1940 U.S. Federal Census of Qusley, Lowndes, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Lowndes County > 1940 Census of Qusley

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBarbara born about 1930
AdamsCharles Wborn about 1919
AdamsDerma born about 1909
AdamsHomer born about 1890
AdamsJane born about 1916
AdamsJohn born about 1892
AdamsLary born about 1928
AdamsLily Jborn about 1894
AdamsLouisa born about 1870
AdamsWilliam Aborn about 1865
AdkinsEdward born about 1929
AdkinsLe Roy born about 1908
AdkinsLily born about 1911
AdkinsPerry born about 1940
AdkinsTommy born about 1938
AkinsGrady born about 1915
AkinsJewel born about 1894
AkinsLee Estherborn about 1937
AkinsMargaret born about 1938
AkinsMartha born about 1933
AkinsMary born about 1933
AkinsOphelia born about 1924
AkinsOtis born about 1929
AkinsRussell born about 1927
AkinsWilliam Aborn about 1874
AlbrittonAlmarene born about 1912
AlbrittonAshley born about 1934
AlbrittonAudrey born about 1928
AlbrittonDorothy born about 1927
AlbrittonEdna born about 1915
AlbrittonFay born about 1935
AlbrittonG Issacborn about 1900
AlbrittonGeorgia born about 1854
AlbrittonGerald born about 1939
AlbrittonGladys born about 1903
AlbrittonJames Hborn about 1909
AlbrittonJoseph Jborn about 1868
AlbrittonJoseph Rborn about 1910
AlbrittonLander born about 1901
AlbrittonMamie born about 1872
AlbrittonMildred born about 1930
AlbrittonSarah born about 1880
AlbrittonW Jborn about 1900
AlbrittonWallace born about 1931
AlbrittonWilliam born about 1926
AndersonCleo born about 1920
AndersonSissy born about 1921
AskewDaniel born about 1925
AskewGeorge born about 1890
AskewJunis born about 1929
AskewMargaret born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyJames Fborn about 1899
BaileyJeanette born about 1938
BaileyMary born about 1908
BaileyRuth born about 1932
BaileyWiley born about 1934
BakerBertha Mayborn about 1938
BakerEssie born about 1928
BakerEugene born about 1914
BakerGeorge born about 1880
BakerGeorge Lborn about 1930
BakerHazel born about 1920
BakerLillian born about 1935
BakerLucius born about 1923
BakerMozella born about 1922
BakerPenny born about 1938
BakerRose born about 1880
BakerRuthie Mayborn about 1919
BakerSherman born about 1932
BambryJohn born about 1895
BambryKatie born about 1929
BambryLizzie born about 1924
BambryMamie born about 1897
BarrowFrank born about 1908
BaynardCharlie born about 1935
BaynardHarriet born about 1907
BaynardJohn born about 1905
BaynardJulia Mayborn about 1933
BaynardLizzie born about 1927
BeckAllie born about 1893
BeckCurtis born about 1922
BeckEbbie born about 1920
BeckIvey born about 1928
BeckJefferson Cborn about 1888
BeckJune born about 1936
BeckLucile born about 1924
BlantonArley born about 1927
BlantonBethel born about 1926
BlantonCecil born about 1931
BlantonEvelyn born about 1936
BlantonGeorge Lborn about 1898
BlantonHarley born about 1924
BlantonIsaac Wborn about 1902
BlantonIvindel born about 1922
BlantonLeon born about 1930
BlantonLouise born about 1940
BlantonMollie born about 1901
BlantonRobert born about 1938
BlantonRuby born about 1904
BlantonRuth born about 1935
BlantonSlayden born about 1924
BoalineauWilliam Cborn about 1862
BoyettAmy born about 1929
BoyettGerald born about 1897
BoyettJerry Jr born about 1927
BoyettMaggie born about 1897
BozemanCarl born about 1935
BozemanEloise born about 1928
BozemanJames born about 1930
BozemanLouise born about 1911
BozemanMartell born about 1933
BozemanOtis born about 1925
BozemanPerry born about 1901
BozemanTommy Leeborn about 1937
BrackCharles Cborn about 1900
BrackMabel born about 1903
BrandonLily Mayborn about 1910
BrandonWillie born about 1908
BrandonWillie Jamesborn about 1927
BrannonGus born about 1915
BrannonMary born about 1880
BrannonWallace born about 1908
BrayFlorrie born about 1900
BrayJames Cborn about 1894
BrayJohn Lewisborn about 1897
BrayLester born about 1926
BrayMae Rborn about 1930
BrayNell born about 1905
BrownBen born about 1930
BrownCorren born about 1865
BrownEd born about 1900
BrownEd born about 1908
BrownIndia born about 1904
BrownIsabel born about 1928
BrownJeff born about 1857
BrownJoe born about 1932
BrownLena born about 1924
BrownMarie born about 1938
BrownMary born about 1912
BrownMary Leeborn about 1928
BrownWillie Leeborn about 1935
BryantLenora born about 1901
BurnsBessie Mayborn about 1896
BurnsEthel born about 1929
ButlerAllie Fayborn about 1885
ButlerFrank born about 1910
ButlerPat born about 1906

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C Surnames

CaldwellMissouri born about 1879
CampbellLamy born about 1924
ClarkJohnny Mayborn about 1932
ClarkMarie born about 1912
ClaryCarolyn born about 1890
ClarySamuel Nborn about 1885
ColleyEva Mayborn about 1892
ColleyGodwin born about 1886
CollierEaster born about 1918
CollierSing born about 1917
CoodyBerta Mayborn about 1922
CoodyCarissa born about 1924
CoodyDoris born about 1926
CoodyElla born about 1890
CoodyFrank Cborn about 1878
CoodyJ B Jetborn about 1918
CoodyKathleen born about 1906
CoodyL Fborn about 1912
CoodyLewis born about 1930
CoodyLonny born about 1909
CoodyW Aborn about 1906
CoppageCharles Cborn about 1895
CoppageDoris born about 1939
CoppageRuby Leeborn about 1911
CothronAda born about 1890
CothronAlice Kborn about 1897
CothronCelia born about 1922
CothronDonald born about 1931
CothronFred born about 1908
CothronGeorge born about 1924
CothronGeorge Mborn about 1881
CothronGlen born about 1938
CothronGrady born about 1913
CothronHilda born about 1928
CothronJack born about 1919
CothronJames born about 1938
CothronJimmy born about 1928
CothronJohnny Leeborn about 1890
CothronLeland born about 1934
CothronMaggie born about 1882
CothronMargaret born about 1931
CothronMary born about 1926
CothronMary born about 1936
CothronMildred born about 1915
CothronSarah born about 1923
CothronWilliam born about 1933
CothronWilliam Tborn about 1886
CotterWilliam Hborn about 1863
CotterWinona born about 1870
CrocklinMallie born about 1901
CrocklinRosa Leeborn about 1926
CrocklinSam born about 1897
CrosbyDelmar born about 1914
CrosbyJames born about 1939
CrosbySusie born about 1915
CulversonJohn Lborn about 1897
CurryEd born about 1886
CurryGeorgia born about 1923
CurryGurline born about 1926
CurryLily Mayborn about 1886
CurryLon born about 1890
CurryMartha born about 1924
CurryMattie Juliaborn about 1930
CurrySam born about 1880

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D Surnames

DampierAmanda born about 1924
DampierHarold born about 1930
DampierJeanette born about 1901
DampierLonnie Bborn about 1880
DampierMose Tborn about 1890
DampierWilma Jeanborn about 1922
DavisAda Mayborn about 1917
DavisAllie born about 1878
DavisAlmaree born about 1917
DavisErnest born about 1889
DavisEssie born about 1882
DavisEssie Johnborn about 1934
DavisEunice born about 1938
DavisFanny born about 1915
DavisFanny born about 1940
DavisGarfield born about 1881
DavisGladys born about 1932
DavisHenry born about 1880
DavisJohn born about 1870
DavisJosie Bellborn about 1921
DavisLeila born about 1902
DavisLon Geneborn about 1936
DavisLouise born about 1927
DavisLucy born about 1875
DavisMarie born about 1912
DavisMary Janeborn about 1895
DavisMary Leeborn about 1937
DavisMoses born about 1918
DavisRichard born about 1909
DavisRichart Jr born about 1930
DavisRobert born about 1930
DavisVerdale born about 1922
DavisWalter born about 1940
DavisWilliam born about 1934
DavisWillie born about 1913
DeesBilly born about 1923
DeesCarnett born about 1894
DeesCarnett Jr born about 1931
DeesClara born about 1899
DeesDorothy born about 1925
DeesGerald born about 1932
DeesHelen born about 1926
DeesJames born about 1919
DeesLanell born about 1921
DeesMarian born about 1929
DeesMirian born about 1929

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E Surnames

EnglishCharles born about 1860
EvansHenry Dborn about 1875
EvansIma Simaborn about 1881

F Surnames

FairclothElizabeth born about 1890
FairclothJames born about 1920
FairclothO Hborn about 1922
FairclothWilliam Cborn about 1888
FairctohRuby born about 1920
FairctohRuel born about 1924
FairctohRuth born about 1928
FalleyEddie born about 1925
FalleyFrances born about 1930
FalleyJohn Dborn about 1903
FalleyJohn Jr born about 1932
FalleyLaura born about 1908
FalleyMary born about 1927
FarmerAmy born about 1918
FarmerAnnie Mayborn about 1893
FarmerClifford born about 1926
FarmerEstelle born about 1922
FarmerJames Fborn about 1916
FarmerJim Fborn about 1920
FarmerJoseph Rborn about 1883
FarmerJoseph Tborn about 1914
FarmerRuby born about 1939
FarmerWalter born about 1934
FarmerWyolene born about 1924
FenderJunior born about 1934
FolsomAnnie Mayborn about 1892
FolsomHubert Fborn about 1891
FudgeEd born about 1900
FudgeLucile born about 1909
FudgeMamie Lonborn about 1930
FultonCherry Mayborn about 1934
FultonJoe born about 1877
FultonJunior born about 1939
FultonLena born about 1880
FultonNathaniel born about 1933
FultonWillie Mayborn about 1910
FultonWillie Mayborn about 1937

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G Surnames

GaryAlec born about 1874
GaryBertha born about 1880
GaryBride born about 1935
GaryCarl born about 1911
GaryMamie born about 1914
GaryMartha Belleborn about 1936
GerrickAnnie Merleborn about 1930
GerrickBilly born about 1938
GerrickGerald born about 1936
GerrickJames born about 1927
GerrickLouise born about 1932
GerrickRaymond born about 1929
GerrickRoy born about 1896
GerrickThelma born about 1912
GiffordAmy born about 1891
GiffordHenry Gborn about 1882
GiffordJohnny born about 1926
GillardAllie Mayborn about 1928
GillardClarence born about 1923
GillardEd born about 1922
GillardErnesh born about 1892
GillardFanny born about
GillardFrank born about 1927
GillardFrederick born about 1910
GillardGeneva born about 1894
GillardHiram born about 1910
GillardLinwood born about 1924
GillardOllie Mayborn about 1892
GillardPearl born about 1917
GillardThomas born about 1913
GillardWarren born about 1889
GlassLydia born about 1893
GlassWilliam Cborn about 1898
GodinHarvey born about 1914
GreenAline born about 1932
GreenEloise born about 1929
GreenLucile born about 1933
GreenMaxine born about 1937
GreenMildred born about 1910
GreenTalley Eborn about 1905
GriffinCorine born about 1902
GriffinCorine born about 1926
GriffinLen born about 1880
GriffinLen born about 1934
GriffinLily Mayborn about 1923
GriffinLula born about 1900
GriffinOdessa born about 1928
GriffinS Hborn about 1924
GriffinSarah born about 1930
GriffinSilas born about 1896

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H Surnames

HallGlady born about 1900
HallHenry born about 1894
HallHilda born about 1927
HallJunior born about 1930
HallWilbur born about 1932
HamiltonBeatrice born about 1922
HamiltonDonnie born about 1939
HamiltonGeorge born about 1907
HareElla Mayborn about 1928
HareJulia Mayborn about 1923
HareLousiana born about 1895
HareRosa born about 1924
HareWesley born about 1892
HarrellCorine born about 1898
HarrellElla born about 1926
HarrellMary born about 1924
HarrellRoy born about 1932
HarrellWill born about 1890
HarrisonEssie born about 1895
HarrisonJames Fborn about 1888
HarveyAmanda born about 1935
HarveyHerman born about 1905
HarveyHubbard born about 1933
HarveyR Aborn about 1927
HarveyZula born about 1908
HayesJunior born about 1930
HayesLois born about 1907
HayesPaul born about 1908
HaynesCalvin born about 1934
HaynesGladys Mayborn about 1936
HaynesJohn Lewisborn about 1927
HazeCleo born about 1922
HazeGertrude born about 1898
HazeHanford born about 1920
HazeIrene born about 1919
HazeOwen born about 1924
HazeVirginia born about 1925
HendersonBeatrice born about 1926
HendersonGertrude born about 1902
HendersonWilliam Hborn about 1882
HerrisonFloy born about 1890
HerrisonHarry born about 1919
HerrisonWilliam Aborn about 1882
HogansErnest born about 1925
HogansHazel born about 1921
HogansIola born about 1905
HogansJohn Aborn about 1892
HogansJohn Lborn about 1924
HoldenNigel born about 1902
HomerFanny Bellborn about 1932
HomerFanny Loraborn about 1887
HomerJosie Bellborn about 1929
HomerMose born about 1876
HomerRobert born about 1927
HookerCordell born about 1916
HookerR Eborn about 1915
HunterAnna Mayborn about 1934
HunterCrawford born about 1909
HunterElma born about 1938
HunterH C Jrborn about 1935
HunterLanna Mayborn about 1915
HurinzBernice born about 1931
HurinzEffie Mayborn about 1929
HurinzHenry Jr born about 1934
HurinzOwena born about 1937
HurinzWillie Frankborn about 1933

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J Surnames

JacksonAmos born about 1892
JacksonBobby born about 1920
JacksonCarrie Bellborn about 1937
JacksonClara born about 1900
JacksonElla Mayborn about 1927
JacksonIda Mayborn about 1930
JacksonJohn born about 1887
JacksonMaggie born about 1922
JacksonSarah born about 1897
JacksonSusie born about 1863
JacksonVictoria born about 1877
JacksonVirginia born about 1926
JamesAdel born about 1927
JamesAlbert born about 1894
JamesEmma born about 1931
JamesGeorge Leeborn about 1935
JamesMay Nelborn about 1930
JamesRose born about 1900
JecksonDennis born about 1886
JecksonLoamy born about 1890
JecksonThomas born about 1920
JohnsDavis born about 1925
JohnsDennie born about 1932
JohnsEmma born about 1929
JohnsJoe Louisborn about 1935
JohnsL Jborn about
JohnsLonnie born about 1897
JohnsLonny Jr born about 1922
JohnsLuconia born about 1900
JohnsLuconia born about 1927
JohnsMelton born about 1933
JohnsSammy born about 1931
JohnsSamson born about 1930
JohnsonAnnie Leeborn about 1938
JohnsonBernice born about 1930
JohnsonCarl born about 1927
JohnsonCharlie born about 1910
JohnsonConnie born about 1907
JohnsonCorliss born about 1931
JohnsonFrank Aborn about 1892
JohnsonHenry born about 1916
JohnsonJuanita born about 1926
JohnsonLen born about 1919
JohnsonMamie born about 1890
JohnsonMamie born about 1917
JohnsonMinnie born about 1913
JohnsonR Jborn about 1899
JohnsonRalph born about 1928
JohnsonThelma born about 1923
JohnsonTurner born about 1923
JohnsonViva born about 1916
JohnsonVonceil born about 1921
JohnsonWilliam born about 1936
JonesAlberta born about 1903
JonesAnnie Belleborn about 1934
JonesClara born about 1875
JonesDarnella born about 1932
JonesEnos born about 1896
JonesFanny born about 1877
JonesFanny Bellborn about 1922
JonesFreddy born about 1934
JonesGarfield born about 1911
JonesGertrude born about 1923
JonesHenry born about 1912
JonesIsaac born about 1891
JonesJohnny Leeborn about 1930
JonesJulia Mayborn about 1928
JonesKaty Bellborn about 1915
JonesLe born about 1920
JonesLetha Mayborn about 1920
JonesLilla born about 1895
JonesLily Mayborn about 1920
JonesMabel born about 1902
JonesMabel born about 1937
JonesMatthew born about 1890
JonesMoses born about 1894
JonesOphelia born about 1905
JonesP Jborn about 1927
JonesPeter born about 1932
JonesRobert born about 1927
JonesRosie born about 1936
JonesSilas born about 1901
JudyGenevieve born about 1927
JudyJennie Leeborn about 1928
JudyJohn born about 1900
JudyLucile born about 1902
JudyMaud born about 1931

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K Surnames

KellyEdwin born about 1921
KellyEmory born about 1922
KellyErnest Eborn about 1909
KellyMayra born about 1925
KellyRandall born about 1932
KellyWinnie born about 1895
KierIsabel born about 1894
KierLewis born about 1930
KierLunette born about 1927
KierOscar born about 1898
KierPurnell born about 1933
KnightCharles born about 1910
KnightCharlie Mayborn about 1936
KnightFreddy born about 1920

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L Surnames

LedbetterLila born about 1882
LehmanAgnes born about 1900
LehmanCranford born about 1922
LehmanDorothy born about 1934
LehmanEdna Mayborn about 1926
LehmanHadie born about 1930
LehmanHarry born about 1933
LehmanHerman born about 1939
LehmanHosie Dborn about 1889
LehmanJulian born about 1919
LehmanLanette born about 1921
LehmanLarry born about 1933
LehmanMarie born about 1935
LehmanMorris born about 1923
LehmanWily born about 1916
LewisAnnie Lonborn about 1908
LewisDavid born about 1938
LewisDonald born about 1932
LewisEdgar born about 1929
LewisJunior born about 1937
LewisRobert born about 1927
LewisVelma born about 1926
LewisW Tborn about 1915
LewisWylie Fborn about 1897
LieglerCharles born about 1937
LieglerHazel born about 1915
LieglerPeggy born about 1935
LieglerRobert Mborn about 1907
LilaJames born about 1928
LilaMay born about 1918
LilaMilton Jr born about 1926
LloydGeorgia born about 1924
LloydLula born about 1901
LloydRobert born about 1927
LordBlanche born about 1927
LordFairleen born about 1929
LordFanny born about 1934
LordHarvey Mborn about 1905
LordMildred born about 1925
LordOmie born about 1906
LottHoyt born about 1913

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M Surnames

MartinBruce born about 1923
MartinClara Mayborn about 1909
MartinCurtis Mborn about 1880
MartinDora born about 1889
MartinEdith born about 1927
MartinEssie Mayborn about 1906
MartinJ Wborn about 1904
MartinJames born about 1925
MartinJohn born about 1931
MartinJohnson born about 1927
MartinJoseph born about 1875
MartinJoseph born about 1896
MartinJosephine born about 1938
MartinLizzie Mayborn about 1934
MartinLucile born about 1929
MartinMack born about 1920
MartinMargairete born about 1928
MartinMary born about 1880
MartinMattie born about 1853
MartinRosa Leeborn about 1900
MartinRoy born about 1936
MartinSallie born about 1928
MartinSarah born about 1930
MartinSusie Mayborn about 1930
MartinTheodora born about 1923
MartinUlysses born about 1932
MartinWisdom born about 1892
MccallDory born about 1889
MccallFrank born about 1927
MccallJohn born about 1887
MccoggleCortney born about 1900
MccoggleEmma Louborn about 1923
MccoggleEthel born about 1930
MccoggleEthel Mayborn about 1924
MccoggleFred born about 1933
MccoggleJessie born about 1922
MccoggleJessie Mayborn about 1920
MccoggleJoe born about 1915
MccoggleJulius born about 1894
MccoggleJunior born about 1930
MccoggleLavelle born about 1921
MccoggleLola born about 1898
MccoggleLouise born about 1933
MccoggleM Cborn about 1928
MccoggleMary born about 1924
MccoggleMary Lizzieborn about 1913
MccoggleNathan born about 1927
MccoggleOscar born about 1916
MccoggleRuth Mayborn about 1928
MccoggleRuthie Mayborn about 1927
MccoggleSilas born about 1895
MccoggleSilas born about 1935
MccoggleWillie Jamesborn about 1937
McfarlandEvelyn born about 1928
McfarlandGeorgia born about 1890
McfarlandJohn born about 1915
McfarlandL Bborn about 1917
McfarlandMargaret born about 1930
McfarlandRuby born about 1920
McfarlandThelma born about 1934
McfarlandWillard born about 1932
McfarlandWillie Mayborn about 1913
McgauleyEdna born about 1917
McgauleyHansford born about 1916
McgauleyJames born about 1937
McgauleyRaymond born about 1939
McgauleyWalter Leeborn about 1940
McgauleyWilliam Mborn about 1936
McgeeAnnie Mayborn about 1901
McgeeElizabeth born about 1935
McgeeEloise born about 1937
McgeeEugene born about 1930
McgeeGeorge born about 1895
McgeeJulia born about 1939
McgeeO Hborn about 1926
McgeeWillie Mayborn about 1922
McinnisJames Aborn about 1875
McinnisMarie born about 1912
McinnisNese Rborn about 1870
McinnisSarah born about 1880
McinnisSeletie born about 1872
McintyreAleanor born about 1918
McintyreCome born about 1902
McintyreFrances born about 1927
McintyreHattie Lonborn about 1921
McintyreJ Archborn about 1880
McintyreJoe Vborn about 1900
McintyreJohn Williamborn about 1931
McintyreJulia born about 1886
McintyreMargaret born about 1929
MckenzieClara born about 1911
MckenzieLonnie born about 1910
MclendonJohn Rborn about 1901
MintonAnnie Mayborn about 1903
MintonFloy Mayborn about 1927
MintonJohn born about 1895
MobleyCarrie Belleborn about 1915
MobleyCharles Fborn about 1910
MobleyCharles Vernonborn about 1936
MobleyMaggie born about 1880
MobleyVirgie born about 1875
MonkCorinne born about 1916
MonkHoward born about 1915
MonkJeanette born about 1936
MonkJoe Hughborn about 1938
MooreBetty born about 1929
MooreConnie born about 1927
MooreFrank born about 1924
MooreMartha born about 1908
MooreMary born about 1880
MooreRedden born about 1902
MooreRuth born about 1933
MoseleyAnna Mayborn about 1929
MoseleyCharlie born about 1936
MoseleyElizabeth born about 1939
MoseleyHarmon born about 1902
MoseleyJnssie born about 1935
MoseleyKatherine born about 1926
MoseleyLorene born about 1933
MoseleyMay Belleborn about 1901
MoseleySam born about 1927
MoseleyWillie Mayborn about 1931
MosseCharles born about 1923
MosseDavid born about 1921
MosseElla born about 1928
MosseJunius born about 1927
MosseRosa born about 1895

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N Surnames

NicholsLawrence born about 1900
NicholsMargaret born about 1904
NixAmy born about 1890
NolanAline born about 1922
NolanAnnie Leeborn about 1917
NolanBobby born about 1939
NolanCharles Bborn about 1879
NolanClyde born about 1919
NolanFrances born about 1920
NolanLeo born about 1926
NolanLiza Janeborn about 1894
NolanMary born about 1923
NolanWilbert Williamborn about 1916

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P Surnames

PattersonAline born about 1936
PattersonElla born about 1890
PattersonLee born about 1912
PattersonWilletta born about 1938
PeaceCarrie born about 1881
PeaceCarroll born about 1923
PeaceDelphia born about 1918
PeaceEllen born about 1919
PeaceJohn Rborn about 1916
PeaceSusie Nellborn about 1888
PeaceWilliam Cborn about 1873
PeckAnnie born about 1890
PeckMary Lonborn about 1923
PeckMose born about 1870
PennyIva Mayborn about 1904
PennyJames Eborn about 1896
PhilipsDirk born about 1929
PhilipsFlorence born about 1900
PittmanEdwin born about 1932
PittmanEthel born about 1912
PittmanEugene born about 1934
PittmanFay born about 1939
PittmanJames Eborn about 1910
PittmanRuth born about 1930
PittmanShirley born about 1936
PlaceBenny born about 1932
PlaceClarence Cborn about 1900
PlaceClaudine born about 1928
PlaceElizabeth born about 1930
PlaceMargaret born about 1899
PlaceMargaret Louiseborn about 1923
PlairAnnie born about 1883
PlairCauelle born about 1920
PlairCrancy born about 1910
PlairIra born about 1924
PlairJessie born about 1914
PlairMonroe born about 1907
PriesterBlanche born about 1905
PriesterFlora born about 1880
PriesterHelen born about 1930
PriesterJane born about 1928
PriesterJohn born about 1875
PriesterJunior born about 1936
PriesterLena born about 1900
PriesterLeroy born about 1900
PriesterMerron born about 1932
PriesterObediah born about 1894
PriesterObediah born about 1926
PriesterSina Mayborn about 1932
PriesterThomas born about 1928
PritchardCleveland born about 1915
PritchardElizabeth born about 1890
PritchardJames born about 1927
PritchardRichard Jborn about 1880

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R Surnames

ReddishAgnes born about 1916
ReddishBilly born about 1936
ReddishBuddy born about 1935
ReddishElmeda born about 1918
ReddishEtheridge born about 1918
ReddishEvelyn born about 1921
ReddishJoseph born about 1937
ReddishJr born about 1940
ReddishJune born about 1923
ReddishLa Travis born about 1928
ReddishLa Vivian born about 1937
ReddishLee born about 1884
ReddishMary Francesborn about 1934
ReddishMinnie born about 1885
ReddishMinnie born about 1915
ReddishOrley born about 1914
ReddishR C Jrborn about 1936
ReddishRossie born about 1909
ReddishVernon born about 1939
ReddishWill born about 1915
RoarkAlvida born about 1904
RoarkBlanche born about 1932
RoarkCarmie born about 1929
RoarkClaud born about 1924
RoarkClyde born about 1934
RoarkEugene born about 1927
RoarkEverett born about 1922
RoarkWillard born about 1891
RobersonFlorence born about 1880
RobertsA J Jrborn about 1935
RobertsAnsis born about 1938
RobertsCarly born about 1937
RobertsHorace born about 1940
RobertsIrene born about 1936
RobertsJ Bborn about 1936
RobertsJimmy Rborn about 1910
RobertsLloyd born about 1922
RobertsMamie born about 1911
RobertsMartha born about 1900
RobertsNinna born about 1920
RobertsRob born about 1913
RobertsTiny born about 1895
RobertsW Fborn about 1924
RobertsWill born about 1891
RowlandAnnie born about 1902
RowlandCharles born about 1934
RowlandF Mborn about 1920
RowlandJames born about 1929
RowlandJesse Eborn about 1917
RowlandJohn born about 1918
RowlandJohn Bborn about 1871
RowlandMary Leeborn about 1919
RowlandMollie born about 1879
RowlandRosa Leeborn about 1921
RowlandRosa Marieborn about 1936
RowlandWalter born about 1921
RowlandWill Mborn about 1900

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S Surnames

SandersForest born about 1906
SandersRuth born about 1912
SaundersJunior born about 1927
SaundersMelton born about 1929
SaundersRowena born about 1934
SaundersSallie Leeborn about 1932
SaundersSarah born about 1905
SaundersWilliam Aborn about 1902
ShiverAnna born about 1918
ShiverArthur Glennborn about 1908
ShiverBroches born about 1922
ShiverCharles born about 1929
ShiverClarence born about 1905
ShiverCorra Leeborn about 1916
ShiverEarl born about 1927
ShiverEd Eborn about 1912
ShiverElwood born about 1937
ShiverEula Leeborn about 1918
ShiverEula Leeborn about 1920
ShiverFrances born about 1935
ShiverGeorge born about 1925
ShiverJuanita born about 1910
ShiverMinnie born about 1884
ShiverNell born about 1923
ShiverShane Hborn about 1882
ShiverWill born about 1885
SimsBerry born about 1935
SimsCaroline born about 1923
SimsCharles Dborn about 1912
SimsClyde born about 1899
SimsCorenne born about 1890
SimsDella born about 1893
SimsEarl born about 1938
SimsHenry born about 1910
SimsJack born about 1924
SimsJewel born about 1923
SimsJoe born about 1904
SimsJohn Hborn about 1890
SimsJulian born about 1936
SimsK Mborn about 1884
SimsMargaret born about 1916
SimsMarine born about 1915
SimsMcdonald born about 1921
SimsMinn Aborn about 1897
SimsOtis born about 1916
SimsSarah born about 1920
SimsUtabella born about 1917
SimsWilliam born about 1922
SmithAretha born about 1921
SmithClinton born about 1921
SmithElizabeth born about 1936
SmithElla Mayborn about 1917
SmithEthel born about 1901
SmithFred born about 1924
SmithGeorge born about 1928
SmithGladys born about 1932
SmithHenry born about 1884
SmithHenry Jr born about 1916
SmithLee born about 1898
SmithLois born about 1931
SmithLouise born about 1937
SmithMamie born about 1926
SmithMay Francesborn about 1929
SmithPete born about 1934
SmithSusie born about 1894
SmithWilliam born about 1922
SouthallClifford born about 1924
SouthallCurtis born about 1911
SouthallEssie born about 1893
SouthallJ Bborn about 1928
SouthallJ Mborn about 1895
SouthallJaunita born about 1930
SouthallJoseph Dborn about 1891
SouthallLeroy born about 1926
SouthallMarie born about 1936
SouthallNona born about 1928
SouthallPaul born about 1927
SouthallRoy born about 1911
SouthallSally born about 1905
SouthallSusie born about 1875
SowellCharlie Leeborn about 1930
SowellGeorge born about 1927
SowellJames Lborn about 1899
SowellJames Jr born about 1929
SowellMary Eborn about 1932
SowellNell born about 1903
SpeerBetty born about 1932
SpeerE Bborn about 1905
SpeerImogene born about 1937
SpeerLafay born about 1930
SpeerLaverne born about 1934
SpeerMamie Leeborn about 1911
SpeerVirginia born about 1928
SpiresJ Wborn about 1877
SpiresKatie Louiseborn about 1919
SpiresOtis Vborn about 1912
StarkRosa Leeborn about 1900
StarlingCurtis born about 1931
StarlingEmma born about 1871
StarlingFlorence born about 1907
StarlingIvy Leeborn about 1896
StarlingLena born about 1905
StarlingOwens born about 1903
StevensCarlie born about 1934
StevensEllis born about 1928
StevensFloyd born about 1936
StevensJames born about 1930
StevensMansfield born about 1897
StevensMinnie born about 1900
StevensMyrtle born about 1923
StevensRoy born about 1926
StewartFred born about 1927
StewartJulia born about 1892
StewartMabel born about 1928
StewartSam born about 1890
StewartSammy Leeborn about 1926
StewartWaymond born about 1924
StockdaleTommie born about 1875
StrawderHarriet born about 1866
StudstillAlvin born about 1904
StudstillVerna born about 1905
SumlerMargaret born about 1864
SuttonMartha born about 1870
SuttonNeal born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorJames Rborn about 1878
ThomasJ Cborn about 1939
ThomasJames born about 1893
ThomasJames born about 1936
ThomasJimmie Leeborn about 1930
ThomasJohn Henryborn about 1937
ThomasSallie Mayborn about 1906
ThomasWillie Cborn about 1937
ThriftOwen born about 1886
TimmonsAmelia born about 1872
TouchtonColey born about 1912
TouchtonEllen born about 1934
TouchtonMerle born about 1940
TouchtonPauline born about 1914
TuckerHubbard born about 1928
TuckerLeroy born about 1928
TuckerLucile born about 1931
TuckerSallie born about 1889
TuckerWalton born about 1922
TuckerWillie born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerJoe born about 1858
WallsBennie Lborn about 1939
WallsBennie Leeborn about 1917
WallsLottie Mayborn about 1933
WallsMamie born about 1937
WallsRuth Mayborn about 1922
WardAlice born about 1933
WardArthur Leeborn about 1936
WardCharlie Bborn about 1931
WardEsta born about 1898
WardJames born about 1924
WardJames Eborn about 1887
WardMamie born about 1905
WardRuby born about 1930
WardTiny Mayborn about 1934
WardWilliam born about 1927
WatkinsBillie Jackborn about 1934
WatkinsCarl born about 1915
WatkinsDavid born about 1937
WatkinsFay born about 1939
WatkinsJimmie Leeborn about 1919
WatkinsMadge born about 1919
WatkinsOla Bellborn about 1888
WatkinsWill Dborn about 1923
WatkinsWilliam Dborn about 1885
WelchAlice born about 1932
WelchBetty born about 1936
WelchBilly born about 1939
WelchBobby born about 1934
WelchDora born about 1917
WelchElise born about 1912
WelchHarvey born about 1917
WelchJames Fborn about 1907
WelchSee Hborn about 1939
WellsClarence born about 1915
WellsD Cborn about 1927
WellsDan Cborn about 1878
WellsEleanor born about 1920
WellsElla born about 1916
WellsJ Cborn about 1936
WellsJulia born about 1890
WellsLucinda born about 1920
WellsRaymond born about 1912
WellsRoy born about 1910
WellsSilvy Jeanborn about 1936
WesleyW Mborn about 1927
Westberry??? born about 1897
WestberryRebecca Francesborn about 1917
WethingtonBetty born about 1937
WethingtonJoyce born about 1939
WethingtonLeonard born about 1913
WethingtonLuelle born about 1917
WethingtonRobert born about 1933
WhitlockBeulah born about 1939
WhitlockColeman born about 1896
WhitlockElizah born about 1936
WhitlockEva Mayborn about 1923
WhitlockGrace born about 1938
WhitlockHattie born about 1902
WhitlockJohn Howardborn about 1932
WhitlockMaggie Leeborn about 1927
WhitlockMay Ellenborn about 1924
WhitlockOtis born about 1931
WigginsCassie born about 1920
WigginsEugene born about 1911
WigginsEula Mayborn about 1915
WigginsJ P Jrborn about 1934
WigginsJames born about 1910
WigginsJoe Annborn about 1922
WigginsLucile born about 1916
WigginsMary Eborn about 1869
WilliamsJany born about 1905
WilliamsMilton born about 1915
WilliamsValley born about 1900
WilliamsWillie Leeborn about 1915
WillinghamAlbert born about 1917
WillinghamAllie Mayborn about 1922
WillinghamCurtis born about 1919
WillinghamDorothy born about 1930
WillinghamGladys born about 1928
WillinghamJames Cborn about 1919
WillinghamJeanette born about 1938
WillinghamLarkin born about 1891
WillinghamNannie born about 1920
WillinghamRexana born about 1897
WillinghamRuth born about 1938
WillinghamSilvan born about 1924
WillisAdelaide born about 1917
WillisB Pborn about 1932
WillisEunice born about 1914
WillisMande born about 1914
WillisOwen born about 1931
WillisThomas Wborn about 1881
WillisWilliam born about 1919
WillisWillie born about 1882
WilsonBertie born about 1900
WilsonRoan born about 1890
WisenbakerBobby born about 1930
WisenbakerCuba born about 1909
WisenbakerHarold born about 1932
WisenbakerLewis born about 1910
WisenbakerMarian born about 1935
WisenbakerWesley born about 1937
WoodAda Mayborn about 1936
WoodCarrie Mayborn about 1934
WoodElla born about 1912
WoodFletcher born about 1918
WoodRebelhan born about 1890
WoodRobert born about 1922
WoodThelma born about 1919
WoodVangie born about 1937
WoodwardAnnie Bellborn about 1921
WoodwardElizabeth born about 1872
WoodwardJames Eborn about 1922
WoodwardSteven Eborn about 1872
WrightAnnie born about 1890
WrightBilly born about 1931
WrightClarence born about 1878
WrightEloise born about 1935
WrightEugene born about 1937
WrightEula born about 1900
WrightFanny born about 1925
WrightGertrude born about 1900
WrightGurney born about 1895
WrightHerman born about 1891
WrightJ W Jrborn about 1929
WrightJames born about 1933
WrightJoseph born about 1930
WrightMargaret born about 1902
WrightPierce born about 1900
WrightSylvester born about 1927
WrightVerna born about 1925
WrightVerneen born about 1925
WrightWilla Deanborn about 1927
WrightWillie Frankborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoumansCharles Tborn about 1891
YoumansDoris born about 1932
YoumansEarl born about 1937
YoumansInez born about 1922
YoumansLorene born about 1930
YoumansMyrtis born about 1935
YoumansPreston born about 1923
YoumansRaymond born about 1920
YoumansSusie born about 1897
YoumansTally born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZantLetty born about 1892
ZipprioreMargaret born about 1860

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