1940 U.S. Federal Census of Panther Creek, Coweta, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Coweta County > 1940 Census of Panther Creek

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdcockEvie born about 1917
AdcockFred born about 1914
AdkinsonAndy born about 1906
AdkinsonCrystal born about 1910
AdkinsonKitty Corkborn about 1934
AdkinsonWade born about 1939
AllenElizabeth born about 1928
AllenElva born about 1930
AllenGeorge born about 1875
AllenMaggie born about 1872
AllenS Gardner 3rdborn about 1939
AllenSylvanus Gborn about 1887
AllenVan Lborn about 1898
AlmondCurtis born about 1924
AlmondJohn Lborn about 1919
AlmondMaby born about 1906
AlmondObe born about 1930
AlmondWillard born about 1929
AlmondWillie born about 1888
AlmondWillie Mayborn about 1910
AndersonHenry born about 1914
AndrewsErnest born about 1932
AndrewsEster born about 1935
AndrewsHarold born about 1922
AndrewsHattie Maeborn about 1924
AndrewsHazel born about 1931
AndrewsJames born about 1928
AndrewsLewis born about 1895
AndrewsLucy Maeborn about 1926
AndrewsMargia born about 1896
AnthonyAndy born about 1875
AnthonyLouette born about 1909
ArnoldAlf born about 1885
ArnoldAlvin born about 1926
ArnoldAnnie born about 1903
ArnoldBessie born about 1891
ArnoldFlorence born about 1923
ArnoldJohn born about 1878
ArnoldJohn born about 1881
ArnoldJoy Dborn about 1930
ArnoldTexas born about 1880
AshleyCarl born about 1926
AshleyClifford born about 1902
AshleyClifford Juniorborn about 1934
AshleyDorothy born about 1935
AshleyFannie born about 1902
AshleyGladys born about 1928
AshleyMeldred born about 1932
AshleyOpal born about 1924
AshourMaggie born about 1916
AshourMaxine born about 1935
AshourRay born about 1917
AshourWillie Maeborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaglandWillie Bborn about 1922
BaileyAgnes born about 1876
BaileyEdna born about 1914
BaileyLizze Belleborn about 1910
BaldsGeorge born about 1918
BaldsJohn Henryborn about 1921
BallClinton born about 1897
BallKatie Mborn about 1910
BallRuby born about 1903
BallWillie Bborn about 1910
BankesMaybelle born about 1920
BanksArvella born about 1933
BanksBessie born about 1921
BanksBessie Ameborn about 1900
BanksCarl born about 1916
BanksClaude born about 1898
BanksColumbus born about 1936
BanksEarl born about 1896
BanksEugene born about 1926
BanksIsabelle born about 1925
BanksJesse Belleborn about 1915
BanksLizabeth born about 1919
BanksMatthew born about 1923
BanksMattie Claudeborn about 1928
BanksMey Bellborn about 1920
BanksMyrtle born about 1890
BanksWade born about 1939
BanksWillie Masborn about 1931
BarkersElvie born about 1885
BarkersFrank born about 1887
BarkersHazel born about 1921
BarkersMary born about 1918
BarkersPolly born about 1925
BarnesArnie Louborn about 1936
BarnesBessie born about 1894
BarnesBill born about 1913
BarnesJoan born about 1935
BarnesLois born about 1916
BarnesMallie born about 1869
BarnesMargerete born about 1938
BarnesOra Maeborn about 1918
BarnesPaul born about 1936
BarnesRichard born about 1892
BarnesThomas Zebborn about 1940
BarnesWalter born about 1916
BarnesWillie Iveborn about 1908
BarnesZeb born about 1900
BassOscar born about 1901
BassRosa born about 1900
BatesMaggie born about 1890
BawersAnnie Belleborn about 1909
BawersIrene born about 1930
BawersLulie born about 1932
BawersRay born about 1909
BawersSusie Maeborn about 1933
BeansBertha born about 1909
BeansBertha Monroeborn about 1908
BeansDorothy born about 1932
BeansGarnelle born about 1929
BeansNamia born about 1935
BeansToney born about 1939
BeaslayAnnie born about 1925
BennettBarbara ???born about 1937
BennettEmma born about 1896
BennettGerald born about 1935
BennettHarvey born about 1915
BennettJessie born about 1915
BennettLouise born about 1916
BennettWillie Earlborn about 1939
BernsGeorgia born about 1904
BernsLucile born about 1924
BernsRobert Clyfordborn about 1940
BernsWalter Frankborn about 1936
BeutteyOllie born about 1898
BeutteySidney born about 1895
BishopEllen born about
BishopLewis born about 1913
BlackHerny born about 1912
BlairAlbert born about 1932
BlairAlton born about 1918
BlairAmos born about 1917
BlairBettie born about 1940
BlairBobbie born about 1938
BlairElizabeth born about 1939
BlairGladys born about 1916
BlairHermanff born about 1936
BlairHershell born about 1936
BlairHortense born about 1919
BlairIsrael born about 1895
BlairJewell born about 1929
BlairLonnie born about 1902
BlairMillerd born about 1916
BlairOneal born about 1939
BlairRoy born about 1923
BlairWalter born about 1920
BlakelyYancy born about 1905
BlakleyEarline born about 1907
BlakleyEvelyn born about 1930
BlakleyJinnie born about 1928
BlakleyMartia Jeanborn about 1937
BlakleyMary Belleborn about 1925
BoneClifford born about 1928
BoneEalys born about 1890
BoneGeneve born about 1924
BoneJames born about 1922
BoneLessie born about 1890
BonePauline born about 1916
BoneThomas born about 1933
BoneWilma born about 1936
BornJohny Willborn about 1926
BornLily Maudeborn about 1901
BornarKattie Sueborn about 1923
BowensCathrine Ruthborn about 1938
BowensEssie born about 1911
BowersCora Leeborn about 1912
BowersHugh born about 1910
BowieAmar born about 1917
BowieErnest Leeborn about 1907
BowieFlorene born about 1929
BowieIdella born about 1887
BowieIrene born about 1913
BowieMary Joborn about 1934
BowieNim born about 1888
BowieSusie born about 1910
BowilClara born about 1913
BowilJacqueline born about 1934
BowilRichard born about 1912
BowilVirginia born about 1930
BoyentonEva born about 1922
BrachetClaude Maeborn about 1915
BraswellBob born about 1874
BraswellRossie born about 1874
BrewerBettie born about 1919
BrewerClara born about 1916
BrewerEarlene born about 1917
BrewerLeon born about 1909
BrewerMary born about 1884
BrewerMary Papeborn about 1914
BrewerPhylis born about 1939
BrewerTilman born about 1884
BrewerWilliam born about 1923
BriceC Louisborn about 1938
BriceIndianna born about 1869
BriceJounior born about 1931
BriceMartha Annborn about 1934
BridgerAnna Lborn about 1873
BridgerDelia born about 1892
BridgerFay born about 1913
BridgerHarold born about 1908
BridgerMattie Sueborn about 1896
BridgerSol Sborn about 1868
BridgerW Aborn about 1884
BridgesAmmie born about 1928
BridgesAnn born about 1884
BridgesEdger born about 1903
BridgesEdward born about 1927
BridgesEmanual born about 1937
BridgesEmma Louborn about 1906
BridgesJames born about 1924
BridgesJennie Louborn about 1921
BridgesJohn Hborn about 1873
BridgesJohn Henryborn about 1925
BridgesLuthar born about 1935
BridgesMary born about 1939
BridgesMinnie born about 1879
BrittianCarrie Dellborn about 1915
BrittianDaisy born about 1919
BrittianErnest born about 1936
BrittianJoy Dborn about 1932
BrittianJune Leeborn about 1937
BrittianMatthew born about 1911
BrittianR Vborn about 1934
BrittianReed born about 1912
BrittianRosa Leeborn about 1912
BrittianWarren born about 1915
BrocksElva born about 1919
BrocksGay born about 1913
BrocksLannie Balborn about 1940
BrocksSallie Rborn about 1873
BromhamCatherine born about 1925
BromhamDan Nborn about 1923
BromhamMaggie born about 1885
BromhamNelson born about 1873
BrooksKnox born about 1918
BrooksMable born about 1914
BrownCecil born about 1915
BrownFermanda born about 1886
BrownJames born about 1938
BrownKennetth born about 1936
BrownLouise born about 1919
BrownMary Annborn about 1939
BryandtChars born about 1927
BryandtEzell born about 1908
BryandtHerman born about 1930
BryandtKenntth born about 1938
BryandtMarion born about 1932
BryandtOliv Hborn about 1907
BryantAlton born about 1910
BryantAlton Nedborn about 1940
BryantDauers born about 1915
BryantDean born about 1931
BryantFannie born about 1889
BryantHarris born about 1911
BryantIrene born about 1912
BryantLoyde born about 1919
BryantOla Mayborn about 1915
BryantRay Oborn about 1938
BryantRilla Maeborn about 1919
BryantRuth born about 1914
BryentLauoria born about 1926
BryentNathan Eborn about 1921
BryentOvie born about 1919
BryentWilliam Hborn about 1876
BuedetteArthur Eborn about 1911
BuedetteArthur Jommieborn about 1934
BuedetteElsie born about 1911
BurchMildred born about 1933
BurnhamAnnie Maeborn about 1898
BurnhamAutry born about 1917
BurnhamBetty born about 1937
BurnhamClara born about 1919
BurnhamClarence born about 1918
BurnhamDorothy born about 1921
BurnhamEdgar born about 1923
BurnhamEtheline born about 1890
BurnhamHomer born about 1896
BurnhamWillard born about 1916
BurnhanCliff born about 1899
BurnhanFrances born about 1929
BurnhanHamp born about 1931
BurnhanHarold born about 1925
BurnhanJoe born about 1919
BurnhanMaggie born about 1892
BurnhanMargaret born about 1935
BurnhanRaider born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CagginsEula born about 1917
CagginsRaymond born about 1911
CalemanGlodys born about 1907
CalemanHenry Bborn about 1900
CalemanHenry Lannarborn about 1939
CalemanMarion born about 1935
CalemanShirley Annborn about 1933
CalhoonLudie born about 1888
CallawayBettie Leuborn about 1929
CallawayFred Cborn about 1904
CallawayLamar born about 1927
CallawayLion born about 1923
CallawayMarion born about 1925
CallawayMarma Jeanborn about 1932
CallawayOgilline born about 1905
CallinsGladys born about 1919
CallinsIra Leeborn about 1915
CallinsWayne born about 1938
CammonEula Belleborn about 1907
CammonJoseph Jborn about 1893
CammonOpal Joyceborn about 1930
CammonWilma Belleborn about 1936
CampCluis born about 1930
CampEdward born about 1930
CampJames Dborn about 1891
CampJohn Jborn about 1911
CampKattie born about 1890
CampLillian born about 1911
CarmicalAnn born about 1926
CarmicalBob born about 1873
CarmicalJim Sborn about 1880
CarmicalMaude Wborn about 1889
CarmicalWilliam R Jrborn about 1923
CarterE Tborn about 1861
CarterElizabeth born about 1859
CassellAmbrose born about 1923
CassellAnnie Ruthborn about 1901
CassellHomer born about 1893
CassellOtis born about 1921
CaterRuth born about 1923
CauenderBertie born about 1905
CauseyDorothy Janeborn about 1935
CauseyJohn Fborn about 1894
CauseyJohn Fborn about 1928
CauseyMattie Wborn about 1906
CauseyWilliam born about 1926
CavenderGuy Leonborn about 1909
CavenderLucy born about 1915
CavenderMary Lucyborn about 1938
ChapmanAda born about 1884
ChapmanFaye born about 1927
ChapmanGene born about 1935
ChapmanLamar born about 1928
ChapmanRoy born about 1907
ChapmanRuby born about 1909
ClarkEdna Maeborn about 1917
ClarkElla Maeborn about 1938
ClarkEura Leeborn about 1920
ClarkGene Autryborn about 1937
ClarkGeorge born about 1919
ClarkHorace Leeborn about 1939
ClarkJoe born about 1913
ClarkJoyce Leeborn about 1939
ClarkLeonard born about 1911
ClarkMary Alaceborn about 1936
ClarkOpal born about 1917
ClarkPaul born about 1907
ClarkRay born about 1913
ClarkRosie born about 1906
ClarkWalter born about 1902
ClarkZellars born about 1887
ColeBobbie born about 1921
ColeCollin born about 1888
ColeMaudie Maeborn about 1920
ColePaul born about 1873
ColeSarah Annborn about 1939
ColeTim born about 1912
ColeWilliam born about 1910
CollinsBarbara born about 1938
CollinsEdward born about 1931
CollinsElzie born about 1910
CollinsLeon born about 1935
CollinsMinnie born about 1910
ColzuettDoris born about 1917
ColzuettNicky born about 1936
CommonClentis born about 1926
CommonEthel born about 1906
CommonEzra born about 1904
CommonThomas born about 1934
CookBill born about 1936
CookClarence born about 1935
CookDelia born about 1905
CookDorothy Ruthborn about 1938
CookFrank born about 1914
CookFrankie Mariborn about 1934
CookHamp born about 1886
CookHazel born about 1921
CookHelen born about 1929
CookHorace born about 1900
CookLena born about 1894
CookMae born about 1915
CookMarion born about 1922
CookMildred born about 1916
CookNamie born about 1890
CookRebecca Delleneborn about 1939
CookReese born about 1913
CookRosa Maeborn about 1926
CookSister born about 1929
CookWilber Lborn about 1921
CookWilliam Hborn about 1890
CousinsElla born about 1871
CraufordArthur born about 1915
CraufordDera born about 1936
CraufordWayne born about 1939
CrauleyForest born about 1914
CrauleyGary born about 1937
CrauleyHorace born about 1913
CrauleyIniz born about 1918
CrawfordAustin born about 1927
CrawfordBenjamin born about 1925
CrawfordEvrett born about 1930
CrawfordEzra born about 1899
CrawfordMallie born about 1909
CreelBarbara Joborn about 1937
CreelEmmett born about 1916
CreelKatie born about 1919
CriderBurnes born about 1922
CriderHarvey born about 1919
CriderMary Fborn about 1901
CriderSilvey born about 1912
CrumbleyBertha born about 1901
CrumbleyBryde born about 1900
CrumbleyDoris born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleJohn born about 1905
DaleNaomi born about 1931
DardenHoward born about 1918
DardenJohn Willie ???born about 1919
DardenLeola born about 1917
DardenMary born about 1880
DardenMilo born about 1932
DardenMinnie born about 1897
DardenMinnie Maeborn about 1934
DardenRuby born about 1926
DardenRuth born about 1925
DardenTom born about 1921
DardenWillie Frankborn about 1925
DavisBettie Joborn about 1940
DavisCecil born about 1914
DavisCordia born about 1915
DavisEldrige born about 1910
DavisGrace born about 1913
DavisHoward born about 1916
DavisJack born about 1937
DavisJames Hborn about 1939
DavisJean born about 1936
DavisJerry born about 1935
Day born about 1939
DayAnnie Loueborn about 1916
DayJulious born about 1913
DentonFrancis born about 1925
DialAmiel born about 1910
DialChars born about 1934
DialEmett born about 1908
DialEmma born about 1853
DialRufus born about 1859
DinglerM Lborn about 1875
DinglerWinnie born about 1882
DinglerWoodruff born about 1922
DominickBeatrice born about 1919
DominickMinnie born about 1910
DominickSteven born about 1895
DominickWillie Jamesborn about 1937
DukeArvill born about 1932
DukeCarolyn born about 1939
DukeCathrine born about 1864
DukeChars born about 1937
DukeGladys born about 1914
DukeGrover born about 1912
DukeHarney born about 1935
DukesBessie born about 1885
DukesCarolyn born about 1919
DukesChrissie born about 1869
DukesChristine born about 1929
DukesJoe Willborn about 1902
DukesRuby born about 1906
DukesSarah Annborn about 1934
DukesSheard Gborn about 1879
DukesWill born about 1869
DuncanArnettie born about 1910
DuncanCorey born about 1935
DuncanJackie born about 1933
DuncanLucile born about 1928
DuncanReginald born about 1936
DuncanRoy born about 1929
DuncanWilliam Hborn about 1897
DyerIda Louborn about 1892
DyerJames Rapeborn about 1888
DyesAlvin born about 1912
DyesEvner born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EasonAnn born about 1939
EasonBerden born about 1923
EasonCarl born about 1908
EasonD Aborn about 1902
EasonDan born about 1939
EasonG Hborn about 1929
EasonHazel born about 1927
EasonMary Ettaborn about 1925
EasonMaude born about 1900
EasonMohle born about 1936
EasonMonroe born about 1929
EasonRoy born about 1935
EasonRuby Jeanborn about 1934
EasonSallie Maeborn about 1914
EasonThomas born about 1932
EatepCathrine born about 1934
EatepGrace born about 1930
EatepJosie born about 1906
EatepLouie Bborn about 1901
EatepLouie B Juniorborn about 1939
EatepVivian born about 1932
ElliotCliff born about 1890
ElliottCeleste Aborn about 1890
ElliottClifford Cborn about 1889
ElliottClifford Juniorborn about 1916
ElliottFrank Bborn about 1922
ElliottMary Eborn about 1915
EllisSunie Maeborn about 1938
EmoryEnice born about 1896
EmoryFranklin born about 1932
EmoryHarold born about 1923
EmoryRobert born about 1890
EmoryRobert Juniorborn about 1928
ErnestCora born about 1895
ErnestPowell born about 1893
EthingAlice born about 1885
EthingMarion born about 1882
EvansBuford born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FetnerAvery born about 1906
FordGordon born about 1932
FordHerbert born about 1934
FordJulia Annieborn about 1905
FordLily Ameborn about 1926
FordLouise born about 1923
FordMary Francesborn about 1938
FordOtis Linseyborn about 1906
FordRobert Juniorborn about 1930
FordWilliam Hborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaernerClarence born about 1912
GaernerFrances born about 1921
GaernerSarah born about 1938
GaernerWilliam Cborn about 1939
GamesLanie born about 1910
GamsFrank born about 1908
GannFoster born about 1911
GannFreddie born about 1939
GannKatherine born about 1935
GannMary Belleborn about 1932
GannZaddie born about 1911
GarmanyBetty Annborn about 1937
GarmanyDorothy Leeborn about 1939
GarmanyHorace born about 1934
GarmanyJohny born about 1913
GarmanyJohny born about 1933
GarmanyMarie born about 1913
GarnerMary born about 1930
GarnerOttie born about 1902
GarnerRuby born about 1920
GarnesBernerd born about 1916
GarnesJames born about 1910
GarnesRela born about 1920
GarrettHerbert born about 1912
GarrettMartha Sueborn about 1937
GarrettMyrtle born about 1914
GarrisonOcta born about 1894
GatesMary Bborn about 1883
GayAnnie Rayborn about 1907
GayMidldred Annborn about 1926
GayWilliam Jouniorborn about 1929
GayWilliam Mborn about 1901
GeerJohn Chesleyborn about 1918
GeerMarsellus born about 1917
GibbaOlga born about 1908
GibsonErline born about 1906
GilbertCatherine born about 1918
GilbertDavid Eborn about 1888
GilbertEmily born about 1922
GilbertJames Dborn about 1912
GilbertJesse born about 1888
GilbertLouise born about 1907
GilbertWarren born about 1918
GladdneyDonald born about 1938
GladdneyLois born about 1920
GladdneyMilton born about 1916
GlassAllatay born about 1924
GlassHugh born about 1889
GlassJulian born about 1921
GlassRuby born about 1891
GlbbsOlga born about 1906
GordonClaude born about 1888
GordonFuller born about 1920
GordonHal born about 1925
GordonLeon Kborn about 1875
GordonLucile born about 1893
GordonOtis Mborn about 1887
GrangerHenry born about 1905
GrangerRebecca born about 1907
GreenCarry Eborn about 1892
GreenChars Eborn about 1929
GreenJeff Aborn about 1887
GreenJr Anneborn about 1932
GriffinByron born about 1937
GriffinElmer born about 1912
GriffinSarah born about 1915
GrimsleyCharley Jborn about 1897
GrimsleyChars Juniorborn about 1927
GrimsleyMay Belleborn about 1900
GrimsleyMinta born about 1929
GrinsleyCalvin born about 1929
GrinsleyHorace born about 1921
GrinsleyJesse born about 1892
GrinsleyMarion born about 1926
GrinsleyMildred born about 1924
GrinsleyWillie born about 1902
GrizzardChars born about 1925
GrizzardHarry born about 1929
GrizzardHarvey born about 1902
GrizzardNelle born about 1932
GrizzardVelma born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HalcombeClara born about 1920
HalcombeGeanette born about 1939
HalcombeRuel born about 1914
Hall??? born about 1923
HallCharlie born about 1923
HallGeraldine born about 1930
HallKatie Leeborn about 1886
HallMary born about 1893
HallMary Annborn about 1862
HallMyrtly born about 1921
HallNelle born about 1918
HallOscar Lborn about 1895
HallRalph born about 1928
HallWesley born about 1926
HallawayAlma born about 1905
HallawayBarbar Annborn about 1938
HallawayCarrie Leeborn about 1926
HallawayFlorence born about 1926
HallawayFlorene born about 1929
HallawayHenry born about 1913
HallawayJames Lindaborn about 1939
HallawayJoe born about 1909
HallawayJohny born about 1928
HallawayMarvin Lborn about 1897
HallawaySallie born about 1897
HallawaySue born about 1913
HallowayAda born about 1889
HallowayArtie Leeborn about 1923
HallowayBettie born about 1931
HallowayGladys born about 1921
HallowayJim Gborn about 1890
HallowayRay born about 1919
HancochEdward born about 1931
HancochEmmett born about 1876
HancochEva born about 1910
HancochHerbert born about 1909
HancochIda born about 1884
HancochImogene born about 1936
HannerBerta born about 1908
HannerBetty Louiseborn about 1933
HannerElmer born about 1921
HannerHorace born about 1913
HannerMargerete born about 1937
HannersFrances born about 1940
HannersJackie born about 1938
HannersMyor born about 1935
HannersPelham born about 1915
HannersWillie Pearlborn about 1915
HannondCarrie born about 1866
HapsonBen born about 1905
HapsonDoris born about 1920
HarkerBuren born about 1912
HarkerErline born about 1920
HarkerJoyce Mayborn about 1938
HarkerWilliam Jborn about 1940
HarmanBarney born about 1915
HarmanEddie born about 1907
HarmanGeorge Eugeneborn about 1937
HarmanHarchett born about 1905
HarmanSamuel Jamesborn about 1932
HarmanWillis Granlas Iborn about 1935
HarmonAnn born about 1926
HarmonBabe born about 1880
HarmonCalvin born about 1932
HarmonCharlatt born about 1915
HarmonElla Maeborn about 1928
HarmonGene born about 1872
HarnesJulian born about 1911
HarnesNelle born about 1935
HarnesVirginia born about 1913
HarringEthel born about 1911
HarringEunice born about 1932
HarringHamlett born about 1911
HarringMargarett born about 1922
HarringRobert Leeborn about 1934
HarrisDebbie born about 1913
HarrisFlorence born about 1930
HarrisJohm Henryborn about 1901
HarrisRuby born about 1914
HarschfieldAdolph born about 1881
HarschfieldDaisy Pborn about 1880
HaskinsCynthia born about 1917
HaskinsDonald Mborn about 1937
HaskinsThomas Davidborn about 1904
HaskinsThomas Eborn about 1940
HaustonEmma born about 1898
HeadEdna born about 1939
HeadFrank born about 1933
HeadJoyce born about 1931
HeadLeon born about 1936
HeadMyrtie born about 1910
HeadSusie born about 1925
HeadTheo born about 1895
HeltonAnnice born about 1885
HeltonBetty born about 1932
HeltonCharles born about 1936
HeltonDorothy born about 1927
HeltonEra born about 1907
HeltonHaysel born about 1918
HeltonJohny born about 1905
HeltonLarry born about 1936
HeltonLawrence born about 1914
HeltonMarther born about 1934
HeltonTom born about 1880
HembreeArthur born about 1895
HembreeBetty born about 1935
HembreeGeorge born about 1884
HembreeGladys born about 1927
HembreeMyrtle born about 1929
HembreeNancy born about 1890
HembreeSarah born about 1931
HembreeWilma born about 1916
HenryBen born about 1897
HenryBernice born about 1931
HenryJesse Aborn about 1910
HenryLe Rutha born about 1924
HenryLorence born about 1910
HenryLorenza born about 1875
HenryMeudie Evaborn about 1875
HenryNancy born about 1885
HerrinHarold born about 1929
HerrinMaymie born about 1906
HerrinPaul born about 1905
HerrinPaul Juniorborn about 1926
HerringAmbros born about 1905
HerringElizabeth born about 1937
HerringEmma born about 1910
HerringJohn Aurthurborn about 1914
HerringJohny Juniorborn about 1940
HerringMarion born about 1931
HerringTrene born about 1922
HewellAnnie born about 1897
HewellCarl born about 1918
HewellGladys born about 1921
HewellRuth born about 1931
HewellWilson Cborn about 1890
HigginsAra born about 1917
HigginsGlur born about 1916
HigginsP Jborn about 1936
HigginsWillie Glurborn about 1940
HightCurtis born about 1924
HightJohn born about 1928
HightWilliam born about 1887
HightowerOllie Maeborn about 1936
HightowerRosebelle born about 1914
HightowerRuby Kateborn about 1917
HightowerSarh born about 1932
HightowerTim born about 1909
HightowerTim Jouniorborn about 1934
Hill??? Truineborn about 1911
HillAnnie Tborn about 1909
HillBobby Leeborn about 1894
HillCalhoun born about 1914
HillEunice born about 1912
HillJ Dborn about 1936
HillJoe Lewisborn about 1938
HillLilly Ruthborn about 1932
HillLoddie born about 1920
HillLucile born about 1929
HillMattie Pborn about 1919
HillMinnie Eborn about 1922
HillRobert Leeborn about 1925
HillRosebelle born about 1906
HillVirgil Leeborn about 1934
HillWillie Tborn about 1915
HinesleyAlma born about 1925
HinesleyBob born about 1914
HinesleyChestine born about 1917
HinesleyHorace born about 1910
HinesleyImagne born about 1931
HinesleyLillian born about 1906
HinesleyMary born about 1882
HinesleyPauline born about 1935
HinesleyRay born about 1903
HinsleyFlossie born about 1910
HinsleyHubert born about 1900
HinsleyRichard born about 1923
HinsleyShirley Jeanborn about 1929
HolemanMargerette Louiseborn about 1932
HolemanMarvin born about 1903
HolemanOssie born about 1906
HolemanSarah Nelleborn about 1936
HolemanWilliam Alvinborn about 1934
HoodAlma born about 1901
HoodJohn Jborn about 1909
HoodLizzie Mborn about 1867
HoodRuth Bborn about 1915
HooperAddie born about 1886
HornAnnie Joborn about 1935
HornLewis born about 1937
HornPrissiller born about 1939
HornVada born about 1905
HornWayne born about 1908
HortonBob born about 1891
HortonLorena born about 1893
HortonMary born about 1923
HortonWilliam born about 1930
HoustonDorothy born about 1924
HoustonFrances born about 1926
HoustonHugh born about 1895
HoustonJ Wborn about 1923
HoustonJay Leeborn about 1921
HoustonKatie Maudeborn about 1922
HoustonLayler born about 1935
HoustonLola Leeborn about 1923
HoustonManaye born about 1920
HoustonOdessa born about 1897
HoustonRobert Lborn about 1934
HubbardAseline born about 1909
HubbardBettie born about 1931
HubbardHoytt Juniorborn about 1933
HubbardJakh born about 1884
HubbardTom Haytborn about 1912
HubbardZeblie born about 1886
HuffmasterBen born about 1893
HuffmasterEula born about 1894
HuffmasterMargaret born about 1921
HugginEdossa born about 1896
HugginFrank born about 1924
HugginGeorge born about 1925
HugginJoe born about 1878
HugginOllie born about 1929
HugginViola born about 1928
HugginWill born about 1922
HugginsMuller born about 1885
HugginsOdessa born about 1904
HugginsSusie Ola Leeborn about 1922
HulingDaniel born about 1925
HulingLeonard born about 1888
HulingLeonard Juniorborn about 1922
HulingLuvona born about 1891
HulingMabel born about 1929
HulingPearlie Ruthborn about 1937
HulingWillie born about 1919
HunterCora Maeborn about 1936
HunterEmma born about 1892
HunterLeona born about 1938
HunterLouise born about 1934
HunterMattie born about 1906
HunterMattie Suieborn about 1928
HunterPercy born about 1902
HunterPercy Juniorborn about 1931
HunterWalter born about 1937
HunterWilliam born about 1892
HutchersGeneva born about 1919
HutchersHattie born about 1888
HutchersWill born about 1882
HydeAlbert born about 1878
HydeFrances born about 1924
HydeGladys born about 1912
HydeLena born about 1886
HydeMae born about 1891
HydeRex born about 1910
HydeRonald Pageborn about 1935
HydeSarah Elizabethborn about 1879
HydeThomas born about 1922
HydeTom born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IveryClyde born about 1928
IveryDoris born about 1923
IveryEster born about 1925
IveryHelen born about 1892
IveryJohn born about 1892
IveryJoy Hborn about 1920

J Surnames

JacksonAndrew Willieborn about 1939
JacksonJohn Wborn about 1857
JacksonJoy Lborn about 1925
JacksonLizzie born about 1884
JacksonNelma born about 1919
JamesClara born about 1900
JamesCrawford born about 1933
JamesEd born about 1872
JamesFlora Maeborn about 1931
JamesFlorene born about 1924
JamesJoe born about 1913
JamesLaunell born about 1915
JenngsJack born about 1922
JenngsMae born about 1897
JenngsMontino born about 1924
JenngsWilliam born about 1874
JenningCharlie born about 1906
JenningEunice born about 1934
JenningJack born about 1930
JenningLaura born about 1910
JenningRoy born about 1928
JenningSarah Jeanborn about 1932
JohnsonCarry born about 1897
JohnsonEvelyn born about 1930
JohnsonMinnie Leeborn about 1916
JohnsonRicha Iborn about 1891
JonerAurthur Gborn about 1938
JonerEdna Eborn about 1937
JonerGrady born about 1909
JonerRacheal born about 1915
JonerVelma Mborn about 1939
JonesAnnie born about 1908
JonesAurthur born about 1903
JonesBeatrice born about 1908
JonesBetty born about 1933
JonesBilly born about 1933
JonesBlanche born about 1918
JonesCarl born about 1935
JonesCharlotte born about 1931
JonesDora born about 1887
JonesEdmond born about 1856
JonesFermon born about 1913
JonesFloyd born about 1910
JonesFrances born about 1939
JonesFrank born about 1917
JonesHanry Cborn about 1908
JonesHorace born about 1932
JonesJae Jborn about 1884
JonesJanelle born about 1940
JonesJerry born about 1940
JonesJoan born about 1936
JonesJoyce born about 1935
JonesLavern born about 1916
JonesMargaret born about 1929
JonesMartin born about 1930
JonesMary born about 1923
JonesPeggy born about 1937
JonesRalph born about 1911
JonesRay born about 1930
JonesRiley born about 1937
JonesRuby born about 1912
JonesRuth born about 1927
JonesSue born about 1928
JonesWillie Clydeborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KautBille born about 1921
KeindrickMarybell born about 1934
KeindrickOra Maeborn about 1937
KeindrickRosesell born about 1918
KeindrickWillie Maeborn about 1935
KendicChars born about 1937
KendicJoe born about 1931
KendicLeroy born about 1933
KendicMary Keteborn about 1930
KendicThelma born about 1916
KendicWillard born about 1904
KendricEd born about 1909
KendricJesse Maeborn about 1914
KendricShirley born about 1939
KendricWillie E Dborn about 1937
KendrickWillie born about 1919
KentBillie born about 1922
KeyBessie born about 1868
KeyCarlton born about 1931
KeyEleanor born about 1933
KeyElliott born about 1927
KeyIrvin born about 1929
KeyIrvin Hborn about 1902
KeyMyron born about 1936
KeyPearl Gborn about 1908
KeyWilliam born about 1925
KindricRossie born about 1875
KindrickBill born about 1881
KindrickIrven born about 1922
KindrickMary born about 1882
KindrickWillie Laeborn about 1920
KingEuca born about 1885
KingSahra born about 1905
KingThomas born about 1908
KirklaBobe born about 1879
KirklaCatherine born about 1919
KirklaJow Wborn about 1917
KirklaPauline born about 1916
KirklaRussel born about 1915
KirklanBetty Jeanborn about 1939
KirklanWillie Mayborn about 1919
KirklandBeatrice born about 1900
KirklandClara Mayborn about 1925
KirklandCurtis born about 1923
KirklandDuglas born about 1880
KirklandElmer born about 1921
KirklandFlen born about 1910
KirklandGreen born about 1906
KirklandHelen born about 1937
KirklandJoel born about 1927
KirklandLabodo born about 1884
KirklandLala born about 1917
KirklandLedora born about 1912
KirklandLennie born about 1898
KirklandLennie Juniorborn about 1922
KirklandLillian born about 1919
KirklandLottie Belleborn about 1920
KirklandLugure born about 1940
KirklandMary born about 1890
KirklandMary born about 1929
KirklandMary Louborn about 1904
KirklandRoberta born about 1901
KirklandVelma born about 1921
KirklandWilora born about 1933
KnattBettie born about 1932
KnattEmmett born about 1906
KnattJinne Louborn about 1907
KnattKatherine Mborn about 1929
KnattMildred born about 1928
KnattRay born about 1901
KnettJ Pborn about 1931
KnettLula born about 1883
KnettMargurete born about 1933
KnettW Lborn about 1927
KnettWilliam born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambertEmma Kateborn about 1904
LambertJoe born about 1866
LambertRay born about 1912
LandersEdward born about 1935
LandersInez born about 1938
LandersJames Wborn about 1908
LandersMage born about 1933
LandersMaggie born about 1931
LandersRuth Mayborn about 1908
LankfordClarra born about 1908
LankfordHerbert born about 1929
LankfordJeanette born about 1926
LankfordRobert Lborn about 1908
LankfordVonnie born about 1935
LeagueGeorgia born about 1923
LeagueJohn born about 1919
LewisOra born about 1895
LindermanIrene born about 1921
LindermanMilford born about 1916
LindermanSylvia born about 1939
LongAlbert born about 1938
LongAlvin born about 1938
LongAzi Leeborn about 1911
LongBob born about 1884
LongCalvin Cborn about 1927
LongGenevin born about 1928
LongHazel born about 1934
LongJanie Miltonborn about 1930
LongJoe Juniorborn about 1937
LongMary born about 1895
LongMary Ettiborn about 1935
LongOtis born about 1932
LyleBertha born about 1919
LyleEunice born about 1912
LyleJames Mborn about 1904
LyleKennetth born about 1938
LyleKirley Leeborn about 1923
LyleMinnie born about 1892
LyleThomas born about 1938
LyleWillie Leeborn about 1906
LynchOliver born about 1913
LynchWilbes born about 1900
LynckFrank born about 1921
LynckIvory born about 1891
LynckLily Maeborn about 1923
LynckMarion born about 1931
LynckRaymond born about 1927
LynckReid born about 1928
LynckWilliam born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MadarisDorothy born about 1905
MadarisEarl born about 1931
MadarisJames born about 1910
MalayClarence born about 1927
MalayEugene born about 1933
MalayLandon born about 1925
MalayLeon born about 1931
MalayLovinia born about 1935
MalayRobert born about 1886
MalayVelma born about 1905
MarabellGeorge born about 1914
MarabellWillie born about 1910
MarelandAnnie Maeborn about 1888
MarelandRob born about 1890
MarshallGeorge born about 1934
MasleyBarbra Nelleborn about 1939
MasleyDoris Ellenborn about 1937
MasleyEra Dellborn about 1917
MasleyFred born about 1917
MasleyJames Aborn about 1911
MateElla born about 1916
MateH Carlborn about 1915
MateMargaret born about 1939
MayAlma born about 1922
MayAlton born about 1920
MayAnita born about 1912
MayBelle born about 1901
MayBertha born about 1892
MayBrice born about 1909
MayEdgar born about 1921
MayIrvin born about 1897
MaySahra born about 1919
McBurnett born about 1922
MccaurtyBarbara born about 1936
MccaurtyEdward born about 1933
MccaurtyNegra born about 1910
MccaurtyOdeal born about 1915
McclendanInez born about 1932
McclendonArthur born about 1912
McclendonMaggie born about 1913
MccomberJames Lborn about 1939
MccomberLouise born about 1922
MccomberTonnie Leeborn about 1919
McelrayClara born about 1864
MciendonChristene born about 1928
MciendonJohn Aborn about 1907
MciendonMary Emmaborn about 1911
MckenziaFrank born about 1876
MckinerBen born about 1900
MckinerCartha Jeanborn about 1929
MckinerCllio born about 1923
MckinerEdward born about 1928
MckinerJo Nelleborn about
MckinerJohn Alvinborn about 1925
MckinerLorena born about 1934
MckinerLovnett born about 1902
MckinerVera Maeborn about 1932
MckinerWillie born about 1936
MclaimBilly born about 1927
MclaimEthel born about 1902
MclaimHarry born about 1900
MclaimKatherine born about 1921
MclaimReese born about 1923
MclindonAllen born about 1905
MclindonEugene born about 1917
MclindonOtis Deweyborn about 1924
MclindonPearl born about 1888
MeadowsChristine born about 1925
MeadowsFlorence born about 1918
MeadowsFrank born about 1918
MeadowsRobert born about 1884
MeadowsRobert Juniarborn about 1913
MeadowsWillie Cborn about 1923
MeadsesByron Lamesborn about 1924
MeadsesGeorge Ureslyborn about 1929
MeadsesMargaret Louiseborn about 1926
MeadsesPauline born about 1895
MillerDedrick born about 1932
MillerEdward born about 1927
MillerHelen born about 1925
MillerLeona born about 1906
MillerRaymond born about 1929
MilloGladys born about 1917
MilloJinne Leeborn about 1938
MilloKenneitle born about 1940
MilloOscar born about 1908
MillsAgnes born about 1928
MillsJohn born about 1901
MirklandDella born about 1871
MirklandHoward born about 1871
Mitchell??? born about 1938
MitchellClesther born about 1915
MitchellDorothy born about 1917
MitchellEarlie born about 1913
MitchellJosie Maeborn about 1934
MitchellKatie Maeborn about 1936
MomreClara Mayborn about 1925
MomreJohn born about 1894
MomreMinne born about 1904
MomreOscar born about 1905
MoodyChristine born about 1899
MoodyJoy Tborn about 1911
MooreAlice Ferrelborn about 1935
MooreEx Aborn about 1896
MooreGlois born about 1921
MooreHoward born about 1900
MooreJean born about 1938
MooreJeanette born about 1927
MooreMartha Sueborn about 1933
MooreMilford born about 1916
MooreNeomie born about 1904
MooreRobert Aborn about 1894
MooreRobert Rborn about 1920
MooreWilliam Hborn about 1924
MooreWilma born about 1918
MoorisTom born about 1872
MoorisVenia born about 1874
MorrisGrady born about 1909
MorrisNelle born about 1936
MorrisRuth born about 1912
MossL Cborn about 1893
MoteFloyd born about 1916
MoteHelen Rebeccaborn about 1939
MoteNelle born about 1915
MotesJesse born about 1918
MotesZema born about 1920
MulkayJohn born about 1869
MulkayJohn Lborn about 1938
MulkayMartha born about 1876
MurpheyArnos born about 1933
MurpheyBilly born about 1934
MurpheyGeraldine born about 1927
MurpheyGlen born about 1902
MurpheyHewlett born about 1906
MurpheyKatie Sueborn about 1908
MurpheyLena born about 1915
MurpheySarah born about 1931
MurpheyVena born about 1907
MurpheyWilliam Aborn about 1904
MurphyAndrew Gborn about 1867
MurphyEloise born about 1901
MurphyEtna born about 1868
MusicJames born about 1924
MusicJim Hborn about 1891
MusicRuth born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonAnnette born about 1895
NewnamCalvin born about 1932
NewnamEasie born about 1912
NewnamGeorge born about 1911
NewnamSallie Willlieborn about 1928
NewtonBerta born about 1891
NewtonC Leonardborn about 1889
NewtonChars Nborn about 1935
NewtonLouise born about 1937
NewtonMaggie Jborn about 1883
NewtonPeniston born about 1914
NewtonTom Bborn about 1884
NortonCathrine born about 1922
NortonEdwin born about 1928
NortonJesse born about 1920
NortonLizzie born about 1887
NortonMarton born about 1916
NortonMyrtie born about 1925
NortonRufus born about 1923
NortonSue born about 1939
NortonWallard born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdomDan born about 1939
OdomFlorence born about 1908
OdomFrank born about 1930
OdomHarry born about 1931
OdomJeanette born about 1934
OdomJosephine born about 1933
OdomLoyd Bborn about 1892
OdomMary Virginiaborn about 1870
OdomRoy born about 1940
OdomWilliam born about 1936
OdornBobbie Louborn about 1871
OdornJames born about 1931
OdornMattie born about 1912
OdornRoy Tborn about 1906
OgletreeLizzie born about 1916
OgletreeMary born about 1937
OgletreeMelvin born about 1916
OgletreeOre Leeborn about 1917
OgletreeWillie born about 1904
OgltreeVassie born about 1912
OgltreeWalter born about 1914
OrrHenry born about 1906
OrrRobert born about 1928
OrrWillie Robertborn about 1921
OrrWinnie Maeborn about 1909
OtwellJohn born about 1895
OtwellLouise born about 1891
OtwellSyhil born about 1927
OtwellWilliam born about 1922
OwensBeulah born about 1896
OwensJohn born about 1892
OwensMillard born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageAlbert born about 1919
PageAlfonza born about 1904
PageAlvin born about 1921
PageAmos born about 1926
PageAndy born about 1891
PageAnnie Maudeborn about 1936
PageArthur born about 1909
PageAurthur Wborn about 1922
PageBertha Leeborn about 1912
PageClara born about 1909
PageEmma born about 1880
PageEuk Pearlborn about 1927
PageFlorence Maxineborn about 1937
PageFrances born about 1917
PageHenrietta born about 1935
PageIda Belleborn about 1931
PageJesse born about 1899
PageJohn born about 1871
PageJohn Henryborn about 1907
PageLeola born about 1913
PageLoweita born about 1903
PageLucy Maeborn about 1912
PageMarguerite born about 1937
PageOra Mayborn about 1933
PageParrie born about 1895
PageRuth born about 1926
PageRuth born about 1929
PageThomas born about 1939
PageWill born about 1901
PageWillie born about 1924
PageWillie born about 1933
PapeGeorge Bradlyborn about 1874
PapeHendrick born about 1927
PapeRosa Christeneborn about 1915
PapeSarah Janeborn about 1891
ParrisAndrew Bborn about 1890
ParrisHattie born about 1889
ParrottFrank born about 1904
ParrottLucille born about 1902
PattsBurna born about 1885
PattsOliver born about 1882
PawellBen born about 1891
PawellClara born about 1895
PaytenShelby Jeanborn about 1938
PeavyAdabelle born about 1901
PeavyDennis born about 1926
PeavyEddie Leeborn about 1925
PeavyEdgar born about 1900
PerkinHisie Kideborn about 1899
PerkinsEmma Kateborn about 1911
PerryDelmas born about 1935
PerryDonald born about 1937
PerryH C Dacborn about 1916
PerryJeddie born about 1917
PerryJennie born about 1907
PerryPearl born about 1877
PerryThomas born about 1939
PerryWilliam Hborn about 1866
PettigrewDoe born about 1875
PettigrewGeorgia Maeborn about 1920
PettigrewSarah born about 1880
PettsAdell born about 1908
PettsAnnett born about 1938
PettsBarbara Jeackborn about 1940
PettsBilly born about 1931
PettsCalvin born about 1928
PettsEley born about 1903
PettsJames born about 1936
PettsRoger born about 1934
PettsTalmadge born about 1926
PgleJack born about 1932
PhilipsEthel born about 1916
PhilipsGeorgia born about 1869
PhilipsManie born about 1898
PhilpotEugenia born about 1878
PhilpotJake born about 1865
PhilwatIrene born about 1929
PittsEmma born about 1921
PittsEugenia born about 1925
PittsJassie born about 1902
PittsLuchie born about 1900
PittsWyndol born about 1923
PollardDahly born about 1918
PollardJohn Wborn about 1911
PollardLravis Stnsonborn about 1939
PollardStaphen Wealyborn about 1939
PollardTravis born about 1914
PottsGeorge born about 1908
PottsMaudie born about 1919
PowellAnniston born about 1890
PowellBessie born about 1913
PowellDane born about 1910
PowellDee Pborn about 1928
PowellGertrude born about 1918
PowellJohny Kateborn about 1917
PowellLorenzo born about 1923
PowellMartha born about 1891
PowellOzelia born about 1932
PowellPearlie Maeborn about 1933
PowellRichard born about 1901
PowellWillie Henryborn about 1940
PritchettViola born about 1932
ProctorBetty Joeborn about 1935
ProctorBilly Jackborn about 1935
ProctorBobbie Leeborn about 1936
ProctorElliott Jborn about 1939
ProctorElsee Mayborn about 1932
ProctorJael Junionborn about 1937
ProctorJim born about 1913
ProctorJoel born about 1909
ProctorLecomea born about 1894
ProctorLouise born about 1930
ProctorMagnolia born about 1925
ProctorMary Eborn about 1933
ProctorMary Louborn about 1919
ProctorSallie Mborn about 1914
ProctorZola born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaglandAlford born about 1932
RaylandAmie Leeborn about 1910
RaylandBobbie Leeborn about 1936
RaylandMary Fborn about 1934
RaylandMillage born about 1902
RaylandWalt born about 1868
RaytonMallie born about 1861
RaytonMinnie Belleborn about 1906
ReddyGeorge born about 1874
ReddyHarold Juniorborn about 1932
ReddyMinnie born about 1900
ReedBenjamin born about 1896
ReedLily Maeborn about 1926
ReedRosie Leeborn about 1920
ReidRosie Leeborn about 1919
RickBob born about 1917
RickJohn born about 1910
RickMallie born about 1885
RickRobert born about 1873
Rob8insonDura born about 1905
Rob8insonFred born about 1904
Rob8insonThomas born about 1940
RobinsonClifford born about 1919
RobinsonGrace born about 1939
RobinsonGrady born about 1916
RobinsonIrene born about 1917
RobinsonJeddie born about 1908
RobinsonJim born about 1916
RobinsonLarry born about 1939
RobinsonLois born about 1914
RobinsonMarvin born about 1914
RobinsonMyrtly born about 1926
RobinsonRobert born about 1935
RobinsonRuby born about 1916
RobinsonShirley Hborn about 1937
RobinsonVaninia born about 1918
RobinsonWillie Leeborn about 1923
RobinsonYuonne born about 1940
RocknAlonzo born about 1873
RocknBuford born about 1919
RocknEffie born about 1884
RussellArvella born about 1886
RussellJay Cborn about 1922
RussellJohn Lborn about 1920
RussellLois born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersBessie born about 1876
SandersJoel born about 1912
SandersLizzie born about 1864
SandersMarguerite born about 1900
SandersTom Bborn about 1872
SandersWilker born about 1897
SawellBobbie born about 1933
SawellNora born about 1888
SawellPope born about 1890
SawellSarah born about 1928
SawellThomas born about 1925
ScottAruella born about 1917
ScottLee born about 1896
ScottLeola born about 1892
ScottMusie Leeborn about 1911
ScottR Jborn about 1917
ScrogginsEugenia born about 1908
ScrogginsNancy Eborn about 1883
ScrogginsWilliam Yborn about 1879
SewellAllie born about 1903
SewellAndrew born about 1850
SewellAnnie Elizabethborn about 1878
SewellArthur born about 1878
SewellCarl born about 1905
SewellCatharyn born about
SewellClarice born about 1905
SewellEdna Maryborn about 1887
SewellEdward born about 1898
SewellFlossie Annborn about 1935
SewellFrances born about 1916
SewellGeorgia born about 1859
SewellHattie born about 1883
SewellHettie Janeborn about 1880
SewellIda Sueborn about 1900
SewellJinnie Dborn about 1912
SewellJohn Oborn about 1892
SewellJulia born about 1919
SewellKathleen born about 1940
SewellKatie born about 1893
SewellKatie born about 1907
SewellLaverne born about 1917
SewellLebraut born about 1905
SewellLonnie born about 1883
SewellMamie born about 1912
SewellMargarete born about 1928
SewellMary Jr born about 1938
SewellMattie Aborn about 1852
SewellNewton born about 1933
SewellPatricia born about 1938
SewellPierce born about 1870
SewellRoy born about 1923
SewellRuby born about 1913
SewellSusia born about 1860
SewellVirgina born about 1925
SewellWayne Pborn about 1878
SewellWendell born about 1919
SewellWill born about 1871
ShawJohny born about 1918
ShawKatie born about 1923
SherrallElva born about 1935
SherrallFanny born about 1937
SherrallInez born about 1934
SherrallJoann born about 1939
SherrallOde born about 1909
SherrallRachael born about 1915
ShumakeLaura born about 1876
ShumakeWyly born about 1875
SimmonsSavanah born about 1852
SimsMargerete born about 1929
SludgeAnna born about 1886
SmellMadge born about 1887
SmithBarnie born about 1877
SmithBettie Tomborn about 1931
SmithBrentis born about 1921
SmithCatherine born about 1925
SmithChars born about 1934
SmithChristine born about 1918
SmithClara born about 1911
SmithClifford born about 1902
SmithClifford born about 1939
SmithCornelius born about 1914
SmithDaisy born about 1917
SmithDallie born about 1900
SmithDalyer born about 1900
SmithDavid Hborn about 1922
SmithDoris born about 1916
SmithDwight Lborn about 1911
SmithEmma L??born about 1892
SmithEuguene born about 1874
SmithEzelle born about 1920
SmithFlora born about 1924
SmithFrances born about 1914
SmithFrances born about 1919
SmithFranklin born about 1936
SmithGeorgia Ruthborn about 1917
SmithGirt born about 1900
SmithGussie Ameborn about
SmithHerbet born about 1907
SmithHorace born about 1919
SmithIma Jeanborn about 1929
SmithInez born about 1913
SmithIre born about 1918
SmithJanace born about 1939
SmithJanelle born about 1932
SmithJenette born about 1939
SmithJerry Aborn about 1940
SmithJet born about 1890
SmithJinnie Louborn about 1918
SmithJohn born about 1906
SmithJunior born about 1928
SmithKatie Maeborn about 1929
SmithLander born about 1896
SmithLaverne born about 1938
SmithLeartice born about 1932
SmithLouise Leeborn about 1924
SmithLowell born about 1928
SmithLugenia born about 1936
SmithMaria born about 1938
SmithMary born about 1922
SmithMary born about 1923
SmithMarylyn born about 1934
SmithMelvin born about 1932
SmithMelvin born about 1939
SmithMeritt born about 1930
SmithMildred Lborn about 1938
SmithOdell born about 1939
SmithOtis Williamborn about 1938
SmithOzielee born about 1930
SmithPenneston born about 1928
SmithRalph born about 1909
SmithReba born about 1920
SmithRebecca born about 1889
SmithRichard born about 1901
SmithRichard Juniorborn about 1930
SmithRosie Leeborn about 1898
SmithRufus Lborn about 1894
SmithRussel born about 1914
SmithShirley Annborn about 1939
SmithThomas born about 1924
SmithTommie Leeborn about 1938
SmithWade born about 1891
SmithWillie born about 1928
SmithWillie Bborn about 1936
SmithWillie Geneborn about 1934
SmithWillie Maeborn about 1907
SmithWillie Maeborn about 1908
SmithWoodson born about 1925
SpradlingOrie Vborn about 1918
StakesBobie Leeborn about 1940
StakesLemon born about 1921
StakesLily Maeborn about 1938
StakesMartha born about 1922
StakesRichards born about 1917
StampsFletcher born about 1918
StaplerCilfford born about 1939
StaplerMartha born about 1915
StaplerVancil born about 1919
Starr?uadean born about 1889
StarrGeorgia born about 1886
StarrMarvin born about 1881
StarrMarvin Juniorborn about 1921
StarrVirginia born about 1924
SteplesHelen born about 1940
SteplesLois born about 1918
SteplesMerlin born about 1937
SteplesWilson born about 1914
StevensAmie Maeborn about 1916
StevensCharlie born about 1906
StevensFannie Mborn about 1894
StevensHenry born about 1888
StevensJoyce born about 1936
StevensMerlene born about 1928
StevensQuillian born about 1924
StokerHenry born about 1917
StokerIesse Maeborn about 1915
StokesBen born about 1885
StokesGeorge born about 1903
StokesLaura born about 1905
StokesRuby born about 1901
StoreyBetty born about 1925
StoreyCalvin Cborn about 1880
StoreyCasper Jborn about 1874
StoreyClyde born about 1905
StoreyDuglas Clyleborn about 1939
StoreyFrances born about 1929
StoreyJames born about 1929
StoreyJoseph born about 1926
StoreyLonnie Maeborn about 1889
StoreyRutte born about 1914
StoreySallie born about 1874
StoreyTheo born about 1916
StoreyThompson born about 1924
StueryEverlina born about 1919
StueryWayne born about 1920
StullsMary born about 1875
SuttonThomas born about 1928
SwangerAlton born about 1934
SwangerAndrew born about 1919
SwangerElsie Vborn about 1936
SwangerHoroce born about 1931
SwangerIrene born about 1929
SwangerJohn Aborn about 1899
SwangerKenneth born about 1922
SwangerLeatha born about 1901
SwangerPauline born about 1926
SwangerShirly Jeanborn about 1939
SwangerVictoria born about 1921
SwansonGeorgie born about 1901
SwansonWillie Jborn about 1905
SyleLennie born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalleesonJesse born about 1916
TalleesonLizzie born about 1918
TaylorGeorge born about 1910
TaylorMargerete born about 1916
Teagle??? born about 1918
TeagleBennie born about 1919
TeagleCarrie born about 1900
TeagleDaisy Maeborn about 1931
TeagleGeorge Andrewborn about 1926
TeagleJese Leeborn about 1895
TeagleLee Otisborn about 1928
TeagleLemmie born about 1936
TeagleLennor born about 1939
TeagleLula Mayborn about 1927
TeagleMildred born about 1922
TeagleWalter born about 1906
TeagleWelliam born about 1883
TeagleWilie Cludeborn about 1924
TeagleWillie Rayborn about 1921
TeagleWillie Raymondborn about 1919
TeateAzalee born about 1912
TeateClarence Eborn about 1906
TeateJack Eborn about 1935
TeateJohn Wborn about 1931
TennentNettie Janeborn about 1868
TennentW E Billborn about 1870
ThorntonAnnie Mayborn about 1919
ThorntonHenry Lborn about 1870
ThorntonHenry Pborn about 1909
ThorntonLily Velmaborn about 1913
ThorntonRay born about 1921
ThorntonWillie Leeborn about 1884
ThramerBessie born about 1907
ThramerIrene born about 1927
ThramerLiza born about 1915
ThramerT Aborn about 1905
TonnerBertie born about 1886
TonnerW Harrisborn about 1879
TraylorEmanuel born about 1924
TraylorJames born about 1892
TraylorJames Juniorborn about 1919
TraylorLattie born about 1896
TraylorLauoua born about 1921
TraylorLily Mayborn about 1926
TrvittAubrey born about 1922
TrvittCharley born about 1903
TrvittChars born about 1936
TrvittElvie born about 1928
TrvittJames born about 1925
TrvittRuth Bborn about 1903
TrvittVirginia born about 1930
TurnerAddie Leborn about 1920
TurnerCharles born about 1916
TurnerCharlie Mborn about 1884
TurnerDora born about 1921
TurnerEunice born about 1892
TurnerEvelyn born about 1919
TurnerJohny born about 1920
TurnerPearlie Ruthborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UpcharckAles born about 1916
UpcharckAles Jouniorborn about 1939
UpcharckEula born about 1917
UpcharckHallis born about 1935
UpcharckHarmal born about 1938

V Surnames

VallauryCurtis born about 1919
VallauryMartha Rborn about 1939
VallauryToma born about 1920
VaughanAnnie born about 1909
VaughanGeneua born about 1933
VaughanPatsy Annborn about 1940
VaughanRupert Rborn about 1903
VaughnBannie born about 1906
VaughnBoutie born about 1928
VaughnCallie born about 1871
VaughnCarry born about 1898
VaughnDella born about 1900
VaughnIua Leeborn about 1918
VaughnJesse born about 1932
VaughnLudie born about 1890
VaughnMatie born about 1925
VaughnTony born about 1896
VinesBuren born about 1916
VinesCatherine born about 1937
VinesLaurence born about 1932
VinesVerna born about 1919
VinesWynelle born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeBetty Louborn about 1933
WadeBill born about 1916
WadeClaude born about 1912
WadeEdward born about 1931
WadeJack born about 1936
WadeJewell born about 1917
WadeJoe born about 1934
WadeLaurence born about 1920
WadeLou born about 1888
WadeNettie Wborn about 1915
WadeShelby Annborn about 1938
WadeShirley born about 1936
WadeSybil born about 1939
WallaceArnie Ruthborn about 1926
WallaceBrownie born about 1898
WallaceBud born about 1910
WallaceCarl born about 1918
WallaceChars born about 1924
WallaceDorothy born about 1922
WallaceHenry Pborn about 1898
WallaceHerny ???born about 1927
WallaceJames born about 1930
WallaceMary Francesborn about 1934
WallaceRilla born about 1891
WallardAnnie Elizabethborn about 1936
WallardChars Harrisborn about 1940
WallardJohn Bborn about 1912
WallardJohny Maryborn about 1933
WallardLouise born about 1914
WallardNathanel born about 1938
WaltonBoato born about 1932
WaltonEdith born about 1904
WaltonJeanette born about 1934
WaltonRandy born about 1939
WaltonRichard born about 1894
WaltonWeyman born about 1929
WardClae born about 1864
WardJohn born about 1905
WardLoue born about 1907
WardMary born about 1883
WardMattie born about 1898
WardOde Bborn about 1891
WardRuth born about 1904
WardTomy born about 1912
WareJulia born about 1936
WareLois born about 1917
WareLouise born about 1934
WareMildred born about 1937
WarePete born about 1871
WareU Bborn about 1913
WareWalter Leeborn about 1939
WareWilliam Bborn about 1933
WarrenHugh born about 1929
WarrenJames born about 1923
WarrenMable born about 1898
WarrenRalph born about 1899
WarrenRuth born about 1926
WashingtonDoslire born about 1919
WashingtonFrank born about 1895
WashingtonLewis born about 1910
WashingtonWilliam born about 1935
WatlerBette born about 1934
WatlerEddie Bborn about 1926
WatlerGladys born about 1939
WatlerJesse Maeborn about 1930
WatlerK Pborn about 1931
WatlerL Bborn about 1901
WatlerLeo born about 1924
WatlerLizzie born about 1906
WatlerLouisa born about 1874
WatlerRuby Kateborn about 1937
WatlerWillie Beeborn about 1935
WatlerWillie Maeborn about 1935
WatleyDollie Maeborn about 1938
WatleyMarshall born about 1924
WebbFarances Paulineborn about 1939
WebbJames Dborn about 1906
WebbJames Hborn about 1932
WebbJanelle born about 1937
WebbLula born about 1909
WebbTrine born about 1930
WelcherBarbara Annborn about 1937
WellsRuby born about 1897
WestbroksFrank born about 1929
WestbroksGrady born about 1908
WestbroksJoe born about 1933
WestbroksVelma born about 1911
WhiteCurtis born about 1909
WhiteElbarnia born about 1917
WhiteL W Vonaborn about 1938
WhiteLizzie born about 1892
WhiteMarshall born about 1865
WhiteMorris born about 1935
WhiteNellie born about 1895
WhiteWillie born about 1936
WhittDovie born about 1883
WilcoxinMillie born about 1869
WilcoxsonAda born about 1910
WilcoxsonChars born about 1935
WilcoxsonClarence born about 1939
WilcoxsonD Aborn about 1909
WilcoxsonD Cborn about 1933
WilcoxsonDaisy Maeborn about 1933
WilcoxsonEmma Leeborn about 1937
WilcoxsonErnestine born about 1925
WilcoxsonHermon born about 1907
WilcoxsonIrene born about 1910
WilcoxsonJim born about 1888
WilcoxsonLouisa born about 1882
WilcoxsonMarion born about 1932
WilcoxsonMary Eborn about 1929
WilcoxsonMaudy born about 1901
WilcoxsonMillie Hborn about 1928
WilcoxsonW Tborn about 1927
WildurBrittiagr born about 1913
WildurMillie born about 1917
WilliamCardelia Janeborn about 1872
WilliamErnest Willieborn about 1902
WilliamJinnie born about 1928
WilliamWilliam Hborn about 1893
WilliamsLula born about 1926
WilliamsTula born about 1911
WimberleyAbert born about 1905
WimberleyAnnie Ruthborn about 1926
WimberleyCarl born about 1925
WimberleyJoe born about 1879
WimberleyLamar born about 1923
WimberleyMattie Roeborn about 1906
WindomJames born about 1914
WindomMary Eborn about 1936
WindomMattie born about 1917
WinklerAndrew Jborn about 1879
WinklerCanilla born about 1917
WinklerElislie born about 1906
WinklerEvelyn born about 1935
WinklerFrank born about 1914
WinklerJames born about 1926
WinklerLurene born about 1930
WinklerPeaul born about 1905
WinklerStanford born about 1928
WinklerWillene born about 1938
WinklesHattie born about 1907
WinklesJoy Wborn about 1925
WinklesPaul born about 1901
WinklesRoy Gborn about 1935
WitcherAmelia born about 1893
WitcherAnn born about 1929
WitcherAnnie born about 1890
WitcherBrewer born about 1885
WitcherEleanor born about 1934
WitcherErnest born about 1883
WitcherGarland born about 1913
WitcherHarney born about 1918
WitcherJenelle born about 1927
WitcherMary born about 1918
WitcherMell born about 1921
WitcherOlin born about 1919
WitcherPowens born about 1924
WitcherRobert born about 1914
WoodCarene born about 1931
WoodElbert born about 1893
WoodElton born about 1926
WoodEvelyn born about 1919
WoodIawn born about 1900
WoodMary born about 1921
WoodMurlyn born about 1937
WoodT Joyborn about 1928
WoodVivian born about 1925
WyattBettie born about 1935
WyattJewell born about 1931
WyattLee born about 1903
WyattLois born about 1924
WyattMary Joneborn about 1886
WyattMatte Paulineborn about 1911
WyattMattie born about 1903
WyattRoy Cleutonborn about 1916
WyattVirgil born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZacheryAnnie Ruthborn about 1924
ZacheryIona born about 1935
ZacheryIsiah born about 1929
ZacheryL Mborn about 1925
ZacheryLouise born about 1938
ZacheryLutha born about 1893
ZacheryMandy Kateborn about 1932
ZacheryMattie born about 1900
ZacheryMattie Maeborn about 1934
ZacheryMoselle born about 1937
ZacheryRobert born about 1927
ZacheryWillie Clarnceborn about 1928
ZacheryWillie Maeborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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