1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lockhart, Bulloch, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Bulloch County > 1940 Census of Lockhart

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AkinsLudy born about 1919
AkinsSallie Maeborn about 1922

B Surnames

BalderMaggie born about 1923
BalderMamie born about 1898
BalderMamie born about 1926
BalderNora born about 1931
BalderWillis born about 1928
BeasleyGeorge born about 1904
BeasleyPatsy born about 1912
BennettFannie born about 1892
BennettHenry Aborn about 1924
BennettOla Maeborn about 1923
BennettTom born about 1877
BennettTommie Leeborn about 1929
BoltonAllen born about 1915
BostwickBeulah Maeborn about 1921
BostwickDan Jr born about 1909
BostwickMozelle born about 1915
BostwickWillie born about 1913
BostwickWillie Belleborn about 1939
BoydEthel born about 1927
BoydJaunita born about 1923
BoydLilla born about 1930
BoydRossie born about 1883
BradyDaisy born about 1901
BradyDaisy Bborn about 1940
BradyEmma Lborn about 1932
BradyHelen born about 1934
BradyHenrietta born about 1925
BradyHenry born about 1887
BradyMattie Maeborn about 1927
BraggAbbie born about 1888
BraggGeorge born about 1874
BrannenEmory born about 1911
BrannenGeorgia born about 1920
BrannenMadell born about 1919
BrannenMargaret born about 1939
BrannenPaul born about 1918
BrownGeorge born about 1881
BrownGeorge Jr born about 1938
BrownLillie Maeborn about 1903
BrownMartha born about 1934
BrownMary Fborn about 1939
BurkeElmer born about 1908
BurkeHarlow born about 1888
BurkeJonie Maeborn about 1919
BurkeLonnie born about 1906
BurkeMattie born about 1902
BurkeSallie born about 1875
BuxtonAllen born about 1915
BuxtonEvelyn born about 1920

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C Surnames

CalhaunRobert born about 1912
CarterMay born about 1855
ChesterAuston born about 1931
ChesterBrantly born about 1928
ChesterWaldo born about 1925
CliftonGeorge born about 1889
CliftonMinerva born about 1927
CliftonRita born about 1931
CliftonSadie Maeborn about 1896
CollinsWillis born about 1927
ConnerEvangaline born about 1939
ConnerJames born about 1910
ConnerJames Jr born about 1931
ConnerJohn born about 1917
ConnerMartin born about 1867
ConnerMartin Jr born about 1938
ConnerMinnie Sborn about 1911
ConnerNannie Pborn about 1919
CribbsClora Ruthborn about 1938
CribbsRuth born about 1911
CribbsT Iveyborn about 1904
CurryAlice born about 1861

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D Surnames

DavisLizzie born about 1924
DavisLula Maeborn about 1933
DavisStella born about 1895
DavisStella Jr born about 1928
DonkersleyGladys born about 1916
DonkersleyPete born about 1918
DoughtryBessie born about 1895
DoughtryPaul born about 1890

E Surnames

Evans??? born about 1916
EvansAlvis born about 1937
EvansCecil born about 1939
EvansErnestine born about 1935
EvansSallie born about 1917
EverettMarion born about 1921
EverettWillie born about 1917

F Surnames

FinchAlbert born about 1935
FinchAlmarita born about 1937
FinchBernice Cborn about 1914
FinchCalvin born about 1923
FinchDavid Aborn about 1897
FinchDavid Cborn about 1934
FinchDella born about 1892
FinchDelmar born about 1921
FinchDouglas born about 1927
FinchEffie born about 1905
FinchErline born about 1937
FinchErnest born about 1920
FinchFrancis born about 1910
FinchGeorge Wborn about 1905
FinchI Adaborn about 1925
FinchIrene born about 1910
FinchJewel born about 1918
FinchLiney born about 1904
FinchLouise born about 1903
FinchMabel born about 1918
FinchMelline born about 1916
FinchNellie born about 1925
FinchOllie born about 1910
FinchPrince born about 1936
FinchRosemary born about 1939
FinchRoy born about 1938
FinchSherman born about 1912
FinchWilliam born about 1893
FincleErastus Sborn about 1881
FincleErastus Jr born about 1915
FincleFreddie born about 1906
FincleOttis born about 1917
FincleVidella born about 1882
FinishBrunswick born about 1924
FinishEzra born about 1888
FinishFloyd born about 1929
FinishRuby born about 1890
FreemanEliza born about 1874
FreemanGordon born about 1925
FreemanJohn born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GoodmonJames Sborn about 1868
GoodmonSarah born about 1879

H Surnames

HallFred born about 1938
HallJohn born about 1936
HallLucile born about 1939
HallWillie Jr born about 1933
HankersonBerry born about 1915
HardenEdward born about 1928
HardenHenry born about 1925
HardenHomer born about 1895
HardenJohn born about 1917
HardenJohn Jr born about 1938
HardenLevis born about 1923
HardenMattie born about 1927
HardenRuby born about 1923
HardenSarah born about 1928
HardenSusie born about 1897
HardenSusie Jr born about 1929
HardenWoodrow born about 1931
Hendrix??? born about 1906
HendrixAlbert born about 1927
HendrixAnnie born about 1919
HendrixBuck born about 1917
HendrixCalvin born about 1929
HendrixClinton born about 1937
HendrixCurtis born about 1908
HendrixDonie born about 1881
HendrixDyrlie born about 1939
HendrixElva born about 1882
HendrixEmory born about 1919
HendrixEunice born about 1917
HendrixFloyce born about 1937
HendrixG Cleveborn about 1884
HendrixGlenn born about 1891
HendrixHarold born about 1919
HendrixIrvin born about 1916
HendrixJames born about 1872
HendrixJames born about 1937
HendrixJosephine born about 1915
HendrixJoyce born about 1936
HendrixJunie born about 1882
HendrixLinton born about 1912
HendrixMabel born about 1894
HendrixMamie born about 1896
HendrixMary born about 1932
HendrixOnida born about 1921
HendrixRubert born about 1919
HendrixStephen born about 1892
HendrixVernon born about 1925
HendrixVirginia born about 1939
HendrixWilliam born about 1939
HowellBernice born about 1915
HowellCarl born about 1938
HowellCharles born about 1936
HowellErastus born about 1913
HowellJoyce born about 1927
HurstWallace born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonAlbert born about 1927
JacksonColumbus born about 1885
JacksonColumbus Jr born about 1934
JacksonDaniel born about 1932
JacksonFrank born about 1933
JacksonJames Hborn about 1935
JacksonMinnie born about 1936
JacksonThomas Lborn about 1939
JacksonWilliam born about 1939
JacksonWillie born about 1904
JenkinsJennie Aborn about 1861
JenkinsJohn born about 1903
JenkinsMamie born about 1905
JohnsonFrank born about 1914
JohnsonFrank Jr born about 1937
JohnsonIrma born about 1916
JohnsonJesse born about 1923
JohnsonWaldo born about 1939
JohnsonWalter born about 1890
JonesEllen born about 1920
JonesEssie Maeborn about 1924
JonesLee born about 1912
JonesMary born about 1882
JonesRanita born about 1924
JonesRobert born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeelGertrude born about 1910
KeelGrady born about 1906
KeelLouise born about 1929
KeelRay born about 1934

L Surnames

LacueAngeline born about 1891
LacueHenry born about 1932
LacuePawel born about 1933
LacueWillie born about 1910
LacueWillie Jr born about 1928
LeeAlice born about 1909
LeeAlice born about 1925
LeeAnnie Maeborn about 1930
LeeCorrie born about 1929
LeeDavid born about 1938
LeeDora born about 1891
LeeEdward born about 1875
LeeGeneva born about 1930
LeeJames born about 1929
LeeJesse born about 1927
LeeLeopold born about 1932
LeeLois born about 1930
LeeMadeline born about 1938
LeeMalinda born about 1934
LeeMary born about 1940
LeeNannie born about 1903
LeePaul born about 1933
LeeRaleigh born about 1904
LeeRaleigh Jr born about 1936
LeeRobert Eborn about 1899
LeeVonnie born about 1923
LesterEligah born about 1919
LouisInez born about 1912
LouisJoe Bborn about 1910

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M Surnames

MartinBenne Mereborn about 1939
MartinBeny Fborn about 1918
MartinBirt born about 1886
MartinBirt Jr born about 1920
MartinDay born about 1926
MartinErnest Dborn about 1939
MartinFloyd Rborn about 1926
MartinGeorge born about 1929
MartinHerbert born about 1936
MartinLottie born about 1937
MartinMelrose born about 1918
MartinMyrtice born about 1920
MartinNellie born about 1896
MartinPhilip born about 1929
MartinRuby born about 1922
MartinSammie Lborn about 1932
MartinSidney Sborn about 1926
MillerBuie Jeromeborn about 1934
MillerCassie born about 1903
MillerCorrie Maeborn about 1899
MillerEmma born about 1876
MillerJames Zborn about 1872
MillerMamie born about 1905
MillerMorris Lborn about 1889
MillerMorris L Jrborn about 1930
MillerTom born about 1919
MinceyCloria born about 1865
MixonCarline born about 1931
MixonDaniel Cborn about 1901
MixonDay born about 1923
MixonDennice born about 1925
MixonDurman born about 1929
MixonEvylyn born about 1915
MixonFlorence born about 1931
MixonHarvey born about 1927
MixonIrene born about 1929
MixonJiney born about 1901
MixonLester born about 1911
MixonLois born about 1909
MixonMabelene born about 1934
MixonMittie born about 1886
MixonOrvelle born about 1912
MixonRalph born about 1937
MixonShelvegene born about 1938
MixonTell born about 1910
MixonVester born about 1902
MixonWillie born about 1924
MockBillie born about 1932
MockBobbie born about 1926
MockJoseph born about 1924
MockOla born about 1904
MockRobert Hborn about 1898
MockThomas born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NessmithElsie Jborn about 1869
NessmithJohn Mborn about 1901
NewsomeHazel born about 1925
NewsomeJoe Mborn about 1932
NewsomeKittie born about 1908
NewsomeRoger born about 1901

O Surnames

OdumC Gborn about 1924
OglesbyCecil born about 1934
OglesbyCrelo born about 1931
OglesbyDaisy Leeborn about 1925
OglesbyEva born about 1902
OglesbyFloy born about 1928
OglesbyWright born about 1936

P Surnames

ParkerJake born about 1919
ParrishCarline born about 1926
ParrishElla born about 1882
ParrishFannie born about 1905
ParrishMorlee born about 1902
ParrishReba born about 1924
ParrishRuby born about 1910
PhillipsCarrie Bborn about 1930
PhillipsDaisy Bborn about 1928
PhillipsPatricia born about 1914
PhillipsRuth born about 1932
PhillipsTom born about 1911
PhillipsTom Jr born about 1935
PinckneyJapan born about 1917
PinckneyJohn born about 1896
PinckneyMattie born about 1898
PlummerBessie born about 1908
PlummerElla Louiseborn about 1938
PlummerMarguerite born about 1935
PlummerWatson born about 1905
PlummerWatson Jr born about 1930
PlummerWoodson Eborn about 1933
PolkRufus born about 1922
PopeEddie born about 1900
PopeHarold Bborn about 1885
PopeIvory born about 1926
PopeJohnnie Maeborn about 1923
PorterCharles born about 1920
PorterPearlie Maeborn about 1922
PoteEuphrates born about 1927
PoteIda born about 1925
PoteLonnie born about 1895
PoteLucile born about 1901
PoteOlene born about 1925
PotePascal born about 1932
PoteWallace born about 1937
PowellAgnes Leeborn about 1923
PowellLuther Aborn about 1901
PowellWilliam Bborn about 1908
PowellWilliam Eborn about 1940
PridgeonSidney born about 1908

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R Surnames

RelafordBarnabus born about 1932
RelafordBoneese born about 1933
RelafordCortney born about 1896
RelafordHenry born about 1921
RelafordJohn born about 1891
RelafordObelia born about 1927
RelafordOdnes born about 1915
RelafordOlver born about 1924
RelafordOprah born about 1929
RelafordOra Maeborn about 1930
RelafordOsce born about 1925
RelafordPecoma born about 1935
RelafordWilliam born about 1938
RiggsCarrie born about 1884
RiggsClifford born about 1922
RiggsEdith born about 1918
RiggsHarvey born about 1924
RiggsThomas born about 1875

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S Surnames

SaundersBetty Janeborn about 1938
SaundersFrank born about 1903
SaundersFrank Jr born about 1935
SaundersJohn born about 1930
SaundersMollie born about 1904
ShowClarke Jborn about 1898
ShowRonald born about 1936
ShowRuth born about 1905
ShowWilliam Hborn about 1921
SillsSarah Aborn about 1873
SimonBessie born about 1877
SmithAnna born about 1905
SmithEzra born about 1919
SmithHershel Eborn about 1876
SmithIda Jborn about 1917
SmithJennie born about 1881
SmithT Leonardborn about 1875
SnerlingAnnie born about 1930
SowellAnna Mayborn about 1924
SowellCharlie born about 1922
SowellElla born about 1873
SowellMaggie Pborn about 1893
SowellVirgil born about 1886
StillsAddison born about 1858
StillsAline born about 1929
StillsDorothy born about 1940
StillsElise born about 1910
StillsJoseph born about 1933
StillsLucee born about 1935
StillsMarvel born about 1905
StillsRita Maeborn about 1939
StillsWilliam born about 1936
SwintDavid Eugeneborn about
SwintHattie Maeborn about 1920
SwintWillie Davidborn about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TendallBaldwin born about 1897
TendallJulia born about 1885
ThomasAnnie born about 1936
ThomasClaude born about 1876
ThomasClaude Jr born about 1939
ThomasGeorge born about 1930
ThomasLottie Bellborn about 1903
ThomasRoy born about 1934
ThomasSusie born about 1937
ThomasWilliam Hborn about 1932
TinchAnnie born about 1902
TinchRalph born about 1924
TinchRiley born about 1896
TinchSybil born about 1926
TolbertJohn Hborn about 1884
TolbertLena born about 1891
TruettBirtie Maeborn about 1937
TruettClifford born about 1936
TruettEmma born about 1912
TruettErnest born about 1939

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V Surnames

VickeryErnestine born about 1928
VickeryJosephine born about 1911
VickeryRonald born about 1936
VickerySebron born about 1932
VickeryTed born about 1905
VickeryThurman born about 1930

W Surnames

WardBurdette born about 1937
WardClaudine born about 1929
WardDunbar born about 1931
WardHinton born about 1935
WardIssac born about 1897
WardLaura born about 1940
WardLossie born about 1927
WardLuella born about 1906
Warren??? born about 1896
WarrenJaunita born about 1929
WarrenLester born about 1896
WarrenMaggie born about 1923
WarrenRuby born about 1926
WarrenWilliam born about 1924
WhiteBob born about 1923
WigginsElbert born about 1921
WilliamsIvory born about 1924
WiseGeorgia born about 1901
WiseHenry born about 1898
WomackJ Brinaborn about 1934
WomackM born about 1911
WomackThelma born about 1914
WoodcockBonite born about 1939
WoodcockCall born about 1888
WoodcockEmery born about 1930
WoodcockErnestine born about 1920
WoodcockJames born about 1926
WoodcockJulian Tborn about 1916
WoodcockLeroy born about 1914
WoodcockLizzie born about 1894
WoodcockLorene born about 1928
WoodcockNetha born about 1934
WoodcockRuth born about 1914
WoodyVernie born about 1924
WrightDock born about 1896
WrightJohn born about 1906

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Y Surnames

YoungAnna born about 1931
YoungHarold born about 1938
YoungHenry born about 1933
YoungJohnson born about 1907
YoungLessie born about 1913
YoungMae Loleeborn about 1937
YoungTalmadge born about 1935
YoungTalmadge born about 1936
YoungThomas born about 1906
YoungThomas Jr born about 1935
YoungVeronica born about 1907

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