1940 U.S. Federal Census of Red Rock in Worth County, Worth, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Worth County > 1940 Census of Red Rock in Worth County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AffosElouise born about 1936
AffosMaxebell born about 1917
AffosSteve born about 1913
AlexanderNancy born about 1895
AlfredBee Aborn about 1890
AlfredClara Mborn about 1913
AlfredEma born about 1930
AlfredHenry born about 1910
AlfredSilis born about 1870
AlfredWillie Bborn about 1936
AllmanDrewsilla born about 1863
AndrewsAmos born about 1854
AndrewsJessie born about 1924
AsberryJulia born about 1891
AsqueJames Lborn about 1923
AtkinsBirthlee born about 1928
AultmanE Lborn about 1903
AultmanElenor born about 1924
AultmanEmma born about 1899
AultmanForest born about 1920
AultmanGloria born about 1926
AultmanJ Gborn about 1893
AultmanJack born about 1931
AultmanJewel born about 1904
AultmanMary born about 1927
AultmanMildred born about 1927
AultmanMuray born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyDan born about 1939
BaileyJim born about 1907
BaileyRose born about 1910
BaileyWilma born about 1937
BakerAngelo born about 1910
BakerChristine born about 1914
BakerJessie born about 1929
BakerJulia Maeborn about 1914
BakerMiza born about 1895
BakerWilson born about 1873
BarfieldAnnie born about 1881
BarfieldBell born about 1907
BarfieldBennie born about 1928
BarfieldClayton born about 1884
BarfieldEliz born about 1924
BarfieldHarold born about 1932
BarfieldJewel born about 1908
BarfieldLaquetta born about 1933
BarfieldLavawn born about 1938
BarfieldMagolene born about 1917
BarfieldMerl born about 1923
BarfieldO Lborn about 1901
BarfieldPat born about 1935
BarfieldRuby born about 1904
BarfieldShiver born about 1937
BarfieldSidney born about 1911
BarfieldW Lborn about 1907
BarfieldWarren born about 1925
BarkerClarence born about 1908
BarloOdessia born about 1925
BarneyAnna born about 1920
BarneyJack Jr born about 1918
BarneyJack Sr born about 1890
BarneyNathan born about 1922
BarneySally born about 1926
BarneyWillie Mborn about 1924
BarwickE Jborn about 1860
BatemanAlie born about 1880
BatemanH Wborn about 1877
BatemanJewel born about 1915
BatemanMollie born about 1885
BatemanR Lborn about 1934
BatemanR Mborn about 1879
BatemanRobert born about 1912
BeanBill born about 1908
BeesleyHubert born about 1910
BellDorothy born about 1924
BibbinsAdella born about 1917
BibbinsAdella born about 1938
BibbinsFord Wborn about 1918
BibbinsLouise born about 1939
BillingsleyCarrie born about 1918
BillingsleyKattie born about 1896
BillingsleyLevi born about 1890
BishopJ Dborn about 1905
BlackieSally born about 1891
BlanchardAddie born about 1907
BlanchardAustine born about 1939
BlanchardBobbie born about 1936
BlanchardClyde born about 1933
BlanchardD Jborn about 1907
BlanchardHubbard born about 1938
BlanchardJunior born about 1930
BlanchardLouise born about 1927
BlanchardTracy born about 1931
BluntArthur born about 1897
BluntFannie Mborn about 1932
BluntGussie Mborn about 1928
BluntJohn Hborn about 1930
BluntJohnie Mborn about 1908
BluntLouise born about 1936
BluntMattie Pborn about 1934
BlytheEunice born about 1907
BlytheJ Eborn about 1904
BoenJohn born about 1910
BomasArdie Maeborn about 1910
BomasEllis born about 1928
BomasHenry born about 1900
BookerAllan born about 1917
BooneBen Fborn about 1896
BooneClara born about 1905
BooneJames born about 1927
BooneMattie Lborn about 1923
BooneRuth born about 1925
BowdenFosteen born about 1930
BowdenLess born about 1926
BowenAuther born about 1898
BowenClarice born about 1900
BradfordAlmeater born about 1911
BradfordWillie born about 1906
BradlyFloreen born about 1910
BradlyJessie born about 1922
BradlyJohnie Bborn about 1924
BradlyLyda born about 1936
BradlyMonroe born about 1893
BraswellAzolee born about 1923
BraswellJ Eborn about 1891
BraswellJames Tborn about 1922
BraswellJosephine born about 1901
BraswellLovenia born about 1897
BraswellMary Eborn about 1928
BraswellPauline born about 1925
BraswellWallice born about 1922
BraswellWalter born about 1921
BraswellWillie born about 1895
BriantClifford born about 1923
BriantJames Eborn about 1928
BriantJohn Hborn about 1919
BriantOscer Jr born about 1937
BriantRuby born about 1920
BriantRuth born about 1931
BriantUla Seborn about 1927
BriantVera Cborn about 1925
BriantWilber born about 1934
BrittJames born about 1934
BrittJames Hborn about 1929
BrittJohn Wborn about 1893
BrittJohn Wborn about 1937
BrittMamie Lborn about 1907
BrittOris Lborn about 1932
BrittPearl born about 1895
BrittShep born about 1890
BrittonJoe born about 1880
BrittonMaholy born about 1882
BrownAda born about 1930
BrownAgnes born about 1921
BrownBeatric born about 1914
BrownCharlie born about 1932
BrownEdd born about 1895
BrownEdd Maeborn about 1937
BrownEdward born about 1937
BrownEleane born about 1926
BrownEllick born about 1938
BrownEma born about 1926
BrownGeorgia born about 1890
BrownGladice born about 1927
BrownIreena born about 1897
BrownJames born about 1880
BrownJoe born about 1928
BrownLeonie born about 1917
BrownLottie born about 1920
BrownLuana born about 1928
BrownMary born about 1932
BrownMary born about 1939
BrownOscar born about 1910
BrownOscer Leeborn about 1934
BrownRebeca born about 1897
BrownRob born about 1900
BrownRosie born about 1914
BrownSiley born about 1933
BrownSpenser born about 1930
BrownTom born about 1925
BrownWill born about 1885
BrownWillie born about 1935
BrownWillie Bborn about 1922
BrownWillie Cborn about 1915
BryantAnna born about 1880
BryantCora born about 1902
BryantGeorge born about 1880
BryantGeorgia born about 1939
BryantJames born about 1935
BryantJohn born about 1927
BryantJohn H Jrborn about 1939
BryantLula born about 1888
BryantT Jborn about 1921
BryantThomas born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarterElbert born about 1868
CarterJack born about 1900
CarterWillie Bborn about 1902
ChambersDock born about 1890
ChambersMandie born about 1892
ClaittAddline born about 1924
ClaittAgnes born about 1932
ClaittAron born about 1922
ClaittClarence born about 1920
ClaittEdward born about 1894
ClaittElizebath born about 1930
ClaittFrances born about 1938
ClaittJames Arthurborn about 1940
ClaittLeola born about 1935
ClaittMimnie born about 1899
ClaittThomas born about 1927
ClarkAnna Mborn about 1920
ClarkErnest born about 1930
ClarkEveline born about 1912
ClarkEvelyne born about 1938
ClarkFannie born about 1885
ClarkHenry born about 1914
ClarkJames born about 1917
ClarkJuanita born about 1940
ClarkKatie born about 1914
ClarkLola born about 1915
ClarkLouise born about 1935
ClarkLucile born about 1932
ClarkMajor born about 1905
ClarkOsa Maeborn about 1930
ClarkThomas born about 1912
ClarkUla Maeborn about 1922
ClarkWillie born about 1911
ClementCallie born about 1882
ClementMary born about 1926
ClementMildred born about 1924
ClementT Aborn about 1881
CobbieCurtis born about 1918
CobbieEssie born about 1924
CobbieJohn born about 1922
CobieJohnie Lborn about 1930
ColbinCarrie Bborn about 1922
ColbinErnest born about 1919
ColdmanBennie Lborn about 1932
ColdmanCharlie Bborn about 1925
ColdmanEaster Maeborn about 1927
ColdmanIsmin born about 1930
ColdmanIssac born about 1930
ColdmanLonzie born about 1923
ColdmanLuke born about 1890
ColdmanMartha born about 1936
ColdmanMary born about 1936
ColdmanParrie Leeborn about 1892
ColdmanWillie Lborn about 1934
ColmanBetsy born about 1885
ColmanRobert born about 1885
ConeCareline born about 1931
ConeDorothy born about 1939
ConeLenard born about 1929
ConeMargie born about 1936
ConeO B L Dborn about 1907
ConeVashtia born about 1911
CooksJ Cborn about 1926
CooksLilly Bborn about 1927
CooksUla born about 1904
CovanAmnie Mborn about 1933
CovanGussie Mborn about 1925
CovanJoe born about 1875
CovanJosie Mborn about 1922
CovanKatie Leeborn about 1934
CovanKatie Mborn about 1928
CovanMollie born about 1886
CovanPinkie Mborn about 1901
CrossCarrie Bborn about 1917
CrossDavid born about 1915
CrumpAlberta born about 1897
CrumpAldon born about 1938
CrumpBobbie born about 1916
CrumpDavid born about 1936
CrumpHenry born about 1897
CrumpLee born about 1904
CuffAlma born about 1926
CuffWillie Bellborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanialsAnnam born about 1921
DanialsBell born about 1939
DanialsWillie born about 1905
DanielsClara Maeborn about 1923
DanielsElizabeth born about 1916
DanielsFermer born about 1888
DanielsMercy Dborn about 1920
DanielsOsa Leeborn about 1925
DanielsRose born about 1892
DanielsThelma born about 1918
DanielsWeldon born about 1912
DavisAdela born about 1907
DavisBobbie born about 1935
DavisDonald born about 1933
DavisEdward born about 1913
DavisEdward born about 1931
DavisEffie born about 1907
DavisEva born about 1915
DavisGladis born about 1926
DavisGrady Lborn about 1934
DavisHouston born about 1898
DavisIra born about 1929
DavisJack born about 1939
DavisJoe born about 1903
DavisJohn Wborn about 1891
DavisJoseph born about 1922
DavisMacie born about 1910
DavisMae Willieborn about 1916
DavisMaggie born about 1875
DavisMartha born about 1931
DavisMaxwell born about 1926
DavisRay born about 1927
DavisRuth born about 1928
DavisSilly born about 1893
DavisSoloman born about 1920
DavisWeldon born about 1936
DawsonAbe born about 1902
DawsonAbe Jr born about 1938
DawsonEddie Bborn about 1933
DawsonEthel born about 1938
DawsonJimmie born about 1926
DawsonMaxiebell born about 1930
DawsonMay born about 1925
DawsonMildred born about 1904
DawsonNettie born about 1936
DawsonO Bborn about 1934
DormineyDonald born about 1935
DormineyFerman born about 1939
DormineyGrady born about 1917
DormineyJohn Dborn about 1913
DormineyLizie born about 1917
DormineyLois born about 1915
DormineyMary born about 1933
DorrtyClark born about 1844
DorrtyLucile born about 1920
DorrtyMalissie born about 1868
DuramDevell born about 1924
DuramFloybell born about 1925
DuramHenry born about 1870
DuramJassebell born about 1922
DuramJoseph born about 1935
DuramMansell born about 1929
DuramMary born about 1890
DykesElla Gborn about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EavensGeorgia Bborn about 1931
EavensIreane born about 1929
EavensJohn Leeborn about 1926
EavensLella born about 1890
EavensWill born about 1877
EscottJohnie born about 1936
EvansAmos born about 1895
EvansJulius born about 1925
EvansOra born about 1913
EvansWill born about 1865
EvansWilliam born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FlemingDan born about 1910
FlemingDan Jr born about 1937
FlemingHenry born about 1910
FlemingPearl born about 1912
FlemingSara born about 1912
FlemingWillie born about 1937
FlewellenDavid born about 1939
FlewellenElouise born about 1928
FlewellenEmma born about 1908
FlewellenLilly Pborn about 1940
FlewellenLouis born about 1898
FlewellenLouise born about 1935
FlewellenMattie Lborn about 1923
FlewellenO Wborn about 1917
FlewellenWillie born about 1936
FlowersLena born about 1878
FordAgnes born about 1910
FordClement born about 1906
FordDoris born about 1933
FordDorothy born about 1933
FordErnest born about 1932
FordFlorence born about 1885
FordJohn Henryborn about 1914
FordLevia born about 1935
FordLizzy born about 1918
FordLois born about 1904
FordRuth born about 1930
FordW Aborn about 1902
FordW Sborn about 1871
FordWilliam Hborn about 1926
ForsEddie born about 1934
ForsEssie Maeborn about 1919
ForsJohn Hborn about 1915
ForsRobert born about 1939
FosterW Pborn about 1920
FowlerAnna born about 1867
FowlerAnnie Mborn about 1915
FowlerBennie born about 1870
FowlerBennie born about 1919
FowlerBerniece born about 1937
FowlerCallie born about 1895
FowlerCarie Bellborn about 1939
FowlerClara born about 1922
FowlerClaudie born about 1917
FowlerDolly born about 1923
FowlerEddie born about 1880
FowlerEddie born about 1915
FowlerEdna Mborn about 1926
FowlerElla born about 1873
FowlerFrank born about 1932
FowlerGressia Jborn about 1910
FowlerHenry Jr born about 1910
FowlerHenry Sr born about 1874
FowlerJames born about 1905
FowlerJames born about 1939
FowlerJennie born about 1880
FowlerJimmie Leeborn about 1923
FowlerJimmie Jr born about 1939
FowlerKathe born about 1922
FowlerLenola born about 1939
FowlerMargret born about 1922
FowlerMary Eborn about 1908
FowlerMillidge born about 1870
FowlerMinniel born about 1911
FowlerNadine born about 1938
FowlerNella born about 1910
FowlerNelson born about 1926
FowlerOdos born about 1924
FowlerPiralee born about 1928
FowlerRoland born about 1924
FowlerRuby born about 1937
FowlerRuther born about 1904
FowlerRuther Jr born about 1937
FowlerSalomon born about 1939
FowlerThelma born about 1927
FowlerWillie Jborn about 1929
FowlerWilma born about 1930
FranklandCarl born about 1933
FranklandEddie born about 1906
FranklandLuke born about 1931
FranklandLula Bellborn about 1909
FranklandMathew born about 1931
FranklandSusie Fborn about 1927
FranklandWillieette born about 1929
FrazierBeatrice born about 1937
FrazierClyde born about 1940
FrazierEdward born about 1938
FrazierFlora born about 1914
FrazierGeorge born about 1927
FrazierLouis born about 1910
FrazierLouis Jr born about 1929
FrazierLouise born about 1932
FrazierMaude born about 1933
FremanCharlie born about 1927
FremanDan born about 1927
FurgersonMattie born about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GainesC Hborn about 1927
GainesCharlie Willborn about 1923
GainesGeneva born about 1935
GainesHenry Jr born about 1928
GainesLouise born about 1932
GainesLoxey Maeborn about 1901
GainesPerry Leeborn about 1922
GainesWillie Leeborn about 1933
GammageAlace born about 1934
GammageBurniece born about 1939
GammageCharlie born about 1906
GammageCharlie Eborn about 1927
GammageDavid born about 1938
GammageElsie born about 1905
GammageEva Maborn about 1915
GammageJoseph born about 1910
GammageJosephine born about 1908
GammageJosephine born about 1937
GammageJuanata born about 1930
GammageMalinda born about 1935
GammageMoses born about 1930
GammageNemiah born about 1928
GammageRichard born about 1932
GammageRose born about 1935
GammageRose Lborn about 1915
GammageSallie Lborn about 1934
GammageVera born about 1938
GardnerWillmer born about 1926
GarvinMamie born about 1889
GassAmos born about 1930
GassAustin born about 1932
GassBerniece born about 1936
GassEarnest born about 1934
GassEthleen born about 1928
GassFannie born about 1912
GassFleater born about 1935
GassHattie born about 1903
GassHattie Pearlborn about 1937
GassHoward born about 1901
GassHoward born about 1924
GassJunior born about 1938
GassKathleen born about 1932
GassKaty Mborn about 1922
GassLois born about 1939
GassThomas born about 1926
GassUlyess born about 1910
GauldenBill born about 1917
GauldenElouise born about 1923
GauldenGwendolyn born about 1939
GayBen born about 1877
GayDorothy born about 1939
GayJ Davidborn about 1897
GayPosie Leeborn about 1919
GaySimon born about 1938
GenesAuthur born about 1910
GenesEvelina born about 1934
GenesJohnie Mborn about 1936
GenesLeola born about 1915
GenesLonza born about 1939
GilbertJohn born about 1890
GipsonGordon born about 1899
GipsonJunior born about 1928
GoffJerry born about 1938
GoffJohn born about 1912
GoffMildred born about 1917
GoffNorman born about 1936
GordenFrankie Mborn about 1918
GordenJasper born about 1916
GordenJasper Jr born about 1939
GordonBobbie born about 1926
GordonFrank born about 1874
GordonGladis born about 1928
GordonJ Dborn about 1924
GordonJunior born about 1920
GordonLeornia born about 1933
GordonNettie born about 1897
GrahamJr born about 1926
GrahamLula born about 1890
GrahamTobe born about 1878
GrahamWillie born about 1930
GrayBurtha born about 1924
GrayCora born about 1902
GrayLula born about 1926
GrayWalter born about 1920
GrayWillie born about 1896
GreenAndrew born about 1891
GreenEldora born about 1895
GreenEmma born about 1895
GreenJessie born about 1926
GreenJim born about 1865
GreenJohn born about 1939
GreenLonie Mborn about 1939
GreenMattie Bborn about 1938
GreenOscer born about 1887
GreenRusia Bellborn about 1915
GreenWessie Lborn about 1935
GriffinWillie Cborn about 1934
GrinerEdieth born about 1925
GrinerEunice born about 1916
GrinerMaude born about 1886
GrinerS Bborn about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallAurtha born about 1936
HallBatten born about 1918
HallBatten Jr born about 1938
HallDorothy born about 1935
HallEddie Bborn about 1933
HallEmalee born about 1931
HallEveline born about 1907
HallFloreen born about 1939
HallFrances born about 1927
HallG Cborn about 1908
HallHenry born about 1905
HallInezia born about 1929
HallJack born about 1870
HallJannie born about 1935
HallJim born about 1915
HallJimmie born about 1915
HallJoe Lborn about 1940
HallJohn Hborn about 1927
HallL Dborn about 1920
HallLilla born about 1880
HallMamie born about 1902
HallMyrtle born about 1932
HallOssia Pborn about 1937
HallPerley born about 1922
HallRose Leeborn about 1910
HallRosie born about 1928
HallRucia Bellborn about 1926
HallSeberan born about 1900
HannerJames Eborn about 1918
HardyArcell born about 1930
HardyDave born about 1900
HardyLula Bborn about 1902
HarrisJessie born about 1867
HatcherEffie born about 1898
HatcherI Aborn about 1884
HatcherJ Arthurborn about 1911
HatcherMather born about 1930
HatcherNaomi born about 1917
HatcherTrummie born about 1923
HatcherYevone born about 1939
HatleyFrank born about 1905
HatleyFrank Jr born about 1931
HatleyJulia born about 1939
HatleyRichmond born about 1933
HatleyRosevelt born about 1936
HatleyWalter born about 1935
HatleyWesley born about 1908
HavisCarrie born about 1935
HavisJames born about 1915
HavisJames Jr born about 1937
HavisWillie Mborn about 1919
HawkinsJohn born about 1868
HawkinsJohnie Jr born about 1934
HendersonAlbert born about 1936
HendersonAnnie Rborn about 1938
HendersonCornilian born about 1935
HendersonEdwiner born about 1920
HendersonEllen born about 1905
HendersonFredie Lborn about 1932
HendersonHelen born about 1940
HendersonJames born about 1920
HendersonJay born about 1905
HendersonJay Jr born about 1922
HendersonWillie born about 1933
HenryEllen born about 1870
HenryEstella born about 1936
HenryJohn Mborn about 1911
HenryJohn M Jrborn about 1939
HenryNessie Mborn about 1917
HenryPellem born about 1933
HenryQulabell born about 1920
HenryThomas born about 1906
HillAdonis born about 1908
HillAlberta born about 1912
HillAlice born about 1900
HillB Jborn about 1912
HillBen Jborn about 1899
HillBirthlee born about 1938
HillCathereen born about 1935
HillColtte born about 1930
HillComolene born about 1934
HillDasie Bborn about 1922
HillDeloris born about 1936
HillE Bborn about 1938
HillEssie Leeborn about 1892
HillFlora born about 1885
HillFrancess born about 1938
HillFrank born about 1890
HillFrank Jr born about 1922
HillGeorge born about 1936
HillGeorgia born about 1898
HillGilbert born about 1919
HillGladise born about 1932
HillH Cborn about 1891
HillHenrietta born about 1938
HillJames born about 1890
HillJames born about 1919
HillJames Jborn about 1933
HillJimme Leeborn about 1919
HillJimmie Jr born about 1939
HillLee Juniusborn about 1925
HillLucius born about 1934
HillMattie Pborn about 1940
HillMinnie Leeborn about 1923
HillPearley born about 1908
HillRencia born about 1902
HillRobert Lborn about 1910
HillRosie born about 1901
HillStella born about 1909
HillSusie born about 1917
HillUlia Dborn about 1918
HillVerner born about 1936
HillVidis born about 1931
HodgeAlberta born about 1920
HodgeEaver Bborn about 1918
HodgeJames born about 1925
HodgeJohnie born about 1918
HodgeLola Bborn about 1936
HodgeLouise born about 1932
HodgeOssie Maeborn about 1935
HodgeRody Leeborn about 1922
HodgeW Bborn about 1931
HodgeW Maybellborn about 1908
HodgeWillie born about 1895
HodgeWillie born about 1917
HolomanShaller born about 1922
HoltBell born about 1916
HoltE Tborn about 1930
HoltInez born about 1936
HoltJames born about 1938
HoltNelson born about 1913
HoustonC Cborn about 1874
HoustonGreen born about 1854
HoustonMandie born about 1858
HuntEd Leeborn about 1920
HuntGeorgia Annborn about 1875
HuntJohnie Leeborn about 1910
HuntJohnie Jr born about 1933
HuntMoriece born about 1927
HuntRudolph born about 1935
HuntRusia Bellborn about 1921
HuntWillie Leeborn about 1937
HurstRody born about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IsonHubert born about 1933

J Surnames

JacksonAnette born about 1927
JacksonAnglen born about 1925
JacksonCharlie Mborn about 1930
JacksonFannie Mborn about 1915
JacksonIssac born about 1934
JacksonJim born about 1886
JacksonMose born about 1900
JacksonPat Jr born about 1930
JacksonRencia Bellborn about 1920
JacksonTom born about 1932
JacksonWash born about 1890
JacksonWillie Bborn about 1897
JacksonWillie Hborn about 1929
JerdonBurel born about 1872
JerdonC Fborn about 1928
JerdonChristine born about 1937
JerdonCleoatha born about 1934
JerdonDealma born about 1921
JerdonDoretha born about 1927
JerdonJoe born about 1923
JerdonJosh born about 1896
JerdonMargrete born about 1935
JerdonMary Francesborn about 1939
JerdonMusterbe born about 1930
JerdonPauline born about 1904
JerdonRenia born about 1869
JerdonWillie Bellborn about 1934
JinkinsAngelee born about 1898
JinkinsAnnie born about 1903
JinkinsBarney born about 1917
JinkinsBennice born about 1933
JinkinsCharlie born about 1934
JinkinsFrank born about 1939
JinkinsGeorgie born about 1940
JinkinsGreen born about 1892
JinkinsHarvey born about 1908
JinkinsJennie Lborn about 1927
JinkinsJimmie born about 1939
JinkinsJohnie Bborn about 1921
JinkinsLiza born about 1875
JinkinsLula born about 1920
JinkinsPauline born about 1937
JinkinsRiece born about 1936
JinkinsSam born about 1901
JinkinsShurman born about 1928
JinkinsWayde born about 1900
JinkinsWillie Bborn about 1913
JinksAlice born about 1935
JinksFrances born about 1931
JinksJennie born about 1900
JinksLucile born about 1910
JinksSally born about 1940
JohnsonAnna born about 1875
JohnsonCarl born about 1936
JohnsonEarl born about 1939
JohnsonEpsey Maeborn about 1922
JohnsonErnest born about 1911
JohnsonEthel born about 1916
JohnsonEva born about 1922
JohnsonGalley born about 1870
JohnsonGarfield born about 1895
JohnsonJohn born about 1873
JohnsonR Dborn about 1921
JonesAlburta born about 1913
JonesAndrew born about 1940
JonesArellia born about 1924
JonesArlene born about 1909
JonesEma Mborn about 1936
JonesJ Bborn about 1912
JonesJessie born about 1907
JonesJessie born about 1926
JonesJoe born about 1915
JonesJoe Leeborn about 1907
JonesJoe Jr born about 1938
JonesJosebell born about 1890
JonesJosebell born about 1910
JonesLeroy born about 1937
JonesLula born about 1895
JonesMac born about 1924
JonesMardella born about 1932
JonesMartha born about 1939
JonesMary born about 1917
JonesMary born about 1918
JonesMattie Mborn about 1935
JonesRilles born about 1865
JonesSisroe born about 1937
JonesWalter born about 1930
JonesWill born about 1933
JonesWillie born about 1934
JonesWillie Bborn about 1924
JoseVirginina born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KillingsLulla Maeborn about 1928
KingAnnie Bborn about 1910
KingAuther Lborn about 1938
KingComer born about 1897
KingDinia born about 1934
KingEddie Leeborn about 1904
KingOllie born about 1870
KingOrelee born about 1917
KingRobert born about 1918
KingSusie born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LeeBulla Mborn about 1932
LeeCarrie born about 1890
LeeElvira born about 1905
LeeMary born about 1915
LeePauline born about 1931
LeePrestant born about 1885
LeePrestant Jr born about 1933
LeeWillie born about 1912
LightEddie Bborn about 1931
LightElla born about 1880
LightG Cborn about 1922
LightPrince born about 1872
LouisCora Leeborn about 1935
LouisEssie Maeborn about 1928
LouisGeorge born about 1912
LouisGeraldine born about 1933
LouisLouise born about 1938
LouisOssie born about 1922
LouisQueen born about 1913
LoveWillie Jborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaconHarden born about 1919
MagonaRossie born about 1936
MagowinGrothe Jborn about 1936
MagowinWillie Jr born about 1934
MarrettMary Lborn about 1939
MarrettOla Maeborn about 1937
MasonAuther born about 1927
MasonErnest born about 1937
MasonEverett born about 1934
MasonRay born about 1930
MasonWest born about 1928
MayoS Cborn about 1898
McdonaldB Wborn about 1892
McdonaldBobbie born about 1931
McdonaldChepovildo born about 1929
McdonaldG Cborn about 1916
McdonaldGenevia born about 1934
McdonaldGlendon born about 1939
McdonaldJimmie born about 1936
McdonaldLener born about 1895
McdonaldNell born about 1919
McdonaldTepie born about 1900
McdonaldTony born about 1938
McgeeAda Bborn about 1912
McgeeClaude Gborn about 1926
McgeeEveline Eborn about 1922
McgeeGeorge Bborn about 1906
McgeeGracie born about 1937
McgeeJoe Mborn about 1914
McgeeJoeline born about 1934
McgeeJudy Annborn about 1939
McgeeKassie born about 1918
McgeeLarrie born about 1935
McgeeLee born about 1913
McgeeLouise born about 1938
McgeeR Leeborn about 1909
McgeeRoger born about 1910
McgeeRoger Jr born about 1932
McgeeRosevelt born about 1939
McgeeRuby Dborn about 1928
McgeeRufus born about 1936
McgowinAnnie Bellborn about 1895
McgowinLeroy born about 1932
McgowinsEddie Dborn about 1933
McgowinsWillie Tborn about 1936
MckelvieElz born about 1919
MckelvieJ Tborn about 1918
MckelvieJessie Bborn about 1920
MckelvieRoberta born about 1882
MckelvieWillie Gborn about 1923
MckinseyAda born about 1891
MckinseyEli born about 1886
McwallsClyde born about 1930
MelderGeorgia Maeborn about 1933
MeldonAlbert Jr born about 1935
MeldonFlossie born about 1928
MerritElda born about 1917
MerritElisia born about 1923
MerritJ Bborn about 1912
MerritJ Dborn about 1935
MerritLugine born about 1912
MerritMollie born about 1910
MerrittDoris born about 1936
MerrittWilliam born about 1888
MillsDora born about 1874
MitchelAlace born about 1936
MitchelBenjaman born about 1938
MitchelClifford born about 1934
MitchelEma Bellborn about 1937
MitchelEma Mborn about 1911
MitchelJoseph born about 1909
MitchelJoseph Jr born about 1931
ModenErnest born about 1907
ModenIrene born about 1907
MooreAddie born about 1905
MooreBillie born about 1931
MooreClaylon born about 1935
MooreEmma born about 1867
MooreJames born about 1919
MooreJessie Leeborn about 1932
MooreMiles Aborn about 1887
MooreNassarie born about 1928
MooreQuinton born about 1926
MooreUlamae born about 1938
MoreeAlfred born about 1874
MoreeCharles born about 1936
MoreeGladis born about 1907
MoreeI Hborn about 1905
MoreeJack born about 1930
MoreeJulian born about 1908
MoreeLamar born about 1927
MoreeLiza born about 1890
MoreeMarylee born about 1916
MoreeNina born about 1910
MoreeT Bborn about 1886
MoreeWayne born about 1935
MorrisClara born about 1910
MorrisLorance born about 1939
MorrisLorine born about 1928
MorrisMary born about 1926
MorrisNancy born about 1932
MorrisWill born about 1908
MorrisWillie Maeborn about 1934
MotesMattie born about 1934
MotesWilliam born about 1935
MullisBig Steperborn about 1930
MurrayChester born about 1900
MurrayElvira born about 1892
MurrayJohn born about 1869
MurrayMaggie born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealDorothy born about 1927
NealElean born about 1930
NealEssie Mborn about 1906
NealEtheal born about 1935
NealNadine born about 1937
NealNathaniel born about 1932
NealSusie Mborn about 1924
NealThomas born about 1933
NealWilliam born about 1939
NealWillie born about 1904
NealWillie Bborn about 1926
NelsonAnnie born about 1897
NelsonJulius born about 1898
NelsonMary Lborn about 1938
NelsonT Jborn about 1917
NoblesAda born about 1910
NoblesClifford born about 1897
NolesSally born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OliverLucile born about 1915
OliverRody born about 1905
OsleyDelma born about 1931
OsleyEthel Leeborn about 1907
OsleyMartha born about 1934

P Surnames

ParkerFlorence born about 1858
ParkerThomas born about 1896
PhillipsAnnie born about 1928
PhillipsGeorge born about 1902
PhillipsLilly Maeborn about 1908
PhillipsMelton born about 1932
PhillipsRay born about 1937
PiersonAgnes born about 1914
PiersonCharlie Jborn about 1909
PiersonJ Zborn about 1875
PiersonJanette born about 1938
PiersonLamar born about 1937
PiersonLonie born about 1884
PiersonMarion born about 1913
PiersonMattie born about 1919
PittmanFannie Mborn about 1925
PittmanGeorge born about 1890
PittmanGeorge Jr born about 1919
PittmanLula Mborn about 1930
PittmanMamie born about 1888
PittmanMammie born about 1931
PittmanMary born about 1933
PittmanSally born about 1875
PittmanSally born about 1921
PittmanWesley born about 1927
PittmanWillie Leeborn about 1923
PoliteDennis born about 1936
PoliteJulia Maeborn about 1919
PoliteL Dborn about 1938
PoliteLenard Bborn about 1934
PoliteP Wborn about 1915
PorterAnnie born about 1930
PorterAretha born about 1925
PorterC Fborn about 1891
PorterCharlie born about 1923
PorterCharlie Sborn about 1926
PorterChristine born about 1923
PorterForest born about 1924
PorterHortense born about 1906
PorterJ T Mrsborn about 1885
PorterMary born about 1925
PorterNellie born about 1906
PorterRobert Lborn about 1934
PorterTracy born about 1926
PorterWillie Dborn about 1906
PowellOsie born about 1887
PowellW Jborn about 1887
PriceOscer born about 1932
PriceWill Bborn about 1930
ProctorEllick born about 1865
ProctorSusie born about 1870
ProctorSusie Maeborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RabunLara born about 1919
RangeL Cborn about 1922
RangeLille Maeborn about 1921
ReynoldsDorothy born about 1927
ReynoldsGwendolyn born about 1931
ReynoldsJ Jborn about 1894
ReynoldsJimmie born about 1901
ReynoldsJoe Annborn about 1935
RichardsonCharlie Lborn about 1934
RichardsonJohn born about 1914
RichardsonWill born about 1918
RobertsAmos born about 1880
RobertsElmios born about 1909
RobertsFrances born about 1908
RobertsGeorgia Maeborn about 1919
RobertsHattie born about 1929
RobertsHattie Leeborn about 1938
RobertsHeddie born about 1891
RobertsJoseph born about 1926
RobertsLouise born about 1939
RobertsLulla born about 1915
RobertsMarylee born about 1924
RobertsMattie Maeborn about 1916
RobertsRoger born about 1928
RobertsWillie Leeborn about 1912
RobertsonAbaraham born about 1920
RobertsonAgnell born about 1937
RobertsonBat born about 1918
RobertsonCharlie born about 1939
RobertsonClara born about 1918
RobertsonEddie born about 1927
RobertsonErnest born about 1932
RobertsonEula Maeborn about 1923
RobertsonGussie born about 1905
RobertsonHomer Leeborn about 1921
RobertsonJames born about 1935
RobertsonLilly Mborn about 1926
RobertsonLuajh born about 1939
RobertsonLugine born about 1934
RossAnnie Bborn about 1895
RossDan born about 1885
RouseAnne born about 1938
RouseIda born about 1886
RouseJames born about 1919
RouseS Cborn about 1879
RouseVirginina born about 1916
RushCleola born about 1915
RushJimmie Lborn about 1928
RushLenard born about 1940
RushLidy Bborn about 1932
RushMarylee born about 1933
RushNellie born about 1910
RushRichard born about 1897
RushRichard Jr born about 1935
RushWill Eborn about 1912
RushWillie Jborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamsAlma born about 1899
SamsJoan born about 1931
SamsMartha born about 1926
SamsW Wborn about 1894
SandersRoberta born about 1910
ScottGeorge born about 1905
ScottWorley born about 1910
SegrovesRamsey born about 1871
SegrovesViola born about 1884
ShiverAlvin born about 1921
ShiverAngeline Mborn about 1933
ShiverAnnie born about 1900
ShiverBeulah Fborn about 1892
ShiverDave born about 1898
ShiverDonald born about 1940
ShiverE Cborn about 1902
ShiverEhrman Jr born about 1935
ShiverElizabeth Fborn about 1894
ShiverErnest Jborn about 1919
ShiverGene born about 1930
ShiverIssac Lborn about 1883
ShiverJ Fborn about 1914
ShiverJoe Kborn about 1926
ShiverLa Vert born about 1918
ShiverLensey born about 1933
ShiverLessie born about 1897
ShiverLois born about 1905
ShiverLorin Jborn about 1924
ShiverMaggie Eborn about 1881
ShiverMary Lborn about 1907
ShiverO Jborn about 1893
ShiverRaymond born about 1925
ShiverSherman born about 1935
ShiverThelma Fborn about 1922
ShiverVelma Cborn about 1922
ShiverWalter Fborn about 1888
ShiverWarren born about 1938
ShiverWayne born about 1935
ShiverWeldon Lborn about 1917
ShiverWesley born about 1890
ShiverWilliam born about 1903
ShiverWilliam Iborn about 1931
ShiverWynelle born about 1939
SmithBush born about 1912
SmithDorothy Jborn about 1935
SmithElzie born about 1916
SmithElzie Jr born about 1939
SmithEnna Leeborn about 1937
SmithEvlyn born about 1917
SmithGaldis born about 1920
SmithJ Wborn about 1937
SmithJolly Maeborn about 1939
SmithLenna born about 1895
SmithLouzie born about 1877
SmithRobert born about 1924
SmithRosevelt born about 1939
SmithWillie Bellborn about 1912
SolomanEddie born about 1914
SpringsWill born about 1871
StephensThelma born about 1925
StephensonSteave born about 1911
StephensonWillie Maeborn about 1916
StillCarolin born about 1938
StillHaraland born about 1938
StockieJohn born about 1929
StockinsLulabell born about 1933
StockinsSisro born about 1935
StuckeyCharlie born about 1925
StuckeyComilla born about 1895
StuckeyJimmie Lborn about 1930
StuckeyJohnie Bborn about 1924
StuckeyLucile born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TealDavid born about 1915
TealLuther born about 1882
TealMollie born about 1884
TelErnest born about 1937
TelKattie born about 1884
TelMorris born about 1918
ThomasAnne born about 1900
ThomasClem born about 1929
ThomasDaisy born about 1911
ThomasFannie born about 1873
ThomasGertrude born about 1905
ThomasPauline born about 1907
ThomasPerl born about 1909
ThomasRoger born about 1924
ThomasStella born about 1901
ThomasWillie born about 1907
ThomasWillie born about 1922
ThorntonAnnie born about 1901
ThorntonBerniece born about 1928
ThorntonClifford born about 1936
ThorntonDougless born about 1935
ThorntonFannie born about 1926
ThorntonGeorge born about 1909
ThorntonMary born about 1869
ThorntonPearl born about 1913
ThorntonR Fborn about 1907
ThorntonW Mborn about 1868
ThorntonWillene born about 1930
TiffAlma born about 1920
TiftA Cborn about 1909
TiftAffos born about 1900
TiftFlossie Leeborn about 1934
TiftHenretta born about 1938
TiftIda born about 1910
TiftJessie Dborn about 1907
TiftJessie Leeborn about 1929
TiftJim born about 1931
TiftJohn Lborn about 1930
TiftLeroy born about 1926
TiftMartha born about 1920
TiftMattie born about 1880
TiftRobert Leeborn about 1921
TisonJimmie born about 1917
TomerCora born about 1890
TomerWill born about 1885
TumerDave born about 1900
TumerEmily born about 1905
TumerGennie born about 1921
TumerGrady born about 1939
TumerJames born about 1937
TumerJessie born about 1923
TumerMary Willborn about 1924
TumerRaymond born about 1919
TurnerAlburta born about 1939
TurnerHester born about 1912
TurnerJames born about 1935
TurnerJunior born about 1932
TurnerMarshall born about 1910
TurnerMary born about 1938
TurnerOma born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VantzBula born about 1873
VantzDorothy born about 1926
VantzFulton born about 1920
VantzH Aborn about 1872
VantzIra born about 1895
VantzLavonia born about 1938
VantzLilly born about 1902
VantzMilton born about 1922
VantzRayford born about 1933
VantzRemise born about 1929
VantzRoyal born about 1924
VickersonArche born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeA Cborn about 1931
WadeEugene born about 1925
WadeJohn born about 1927
WadeOla born about 1885
WadeTom born about 1922
WalkerClara born about 1875
WalkerCroford born about 1877
WalkerEddie Leeborn about 1919
WalkerEllick born about 1918
WalkerElsie born about 1917
WalkerErnest Cborn about 1924
WalkerHeddie born about 1880
WalkerJohnie Wborn about 1924
WalkerJulia born about 1919
WalkerLilly Bborn about 1923
WalkerMinnie Lborn about 1925
WallAnna born about 1888
WallKatherine born about 1921
WallLenia born about 1915
WallRube born about 1910
WallRuby born about 1919
WallRuth born about 1933
WallThomas born about 1934
WallTom born about 1872
WallTom born about 1934
WallsGeorgia born about 1886
WallsJames born about 1930
WallsJohn born about 1924
WallsMaurisia born about 1898
WallsW Bborn about 1897
WashingtonBennie born about 1915
WashingtonCherrie born about 1917
WashingtonErnest born about 1923
WashingtonFrank born about 1885
WashingtonHenry born about 1936
WashingtonJames born about 1937
WashingtonJimmie born about 1935
WashingtonJunior born about 1933
WashingtonLuiza born about 1890
WashingtonMaxie Bborn about 1915
WashingtonRoseanna born about 1924
WashingtonVera born about 1934
WashingtonWalter born about 1905
WatersLa Mar born about 1923
WatsonTommie born about 1917
WaydeBuddie born about 1915
WaydeLilly born about 1917
WhearryAbe born about 1860
WhearryAberaham born about 1900
WhearryAnnie born about 1904
WhearryAthan born about 1897
WhearryCerly Maeborn about 1923
WhearryCertus born about 1932
WhearryClarence born about 1924
WhearryEddy Bborn about 1934
WhearryMattie born about 1907
WhearryOssie born about 1905
WhearrySavilla born about 1869
WhearryWalter born about 1900
WhiddonLucy born about 1861
WilliamsAddelee born about 1918
WilliamsAdonis born about 1935
WilliamsAnderson born about 1877
WilliamsAnnie Bborn about 1902
WilliamsAnnie Perlborn about 1922
WilliamsArthur born about 1940
WilliamsBell born about 1932
WilliamsBen Lborn about 1932
WilliamsBessie born about 1895
WilliamsCharlie born about 1924
WilliamsClote born about 1928
WilliamsCoreen born about 1901
WilliamsCorenia born about 1912
WilliamsCurley Bborn about 1916
WilliamsDelories born about 1916
WilliamsEddie born about 1898
WilliamsForest Dborn about 1936
WilliamsFreddie born about 1920
WilliamsHarvey born about 1935
WilliamsHenrietta born about 1906
WilliamsHenritta born about 1875
WilliamsHisiah born about 1905
WilliamsJ Cborn about 1919
WilliamsJack born about 1862
WilliamsJames born about 1910
WilliamsJerry born about 1895
WilliamsJohn Hborn about 1926
WilliamsJohn Leeborn about 1922
WilliamsLucendon born about 1890
WilliamsLula born about 1880
WilliamsLulla Bborn about 1934
WilliamsM Cborn about 1922
WilliamsMaggie born about 1918
WilliamsMary born about 1938
WilliamsMat born about 1922
WilliamsMay Lborn about 1937
WilliamsMinnie born about 1887
WilliamsNoble born about 1885
WilliamsNoman born about 1935
WilliamsPearl born about 1937
WilliamsR Bborn about 1914
WilliamsRillia born about 1921
WilliamsRose born about 1890
WilliamsRosevoelt born about 1921
WilliamsSims born about 1900
WilliamsTilla born about 1909
WilliamsTom born about 1901
WilliamsVilolet born about 1919
WilliamsVirgirnia born about 1894
WilliamsWill born about 1892
WilliamsWillie born about 1885
WilliamsWillie born about 1915
WilliamsWillie born about 1928
WilliamsWillie Lborn about 1928
WillisonAdeline born about 1920
WillisonCharlie born about 1910
WillsonJr born about 1938
WilsonAnnie Lborn about 1917
WilsonBobbie Lborn about 1931
WilsonEddie Dborn about 1915
WilsonEpsia born about 1894
WilsonJinnie born about 1870
WilsonMartha born about 1940
WilsonWalter born about 1877
WingateAlice born about 1937
WingateD Fborn about 1913
WingateGurtgrude born about 1913
WingateLula born about 1882
WingateW Dborn about 1870
WiseFannie Cborn about 1928
WiseJohnie born about 1895
WiseMary Perlborn about 1924
WoldbrightAnnie Bborn about 1897
WoldbrightAnnie Bellborn about 1940
WoldbrightJohnie Mborn about 1920
WoldbrightRobert born about 1918
WoldbrightSisro born about 1890
WoodCoreen born about 1927
WoodsAuther born about 1918
WoodsBen born about 1938
WoodsCassie Mborn about 1919
WoodsDorothy born about 1935
WoodsEugene born about 1940
WoodsJoy Leeborn about 1939
WoodsOla born about 1911
WoodsRobert born about 1909
WoodsRobert Jr born about 1937
WoodsWillie born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YancyWillie Maeborn about 1930

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