1940 U.S. Federal Census of Massee, Cook, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Cook County > 1940 Census of Massee

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

B Surnames

BaldreeBessie born about 1918
BaldreeHarmon born about 1915
Barker??? born about 1900
BarkerEloise born about 1930
BarkerHazel born about 1928
BarkerHerny born about 1892
BarkerJulian born about 1933
BarkerMolsie Nellborn about 1936
BarkerMyrtice born about 1921
BarkerRobert Wborn about 1939
BarkerSam Bborn about 1919
BennettDelois born about 1939
BennettDonald born about 1936
BennettEdna born about 1908
BennettJerry born about 1902
BennettKenneth born about 1928
BennettMarvin born about 1918
BennettW Aborn about 1927
BennettWilliam born about 1930
BennettWilliam Aborn about 1875
BennettWilma born about 1896
BooneDeway born about 1915
BooneElvin born about 1918
BooneJames born about 1872
BooneJohn Wborn about 1885
BooneLe Roy born about 1926
BooneSusan born about 1890
BooneVernon born about 1930
BrownBettie Roseborn about 1939
BrownBlanche born about 1928
BrownClarence born about 1905
BrownDorris born about 1936
BrownHarris born about 1938
BrownHazel born about 1933
BrownJewel born about 1910
BrownLucile born about 1930
BrownM Bborn about 1922
BrownMack born about 1924
BrownManning born about 1903
BrownMyrtle Leeborn about 1927
BrownPinkey born about 1904
BrownWilliam Rborn about 1928
BuckholtzAmanda born about 1879
BuckholtzLee Gborn about 1878

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C Surnames

CarverElma born about 1916
CarverHenry born about 1907
CarverJohn Hborn about 1934
CongeLacy born about 1914
CongerCavie born about 1889
CongerJoseph born about 1907
CongerWalt born about 1884
ConnellBarney born about 1908
ConnellByron born about 1907
ConnellEmma Nellborn about 1938
ConnellGriff born about 1874
ConnellJames born about 1914
ConnellJohn Eborn about 1932
ConnellJohn Mborn about 1873
ConnellKatie Maeborn about 1913
ConnellLibby born about 1934
ConnellMyrtle Maeborn about 1934
ConnellRobert Wborn about 1937
ConnellTilda Mborn about 1902
ConnellWilliam Eborn about 1882
CorwellEvelyn born about 1927
CorwellJewel born about 1934
CorwellLacy Cborn about 1900
CorwellLacy C Jrborn about 1925
CorwellThelma born about 1906
CovingtonAlice born about 1920
CovingtonAlma born about 1910
CovingtonDorothy Leeborn about 1932
CovingtonEldora born about 1929
CovingtonElnora born about 1900
CovingtonHattie Maeborn about 1927
CovingtonJ Dborn about 1920
CovingtonJ Hborn about 1924
CovingtonKatie born about 1923
CovingtonLamar born about 1935
CovingtonMildred born about 1922
CovingtonPollie born about 1927
CovingtonRobert born about 1924
CovingtonRossie born about 1905
CovingtonSallie born about 1926
CovingtonWillie born about 1892
CovingtonWilma born about 1927
CowartAubrey born about 1896
CowartAubrey Dborn about 1939
CowartClarence born about 1919
CowartJeannelle born about 1934
CowartJeannette born about 1934
CowartKenneth Bborn about 1931
CowartMary Lizzieborn about 1924
CowartSara Aborn about 1914
CowartThomas Fborn about 1878
CurmptonMyrtle born about 1923

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D Surnames

DeberryAnnie born about 1905
DeberryAnnie Maeborn about 1925
DeberryEdith Mborn about 1939
DeberryGladys born about 1929
DeberryHenry born about 1903
DeberryJames Hborn about 1933
DeberryRosa Leeborn about 1935
DeberryWillie Maeborn about 1927
DoroughDewey Hborn about 1917
DoroughDorothy born about 1922
DoroughGeorge Bborn about 1883
DoroughGeorge Vborn about 1933
DoroughNelle born about 1928
DoroughOline born about 1925
DoroughTommie born about 1893

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F Surnames

FoldsAubrey born about 1905
FoldsLeila Maeborn about 1911
FoldsMelgie born about 1932
FoldsMillie born about 1935
FoldsPaul born about 1929
FoldsWyman born about 1939
FriarBernie Pborn about 1877
FriarBettie Jborn about 1939
FriarElla Jborn about 1881
FriarJackosn D Jrborn about 1937
FriarJackson Dborn about 1915
FriarLouise born about 1920

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G Surnames

GaskinsLillian born about 1906
GaskinsPreston born about 1902
GibbsCecil born about 1934
GibbsChester born about 1937
GibbsDoris born about 1853
GibbsEdgar born about 1935
GibbsElmer born about 1914
GibbsEthel born about 1927
GibbsEula born about 1903
GibbsGeorge born about 1929
GibbsMary born about 1915
GibbsPauline born about 1923
GibbsPratt born about 1902
GibbsSam born about 1938
GodwinAlbert born about 1918
GodwinAlice Aborn about 1881
GodwinBillie Wborn about 1931
GodwinCarlos Bborn about 1916
GodwinElla born about 1889
GodwinElla Jborn about 1934
GodwinJames Sborn about 1913
GodwinJames S Jrborn about 1938
GodwinJessie Lborn about 1921
GodwinJoe Wborn about 1887
GodwinJohn Lborn about 1928
GodwinMarcus Cborn about 1898
GodwinMarion Fborn about 1932
GodwinRay Jborn about 1925
GodwinRobbie Nellborn about 1923
GodwinRobert Rborn about 1929
GodwinRuby Lborn about 1915
GodwinThomas Jborn about 1913
GodwinWilliam Eborn about 1886
GodwinWilliam E Jrborn about 1926
GordonWilliam born about 1913
GortmanBen born about 1879
GortmanBertha born about 1892
GravesAubrey born about 1937
GravesEdwina born about 1936
GravesJohn Aborn about 1913
GravesLe Roy born about 1906
GravesLouise born about 1915
GravesMattie born about 1916
GravesRay born about 1932
GravesYoung born about 1938
GrayHenrietta born about 1866
GrayLuther born about 1902
GrayLuther E Jrborn about 1929
GrayMyrtle born about 1924
GrayNancy Janeborn about 1902
GrayRonald born about 1939
GriffinCarmen born about 1932
GriffinCora Cborn about 1896
GriffinDonnie Bborn about 1939
GriffinDorothy born about 1921
GriffinEmma Gborn about 1928
GriffinFred born about 1922
GriffinHollis born about 1927
GriffinJohnnie Mborn about 1912
GriffinLeman born about 1914
GriffinMarvin born about 1937
GriffinOtis born about 1916
GriffinWalter Cborn about 1886
Grimsley??? born about 1870
GrimsleyCarol born about 1929
GrimsleyDonald born about
GrimsleyEthel Lborn about 1895
GrimsleyLonnie born about 1894
GrimsleyMyrtice born about 1920
GrimsleyOscar born about 1858
GrimsleyRuby born about 1897
GrimsleyRudolph born about 1916
GrimsleyRussell born about 1933
GrinerAlma born about 1901
GrinerBettie Jeanborn about 1935
GrinerJulian born about 1894

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H Surnames

HancockEugene born about 1904
HancockGladys born about 1905
HarrelJohnnie Mborn about 1902
HarrelRonnie born about 1905
HattonFred born about 1918
HicksAlbert born about 1891
HicksAlbert Jr born about 1923
HicksAnnie born about 1900
HicksFred born about 1892
HicksMary Dborn about 1862
HicksMary Mborn about 1928
HicksRay born about 1930
HicksSara Gborn about 1897
HicksStella born about 1905
HicksThurman born about 1901
HicksVelma born about 1900
HilliardNancy born about 1882
HilliardTom born about 1878
HobbyBernard born about 1931
HobbyClarke born about 1893
HobbyGrace born about 1935
HobbyMyrtle born about 1907
HobbySileta born about 1925
HollandEstelle born about 1925
HollandJohn Tborn about 1893
HollandMaud born about 1895
HoltonEthel Mborn about 1913
HoltonGeorge born about 1903
HorneAlline born about 1905
HorneCharles Edwinborn about 1936
HorneDorris Lborn about 1925
HorneJames Rborn about 1923
HornePate born about 1904
HornePate Jr born about 1932
HorneRobt Leeborn about 1928
HowellBettie Lborn about 1937
HughesAnita born about 1938
HughesBurke born about 1904
HughesDorothy Aborn about 1927
HughesSammie Lborn about 1934
HughesVera born about 1906
HughesWilliam Dborn about 1930

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J Surnames

JacksonMae born about 1915
JeffersonBobbie Eborn about 1927
JeffersonDaisy born about 1934
JeffersonHamp born about 1921
JeffersonKathleen born about 1930
JeffersonLonnie born about 1895
JeffersonMamie born about 1895
JeffersonMatthew born about 1918
JeffersonOwen Eborn about 1932
JeffersonRaymon born about 1923
JoinerCleva born about 1888
JoinerEdwin born about 1883
JoinerHouston born about 1919
JoinerJ Edwin Jrborn about 1928
JoinerLema Maeborn about 1927
JoinerMallie born about 1890
JoinerMamie born about 1922
JoinerMildred born about 1924
JoinerMozelle born about 1934
JoinerOllie born about 1893
JonesBettie Sborn about 1896
JonesFelix Cborn about 1880
JonesJacquelyn born about 1938
JonesJimmie Eborn about 1937
JonesLavine born about 1918
JonesRoy born about 1916
JonesSammie born about 1920

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K Surnames

KnowlesAddie born about 1918
KnowlesDollie Mborn about 1909
KnowlesDuane born about 1939
KnowlesIris born about 1928
KnowlesJeannelle born about 1936
KnowlesLuther born about 1908
KnowlesRussell born about 1917
KoonRobert Lborn about 1908

L Surnames

LaneAltha born about 1915
LaneEarl born about 1881
LaneElizabeth born about 1933
LaneRebecca born about 1886
LassiterEthel born about 1924
LassiterJudge born about 1921
LindseyBobbie born about 1930
LindseyJack born about 1932
LindseyJames Dborn about 1925
LindseyLillian born about 1928
LindseyNancy born about 1897
LindseyNora born about 1923
LindseyShelton born about 1894
LocklerIda born about 1886
LylesHamp born about 1888

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M Surnames

MartinBillie born about 1875
MartinBillie Jr born about 1933
MartinCleo born about 1929
MartinClifford born about 1898
MartinHelen born about 1926
MartinJimmie born about 1935
MartinPhoebe born about 1873
MatthusClarence born about 1920
MayAva Janeborn about 1879
MayElizabeth born about 1939
MayFlorence born about 1940
MayJerry born about 1869
MayJohn born about 1909
MayJohn Bborn about 1935
MaySallie born about 1902
MccranieBarnie born about 1914
MccranieButler born about 1872
MccranieCarolyn Joneborn about 1938
MccranieJennie born about 1885
MccranieJosie born about 1926
MccranieMary Ann Sueborn about 1935
MccranieMary Evelynborn about 1936
MccranieMary Leeborn about 1915
MccranieNina Pearlborn about 1916
MccranieOlson born about 1908
MccranieRussell born about 1919
MccranieWalter Danborn about 1940
McdonaldFred born about 1895
MellisGuilford born about 1889
MellisMary Nellborn about 1923
MellisSusie Maeborn about 1920
MellisWinnie born about 1879
MercerJames born about 1909
MercerLola born about 1914
MerrittClive born about 1933
MerrittEdd born about 1912
MerrittInez born about 1930
MerrittRitha Maeborn about 1931
MerrittRosa born about 1929
MerrittRosetta born about 1908
MerrittVerles born about 1934
MillerNancy born about 1859
MooreAaron born about 1901
MooreBobbie born about 1937
MooreClaud born about 1905
MooreClyde born about 1900
MooreEdith born about 1917
MooreElaine born about 1912
MooreElma born about 1900
MooreEloise born about 1924
MooreEslie born about 1908
MooreJewel born about 1920
MooreJimmie born about 1931
MooreLili born about 1903
MooreNathaniel born about 1894
MooreRamon born about 1926
MyresColon born about 1919
MyresEvelyn born about 1924
MyresMyrtle born about 1940
MyresOrrell born about 1891
MyresT Altonborn about 1885
MyresT Alton Jrborn about 1923
MyresTexas born about 1913

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N Surnames

NewbernCleowen born about 1919
NewbernCollis Dborn about 1922
NewbernDelmas born about 1927
NewbernEmory born about 1910
NewbernEttamae born about 1931
NewbernJames Eborn about 1925
NewbernJohn born about 1851
NewbernKate born about 1879
NewbernMattie Lborn about 1890
NewbernMildred born about 1920
NewbernRichmon born about 1871
NewbornDessa Leeborn about 1939
NewbornJohn Jborn about 1914
NewbornMargie born about 1937
NewbornOdessa born about 1918
NewellEdd born about 1893

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O Surnames

OdumOlan born about 1926
OquinnBillie born about 1928
OquinnCharlie born about 1898
OquinnClara born about 1929
OquinnDelilah born about 1920
OquinnDorothy born about 1926
OquinnElisa born about 1873
OquinnEthel born about 1920
OquinnGuy born about 1904
OquinnIowa born about 1906
OquinnJeannelle born about 1927
OquinnMelba born about 1925
OquinnMyrtle born about 1914
OquinnPaul Mborn about 1910
OquinnRuth born about 1924
OquinnWillie born about 1896

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P Surnames

PittsJames Rborn about 1930
PittsJoel Wborn about 1939
PittsJohn Hborn about 1936
PittsLavadah born about 1905
PittsMaybelle born about 1928
PittsPhillip born about 1900
PittsR Tborn about 1933
PowersBillie born about 1931
PowersEarl born about 1935
PowersRosa born about 1913
PowersVernon born about 1906

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R Surnames

RayAngie born about 1892
RegisterCorrine born about 1919
RegisterEmmerson Sborn about 1920
RegisterEssie Maeborn about 1919
RegisterHoward Bborn about 1915
RegisterHoward Eborn about 1940
RegisterLavelle born about 1916
RegisterLeman Lxborn about 1879
RegisterMarcus born about 1914
RegisterMary Nborn about 1922
RegisterNora Bborn about 1938
RegisterSusie born about 1885
RhodesFannie Leeborn about 1898
RhodesFannie Maeborn about 1920
RhodesHartridge born about 1918
RhodesJohn born about 1924
RhodesLa Rue born about 1922
RhodesMarion born about 1896
RhodesMelvin born about 1918
RhodesVancine born about 1922
RhodesWillard born about 1926
RiceHubert born about 1939
RiceJoseph born about 1927
RiceNelda Bborn about 1938
RiceOline born about 1932
RicePhodine born about 1935
RiceViola born about 1907
RiceWard born about 1905
RoundtreeLula born about 1908
RoundtreeMelgie born about 1908
RowanBettie Joeborn about 1939
RowanBuie Jborn about 1911
RowanCharlie born about 1888
RowanDorothy born about 1923
RowanEmma Rborn about 1893
RowanEula Bborn about 1917
RowanJoe Bborn about 1861
RowanJoe Levyborn about 1937
RowanLa Rue born about 1934
RowanLacy born about 1896
RowanLaverne born about 1930
RowanLeonard born about 1892
RowanLou Annieborn about 1894
RowanOra born about 1897

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S Surnames

SappEloise born about 1931
SappLavine born about 1925
SappWilburn born about 1900
SappWillie born about 1905
SaundersClarence born about 1935
SaundersFloyd born about 1910
SaundersGarthell born about 1938
SaundersLouise born about 1914
SaundersThomas born about 1932
SchofieldJewel born about 1919
SchofieldLeonard born about 1913
ShawCora Leeborn about 1915
ShawHarvey Leeborn about 1933
ShawJames born about 1936
ShawLamar born about 1908
SmithAgnes born about 1919
SmithAlford born about 1887
SmithAnnie born about 1895
SmithCharlie born about 1918
SmithCharlie Oborn about 1878
SmithElsie Russborn about 1928
SmithFannie Leeborn about 1917
SmithIrene born about 1923
SmithJames Alfordborn about 1922
SmithLee born about 1887
SmithLila born about 1893
SmithMildred born about 1939
SmithPerris born about 1913
SmithRalph born about 1927
SmithRaymond born about 1938
SmithRhoda born about 1879
SmithRobbie Nellborn about 1937
SmithTolda born about 1916
SmithTroy born about 1919
SpiresCurtis born about 1913
SpiresEdd born about 1919
SpiresEliza born about 1886
SpiresEmma born about 1881
SpiresGeorge born about 1917
SpiresGeorge Jr born about 1931
SpiresHazel born about 1914
SpiresHazel born about 1928
SpiresHenry born about 1880
SpiresHerman born about 1939
SpiresJesse born about 1871
SpiresLucile born about 1932
SpiresPauline born about 1923
SpiresThelma born about 1934
SpiresVelma born about 1919
StaffordCora born about 1895
StaffordCora Mborn about 1932
StaffordEllie Hborn about 1918
StaffordHomer Bborn about 1921
StaffordJohnnie Leeborn about 1931
StaffordLonnie born about 1922
StaffordLottie Bborn about 1914
StaffordWillie Hborn about 1928

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T Surnames

TarrantAnnie Maeborn about 1890
TarrantJohn born about 1889
TenderBubert born about 1934
TenderDavid Vborn about 1939
TenderLaverne born about 1935
TenderLona born about 1918
TenderVernon born about 1912
ThomasEmma Leeborn about 1937
ThomasEstelle born about 1932
ThomasIrma born about 1914
ThomasJewel born about 1929
ThomasLonnie born about 1903
ThomasWynelle born about 1935
ThorntonMaria born about 1876
TippensAbe born about 1928
TippensAlice born about 1927
TippensBob born about 1888
TippensBoss born about 1906
TippensEdgar born about 1934
TippensEdwina born about 1936
TippensElgie born about 1934
TippensJohnnie Leeborn about 1938
TippensWilbur born about 1931
TrowellAlle born about 1872
TrowellClaud born about 1924
TrowellMatilda born about 1880
TrowellRamey born about 1920
TrowellThelma born about 1925
TurnerLovell born about 1923
TurnerObeta born about 1918
TysonAaron born about 1882
TysonDelores born about 1935
TysonDewey born about 1896
TysonEddi born about 1891
TysonEdith born about 1917
TysonElizabeth born about 1877
TysonJames born about 1908
TysonJames Dborn about 1876
TysonLa Fay born about 1939
TysonPearl born about 1908
TysonSallie born about 1887
TysonWilliam born about 1928

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V Surnames

VickersIsabelle born about 1862
VickeryHezekiah born about 1908
VickerySara born about 1906

W Surnames

WaldonAlonzo born about 1898
WaldonBobbie born about 1907
WalkerMae born about 1927
WarrenMae born about 1899
WebbLonnie born about 1940
WebbLucile born about 1926
WheelisBobbie born about 1929
WheelisFannie Eborn about 1895
WheelisJohn Mborn about 1895
WheelisRobbie Nellborn about 1934
WilliamsElzie born about 1925
WilliamsRichard born about 1917
WilliamsSara born about 1883

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Y Surnames

YoungHeywood born about 1916
YoungMellie born about 1883

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