1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mount Carmel, Telfair, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Telfair County > 1940 Census of Mount Carmel

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllinArlene born about 1932
AllinEdison born about 1935
AllinEdward born about 1925
AllinJossie born about 1938
AllinJunior born about 1930
AllinLuzer born about 1903
AllinOline born about 1934
AllinOscar born about 1894
AllinParkie born about 1926
AllinSelmer born about 1927
AllinTommie born about 1939
AndesonSue born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BawellJohnie born about 1873
BawellMaud born about 1883
BennettAlmer born about 1927
BennettDan born about 1899
BennettDoshie born about 1901
BennettGeorge born about 1918
BennettHannie born about 1939
BennettLenona born about 1921
BennettLucy born about 1921
BennettMadie Lenborn about 1935
BennettRubin born about 1932
BinsJack Jr born about 1936
BinsJasper born about 1894
BinsLucial born about 1922
BinsSaddie born about 1892
BlandDan born about 1861
BlandEarl born about 1904
BlandEmly born about 1938
BlandGuy born about 1910
BlandJames born about 1880
BlandJoe born about 1923
BlandJulian born about 1925
BlandLulu born about 1880
BlandMarthen born about 1914
BlandMary born about 1906
BrewerFrankie born about 1910
BrewerJack born about 1906
BrewerMary born about 1936
BrewerWilliam born about 1938
BroodBessie born about 1883
BrookNora born about 1881
ButtsInez born about 1916
ButtsRobert born about 1938
ButtsWilliam born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CharlesCo?ff?er born about 1908
CharlesMary born about 1910
ClarkEliza born about 1912
ClarkGeraldine born about 1930
ClarkHannie born about 1910
ClarkInese born about 1923
ClarkJene born about 1939
ClarkMae Danborn about 1935
ClarkPearl born about 1928
ClarkRobeatha born about 1934
ClementAaron born about 1882
ClementAllice born about 1923
ClementAllie born about 1903
ClementAlma born about 1922
ClementAlton born about 1933
ClementAmanda born about 1886
ClementArchie born about 1876
ClementBellie born about 1924
ClementBelva Mborn about
ClementBettie born about 1929
ClementBettie born about 1931
ClementBillie born about 1933
ClementC Jacob Cborn about 1885
ClementCharlie born about 1874
ClementCharlie born about 1906
ClementClarence born about 1934
ClementCleva born about 1930
ClementCliford born about 1930
ClementCora born about 1908
ClementCrafford born about 1929
ClementDiatha born about 1924
ClementDonnal born about 1938
ClementDorthy born about 1928
ClementEarl born about 1928
ClementEarl born about 1930
ClementEdwin born about 1928
ClementEffie Maeborn about 1928
ClementEllie born about 1870
ClementElouise born about 1934
ClementEmma born about 1892
ClementErnest born about 1917
ClementFred born about 1924
ClementFred born about 1931
ClementGeorge born about 1929
ClementGeorgie born about 1920
ClementGerald born about 1927
ClementGlen born about 1930
ClementHallie born about 1891
ClementHarry born about 1925
ClementHoris born about 1928
ClementI Siabellborn about 1928
ClementInonia born about 1928
ClementJaddie born about 1868
ClementJames born about 1891
ClementJanita born about 1936
ClementJannie born about 1921
ClementJannie born about 1935
ClementJearald born about 1927
ClementJohn born about 1898
ClementJohn born about 1899
ClementJohnnie born about 1918
ClementJol born about 1928
ClementJoniah born about 1910
ClementLe Roy born about 1935
ClementLeroy born about 1923
ClementLilla born about 1903
ClementLizzie born about 1934
ClementLola born about 1927
ClementLola born about 1931
ClementLouis born about 1932
ClementLuceal born about 1902
ClementLue born about 1905
ClementLural born about 1923
ClementMabell born about 1901
ClementMadison born about 1911
ClementMae born about 1904
ClementMalba born about 1935
ClementMamie Luborn about 1927
ClementMannie born about 1876
ClementMarther born about 1892
ClementMary Francisborn about 1932
ClementMathia born about 1932
ClementMax Tborn about 1927
ClementMildred born about 1921
ClementMinnie born about 1898
ClementOscar born about 1938
ClementPreston born about 1936
ClementRichard born about 1927
ClementRobert born about 1898
ClementRose Nillborn about 1926
ClementRoser born about 1936
ClementRoses born about 1900
ClementSallie Maeborn about
ClementSampson born about 1916
ClementSarah born about 1888
ClementSarah born about 1927
ClementSardon born about 1881
ClementThomas born about 1939
ClementTonnie born about 1939
ClementVard born about 1876
ClementVirgil born about 1923
ClementWaleston born about 1894
ClementWilliam born about 1919
ClementWilliam born about 1927
ClementWillie born about 1865
ClementWillie born about 1910
ClementWillie Maudborn about 1938
ClementWillis born about 1937
ClementsAuslon born about 1922
ClementsBrilla born about 1937
ClementsCharles born about 1932
ClementsCora born about 1918
ClementsEmma born about 1901
ClementsErnest born about 1923
ClementsHenry born about 1892
ClementsHenry Ettaborn about 1891
ClementsHorice born about 1921
ClementsHoris born about 1936
ClementsIda born about 1928
ClementsIda Mieborn about 1931
ClementsJetty Maeborn about 1912
ClementsJim Hborn about 1885
ClementsJoe born about 1903
ClementsJulian born about 1931
ClementsLiz Jieborn about 1926
ClementsNoris born about 1889
ClementsOris born about 1920
ClementsRosa Bellborn about 1930
ClementsSlandy born about 1924
ClementsVera Tborn about 1934
ClementsWill born about 1915
ConnellBessie born about 1937
ConnellDonnie born about 1901
ConnellEdwin born about 1922
ConnellFloyd born about 1899
ConnellGertrude born about 1935
ConnellJohn Hborn about 1928
ConnellOdesser born about 1925
ConnellOmanny born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DatoonLizz born about 1873
DavisAnnie born about 1923
DavisEarl born about 1922
DavisEmma born about 1890
DavisWillard born about 1919
DurdinJackson born about 1902

E Surnames

EddHallie born about 1937
EddMary born about 1903
EddMccrinna born about 1901
EddSammie born about 1935

F Surnames

FargarstonJessie born about 1892
FleitcherAnnie born about 1899
FleitcherFred born about 1897
FleitcherFred Jr born about 1929
FleitcherHurell born about 1933
FleitcherLue born about 1864
FleitcherRobert born about 1923
FleitcherWillie born about 1927
FrederixAnnie born about 1908

G Surnames

GandersMae born about 1910
GandersMartie born about 1908
GarfauldDasheur born about 1902
GarfauldMiller born about 1900
GayFulton born about 1911
GayGennie born about 1923
GayMyrtle born about 1912
GayNettie born about 1888
GayRobert born about 1933
GrahamJam Cborn about 1896
GrahamJames Tborn about 1932
GrahamMyrtle born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HarillJohn Henryborn about 1936
HarillKulberin born about 1912
HarillLizzie Maeborn about 1937
HarillTom born about 1908
HarillWillie born about 1939
HarrillAnnie born about
HarrillCora Bellborn about 1931
HarrillDoris born about 1928
HarrillEdd born about 1905
HarrillEligin born about
HarrillEllie Janeborn about 1930
HarrillHezakiah born about 1927
HarrillHozell born about 1927
HarrillJassie born about 1900
HarrillJearl Danborn about 1931
HarrillJessie born about 1918
HarrillJulia Maeborn about 1940
HarrillLena Maeborn about 1936
HarrillLouise born about 1937
HarrillWill born about 1918
HattenMaron born about 1923
HattenMyrtle Mborn about 1940
HattonElmer born about 1918
HavisBessie born about 1939
HavisCharlie born about 1915
HavisMaggie born about 1916
HavisNedd born about 1937
HaymonBernice born about 1929
HaymonBufford born about 1912
HaymonElvin born about 1933
HaymonLena Maeborn about 1912
HaymonRoy born about 1919
HaymonRuth born about 1919
HearnBettie born about 1923
HearnHoward born about 1918
HearnJimmie born about 1939
HearnsAlberta born about 1894
HearnsBarbery born about 1939
HearnsBettie born about 1935
HearnsBirlie born about 1930
HearnsJack born about 1927
HearnsJae born about 1920
HearnsJeanettee born about 1937
HearnsJephry born about 1922
HearnsJohn born about 1894
HearnsSam born about 1925
HoltAlbert born about 1919
HoltCarl born about 1894
HoltJessie Miaborn about 1929
HoltKenneth born about 1931
HoltMary Emmaborn about 1927
HoltTempie born about 1895
HoltVyde born about 1917
HopsonBettie Clarkborn about 1934
HopsonClrk born about 1907
HopsonSarah born about 1913
HowellEarline born about 1914
HowellEmiary born about 1913
HowellHenry born about 1920
HowellIdeatha born about 1919
HowellJohnie born about 1935
HulellHarrell born about 1932
HulellHildred born about 1924
HulellJanell born about 1929
HulellLizer born about 1891
HulellRisall born about 1914
HulellSlaford born about 1913
HulellWillie Maudborn about 1921
HulillAuslilla born about 1920
HulillEdd born about 1939
HulillOscar born about 1911

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I Surnames

IngramClaud born about 1871
IngramLeiwal* born about 1932
IngramNellie born about 1920

J Surnames

JohnAllin born about 1916
JohnAnnie born about 1914
JohnHenry born about 1936
JohnSarah born about 1938
JohnsonDoris born about 1928
JohnsonGladys born about 1908
JohnsonHenry born about 1895
JohnsonJunior born about 1935

L Surnames

LouisBen born about 1922
LouisFannie born about 1889
LouisHellen born about 1930
LouisLee born about 1883
LouisLuther born about 1927

M Surnames

MallisCharles Leeborn about 1939
MallisClayton born about 1898
MallisDoris born about 1924
MallisGiana Maeborn about 1930
MallisHomes born about 1899
MallisJearldon born about 1925
MallisJonnie born about 1927
MallisLayton born about 1937
MallisOllie Maeborn about 1909
MallisOnida born about 1928
MallisRick Noraborn about
MallisWalden born about 1932
MashBern born about 1883
MashJames born about 1936
MashMary born about 1932
MashMattie born about 1939
MashMaud born about 1912
MatherJohn born about 1894
MckennonSallie born about 1909
MckennonWill born about 1903
McraeCarry Maeborn about 1936
McraeCorry born about 1915
McraeLary born about 1911
McraeLena Maeborn about 1937
McraeOla Janeborn about 1915
McraeOwen born about 1910
McraeVelmer born about 1934
McrimonEllie born about 1924
MillerMary born about 1862
MittonAnnie Maeborn about 1928
MittonBessie born about 1935
MittonClyde born about 1933
MittonCora born about 1895
MittonEddie born about 1927
MittonEugene born about 1921
MittonJennie born about 1923
MittonJim born about 1892
MittonLizzie born about 1930
MittonLouise born about 1930
MittonSam born about 1937
MittonSidney born about 1932
MoorHenry born about 1917
MoorNonia born about 1921
MoorTommie born about 1938
MooreAlex born about 1904
MooreArrinoe born about 1905
MooreArtha born about 1935
MooreBarker born about 1931
MooreEddie Luborn about 1938
MooreHenry Luborn about 1932
MooreJannie born about 1937
MooreJimmie born about 1939
MooreJonn born about 1912
MooreLouise born about 1935
MooreLula Maeborn about 1930
MooreTommie born about 1939
MooreViola born about 1914
MooreWillie born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdomKeneth born about 1913

P Surnames

PaceAddie Maeborn about 1930
PaceAllice born about 1905
PaceAmous born about 1917
PaceAnnie born about 1922
PaceBessie born about 1922
PaceBessie born about 1936
PaceDannze born about 1916
PaceElven born about 1932
PaceEtta Leeborn about 1929
PaceHenry born about
PaceHenryetta born about 1906
PaceHoward born about 1885
PaceJames born about 1925
PaceJeane born about 1937
PaceJohn Henryborn about
PaceLizer Maeborn about 1935
PaceLizzie born about 1929
PaceMaddie born about 1893
PaceMalkis born about 1905
PaceMellie born about 1914
PaceOwen born about 1927
PaceRobert born about 1891
PaceRobert Jr born about 1917
PaceSunnie Jr born about 1916
PaceVada born about 1927
PaceWilliam born about 1937
PaceWilson born about 1886
ParkerJohn born about 1866
ParkerOla born about 1869
ParkerWilliam born about 1923
PhilipArminthy born about 1889
PhilipDonnie born about 1909
PhilipE Dborn about 1927
PhilipE Wborn about 1931
PhilipEaber born about 1935
PhilipEllen born about 1910
PoleWilliam born about 1906
PowellAda Leeborn about 1921
PowellArrilla born about 1903
PowellBell born about 1889
PowellBettie born about 1919
PowellEarl born about 1909
PowellEdward born about 1869
PowellElmer born about 1927
PowellEva Miaborn about 1914
PowellGennie born about 1901
PowellHomer born about 1914
PowellJasper born about 1913
PowellJerone born about 1940
PowellPearl born about 1918
PowellRobert Cborn about 1881
PowellWilmer born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RafsonMitchel born about 1916
RayAbridge born about 1918
RayAnnie born about 1881
RayEffie born about 1898
RayElbridge born about 1922
RayFred born about 1925
RayHenry born about 1921
RayNewman born about 1917
RayTom Jborn about 1876
RebyEddie Linborn about 1910
RebyTom born about 1911
RiversClaud born about 1903
RiversClud Jr born about 1918
RiversEmory born about 1922
RiversEwell born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SearbroughAggie born about 1911
SearbroughCashel born about 1911
SearbroughJames born about 1927
SmithBeasie born about 1921
SmithBeatrice born about 1923
SmithBessie born about 1895
SmithBruce born about 1890
SmithCalis born about 1921
SmithCarrie born about 1886
SmithClayton born about 1895
SmithClissie born about 1898
SmithDani born about 1891
SmithEmmill born about 1936
SmithFred born about 1913
SmithGennetter born about 1939
SmithGrasey born about 1930
SmithGuy born about 1936
SmithHarrson born about 1918
SmithHelen born about 1928
SmithHorris born about 1934
SmithIda born about 1894
SmithIrina born about 1916
SmithJack born about 1919
SmithJessie born about 1906
SmithJessie born about 1927
SmithJewl born about 1935
SmithJimmie born about 1902
SmithJoda born about 1927
SmithLouise born about 1925
SmithMargaret born about 1932
SmithMary born about 1865
SmithPauline born about 1919
SmithRaford born about 1912
SmithRammie born about 1934
SmithRobert born about 1921
SmithRosa born about 1903
SmithRuby born about 1927
SmithRussell born about 1938
SmithSlonlby born about 1938
SmithTommie born about 1938
SmithVara born about 1929
SmithWilmer born about 1923
StewartLelia born about 1881
StonCharles born about 1934
StonEunis born about 1938
StonLarry born about 1936
StonOssie born about 1916
StonPonal born about 1938
StoseEva born about 1906
StoseHarvey born about 1898
StoveLarmon born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaunkBurt born about 1898
ThomasEstell born about 1917
ThomasGaddes born about 1915
ThomasGadis born about 1937
ThomasMartha born about 1935
ThorntonEarnice born about 1906
ThorntonJohn born about 1930
ThorntonJunary born about 1928
ThorntonMondgomery born about 1902
ThorntonWindle born about 1933
TovellJohn born about 1882
TovellJohnnie born about 1936
TovellLillie born about 1917
TovellLorine born about 1927
TovellMary Sueborn about 1931
TovellOlene born about 1920
TovellRollie born about 1929
TovellTheatius born about 1916
TovellWilliam born about 1928
TovellWillison born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValdenEarl born about 1918
ValdenElla Maeborn about 1927
ValdenErmes born about 1921
ValdenJohn born about 1898

W Surnames

WaldenNora born about 1872
WelshCharles born about 1932
WelshGrady born about 1905
WelshJoe Annborn about 1938
WelshLola born about 1911
WelshWillie born about 1932
WhattyFred born about 1892
WhattyMyrtle born about 1892
WhiteAgnes born about 1909
WhiteAnnie born about 1893
WhiteBill born about 1919
WhiteHarry born about 1922
WhiteHearman born about 1939
WhiteJack born about 1909
WhiteJim born about 1890
WhiteLowell born about 1923
WhiteMaggie born about 1921
WhiteMarth born about 1888
WhiteMorris born about 1913
WhiteOlin born about 1924
WhiteOllie born about 1889
WhiteRobert born about 1885
WhiteShearman born about 1935
WhiteSue born about 1938
WhiteVelma born about 1915
WhiteWalter born about 1933
WhiteWindeal born about 1937
WilbesLeon born about 1911
WilbesLeon Lborn about 1938
WilbesMay Sueborn about 1940
WilbesZullma born about 1910
WilkesCarrol born about 1921
WilkesDelbert born about 1932
WilkesDonal born about 1939
WilkesEarl born about 1927
WilkesGrover born about 1888
WilkesMary Lizzieborn about 1891
WilkesOuida born about 1914
WilkesRenil born about 1914
WilkesRussell born about 1916
WilkesShearley born about 1935
WillsAlron born about 1892
WillsAlron Jr born about 1929
WillsArchie born about 1939
WillsBlanch born about 1900
WillsDan born about 1930
WillsFrank born about 1850
WillsFranklin born about 1882
WillsGeneva born about 1934
WillsH Wborn about 1931
WillsHarie born about 1920
WillsJenita born about 1933
WillsJohana born about 1856
WillsJohn born about 1892
WillsKiz Jieborn about 1900
WillsLela Maeborn about 1935
WillsLevie born about 1925
WillsLuvase born about 1921
WillsMary born about 1885
WillsNora born about 1892
WillsPaule born about 1926
WillsRobert born about 1937
WillsSarge born about 1921
WillsonCurtis born about 1926
WillsonGeorgia born about 1928
WillsonLevi born about 1922
WillsonMaud born about 1905
WillsonMose born about 1920
WillsonOfean born about 1924
WillsonTheoda born about 1928
WillsonTommie born about 1895
WillsonTommie born about 1930
WynnDenson born about 1908
WynnElizabeth born about 1936
WynnMyrtie born about 1914

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Z Surnames

ZandersMarjorie born about 1928
ZandersMary born about 1891

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