1940 U.S. Federal Census of Riedmont, Lamar, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Lamar County > 1940 Census of Riedmont

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllenAmie Gborn about 1903
AllenCurtis Bborn about 1939
AllenCurtis Wborn about 1893
AllenJeff born about 1918
AllenJosie born about 1870
AllenWilliam born about 1870
AndrewsBertha Lborn about 1919
AndrewsEmridge born about 1913
AndrewsLizzie born about 1877
AndrewsLucile born about 1939
AndrewsThornah born about 1916
ArnoldD Leonborn about 1924
ArnoldHazel Gborn about 1926
ArnoldIrene born about 1903
ArnoldJames Eborn about 1903
ArnoldJames Mborn about 1886
ArnoldJames Jr born about 1934
ArnoldJewell Jborn about 1931
ArnoldT Jborn about 1922
ArnoldWilmer born about 1928

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B Surnames

BeardAnnie born about 1899
BeardLee born about 1898
BeardMary Leeborn about 1931
BeardWillie born about 1929
BeloteAckley born about 1924
BeloteHarley born about 1922
BeloteLillian born about 1898
BeloteMargaret born about 1926
BoggsFrances born about 1927
BoggsJohn Wborn about 1903
BoggsLois born about 1931
BoggsMary born about 1929
BoggsPearl born about 1933
BoggsThelma born about 1904
BoggsTommy born about 1939
BooleBonnie Annborn about 1940
BooleBoyd Tborn about 1916
BooleNell born about 1917
BoothDonald Eborn about 1938
BoothFrances Lborn about 1921
BoothJack Cborn about 1917
BullardCharlie Sborn about 1883
BullardEffie born about 1890
BullardJewell Aborn about 1923
BullardNellie born about 1884
BullardWill Pborn about 1881
BurseyEula Maeborn about 1892
BurseyGeorgia Lborn about 1925
BurseyMelvin Wborn about 1914
BurseyPete born about 1927
BurseySamuel Rborn about 1888

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C Surnames

CarpenterDaniel born about 1904
CarpenterEthel Oborn about 1934
CarpenterRuby Maeborn about 1907
ColquittAlbert born about 1890
ColquittAnnie Rborn about 1920
ColquittJennie Maeborn about 1937
ColquittLizzie Maeborn about 1917
ColquittT Jborn about 1917
ColquittT J Jrborn about 1939
CouchAda Wborn about 1905
CouchLige born about 1901
CriswellJames Mborn about 1938
CriswellOra Leeborn about 1923
CunninghamAllie born about 1894
CunninghamAlvin born about 1890

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D Surnames

DeasonAgnes born about 1927
DeasonBetty Jeanborn about 1931
DeasonCammie born about 1890
DeasonCharlie born about 1886
DeatonClaude born about 1922
DeatonEdna Aborn about 1923
DeatonG Ireneborn about 1939
DeatonGladys born about 1915
DeatonGrover Cborn about 1936
DeatonHomer born about 1902
DeatonJ Lborn about 1934
DeatonJames born about 1925
DrakeLucile born about 1905

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E Surnames

ElliottJames Wborn about 1875
ElliottMattie Lborn about 1883
ElliottOpal born about 1887
EllisonRuth born about 1922
EllisonStay born about 1912

F Surnames

FewHarry Pborn about 1923
FewJames Hborn about 1888
FewLewis Wborn about 1921
FewMarjorie born about 1917
FewMary Eborn about 1891
FewRupert Mborn about 1915
FewTyus Sborn about 1919
FlournoyAnnie born about 1902
FlournoyEugene born about 1896

G Surnames

GroganEvelyn born about 1904
GroganKathleen born about 1927
GroganKermit born about 1925
GroganRalph Jborn about 1896
GunterDavid born about 1916
GunterLamb Gborn about 1885
GunterLillian born about 1886
GunterP Elreeborn about 1918

H Surnames

HamlettJ Dborn about 1918
HamlettJames Rborn about 1925
HamlettJewell born about 1902
HamlettOza born about 1892
HamlettWillie Eborn about 1927
HarkinSallie Tborn about 1884
HarkinWillie Joeborn about 1884
HarrisAnnie Maeborn about 1924
HarrisC Emoryborn about 1892
HarrisG Reubenborn about 1927
HarrisJessie born about 1896
HarrisW Franklinborn about 1930
HendersonLabon born about 1913
HerthVonnie born about 1915
HicksCharlie Jamesborn about 1933
HicksElosia born about 1912
HicksEthel Maeborn about 1940
HicksH Bborn about 1930
HicksJ Bborn about 1910
HicksLewis born about 1931
HicksNannie born about 1936
HicksWillie Maeborn about 1938
HowardRosa born about 1906
HowardWillis born about 1895
HurdEmma born about 1864

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J Surnames

JacksonAndrew born about 1886
JacksonDella born about 1886
JohnsonGeorge Annborn about 1852
JordanBennie born about 1897
JordanElijah born about 1924
JordanLeola born about 1901

K Surnames

KnightArthur born about 1927
KnightEthel born about 1883
KnightHarvey born about 1879
KnightVirginia born about 1930

L Surnames

LawrenceMarjorie born about 1930
LewisClarice born about 1927
LewisEffie born about 1909
LewisFred born about 1932
LewisPhillip born about 1930
LewisSusanna born about 1926
LewisWayman born about 1902

M Surnames

MartinGreen Hborn about 1873
MartinRilla born about 1875
MassAllee Fairborn about 1903
MassDimple Joeborn about 1931
MassEdna Earleborn about 1929
MassFulton born about 1933
MassJ Bborn about 1926
MassJack born about 1939
MassTommy born about 1935
MassWilliam Dborn about 1903
MassWimberly born about 1927
MathewsBessie born about 1902
MathewsDoris born about 1932
MathewsJim Lborn about 1887
MathewsRalph born about 1925
MccordJoe Fborn about 1876
McdanielAnnie Fborn about 1924
McdanielC Hborn about 1926
McdanielCallie Hborn about 1893
McdanielDurward born about 1934
McdanielEtsel born about 1936
McdanielLeon Hborn about 1916
McdanielLizzie Bethborn about 1894
McdanielRoy born about 1923
McdanielVernon born about 1931
MillerCharlie Jamesborn about 1936
MillerCharlie Willborn about 1929
MillerClinton born about 1932
MillerEarnest born about 1915
MillerEdward born about 1939
MillerJosephine born about 1913
MillerLouise born about 1938
MillerNed born about 1917
MillerOtis born about 1910
MillerOtis Jr born about 1930
MillerVelma born about 1915
MillerWilliam born about 1911
MitchellJ Floydborn about 1902
MitchellRosella Mborn about 1903
MitchellVirginia Lborn about 1936

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P Surnames

PerdueAlma born about 1915
PerdueAnnie Carrieborn about 1919
PerdueBennie born about 1917
PerdueBessie Louborn about 1927
PerdueClarence born about 1931
PerdueDoris born about 1935
PerdueEdward born about 1922
PerdueEstella born about 1893
PerdueFarris born about 1921
PerdueHazel born about 1930
PerdueJames Aborn about 1927
PerdueJimmy Rborn about 1923
PerdueLuevaina born about 1926
PerdueNath Pborn about 1892
PerdueRebecca born about 1918
PerdueRosa Nborn about 1932
PerdueThomas born about 1923

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R Surnames

ReddenAnnie Maeborn about 1904
ReddenJoe born about 1898
RichardsonAdem born about 1920
RichardsonAlmar born about 1931
RichardsonAscholis born about 1935
RichardsonCleo born about 1929
RichardsonEula Maeborn about 1939
RichardsonJodie born about 1924
RichardsonJohnnie born about 1926
RichardsonLeila born about 1895
RichardsonOscar born about 1883
RichardsonOscar Jr born about 1921
RichardsonRetha born about 1917
RousellC Davidborn about 1920
RousellCharis Lborn about 1917
RousellD Alleneborn about 1927
RousellFranklin Eborn about 1933
RousellHelen Vborn about 1929
RousellJ Arthurborn about 1923
RousellJ Asaborn about 1873
RousellM Aldineborn about 1927
RousellR Milesborn about 1925
RousellWinnie born about 1891

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S Surnames

SandenCharles born about 1936
SandenRobert born about 1939
SattlerAlfred born about 1927
SattlerCharles born about 1895
SattlerEvelyn born about 1902
SattlerIra born about 1930
SattlerRudolph born about 1925
SettlesAnnie Bellborn about 1892
SettlesBrock born about 1885
SettlesEleanor born about 1898
SettlesJohn born about 1874
SettlesWalter born about 1901
SingleyDorothy born about 1938
SingleyGeorge Aborn about 1887
SingleyMagdaline born about 1921
SingleyMaggie born about 1890
SingleyRobert born about 1939
SingleySmithy Fborn about 1913
SmithHattie Cborn about 1923
SmithHelen born about 1926
SmithJimmie born about 1892
SmithLink born about 1887
SmithMargaret Eborn about 1930
SmithTinie Sborn about 1925
SullivanAllie born about 1913
SullivanAmos Bborn about 1913
SullivanDorothy Jborn about 1939

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T Surnames

TorbertAllie Joeborn about 1904
TorbertHerbert Wborn about 1907
TorbertHerbert Jr born about 1931
TorbertHomer Hborn about 1915
TorbertJeannette born about 1932
TorbertJeannette born about 1935
TorbertJewell born about 1912
TorbertKatie born about 1916
TorbertKemp Pborn about 1905
TorbertL Edwardborn about 1877
TorbertMinnie Lborn about 1876
TorbertOphelia born about 1877
TorbertRabon Mborn about 1909

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W Surnames

WallaceAnnie Maudeborn about 1898
WallaceBen born about 1891
WallaceClarence born about 1920
WallaceJimmy born about 1932
WallaceSara born about 1909
WhiteAsa born about 1921
WhiteJim born about 1887
WhiteManard born about 1917
WhiteNannie born about 1897
WhiteRobert Lborn about 1915
WhitleyHelen born about 1927

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