927
BenefieldAndrew born about 1921
BenefieldLois born about 1927
BenefieldMae born about 1932
BenefieldMary born about 1930
BenefieldMary Nann Cborn about 1892
BenefieldRoscoe born about 1926
BenefieldThos Hborn about 1874
BenefieldWalter born about 1923
BlakeBertie Hborn about 1886
BlakeDavid Lborn about 1912
BlakeGladys Rborn about 1916
BlakeNewton born about 1910
BlakeThomas Lborn about 1881
BoozerAndrew Joeborn about 1930
BoozerChristine born about 1933
BoozerDaniel born about 1932
BoozerJ Bborn about 1939
BoozerJesse Jr born about 1929
BoozerJessie born about 1910
BoozerJoe Louisborn about 1936
BoozerMozelle Cborn about 1910
BowensAndrew Jborn about 1860
BrazierCorene Dborn about 1903
BrazierDolly Bborn about 1893
BrazierFrank born about 1891
BrazierJohn Spencerborn about 1935
BrazierJudd born about 1893
BrazierLiddell born about 1911
BrazierLulu J Bborn about 1890
BrockMamie Lborn about 1890
BrockRobt Leeborn about 1888
BrowderDella Bborn about 1932
BrowderJesse Jborn about 1933
BrowderJesse Lborn about 1912
BrowderLuna Jborn about 1938
BrowderMattie Bborn about 1913
BrowderRueben Lborn about 1936
BrownCharles Jborn about 1936
BrownGimmie Lborn about 1940
BrownIda B Sborn about 1892
BrownJames Bborn about 1934
BrownJessie L Bborn about 1921
BrownKinney Mborn about 1913
BrownLula Cborn about 1916
BrownMat M ?born about 1874
BrownNelson Aborn about 1938
BrownOtis Wborn about 1912
BrownWalter Jr born about 1926
BrownWillie Guyborn about 1926
BrumitBaxter born about 1916
BrumitBenjamin born about 1920
BrumitBuel born about 1934
BrumitCecil born about 1939
BrumitCharles Sborn about 1940
BrumitCharnel born about 1906
BrumitClarence born about 1933
BrumitDora Cooleyborn about 1927
BrumitEmma Wborn about 1919
BrumitFred Sborn about 1910
BrumitFred S Jrborn about 1934
BrumitGladys Bborn about 1932
BrumitGrace born about 1935
BrumitHerbert born about 1902
BrumitJames B Cborn about 1926
BrumitJames Cooleyborn about 1925
BrumitJesse Aborn about 1920
BrumitJewel Fborn about 1936
BrumitJohn Bborn about 1907
BrumitJoyce Cborn about 1938
BrumitLarry Aborn about 1936
BrumitLeila Mae Bborn about 1916
BrumitLeslie born about 1918
BrumitLizzie Bborn about 1904
BrumitLona Sborn about 1879
BrumitLoretta Mborn about 1935
BrumitMary Cborn about 1910
BrumitMittie Aborn about 1939
BrumitPaul Gborn about 1936
BrumitVernon born about 1915
BrumitViola Sborn about 1884

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C Surnames

CantrellClinton Rayborn about 1921
CantrellEmory born about 1899
CantrellEmory E Jrborn about 1927
CantrellJoseph born about 1923
CantrellMartha Dborn about 1931
CantrellNellie Eborn about 1928
CantrellPauline Wborn about 1893
CargyleLillian born about 1915
CargyleLou Mborn about
CargyleRobt Lborn about 1918
CarrolIlah Sborn about 1906
CarrolNancy Eborn about 1868
CarrolWyley born about 1872
Carter??? born about 1912
CarterA C Jrborn about 1927
CarterAnnie Bborn about 1907
CarterAudrey Cborn about 1902
CarterBertha born about 1906
CarterBessie born about 1915
CarterBetty Annborn about 1932
CarterBlythe born about 1922
CarterBuddy born about 1922
CarterChas Mborn about 1902
CarterClarence born about 1908
CarterClaud born about 1901
CarterDorothy Iborn about 1929
CarterEmily born about 1876
CarterEthel born about 1934
CarterEva born about 1900
CarterEva Jborn about 1937
CarterFlorence born about 1933
CarterFloyd born about 1902
CarterFrances born about 1920
CarterFrances born about 1939
CarterFrances Rborn about 1907
CarterFred born about 1924
CarterGlen Aborn about 1924
CarterHelen born about 1927
CarterHenry Cborn about 1898
CarterHoward born about 1929
CarterInez born about 1932
CarterIric Sborn about 1907
CarterJack Rborn about 1925
CarterJames born about 1935
CarterJay born about 1914
CarterJesse Dborn about 1900
CarterJodie born about 1909
CarterJohn born about 1902
CarterJohn Jborn about 1876
CarterLaura Donnborn about 1890
CarterLucille born about 1927
CarterLucille Gborn about 1912
CarterMay Dborn about 1934
CarterRachel born about 1924
CarterRobert born about 1926
CarterRobert born about 1933
CarterRoosevelt born about 1938
CarterRoy born about 1912
CarterVictoria Dborn about 1884
CarterWatson born about 1926
CarterWilliam born about 1868
CarterWillie Mcborn about 1895
CathrineY Cborn about 1920
ChandlerAnna Gborn about 1892
ChandlerBraxton Hborn about 1925
ChandlerCharles Hborn about 1936
ChandlerCharles Lborn about 1934
ChandlerClark Hborn about 1917
ChandlerDoris Lborn about 1929
ChandlerEdmond Jborn about 1889
ChandlerEdna Jborn about 1937
ChandlerGordon Aborn about 1914
ChandlerGordon Hborn about 1933
ChandlerHazel Cborn about 1920
ChandlerHomer Cborn about 1894
ChandlerKathleen Gborn about 1913
ChandlerKaty Dborn about 1919
ChandlerLois Pborn about 1899
ChandlerPearl L Gborn about 1889
ChandlerVelma Loisborn about 1940
ChandlerVirgil born about 1889
ChandlerVirgil B Jrborn about 1937
ChandlerWilliam born about 1915
ChandlerWilliam Eborn about 1938
ClayGeorge born about 1905
CobbCharley born about 1885
CobbMillie Pborn about 1886
CochranBetty Louiseborn about 1938
CochranCorene Sborn about 1922
CochranWilliam born about 1914
ColeyGeneva born about 1930
ColeyJ Cborn about 1934
ColeyMaybelle born about 1925
ColeyMildred Brownborn about 1924
ColeyOra Bborn about 1899
ColeyThomas born about 1880
ConowayJanie Aborn about 1890
ConowayOra Wardborn about 1890
CovingtonEssie Pborn about 1917
CovingtonMildred Joborn about 1937
CovingtonOssie born about 1918
CrockerCarrie Sborn about 1892
CrockerCecil Freemanborn about 1924
CrockerCharles Gborn about 1895
CrockerCharley born about 1925
CrockerFloy Dborn about 1927
CrockerFrank born about 1931
CrockerJackson born about 1923
CrockerJohn Andersonborn about 1884
CrockerJohn Wborn about 1922
CrockerJosephine born about 1920
CrockerJudy Kborn about 1939
CrockerMila Ruth Hborn about 1923
CrockerNancy Jane Sborn about 1900
CrowderAdelle Mborn about 1893
CrowderBenjamin Lborn about 1930
CrowderDoris born about 1925
CrowderFletcher born about 1920
CrowderNorman born about 1933
CrowderRaymon born about 1933
CrowderWilliam born about 1891
CrowderWilliam Kborn about 1928
CuzzortBessie Dborn about 1901
CuzzortHerschel born about 1938
CuzzortHollie born about 1929
CuzzortI Wborn about 1895

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D Surnames

DardenAlbert born about 1879
DardenAnnie Maeborn about 1933
DardenAnnie Mae Lborn about 1932
DardenBessie Pborn about 1896
DardenBessie Pborn about 1906
DardenCarrie Sborn about 1914
DardenEulyses born about 1912
DardenEulyses Jr born about 1931
DardenForest Sborn about 1938
DardenGeraldine born about 1937
DardenKaty Ellieborn about 1934
DardenLorena born about 1935
DardenPrince Aborn about 1880
DavisJohn Aborn about 1915
DavisN Uborn about 1875
DempseyAllie Lborn about 1900
DempseyArthur Fborn about 1906
DempseyArthur F Jrborn about 1937
DempseyArtie D Hborn about 1905
DempseyBessie born about 1900
DempseyBessie Hborn about 1892
DempseyBetty born about 1930
DempseyElla Hborn about 1893
DempseyFanny born about 1928
DempseyFloyd born about 1927
DempseyGeneral Mborn about 1896
DempseyGrady born about 1909
DempseyHarold Hborn about 1937
DempseyHarvey* born about 1907
DempseyHelen born about 1923
DempseyHenry Gborn about 1929
DempseyHenry Sborn about 1922
DempseyIva born about 1924
DempseyJ Wborn about 1939
DempseyJames Cborn about 1905
DempseyJames Cborn about 1917
DempseyKeith born about 1922
DempseyMable Alline Sborn about 1916
DempseyMarion Bborn about 1922
DempseyMartha born about 1937
DempseyMary Anneborn about 1867
DempseyMattie Sueborn about 1915
DempseyMinnie Theresaborn about 1920
DempseyMyrtle Nborn about 1917
DempseyRobert born about 1919
DempseyRufus Eborn about 1900
DempseySarah Aliceborn about 1939
DempseySarah S Bborn about 1865
DempseyThomas ?born about 1894
DempseyThomas A Jrborn about 1926
DempseyW H Jrborn about 1925
DempseyWalker Iborn about 1890
DempseyWilliam Cborn about 1916
DempseyWilliam Hborn about 1886
DempseyWilliam Jborn about 1857
DiamondElizabeth born about 1933
DiamondJessie Bborn about 1917
DiamondJoseph born about 1916
DiamondJoseph Jr born about 1937
DiamondSally Aborn about 1939
DiesGeorgia Hborn about 1875
DiesJames Rborn about 1871
DobbsAnnie Mae Bborn about 1897
DobbsBetty Joborn about 1930
DobbsForest Wborn about 1925
DobbsJames Bborn about 1927
DobbsL Jborn about 1893
DobbsNancy Lborn about 1934
DobbsRobtert Hborn about 1923
DuffDavid Dborn about 1937
DuffJames Dborn about 1935
DuffJohn Lborn about 1914
DuffMary Francesborn about 1915
DuffSarah Maeborn about 1934
DusetAnnie Lborn about 1914
DusetAnnie Louborn about 1939
DusetJohn Tborn about 1937
DusetMary Lborn about 1936
DusetThornton born about 1905

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E Surnames

EdgeAlma Ruthborn about 1927
EdgeAnne Abiborn about 1937
EdgeElgin L Sborn about 1909
EdgeFannie born about 1906
EdgeJames Bborn about 1886
EdgeJames Vinceborn about 1933
EdgeJoseph Newtonborn about 1901
EdgeMadred Ednaborn about 1925
EdgeMartha Mborn about 1885
EdgeMrs J T Cborn about 1873
EdgePearl Pborn about 1879
EdgeSally Maeborn about 1899
EdgeVirginia Lanelleborn about 1935
EllisEvelyne Jborn about 1939
EllisJohn born about 1928
EllisJulia Jennetteborn about 1938
EllisLizzie B Eborn about 1895
EllisMary E Gborn about 1914
EllisMatthew born about 1900
EllisThomas Aborn about 1914
EnglishMary Jborn about 1866
EvanderIvine born about 1916
EvanderJoe born about 1936
EvanderKathrine born about 1938
EvanderRobert born about 1940
EvanderRoberta born about 1917

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F Surnames

FeaganLodie born about 1919
FeaganThad born about 1891
FergusonBetty born about 1931
FergusonBobby born about 1935
FergusonEdward born about 1928
FergusonHagar Mborn about 1894
FergusonJohn Bborn about 1895
FergusonLorena born about 1924
FergusonY Tborn about 1921
ForristerColeman born about 1899
ForristerJ Cborn about 1925
ForristerJennette Lborn about 1933
ForristerLiddell Eborn about 1908
ForristerMary Eborn about 1932
ForristerWesley born about 1936
FortenberryConnie Gborn about 1934
FortenberryGarvin born about 1939
FortenberryJames born about 1891
FortenberryLouis born about 1926
FortenberryLoyce born about 1923
FortenberryMarvin born about 1937
FortenberryMary Wborn about 1901
FortenberryOtis born about 1931
FortenberrySeldon born about 1929
FortenberyAnnie Mborn about 1929
FortenberyCharles Nborn about 1911
FortenberyEmma Iborn about 1931
FortenberyJames Eborn about 1933
FortenberyLillian Dborn about 1935
FortenberyMary Hborn about 1939
FortenberyRuth Dborn about 1912
FortenberyShirley Lborn about 1937
FrysonBrady born about 1927
FrysonGeorge born about 1928

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G Surnames

GacyCordelia born about 1873
GarnerBunyan Jborn about 1892
GarnerEdna Aborn about 1925
GarnerFranklin Bborn about 1937
GarnerHarry Hborn about 1923
GarnerHugh Donborn about 1933
GarnerJames Lewisborn about 1933
GarnerJo Annaborn about 1932
GarnerJohn Eborn about 1929
GarnerJosephine born about 1927
GarnerJulia Pborn about 1902
GarnerLouise born about 1930
GarnerRuth Lborn about 1898
GarnerWilliam Hborn about 1880
GarrettAlfred born about 1896
GarrettAlfred Jr born about 1939
GarrettLilly Bborn about 1915
GaylorAndrew Fborn about 1878
GaylorCecil Annieborn about 1929
GaylorCooper Lborn about 1923
GaylorHattie Sborn about 1889
GaylorRalph Tborn about 1927
GibsonC Lborn about 1926
GibsonDella Mborn about 1888
GibsonDosie born about 1927
GibsonEarley born about 1930
GibsonEdward Nborn about 1934
GibsonJ Eborn about 1928
GibsonJohn Iborn about 1886
GibsonMary Aborn about 1924
GibsonMoses born about 1919
GibsonPauline born about 1932
GibsonReuben born about 1923
GibsonSarah Lborn about 1925
GraveleyBetty Cborn about 1929
GraveleyLawrence born about 1904
GraveleyLola Hborn about 1901
GreenEmeline born about 1922
GreenHoward Wborn about 1925
GreenLessie born about 1868
GreenLilly born about 1882
GreenMary Sueborn about 1920
GreenPauline Sborn about 1921
GreenSamel Adgerborn about 1878
GreenW Hborn about 1875
GreenWill T Jrborn about 1939
GreenWill Thomborn about 1915
GrierAlonzo born about 1918
GrierClara Fborn about 1939
GrierDavid born about 1903
GrierDella Hborn about 1922
GrierLulu Lborn about 1905
GrierViola Gborn about 1875

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H Surnames

HackneyErnest born about 1905
HackneyErnest Jr born about 1930
HackneyLinnie Pborn about 1905
HamptonWilliam Eborn about 1891
HardawayChas Lborn about 1911
HardawayLaura B Hborn about 1913
HarreyBessie Dean ?born about 1897
HarreyBetty Deanborn about 1937
HarreyGeorge Cborn about 1936
HarreyGeorge Hborn about 1930
HarreyJames Fredborn about 1923
HarreyJames Jborn about 1900
HarreyMildred Louiseborn about 1921
HarrisBetty Jeanborn about 1940
HarrisLee Mborn about 1890
HarrisLeila Maeborn about 1938
HarrisLola Belleborn about 1900
HarrisMary born about 1885
HarrisSally Cborn about 1923
HarrisWilliam born about 1917
HatfieldAnnie L Rborn about 1910
HatfieldInfant born about 1940
HatfieldLoy born about 1931
HatfieldThomas born about 1905
HatfieldThomas born about 1933
HatfieldVennie Dborn about 1927
HeaddrickCharles Aborn about 1927
HeaddrickEdward born about 1898
HeaddrickEdward Hborn about 1925
HeaddrickLulu Dborn about 1908
HeadrickEvelyne Dborn about 1915
HeadrickFlorence Aborn about 1938
HeadrickJames C Jrborn about 1939
HeadrickJas Cborn about 1891
HeadrickKathrine Eborn about 1924
HeadrickMary Allineborn about 1928
HenegarAlvin Mborn about 1914
HenegarCharles Lindbergborn about 1929
HenegarEvelyne Sborn about 1922
HenegarHoward Mborn about 1918
HenegarJackson Rborn about 1937
HenegarKathrine Eborn about 1924
HenegarLila W Mborn about 1900
HenegarLois Annieborn about 1920
HenegarMoore Jonas Tborn about 1896
HenegarShirley Fayeborn about 1939
HenegarShirley Rborn about 1933
HenegarSusie Cborn about 1932
HenegarTed Tborn about 1926
HenegarThelma Lborn about 1922
HenegarVirginia born about 1922
HenegarWilliam Mborn about 1917
HilbernBetty Lborn about 1934
HilbernCharles Vannborn about 1937
HilbernForest Gborn about 1930
HilbernGrace Holcombborn about 1897
HilbernLillian Rborn about 1921
HilbernOtis born about 1897
HilbernSeals Lborn about 1926
HilbernWilliam Otis Jborn about 1921
HilburnDorothy Joeborn about 1932
HilburnJackie Thomasborn about 1935
HilburnJewel born about 1920
HilburnNorman Rborn about 1939
HolbrooksChalmer Fborn about 1932
HolbrooksExa Lborn about 1928
HolbrooksGeneral Mborn about 1891
HolbrooksJoseph Uborn about 1935
HolbrooksVelma Mborn about 1905
HolidayAlline born about 1932
HolidayAnna born about 1930
HolidayAnnie Maeborn about 1933
HolidayDavid Jborn about 1935
HolidayEva born about 1928
HolidayGrace Lborn about 1931
HolidayJames Eborn about 1912
HolidayJerry Oborn about 1934
HolidayJessie Mborn about 1880
HolidayJohn Cborn about 1922
HolidayLassie born about 1933
HolidayM??? Pborn about 1913
HolidayMarie born about 1924
HolidayMarion born about 1931
HolidayMinnie Fborn about 1920
HolidayNellie Sueborn about 1937
HolidayNorris born about 1926
HolidayWalter Jamesborn about 1938
HollandJoseph Sborn about 1901
HollandJoseph S Jrborn about 1921
HollandMary Anne Sborn about 1899
HollandThomas Aborn about 1924
HoodCharley born about 1919
HoodHenry born about 1875
HoodMary Annborn about 1884
HoodOllie born about 1915
HoodTolly Hborn about 1918
HopperAlexander Wborn about 1904
HopperBetty born about 1896
HopperDempsey Lutherborn about 1906
HopperLou Eborn about 1870
HopperMary Lou Sborn about 1915
HopperMary Sueborn about 1939
HopperNellie Hborn about 1900
HopperSarah Rborn about 1934
HornCecil born about 1933
HornEtol born about 1930
HougueHazel Tborn about 1931
HougueJohn Jborn about 1929
HougueRay Tborn about 1927
HougueThomas Rborn about 1909
HougueTrenta Gborn about 1910
HouseEverette born about 1916
HouseJohn born about 1881
HowardBetty Jborn about 1930
HowardJesse Rborn about 1933
HowardSarah Bborn about 1906
HowardWilliam Tborn about 1907
HowardWilliam Jr born about 1928
HurleyDavid Wborn about 1920
HurleyGrady Sborn about 1924
HurleyLois Gborn about 1888
HurleyLouise Bborn about 1920
HurleyNick Fborn about 1883
HurleyRussel Hborn about 1911
HurleyRussell H Jborn about 1933
HutchingsCalvin born about 1925
HutchingsElla Margeborn about 1930
HutchingsFannie Louborn about 1932
HutchingsFlora Maeborn about 1924
HutchingsJessie Maeborn about 1873
HutchingsJunior Eborn about 1928
HutchingsLouis Lborn about 1926
HutchingsSylvester Fborn about 1920
HutchinsAnnie Lauraborn about 1939
HutchinsBelle Gborn about 1919
HutchinsLulu Belleborn about 1937
HutchinsMarvin born about 1938
HutchinsSamued Edwardborn about 1938
HutchinsSamuel Hborn about 1916

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I Surnames

IrvineAnnie Louborn about 1938
IrvineBetty Jborn about 1933
IrvineBillie born about 1936
IrvineBuelah Pborn about 1913
IrvineCharles born about 1936
IrvineDavid born about 1938
IrvineElla Mae Cborn about 1910
IrvineHazel born about 1937
IrvineLanders born about 1910
IrvineLloyd born about 1935
IrvineWilliam born about 1914
IrvineWilliam born about 1935
IveyJohn Wborn about 1887
IveyVera Wborn about 1902

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J Surnames

JacksonAlice Dborn about 1907
JacksonAnnie Mborn about 1933
JacksonCarl Eborn about 1917
JacksonDorothy born about 1925
JacksonHerman Gborn about 1935
JacksonLa Salle born about 1919
JacksonRuthie Mborn about 1927
JacksonT A Jrborn about 1930
JacksonThomas Aborn about 1896
JeffriesFlossie Hborn about 1918
JeffriesJames Eborn about 1939
JeffriesJohn Pborn about 1916
JetersL Lborn about 1926
JetersLamer born about 1921
JetersMary Longborn about 1885
JetersWilliam Wborn about 1889
JohnsonAddie Bborn about 1927
JohnsonAnnie Leeborn about 1908
JohnsonCaroline born about 1925
JohnsonFrances Mborn about 1888
JohnsonGeorgy born about 1929
JohnsonHouse Wborn about 1938
JohnsonIsaac born about 1902
JohnsonLouise born about 1919
JohnsonMartha Mborn about 1915
JohnsonPercy Iborn about 1939
JohnsonSidney born about 1886
JohnsonSidney Jr born about 1932
JonesFannie Pborn about 1912
JonesRichard born about 1934
JonesRobert born about 1873
JonesRobert born about 1931

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K Surnames

KingSarah born about 1864
KleinCliffton Jborn about 1936
KleinHerman Fborn about 1915
KleinMildred Lborn about 1938
KleinRachel Rborn about 1917
KnightJ Dborn about 1913
KnightJerry Lborn about 1935
KnightMinnie Wborn about 1919
KnightSarah Bborn about 1937

L Surnames

LamarArline born about 1914
LamarLee Wborn about 1915
LathamLucille Cborn about 1911
LathamPaul Jborn about 1906
LathamRobert Pborn about 1934
LathamWallace Hborn about 1936
LawrenceFlora born about 1928
LawrenceHelen Rborn about 1925
LawrenceJosephine Fborn about 1900
LawrenceRichard born about 1931
LawrenceWilliam born about 1917
LeekEdward born about 1867
LeekLucille born about 1913
LeekLugenia born about 1870
LefargyBessie ? Wborn about 1892
LefargyJohn Jborn about 1879
LeslieAddie Bborn about 1919
LeslieBetsey Bborn about 1890
LeslieElanders born about 1915
LeslieIrvine born about 1885
LevanAlbert Jborn about 1908
LevanJames Edwardborn about
LevanJessie Aborn about 1920
LewisAnnie Pborn about 1913
LewisAudie Lborn about 1907
LewisBobbie Earlborn about 1938
LewisFrances Emmaborn about 1927
LewisMargaret Jborn about 1929
LewisMary Elizabethborn about 1936
LewisRosa Lborn about 1937
LewisRoy born about 1905
LewisThomas Jacksonborn about 1929
LewisThomas Wborn about 1901
LewisWilliam Fborn about 1934
LittleBenjamin born about 1870
LittleDavid born about 1904
LittleW Elmerborn about 1902
LochridgeCleo born about 1911
LochridgeGladys born about 1917
LochridgeGladys Aborn about 1886
LochridgeHilburn born about 1922
LochridgeJesse Oborn about 1882
LochridgeVea Sborn about 1913
LoveAnne Dborn about 1932
LoveArnette born about 1925
LoveClara Anneborn about 1938
LoveDella Rborn about 1878
LoveEvie Lborn about 1917
LoveFranklin Rborn about 1907
LoveHicks Julius Pborn about 1928
LoveHoyt Jborn about 1929
LoveIone Cborn about 1897
LoveJ Bradfordborn about 1936
LoveJohn Aborn about 1891
LoveLove Bruceborn about 1916
LoveMary Louborn about 1939
LoveOllie Wborn about 1920
LovePaul Bborn about 1922

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M Surnames

MableDonald born about 1936
MableHila born about 1904
MableImogene born about 1933
MableVera born about 1938
MaloneAllene born about 1928
MaloneAlvin Hborn about 1906
MaloneCharles Aborn about 1939
MaloneDonald Hborn about 1934
MaloneJames Aborn about 1937
MaloneLula Belle Bborn about 1908
MaloneMary Leeborn about 1930
MaloneRuby Jewelborn about 1926
MartinAnnie Lauraborn about 1938
MartinArgie Lborn about 1922
MartinDolly Lborn about 1899
MartinE Dborn about 1936
MartinEmmet Aborn about 1932
MartinEugene born about 1889
MartinLola Geneborn about 1933
MartinOline Maryborn about 1930
MatthisGeorgia born about 1918
MatthisShirley Fayeborn about 1938
McginnisRosa B Hunterborn about 1923
McginnisWilliam born about 1885
McmahamLawrence born about 1928
McmahamLawrence Rborn about 1905
McmahamMagaret L Priorborn about 1907
McmahamOliver Keithborn about 1935
McwhorterDella Lou Lborn about 1890
McwhorterHoward born about 1921
McwhorterJoseph Jborn about 1886
McwhorterLeslie born about 1918
McwhorterSarah Dborn about 1855
MillbrooksCalvin born about 1931
MillbrooksChrystine born about 1932
MillbrooksDavid Lborn about 1933
MillbrooksDolly Belleborn about 1930
MillbrooksLilly Pearlborn about 1929
MillbrooksRosa Lynnborn about 1927
MillbrooksViola Mborn about 1907
MillbrooksWilliam born about 1905
MobleyGeorgie born about 1873
MomanBessie born about 1914
MomanBetty Jborn about 1932
MomanMary Aliceborn about 1934
MomanWilliam Cborn about 1914
MoncriefAudrey Rborn about 1916
MoncriefBessie Bborn about 1909
MoncriefGeorge Wesley Jrborn about 1932
MoncriefJohn Newtonborn about 1934
MoncriefMargarette Joborn about 1939
MoncriefRobt Jborn about 1907
MoncriefThelma Leeborn about 1930
MoncriefWesley born about 1908
MonroeCornelius born about 1917
MonroeLouis Chesterborn about 1938
MonroeMacy Jessieborn about 1937
MonroeMary Ann Pborn about 1918
MonroeMary Dborn about 1935
MonroeWilliam Rborn about 1936
MontgomeryJames Cborn about 1923
MontgomeryMary born about 1901
MontgomerySanford born about 1921
MorrisCharles Hborn about 1894
MorrisEdward Cborn about 1921
MorrisFanny Rborn about 1899
MorrisGarvin Jborn about 1923
MorrisLouise born about 1930
MorrisMaxine Mborn about 1925

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N Surnames

NicholsHomer born about 1917
NicholsInez born about 1922
NicholsJ Dborn about 1922
NicholsJas born about 1888
NicholsJoe born about 1897
NicholsJohn born about 1924
NonnGordon born about 1928
NonnJackson born about 1930
NonnMattie Pborn about 1910
NonnRufus Eborn about 1900

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O Surnames

OdamLee Bborn about 1881
OdamLulu Aborn about 1870
OdomAlice born about 1937
OdomBurl born about 1900
OdomBurl Jr born about 1939
OdomMargie born about 1933
OdomMildred born about 1927
OdomRalph born about 1929
OdomRuby Mborn about 1905
OdomTroy born about 1926
OsborneArnal born about 1919
OsborneHazel born about 1929
OsborneKathrine Jborn about 1934
OsborneLee Cborn about 1921
OsborneLillian born about 1926
OsborneMattie Mborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PalmerAlel Pborn about 1910
PalmerBetty Joborn about 1934
PalmerJoe Bborn about 1910
ParksAlberdia born about 1924
ParksBeatrice born about 1919
ParksElizabeth born about 1937
ParksHarry born about 1889
ParksKathrine born about 1930
ParksPearl ?born about
ParksThurmond born about 1934
ParksWillie Maeborn about 1920
PensieBenny Fborn about 1938
PensieEugene born about 1936
PensieInez Rborn about 1932
PensieJesse born about 1910
PensieJesse Jr born about 1926
PensieJohn Wborn about 1930
PensieMary Gborn about 1939
PensieParalee Wborn about 1912
PensieStetha Jborn about 1931
PensieWilliam Pborn about 1928
PhillipsBertha E Lborn about 1889
PhillipsJames Rborn about 1924
PhillipsJoseph Lborn about 1873
PhillipsKermit Cborn about 1914
PhillipsNancy Nborn about 1928
PhillipsWilliam Cborn about 1918
PierceFrank Mborn about 1880
PierceHelen Deeborn about 1915
PierceOpal Joanborn about 1918
PollardAugusta born about 1922
PollardBirl born about 1890
PollardEarly born about 1886
PollardElizabeth Eborn about
PollardElla Maeborn about 1938
PollardElla Rborn about 1890
PollardElmer born about 1929
PollardJohn Earlyborn about 1934
PollardJosephine born about 1927
PollardLaura Eborn about 1893
PollardLeila Cborn about 1916
PollardLeola Hborn about 1920
PollardLewis Oborn about 1920
PollardLonnie born about 1927
PollardLoraine born about 1933
PollardOvie Dborn about 1922
PollardRobtert born about 1920
PollardRuby Lborn about 1924
PollardShelby Maudborn about 1939
PollardSylvia Lborn about 1925
PollardThomas Gborn about 1922
PollardViola born about 1931
PowelRobt Jborn about 1883
PraterAdel Cobbborn about 1916
PraterAnnie Lborn about 1931
PraterBarbara Annborn about 1937
PraterCharley born about 1880
PraterEarl Fborn about 1940
PraterFaye Eborn about 1932
PraterMoses born about 1916
PraterMoses born about 1938
PraterPrater Addieborn about 1892
PrewettCecil Sborn about 1924
PrewettCharley Pborn about 1876
PrewettElbert born about 1911
PrewettLizzie Fborn about 1893
PriceCharles Wborn about 1869
PriceHerbert Olinborn about 1911
PriceLena Juliaborn about 1917
PriceLula Aborn about 1876
PriorAugustus born about 1903
PriorAugustus Jr born about 1939
PriorCharles born about 1889
PriorChester born about 1890
PriorElizabeth Tborn about 1870
PriorGeorge Wborn about 1922
PriorJohn Hborn about 1915
PriorJoseph born about 1857
PriorJulia Eborn about 1892
PriorLouis Jr born about 1939
PriorMary Eborn about 1890
PriorMary Eborn about 1915
PriorMisher Jborn about 1890
PriorSamuel born about 1912
PriorShirley Maeborn about 1927
PriorViola Belleborn about 1915
PriorWill born about 1884
PriorWilliam Aborn about 1912

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Q Surnames

QueenA Mborn about 1864
QueenClarence Jr born about
QueenClarene born about 1914
QueenClifford born about 1919
QueenGladys born about 1921
QueenJ Dborn about 1916
QueenLouis born about 1913
QueenNora Rollinborn about 1884
QueenPaul born about 1928
QueenSarah France Cborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RayneAttie born about 1911
RayneEmily born about 1913
RayneLeila Hborn about 1881
RayneLillian Eborn about 1904
RayneWilliam H ?born about 1873
ReaganAudrey Aborn about 1931
ReaganEvelyne Sborn about 1930
ReaganJohn A ?born about 1908
ReaganMargaret born about 1937
ReaganOphelia Oborn about 1914
ReddinLena born about 1895
ReddinWalter Gborn about 1927
ReddinWilliam Bborn about 1923
ReddishBarbara Jeanborn about 1938
ReddishEdna Fayeborn about 1938
ReddishEmma Cborn about 1915
ReddishGordon born about 1910
ReddishJohn Tborn about 1915
ReddishMartha Ruthborn about 1940
ReddishRuby Tborn about 1922
RedmondAlex born about 1888
RedmondClara Lborn about 1929
RedmondGeorgie born about 1895
RedmondJohn Lborn about 1920
RedmondLeroy born about 1922
RedmondMarvin Fborn about 1917
RedmondMary Aliceborn about 1935
ReedThomas born about 1866
RenefieldAlexander Jborn about 1912
RenefieldAlexander Jr born about 1939
RenefieldMary Tborn about 1918
RobertsAnnie Pettitborn about 1875
RobertsEarl born about 1915
RobertsFrances Bborn about 1924
RollanAlta Mborn about 1913
RollanAlton Lborn about 1938
RollanBetty Jeanborn about 1937
RollanFinley Hborn about 1914
RollanFurman Aborn about 1940
RollanJo Anneborn about 1939
RollanLeon born about 1907
RollanOla Mborn about 1915
RollanOllie Kborn about 1932
RollanThomas Lborn about 1930
RunyanAnnie Dborn about 1934
RunyanEarl Eborn about 1937
RunyanJoseph born about 1933
RunyanWilliam born about 1880
RunyanWilliam Jr born about 1927
RutledgeEthel Hborn about 1901
RutledgeGeorge Mborn about 1887
RutledgeJoyce born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SargentGaynell born about 1931
SargentGus Cborn about 1892
SargentIna Lynnborn about 1923
SargentLola Aborn about 1896
SargentMaggie Wborn about 1894
SargentRussell born about 1894
ShawAlton born about 1934
ShawBarbara Amnborn about 1938
ShawBessie Hborn about 1895
ShawBetty Annborn about 1936
ShawCarroll born about 1931
ShawCharlotte born about 1935
ShawClark born about 1912
ShawClifford born about 1904
ShawDuel Cborn about 1937
ShawElizabeth born about 1931
ShawEllen Eborn about 1907
ShawEssie Hazelborn about 1921
ShawEval Altaborn about 1926
ShawFrankie Geneborn about 1937
ShawGeorge Eborn about 1934
ShawGeorge Lborn about 1877
ShawGladys born about 1912
ShawJ Williamborn about 1912
ShawJ Williamaeborn about 1911
ShawJohn Cborn about 1927
ShawJohn Wborn about 1934
ShawJohn Williamborn about 1938
ShawKatie Mborn about 1915
ShawMary born about 1936
ShawMildred Aborn about 1909
ShawMyrtice born about 1925
ShawNora Belleborn about 1929
ShawRalph Bborn about 1892
ShawRuth Eborn about 1932
ShawW Hermanborn about 1908
ShawWillie Rborn about 1920
ShiflettClabe Jr born about 1922
ShiflettMary Francesborn about 1923
SmithAnnie Bborn about 1915
SmithErnest born about 1913
SmithLouie born about 1906
SmithMilton born about 1901
SmithRosa Mae Gborn about 1916
SnowGeorgia Sborn about 1913
SnowJames Aborn about 1912
SteeleFred Aborn about 1891
StephenArlie born about 1921
StephenCharley born about 1925
StephenDella Bborn about 1897
StephenFloyd Bborn about 1895
StephenLindsey born about 1928
StephenRoby born about 1923
StinsonIrene Uborn about
StinsonIrene Vaughnborn about 1914
StinsonJames Sborn about 1911
StinsonJoe Sborn about 1937
StinsonPatricia Annborn about 1939
StricklandGladys born about 1921
StricklandJesse Lborn about 1919
SummervilleCharles born about 1939
SummervilleClare Bborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TerrellJessie Wborn about 1875
TerrellRichard born about 1873
ThomasBenj Tborn about 1915
ThomasDerwood Dborn about 1884
ThomasErnest Lborn about 1876
ThomasJessie born about 1927
ThomasJoseph Nborn about 1872
ThomasLaura born about 1874
ThomasLouise born about 1925
ThomasNancy Gborn about 1912
ThompsonArgrie Bborn about 1883
ThompsonDora born about 1889
ThompsonJennete born about 1885
ThompsonJohn Aborn about 1880
TobyBeatrice Rborn about 1900
TobyMary Anneborn about 1927
TobyPrice born about 1891
TobyThomas Jborn about 1923
TobyWalter Pborn about 1920
TrenthamCharles born about 1924
TrenthamEdward Jborn about 1930
TrenthamJesse Eborn about 1890
TrenthamMaud Bborn about 1896

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U Surnames

UrichHenry born about 1866
UrichMaud Rborn about 1879
UrickBessie Cborn about 1907
UrickChas Bborn about 1901
UrickDewey Jborn about 1899
UrickDewey Jborn about 1929
UrickElizabeth born about 1925
UrickHoward Bborn about 1931
UrickMargaret I Oborn about 1925
UrickMaurice Sborn about 1903

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W Surnames

WaddellJames Eborn about 1886
WaddellJames Haroldborn about 1918
WaddellJewel Cborn about 1928
WaddellMartha ?born about 1886
WaiteArchie Lborn about 1935
WaiteAudrey Eborn about 1926
WaiteBobbie Annborn about 1937
WaiteEvelyn Jborn about 1939
WaiteFrancis Lborn about 1930
WaiteHowel Nortonborn about 1933
WaiteJosseph Nborn about 1880
WaiteMary Lborn about 1931
WaiteWillie Bborn about 1880
WalkerAnnie born about 1888
WalkerJohn born about 1884
WelchelG Bartowborn about 1882
WelchelJames Tuckerborn about 1921
WelchelKatie Rosa Wborn about 1883
WelchelMary Lou Fborn about 1923
WelchelWilliam Fborn about 1910
WellingtonCharllotte born about 1939
WellingtonMildred born about 1918
WellingtonWood Leeborn about 1900
WhiteAnna Hborn about 1882
WhiteGran born about 1880
WhiteHoward born about 1923
WhiteJ Fborn about 1913
WhiteMinnie born about 1910
WhitePaul Mborn about 1908
WigginsIda Fborn about 1873
WigginsJackson Jborn about 1905
WilkersonFlora Dborn about 1922
WilkersonFreim Eborn about 1919
WilliamRichard born about 1879
WillinghamAnnie L Mborn about 1905
WillinghamBillie born about 1932
WillinghamCarolyn Uborn about 1930
WillinghamCurtice born about 1929
WillinghamGeo Jborn about 1885
WillinghamGladys Mborn about 1924
WillinghamHubert Bborn about 1923
WillinghamJ Lborn about 1908
WillinghamJohn Lborn about 1928
WillinghamLula Jane Bborn about 1888
WillinghamMozelle Eborn about 1910
WillinghamMyrtice born about 1929
WillinghamNellie Joeborn about 1927
WillinghamThos Aborn about 1899
WillinghamThos A Jrborn about 1931
WilsonNora Mborn about 1919
WilsonVernon Robtborn about 1909
WoodAlgie Lborn about 1899
WoodEdward born about 1930
WoodElijah Gborn about 1868
WoodLeola C Parisborn about 1884
WoodOra Mborn about 1896
WoodRobbie Nborn about 1920
WoodRufus Eborn about 1912
WoodsCupport Jesse*born about 1888
WoodsDoyal born about 1912
WoodsFannie Rborn about 1912
WoodsHattie Bborn about 1929
WoodsMyrtle Mborn about 1935
WynnMarie born about 1855

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