1940 U.S. Federal Census of Kinderhook, Putnam, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Putnam County > 1940 Census of Kinderhook

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbrahamAnnie Mborn about 1910
AbrahamFrank born about 1905
AbrahamJohn born about 1930
AbrahamMary born about 1936
AshurstRoger born about 1924

B Surnames

BeasleyDorothy born about 1935
BeasleyKatie born about 1937
BeasleyLizzie born about 1920
BeasleyLona born about 1903
BeasleyLottie Maeborn about 1940
BeasleyLuvenia born about 1927
BeasleyRobert Jr born about 1926
BeasleyRobert Sr born about 1892
BeasleyRoy born about 1930
BeasleyRuby born about 1933
BeasleyWilbur born about 1932
BlandBeatrice born about 1910
BlandCarrie Maeborn about 1915
BowdenFannie born about 1860
BrewingtonSellie born about 1895
BrownBobby born about 1936
BrownCurtis born about 1934
BryonLeona born about 1898
BryonMonroe born about 1897
BurstonGiles born about 1880
BurstonLily born about 1884

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C Surnames

ChepusLaura born about 1870
ClarkAnderson born about 1854
ClarkDelia born about 1857
ClemansMenerva born about 1880
ClemansPeter born about 1868
ClementsCharlie born about 1910
ClemonsAnnabelle born about 1935
ClemonsCharlie born about 1910
ClemonsClarence born about 1905
ClemonsEthel Leeborn about 1905
ClemonsJohnnie born about 1933
ClemonsL Cborn about 1934
ClemonsLouise born about 1930
ClemonsMary Elizabethborn about 1935
ClemonsPatrona born about 1917
ClemonsRuth born about 1910
ClemptonArthur born about 1921
ClemptonCarrie Louborn about 1931
ClemptonCharlie born about 1888
ClemptonDavis born about 1936
ClemptonHennie born about 1928
ClemptonMaribelle born about 1894
ClemptonTom born about 1934
CliftonHarvey born about 1933
CliftonMildred born about 1906
CulpAnnie born about 1890
CulpArthur born about 1888
CulpBeatrice born about 1921
CulpCleo born about 1930
CulpElma born about 1926
CulpEulice born about 1916
CulpLillian born about 1934

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D Surnames

DavisAlbert born about 1884
DavisBennie born about 1920
DavisEmory born about 1924
DavisLafayette born about 1922
DavisLula born about 1924
DavisValgue born about
DavisViola born about 1890
DennisAmelia born about 1939
DennisEloise born about 1920
DennisFayte born about 1939
DennisOtto born about 1937
DennisRobert Lborn about 1921
DickesnSudie born about 1886

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E Surnames

EdwardsBertha Maeborn about 1930
EdwardsElliot born about 1906
EdwardsEthel born about 1908
EdwardsOscar Leeborn about 1928

F Surnames

FarleyAdolphaus born about 1924
FarleyAlbert born about 1934
FarleyAnderson born about 1922
FarleyBeatrice born about 1915
FarleyBirtha born about 1870
FarleyCaeser born about 1928
FarleyCharlie born about 1932
FarleyDilcie born about 1894
FarleyElizabeth born about 1923
FarleyEmma born about 1909
FarleyEthel Leeborn about 1902
FarleyGeorge born about 1916
FarleyGeorge born about 1936
FarleyJae born about 1936
FarleyJames born about 1928
FarleyJanie Maeborn about 1926
FarleyJim born about 1890
FarleyJohn born about 1910
FarleyJohnnie born about 1928
FarleyJunior born about 1934
FarleyLeroy born about 1920
FarleyLottie Ruthborn about 1938
FarleyLula Bellborn about 1920
FarleyMamie born about 1933
FarleyN Lborn about 1936
FarleyNoah born about 1910
FarleyRhetha born about 1933
FarleyRobert born about 1899
FarleyRobert Fborn about 1920
FarleySallie born about 1918
FarleySallie Louborn about 1927
FarleySam born about 1922
FarleySam born about 1930
FarleySidney born about 1873
FarleyT Dborn about 1926
FarleyUlysses born about 1915
FarleyWalter born about 1937
FarleyWiley born about 1924
FarleyWillie born about 1908
FindleyLucius born about 1925
FoldsAlice born about 1923
FoldsAnnie Louborn about 1928
FoldsJohn born about 1925
FreemanEdgar born about 1880
FreemanEula born about 1918
FreemanFrank born about 1868
FreemanJames born about 1921
FreemanMamie born about 1886
FreemanWilliam born about 1924
FullerWilliam born about 1903

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G Surnames

GorleyEffie born about 1885
GorleyJanet born about 1939
GorleyLillian born about 1920
GorleyN Hborn about 1916
GorleyNathaniel born about 1879
GriffinBeatrice born about 1912
GriffinEugene born about 1935
GriffinMae born about 1931
GriffinMarjorie born about 1939
GriffinMillard born about 1903
GriffinThomas born about 1929
GriggsAnnie Maeborn about 1917
GriggsLizzie born about 1936
GriggsMattie born about 1940
GriggsPeter born about 1938
GriggsRoy born about 1914
GriggsTommie Leeborn about 1917
GriggsUlysses born about 1940
GriggsWilliam born about 1913
GriggsWillie Jamesborn about 1938

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H Surnames

HamphriesLillia born about 1906
HamphriesLillian born about 1928
HamphriesRobert born about 1900
HamphriesRobert born about 1927
HamphriesThomas born about 1931
HamphriesWilliam born about 1936
HarperAllen Jr born about 1938
HarperAllen Sr born about 1912
HarperBenjamin born about 1910
HarperJames born about 1918
HarperMarie born about 1918
HarperNona born about 1878
HarrisClara born about 1920
HarrisClasie born about 1895
HarrisIzetta born about 1937
HarrisJohnnie Pborn about 1933
HarrisKing born about 1897
HarrisMary born about 1865
HarrisMollie born about 1934
HarrisRacheal born about 1932
HarrisRaltha born about 1916
HarrisSam born about 1902
HawkinsRichard born about 1927
HillAnnie Ruthborn about 1915
HillEarnest born about 1930
HillEmma born about 1913
HillHenry born about 1923
HillHulon born about 1921
HillMinnie born about 1900
HillReley born about 1884
HillTommie born about 1924
HillWesley born about 1926

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J Surnames

JeffersonEarnest born about 1917
JeffersonIdella born about 1919
JohnsonEdgar born about 1870
JohnsonEmma born about 1873
JohnsonLenora born about 1872
JordanBennie Lborn about 1938
JordanCharlie Jr born about 1936
JordanHenry born about 1939

K Surnames

KeyAlma born about 1890
KeyAmy born about 1910
KeyAmy born about 1921
KeyBessie born about 1885
KeyCatherine born about 1932
KeyClark born about 1932
KeyDallas born about 1935
KeyEdward born about 1929
KeyElbula born about 1931
KeyEleveland born about 1939
KeyElla born about 1870
KeyEmma born about 1921
KeyEnnis born about 1923
KeyEva Juliaborn about 1912
KeyFrank born about 1891
KeyFranklin born about 1922
KeyGeorge born about 1933
KeyGeorgia born about 1895
KeyGeorgia born about 1939
KeyGertrude born about 1903
KeyGrace born about 1937
KeyJewel born about 1933
KeyJim born about 1883
KeyJohn born about 1925
KeyJohn Cborn about 1899
KeyJunior born about 1937
KeyLewis born about 1924
KeyLillian born about 1880
KeyLillian born about 1923
KeyLillie born about 1910
KeyLizzie Maeborn about 1935
KeyLucy born about 1925
KeyLula Bellborn about 1915
KeyMae Ellaborn about 1939
KeyMamie born about 1900
KeyMartha born about 1926
KeyMary born about 1936
KeyMattie born about 1858
KeyMildred born about 1922
KeyMildred born about 1926
KeyMildred born about 1931
KeyMilton born about 1919
KeyMinnie born about 1913
KeyMinnie born about 1927
KeyMozelle born about 1936
KeyNola born about 1933
KeyOtis born about 1930
KeyRoland born about 1891
KeySara born about 1904
KeyShirley born about 1940
KeySidney born about 1917
KeySusie born about 1884
KeyVince born about 1890
KeyWilliam born about 1910
KeyWillie born about 1938
KeyWillie Frankborn about 1910

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L Surnames

LawernceGrady born about 1901
LawernceGrady Jr born about 1939
LawernceRaymond born about 1938
LawernceRosa born about 1918
LawrenceElizabeth born about 1913
LawrenceGeorge born about 1875
LawrenceGeorge born about 1925
LawrenceHoward born about 1928
LawrenceLaura born about 1885
LawrenceLucy born about 1858
LawrenceWillie born about 1906
LawrenceWillie Maeborn about 1928

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M Surnames

MansonCharlie born about 1935
MansonJames born about 1912
MansonJames Jr born about 1934
MansonJohnnie born about 1938
MansonLonne born about 1893
MansonLulu born about 1890
MansonMinnie born about 1936
MansonMonroe born about 1940
MansonRacheal born about 1913
MarksJane born about 1897
MashburgArtis born about 1930
MashburgFrederick born about 1936
MashburgGrace born about 1910
MashburgJessie born about 1903
MashburgWilliam born about 1932
MathisCharlotte born about 1933
MathisJoe Henryborn about 1931
MathisMattie Louborn about 1905
MathisNathaniel born about 1927
MathisRacheal born about 1890
MccormickAlice born about 1899
MccormickAnderson born about 1936
MccormickEarnest born about 1930
MccormickJames born about 1925
MccormickJohn born about 1926
MccormickMary Aliceborn about 1932
MccormickRufus born about 1929
MccormickWalter born about 1927
McdadeAnnie Loisborn about 1910
McdadeLawson born about 1892
McdadeLawson Jr born about 1935
McdadeLou Ellenborn about 1932
McdadeRussell born about 1933
McfarlandEvelyn born about 1904
McfarlandMargaret born about 1930
McmullinsCleveland born about 1938
McmullinsDella Maeborn about 1910
McmullinsElla Maeborn about 1931
McmullinsEunice born about 1935
McmullinsJames born about 1933
McmullinsKing born about 1909
MillirousEssie born about 1918
MillirousHenry born about 1882
MillirousLula born about 1900
MillirousTom born about 1895
MilunG Wborn about 1936
MilunLizzie Maeborn about 1918
MthisJim born about 1915
MthisTony born about 1928
MullingWilliam born about 1905
MyrickBen born about 1899
MyrickBen Jr born about 1927
MyrickDan born about 1935
MyrickEllen born about 1897
MyrickLucy born about 1937
MyrickWillie born about 1920

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N Surnames

NapierEdith born about 1904
NapierFannie born about 1875
NapierJunior born about 1933
NapierLanier born about 1930
NapierLouise born about 1932
NapierMargaret born about 1935
NapierSara born about 1925
NapierSkelton born about 1904
NapierThomas born about 1910
NelsonAnna born about 1880

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O Surnames

OdamClarence born about 1926
OdamClyde born about 1934
OdamHelen born about 1928
OdamIke born about 1890
OdamJames born about 1931
OdamMaso born about 1915

P Surnames

ParhamEmory born about 1922
ParhamGenie Maeborn about 1932
ParhamHarris born about 1930
ParhamLelia born about 1885
ParhamReuben born about 1911
ParhamRobert born about 1877
ParhamSadie born about 1930
ParhamSallie born about 1925
PhilipMaggie born about 1903
PhilipMarjorie born about 1924
PhilipWilliam Pborn about 1891
PhilipWilliam P Srborn about 1863
PhillipsMina born about 1888
PhillipsSara born about 1897
PoundMary Janeborn about 1931
PoundMildred born about 1927
PoundsDorothy born about 1929
PoundsHerman born about 1932
PoundsWillie Jaborn about 1928
PuriforyWillie born about 1905

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R Surnames

ReedJim born about 1884
ReedWillie born about 1888
RelleyHenry born about 1872
RelleyLulu born about 1886
ResseauAda Loisborn about 1930
ResseauCarlton Eugeneborn about 1932
ResseauIone born about 1936
ResseauLois born about 1897
ResseauMabel born about 1922
ResseauMartha born about 1928
ResseauT Hborn about 1919
ResseauTom born about 1892
ResseauWilliam born about 1924
RobyCarrie born about 1876
RobyRoscoe born about 1886

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S Surnames

SandersEmmie Lborn about 1895
SandersWill Jborn about 1886
SanfordBeatrice born about 1921
SanfordMary born about 1911
SanfordPeerman born about 1906
SasnettDolly born about 1898
SasnettLuther born about 1919
SimmonsIda Kateborn about 1920
SimmonsLe Royborn about 1919
StewartJackie born about 1868
StewartRoy born about 1909

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T Surnames

ThomasClara Maeborn about 1933
ThomasEmma Maeborn about 1917
ThomasFrank born about 1935
ThomasPattie Frankborn about 1911

W Surnames

WalkerBarbara born about 1937
WalkerLavenia born about 1935
WallerLulu born about 1900
WardBen born about 1881
WardDarrell born about 1935
WardFrank born about 1900
WardHerman born about 1934
WardJack born about 1930
WardJessie born about 1916
WardJohnnie born about 1938
WardJuliamae born about 1917
WardMartha born about 1931
WardMatt born about 1890
WardOsburn born about 1925
WardRuth born about 1926
WilliamsAddie born about 1895
WilliamsAdolphus born about 1911
WilliamsAdwin born about 1862
WilliamsAnn born about 1880
WilliamsBad born about 1935
WilliamsBill born about 1865
WilliamsCharlie born about 1933
WilliamsDaniel born about 1939
WilliamsElizabeth born about 1939
WilliamsEzekial born about 1937
WilliamsGertrude born about 1932
WilliamsHessie Maeborn about 1923
WilliamsIsrael born about 1900
WilliamsIsrael born about 1932
WilliamsJack born about 1930
WilliamsJackie born about 1926
WilliamsJames born about 1893
WilliamsJames born about 1933
WilliamsJames born about 1940
WilliamsJohn Fborn about 1931
WilliamsJohn Tomborn about 1902
WilliamsJohnnie born about 1922
WilliamsJosephine born about 1866
WilliamsJosephine born about 1915
WilliamsJuanita born about 1935
WilliamsLattica born about 1919
WilliamsLou born about 1932
WilliamsLouvenia born about 1937
WilliamsMamie born about 1913
WilliamsMattie born about 1872
WilliamsMattie Louborn about 1921
WilliamsMildred born about 1921
WilliamsMinnie born about 1905
WilliamsMoses born about 1938
WilliamsNarciss born about 1877
WilliamsNellie born about 1928
WilliamsPearl born about 1905
WilliamsPeter born about 1879
WilliamsPeter born about 1909
WilliamsRobert born about 1924
WilliamsRoosevelt born about 1902
WilliamsRosa born about 1929
WilliamsRufus Jr born about 1925
WilliamsRufus Sr born about 1903
WilliamsRuth born about 1920
WilliamsRuth born about 1933
WilliamsSara born about 1936
WilliamsSue born about 1872
WilliamsSue born about 1938
WilliamsTheotis born about 1934
WilliamsTommie Leeborn about 1912
WilliamsVastire born about 1915
WilliamsWalter born about 1937
WilliamsWiley born about 1939
WilsonJames born about 1919
WootenJohn Wileyborn about 1882
WootenLizzie Cobbborn about 1881
WootenLottie born about 1920
WootenLowrey born about 1874
WootenMattie born about 1884
WootenTerry born about 1875
WrightJohnnie born about 1890

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Y Surnames

YarboroughAddie born about 1888

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