1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mallorys, Wilkes, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Wilkes County > 1940 Census of Mallorys

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AaronMargaret born about 1892
AaronSarah born about 1864
AdamsMarilyn born about 1933
AdamsSara Lborn about 1924
AdamsUnis born about 1900
AdamsW Sborn about 1899
AdamsWilliam Tborn about 1923
AlbeaBetty Jeanborn about 1929
AlbeaFrances Mborn about 1932
AlbeaGeorge Lborn about 1925
AlbeaGeorge Wborn about 1888
AlbeaGertrude born about 1890
AlbeaJohn Fborn about 1914
AndersonAnnie Sborn about 1913
AndersonBetty born about 1935
AndersonClifford born about 1939
AndersonDewitt born about 1915
AndersonJoyce born about 1933
AndersonLizzie Mborn about 1920
AndersonLula born about 1876
AndersonRichard born about 1936
AndersonZeak born about 1884
AnthonyLawrence born about 1876
AnthonyTillie born about 1886
AnthonyTommy born about 1898
AnthonyWillie born about 1912
ArnoldAlline Vborn about 1891
ArnoldCarry Mborn about 1899
ArnoldEugene Pborn about 1934
ArnoldJames Wborn about 1922
ArnoldSara Fborn about 1931
ArnoldWoodfin born about 1926
AshmoreAline born about 1924
AshmoreDorothy born about 1921
AshmoreLaura born about 1892
AshmoreMattie Eborn about 1930
AshmoreOtis born about 1875
AshmoreOttie Gborn about 1920
AshmoreToombs Aborn about 1939

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B Surnames

BankstonWillie Fayborn about 1926
BellBertha born about 1897
BellEarnest born about 1895
BellEddie born about 1905
BellEdward born about 1932
BellElmon born about 1935
BellJohn Jborn about 1883
BellRobert Mborn about 1930
BellSallie Mborn about 1909
BiffleJohn Bborn about 1890
BiffleJoyce born about 1932
BiffleLola Maeborn about 1930
BiffleMary Gborn about 1890
BlackwellDonnie born about 1898
BlackwellLonza born about 1918
BlakeyLiza born about 1872
BoltonEd born about 1919
BoltonHenry Eborn about 1922
BoltonLula born about 1900
BoltonW Aborn about 1939
BookerJames Mborn about 1923
BradfordMary born about 1922
BradfordMinnie born about 1920
BradleyBill born about 1910
BradleyGeorge born about 1914
BradleyIrene born about 1916
BradleyJohn Rborn about 1874
BradleyMary Wborn about 1874
BrownEva born about 1915
BrownFlorence born about 1932
BrownJanette born about 1924
BrownJohn Lborn about 1901
BrownLenward born about 1926
BrownOtis Mborn about 1922
BrownWillie Frankborn about 1939
BuffordEva born about 1933
BunchLouie born about 1877
BurtonBerta Juneborn about 1896
BurtonEdna born about 1927
BurtonEffie born about 1897
BurtonGene born about 1936
BurtonGerald born about 1927
BurtonHugh born about 1924
BurtonJulian born about 1929
BurtonRaymond born about 1920
BurtonWillie Leeborn about 1893

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C Surnames

CadeAnn born about 1872
CadeDarkirs born about 1939
CadeFannie Oborn about 1925
CadeHattie Maeborn about 1919
CadeJohn Henryborn about 1900
CadeLeanna born about 1870
CadeLila Maeborn about 1927
CadeLizzie Mayborn about 1887
CadeNapoleon born about 1921
CadeNovella born about 1917
CadeThomas born about 1921
CadeTommy Dayborn about 1881
CadeZeke born about 1915
CalhounGazena Vborn about 1892
CalhounGeorgia Hborn about 1891
CalhounLouise born about 1899
CalhounMartha Louborn about 1926
CarltonElizabeth born about 1876
CarltonGeorge Wborn about 1873
CarltonHenry Jr born about 1904
CarterGrover Cborn about 1930
CarterLilly Bborn about 1890
CarterMatthew born about 1888
CarterSallie Maeborn about 1921
ChapmanCarrie Lborn about 1917
ChapmanEdd Henryborn about 1919
ChapmanFloyd born about 1938
ChapmanFrances born about 1923
ChapmanFrank born about 1917
ChapmanGladys born about 1921
ChapmanMary Eborn about 1936
ChenaultLizzie born about 1878
CoferCleo Aborn about 1903
CoferWalter born about 1901
ColemanFrank born about 1924
ColemanFranklin born about 1926

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D Surnames

DayWillis Jr born about 1923
DenardAllen born about 1925
DenardEddie Jr born about 1885
DenardEdgar born about 1920
DownerJennie Lborn about 1928
DownerMarjester born about 1921
DownerTherman Jr born about 1926
DownerThomas J Jrborn about 1930
DownesMinnie Bborn about 1923
DunsonElla Mborn about 1938
DunsonJimmie Leeborn about 1936
DunsonJohn Rborn about 1881
DunsonMargie born about 1909
DyeAnnie Louiseborn about 1908
DyeBolton born about 1934
DyeCarrie Mborn about 1926
DyeJohnah born about 1930
DyeJohnny born about 1928
DyeSallie born about 1878

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E Surnames

EcholsAgnes born about 1934
EcholsBrooks Hborn about 1870
EcholsEdward Vborn about 1897
EcholsHarriet born about 1897
EcholsLeonard born about 1930
EcholsMavis born about 1923
EcholsPassie born about 1878
EllenburgDorothy Gborn about 1933
EllenburgJames born about 1917
EllenburgLois born about 1919
EllenburgOwls Maryborn about 1909
EllenburgOzie Leeborn about 1929
EllenburgWillie Maeborn about 1910
EvansUnice born about 1930

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F Surnames

FreemanEarly born about 1932
FreemanInkie born about 1902
FreemanJohn Wborn about 1873
FreemanJohnnie born about 1927

G Surnames

GillBenjamin Wborn about 1883
GillJames Oborn about 1880
GillLizzie Mborn about 1892
GoosbyLizzie Maeborn about 1931

H Surnames

HallBessie born about 1926
HallEffie born about 1884
HallElla born about 1860
HallJimmie born about 1919
HallSara Maeborn about 1924
HallWillie Aborn about 1881
HallWillie Jborn about 1920
HammLuther born about 1925
HamptonKatie born about 1903
HamptonPete born about 1886
HamptonRuthey Maeborn about 1924
HandspikerLizzie born about 1873
HarmonJames born about 1908
HarperCharley born about 1930
HarperPaul born about 1928
HarrisAdell born about 1888
HarrisSam born about 1888
HarrisSamie Leeborn about 1926
HayesFelicia Cborn about 1917
HayesJames born about 1920
HeardAlene born about 1902
HeardCharley born about 1893
HeardCornelia born about 1926
HeardEleanor born about 1936
HeardEther born about 1917
HeardHelen born about 1939
HeardJack born about 1891
HeardJames Wborn about 1921
HeardLizzie born about 1892
HeardLois born about 1921
HeardOsborn born about 1930
HeardRebecca born about 1861
HendersonEssie Louborn about 1938
HendersonFannie born about 1874
HendersonJaulia Maeborn about 1915
HendersonJohn Dborn about 1937
HendersonJohn H Srborn about 1909
HendersonJohn Tborn about 1873
HendersonMaralee born about 1940
HigginbothamJ Rborn about 1877
HillAker born about 1883
HillAlberta born about 1923
HillAnnie born about 1914
HillJess Wborn about 1876
HillJohn born about 1914
HillJohn Dborn about 1936
HillJohn Jborn about 1912
HillMaude born about 1883
HillRobert born about 1927
HillRonnie born about 1915
HillTiny Maeborn about 1874
HillWalter Hborn about 1924
HillWestley F Srborn about 1919
HopkinsRobert born about 1926
HouseWillie born about 1919
HuffBessie born about 1907
HuffBobby born about 1938
HuffClaude born about 1910
HuffClaude N Jrborn about 1939
HuffEunie Eborn about 1936
HuffLillian born about 1920
HuffLizzie Mayborn about 1916
HuffRobert born about 1860
HuffVictoria born about 1867
HulinTommy born about 1933

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J Surnames

JenkinsCharley Jborn about 1920
JenkinsEddie born about 1921
JenkinsGrover Jr born about 1922
JenkinsMartha Wborn about 1927
JohnsonAddie Agnesborn about 1912
JohnsonAddie Mayborn about 1894
JohnsonBeulah born about 1873
JohnsonElizabeth Bborn about 1917
JohnsonElla born about 1882
JohnsonGeorge Wborn about 1934
JohnsonHattie Lborn about 1936
JohnsonLucy born about 1880
JohnsonMattie Maeborn about 1931
JohnsonMaxie Cborn about 1926
JohnsonMinnie Cborn about 1890
JohnsonWill born about 1904
JonesAlma Lborn about 1904
JonesBoling Bborn about 1939
JonesHoward born about 1899
JonesHubert Cborn about 1926
JonesLillie Mayborn about 1908
JonesLottie Pborn about 1935
JonesLouise born about 1913
JonesMattie born about 1875
JonesMattie born about 1925
JonesNona Cborn about 1933
JonesSarah born about 1938
JonesShirley Wayneborn about 1938
JonesThelma born about 1925
JonesWalter Cborn about 1932
JonesWill Cborn about 1908
JusticeBarney Eborn about 1932
JusticeHenry Jborn about 1911
JusticeMary Ellenborn about 1940
JusticePierce born about 1911

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L Surnames

LloydDallas born about 1911
LloydHarvey born about 1906
LloydLucy Mayborn about 1873
LloydRichard Wborn about 1873
LongBennie Fborn about 1936
LongBonnie Lucileborn about 1928
LongGeorge Tborn about 1897
LongGeorge Tillmanborn about 1923
LongLander Wborn about 1930
LongMary Lborn about 1939
LongRamon ???born about 1938
LongRuby Pborn about 1934
LongRuby Pearlborn about 1900
LyleJames Hermanborn about 1879
LyleLillie born about 1898

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M Surnames

MartinBill born about 1875
MartinEssie Maeborn about 1914
MartinWillie born about 1899
MattoxCharlie born about 1878
MattoxRoxie born about 1876
MauldinTommy born about 1908
MccurdyJulia Eborn about 1898
MclendonAlbert born about 1921
MclendonCharlie born about 1936
MclendonClement born about 1932
MclendonHarry born about 1934
MclendonJoseph born about 1924
MclendonLarkin Dborn about 1915
MclendonLizzie Mayborn about 1913
MclendonMary born about 1887
MclendonMose born about 1885
MclendonMyrtle Aborn about 1925
MclendonR Cborn about 1922
MclendonWill born about 1868
MclendonWilliam born about 1930
MclendonWillie born about 1917
MeckinsElizabeth born about 1932
MoonLeila born about 1895
MoonWillie born about 1883
MooreFaries born about 1919
MooreVandy born about 1873
MooreWillie Frankborn about 1938
MossEarl born about 1907
MossGeorge born about 1890
MossL Rborn about 1921

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N Surnames

NoggleBessie born about 1889
NoggleLouise born about 1922
NoggleWilson born about 1919
NormanNelos born about 1910
NuwiaAnna born about 1910

O Surnames

OliverCharlie born about 1919
OliverRay born about 1919
OrdisterBose born about 1862
OrdisterCornelia born about 1886
OrdisterDorothy born about 1940
OrdisterLizzie Kateborn about 1914
OrdisterPet born about 1885
OrdisterQuillie born about 1915
OrdisterRobert Leeborn about 1935
OrdisterSylvester born about 1937

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P Surnames

PardlowWillis Gborn about 1914
ParkerE Cborn about 1888
ParkerEdgar Eborn about 1911
ParkerLavonia Hborn about 1938
ParkerMargaret born about 1906
ParkerRobert born about 1933
ParkerSally Bborn about 1890
ParkerWillie born about 1936
PeacockLois born about 1922
PorterfieldElizabeth born about 1869

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R Surnames

ReavesAlean born about 1895
ReavesBennie born about 1889

S Surnames

SatterfieldHugh Eborn about 1920
SatterfieldLois Cborn about 1939
SatterfieldLola Bellborn about 1921
SaxonJ Aborn about 1872
SaxonJames Cborn about 1922
SaxonMary Ethelborn about 1886
SaxonMildred born about 1931
SaxonVirgina Gborn about 1920
SayerCharles Aborn about 1900
SayerFrances born about 1928
SayerLou Jessieborn about 1903
SayerLovejoy born about 1890
SayerNina Mborn about 1932
SayerRobert Jr born about 1923
SayerSimon Jr born about 1937
ScogginsHoward born about 1910
SeymourAnnie Wborn about 1909
SeymourErnes Lborn about 1900
SeymourJames Pborn about 1870
SeymourJohn born about 1910
SeymourJohn Henryborn about 1934
SeymourLou Maryborn about 1890
SeymourLucy Jimborn about 1875
SeymourMary Bborn about 1936
SeymourRobert Hborn about 1913
SimmonsAlma born about 1914
SimsCharlotte born about 1853
SlatonBetty Janeborn about 1938
SlatonJohn Robertborn about 1914
SlatonWillie Cborn about 1912
SlattonAnnie born about 1877
SlattonClifford born about 1903
SlattonJohn Tborn about 1862
SmithAnna born about 1900
SmithAnnie born about 1910
SmithAnnie Mborn about 1928
SmithCarrie born about 1891
SmithClifford born about 1919
SmithCogie born about 1875
SmithCora born about 1901
SmithDixie Lborn about 1929
SmithElizabeth born about 1929
SmithEthel Mborn about 1906
SmithEugene Mborn about 1933
SmithFrances born about 1931
SmithGloris born about 1932
SmithHarry born about 1896
SmithHarry born about 1939
SmithHattie Lborn about 1910
SmithHoyt born about 1927
SmithIda Pearlborn about 1920
SmithIula born about 1930
SmithJohn Mborn about 1924
SmithL Tborn about 1923
SmithLaunette born about 1924
SmithLawrence born about 1914
SmithLeona born about 1924
SmithLindsey born about 1871
SmithLink born about 1924
SmithLinton born about 1936
SmithLucinda born about 1873
SmithMetz born about 1905
SmithMollie born about 1867
SmithMyrtie born about 1896
SmithPecola born about 1927
SmithSallie born about 1890
SmithSara Gborn about 1916
SmithSara Margurettborn about 1935
SmithSteve born about 1894
SmithThomas J Srborn about 1914
SmithThomas Lborn about 1937
SmithUril born about 1914
SmithWillis Hborn about 1933
StarksCoot born about 1918
StarksOtis born about 1906
StathamPreach born about 1900
StriblingLillian born about 1905
StriblingW Aborn about 1933
SuttonCalvin born about 1907
SuttonGeneva born about 1935
SuttonJames born about 1930
SuttonJay Ozzieborn about 1928
SuttonMinell born about 1928
SuttonPenkie Lborn about 1909
SuttonRachael Rborn about 1938
SuttonWillie Tborn about 1931

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T Surnames

TateGeraldine born about 1933
TateHugh born about 1931
TateIris Cborn about 1936
TateJames born about 1936
TateJessie born about 1912
TateJessie Lborn about 1913
TateJessie Leeborn about 1933
TateLizzie born about 1875
TateNannie born about 1894
TatePaul born about 1928
TateScott born about 1858
TateSilas born about 1928
TateT Wborn about 1937
TateViola born about 1917
TateWillie born about 1898
TateWillie Jborn about 1924
TateWillie Maeborn about 1934
TaylorJessie Wborn about 1926
TaylorOliver S Jrborn about 1916
ThomassonJames born about 1875
ThomassonSara Sborn about 1875
ThorntonEbbie Bborn about 1883
ThorntonJohn Fborn about 1928
ThorntonMary Mborn about 1923
ThorntonMary Pborn about 1892
ThorntonThomas Inellborn about 1913
TruittFlorence born about 1917
TruittJames born about 1901
TruittMose Jr born about 1913
TruittRichard Sborn about 1900
TruittWilliam Cborn about 1938

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W Surnames

WaltonFred born about 1914
WaltonGeorge F Jrborn about 1919
WaltonGus born about 1906
WaltonLillian born about 1888
WaltonPoke born about 1920
WaltonQuinton born about 1917
WaltonThomas Carltonborn about 1923
WaltonWilliam born about 1913
WheatJannie born about 1873
WhitenerBennie born about 1904
WhitenerLula Eborn about 1910
WhitnerDollie Alineborn about 1935
WhitnerJames Aborn about 1865
WhitnerLewis born about 1909
WhitnerPolly born about 1868
WilliamsEd born about 1901
WilliamsQueen born about 1904
WillisAlmon born about 1925
WillisCalmelia born about 1916
WillisClenon born about 1920
WillisElla born about 1912
WillisEssie Maeborn about 1928
WillisFrank born about 1898
WillisHervy born about 1933
WillisLillian born about 1914
WillisMaggie born about 1892
WillisPearlie born about 1903
WillisRufus born about 1922
WillisTorris born about 1927
WillisWillie born about 1894
WillisWillie Jr born about 1918
WilsonClarence born about 1922
WilsonClaude Jr born about 1896
WilsonEugene born about 1936
WilsonEura Cborn about 1924
WilsonGrady born about 1928
WilsonJohn Jborn about 1919
WilsonJulian born about 1926
WilsonMarie Rborn about 1933
WilsonSallie Wborn about 1895
WilsonSara Gborn about 1931
WitcherAlma born about 1906
WitcherJohn Tborn about 1896
WordlawAlberta born about 1922
WordlawJoel born about 1915
WordlawL Gborn about 1919
WordlawLuerealur born about 1924
WrightCharles Davisborn about 1907
WynnMattie born about 1874

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Y Surnames

YoungJohn born about 1885
YoungPayson born about 1892

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