1940 U.S. Federal Census of Passmore, Wilkinson, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Wilkinson County > 1940 Census of Passmore

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AgertonAgnes born about 1917
AllenCarolton born about 1931
AllenCecil born about 1930
AllenLawrence born about 1907
AllenMaybell born about 1907
AllenW Cborn about 1935
ArringtonAlice born about 1888
ArringtonGrover Cborn about 1884

B Surnames

BabbWill born about 1900
BentleyCharles born about 1928
BentleyLou Ellaborn about 1926
BentleyLucile born about 1900
BentleyMartha born about 1930
BentleyRespress born about 1898
BentleyRespress Jr born about 1924
BentleyWilliam born about 1931
BloodworthAlvin born about 1935
BloodworthAnnie Mborn about 1917
BloodworthBernard born about 1933
BloodworthClinton born about 1928
BloodworthDavid born about 1938
BloodworthDonald born about 1940
BloodworthEmmitt born about 1912
BloodworthFronis born about 1909
BloodworthIrene born about 1930
BloodworthJoe born about 1880
BloodworthJohn born about 1905
BloodworthKattie born about 1892
BloodworthLamar born about 1937
BloodworthMae born about 1925
BloodworthWylie born about 1935
BooneBen Lborn about 1886
BooneBennie Leeborn about 1917
BooneCharlie born about 1932
BooneHenry born about 1918
BooneLydia born about 1894
BooneMitchell born about 1923
BooneRay born about 1925
BooneRichard born about 1928
BooneRobert born about 1922
BrackGordon born about 1890
BrewerDoc Jborn about 1889
BrewerFred born about 1928
BrewerGrady born about 1921
BrookinsB Hborn about 1888
BrookinsBetty born about 1930
BrookinsIrene born about 1924
BrookinsLeonia born about 1904
BrookinsSarah born about 1929
BrooksAmos born about 1890
BrooksAnn born about 1917
BrooksLeana born about 1902
BrunerC Nborn about 1881
BrunerEmily born about 1925
BrunerPearl born about 1885
BrunerPearl born about 1892
BrunerTommie born about 1919
BrunerWarren Eborn about 1883
BryantFrank Fborn about 1909
BurgoonEdgar born about 1929
BurgoonEffie born about 1912
BurneyCarrie born about 1910
BurneyEddie Bborn about 1919
BurneyEllen born about 1855
BurneyEllen born about 1926
BurneyGeorge born about 1883
BurneyWillie born about 1887

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C Surnames

CalowayMarie born about 1890
CalowayWill born about 1880
ChambersMarion born about 1916
ClayJennie born about 1890
CollinsB Hborn about 1900
CollinsDorothy born about 1935
CollinsJames born about 1939
CollinsJim born about 1900
CollinsMaggie born about 1938
CollinsMrs W Mborn about 1875
CollinsN Aborn about 1898
CollinsPearl born about 1926
CollinsRichard born about 1932
CollinsRobert Eborn about 1938
CollinsRubye born about 1911
CollinsSusie born about 1903
CollinsWilliam born about 1904
CollinsWylene born about 1930
ConnellDoris born about 1936
ConnellFrances born about 1932
ConnellHarold born about 1928
ConnellLenoie born about 1910
ConnellLeonard born about 1905
ConnellMargaret born about 1940
ConnellRobert born about 1930
ConnellSybil born about 1938
ConnellWendell born about 1934
CooperArchie born about 1884
CooperArchie Jr born about 1919
CooperCarrie born about 1900
CooperDaisy born about 1935
CooperDock born about 1902
CooperDock J Rborn about 1933
CooperEdie Annborn about 1873
CooperGuss Harrisborn about 1927
CooperHulda Maeborn about 1927
CooperJ C Jrborn about 1931
CooperLula born about 1916
CooperMae born about 1921
CooperMaggie born about 1930
CooperR Cborn about 1926
CooperSarah born about 1932
CoueyBenjamin born about 1863
CoueyDavid born about 1926
CoueyEmma born about 1908
CoueyFannie born about 1868
CoueyFrances born about 1933
CoueyH Tborn about 1884
CoueyHazel born about 1928
CoueyJereld born about 1936
CreswellStella born about 1900
CreswellW Vborn about 1887
CrutchfieldVictoria born about 1875
CrutchfieldWilliam born about 1865
CullensSteve Mborn about 1917
CurriesGeorgia born about 1905
CurriesMinnie born about 1906

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D Surnames

DanielCarl Vborn about 1918
DanielRobert Nborn about 1860
DayBurnice Lborn about 1910
DayJim Hborn about 1877
DayKenneth born about 1935
DayLizzie Bellborn about 1881
DayMargaret born about 1914
DayMarie born about 1934
DayShirley Annborn about 1936
DeasonRufus born about 1926
DentAnnie Francesborn about 1926
DentBen Jborn about 1860
DentBenjamin born about 1922
DentBilly Albertborn about 1935
DentBobby Nellborn about 1934
DentCharles born about 1938
DentCharlie born about 1906
DentFrance born about 1898
DentFred Aborn about 1931
DentHerbert born about 1939
DentJohnie born about 1924
DentJulian born about 1928
DentLaura born about 1905
DentMary born about 1915
DentShirley Anbnborn about 1936
DentSybel born about 1940
DominyAnnie Maeborn about 1894
DominyO H Pborn about 1886
DominyOlin born about 1926
DominyPerry born about 1922
DriskellM Oborn about 1919
DupreeWinifred born about 1919

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E Surnames

EastE Eborn about 1866
EastMrs Willie born about 1898
EastWatson born about 1918
EnnisHarvard Jborn about 1905
EnnisMartha born about 1914
EtheredgeHazel born about 1909
EtheredgeMartha Janeborn about 1928
EtheredgeNora born about 1888
EtheredgeRoswell born about 1919
EtheredgeW born about 1874
EubanksGeorge born about 1890
EvansRachael born about 1872

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F Surnames

FordamJoe Leeborn about 1903
FordamMartha born about 1934
FordamMary Aliceborn about 1937
FordamOmie Louborn about 1905
FordamZewas born about 1935
FountainMary born about 1900
FreemanE Gborn about 1868
FreemanTodd born about 1913

G Surnames

GassewayGiles born about 1936
GayPauline born about 1918
GilbertJean Fborn about 1881
GordonJulia born about 1875
GrissomFannie born about 1859
GrissomJ Wborn about 1859

H Surnames

HallOtis born about 1910
HardieCarrie born about 1914
HardieGrady born about 1905
HardieJoseph born about 1931
HardieMargaret Lborn about 1938
HarrisDorothy born about 1915
HarrisJosh born about 1914
HarrisRobert born about 1905
HarrisSusie Maeborn about 1939
HinesGeorge Cborn about 1929
HinesJulius Cborn about 1884
HinesMary Helenborn about 1922
HinesSarah Louborn about 1935
HinesSemantha born about 1891
HollandEvie born about 1880
HollandLeon born about 1910
HollandM Lborn about 1879
HollandMilb born about 1915
HollandRaynell born about 1937
HowellAlberta born about 1912
HowellAlfred Jr born about 1934
HowellJulia Maeborn about 1932

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J Surnames

JacksonBell born about 1929
JacksonEdna born about 1933
JacksonElvira born about 1905
JacksonEula born about 1896
JacksonJames born about 1894
JacksonJohn Boydborn about 1928
JacksonLeila Florenceborn about 1924
JacksonLeilab born about 1902
JacksonLeo born about 1936
JacksonMay born about 1926
JacksonPittman born about 1889
JacksonPittman born about 1926
JacksonSarah Janeborn about 1930
JonesDelmas born about 1907
JonesDonald Fborn about 1937
JonesGladys born about 1910
JonesMrs J Gborn about 1879
JonesRufus born about 1921
JonesVirginia born about 1934

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L Surnames

LavenderBen born about 1868
LavenderSallie born about 1870
LeeJ Oborn about 1892
LeeJimmie born about 1925
LeeMary born about 1898
LeverettAgnes born about 1893
LeverettBertha born about 1924
LordBen born about 1871
LordEllen born about 1875
LordEstelle Cborn about 1888
LordJessie born about 1913
LordLelia Maeborn about 1918
LordPleasant Zborn about 1880
LoydB Dborn about 1882
LoydBetty born about 1928
LoydDaisy born about 1931
LoydDorothy born about 1933
LoydEva born about 1920
LoydHenry born about 1893
LoydHenry Jr born about 1936
LoydHuldy born about 1898
LoydJ Cborn about 1875
LoydLeila Maeborn about 1918
LoydMalinda born about 1869
LoydMary born about 1925
LoydNina born about 1899
LoydTom born about 1925

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M Surnames

MercerAnnie born about 1892
MercerCecil born about 1918
MercerEdna born about 1935
MercerEdward born about 1916
MercerGeorge born about 1888
MercerGladys born about 1924
MercerHarry born about 1936
MercerHyman born about 1913
MercerLouise born about 1916
MercerRuby born about 1936
MixionBurke born about 1914
MixionBurke Jr born about 1939
MixionElizabeth born about 1922
MixionMary born about 1887
MixionWilliam Hborn about 1886
MooreHomer born about 1900
MooreJames born about 1932
MooreLyndall born about 1934
MooreMarilyn born about 1930
MooreMary Ettaborn about 1910
MooreRobert Earlborn about 1939
MooreShirley born about 1937
MootryChatty born about 1926
MootryElizabeth born about 1920
MootryGussie Maeborn about 1922
MootryJames born about 1932
MootrySarah born about 1935

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N Surnames

NeilMarie born about 1871
NeilTom born about 1868
NellieBessie born about 1898
NolesJohn born about 1873

O Surnames

OquinnAddilene born about 1898
OquinnJ Eborn about 1900

P Surnames

PalmJames born about 1871
PalmMollie born about 1872
ParhamErnest Duprieborn about 1935
ParhamGeorge born about 1926
ParhamMary Leeborn about 1931
ParhamSarah born about 1908
ParhamThelma Louiseborn about 1933
ParhamWilliam Tborn about 1929
ParhamWillie born about 1904
PattersonEleanor born about 1905
PenningtonCarlton born about 1924
PenningtonDorothy born about 1925
PenningtonRobert born about 1890
PenningtonWillie born about 1890
PierceG Bborn about 1885
PierceGeorge born about 1893
PierceHuey Fborn about 1931
PierceJ Nborn about 1860
PierceMattie born about 1884
PierceMinnie born about 1892
PierceVirginia born about 1930
PittsAnna born about 1882
PittsWilliam Jborn about 1873

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R Surnames

ReeceEarl born about 1932
ReeceEthel born about 1935
ReeceJewell born about 1926
ReeceLaverne born about 1929
ReeceLewis Bborn about 1905
ReeceMary born about 1910
ReeceRoy born about 1938
ReeceWilliam born about 1892
ReevesDoris born about 1917
RichardsonMartha born about 1922
RyalsCharlie Fborn about 1926
RyalsDaisy born about 1900
RyalsEugene Mborn about 1929
RyalsJ Wborn about 1923
RyalsLeonard born about 1936
RyalsLevi born about 1904
RyalsMattie Pearlborn about 1939
RyalsRoger Cborn about 1932
RyalsSarah Francesborn about 1938

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S Surnames

SandersBillie Maeborn about 1930
SandersIvan born about 1910
SmithCarolyn born about 1933
SmithCarrie born about 1903
SmithDaniel Nborn about 1892
SmithDaniel Jr born about 1923
SmithDavid Wborn about 1921
SmithEthel born about 1913
SmithGrace born about 1915
SmithJohn born about 1917
SmithJohn Jr born about 1936
SmithMack born about 1935
SmithMary Ellenborn about 1927
SmithMelton born about 1934
SmithRobert born about 1938
SmithRosa Eborn about 1938
SmithWilliam Oborn about 1912
SpikesArthur born about 1927
SpikesClara Bellborn about 1920
SpikesJohn born about 1880
SpikesLeon born about 1901
SpikesLeon Jr born about 1926
SpikesLusiana born about 1880
SpikesReba born about 1901
SpikesWillie Leeborn about 1936
StevensArthur Leeborn about 1938
StevensHarris born about 1917
StevensJ born about 1910
StevensJ C Jrborn about 1938
StevensJim born about 1930
StevensJim Isaacborn about 1882
StevensJuinita born about 1932
StevensLillie Ruthborn about 1934
StevensMary born about 1918
StevensRalph born about 1939
StevensRoswell born about 1936
StevensSusie Leeborn about 1915
StevensWillie Bborn about 1935
StevensonDavid born about 1890
StevensonDavid Jr born about 1919
StevensonMary born about 1870
StevensonWillie Robertborn about 1923
StubbsMrs Leo born about 1891
StubbsSidney born about 1925
StubbsSusan born about 1922

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T Surnames

TarpleyAndrew Jborn about 1907
TarpleyDaisy born about 1882
TarpleyEdward born about 1936
TarpleyM Aborn about 1873
TarpleyMary Claraborn about 1924
TarpleyMrs O Eborn about 1885
TarpleyN Wborn about 1916
TarpleyViola born about 1920
TaylorBessie born about 1900
TaylorCharlie born about 1898
TaylorRobert born about 1920
TaylorWillie born about 1923
ThompsonGeorge born about 1917

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U Surnames

UnderwoodAnnie Louborn about 1905
UnderwoodDan born about 1890
UnderwoodMary Louborn about 1926
UnderwoodSimmie born about 1929
UsuryFannie born about 1902
UsuryFloy born about 1937
UsuryJessie born about 1902
UsuryJohn born about 1904
UsuryLouise born about 1918
UsuryRalph born about 1935

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W Surnames

WatersAda born about 1922
WatersDodson born about 1915
WatersJake born about 1917
WatersJoe born about 1913
WatersLucile born about 1908
WatersOdessa born about 1938
WatersSarah born about 1924
WeeksClarence born about 1902
WeeksIdella born about 1902
WeeksJ Cborn about 1910
WeeksMollie born about 1917
WhippleThomas born about 1923
WillifordFrances born about 1929
WillifordGeorge born about 1934
WillifordHattie born about 1897
WillifordJereld born about 1937
WillifordLucile born about 1923
WillifordMarvin Tborn about 1919
WillifordT Wborn about 1894
WillifordT W Jrborn about 1931
WoodallEtta born about 1886
WoodallFurnie born about 1919
WoodallS Dborn about 1882

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Y Surnames

YoungbloodAnnie born about 1892
YoungbloodCecil born about 1923
YoungbloodGrady born about 1913
YoungbloodParram born about 1927

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