1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ramah, Wilkinson, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Wilkinson County > 1940 Census of Ramah

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbleBennie born about 1922
AbleWilliam born about 1925
AdamsAlex born about 1890
AdamsBessie born about 1921
AdamsCarrie born about 1896
AdamsCynetha born about 1931
AdamsElizabeth born about 1928
AdamsErnest born about 1922
AdamsEva Eborn about 1916
AdamsEvans Eborn about 1936
AdamsGrover born about 1916
AdamsM Cborn about 1919
AdamsMathis born about 1924
AdamsYoung born about 1914
AdsideExie born about 1910
AdsideGeorge born about 1918
AdsideGeorge born about 1938
AdsideLois born about 1921
AdsideSarah Jborn about 1880
AdsideWilliam born about 1924
AfordAdie Lborn about 1927
AlbrittonClaudie born about 1918
AlbrittonHelen born about 1921
AlbrittonLois born about 1939
AlfordJulian Cborn about 1912
AlfordLeon Cborn about 1935
AlfordLorelle born about 1914
AlfordMarion Dorcasborn about 1940
AllenEva born about 1920
AllenWillie Lewisborn about 1919
AmersonAvie born about 1914
AmersonBarbara Loisborn about 1937
AmersonGrady Mborn about 1939
AmersonGrover born about 1938
AmersonGrover Dborn about 1911
AmersonHomer J Jrborn about 1935
AmersonHomer J Sborn about 1912
AmersonNellie Mborn about 1919
AndersonLouise born about 1919
AndrewsAlfred born about 1885
AndrewsCarrie Leeborn about 1920
AndrewsEddie Lawrenceborn about 1938
AndrewsJennie born about 1886
AndrewsJohn Leeborn about 1920
AndrewsJohnie Cborn about 1939
AndrewsKenneth born about 1939
AndrewsLawrence born about 1918
AndrewsMay Bellborn about 1922
AndrewsOphelia born about 1936
AndrewsOtis born about 1913
AustinBetty born about 1914
AustinBetty born about 1939
AustinCleon born about 1934
AustinEarl born about 1917
AustinEmanuel born about 1916
AustinEvelyn born about 1919
AustinFannie born about 1888
AustinFrank born about 1888
AustinJ Tborn about 1931
AustinJoan born about 1936
AustinLorrine born about 1936
AustinLucresia born about 1926
AustinLucrica born about 1899
AustinLum born about 1886
AustinMary Lillianborn about 1932
AustinMildred born about 1933
AustinRafford Kborn about 1933
AustinRoberta born about 1923
AustinRozeema born about 1935
AustinRuby Mborn about 1930
AustinSammie Lborn about 1927
AustinWilliam Aborn about 1870
AustinWillie born about 1912
AustinWillie born about 1924
AustinWillie Frankborn about 1938
AycockBen born about 1886
AycockBetty born about 1933
AycockFlossie Lborn about 1916
AycockGeorge born about 1927
AycockIrene born about 1891
AycockLamor born about 1925
AycockLeon Jborn about 1910
AycockSarah born about 1923
AycockSibyl born about 1929
AycockVirginia born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BachelorEllen Aborn about 1884
BachelorLilla Rborn about 1901
BachelorMartha Fborn about 1926
BachelorRichard Cborn about 1874
BachelorWilliam Eborn about 1879
BaddyCharlie born about 1889
BakerDella born about 1886
BakerEugene born about 1940
BakerHattie Mborn about 1923
BakerJohny born about 1878
BakerSophie born about 1901
BalkcomRoosevelt born about 1903
BalkconHattie Maeborn about 1914
BallardRobert Leeborn about 1940
BallotParrot born about 1917
BaltimoreJestine born about 1923
BanksAnnie Florenceborn about 1911
BanksBaiser born about 1918
BanksBertha born about 1916
BanksCharlie born about 1928
BanksHenry born about 1901
BanksMary born about 1895
BanksRay born about 1905
BanksRosa Maeborn about 1939
BanksWillie born about 1901
BarclayFrancis Sborn about 1930
BarclayJ Sterlingborn about 1893
BarclayJoe Millerborn about 1938
BarclayMamie Mborn about 1903
BarclayNina Bborn about 1862
BarfieldAlice Lborn about 1928
BarfieldAlice Mborn about 1909
BarfieldCarrie Bborn about 1929
BarfieldCora born about 1898
BarfieldEmily Cborn about 1935
BarfieldFrank born about 1932
BarfieldLeila Mborn about 1931
BarfieldNamie Cborn about 1930
BarfieldNathaniel born about 1926
BarfieldRogers born about 1892
BarfieldWillie Mborn about 1927
BarlowHenry born about 1887
BarlowJoe born about 1877
BarrettMandy born about 1854
BarrettWillie born about 1904
BarrowErma Pborn about 1901
BarrowIvey Leeborn about 1891
BarrowStephen Pborn about 1921
BatchelorMitchell Cborn about 1888
BatsonAnnie Lborn about 1927
BatsonDean born about 1900
BatsonHattie born about 1923
BatsonLysonder Cborn about 1884
BeckBobby Leeborn about 1931
BeckC Brookinsborn about 1934
BeckClifford Dborn about 1903
BeckEddie Deanborn about 1911
BeckElaine born about 1939
BeckElmo Nborn about 1908
BeckFrances Bborn about 1882
BeckHarry Wborn about 1923
BeckJames Eborn about 1915
BeckJulian Mborn about 1906
BeckLillian Pborn about 1900
BeckLouise Bborn about 1907
BeckMargaret Wborn about 1920
BeckMary Lillianborn about 1927
BeckMclancton Nborn about 1880
BeckPerry Fborn about 1898
BeckWilliam Fborn about 1921
BeckWilliam Lborn about 1896
BellBernice born about 1904
BellElizabeth born about 1939
BellEllis born about 1935
BellJack Rossborn about 1918
BellJeneva born about 1936
BellLeon born about 1902
BellOdessa born about 1928
BellWilliam born about 1925
BivinsClara Leoneborn about 1936
BivinsElla born about 1889
BivinsErnest born about 1906
BivinsErnest Bellborn about 1938
BivinsErnest Leeborn about 1928
BivinsEura Bellborn about 1910
BivinsJenny Clairborn about 1913
BlackburnGertrude Mborn about 1901
BlackburnOscar Eborn about 1891
BlackshearJulius born about 1925
BlankenshipAnne Dborn about 1900
BlankenshipDupree born about 1925
BlankenshipH Clarenceborn about 1896
BloodworthAddie Mborn about 1905
BloodworthAlex born about 1887
BloodworthBertha born about 1892
BloodworthBlanche Rborn about 1898
BloodworthCarolyn Eborn about 1934
BloodworthCarrie born about 1895
BloodworthCharlie born about 1904
BloodworthCharlie Aborn about 1897
BloodworthCorrie J Rborn about 1930
BloodworthCorrie Wborn about 1914
BloodworthEdwin born about 1935
BloodworthEffie born about 1897
BloodworthEffie Wborn about 1940
BloodworthEster born about 1924
BloodworthEthel born about 1916
BloodworthEugene Lborn about 1911
BloodworthHelen born about 1929
BloodworthJames Jborn about 1890
BloodworthJames Lborn about 1871
BloodworthJames Wendellborn about 1914
BloodworthJuddie born about 1928
BloodworthLovie Mborn about 1912
BloodworthMadeline born about 1927
BloodworthMaggie born about 1903
BloodworthMinnie Eborn about 1881
BloodworthMorris Mborn about 1938
BloodworthRobbie born about 1920
BloodworthShirley Opheliaborn about 1937
BloodworthTheron Bborn about 1900
BloodworthTheron J Rborn about 1932
BloodworthWilbur Cborn about 1936
BloodworthWillie Rborn about 1932
BloodworthWillis H Jrborn about 1920
BloodworthWillis H Srborn about 1893
BonnerDouglas born about 1916
BonnerMary Louborn about 1921
BonnerRoger born about 1916
BonnerRoy Tborn about 1938
BonnerVertie Leeborn about 1937
BooksGladys born about 1912
BooksGrace Lborn about 1914
BooksJohn born about 1936
BourneEnoch Georgeborn about 1879
BourneKathryn born about 1887
BoytonFrances born about 1914
BoytonR Cborn about 1902
BrackelGeorge born about 1904
BrackelInez born about 1903
BrananA Hughborn about 1930
BrananAlice Lborn about 1878
BrananAnnie Maeborn about 1876
BrananArthur born about 1893
BrananDorothy Lborn about 1927
BrananDorothy Mborn about 1939
BrananE Guyborn about 1908
BrananEverette Gborn about 1929
BrananFrances Leeborn about 1928
BrananMae Vborn about 1908
BrananOla Maeborn about 1906
BrananRuth Hborn about 1920
BrananRuth Sborn about 1899
BrananVirginia Aborn about 1931
BrananW Horaceborn about 1881
BrananW Josephborn about 1926
BrananWalter Bborn about 1867
BrandonMattie Eborn about 1914
BrannonAaron born about 1880
BrannonWillie born about 1900
BrantleyArthur Aborn about 1913
BrantleyCornelia born about 1874
BrewerBetty Jborn about 1933
BrewerBobby Jborn about 1939
BrewerIda Mborn about 1917
BrewerIsabelle born about 1937
BrewerJoe Fborn about 1914
BroakinsErnest born about 1914
BroakinsJunious born about 1886
BroakinsSusie born about 1914
BrookinsAda born about 1891
BrookinsAlton born about 1925
BrookinsDorothy born about 1927
BrookinsElla Fborn about 1885
BrookinsO Bborn about 1921
BrookinsOwen born about 1884
BrookinsSara born about 1911
BrookinsUlysees born about 1919
BrooksA Burtonborn about 1907
BrooksBobby born about 1930
BrooksCharles Lborn about 1932
BrooksClarence Eborn about 1903
BrooksClifford Gborn about 1888
BrooksCora born about 1897
BrooksCosby Lborn about 1907
BrooksDe Lonie Fborn about 1871
BrooksE Eugeniaborn about 1930
BrooksEdward born about 1925
BrooksEleanor Rborn about 1930
BrooksEthel born about 1903
BrooksEverett born about 1934
BrooksEverette born about 1932
BrooksFred Dborn about 1898
BrooksFreeman Cborn about 1923
BrooksGlenn Fborn about 1912
BrooksGussie Sborn about 1884
BrooksHarrell born about 1923
BrooksHerman Lborn about 1914
BrooksHoward born about 1918
BrooksIva born about 1909
BrooksJ Wesleyborn about 1850
BrooksJennie born about 1924
BrooksJesse Eborn about 1917
BrooksJoel Fborn about 1922
BrooksJoel Rborn about 1889
BrooksJones Dborn about 1911
BrooksJulian Fborn about 1900
BrooksKatherine born about 1920
BrooksLamar Eborn about 1938
BrooksLaverne born about 1931
BrooksLeonard born about 1925
BrooksLessie Mborn about 1889
BrooksLovice born about 1912
BrooksLuther Fborn about 1916
BrooksLyndia Aborn about 1939
BrooksM Ethelborn about 1915
BrooksMadge Hborn about 1919
BrooksMarcus born about 1938
BrooksMargaret born about 1927
BrooksMary Eborn about 1895
BrooksMay born about 1939
BrooksMerrell born about 1931
BrooksMillard born about 1928
BrooksMyra Jborn about 1911
BrooksNathaniel Jborn about 1921
BrooksNatholyn born about 1915
BrooksNola born about 1913
BrooksOpal Jborn about 1902
BrooksOscar born about 1892
BrooksOscar Iborn about 1921
BrooksRachel born about 1889
BrooksRebecca Nellborn about 1924
BrooksRobert Eborn about 1915
BrooksRobert Le Royborn about 1940
BrooksRobert Wborn about 1898
BrooksSara Pborn about 1885
BrooksSarah Fborn about 1928
BrooksSeth born about 1921
BrooksThelma Hborn about 1918
BrooksWalter born about 1922
BrooksWilliam Wborn about 1886
BrooksWillie Sueborn about 1913
BrownAaron born about 1929
BrownAlma born about 1936
BrownAmanda Leeborn about 1922
BrownAndrew born about 1928
BrownAnna Sborn about 1870
BrownAnnie Eborn about 1897
BrownAnnie Gborn about 1933
BrownBeatrice born about 1929
BrownClorime born about 1907
BrownDaisy born about 1889
BrownDavid Rborn about 1915
BrownEddie Lborn about 1938
BrownEon born about 1919
BrownEssie Maeborn about 1916
BrownFannie Mborn about 1933
BrownFleming Eborn about 1933
BrownFrank born about 1867
BrownFranklin born about 1931
BrownFred Oborn about 1898
BrownFreddie born about 1938
BrownGeorge born about 1885
BrownGeorge Wborn about 1930
BrownGeorgia Lborn about 1923
BrownHarold Leeborn about 1928
BrownHattie born about 1884
BrownHerbert born about 1904
BrownInez born about 1913
BrownIrene born about 1914
BrownJames born about 1908
BrownJames Jr born about 1937
BrownJewel born about 1929
BrownJoe born about 1906
BrownJohn born about 1891
BrownJohn Fborn about 1896
BrownJohny Mborn about 1921
BrownJones Sr born about 1915
BrownJoseph Cborn about 1932
BrownLeo Joborn about 1916
BrownLeola born about 1924
BrownLiddie Eborn about 1908
BrownLilly Mborn about 1932
BrownLonnie born about 1926
BrownLouise born about 1927
BrownMartha Jborn about 1938
BrownMary born about 1934
BrownMary Jborn about 1938
BrownMirlie born about 1925
BrownMyrtic born about 1911
BrownNapoleon born about 1939
BrownOlen born about 1912
BrownOtha Bborn about 1897
BrownOtha Jborn about 1928
BrownPauline born about 1925
BrownRobert Eborn about 1917
BrownRogers born about 1929
BrownRose Budborn about 1927
BrownRuby Mborn about 1902
BrownSidney born about 1934
BrownThelma born about 1936
BrownTom born about 1884
BrownVera born about 1907
BrownW Leeborn about 1908
BrownWilliam born about 1907
BrownWilliam born about 1912
BrownWillie Sborn about 1918
BrownWilllard Eborn about 1898
BrownWinifred born about 1919
BryantAlma Lborn about 1917
BryantBessie born about 1915
BryantBessie born about 1919
BryantEllen born about 1923
BryantJoseph Bborn about 1925
BryantLeola born about 1919
BryantLeonard born about 1920
BryantMaggie born about 1888
BryantMattie born about 1922
BryantMaurine born about 1919
BryantMilton born about 1908
BryantTimothy born about 1929
BryantVile Lborn about 1921
BryantWinfield born about 1884
BryantWinnie Mborn about 1913
BullartCharity born about 1848
BurneyAda Maeborn about 1928
BurneyCarl Leeborn about 1938
BurneyCarvin born about 1921
BurneyDoris born about 1933
BurneyEva born about 1897
BurneyEva Jewelborn about 1936
BurneyFloyd born about 1928
BurneyFrank born about 1892
BurneyFrank born about 1918
BurneyFrank Jr born about 1935
BurneyJohny Mborn about 1919
BurneyLamar born about 1931
BurneyLeo born about 1916
BurneyMathine born about 1926
BurneyVelma born about 1920
ButlerCharlie born about 1875
ButlerCurtis born about 1932
ButlerKate born about 1875
ButlerLola Bellborn about 1917
ButlerLuvenia born about 1929
ButlerMamie Pborn about 1919
ButlerWillie born about 1901
ButtsFrank born about 1888
ButtsJohn Boy Jrborn about 1928
ButtsJohn Boyd Srborn about 1900
ButtsKate born about 1868
ButtsLucile Hborn about 1904
ButtsShirley Annborn about 1931
ButtsStarling born about 1904
BvurneyJanith born about 1926
ByantLanier born about 1916
ByantLillie Maeborn about 1921
ByingtonAnnie Maudeborn about 1912
ByingtonBenjamin Bborn about 1884
ByingtonBethany Sborn about 1876
ByingtonLucile Hborn about 1905
ByingtonRobert Mborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaesarRabeni born about 1913
CalvertAnna Lborn about 1914
CalvertAw born about 1914
CalvertGeorge Eborn about 1936
CalvertRuthie Mborn about 1938
CampJoseph Oborn about 1914
CampM Sueborn about 1914
CampRichard Hborn about 1878
CampRobert Eborn about 1921
CampWillie Hborn about 1877
CannonJohn born about 1874
CannonMallie born about 1916
CantyCora Leeborn about 1913
CantyWillie Joeborn about 1934
CarrCarrie born about 1920
CarrDoretha born about 1940
CarrWillie born about 1917
CarsonFrances born about 1917
CarswellEvelyn born about 1921
CarswellEvie born about 1919
CarswellExemina Mborn about 1916
CarswellJames Jr born about 1938
CarswellJames Sr born about 1911
CarswellJoan born about 1937
CarswellLawyer born about 1916
CarswellLuvenia born about 1917
CarswellM Cborn about 1934
CarswellMamie born about 1911
CarswellMatthew born about 1916
CarswellMinnie Lborn about 1912
CarswellPerry born about 1860
CarswellRobert Hborn about 1881
CarswellRobert Nborn about 1923
CarswellRuth Jborn about 1895
CarswellWillie born about 1918
CarterEdward born about 1909
CarterJ Tborn about 1931
CarterLe Roy born about 1938
CarterLocttoria born about 1911
CarterLucy born about 1912
CarterR Dborn about 1936
CarterRobert Leeborn about 1933
CarterWillie born about 1912
CarterWillie Fredborn about 1934
ChambersBetty Mborn about 1934
ChambersCarolyn Eborn about 1914
ChambersCarrie Bellborn about 1922
ChambersCarrie Leeborn about 1926
ChambersEssie born about 1906
ChambersFelix Kborn about 1910
ChambersFrank born about 1915
ChambersFrank Bborn about 1940
ChambersPolly born about 1910
ChambersSara Marthaborn about 1916
ChamblissB La Verneborn about 1908
ChamblissPaul born about 1899
ChasonLuvaice born about 1921
ChatmanEthelene born about 1908
ChildsAnn Janelleborn about 1937
ChildsGreen born about 1890
ChildsHerbert born about 1914
ChildsHerbert Jr born about 1936
ChildsMary born about 1888
ClanceMargaret born about 1915
ClanceSue Ellenborn about 1938
ClanceWill Aborn about 1902
ClanceWill E Jrborn about 1929
ClarkTempie born about 1905
ClementsFrances Sborn about 1921
ClementsMargaret Pborn about 1912
ClementsWillie born about 1906
CobbA Cborn about 1915
CobbAddie Bborn about 1915
CobbAlex Eborn about 1937
CobbAlex Elmoborn about 1937
CobbAlexander born about 1899
CobbAlton born about 1905
CobbArnold born about 1909
CobbAton Jborn about 1930
CobbAuthor Aborn about 1882
CobbCordelia born about 1913
CobbElila Cborn about 1922
CobbElmer Cborn about 1936
CobbEssie Leeborn about 1916
CobbEthel born about 1914
CobbEula Mborn about 1911
CobbGeorge born about 1910
CobbJean born about 1936
CobbLee born about 1914
CobbLewis born about 1932
CobbLouise born about 1923
CobbMarion born about 1933
CobbRogers born about 1912
CobbWilliam born about 1918
ColeAndrew born about 1886
ColeMary born about 1895
ColeWillie Fborn about 1909
ColquittLilly born about 1905
ColquittWill born about 1905
CooperDaniel born about 1912
CoxwellFrancis Mborn about 1925
CoxwellMary Lborn about 1923
CraigmilesBeverly born about 1919
CrawfordGeove Wborn about 1921
CrawfordJuby born about 1922
CrawfordShirley Vborn about 1939
CrossM Aleneborn about 1919
CrumbleyRussell Rborn about 1913
CrumbleyRuth Sborn about 1916
CullensJohn born about 1898
CulpepperLucile born about 1909
CummingsEugene born about 1940
CummingsFrances born about 1875
CummingsGeorge born about 1875
CummingsJames born about 1924
CummingsLorenza born about 1917
CummingsLouise born about 1891
CummingsMattie Lborn about 1903
CummingsNathaniel born about 1896
CummingsRufus born about 1922
CummingsWill Hborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanielJoel Aborn about 1891
DanielsAnnie Maudeborn about 1931
DanielsDan born about 1912
DanielsHorace Eborn about 1912
DanielsJohn Henry Jrborn about 1938
DanielsJohn Henry Srborn about 1908
DanielsLessie Bborn about 1915
DanielsLonie born about 1913
DanielsOtis Leeborn about 1933
DanielsRobert Lborn about 1935
DanielsUlysees born about 1919
DargDavid born about 1932
DargDennard born about 1939
DargGeorge born about 1885
DargGeorge born about 1926
DargHarris born about 1930
DargLeonard born about 1939
DargMamie born about 1899
DargMary Lborn about 1924
DargOphleia born about 1928
DargSusie Mborn about 1935
DavidsonJames Hborn about 1916
DavidsonLouie Sborn about 1918
DavisAaron born about 1880
DavisAlbert born about 1891
DavisAlbert born about 1935
DavisAmanda born about 1926
DavisAnna born about 1880
DavisAnna born about 1890
DavisCharles born about 1939
DavisCharlie Eborn about 1860
DavisCourtney born about 1884
DavisDallas Leeborn about 1925
DavisDorothy Lborn about 1922
DavisElizabeth born about 1924
DavisEssie born about 1904
DavisEvelyn Dborn about 1894
DavisFlorine Mborn about 1894
DavisFrank born about 1905
DavisH Wendellborn about 1918
DavisJames Thomasborn about 1936
DavisJohnie Maeborn about 1925
DavisLola Dborn about 1903
DavisLugenia born about 1917
DavisLura Mborn about 1915
DavisNellie Bborn about 1903
DavisOscar Dborn about 1912
DavisRalph born about 1938
DavisRetha born about 1932
DavisRobert Eborn about 1913
DavisRobert Jr born about 1919
DavisRobert Sr born about 1890
DavisRoy born about 1930
DavisSteve Dborn about 1875
DavisT Lanierborn about 1892
DavisWilliam born about 1865
DavisWilliam Sborn about 1940
DavisWinnie Bellborn about 1892
DavisZebedee born about 1927
DayBeula born about 1918
DayBunion born about 1916
DayDaisy born about 1919
DayRobert Leeborn about 1938
DeanWilliam Eborn about 1915
DennardConstance born about 1924
DennardDoris Wborn about 1923
DennardDorothy born about 1930
DennardDoyle Cborn about 1921
DennardElizabeth born about 1928
DennardEmerson born about 1918
DennardFannie Rborn about 1869
DennardFloye born about 1932
DennardFrancis Gborn about 1931
DennardGlenn born about 1920
DennardHarold born about 1926
DennardHenry Eborn about 1892
DennardHilliard born about 1918
DennardJ Thomasborn about 1863
DennardJ Walterborn about 1888
DennardJames Eborn about 1929
DennardJames Lborn about 1862
DennardKenneth born about 1928
DennardLarry born about 1938
DennardLovie Lborn about 1891
DennardMartha born about 1920
DennardMinnie Bborn about 1898
DennardRichie Sborn about 1916
DennardRoyce born about 1939
DennardThomas born about 1925
DennardW Chandler Jrborn about 1914
DennardWilliam Cborn about 1885
DennardWilliam Jborn about 1915
DennardZulene born about 1922
DenningAaron Bborn about 1914
DenningAlice Wborn about 1915
DenningCicero Tborn about 1875
DenningDonald Lborn about 1939
DenningMarjorie Leeborn about 1936
DenningMinnie Vborn about 1884
DennisMartha Bborn about 1912
DennisMelvin Tborn about 1905
DensleyElla Mborn about 1940
DensleyLila Mborn about 1918
DensleyRose Lborn about 1938
DensleyWill Iborn about 1917
DeweeseReid Dborn about 1903
DewellRosa Mborn about 1891
DiceHoney born about 1904
DiceJoe born about 1900
DisonJoe born about 1900
DisonMartha born about 1901
DixonPearl born about 1917
DixonReba Cborn about 1911
DixonWilliam I Iiiborn about 1940
DixonWilliam I Jrborn about 1910
DixonWilliam Rborn about 1917
DixsonLizzie born about 1934
DowningBertha born about 1903
DowningCliff born about 1901
DowningCliff born about 1929
DowningEugenia born about 1931
DowningFrank born about 1913
DowningJoe born about 1899
DowningJonah born about 1934
DowningJoseph born about 1938
DowningLonie born about 1932
DowningMarjorie born about 1938
DowningMozelle born about 1917
DowningR Dborn about 1924
DowningRd- born about 1923
DowningVirgie Lborn about 1927
DowningWillie Frankborn about 1936
DrakeJ Edwardborn about 1928
DrakeT Patmanborn about 1917
DrakeVera Mborn about 1896
DriskellLouise born about 1916
DudleyAndrew born about 1866
DudleyLee Andrewborn about 1927
DudleyLisha Annborn about 1876
DudleyWillie Aborn about 1910
DudleyWillie Maudeborn about 1929
DupreeAlma Wborn about 1907
DupreeAnn Graceborn about 1935
DupreeBenjamin Eborn about 1886
DupreeChristine born about 1931
DupreeDoris Vborn about 1925
DupreeGeorge Wborn about 1888
DupreeHarry Lborn about 1927
DupreeJ Gradyborn about 1923
DupreeJames T Jrborn about 1896
DupreeJohn Thomasborn about 1922
DupreeMary Janeborn about 1920
DupreeMary Mborn about 1889
DupreePattie Christeneborn about 1924
DupreePattie Eborn about 1895
DupreeScott born about 1933
DupreeStanley Mborn about 1924
DupreeVernell born about 1940
DurdenEmma born about 1875
DurhamBertha born about 1915
DurhamJack born about 1916
DurhamSpellman born about 1919
DurhamWillie Cborn about 1922
DuwrightAnna born about 1887
DykesMaggie Bborn about 1888
DykesWarren born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarlyDollie Maeborn about 1910
EarlyEunice born about 1928
EarlyM Newmanborn about 1910
EasleyEmmett S Rborn about 1911
EasleyEmmett Jr born about 1936
EasleyLessie Leeborn about 1930
EasleyRosetta born about 1916
EdmondMattie born about 1900
EdwardsRaford Lborn about 1910
ElamJanie Fborn about 1880
EmilyCora born about 1928
EmoryCorgia born about 1914
EmoryEvie born about 1917
EmoryLorene born about 1923
EmoryLuis born about 1940
EmoryQuilla born about 1916
EmorySandord born about 1913
EmoryWiley born about 1919
EnglishAlice Bborn about 1901
EnglishFrank Sborn about 1893
EnglishJeanine born about 1934
EnglishMary Francesborn about 1925
EnglishZela Earlborn about 1931
EppsEssie Leeborn about 1911
EppsHenry Pborn about 1872
EppsJanie born about 1872
EtheredgeEdmond Wborn about 1913
EtheredgeEloise born about 1921
EtheredgeEunice Sborn about 1910
EtheredgeKonreid Oborn about 1938
EtheredgeL Barbaraborn about 1935
EtheredgeLilly Eborn about 1885
EtheredgeLora Pborn about 1909
EtheredgeOtis Kborn about 1906
EtheredgeOwen Eborn about 1908
EtheredgeRaymond Eborn about 1914
EtheredgeSadie Mborn about 1919
EtheredgeSara Owensborn about 1939
EvansAlice born about 1923
EvansAnnie born about 1875
EvansBobby born about 1935
EvansCatherine born about 1935
EvansClarence born about 1917
EvansClarence born about 1918
EvansClarence born about 1936
EvansClarence Jborn about 1936
EvansCleve born about 1890
EvansClyde born about 1915
EvansConnie Bborn about 1923
EvansEllie born about 1932
EvansJulia born about 1899
EvansLe born about 1938
EvansLennie Cborn about 1938
EvansLevie born about 1905
EvansMary Pborn about 1907
EvansMinnie Lborn about 1917
EvansMinnie Lborn about 1920
EvansNellie born about 1926
EvansRobert born about 1922
EvansRosa born about 1927
EvansRosa Leeborn about 1911
EvansSamantha born about 1897
EvansWilliam born about 1883
EvansWillie Crawfordborn about 1919
ExideCarolyn born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FagansClara Mayborn about 1920
FagansHomer born about 1937
FagansRodie Mayborn about 1939
FagansThomas born about 1916
FannieKatiem born about 1930
FarleyNellie born about 1901
FarleyRichard born about 1925
FarleyViola born about 1923
FarmerAnnelle born about 1938
FarmerDoris Sborn about 1919
FarmerJohn Cborn about 1914
FarmerMary Nborn about 1922
FarmerRay Fborn about 1915
FieldingLester born about 1917
FieldingMikie born about 1933
FieldingSylvester born about 1939
FieldingVerselle born about 1920
FieldsAda born about 1895
FinneyEugenia Cborn about 1922
FinneyGertrude Fborn about 1900
FinneyThomas Jborn about 1883
FlemisterAda born about 1895
FlemisterTom born about 1880
FordBernice born about 1929
FordDealven born about 1914
FordEarl born about 1910
FordMary born about 1866
FordRandy born about 1910
FountainAugustus born about 1873
FountainBessie Eborn about 1936
FountainBeulah Gborn about 1932
FountainCecil Mborn about 1930
FountainChanler Sborn about 1906
FountainCharlie Hborn about 1866
FountainClayton born about 1912
FountainDelany Wborn about 1873
FountainFranklin Eborn about 1936
FountainGeorgia Mborn about 1910
FountainHelen Wborn about 1931
FountainIda Cborn about 1911
FountainJames born about 1934
FountainJoyce Gborn about 1938
FountainL Francisborn about 1932
FountainLewis Jborn about 1872
FountainLynt born about 1856
FountainMamie born about 1877
FountainMary born about 1902
FountainMary Dborn about 1874
FountainMattie Pborn about 1871
FountainMinnie Rborn about 1935
FountainOlan Mborn about 1929
FountainSeaborn Jborn about 1877
FountainSeaborn Jr born about 1939
FountainWalter Lborn about 1886
FountianJohn Hborn about 1917
FountianJosephine born about 1918
FowlerC Le Royborn about 1904
FowlerCleo born about 1911
FowlerCornelia Mborn about 1910
FowlerDavid Fborn about 1935
FowlerReggie Wborn about 1913
FowlerYvonne born about 1934
FrancisBernice born about 1927
FrancisCharles born about 1933
FrancisCharlie born about 1898
FrancisGracie Mborn about 1938
FrancisJames Eborn about 1929
FrancisJosephine born about 1907
FrancisLillian Gborn about 1896
FrancisMarion Lborn about 1932
FrancisWilford born about 1925
FrasuerAlfred Cborn about 1872
FrasuerFelix Vborn about 1877
FreemanGlass born about 1901
FreemanW Bborn about 1917
FulwoodAnnie born about 1888
FulwoodLem born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GainsBuddie Cborn about 1922
GannerEthel born about 1916
GannerMedford born about 1909
GannerVannie Lborn about 1933
GarrettFred born about 1904
GastonClarence born about 1923
GastonDean born about 1900
GastonW Tborn about 1918
GearPreston Cborn about 1887
GibbsAlma born about 1908
GibbsDonald born about 1935
GibbsFrances Bborn about 1923
GibbsJack Leeborn about 1929
GibbsJessie Bborn about 1915
GibbsJessie Cborn about 1881
GibbsKate Sborn about 1886
GibbsLois Lborn about 1908
GibbsRobert Fborn about 1907
GibbsT Arthur Srborn about 1875
GibbsThomas A Jrborn about 1906
GibsonBurl born about 1874
GibsonEllen born about 1876
GibsonJosephine born about 1874
GibsonNoble born about 1868
GibsonOla Mborn about 1915
GibsonOsie Mborn about 1938
GibsonRobert born about 1912
GibsonRobert Sborn about 1925
GibsonWillard Jborn about 1936
GilbertDorsey born about 1908
GilbertJohn born about 1916
GilbertKatherine born about 1930
GilbertMary Wborn about 1931
GilbertUsa Lborn about 1915
GilbertVernie Lborn about 1917
GilreathAlma born about 1933
GilreathCharles Hborn about 1920
GilreathClaudie born about 1890
GilreathHenry born about 1928
GilreathLizzie born about 1917
GilreathW Gradyborn about 1922
GladinBess Rayborn about 1927
GladinEthel Jborn about 1896
GlennRachel Mborn about 1922
GloddenCharle Eborn about 1876
GloddenMabel Cborn about 1879
GloverCelia Bellborn about 1916
GloverErnest born about 1910
GloverLouise born about 1937
GloverOtis Jr born about 1939
GloverOtis Sr born about 1915
GloverSam born about 1909
GloverWillie born about 1917
GoddardBertha Vborn about 1908
GodfryCharlie Bborn about 1912
GodfryCharlie Mborn about 1935
GodfryEdna born about 1917
GodfryMartha Lborn about 1929
GodfryMary Eborn about 1926
GodfryMary Lborn about 1927
GodfryWillie Jborn about 1932
GrahamFred born about 1897
GrahamHenrietta born about 1910
GrahamSidney born about 1876
GranadeLawrence Pborn about 1916
GranadeSallie Eborn about 1917
GrantAnnie born about 1901
GrayCora born about 1898
GrayGrant born about 1880
GrayKatie Maeborn about 1915
GreenDainty born about 1929
GreenEdith born about 1927
GreenEvelyn Dborn about 1912
GreenHarold born about 1932
GreenJames born about 1932
GreenLaura Dborn about 1907
GreenLawton born about 1880
GreenMattie Louborn about 1937
GreenRuth born about 1905
GreenTommie born about 1924
GriffinBillie born about 1938
GriffinC Bborn about 1913
GriffinDorothy Leeborn about 1935
GriffinEarnest Lborn about 1903
GriffinEloise Bborn about 1917
GriffinGrace born about 1920
GriffinGuss born about 1916
GriffinHenry born about 1908
GriffinIva born about 1903
GriffinJackie Lborn about 1939
GriffinJoe Jr born about 1935
GriffinJoyce born about 1938
GriffinMary Ellenborn about 1939
GriffinMary Fborn about 1920
GriffinMildred Louiseborn about 1930
GriffinRobert Jborn about 1938
GriffinThelma Aborn about 1908
GriffinTommie Lborn about 1908
GriffinWilliam Bborn about 1906
GrimesCharlie born about 1909
GrimesLula born about 1938
GrimesNina born about 1939
GrimesNina Pborn about 1911
GrubbsElizabeth born about 1909
GrubbsJeanette born about 1931
GrubbsThomas born about 1935
GrubbsThomas Eborn about 1895
GunterWilla Maeborn about 1914
GustonWilby born about 1919
GuytonEstella born about 1892
GuytonJuanita born about 1929
GuytonLeila Maeborn about 1924
GuytonMarion Samileeborn about 1936
GuytonRosa Maeborn about 1924
GuytonSamuel born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HagueAlvah Lborn about 1901
HagueHerbert Rayborn about 1931
HagueJ Durwoodborn about 1921
HagueJohn E Jrborn about 1927
HagueJohn E Srborn about 1903
HallAlex born about 1885
HallAnna born about 1905
HallAnnie Leeborn about 1884
HallBarbara Jeanborn about 1938
HallBernice born about 1934
HallBessie Mborn about 1925
HallBiney born about 1891
HallEanest born about 1934
HallEmma born about 1924
HallEugenia born about 1932
HallEvelyn born about 1919
HallFrancis born about 1926
HallFrank born about 1918
HallGary Fborn about 1940
HallGeorge Tborn about 1873
HallLeonard born about 1915
HallLindsey born about 1939
HallLouise born about 1920
HallMary born about 1895
HallMary Lborn about 1936
HallMilton born about 1927
HallOllie Mborn about 1917
HallPhette born about 1895
HallRobert Cborn about 1921
HallSam born about 1901
HallWarren Eborn about 1896
HallWhitaker Aborn about 1917
HardenBennie born about 1912
HardenBennie born about 1937
HardenCordelle Vborn about 1889
HardenE Barbaraborn about 1927
HardenEmma Cborn about 1905
HardenJame Alfredborn about 1918
HardenJames born about 1931
HardenLucile born about 1926
HardenMaybelle born about 1914
HardenNeedy born about 1919
HardenOscar born about 1932
HardenOtis born about 1939
HardenRebecca Sueborn about 1921
HardenTheodore born about 1929
HardenWalter born about 1897
HardenWalter Leeborn about 1923
HardieAgnes Eborn about 1909
HardieBessie Pborn about 1937
HardieBeulah Eborn about 1884
HardieCharles Syrusborn about 1912
HardieClarence E Jrborn about 1911
HardieClarence E Srborn about 1880
HardieD Carltonborn about 1907
HardieDash Gborn about 1881
HardieDocia Eborn about 1870
HardieElmer born about 1898
HardieFranklin Dborn about 1851
HardieHattie born about 1885
HardieInez born about 1906
HardieJ Lorenzoborn about 1910
HardieLeon Rborn about 1905
HardieLinda Leeborn about 1937
HardieMarvin B Jrborn about 1925
HardieMarvin B Srborn about 1899
HardieOreita Pborn about 1915
HardieSeaton born about 1910
HardieVera born about 1922
HardieWillie Leonieborn about 1940
HardieWillie Maeborn about 1913
HarmonElla born about 1902
HarmonRuby Deeborn about 1930
HarperBryson born about 1899
HarperThelma born about 1921
HarrellAgnes born about 1939
HarrellEdna Maeborn about 1911
HarrellFreddie Leeborn about 1937
HarrellJeremiah born about 1916
HarrellMargaret born about 1934
HarrellMary born about 1918
HarrellPowell born about 1895
HarrisParie Leeborn about 1903
HartshornGeorge D Iiiborn about 1918
HartshornGeorge D Jrborn about 1889
HartshornNolar born about 1893
HartshornRoland Dborn about 1921
HarveyIda born about 1920
HarveyJohn born about 1912
HarveyPearl born about 1884
HarveyWill born about 1887
HatfieldEmmett Pborn about 1914
HatfieldJohn Parkerborn about 1939
HatfieldMary Fborn about 1921
HawksChester Lborn about 1940
HawksGilbert born about 1918
HawksMildred born about 1923
HawthorneAla born about 1890
HawthorneBen born about 1918
HawthorneBen Cborn about 1885
HawthorneBobby born about 1939
HawthorneCarlas born about 1911
HawthorneDorothy born about 1925
HawthorneEvelyn Lborn about 1922
HawthorneFerrell Leeborn about 1919
HawthorneH Leonborn about 1918
HawthorneH Virginiaborn about 1927
HawthorneHattie Maeborn about 1900
HawthorneJ Winfredborn about 1915
HawthorneJohn Hborn about 1894
HawthorneLucile born about 1916
HawthorneM Myrticeborn about 1921
HawthorneMabel born about 1923
HawthorneMary Sborn about 1925
HawthorneMaryf born about 1924
HawthorneMinnie Vborn about 1886
HawthornePolly born about 1873
HawthorneRay born about 1923
HawthorneRichard Jborn about 1882
HawthorneRobert Lborn about 1897
HawthorneT Lamarborn about 1922
HawthorneW Cameronborn about 1916
HawthorneWilliam Cborn about 1938
HawthorneWillie Mborn about 1894
HawthorneWillie Sborn about 1914
HawthorneWinona Bborn about 1915
HayesEspy Dborn about 1920
HayesLudon Fborn about 1911
HeightBetty born about 1937
HeightBillie Cborn about 1938
HeightCharlie Jborn about 1932
HeightGeorge born about 1866
HeightJames Hborn about 1896
HeightLeola born about 1919
HeightLola born about 1914
HeightMamie Mborn about 1905
HeightRay Jborn about 1914
HeightRay Mborn about 1906
HeightRaymond born about 1939
HeightRuth born about 1883
HeightRuth Vborn about 1930
HellennAuthor born about 1920
HicksDan born about 1899
HicksFannie born about 1900
HicksWilson Bentleyborn about 1912
HillMarie Lborn about 1892
HillMarjorie born about 1920
HillWilliam Nborn about 1885
HodgesJoan born about 1935
HodgesJohn born about 1910
HodgesKelly born about 1875
HodgesM Rayborn about 1908
HodgesWillie Maeborn about 1908
HolderAnna Lborn about 1929
HolderBeulah Mborn about 1898
HolderJanie born about 1917
HolderLinzie born about 1912
HolderLorenza born about 1919
HolderMarie born about 1933
HolderWebb born about 1890
HollimanAllie born about 1859
HollingshedCaldonia born about 1891
HollingshedHenry born about 1915
HoltCarrie Leeborn about 1934
HoltDaisy born about 1905
HoltFrank born about 1890
HooksJohn Wborn about 1861
HooksMinnie Sborn about 1871
HoppaldtAlton Earlborn about 1939
HoppaldtEarl Dborn about 1909
HoppaldtJames born about 1935
HoppaldtJanie Fborn about 1885
HowardHenryetta born about 1923
HuckabyAnn Louborn about 1910
HuckabyR Winnborn about 1911
HudsonEugene born about 1916
HudsonLeola born about 1917
HudsonVinson Geneborn about 1938
HumphriesBuford born about 1915
HumphriesIrene born about 1915
HumphriesJames Oborn about 1917
HumphriesKatie Bellborn about 1922
HumphriesMarvin born about 1939
HutchinsRobert born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IsenbergGeraldine Bborn about 1923
IsenbergJacob Mborn about 1920
IsenbergSadie Sborn about 1884
IsenbergSolomon born about 1880
IsenbergWalter Nborn about 1915
IveyAnnie Bborn about 1918
IveyBob Aborn about 1931
IveyCarrie Iborn about 1933
IveyClarence born about 1917
IveyEddie Lborn about 1927
IveyElnora born about 1921
IveyHatti Lborn about 1935
IveyJoe Anborn about 1909
IveyJohn Cborn about 1929
IveyLeona born about 1923
IveyLouina born about 1890
IveyMary Iborn about 1925
IveySilas born about 1877
IveySilas Jr born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonCatherine born about 1934
JacksonClara born about 1928
JacksonDonald born about 1934
JacksonEdmond born about 1937
JacksonEmmie Leeborn about 1916
JacksonFannie born about 1912
JacksonHoward born about 1904
JacksonJohn Franklinborn about 1925
JacksonJohn Henryborn about 1935
JacksonJohn Rborn about 1903
JacksonLeanna born about 1905
JacksonLeon born about 1937
JacksonLeona born about 1932
JacksonLillian born about 1891
JacksonLora Maeborn about 1930
JacksonMamie born about 1939
JacksonMartha Jeanborn about 1932
JacksonMary Lizaborn about 1905
JacksonMattie Maeborn about 1908
JacksonMittie born about 1871
JacksonOssie Maeborn about 1926
JacksonThelma born about 1920
JacksonWillie Cborn about 1902
JacksonWillie Fborn about 1930
JamesErnest born about 1911
JamesLewis born about 1921
JeanesCarrie born about 1881
JeanesEddie Iborn about 1880
JeanesWilliam born about 1933
JenkinsCarrie born about 1904
JenkinsGeorge born about 1900
JenkinsRosa born about 1928
JenkinsSula born about 1902
JohnsBessie Lborn about 1905
JohnsCarl Tborn about 1918
JohnsHenry born about 1907
JohnsJoseph born about 1915
JohnsonAtticus Gborn about 1895
JohnsonAurora Eborn about 1888
JohnsonBessie Hborn about 1887
JohnsonClifford Mborn about 1882
JohnsonClinton Cborn about 1875
JohnsonElla born about 1889
JohnsonEstelle born about 1912
JohnsonHollis Nborn about 1923
JohnsonJohn born about 1911
JohnsonMatthews born about 1898
JohnsonNarcisse born about 1875
JohnsonRandolph Jborn about 1880
JohnsonRobert Sborn about 1925
JohnsonRuth Wilsonborn about 1921
JohnsonWillie Leeborn about 1903
JohnsonWillie Mosesborn about 1932
JonesAnderson Georgeborn about 1926
JonesAnte born about 1935
JonesArthur Leeborn about 1932
JonesBessie Mborn about 1903
JonesCarrie Fborn about 1926
JonesCathrine born about 1932
JonesClara Mborn about 1928
JonesDaisy born about 1895
JonesDavid born about 1911
JonesDoris born about 1916
JonesEmitt born about 1884
JonesEmma Jborn about 1928
JonesEssie Bborn about 1905
JonesEva Jborn about 1935
JonesEvelyn born about 1879
JonesG Monroeborn about 1909
JonesGloria born about 1935
JonesHazle Bborn about 1922
JonesHenry born about 1912
JonesHenry Leeborn about 1933
JonesHuly born about 1925
JonesIssac Cborn about 1893
JonesJerome Lborn about 1930
JonesJohn Eborn about 1899
JonesLeila Maeborn about 1908
JonesLeila Maeborn about 1919
JonesLena Pearlborn about 1937
JonesLewis born about 1902
JonesLorene born about 1939
JonesLucile born about 1939
JonesMonroe Wborn about 1938
JonesPearl Vborn about 1905
JonesPearlene born about 1915
JonesR Odessaborn about 1916
JonesRonald Lborn about 1933
JonesWashington born about 1877
JonesWilliam Aborn about 1865
JonesWillie Pborn about 1936
JonesWilmouth Lborn about 1925
JonesWinnie Sborn about 1867
JunkFannie born about 1870
JunkJohn Eborn about 1864
JunkJohn Kborn about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KelleyJessie Maeborn about 1904
KenningtonAnnie Lborn about 1894
KenningtonBerry Bborn about 1889
KenningtonLula born about 1888
KenningtonRobert Fborn about 1882
KenningtonWillie Aborn about 1885
KenningtonWillie Mborn about 1922
KerbyCharles Garvisborn about 1929
KerbyHelen Dborn about 1926
KerbyKenneth Rayborn about 1933
KerbyMattie born about 1895
KerbyMildred Lborn about 1920
KerbyO Perryborn about 1887
KerbyWilliam Gborn about 1917
KeyLeola born about 1896
KeyMattie Gborn about 1913
KinchenDewitt born about 1929
KinchenDillion born about 1932
KinchenDoris born about 1938
KinchenDorothy born about 1938
KinchenMintie Mborn about 1896
KinchenWalter born about 1898
KinchenWalter Eborn about 1935
KineAnnie Maeborn about 1911
KineCharlie born about 1907
KingAmie Bborn about 1925
KingAugusta Annborn about 1921
KingHeyward born about 1915
KingJohn Eborn about 1934
KingLettie born about 1890
KingLonene born about 1927
KingRay Lborn about 1928
KingRobert Lborn about 1911
KingRobert Lborn about 1940
KingSarah Mborn about 1928
KingWillie Mborn about 1919
KingeryBertha Rborn about 1878
KingeryDavey Cborn about 1873
KingeryEdward Hborn about 1899
KingeryEssie Aborn about 1902
KingeryJoan Pborn about 1924
KingeryLillian Mborn about 1891
KingeryNancy Jeanetteborn about 1930
KingeryRoy Vborn about 1895
KingeryT Edwinborn about 1931
KingeryVirginia Eborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LamarBertha born about 1922
LamarJohn Lborn about 1938
LandenGeorge Frankborn about 1915
LanzyJulius born about 1914
LarryAlbert born about 1911
LarryBeatrice born about 1915
LarryJosh born about 1912
LarryLucile born about 1935
LarrySynide born about 1915
LattimoreRobert born about 1912
LavenderAddie born about 1880
LavenderArthur Jborn about 1917
LavenderAubry Cborn about 1926
LavenderAuthor Bborn about 1886
LavenderBailey born about 1935
LavenderCharles Eborn about 1921
LavenderClarence born about 1912
LavenderCora born about 1887
LavenderEdna born about 1892
LavenderElbridge Eborn about 1915
LavenderEstelle Mborn about 1903
LavenderHerbert Jborn about 1916
LavenderHeyward Wborn about 1897
LavenderHuckabee born about 1912
LavenderJackie Stewartborn about 1931
LavenderJoyce Oborn about 1937
LavenderL Jewelborn about 1929
LavenderLillie Bborn about 1911
LavenderLowelle born about 1877
LavenderMable born about 1876
LavenderMary Eliceborn about 1916
LavenderMary Eliceborn about 1939
LavenderMarybelle born about 1920
LavenderR Deweyborn about 1901
LavenderRichard Dborn about 1933
LavenderRobert Fborn about 1931
LavenderSam born about 1875
LavenderTida Cborn about 1892
LeeAlma Jborn about 1893
LeeD Frankborn about 1922
LeeDaniel Paulborn about 1894
LeeJohn Henryborn about 1913
LeeM Elaineborn about 1939
LeeMaggie Sborn about 1871
LeeMarjorie Mborn about 1922
LeeMary Paulborn about 1919
LeeReece Mborn about 1903
LeggittVirginia born about 1904
LeslieF Paulborn about 1909
LeslieHelen born about 1922
LewisAlma Georgeborn about 1932
LewisAlton born about 1906
LewisAnna born about 1902
LewisCalvin born about 1912
LewisCarlton born about 1939
LewisCharlestene born about 1937
LewisCliff born about 1909
LewisCora Mborn about 1938
LewisD Lborn about 1933
LewisDorothy Mborn about 1934
LewisE Brooksborn about 1912
LewisEmma Lborn about 1915
LewisErasmus Hborn about 1883
LewisEssie Lborn about 1922
LewisEugene born about 1917
LewisEva Jborn about 1894
LewisGeraldine born about 1940
LewisGloria born about 1938
LewisGlover born about 1938
LewisGrady born about 1910
LewisHelen born about 1914
LewisHelen born about 1934
LewisInez born about 1902
LewisInez born about 1906
LewisJ Cborn about 1929
LewisJ Dborn about 1937
LewisJames born about 1912
LewisJames Lborn about 1921
LewisJames Rborn about 1934
LewisJanie Mborn about 1920
LewisJim born about 1894
LewisJoe born about 1936
LewisJohn born about 1888
LewisJohn Fborn about 1898
LewisJohn Leeborn about 1902
LewisLacey born about 1913
LewisLeonard born about 1917
LewisLiza born about 1885
LewisLocttoria born about 1933
LewisLydia Bborn about 1889
LewisMargaret Eborn about 1918
LewisMary Eborn about 1922
LewisMary Leeborn about 1929
LewisMary Lizaborn about 1920
LewisMattiebell born about 1918
LewisMaude born about 1896
LewisMildred born about 1925
LewisMildred born about 1931
LewisNellie Mborn about 1926
LewisPiccala born about 1911
LewisRobert born about 1937
LewisRosa Mborn about 1939
LewisSarah born about 1918
LewisTom born about 1882
LewisTommie Tborn about 1931
LewisVivian born about 1937
LewisWillie born about 1920
LewisWillie Jborn about 1930
LewisWillie Maeborn about 1912
LingoAnnie Lauraborn about 1915
LittleBoisie born about 1890
LittleJulia born about 1910
LittleMollie born about 1842
LockhartBonnie Eborn about 1916
LockhartMartha Janeborn about 1870
LockhartMattie Rborn about 1883
LockhartRobert Eborn about 1892
LockhartRobert Rayborn about 1921
LondonEugene born about 1901
LondonFlorence born about 1910
LondonJim born about 1902
LondonLeola born about 1919
LondonMattie born about 1890
LondonOla Mborn about 1933
LondonSidney born about 1900
LordClara born about 1917
LordFannie Cborn about 1861
LordRalph Hborn about 1912
LoutherPearl born about 1901
LoveJames born about 1912
LoweAbraham born about 1925
LoweArdell born about 1935
LoweBertha born about 1919
LoweBessie born about 1904
LoweBill born about 1884
LoweCarrie born about 1933
LoweCora born about 1862
LoweCora born about 1912
LoweCorine born about 1913
LoweDavid born about 1900
LoweDavid Tborn about 1927
LoweDorsey born about 1908
LoweDory born about 1910
LoweEmanuel born about 1934
LoweErline born about 1931
LoweFannie born about 1900
LoweFannie Mborn about 1936
LoweGladys born about 1933
LoweHerman born about 1912
LoweJohn born about 1848
LoweJoseph born about 1923
LoweLola born about 1890
LoweLula born about 1891
LoweMary Mborn about 1929
LoweMaude Eborn about 1930
LoweMaude Eborn about 1931
LoweMoses born about 1922
LoweOlivia born about 1916
LoweRosa born about 1910
LoweSol born about 1928
LoweSolomon born about 1927
LoweTommie born about 1902
LoweTommie born about 1938
LoweWilliam born about 1884
LoweWilliam born about 1921
LoweWilliam born about 1922
LoweWillie born about 1918
LoweWillie born about 1921
LundyAlbert born about 1920
LutherAubry born about 1931
LutherBernice born about 1904
LutherCorine born about 1928
LutherDee born about 1898
LutherEva Jborn about 1924
LutherJames born about 1922
LylesAlma born about 1902
LylesDoris born about 1924
LylesFrank born about 1888
LylesLatha born about 1867
LylesLeroy born about 1935
LylesRobert Eborn about 1927
LylesVirgil born about 1922
LyonsLula born about 1870
LyonsMaggie Nellborn about 1938
LyonsMaynolia born about 1910
LyonsNelson born about 1908
LyonsWalter Bborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MabryEmma Lborn about 1919
MabryLove Bborn about 1880
MabryTom born about 1859
MandersonAllen born about 1903
MannArthur born about 1912
MansonMary born about 1902
MartinBernard Mborn about 1911
MartinLa Verne born about 1928
MartinLouise born about 1932
MartinMary Francesborn about 1936
MartinMary Louiseborn about 1915
MartinMozelle Mborn about 1908
MartinTullie L Jrborn about 1938
MartinTullie L Srborn about 1897
MartinWilliam Boydborn about 1939
MasonAda Sborn about 1877
MassengaleBernice Hborn about 1920
MassengaleEmmie Wborn about 1900
MassengaleFrank Eborn about 1930
MassengaleG Bufordborn about 1918
MassengaleGrace Eborn about 1921
MassengaleM Louiseborn about 1926
MassengaleWilliam Jborn about 1897
MassengaleWillie Jewelborn about 1919
MasseyCarrie born about 1921
MasseyCarrie Sborn about 1907
MasseyCline born about 1904
MasseyDella Maeborn about 1926
MasseyJames Bborn about 1939
MasseyWillie born about 1924
MasseyWilton born about 1918
MassingillClarence Gborn about 1882
MassingillJulia Kborn about 1894
MassingillLillie Bborn about 1877
MassingillW Williamborn about 1876
MayAddie Marieborn about 1934
MayAlter born about 1920
MayCarrie Aborn about 1882
MayCleophus born about 1917
MayClifford born about 1920
MayErnest born about 1908
MayJohn Bborn about 1871
MayKensey Jr born about 1928
MayKensey Sr born about 1878
MayMamie Lborn about 1912
MayMyrtle Bborn about 1911
MayNettie born about 1894
MayOdessa born about 1922
MayPatricia Eborn about 1936
MayRandolph born about 1934
MaySarah born about 1926
MayWilliam born about 1910
MayWillie Fborn about 1930
McadamGeorge Tborn about 1872
McadamImory born about 1875
McamoreGeorgie born about 1935
McamoreGrady born about 1901
McamoreJessie Mborn about 1917
McamoreJohny Lborn about 1937
McarthurEmma Eborn about 1882
McarthurJoel Jborn about 1854
McarthurSallie born about 1880
MccainElmer born about 1924
MccookAddie born about 1884
MccookBennie Joeborn about 1939
MccookCharles born about 1924
MccookCharlie Hborn about 1857
MccookEffie Maeborn about 1905
MccookFrank Bborn about 1886
MccookJ Lawrenceborn about 1901
MccookJohn Dborn about 1908
MccookMyra born about 1925
MccookOdessa Cborn about 1916
MccookRosa born about 1922
MccookShaly Aborn about 1859
MccookTommy Elmerborn about 1927
McdanielBetty born about 1931
McdanielCarl born about 1933
McdanielDewey born about 1904
McdanielDewy born about 1928
McdanielMable born about 1910
McdonaldEdna born about 1902
McdonaldEdward born about 1929
McdonaldMartha born about 1931
McdonaldPearl born about 1889
McdonaldThomas born about 1895
McdowellDoris Annborn about 1927
McdowellElinor born about 1890
McdowellFloyd born about 1927
McdowellH Ellisborn about 1895
McdowellLima Eborn about 1898
McdowellTom Hborn about 1866
McgruderChristiana born about 1912
McgruderMitchell born about 1905
MclaughlinGilbert born about 1912
MclaughlinSophia born about 1914
MclemoreGrady Sr born about 1914
MclemoreGradyjr born about 1935
MclemoreJessie Maeborn about 1917
MclemoreJohnie born about 1937
McmillanClarence Eborn about 1926
McnealAmbros born about 1906
McnealCarlton Dborn about 1935
McnealEli Jborn about 1937
McnealPeggy Aborn about 1939
McnealRoy Fborn about 1931
McnealVyrdiel born about 1909
McnealWilber Lborn about 1928
MeeksJack born about 1920
MelvinWillie Carrieborn about 1919
MillerAvis Dborn about 1888
MillerCarrie Lborn about 1900
MillerCatherine Mborn about 1921
MillerEric Eborn about 1898
MillerGerald Kalbborn about 1910
MillerGoodwin Hborn about 1884
MillerJ Dennardborn about 1921
MillerMilton G Jrborn about 1930
MillerMilton G Srborn about 1908
MillerRuth Sandraborn about 1938
MillerSara Bborn about 1912
MillerSarah Lborn about 1915
MillerSidney Sborn about 1919
MinterLaverne born about 1917
MinterMorris born about 1910
MitchelEthel born about 1929
MitchelJ Cborn about 1930
MitchelJohn Jr born about 1935
MitchinerD Radfordborn about 1922
MitchinerEttie Jborn about 1892
MitchinerJ Lamarborn about 1932
MitchinerRobert Cborn about 1888
MitchinerWilliam Cborn about 1917
MitchinerWillie Cborn about 1917
MixonAgnes born about 1932
MixonAnnie Eborn about 1931
MixonCarl Eborn about 1939
MixonClaudie Eborn about 1914
MixonCliff born about 1875
MixonDolly Vborn about 1917
MixonDoni Fborn about 1920
MixonDoris Gborn about 1916
MixonEffie Eborn about 1936
MixonEva Gborn about 1889
MixonGrace born about 1934
MixonGrady Hborn about 1918
MixonHar Mborn about 1907
MixonHarris Eborn about 1931
MixonHollie Cborn about 1885
MixonIla born about 1910
MixonJames born about 1937
MixonJames Wborn about 1929
MixonJimmie Leeborn about 1910
MixonJoseph Carltonborn about 1939
MixonLeonard born about 1903
MixonLewis Hborn about 1921
MixonLula born about 1880
MixonMay Jborn about 1883
MixonMazie Rborn about 1917
MixonPauline born about 1910
MixonRobert Leeborn about 1935
MixonRuby Lborn about 1906
MixonRufus Sborn about 1910
MixonSusie Aborn about 1937
MixonThomas Fborn about 1905
MixonThomas F Jrborn about 1927
MixonVida Lborn about 1911
MixonW Euveneborn about 1932
MixonWillie Hborn about 1901
MonroeEllen born about 1893
MonroeThomas Jborn about 1898
MooreC Fleminborn about 1922
MooreCharles Hborn about 1892
MooreCharlotte Jborn about 1937
MooreDewitt born about 1913
MooreFannie Lborn about 1898
MooreHarold Lborn about 1926
MooreJ Edwinborn about 1924
MooreJanie born about 1887
MooreSara Francesborn about 1921
MoranFrank born about 1900
MoranLovie Leeborn about 1910
MorrisDaisy born about 1922
MorrisMinnie Mborn about 1927
MuggridgeHazel born about 1919
MullisAnna Maeborn about 1918
MullisEmily Fayeborn about 1940
MullisMarvin Eborn about 1918
MullisPatricia Annborn about 1939
MyersOlin born about 1912
MyrickAgnes Jborn about 1940
MyrickDorothy Leeborn about 1931
MyrickEddie Maeborn about 1918
MyrickElmer born about 1917
MyrickGeorge born about 1912
MyrickGertrude born about 1922
MyrickGrace born about 1924
MyrickHerbert Rborn about 1931
MyrickInez born about 1920
MyrickJohn born about 1916
MyrickJohnie Maeborn about 1937
MyrickLavonia born about 1928
MyrickLillie Mborn about 1898
MyrickLula Bellborn about 1939
MyrickMary Lizzieborn about 1917
MyrickMary Vborn about 1852
MyrickOla Mborn about 1922
MyrickQuentin Lborn about 1935
MyrickRubin born about 1916
MyrickWalter Jborn about 1926
MyrickWalter Lborn about 1893
MyrickWillie born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NapierAlberta born about 1911
NapierAnnie Rborn about 1931
NapierMoses born about 1910
NelsonM Collieborn about 1878
NelsonWillie Pborn about 1894
NesmithMary born about 1878
NesmithMatthew born about 1873
NorwoodEthel born about 1932
NorwoodGeorge born about 1901
NorwoodMary Sueborn about 1911
NorwoodSarah Mborn about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdomEmma born about 1874
OdomWillie born about 1934
OliverGeorge Lborn about 1897
OwensAnnie Royborn about 1919
OwensLaura Dborn about 1891
OwensStevens Rborn about 1889

P Surnames

PagettAdrian Lborn about 1923
PagettClaude Hborn about 1912
PagettDaisyr born about 1889
PagettGeorgia Inezborn about 1921
PagettJohnie Maudeborn about 1920
PagettLeona Wborn about 1899
PagettLeona Wborn about 1901
PagettMattie Leeborn about 1917
PagettRoscoe S Srborn about 1897
PagettS Francesborn about 1925
PalmerSara Maeborn about 1923
ParkerBobby born about 1934
ParkerCharles Rborn about 1914
ParkerEdward V Srborn about 1889
ParkerGeorge Keyborn about 1926
ParkerJohn Cborn about 1920
ParkerMary Mborn about 1888
ParkerMattie born about 1903
ParkerMildred Rborn about 1917
ParkerRobert Cborn about 1912
ParkerRobert Pborn about 1879
ParkerRobyn Louiseborn about 1940
ParkerVirginia Hborn about 1914
ParksEssie born about 1935
ParksJc born about 1933
ParksJohn born about 1899
ParksJohn Jborn about 1937
ParksKatie Lborn about 1940
ParksLuelam born about 1930
ParksMary Aborn about 1909
ParksOtis Lborn about 1927
PateAllison Cborn about 1912
PateBenjamin Fborn about 1874
PateBillie born about 1922
PateEmma born about 1881
PateOscelon born about 1909
PateShelby born about 1924
PattersonCuyler Dborn about 1920
PattonMary Jborn about 1906
PattonMoses born about 1904
PayneClemmie born about 1910
PayneKatherine born about 1931
PayneMartha born about 1929
PayneW Alvinborn about 1906
PeavyCollis born about 1920
PeeplesEdgar born about 1911
PeeplesEula Maeborn about 1921
PeeplesRosa born about 1888
PenningtonAvaline Bborn about 1908
PenningtonLee Bowlesborn about 1934
PenningtonLee Wborn about 1900
PetersKatie born about 1903
PetersMary Virginiaborn about 1938
PetersWillei born about 1903
PhelpsAlberta born about 1927
PhelpsEliza born about 1900
PhelpsEvelyn born about 1928
PhelpsFrank born about 1924
PhelpsFreddie born about 1920
PhelpsLillie Maeborn about 1931
PhelpsLois born about 1932
PhelpsNathaniel born about 1916
PhelpsRuby born about 1933
PhilipsAllen Jborn about 1907
PiersonAaron born about 1902
PiersonMary Lborn about 1911
PittmanHarold Sborn about 1922
PittmanJames Leeborn about 1892
PittmanJosephene born about 1920
PittmanO Leeborn about 1920
PittsAnna born about 1915
PittsAnnie Bellborn about 1920
PittsChester Lborn about 1937
PittsCoot born about 1915
PittsCurtis born about 1930
PittsCusie born about 1914
PittsDavid born about 1910
PittsEarnest born about 1917
PittsEnnis born about 1928
PittsEssie Leeborn about 1906
PittsEthel born about 1930
PittsEugene born about 1912
PittsIda Mborn about 1915
PittsJimmie Lborn about 1918
PittsJohn Aborn about 1921
PittsLizzie Mborn about 1902
PittsLucy Mborn about 1925
PittsMaggie Lborn about 1926
PittsMary Eborn about 1886
PittsMary Lborn about 1933
PittsMollie born about 1891
PittsMorgan born about 1910
PittsNathanial born about 1923
PittsPayton Tborn about 1920
PittsRepilee born about 1935
PittsRichard born about 1850
PittsThomas Jborn about 1914
PittsWalter born about 1912
PittsWilliam Lborn about 1928
PittsWillie born about 1892
PoindexterAnnie Maeborn about 1905
PoindexterHusbel born about 1898
PoindexterLuther born about 1891
PorterAllen born about 1926
PorterCharlie born about 1939
PorterEd Jr born about 1915
PorterEd Sr born about 1898
PorterEmma born about 1902
PorterFrank born about 1923
PorterJohnie born about 1921
PorterRobert born about 1918
PorterThomas born about 1920
PorterWillie born about 1930
PowellGeorgiann born about 1871
PowellJack born about 1900
PowellLouise born about 1910
PowellPauline born about 1924
PowellRosa Leeborn about 1897
PowellRufus born about 1926
PowellWillie Leeborn about 1928
PyersElmore Nborn about 1892
PyersMattie Lborn about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaileyEva born about 1897
RandarOdelle born about 1936
RawlingsCharles Wborn about 1919
RawlingsNell Hborn about 1921
RawlsHomer Cborn about 1890
RayBennie Frankborn about 1923
RayBobbie Leeborn about 1938
RayDaisy Laneborn about 1936
RayErnest born about 1918
RayLuberta born about 1919
RayLula Mayborn about 1915
RayRosa Leeborn about 1939
RayWillie Frankborn about 1940
RayWillis born about 1912
ReddingAnnie Leeborn about 1920
ReddingEmarige born about 1927
ReddingHenrietta born about 1922
ReddingMamie born about 1924
RedwineClaude Wborn about 1915
RedwineLouise Lborn about 1919
RedwineWelby Jborn about 1918
ReedKatherine born about 1924
ReeseAlbert born about 1930
ReeseCharlie born about 1913
ReeseElvin born about 1934
ReeseElvin Lborn about 1902
ReeseEva born about 1910
ReeseEva born about 1915
ReeseGreene born about 1904
ReeseGreene born about 1905
ReeseKate born about 1916
ReeseMamie Iborn about 1905
ReynoldsEveretta Lborn about 1918
ReynoldsHenry born about 1919
ReynoldsJohn Thomasborn about 1921
RhodesBarbara Aborn about 1934
RhodesChristine born about 1916
RhodesJoyce Rborn about 1936
RhodesWeston born about 1915
RileyEdward Hborn about 1934
RileyEssie Mborn about 1905
RileySam Hborn about 1892
RiversDerris born about 1920
RiversHenry born about 1888
RiversI Wborn about 1920
RiversLucile born about 1907
RiversMarie born about 1901
RiversOdessa born about 1912
RobinsonBill born about 1872
RobinsonCarrie Maeborn about 1931
RobinsonCreasie born about 1901
RobinsonFannie Louborn about 1908
RobinsonJake born about 1901
RobinsonLois born about 1887
RobinsonMattie born about 1881
RobinsonMattie Odessaborn about 1927
RobinsonMattie Pearlborn about 1916
RobinsonMinnie Leeborn about 1929
RobinsonRuby Nellborn about 1934
RobinsonSimp born about 1907
RobinsonVernelle born about 1915
RobinsonWilliam Jr born about 1938
RobinsonWilliam Sr born about 1914
RolandSamuel born about 1916
RolandThelma born about 1917
RosaEthel born about 1914
RosierAdolphus born about 1902
RubinAlvin Pborn about 1917
RubinMarion born about 1895
RubinSamuel Nborn about 1888
RuffinsJuinita born about 1933
RuffinsRobert born about 1928
RuffinsZebby Dborn about 1927
RushinEleanor born about 1906
RyleMary Dborn about 1886
RyleVallie Dborn about 1879
RyleWilliam Bborn about 1876
RylesMattie Lborn about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SadlerAlma born about 1884
SadlerWillis Gborn about 1875
SamsJoseph born about 1920
SandersDessie Lborn about 1894
SandersDewey Bborn about 1915
SandersDewey Sborn about 1901
SandersDoris born about 1924
SandersJ Emmettborn about 1887
SandersJames Eborn about 1918
SandersMarion Hborn about 1919
SandersMary Aborn about 1882
SandersMary Cborn about 1885
SandersN Juanitaborn about 1929
SandersRobert born about 1883
SandersVelma born about 1914
SandersWilliam J Jrborn about 1926
SandersWilliam J Srborn about 1880
SandersWillie Irvinborn about 1891
SappAlbert Eborn about 1897
SappAlbert Eborn about 1929
SappCharlie Hborn about 1872
SappEmma born about 1877
SappGloria born about 1935
SappLouise born about 1915
SappMunde born about 1894
SaulJennie Mborn about 1917
SaulStephen Tborn about 1915
ScofieldBen born about 1911
ScofieldBilly Lborn about 1939
ScofieldHubert Lborn about 1936
ScofieldIola born about 1938
ScofieldLiza Mborn about 1914
ScottJohn W Mborn about 1900
ScottMabel Mborn about 1900
SeabrooksDaisy Eborn about 1919
SeabrooksDolly born about 1892
SeabrooksDolly Bborn about 1927
SeabrooksDorothy born about 1939
SeabrooksJohny Mborn about 1920
SeabrooksLajoie Jr born about 1940
SeabrooksLajoie Sr born about 1914
SeabrooksOliver born about 1877
SeabrooksSamuel Leeborn about 1938
SeabrooksWillie born about 1917
ShawDavid Leeborn about 1935
ShawElbert Lborn about 1937
ShawSara Maeborn about 1939
ShepherdAris born about 1926
ShepherdC Minarborn about 1890
ShepherdCarl Wborn about 1920
ShepherdDavid Leeborn about 1932
ShepherdDora born about 1885
ShepherdE Gborn about 1912
ShepherdFrances Dborn about 1924
ShepherdFred born about 1922
ShepherdGrace Mborn about 1915
ShepherdKenneth Cborn about 1939
ShepherdLillian born about 1915
ShepherdMose born about 1869
ShepherdRosa Lauborn about 1894
ShepherdRuth born about 1918
ShepherdWalter born about 1905
ShepherdWillie Maeborn about 1914
ShermanElizabeth born about 1934
ShermanElla Maeborn about 1930
ShermanLeola born about 1906
ShermanMackie born about 1932
ShinholsterAddie Lborn about 1921
ShinholsterAnnie Leeborn about 1939
ShinholsterAnnie Mborn about 1911
ShinholsterAnnie Maeborn about 1925
ShinholsterArlee born about 1924
ShinholsterBart born about 1933
ShinholsterCarrie born about 1892
ShinholsterCarter born about 1915
ShinholsterCorine born about 1925
ShinholsterDaisy Lborn about 1922
ShinholsterEddie Lborn about 1928
ShinholsterJames born about 1925
ShinholsterJeff born about 1918
ShinholsterJim born about 1889
ShinholsterLaura Mayborn about 1939
ShinholsterLena born about 1892
ShinholsterLevie born about 1916
ShinholsterLewis Jr born about 1939
ShinholsterLewis Sr born about 1916
ShinholsterLoodills born about 1931
ShinholsterLuther born about 1923
ShinholsterMaude Lborn about 1926
ShinholsterMiller born about 1890
ShinholsterMinnie born about 1892
ShinholsterMinnie Bborn about 1918
ShinholsterMorris born about 1933
ShinholsterMyrtle Lborn about 1930
ShinholsterNathan born about 1921
ShinholsterOla born about 1912
ShinholsterPearl born about 1936
ShinholsterPreston born about 1929
ShinholsterReper born about 1910
ShinholsterRichard born about 1908
ShinholsterRobbie Leeborn about 1922
ShinholsterRosh born about 1908
ShinholsterSarah Jborn about 1937
ShinholsterZetlee born about 1919
ShoatsLang Jr born about 1938
ShoatsLang Sr born about 1893
ShoatsMattie born about 1901
ShoatsRoosevelt F Dborn about 1933
ShumanGeraldine born about 1918
ShumanSimon born about 1907
SimmonsDaisy born about 1900
SimmonsDavid Lborn about 1936
SimmonsEula Mborn about 1915
SimmonsIone born about 1938
SimmonsJacob born about 1939
SimmonsLen Sborn about 1895
SimmonsLonie born about 1911
SimmonsOla Jborn about 1933
SimmonsRobert born about 1931
SimpsonEdwin Aborn about 1919
SimpsonMarietta born about 1859
SimsAndrus born about 1938
SimsAnnie Mayborn about 1925
SimsBennie Lborn about 1890
SimsBertie Leeborn about 1909
SimsDock born about 1900
SimsElla born about 1906
SimsFrank born about 1933
SimsJessie born about 1867
SimsJosie Leeborn about 1923
SimsLucile born about 1927
SimsLula born about 1886
SimsOllie born about 1891
SimsReadie born about 1923
SimsThomas born about 1917
SimsWillie born about 1904
SimsWillie Jborn about 1936
SmallwoodAg born about 1907
SmallwoodAlma born about 1919
SmallwoodAnnie Lborn about 1937
SmallwoodColeman born about 1923
SmallwoodEdna Eborn about 1919
SmallwoodElmer born about 1928
SmallwoodElna Cborn about 1935
SmallwoodFleming born about 1914
SmallwoodJames born about 1920
SmallwoodJanie Mborn about 1935
SmallwoodJo born about 1939
SmallwoodMary born about 1892
SmallwoodPeyton born about 1891
SmallwoodRuby Iborn about 1920
SmallwoodShirley Aborn about 1937
SmallwoodVirginia born about 1930
SmithAnnie born about 1899
SmithArthur Gborn about 1917
SmithBertha Maeborn about 1920
SmithBeulah born about 1921
SmithBilly born about 1930
SmithBlanche Jborn about 1913
SmithCarrie born about 1896
SmithCarrie Jborn about 1933
SmithClarence born about 1916
SmithClarence E Jrborn about 1924
SmithClarence E Srborn about 1891
SmithClayburn born about 1934
SmithCurtis born about 1924
SmithDavid born about 1930
SmithDelores born about 1913
SmithDora Leeborn about 1920
SmithEaunas born about 1915
SmithEdward Oborn about 1873
SmithEmmie Lborn about 1932
SmithFannie Lizzieborn about 1920
SmithGeorge L Jrborn about 1935
SmithGeorge L Srborn about 1911
SmithGertrude born about 1917
SmithGladys born about 1921
SmithGladys Bborn about 1924
SmithGlowson born about 1893
SmithHenry born about 1898
SmithHenry Jr born about 1915
SmithHenry Sr born about 1883
SmithJ Cborn about 1930
SmithJimmie born about 1933
SmithJohn born about 1926
SmithJohn Dborn about 1907
SmithJoseph born about 1938
SmithJulian Oborn about 1919
SmithKatie Maeborn about 1912
SmithL Cborn about 1931
SmithLatine* Mborn about 1936
SmithLaura born about 1887
SmithLaura Yborn about 1905
SmithLee Annaborn about 1901
SmithLonza born about 1917
SmithLottie born about 1890
SmithLouise Cborn about 1921
SmithLucile born about 1911
SmithLugenia born about 1890
SmithLula Pborn about 1888
SmithLuther Grantborn about 1887
SmithLuvenia born about 1910
SmithMaggie born about 1911
SmithMarcelyn born about 1932
SmithMargaret born about 1918
SmithMargaret born about 1936
SmithMary Annborn about 1857
SmithMildred born about 1915
SmithMildred born about 1936
SmithMilton born about 1922
SmithMinnie Lborn about 1878
SmithMinnie Lborn about 1939
SmithMoses born about 1912
SmithNay born about 1936
SmithOscar born about 1879
SmithProfessor born about 1921
SmithRobert born about 1913
SmithSadie born about 1917
SmithSadie born about 1926
SmithSimon born about 1928
SmithSola Mborn about 1922
SmithStella Maeborn about 1919
SmithThelma born about 1926
SmithThomas Edwardborn about 1937
SmithViola born about 1920
SmithWalter Thomasborn about 1910
SmithWilliam born about 1900
SmithWillie Jamesborn about 1924
SmithWillie Oborn about 1899
SmithWillie Wborn about 1912
SmithWinnie born about 1892
SnowAnnie Lauraborn about 1901
SnowC Howardborn about 1897
SnowCharles born about 1927
SolomonBessie Jborn about 1915
SolomonCarrie born about 1890
SolomonCarrie Maeborn about 1936
SolomonDora Pborn about 1912
SolomonRobert Eborn about 1913
SolomonRobert Oborn about 1883
SolomonTom born about 1916
SolomonWillei Hborn about 1934
SolomonWillie born about 1917
StapletonEdna born about 1915
StapletonLavada born about 1907
StapletonWinnelle born about 1934
StephensonAudry born about 1908
StephensonBurtron Dborn about 1929
StephensonJobuy born about 1893
StephensonJohny born about 1939
StephensonLaverne born about 1934
StevensBessie Mborn about 1884
StevensEvadius Wborn about 1882
StevensHenry born about 1905
StevensJames Mborn about 1918
StevensLugenia Clydeborn about 1930
StevensRosa Maeborn about 1913
StewartBilly Gborn about 1939
StewartBobby born about 1928
StewartCatherine born about 1907
StewartHattie born about 1930
StewartJames born about 1932
StewartJustine born about 1925
StewartLaura born about 1898
StewartMajor born about 1876
StewartMinnie Jborn about 1935
StewartNancy born about 1892
StewartOdessa born about 1931
StewartOvergo born about 1881
StewartWillie born about 1908
StinsonBettie born about 1919
StinsonClara Joeborn about 1930
StinsonHelen born about 1925
StinsonIra Bborn about 1871
StinsonLou Ellaborn about 1875
StinsonMary Aliceborn about 1902
StinsonRobert Jborn about 1916
StinsonRufus Hborn about 1897
StinsonRuth Sborn about 1905
StinsonStanley Rborn about 1928
StinsonStella Lborn about 1896
StinsonW Howard Jrborn about 1932
StinsonW Howard Srborn about 1891
StokesEthel Wborn about 1894
StokesGrace Bborn about 1913
StokesIzeah born about 1918
StokesJ Emoryborn about 1892
StokesJoseph Aborn about 1873
StokesLouisa Lborn about 1866
StokesLucius born about 1920
StokesMyrttle Eborn about 1895
StokesVirginia Aborn about 1922
StokesW Harbardborn about 1901
StrangeEdgar Dborn about 1914
StrangeEdgar Mborn about 1877
StrangePearl Bborn about 1897
StricklandJackie born about 1939
StricklandLaverne born about 1932
StricklandMargaret born about 1926
StricklandMyrtle born about 1921
StricklandPhilip born about 1923
StricklandR Budborn about 1904
StricklandWilliam Cborn about 1894
StubbsGladys born about 1932
StubbsLouisa born about 1913
StubbsR Dborn about 1912
StubbsThelma born about 1934
SummersAnn Eborn about 1919
SummersC Williamborn about 1938
SummersDoris Mborn about 1940
SummersElizabeth Oborn about 1886
SummersElmo Pborn about 1913
SummersFannie born about 1866
SummersGussie Maeborn about 1906
SummersJ Williamborn about 1883
SummersMildred Sborn about 1918
SummersWilmyth Aborn about 1924
SurrencyJuanita De Lorisborn about 1939
SurrencyRoosevelt born about 1916
SurrencyWillabel born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TannerHattie Maeborn about 1915
TannerHenry born about 1913
TannerVannie Leeborn about 1934
TarverRay Dellborn about 1933
TaylorBernerd Eborn about 1888
TaylorEire Lborn about 1883
TaylorEssie born about 1880
TaylorJohn Wborn about 1921
TaylorLouie Mborn about 1924
TaylorLucy born about 1895
TaylorLula born about 1918
TaylorMary Eborn about 1860
TaylorMary Jborn about 1931
TaylorMattie born about 1915
TaylorNancy born about 1891
TaylorOscar born about 1910
TaylorVerna born about 1927
TaylorWilliam Eborn about 1876
TaylorWilliam Wborn about 1886
ThomasEddie born about 1901
ThomasEdith born about 1921
ThomasElla Fborn about 1912
ThomasEula Cborn about 1930
ThomasGeorgia Bellborn about 1936
ThomasHattie Maeborn about 1937
ThomasHuey Lee Jrborn about 1931
ThomasHuey Lee Srborn about 1910
ThomasLewis born about 1934
ThomasLouise Tborn about 1927
ThomasMaggie Mborn about 1933
ThomasMamie Lborn about 1911
ThomasMarjorie born about 1940
ThomasW Lborn about 1940
ThomasWillie Bborn about 1938
ThompsonBeauty born about 1908
ThompsonJoe born about 1902
ThompsonLola born about 1933
TindallNannie Leeborn about 1864
TinsleyLee Irvinborn about 1922
TravisEdna Wborn about 1916
TravisPattie Christineborn about 1935
TravisRoscoe born about 1913
TremonBessie born about 1920
TremonEmmie Eborn about 1905
TremonJames born about 1929
TremonJames Jborn about 1896
TremonJean born about 1935
TremonJohn Thomasborn about 1923
TremonMary Joyceborn about 1933
TuggleCora born about 1901
TuggleEddie Leeborn about 1931
TuggleGeorge Jr born about 1925
TuggleGeorge Sr born about 1891
TuggleLouise born about 1921
TuggleMilton born about 1927
TuggleSimon born about 1875
TurnerBetty Joyceborn about 1939
TurnerC Bborn about 1922
TurnerCharlie J Jrborn about 1931
TurnerCharlie J Srborn about 1892
TurnerClaudie born about 1921
TurnerCora born about 1894
TurnerDack Tborn about 1883
TurnerDack Tborn about 1885
TurnerEnnis born about 1924
TurnerFrank born about 1929
TurnerGrady Wborn about 1914
TurnerJ C Jrborn about 1904
TurnerJ Marvin Jrborn about 1937
TurnerJ Marvin Srborn about 1914
TurnerJohn Leeborn about 1899
TurnerJulia Annborn about 1937
TurnerJulia Bborn about 1919
TurnerLizzie born about 1911
TurnerLouis born about 1936
TurnerMurray Wborn about 1917
TurnerRalph Wborn about 1919
TurnerSindie born about 1901
TurnerSue Eborn about 1917
TurnerWilbur Tborn about 1924
TurnerWillie born about 1925
TurnerWillie Gborn about 1890
TurnerWillie Gborn about 1892
TurnerWilson born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodFannie born about 1875

V Surnames

ValentineAnna Louborn about 1932
ValentineBelia born about 1914
ValentineEdna Maeborn about 1934
ValentineLula born about 1876
ValentineRoger Eborn about 1901
ValentineWilliam Fborn about 1875
VassarJeff born about 1916
VealAgnes born about 1921
VealAmos Jr born about 1922
VealAnnie Mborn about 1913
VealAsbry born about 1910
VealBertha born about 1924
VealD Cborn about 1906
VealD C Jborn about 1929
VealEarl born about 1926
VealEddie Oscarborn about 1933
VealEdward born about 1919
VealEugene born about 1933
VealHorace born about 1921
VealJames born about 1927
VealJulia born about 1911
VealLenora born about 1938
VealLois Jr born about 1935
VealLois Sr born about 1912
VealMargaret born about 1938
VealMaudree born about 1913
VealMax born about 1920
VealNoram born about 1935
VealOsborn born about 1919
VealProfessor born about 1916
VealSammiel born about 1931
VealSusie Annborn about 1886
VealWillie Cborn about 1938
VickeryEdward Lborn about 1922
VinsonAgnes born about 1918
VinsonAnnie born about 1906
VinsonAnnie Rborn about 1925
VinsonAuthor born about 1900
VinsonBen born about 1880
VinsonBen born about 1935
VinsonBetty Lborn about 1938
VinsonBrown born about 1937
VinsonCora born about 1891
VinsonDouglas born about 1881
VinsonEdward Lborn about 1876
VinsonGrace Helenborn about 1916
VinsonGrady born about 1930
VinsonJ Bborn about 1913
VinsonJames Oborn about 1938
VinsonKelly born about 1916
VinsonLeonard born about 1906
VinsonLinwood born about 1927
VinsonLucile born about 1936
VinsonRobert Rborn about 1931
VinsonVirginia born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerMarie born about 1893
WalkerWillie Leeborn about 1927
WallBarbara Deanborn about 1924
WallLilly Helenborn about 1932
WallSara Carolineborn about 1927
WallWilliam Jborn about 1898
WardAddie Aborn about 1888
WardAnnie born about 1883
WardBillie born about 1933
WardCarlie Jr born about 1927
WardCarlie Sr born about 1890
WardCarrie born about 1889
WardFelark born about 1919
WardG Bborn about 1931
WardGladys born about 1902
WardJewel Lborn about 1904
WardJewel Rebeccaborn about 1928
WardJoe Aborn about 1939
WardJohn Lborn about 1912
WardJohn Lborn about 1916
WardLeon Tborn about 1882
WardLorenza born about 1907
WardMarie born about 1920
WardMarie born about 1921
WardSharon born about 1939
WardVirginia born about 1925
WashingtonAlberta Sborn about 1911
WashingtonBobbie Nellborn about 1938
WashingtonMattie Maeborn about 1936
WashingtonNorman born about 1911
WashingtonNorman Jr born about 1935
WashingtonTommie Geneborn about 1940
WatersAnnie Lborn about 1886
WatersCifton born about 1884
WatersDorthy Cborn about 1928
WatersGeraldine born about 1930
WatersRosa Lborn about 1921
WatersVirtle born about 1920
WatsonCora Maeborn about 1926
WatsonElnora born about 1940
WatsonEmory born about 1906
WatsonEula Mborn about 1938
WatsonEula Maeborn about 1910
WatsonEva Mborn about 1931
WatsonGeneva born about 1920
WatsonHattie Mborn about 1933
WatsonNelaise born about 1934
WatsonStella born about 1937
WatsonTommie born about 1935
WatsonViney Fborn about 1936
WatsonWesley born about 1916
WeeksAuthor Jborn about 1911
WeeksClevland born about 1909
WeeksCorine born about 1916
WeeksEthel Sborn about 1915
WeeksVemmie born about 1906
WheelerGus born about 1880
WheelerHarry Gborn about 1908
WhippleCharlie born about 1908
WhippleCharlie Leeborn about 1933
WhippleGeorgia born about 1903
WhippleJeanie born about 1916
WhippleLizzie Louborn about 1936
WhippleMattie Louborn about 1912
WhippleOdessa born about 1933
WhippleRichard born about 1906
WhippleTommie Lborn about 1935
WhiteAlzida born about 1916
WhiteAudrey Sborn about 1918
WhiteCharlie born about 1903
WhiteEugene Fborn about 1929
WhiteGeorge born about 1878
WhiteHattie Kateborn about 1910
WhiteHenrietta born about 1912
WhiteHenry born about 1902
WhiteJohn Frankborn about 1930
WhiteMarie born about 1886
WhiteW Henryborn about 1932
WhiteWillie born about 1930
WhiteleyLibbie Aborn about 1918
WhiteleyW Malcolmborn about 1913
WigginsHoward born about 1912
WigginsJd born about 1930
WigginsJessie Lborn about 1932
WigginsLeona born about 1890
WigginsMinnie Lborn about 1917
WigginsRosa Lborn about 1921
WilbonClifton born about 1892
WilbonEugene born about 1932
WilbonLuvenia born about 1902
WilcherCallie Tborn about 1934
WilcherCalvin born about 1936
WilcherClifford Mborn about 1939
WilcherStella born about 1915
WilderGene born about 1899
WilderHenrietta born about 1900
WilkesIma born about 1906
WilkesJames born about 1905
WilliamsAnna born about 1906
WilliamsArthur Cborn about 1908
WilliamsBeulah born about 1920
WilliamsBlanche Bborn about 1908
WilliamsBoyd born about 1875
WilliamsCarrie born about 1885
WilliamsChester Jr born about 1928
WilliamsChester Sr born about 1903
WilliamsClarence born about 1912
WilliamsCrawford born about 1870
WilliamsCrawford born about 1923
WilliamsDorothy Oborn about 1935
WilliamsErnest born about 1913
WilliamsEthel Pearlborn about 1935
WilliamsFred born about 1915
WilliamsFreddie born about 1921
WilliamsGeorge born about 1905
WilliamsGeorge Oborn about 1938
WilliamsGrady Maeborn about 1917
WilliamsIrene born about 1908
WilliamsIrene born about 1912
WilliamsJames Arthurborn about 1931
WilliamsMamie born about 1901
WilliamsMary Magdaleneborn about 1939
WilliamsMattie Maeborn about 1937
WilliamsMattie Pearlborn about 1918
WilliamsSarah born about 1915
WilliamsUlysees born about 1926
WilliamsVoge born about 1878
WilliamsWillie born about 1904
WilliamsWillie born about 1916
WilliamsWillie Jr born about 1925
WillisMattie born about 1890
WilsonA Stanleyborn about 1917
WilsonA Woodrowborn about 1914
WilsonAbsolom Sborn about 1877
WilsonAnnie Leeborn about 1910
WilsonDaniel Wborn about 1920
WilsonE Thelmaborn about 1928
WilsonGloria Genevaborn about 1931
WilsonHiram born about 1898
WilsonMargaret Lborn about 1923
WilsonMarvin Bborn about 1922
WilsonRuth born about 1900
WilsonSally Bborn about 1885
WilsonStoney Lborn about 1894
WilsonThomas born about 1921
WinthersFrancis born about 1932
WinthersLewis born about 1940
WinthersLillian born about 1935
WinthersLucile born about 1910
WinthersWillie born about 1908
WomackCalvin Nborn about 1931
WomackJames Hborn about 1873
WomackJames Tborn about 1922
WomackLillian Pborn about 1890
WomackRobert Fborn about 1923
WomackWilliam Hborn about 1917
WoodAgnes born about 1925
WoodAlton Lborn about 1931
WoodAndrew Bborn about 1891
WoodAnn Rborn about 1922
WoodChester born about 1928
WoodClara born about 1897
WoodClaude born about 1928
WoodElnora born about 1924
WoodGlenn Lborn about 1912
WoodGloria Jeanetteborn about 1939
WoodHeywood born about 1919
WoodJames Fborn about 1883
WoodJewel born about 1922
WoodJoel Charlesborn about 1927
WoodKate born about 1889
WoodKatie born about 1910
WoodL Aborn about 1883
WoodL Augustusborn about 1938
WoodLeonard born about 1907
WoodLonie born about 1887
WoodLorene born about 1922
WoodLorob born about 1929
WoodMarclyn born about 1938
WoodMary Fborn about 1914
WoodPearl born about 1887
WoodRay Wborn about 1913
WoodRobert Aborn about 1930
WoodSarah Mborn about 1887
WoodShirley born about 1937
WoodWilliam born about 1925
WoodfordFrank born about 1915
WoodfordGrady born about 1913
WoodfordVannie Maeborn about 1918
WoodruffAllen born about 1919
WoodruffEarly born about 1920
WoodsJohn born about 1910
WoodsMinnie born about 1911
WordLouise born about 1925
WordLucile born about 1928
WordMattie Lborn about 1896
WordRebecca born about 1928
WordRuth born about 1917
WortheyAsmas born about 1921
WortheyDotie born about 1887
WrightClara Maeborn about 1911
WrightEula Maeborn about 1919
WrightGarland born about 1908
WrightReba born about 1904
WrightRobert Mckinleyborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarboroughJennie born about 1875
YoumansEstus Sborn about 1899
YoumansJames Bryantborn about 1919
YoumansLynwood Eborn about 1924
YoumansSally Eborn about 1901
YoumansW Ruthborn about 1921
YoungCharlie born about 1890
YoungDeloris born about 1936
YoungEdward born about 1897
YoungFrankie born about 1936
YoungGlenn born about 1928
YoungGrover Lborn about 1916
YoungHarold born about 1933
YoungHenry born about 1902
YoungHenry Jborn about 1931
YoungHubie born about 1910
YoungJc born about 1927
YoungJefferson born about 1937
YoungJoseph born about 1897
YoungJulia born about 1927
YoungLottie Mborn about 1928
YoungLovie born about 1904
YoungLucill born about 1924
YoungMamie born about 1902
YoungMaudie Maeborn about 1915
YoungRonnie born about 1929
YoungRosa born about 1899
YoungRoxie born about 1891
YoungShirley born about 1938
YoungTessie born about 1912
YoungWilliam born about 1916
YoungWilliam Eborn about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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