1940 U.S. Federal Census of Raymond, Coweta, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Coweta County > 1940 Census of Raymond

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AllenAustin Lborn about 1898
ArnoldAnnie Mborn about 1930
ArnoldEdward born about 1939
ArnoldEmma Lborn about 1928
ArnoldEvelyn born about 1929
ArnoldJack Mborn about 1895
ArnoldLilla Mborn about 1901
ArnoldRobert Lborn about 1931
ArnoldWilliam born about 1924
ArnoldYvonne born about 1938
AshleyEdna born about 1914

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B Surnames

BaileyBuddie Cborn about 1916
BaileyDella born about 1878
BaileyJulia born about 1885
BanonEmmet Mborn about 1916
BanonJohn Wborn about 1878
BanonMinnie Eborn about 1888
BeckomCatherine born about 1926
BeckomCora Lborn about 1909
BeckomEthel Mborn about 1901
BeckomFrances born about 1925
BeckomGrady Bborn about 1913
BeckomHarold born about 1917
BeckomJimmie Dborn about 1927
BeckomJohn Dborn about 1906
BeckomOphelia born about 1920
BeckomRosa Lborn about 1883
BentonBillie born about 1933
BentonCaroline born about 1914
BowenGeorge born about 1923
BowenLucile born about 1905
BowenPaul Lborn about 1896
BrandonMildred born about 1911
BrandonRichard born about 1934
BritLouise born about 1907
BritMary Jborn about 1936
BritNola Mborn about 1935
BritRoy born about
BritWilmon born about 1914
BritWoodrow Wborn about 1938
BrownsonBeatrice Wborn about 1915
BundetteMarvin Hborn about 1918
BundetteMary Eborn about 1919

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C Surnames

CalhounAllice born about 1940
CalhounAllie Lborn about 1929
CalhounAnnie Pborn about 1924
CalhounBen Fborn about 1887
CalhounEdna Mborn about 1922
CalhounJannie Lborn about 1897
CalhounJosephine born about 1931
CalhounJuanita born about 1935
CalhounLonnie born about 1917
CalhounMyson born about 1937
CalhounOzzie Lborn about 1915
CalhounTommie Sborn about 1927
CalhounVic born about 1938
CalhounWilliam Fborn about 1919
CalhounWillie Lborn about 1910
CarmicalCamen born about 1933
CarmicalFrank born about 1937
CarmicalFrank Sborn about 1898
CarmicalPearl Lborn about 1909
CarmicalSara born about 1936
CatoAlbert born about 1939
CatoClifford Lborn about 1904
CatoClifford L Jrborn about 1928
CatoLouise born about 1930
CatoMarvin born about 1916
CatoMarvin born about 1937
CauthenDonald born about 1932
CauthenElaine born about 1935
CauthenEugene born about 1924
CauthenJohn Lborn about 1901
CauthenMinnie Pborn about 1903
ChamblessAlvin Hborn about 1913
ChamblessCatherine born about 1913
ChamblessPeggy born about 1938
CheatamAudrey Lborn about 1933
CheatamBenjamin born about 1916
CheatamBettie born about 1924
CheatamGeorge Mborn about 1892
CheatamJames born about 1935
CheathamWill Lborn about 1919
ClevelandCicero Lborn about 1910
ClevelandHattie Mborn about 1935
ClevelandJohn born about
ClevelandLouise born about 1934
ClevelandRuby born about 1917
ClevelandWillie Lborn about 1938
ConnerBobbie Jborn about 1939
ConnerChristine born about 1928
ConnerEdna Lborn about 1923
ConnerEdward Lborn about 1887
ConnerElsie Rborn about 1934
ConnerFrances Eborn about 1925
ConnerHattie Mborn about 1892
ConnerMargaret born about 1936
ConnerMelvin born about 1923
ConnerWilliam Rborn about 1918
CoxFred born about
CoxGarry born about 1922
CoxJoe Jborn about
CoxJoe Jr born about 1920
CoxMamie born about 1891
CoxOpal born about 1924
CoxRuth born about 1931
CoxWillie Bborn about 1929

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D Surnames

DardenCurlie born about 1932
DardenGaggie born about 1927
DardenJessie born about 1885
DardenLena born about 1896
DardenLillie Mborn about 1923
DavisJack Cborn about 1920
DavisOphelia born about
DominickEstell born about 1918
DominickMillie born about 1872
DominickNapolean born about 1918
DonaldsonMary born about 1895
DonaldsonTiny Lborn about 1893
DunlapDella born about 1917
DunlapRoma born about 1912
DunlapRosa Lborn about 1932

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E Surnames

EasterwoodDon born about 1927
EasterwoodDorothy born about 1925
EasterwoodEdgar Aborn about 1922
EasterwoodMathew Lborn about 1894
EasterwoodMathew L Jrborn about 1928
EasterwoodMillie Aborn about 1897

F Surnames

FerrellAgnes Rborn about 1913
FerrellBen Hborn about 1922
FerrellCarl born about 1928
FerrellElsie born about 1923
FerrellFannie Kborn about 1893
FerrellGeorge born about 1926
FerrellGeorge Wborn about 1885
FerrellJames Tborn about 1920
FerrellJoe Sborn about 1888
FerrellJohn Tborn about 1916
FerrellLois born about 1924
FerrellMattie Pborn about 1894
FerrellPaul Bborn about 1913
Freeland??? born about 1938
FreelandEddie born about 1932
FreelandLuther Mborn about 1916
FreelandLuther M Jrborn about 1935
FreelandNath born about 1937
FreelandPauline born about
FreemanEmma born about 1922
FreemanJames born about 1924
FreemanKatie born about 1920
FreemanLouise born about 1892
FreemanRobert Tborn about 1888
FreemanSehon born about 1926
FryeMary Eborn about 1863

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G Surnames

Glass??? born about 1934
GlassCharlie Rborn about 1924
GlassEddie Bborn about 1928
GlassFletcher Mborn about 1885
GlassJack born about 1938
GlassJohn Hborn about 1933
GlassMinnie born about 1900
GlassOsie Lborn about 1922
GlassWillie Dborn about 1930
GramerRebecca born about 1919
GramerRoy born about 1913

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H Surnames

HarrisBillie born about 1930
HarrisCarrie Lborn about 1936
HarrisDouglas born about 1922
HarrisElizabeth born about 1916
HarrisLee Mborn about 1880
HarrisLucy born about 1891
HarrisMary Rborn about 1924
HarrisPaul born about 1926
HarrisPhillip born about 1928
HarrisThomas born about 1911
HarrisThomas Jr born about 1939
HaynesAndrew Cborn about 1876
HaynesJames Fborn about 1877
HaynieAllie Eborn about 1882
HaynieCarl Tborn about 1910
HaynieLillie born about 1913
HerndonBertha born about 1937
HerndonCarlton born about 1933
HerndonEdna born about 1909
HerndonEugene born about 1932
HerndonEvelyn born about 1935
HerndonFrances born about 1873
HerndonHenrietta born about 1930
HerndonHenry Pborn about 1902
HerndonJames born about 1909
HerndonJulia Mborn about 1935
HerndonLizzie born about 1931
HerndonNathan born about 1926
HerndonRobert born about 1937
HerndonWillard born about 1933
HerndonWillie born about 1939
HillLawrence born about 1916
HinesAb Bborn about
HinesAnnie Lborn about
HinesKatie Mborn about 1919
HinesOsa Mborn about 1922
HinesOtis Dborn about 1920
HoustonInez born about 1910
HoustonMargie born about 1935
HoustonMildred born about 1933
HowlandJohn Wborn about 1913
HuggMac Lborn about 1914
HughieClifford born about 1917
HughieDorothy born about 1920
HughieEdwin born about 1925
HughieFrank born about 1922
HughieHenry Lborn about 1917
HughieJames Bborn about 1910
HughieJames Tborn about 1863
HughieJoe born about
HughieJoe born about 1919
HughieLunell born about 1931
HughieMary born about 1879
HughieNannie Kborn about 1895
HughieTom Jborn about 1893

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I Surnames

IveyAlonzo Aborn about 1916
IveyEarlie Lborn about 1905
IveyLuellen born about 1884

J Surnames

JacksonHershel born about 1928
JacksonJennie Kborn about 1930
JacksonJohn born about 1934
JacksonMaggie born about 1895
JacksonWill Cborn about 1877
Johnson??? born about 1900
JohnsonBeula Eborn about 1922
JohnsonGeorge born about 1922
JohnsonHazel born about 1926
JohnsonWilbur Wborn about 1898
JohnsonWilleene born about 1924
JohnsonWillie Mborn about 1892
JonesEarnest born about 1891
JonesFannie Lborn about 1920
JonesFrank born about 1914
JonesGeorgia Mborn about 1918
JonesJennie Kborn about 1937
JonesLois born about 1921
JonesLula Maeborn about 1939
JonesWilliam Lborn about 1920

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L Surnames

LassiterEmma Fborn about 1919
LassiterLois Bborn about 1899
LatimerArnold born about 1923
LatimerMittie Lborn about 1898
LatimerWellington Cborn about 1882
LeatheJessie Mborn about 1921
LeatheJessie Tborn about 1938
LeatheRender Tborn about 1916
LeatheTommie Cborn about 1939
LeeJane born about 1938
LeeLamar Dborn about 1912
LeeMattie Kborn about 1919
LeveleGeraldine born about 1938
LeveleJames born about 1939
LeveleJames Wborn about 1910
LeveleJessie Lborn about 1915
LeveleLouise born about 1936
LewisDavid Dborn about 1923
LewisGeorge Wborn about
LewisJohnnie Eborn about 1920
LewisJoseph Zborn about 1918
LoydFrank C Jrborn about 1936
LoydFrank Sborn about 1915
LoydHewell Sborn about 1927
LoydOthella Sborn about 1916
LyonArlena born about 1918

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M Surnames

MarbeyAndrew Rborn about 1899
MartinAnnie born about 1878
MartinBeh born about 1921
MartinBlanche Hborn about 1882
MartinCatherine born about 1921
MartinClarice Bborn about 1897
MartinElizabeth Wborn about 1909
MartinElliut Cborn about 1909
MartinFred Mborn about 1868
MartinIrvin born about 1923
MartinWalker Bborn about 1870
MartinWesley born about 1924
MasonClifford Bborn about 1911
MateBarbara born about
MateClara Mborn about 1915
MateEmanuel Rborn about 1914
MateJack born about 1938
MateLawrence born about 1934
MateRobert born about 1937
MatthewsAnna Bborn about 1917
MatthewsDorothy born about 1927
MatthewsLucy Kborn about 1933
MatthewsMarvin born about 1938
MatthewsMildred born about 1932
MatthewsThomas born about 1885
MatthewsThomas Jborn about 1925
MatthewsVictoria born about 1888
MatthewsWillie Jborn about 1936
MattoxFrances born about 1921
MattoxSara Lborn about 1891
MattoxT Youngborn about 1890
MattoxThomas born about 1925
McclendonEddie Lborn about 1929
McclendonJames Pborn about 1928
McclendonJennete born about 1933
McclendonMillie Hborn about 1930
McclendonNona born about 1932
McclendonPaul Eborn about 1892
McclendonSophia born about 1908
MccoidHorace Hborn about 1907
McdonaldBettie Dborn about 1931
McdonaldJessie Aborn about 1891
McdonaldLela Aborn about 1903
McdonaldMargaret born about 1924
McdonaldOlga Cborn about 1899
McdonaldRodrick born about 1933
McdonaldWilliam Aborn about 1885
McdonaldWilliam Bborn about 1915
McgeeNannie Lborn about 1874
McgeeWilliam Eborn about 1871
MckoanGrace born about 1914
MckoanInez born about 1921
MelsonA Bborn about 1935
MelsonAddie Lborn about 1922
MelsonAnnie Pborn about 1939
MelsonAsbury born about 1888
MelsonCharlie born about 1921
MelsonCharlie Jamesborn about
MelsonClenton born about 1926
MelsonEsco born about 1929
MelsonFanny Bborn about 1924
MelsonFlenard born about 1933
MelsonLizzie born about 1920
MelsonLula born about 1901
MelsonThomas born about 1936
MilamClyde born about 1928
MilamEugene born about 1933
MilamEvelyn born about 1927
MilamJoseph born about 1936
MilamMary Eborn about 1902
MilamRoscoe born about 1930
MilamRufus Mborn about 1904
MitchellAnnie Bborn about 1933
MitchellArlena born about 1935
MitchellEstella born about
MitchellGordon Nborn about 1912
MitchellHarold born about 1934
MitchellHoward Lborn about 1907
MitchellInez born about 1928
MitchellJohn Dborn about 1938
MitchellMildred born about 1913
MitchellMina born about 1911
MooreCharlie born about 1903
MooreDonald born about 1926
MooreEdward born about 1919
MooreHarold born about 1933
MooreJoseph Lborn about 1891
MooreJoseph L Jrborn about 1924
MooreMartha born about 1929
MooreMary Lborn about 1914
MooreMax born about 1937
Moses??? born about 1912
MosesAlmeta Cborn about 1881
MosesFlorine born about 1916
MosesFrank Pborn about 1916
MosesHenry born about 1923
MosesJennie born about 1920
MosesJessie Lborn about 1924
MosesMable born about 1935
MosesNorton born about 1897
MosesRoberta born about 1918
MurphyJohn Pborn about 1873
MurphyMary Aborn about 1887

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N Surnames

NappAlvin born about 1935
NappAlvin Aborn about 1905
NappAnnie Rborn about 1908
NappAubrey Jborn about 1927
NappFrances Bborn about 1925
NappJames born about 1936
NappLunell born about 1933
NappWilliam born about 1930
NeelyArvela born about 1924
NeelyCharlie born about 1928
NeelyLucy born about 1920
NeelyPeniston born about 1922
NeelyRachel born about 1892
NeelyRichard born about 1913
NeelyRichard Cborn about 1876
NewbyJames Wborn about 1877
NorthWill Hborn about 1866

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O Surnames

Oryh??? born about 1903
OryhCora Lborn about 1903
OryhCurtis born about 1934
OryhDallas born about 1930
OryhElbert born about 1924
OryhRonald born about 1938
OryhWilliam born about 1927
OvertonJessie born about 1905
OvertonJohn Dborn about 1901
OvertonOlin born about 1926
OzmoreRichard Hborn about 1869

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P Surnames

ParrisAnne Jborn about 1936
ParrisEva Rborn about 1923
ParrisRoy Rborn about 1940
PattersonAlbert born about 1938
PattersonArnold born about 1934
PattersonFlorrie born about 1929
PattersonGrace born about 1903
PattersonJames Rborn about 1908
PattersonLenard born about 1927
PaytonClara born about 1909
PaytonDorothy born about 1938
PaytonDuard born about 1933
PaytonJames born about 1937
PaytonJesse Mborn about 1909
PaytonJoyce born about 1930
PaytonLudine born about 1926
PaytonMargie Jborn about 1932
PaytonMattie Lborn about 1910
PaytonMolly Annborn about 1933
PaytonOtis born about 1904
PaytonSara born about 1939
PaytonSara Aborn about 1900
PaytonWilliam Hborn about 1892
PhillipsJessie Fborn about 1886
PhillipsLouise born about 1906
PhillipsRuby born about 1936
PhillipsRuth born about 1923
PhillipsSara Eborn about 1929
PhillipsStaton Fborn about 1937
PinsonRosa born about 1887
PitmanAda Mborn about 1902
PitmanCatherine born about 1926
PitmanJames born about 1918
PitmanLula born about 1921
PitmanMary born about 1920
PottsEdwin born about 1918
PottsHelen born about 1926
PottsJannie Lborn about 1883
PottsZack Lborn about 1878

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R Surnames

RakestrawHenry Cborn about 1893
RakestrawJessie Kborn about 1931
RakestrawLessie Lborn about 1930
RakestrawOlivia born about 1903
ReevesClio born about 1907
ReevesEliza Jborn about 1934
ReevesEmmagene born about 1934
ReevesWillie born about 1907
RenderAldine born about 1920
RenderCarrie Mborn about 1914
RenderEarley born about 1871
RenderEtta Cborn about 1928
RenderJames Rborn about 1877
RenderNathaniel born about 1918
RenderSallie born about 1872
RenderWilliam born about 1871
RobertsonAlbert born about 1876
RobertsonHarold born about 1918
RobertsonLinnie Lborn about 1883
RookerCarry Lborn about 1874
RookerClyde Lborn about 1927
RookerDorothy Mborn about 1932
RookerJohn Sborn about 1896
RookerJohn S Jrborn about 1928
RookerThomas Mborn about 1872

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S Surnames

SamHenry born about 1916
SamNellie Lborn about 1911
SamplesAnnie born about 1932
SamplesBernice Sborn about 1903
SamplesEarnest Wborn about 1898
SamplesJames Eborn about 1924
SamplesLeroy born about 1928
ScottLeonard Bborn about 1906
SelzInez born about 1915
SelzWilliam Cborn about 1910
ShaddingerKathleen born about 1921
ShaddingerWilliam Mborn about 1917
ShumakeChester Lborn about 1922
ShumakeThomas Tborn about 1868
SinkfieldJames born about 1926
SinkfieldLouise born about 1936
SinkfieldRosa Mborn about 1940
SinkfieldThelma born about 1929
SmithAlvin born about 1902
SmithBessie Mborn about 1931
SmithCarl born about 1933
SmithClara born about 1872
SmithElla Mborn about 1920
SmithEllen born about 1878
SmithEmerson born about 1937
SmithEverett born about 1937
SmithGladys born about 1938
SmithHealing Jborn about 1905
SmithJohn Hborn about 1905
SmithJohnnie Mborn about 1935
SmithLum born about 1910
SmithSara born about 1913
SmithSidney Lborn about 1904
SmithSylvester born about 1928
SmithTom Aborn about 1891
SmithTopsy born about 1905
SmithWest Mborn about 1873
SmithWilliam born about 1925
SmithWillie Mborn about 1906
SmithWynn born about 1919
SpratlinIone born about 1876
StephensEdward Aborn about 1908
StevensonAlice born about 1858
StevensonClara Bborn about 1912
StevensonJoe Lborn about 1937
StevensonMildred born about 1934
StevensonWilliam Lborn about 1856

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T Surnames

ThompsonJames Bborn about 1918
ThompsonRuthie Mborn about 1921
TopeDick Bborn about 1881
TopeMammie born about 1890

U Surnames

UpshawAlbert Wborn about 1907
UpshawBessie Mborn about 1908
UpshawHarvey Lborn about 1910
UpshawSara Eborn about 1916

V Surnames

VarnesJames born about 1932
VarnesMattie Lborn about 1938

W Surnames

WalkerAlvin Nborn about 1893
WalkerBuford born about
WalkerCatherine born about 1928
WalkerEarnest born about 1918
WalkerEugene born about 1923
WalkerVera born about 1898
WarnerArthur born about 1884
WarnerMary Lborn about 1882
WattsJim born about 1907
WhitlockAnnie Rborn about 1895
WhitlockJohn Tborn about 1889
WilliamsCarl born about 1930
WilliamsCatherine born about 1928
WilliamsChristine born about 1926
WilliamsClara born about 1930
WilliamsClifford born about 1930
WilliamsGray born about 1925
WilliamsHenry Lborn about 1901
WilliamsHenryjr born about 1934
WilliamsJim Cborn about 1910
WilliamsJimmie Cborn about 1933
WilliamsKatie Mborn about 1924
WilliamsLina born about 1911
WilliamsLizzie born about 1890
WilliamsLouise born about 1935
WilliamsMary Vborn about 1935
WilliamsMattie born about 1904
WilliamsParks born about 1871
WilliamsPreston born about 1924
WilliamsVigie Lborn about 1932
WilliamsWilliam Cborn about 1926
WycheBilly born about 1932
WycheEdward Cborn about 1905
WycheEmily born about 1930
WycheEmma Bborn about 1905
WycheJames born about 1939
WycheThomas born about 1935

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Y Surnames

YoungBeula Oborn about 1866

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