1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hickox, Brantley, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Brantley County > 1940 Census of Hickox

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

AllenCage Lborn about 1929
AllenCarlis Eborn about 1917
AllenCharity Mborn about 1877
AllenCharles Kborn about 1939
AllenGenald Lborn about 1892
AllenHattie Mborn about 1892
AllenJackie Eborn about 1937
AllenJames Fborn about 1935
AllenJesse Cborn about 1900
AllenJohn Aborn about 1910
AllenJohnie Eborn about 1937
AllenJoseph Fborn about 1894
AllenKenneth Lborn about 1939
AllenLeona Mborn about 1901
AllenLois Lborn about 1918
AllenLovie born about 1889
AllenLula Mborn about 1923
AllenMary Lborn about 1921
AllenNora Bborn about 1910
AllenPaul born about 1925
AllenSpencer Kborn about 1908
AllenStella Mborn about 1924
AllenVirgil Hborn about 1916
AndersonElvita born about 1922
AndersonFrancis Iborn about 1896
AndersonLoraine Mborn about 1923
AndersonMaryse Mborn about 1933
AndersonMaurice Lborn about 1894
AndersonPeter born about 1860
AustinEarle born about 1932
AustinWillie Jborn about 1911
AustinWillie Jborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyEddie Vborn about 1923
BaileyHenry Lborn about 1924
BaileyHenry Pborn about 1873
BaileyJulia Bborn about 1927
BaileyLauvessie born about 1919
BaileyRosa Eborn about 1885
BaileySylvester Jborn about 1919
BarashClifford born about 1935
BarashJohn Hborn about 1938
BarashLaura Bborn about 1920
BarashNellia born about 1922
BarashRena born about 1888
BarashWalter born about 1884
BattenAlma born about 1904
BattenAlma Lborn about 1927
BattenAlvin born about 1912
BattenBetty Jborn about 1932
BattenCelinda born about 1940
BattenCharlie Oborn about 1929
BattenDelores born about 1929
BattenEaster Eborn about 1895
BattenEddie Fborn about 1933
BattenEmma Jborn about 1933
BattenEugene Eborn about 1926
BattenHartridge Wborn about 1922
BattenJames Gborn about 1928
BattenJames Zborn about 1902
BattenJanie Lborn about 1934
BattenJoseph Cborn about 1908
BattenJunell born about 1932
BattenLavonnie born about 1936
BattenLeander Aborn about 1910
BattenLouis Cborn about 1923
BattenMarilyn born about 1936
BattenMary Eborn about 1910
BattenMary Iborn about 1927
BattenNancy born about 1871
BattenRobert Eborn about 1934
BattenRuby born about 1914
BattenSamson born about 1937
BattenSonja born about 1939
BattenViola Jborn about 1908
BattenWalter Mborn about 1925
BattenWalter Rborn about 1902
BattenWilliam Vborn about 1936
BattenWilliam Wborn about 1895
BlockerAnna Eborn about 1885
BlockerBetty Lborn about 1928
BlockerJosie Jborn about 1874
BlockerMargie Iborn about 1921
BlockerPatrick Hborn about 1882
BlockerRosa born about 1897
BlountBessie Vborn about 1907
BlountFlorence born about 1927
BlountSamuel Aborn about 1896
BlountSamuel Eborn about 1921
BlountSeabron Tborn about 1925
BrandEdward born about 1929
BrandMary Gborn about 1906
BrittColon Rborn about 1875
BrittColon Rborn about 1923
BrittJames Eborn about 1925
BrittKenneth Rborn about 1940
BrittLillian Fborn about 1891
BrittMary born about 1912
BrittRobert Bborn about 1912
ByrdAgnes Rborn about 1923
ByrdCalvin Lborn about 1930
ByrdCharlie Lborn about 1887
ByrdDoris Fborn about 1935
ByrdErnie Lborn about 1925
ByrdLeona born about 1925
ByrdMargie Iborn about 1932
ByrdMary Lborn about 1893
ByrdMildred Iborn about 1927
ByrdStella Mborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CellarsPete born about 1902
ChislomCarrie born about 1891
ChislomWillie born about 1890
CohillLeroy born about 1924
CovingtonLinton born about 1921
CrawfordMargaret born about 1926
CrawfordThomas Jborn about 1923
CrewsAlbert Bborn about 1922
CrewsAlex born about 1922
CrewsArchie born about 1922
CrewsBarbara Jborn about 1937
CrewsBen Jborn about 1894
CrewsBenjimian Fborn about 1939
CrewsCharlie born about 1886
CrewsCharlie born about 1922
CrewsDella born about 1859
CrewsEnna born about 1940
CrewsEthel born about 1904
CrewsEunie born about 1935
CrewsFrank born about 1910
CrewsIcy born about 1865
CrewsIrene born about 1920
CrewsJimni Oborn about 1917
CrewsLoraine born about 1927
CrewsMyrtle Lborn about 1918
CrewsNolan born about 1906
CrewsPlenn born about 1916
CrewsRhodie born about 1909
CrewsRichard Aborn about 1885
CrewsTena born about 1889
CrewsThomas Lborn about 1937
CrewsViola born about 1881
CrewsVirgie Lborn about 1932
CrewsWillie born about 1932
CrowfordWilbur born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavidsonJohn Wborn about 1869
DavisClyde Wborn about 1921
DavisElroy Eborn about 1919
DavisJane born about 1918
DavisJohn Cborn about 1896
DavisJohn Hborn about 1918
DavisLeel Mborn about 1875
DavisMary born about 1889
DavisOcie born about 1921
DavisRuth born about 1887
DavisStanley Lborn about 1926
DavisVirgil Eborn about 1923
DepratterArnold Mborn about 1931
DepratterEdna Cborn about 1928
DepratterEdward born about 1906
DepratterEdward Eborn about 1925
DepratterLottie Mborn about 1937
DepratterMattie Mborn about 1907
DepratterOscar Eborn about 1933
DixonAnn Mborn about 1934
DixonEdward Jborn about 1908
DixonLeona Aborn about 1912
DixonLillian Bborn about 1938
DixonMary Iborn about 1880
DixonTalmadge Jborn about 1935
DowlingCaroline born about 1894
DowlingEdward Lborn about 1921
DowlingFloyd Eborn about 1927
DowlingIra born about 1902
DowlingJames Nborn about 1892
DowlingKate born about 1886
DowlingLawton born about 1919
DowlingMabel born about 1924
DowlingMayo born about 1936
DowlingOscar born about 1883
DowlingRuby born about 1933
DowlingWalter Cborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdmondsAlma Lborn about 1922
EdmondsHarry Eborn about 1939
EdmondsRaymond born about 1917

F Surnames

FarmFlorence born about 1920
FarmIsiah born about 1938
FarmMildred born about 1937
FrazierCharlie born about 1914
FrazierClaudie born about 1918

G Surnames

GrooverAnne born about 1917

H Surnames

HallAlice born about 1906
HallElliot Mborn about 1928
HallEugene born about 1912
HallGeorge born about 1907
HallJoseph Iborn about 1925
HallSallie born about 1888
HallWilliam Iborn about 1876
HarrisBarney born about 1919
HarrisLeila born about 1911
HarrisonLula Mborn about 1927
HarrisonMary born about 1898
HarrisonRobert born about 1925
HartLawerance born about 1918
HarveyHallie Tborn about 1910
HarveyHallie Tborn about 1933
HarveyLillian Jborn about 1928
HarveyLouise Bborn about 1910
HarveyRamona Aborn about 1930
HayeAnna Mborn about 1932
HayeArthena born about 1913
HayeCharles Gborn about 1938
HayeJohn Wborn about 1933
HayeMamie born about 1920
HayeSteve born about 1911
HayeSteve born about 1932
HayeTherodone Cborn about 1934
HayeTraddie Lborn about 1935
HayeWill born about 1911
HeardJames born about 1834
HendrixFlorence born about 1922
HendrixHelen born about 1939
HendrixJesse Wborn about 1924
HendrixJoe Hborn about 1896
HendrixJoseph born about 1929
HendrixJuanita born about 1933
HendrixMcdonald born about 1935
HendrixMinnie Eborn about 1925
HendrixVictoria born about 1905
HerrinAllie Eborn about 1920
HerrinAudry Fborn about 1940
HerrinBarbera Aborn about 1938
HerrinBeatrice born about 1933
HerrinChristine born about 1923
HerrinClarice born about 1937
HerrinCreola Kborn about 1928
HerrinDorothy born about 1936
HerrinEdwin born about 1921
HerrinElisah Bborn about 1913
HerrinElisah Bborn about 1940
HerrinElizabeth Pborn about 1940
HerrinEloise born about 1931
HerrinEula Mborn about 1923
HerrinEutreta born about 1923
HerrinEva Mborn about 1903
HerrinGeorge Wborn about 1892
HerrinGeorge Wborn about 1926
HerrinHarold Lborn about 1924
HerrinHazel Iborn about 1928
HerrinHomer Wborn about 1917
HerrinIla Fborn about 1927
HerrinIla Lborn about 1911
HerrinIrias Aborn about 1939
HerrinIvey born about 1900
HerrinJackuline Nborn about 1929
HerrinJames Eborn about 1931
HerrinJames Jborn about 1891
HerrinJames Rborn about 1931
HerrinJanice Mborn about 1935
HerrinJasper Lborn about 1938
HerrinJerimiah Bborn about 1915
HerrinJerimiah Eborn about 1866
HerrinJime Rborn about 1915
HerrinLillian born about 1928
HerrinLizzie born about 1889
HerrinLois born about 1910
HerrinMargaret Iborn about 1933
HerrinMyrtle Mborn about 1929
HerrinOwen Kborn about 1907
HerrinOwen Kborn about 1934
HerrinRalph Mborn about 1901
HerrinReginald Dborn about 1936
HerrinRoger Rborn about 1938
HerrinStella Cborn about 1935
HerrinStella Mborn about 1896
HerrinVera Lborn about 1921
HerrinWard Hborn about 1921
HerrinWeita Lborn about 1919
HickoxDella Lborn about 1920
HickoxFrank Rborn about 1877
HickoxHattie Lborn about 1889
HickoxIdell born about 1926
HickoxJames Dborn about 1915
HickoxKatie born about 1913
HickoxLeola born about 1924
HickoxLois Eborn about 1930
HickoxMary Lborn about 1932
HickoxMyrtle born about 1918
HillRosa Mborn about 1926
HollisBlondella born about 1915
HollisLonzo born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacobsBert Aborn about 1879
JacobsChloe born about 1918
JacobsCora born about 1923
JacobsEdward Fborn about 1877
JacobsHenry born about 1916
JacobsHorace Tborn about 1919
JacobsIna Mborn about 1935
JacobsIvey Jborn about 1921
JacobsJames Aborn about 1903
JacobsJay Fborn about 1912
JacobsPaul born about 1929
JacobsRhodia born about 1910
JacobsRobert Fborn about 1939
JacobsRuby born about 1912
JacobsTravis Rborn about 1939
JacobsUndine born about 1927
JacobsWinnie born about 1907
JohnsAaron Mborn about 1912
JohnsAlbert Lborn about 1870
JohnsAlfred Jborn about 1938
JohnsAlma born about 1925
JohnsAlta born about 1891
JohnsAmos born about 1921
JohnsArchie Aborn about 1905
JohnsArchie Aborn about 1939
JohnsBanner born about 1931
JohnsBeckie born about 1930
JohnsBenjimian Sborn about 1940
JohnsBennie Dborn about 1880
JohnsBetty born about 1938
JohnsBetty Lborn about 1927
JohnsBobby born about 1939
JohnsCalvin born about 1929
JohnsCathrine Vborn about 1872
JohnsChester Aborn about 1885
JohnsChloe born about 1922
JohnsClaude Cborn about 1939
JohnsClyde Tborn about 1919
JohnsConnie Lborn about 1916
JohnsCy Tborn about 1932
JohnsDillie Lborn about 1889
JohnsDorothy born about 1927
JohnsDorothy Mborn about 1934
JohnsEarnest Cborn about 1932
JohnsEdith Oborn about 1914
JohnsEdwin Lborn about 1929
JohnsElbert Wborn about 1891
JohnsElizabeth born about 1923
JohnsEllis born about 1925
JohnsEmory Aborn about 1885
JohnsErnestine born about 1934
JohnsEstelle born about 1927
JohnsEthel Oborn about 1910
JohnsEthel Vborn about 1938
JohnsEvelyn born about 1931
JohnsFlorrie born about 1924
JohnsFrancis born about 1883
JohnsGeneva Lborn about 1923
JohnsGerald Jborn about 1939
JohnsGladys Tborn about 1919
JohnsGrover Cborn about 1880
JohnsHarley Lborn about 1911
JohnsIcey Jborn about 1895
JohnsIda born about 1874
JohnsInez born about 1937
JohnsIona Gborn about 1936
JohnsIra born about 1935
JohnsIra Eborn about 1894
JohnsIrene born about 1895
JohnsIrizona born about 1893
JohnsIvey Jborn about 1916
JohnsJake Aborn about 1882
JohnsJames Aborn about 1924
JohnsJames Pborn about 1874
JohnsJames Rborn about 1932
JohnsJean Dborn about 1935
JohnsJeanette born about 1934
JohnsJeanette born about 1939
JohnsJeff Fborn about 1884
JohnsJesse Mborn about 1914
JohnsJessie born about 1927
JohnsJicey born about 1896
JohnsJohn Hborn about 1937
JohnsJohn Lborn about 1914
JohnsJoseph Mborn about 1923
JohnsJuanita born about 1923
JohnsJulia Eborn about 1888
JohnsKermit born about 1920
JohnsLee Rborn about 1929
JohnsLeon Nborn about 1915
JohnsLeon Oborn about 1893
JohnsLeon Vborn about 1930
JohnsLester born about 1931
JohnsLetha born about 1928
JohnsLewis Tborn about 1918
JohnsLillie Bborn about 1928
JohnsLimuel Eborn about 1939
JohnsLiza born about 1921
JohnsLoretta Jborn about 1938
JohnsLouise born about 1922
JohnsLucile born about 1922
JohnsMabel born about 1904
JohnsMark born about 1913
JohnsMartha born about 1916
JohnsMary born about 1886
JohnsMary born about 1893
JohnsMary born about 1907
JohnsMary Jborn about 1927
JohnsMattie Vborn about 1916
JohnsMinnie born about 1893
JohnsModine born about 1934
JohnsMollie born about 1913
JohnsMoncie born about 1926
JohnsMorris born about 1920
JohnsMort Mborn about 1889
JohnsNora Bborn about 1916
JohnsNorman born about 1913
JohnsOden born about 1918
JohnsOliver Oborn about 1910
JohnsOllie born about 1888
JohnsOrene born about 1938
JohnsPatrick born about 1913
JohnsPatsy Lborn about 1934
JohnsPauline born about 1931
JohnsReba born about 1918
JohnsRichard Hborn about 1928
JohnsRobert Jborn about 1893
JohnsRoscoe born about 1929
JohnsRuial Eborn about 1917
JohnsRuth born about 1939
JohnsSadie Bborn about 1910
JohnsSallie born about 1876
JohnsSamuel Bborn about 1887
JohnsSara Lborn about 1923
JohnsSlylvester born about 1911
JohnsUley Lborn about 1909
JohnsWard Jborn about 1905
JohnsWilliam Oborn about 1938
JohnsWilliam Rborn about 1908
JohnsWilliam Rborn about 1911
JohnsWilliam Rborn about 1930
JohnsWilliam Rborn about 1936
JohnsWillie Wborn about 1921
JohnsWoodrow born about 1923
JohnsnGertrude born about 1932
JohnsnGordon born about 1906
JohnsnOmelia born about 1934
JohnsnRuth born about 1915
JohnsonCarrie born about 1908
JohnsonEdward born about 1901
JohnsonEunice born about 1909
JohnsonJasper born about 1909
JonesBarbera Aborn about 1931
JonesCarl Lborn about 1932
JonesCathrine born about 1922
JonesCecil born about 1933
JonesDorothy Lborn about 1934
JonesEarle Lborn about 1934
JonesElla born about 1892
JonesEverette Eborn about 1872
JonesHattie Eborn about 1933
JonesInez born about 1932
JonesIvey Lborn about 1910
JonesJames Cborn about 1910
JonesJames Cborn about 1938
JonesJim born about 1940
JonesJohn Pborn about 1913
JonesJosie Mborn about 1909
JonesKathleen born about 1936
JonesLizzie born about 1896
JonesMargaret Eborn about 1873
JonesOwen Aborn about 1901
JonesOwen Aborn about 1939
JonesPerry Sborn about 1886
JonesRobert born about 1897
JonesSusie born about 1909
JonesTalmage born about 1934
JonesVera Mborn about 1914
JonesWesley born about 1892
JonesWilliam Rborn about 1925
JonesWilliam Sborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KnoxCarol Lborn about 1923
KnoxFloye born about 1915
KnoxFrank Mborn about 1884
KnoxGrace born about 1899
KnoxJuanita born about 1923
KnoxLaverne born about 1930
KnoxLavoy born about 1936
KnoxLilla Gborn about 1888
KnoxLucile born about 1901
KnoxNancy born about 1860
KnoxRomilda born about 1928
KnoxThomas Lborn about 1926
KnoxWiley Fborn about 1861
KnoxWilma Jborn about 1926

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L Surnames

LakeDoris born about 1919
LakeLeon born about 1919
LakeNellie born about 1878
LakeShirley Gborn about 1939
LeeAb born about 1873
LeeAlvin Cborn about 1938
LeeArris Wborn about 1934
LeeBenjamin Tborn about 1924
LeeBonnie Lborn about 1931
LeeCynthia Eborn about 1929
LeeDaniel born about 1935
LeeEugene Tborn about 1930
LeeEunice Rborn about 1935
LeeEvelyn Sborn about 1937
LeeFannie Jborn about 1933
LeeFlorence Eborn about 1920
LeeFrancis Nborn about 1938
LeeGeorge Rborn about 1932
LeeGracie Lborn about 1912
LeeGrover Cborn about 1926
LeeHyram born about 1939
LeeJesse Dborn about 1912
LeeJesse Dborn about 1936
LeeJohn Eborn about 1889
LeeJohn Eborn about 1926
LeeJohn Iborn about 1921
LeeKenneth Lborn about 1939
LeeLois born about 1918
LeeLouis born about 1922
LeeMarvin Rborn about 1937
LeeMathew born about 1933
LeeMildred Aborn about 1931
LeeMittie born about 1915
LeeNancy Lborn about 1914
LeeNora born about 1898
LeePleasant Mborn about 1903
LeeRandel Eborn about 1896
LeeRaymond born about 1922
LeeRosa Eborn about 1928
LeeSallie born about 1899
LeeSallie Mborn about 1927
LeeSamie Dborn about 1935
LeeThomas born about 1921
LeeVander Mborn about 1910
LeeVernon Cborn about 1931
LeeVirginia born about 1937
LeeWilbur Aborn about 1919
LewisAlice Ghborn about 1935
LewisAngie Fborn about 1933
LewisClyde Lborn about 1927
LewisCrissie born about 1928
LewisEffie born about 1878
LewisElmer Dborn about 1935
LewisEugene Dborn about 1931
LewisEuretha born about 1936
LewisFred born about 1904
LewisHarold Nborn about 1933
LewisIseiah Hborn about 1933
LewisJames Nborn about 1929
LewisJasper Oborn about 1904
LewisJasper Oborn about 1935
LewisJeanette born about 1923
LewisJohnie Rborn about 1937
LewisJoyce born about 1937
LewisLillian born about 1920
LewisLinton Cborn about 1901
LewisNaomi Fborn about 1931
LewisPearlie Mborn about 1911
LewisVerdie Eborn about 1894
LewisVerma born about 1907
LewisWilliam Hborn about 1901
LoveEdward born about 1885
LoveHampton born about 1925
LoveHenry born about 1920
LoveJohn Wborn about 1927
LyonsDavid Lborn about 1877
LyonsEunice born about 1928
LyonsJesse Jborn about 1924
LyonsLema born about 1916
LyonsLizzie born about 1895
LyonsLois born about 1935
LyonsMyrtle Lborn about 1930
LyonsVera born about 1920

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M Surnames

MaxwellCarrie Mborn about 1926
MaxwellJanie Bborn about 1930
MaxwellJulia Bborn about 1891
MaxwellLula Mborn about 1929
MaxwellMaggie Eborn about 1924
MaxwellWill born about 1898
MaxwellWilliam Rborn about 1931
MaysMcdonald born about 1914
McclainDonald Mborn about 1937
McclainDorothy Mborn about 1933
McclainErma Jborn about 1927
McclainFlorrie Bborn about 1901
McclainGeorge Cborn about 1897
McclainGeorge Cborn about 1925
McclainWillie Jborn about 1929
McclelanBessie Iborn about 1926
McclelanHarvey Lborn about 1913
McclelanHattie born about 1886
McclelanJames Cborn about 1928
McclelanWilliam Bborn about 1921
McdanielClinton born about 1921
McduffieInez born about 1934
McduffieLouise born about 1931
McduffieQueen Iborn about 1912
McduffieRuel Iborn about 1908
MciverObeidiah born about 1893
MiddletonPolly Eborn about 1921
MinceyJack born about 1919
MinchewCathrine born about 1880
MixonDwight born about 1928
MixonEddie born about 1930
MixonElla Mborn about 1925
MixonEmiley born about 1873
MixonFrankie born about 1915
MixonGeneva born about 1915
MixonJohn Eborn about 1939
MixonLonnie born about 1916
MooreJoe born about 1864
MorganCathrine born about 1900
MorganCleo born about 1929
MorganCora Oborn about 1921
MorganEffie Mborn about 1927
MorganGeneral born about 1892
MorganHenery born about 1933
MorganHester Aborn about 1923
MorganLeona born about 1930
MorganLiza Jborn about 1891
MorganLonnie Cborn about 1893
MorganLulu born about 1926
MorganMary Lborn about 1929
MorganWoodrow born about 1921

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N Surnames

NelsonJohn Hborn about 1919
NoyJohn born about 1908

O Surnames

OneilAnnie Lborn about 1938
OneilCalvin born about 1937
OneilEarnie born about 1936
OneilElla Mborn about 1938
OneilErvin Hborn about 1900
OneilEugene born about 1933
OneilEverette Mborn about 1916
OneilJoseph Lborn about 1932
OneilLlawanah born about 1913
OneilLoncewell born about 1939
OneilMannie born about 1901
OneilRobert Nborn about 1934
OneilSara Jborn about 1930
OneilThomas Kborn about 1906

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P Surnames

ParkerLonnie born about 1895
ParkerVernon born about 1928
ParksSirleandes born about 1901
PipkinsMary born about 1877
PipkinsRichard born about 1916
PittmanWessie born about 1927
PrescottClaudio Wborn about 1871
PrescottHettie born about 1869

R Surnames

RelfordNellie born about 1870
RhodenAbbie Lborn about 1908
RhodenAgnes born about 1929
RhodenCarolyn born about 1933
RhodenColleen born about 1931
RhodenJinnie Lborn about 1939
RhodenLenn born about 1907
RhodenLenn Jborn about 1929
RhodenMary Aborn about 1926
RhodenPerry born about 1933
RhodenThomas Fborn about 1919
RhodenThomas Vborn about 1891
RhodenTula Bborn about 1893
RichardsonJoyce Cborn about 1933
RichardsonMary Eborn about 1934
RigginsCharlie Wborn about 1935
RigginsInez born about 1938
RigginsJoseph born about 1932
RigginsLula born about 1914
RigginsMajor Wborn about 1911
RowellClifford Fborn about 1884
RowellGrover born about 1928
RowellHenery born about 1923
RowellIra born about 1909
RowellLeila born about 1921
RowellLyman born about 1916
RowellRuby born about 1926
RowellRuth born about 1891
RowellThelma born about 1930
RozierEarle Oborn about 1932
RozierElla Vborn about 1911
RozierLaveta born about 1920
RozierPayton Eborn about 1915
RozierTishie born about 1884
RozierValleney Eborn about 1880

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S Surnames

SandlinLawrence born about 1920
SappBessie Jborn about 1922
SappEmmette Rborn about 1880
SappEnna Rborn about 1881
SappRuth born about 1925
SappThelma Cborn about 1908
SappTheron Mborn about 1912
SharperSerbon born about 1922
SmithAudry Fborn about 1937
SmithBetty Dborn about 1934
SmithEffie Dborn about 1925
SmithEmma Cborn about 1927
SmithHarry Lborn about 1939
SmithHester Dborn about 1904
SmithJames Lborn about 1931
SmithVenera born about 1915
SmithWilliam H Oborn about 1890
SmithWilliam Rborn about 1928
SteedleyAlmaree born about 1933
SteedleyDaisy Lborn about 1926
SteedleyEffie Lborn about 1929
SteedleyEffie Rborn about 1907
SteedleyElroy born about 1931
SteedleyJackie born about 1938
SteedleyLolae Mborn about 1936
SteedleyMildred born about 1939
SteedleyWilliam Jborn about 1898
SteedleyWilliam Rborn about 1927
SteedleyWillodene born about 1934
StewartAmanda Fborn about 1873
StewartBetty Ruthborn about 1935
StewartEdward Jborn about 1929
StewartElma Gborn about 1911
StewartGeorge Fborn about 1932
StewartHarley Jborn about 1900
StewartLarry Cborn about 1939
StewartWilliam Pborn about 1903
StewartWilliam Rborn about 1865
StokesJulia Bborn about 1924
StokesSallie Pborn about 1894
StokesUley Oborn about 1889
StricklandClealis Lborn about 1926
StricklandJulian Nborn about 1933
StricklandLetha Eborn about 1930
StricklandLillie Jborn about 1925
StricklandRachel born about 1898
StudemireJohn Hborn about 1894
StudemirePearlie born about 1914
StudimireFrank born about 1900
StudimireFrankie Lborn about 1938
StudimireJanie Eborn about 1916
StudimireJulia born about 1897
StudimireLouis Cborn about 1931
StudimireMinni Fborn about 1934

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T Surnames

TaylorLawson Dborn about 1882
ThomasAlferd born about 1921
ThomasBeaurey Eborn about 1896
ThomasBillie Eborn about 1938
ThomasLovie Eborn about 1877
ThomasParis born about 1900
ThomasSusie born about 1907
ThriftBeulah born about 1938
ThriftBilly born about 1935
ThriftBonnie Oborn about 1936
ThriftChester born about 1940
ThriftDorsey Rborn about 1935
ThriftEffie Lborn about 1902
ThriftEssie Rborn about 1913
ThriftEthel born about 1909
ThriftEverette born about 1930
ThriftFlorrie Gborn about 1909
ThriftHarley Iborn about 1910
ThriftIsaac born about 1902
ThriftJames Eborn about 1938
ThriftJames Wborn about 1900
ThriftJeanette born about 1934
ThriftJohn Rborn about 1932
ThriftLouis born about 1896
ThriftLouisa born about 1907
ThriftMarva Jborn about 1938
ThriftMary Eborn about 1935
ThriftMary Lborn about 1936
ThriftNellie Wborn about 1931
ThriftPaul Mborn about 1931
ThriftPauline born about 1938
ThriftRita Jborn about 1938
ThriftRobert Lborn about 1928
ThriftRobert Tborn about 1909
ThriftRussel Eborn about 1933
ThriftTheo Nborn about 1907
ThriftThomas Rborn about 1938
ThriftWarren Eborn about 1940
ThriftWina born about 1913
ToddAlbert Lborn about 1866
ToddNancy Lborn about 1903
TudorBennie Eborn about 1939
TudorEarnest born about 1908
TudorEugene Jborn about 1911
TudorLonnie Eborn about 1936
TudorMamie Aborn about 1883
TudorNettie Mborn about 1914
TudorWilliam Vborn about 1937

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W Surnames

WainrightAllie born about 1906
WainrightArizona born about 1896
WainrightBelle born about 1881
WainrightClaudio Wborn about 1931
WainrightDorothy born about 1933
WainrightEarnest Sborn about 1935
WainrightEdna Dborn about 1924
WainrightElsie Gborn about 1908
WainrightEvelyn born about 1931
WainrightFlorrie born about 1930
WainrightGeorge Wborn about 1890
WainrightGeorge Wborn about 1922
WainrightJames Aborn about 1936
WainrightJames Cborn about 1904
WainrightJames Lborn about 1930
WainrightJesse Cborn about 1927
WainrightJesse Eborn about 1875
WainrightJesse Oborn about 1901
WainrightJoseph Dborn about 1938
WainrightLoyd Hborn about 1927
WainrightLucile born about 1921
WainrightMary Iborn about 1929
WainrightQueen Vborn about 1896
WainrightRosella born about 1877
WainrightRoy Cborn about 1940
WainrightSam Wborn about 1908
WainrightSeabron born about 1879
WainrightThomas Vborn about 1938
WainrightWiley born about 1924
WainrightWilliam Rborn about 1899
WainrightWillie Jborn about 1893
WainrightWinnie born about 1917
WainrightWoodrow Jborn about 1921
WalkerAgnes born about 1907
WalkerAlice born about 1883
WalkerAllen Wborn about 1901
WalkerArchie born about 1921
WalkerElton born about 1940
WalkerHamp born about 1888
WalkerHazel born about 1929
WalkerIvey born about 1916
WalkerJames born about 1925
WalkerJames born about 1934
WalkerJames Bborn about 1878
WalkerJennie born about 1882
WalkerJohn born about 1878
WalkerJohnie born about 1915
WalkerLaura born about 1899
WalkerLester born about 1932
WalkerLouise born about 1934
WalkerLovie born about 1937
WalkerMarie born about 1920
WalkerNelvie born about 1926
WeatherryJesse born about 1912
WhiteAletha Mborn about 1920
WhiteBenjiman Fborn about 1885
WhiteGattis Mborn about 1913
WhiteJames Fborn about 1923
WhiteNora Mborn about 1892
WhiteRobert born about 1890
WhiteTula born about 1921
WhiteWillie Lborn about 1916
WingardCristine born about 1933
WingardDelmar Bborn about 1930
WingardJackie Lborn about 1936
WingardJames Wborn about 1910
WingardJoyce born about 1912

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