1940 U.S. Federal Census of Robinson Kelly, Jasper, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Jasper County > 1940 Census of Robinson Kelly

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderLillie Bborn about 1923
AngilCecil born about 1934
AngilHelon born about 1938
AngilMartha Aborn about 1936
AngilRichard born about 1932
AngilVerna born about 1904
AngilWalter born about 1908

B Surnames

BanksDoris Vborn about 1930
BanksMeadie born about 1898
BanksMildred Lborn about 1931
BanksWillie born about 1892
BatesJ C Jrborn about 1910
BatesJoe Cborn about 1878
BatesNeb born about 1904
BatesSara Leeborn about 1920
BelcherMattie born about 1892
BentonEdgar born about 1923
BentonWillie Hborn about 1920
BowerAnnie Fborn about 1938
BowerEddie Lborn about 1931
BowerJene born about 1873
BowerMamie born about 1903
BowerMary born about 1933

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C Surnames

CargileAlvin born about 1925
CargileDoyle born about 1920
CargileEstell born about 1903
CargileGorden born about 1898
CargileLay born about 1928
CargileMargie born about 1938
CargileMarie born about 1922
CargileRoy born about 1932
CargileRuby Geneborn about 1933
CargileThl?na born about 1930
ChaffinViola born about 1868
ClarkAnnie born about 1893
ClarkLuciane born about 1888
CooperAnnie Fborn about 1930
CooperFlecher born about 1899
CooperJames Cborn about 1935
CooperLimia Kateborn about 1902
CooperLuther Bborn about 1933
CooperWillie Jr born about 1931
CornwellEdd born about 1913
CornwellNima born about 1914
CraffordInes born about 1932
Crofford??? born about 1933
CroffordEunice born about 1935
CroffordIneza born about 1932
CroffordJeanett born about 1939
CroffordJewel born about 1911
CroffordLeon born about 1938
CroffordRona Mborn about 1912
CroffordVera born about 1934

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D Surnames

DavisAra? born about 1913
DavisLucie Mborn about 1938
DavisRichard Lborn about 1931

E Surnames

EdwardsAlice Bellborn about 1924
EdwardsAnnie Maeborn about 1920
EdwardsCatharine born about 1926
EdwardsEle born about 1931
EdwardsEnglis born about 1938
EdwardsFannie born about 1939
EdwardsGene born about 1880
EdwardsHughie Lborn about 1936
EdwardsJames born about 1927
EdwardsLason born about 1925
EdwardsLerene born about 1929
EdwardsMinnie born about 1900
EdwardsN Graceborn about 1934
EdwardsNannie born about 1901
EdwardsRobert born about 1923
EdwardsW Jborn about 1922
EdwardsWill born about 1899
EdwardsWillie Dborn about 1927

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F Surnames

FreamanGrady born about 1930

G Surnames

GilstrapAlice born about 1866
GilstrapAndrew born about 1865
GilstrapAuthur born about 1927
GilstrapHarvey Aborn about 1906
GilstrapInus born about 1900
GilstrapLula Maeborn about 1929
GilstrapN Lborn about 1926
GloverMamie Lborn about 1922
GloverW Cborn about 1917
GoosbyCharlie Leeborn about 1940
GoosbyDave born about 1919
GoosbyFlorence born about 1917
GoosbyGrace born about 1922
GoosbyHattie Maeborn about 1937
GoosbyIdion born about 1916
GoosbyJohnie born about 1914
GoosbyRalph born about 1934
GoosbyRoy Lborn about 1937
GoosbyRoy Leeborn about 1917
GoosbyWillie Nborn about 1938
GreenLois born about 1911
GreenRobert born about 1911

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H Surnames

HardyDonnie born about 1888
HardyJohnie born about 1891
HardyPaul born about 1919
HeardAnnie Pearlborn about 1931
HeardDavid Lborn about 1932
HeardL Leeborn about 1930
HeardMartha born about 1934
HollandDoll born about 1931
HomesDasie Leeborn about 1923
HomesFred born about 1922
HowardAlbert born about 1923
HowardCreasie born about 1890
HowardElbert born about 1922

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J Surnames

JacksonAnnie Dborn about 1939
JacksonEmma born about 1890
JacksonEmma Fborn about 1928
JacksonEva born about 1917
JacksonGarfield born about 1887
JacksonGarfield born about 1895
JacksonGeorge born about 1923
JacksonGorden born about 1928
JacksonJohn born about 1917
JacksonWillie Leeborn about 1932
JankinsJack born about 1902
JankinsLouise born about 1939
JankinsMary born about 1911
JeffersAlvin born about 1929
JeffersCharlie born about 1899
JeffersElla Mborn about 1902
JeffersFlorie Leeborn about 1912
JeffersJohn born about 1882
JeffersJohn born about 1928
JeffersLillian born about 1899
JeffersThurman born about 1931
JeffersVelsie Lborn about 1938
JeffersWilliam Lborn about 1923
JeffersWilliam Pborn about 1878
JendkinsMary Loisborn about 1938
JenkensCleno born about 1884
JenkensHillie born about 1884
JenkensL Mborn about 1928
JenkensSarah born about 1923
JenkensWillie Pearlborn about 1925
JenkinsCleuice born about 1932
JenkinsClyde born about 1933
JenkinsMary Francesborn about 1934
JenkinsVada born about 1933
JenkinsWillie born about 1932
JohnsonBenjamin born about 1935
JohnsonFannie born about 1873
JohnsonGladys born about 1925
JohnsonJ Darcieborn about 1917
JohnsonRuby born about 1923
JohnsonUla Cborn about 1887
JohnsonWilliam born about 1868

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K Surnames

KelleyC L Cborn about 1917
KelleyCalin born about 1935
KelleyClarence born about 1916
KelleyE Vallieborn about 1902
KelleyGeorgia born about 1880
KelleyHarvey born about 1890
KelleyHenry Gborn about 1890
KelleyJacquellyn born about 1929
KelleyJohn Heborn about 1880
KelleyJoyce born about 1931
KelleyLeon Dborn about 1905
KelleyLinaus born about 1920
KelleyLottie born about 1890
KelleyMartha Aborn about 1933
KelleyMaude born about 1899
KelleyMazele born about 1928
KelleyRuby born about 1916
KelleySherry born about 1925
KelleyVelma born about 1922
KelleyWayne born about 1938
KelleyWilliam Hborn about 1929
KelleyWillie born about 1891
KeyJ Dborn about 1927
KeyLewis born about 1908
KeySallie born about 1910
KinardFrances born about 1930
KinardH Leonareborn about 1925
KinardJ Rborn about 1923
KinardJim Cborn about 1897
KinardMary born about 1927
KinardNellie born about 1899
KinardWilliam Hborn about 1938

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L Surnames

LewisBen born about 1926
LewisDewitt born about 1917
LewisEloise born about 1920
LewisFred born about 1910
LewisLove born about 1887
LewisRayford born about 1924
LoganBerthie Maeborn about 1931
LoweryEdner born about 1912
LoweryJack born about 1917
LurkHattie Cborn about 1940
LurkMarion born about 1938
LurkRosa Maeborn about 1920
LurkRossier born about 1915
LurkWillie Rborn about 1937

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M Surnames

MaddoxA Wanderborn about 1865
MaddoxAbe born about 1855
MadoxDavid* born about 1919
MadoxEmma Jborn about 1919
MadoxHenderson born about 1921
MadoxLaurie Mborn about 1912
MadoxLeroy born about 1917
MadoxLillie born about 1886
MadoxWillie Hborn about 1925
MaloneA B Jrborn about 1927
MaloneAgusta born about 1937
MaloneAlie born about 1906
MaloneAlvin Bborn about 1894
MaloneAnnie born about 1890
MaloneAnnie Maudborn about 1919
MaloneCorey born about 1923
MaloneIke born about 1914
MaloneJames born about 1938
MaloneJonie born about 1939
MaloneMarshel born about 1938
MaloneMarvin Cborn about 1920
MaloneMary Graceborn about 1925
MaloneMelvin born about 1935
MaloneOlea Leeborn about 1918
MaloneOlethia born about 1918
MaloneRosevelt born about 1916
MaloneWillie Jborn about 1933
MartinAlton born about 1925
MartinBill born about 1917
MartinJoe Brownborn about 1922
MartinVada born about 1892

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P Surnames

PopeCordelie born about 1917
PopeHerley born about 1888
PopeKerpis born about 1890
PopeMosell born about 1918
PopeR C Jrborn about 1916
PopeVirginia born about 1921

R Surnames

ReversHattie Leeborn about 1921
ReversVera Kateborn about 1939
ReversWillie born about 1907
RoachAnnie born about 1935
RoachHarreser born about 1912
RoachJohn Fborn about 1937
RoachLena born about 1932
RoachLucile born about 1907
RoachVada born about 1939
RobersonGeorge born about 1916
RobersonMildred born about 1918
RobinsonAlice Pborn about 1938
RobinsonBetty Leeborn about 1930
RobinsonCarrie born about 1886
RobinsonCharlie Hborn about 1922
RobinsonDinkie born about 1899
RobinsonHenry Aborn about 1897
RobinsonIsom born about 1926
RobinsonLouise born about 1928
RobinsonMattie Pearlborn about 1933
RobinsonMellie Eborn about 1936
RobinsonOriliaces Jr born about 1905
RobinsonOrilians born about 1883
RobinsonRoy born about 1934
RobinsonVera born about 1931
RockmoreLillie Pearlborn about 1924
RockmoreWillie born about 1917
RossHugh Dborn about 1922
RyeClaude born about 1888
RyeJimmie born about 1926
RyeJohn Albertborn about 1910
RyeLarence born about 1881
RyeRobert Fborn about 1931
RyeSelma born about 1923
RyeWaren born about 1920

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S Surnames

SaffoDeck born about 1860
SmithA Dborn about 1878
SmithAlbert born about 1922
SmithAlice Laueborn about 1912
SmithAnnie Kateborn about 1909
SmithAnnie Ruthborn about 1935
SmithBell born about 1880
SmithCarrie born about 1888
SmithCarrie born about 1895
SmithCarrie Bellborn about 1933
SmithCharloe born about 1886
SmithEarnest born about 1939
SmithEmma Jeanborn about 1935
SmithEugene Lborn about 1885
SmithEula Cborn about 1939
SmithGertie Lborn about 1905
SmithGrady born about 1937
SmithHellen born about 1938
SmithJ?nnie Lborn about 1927
SmithJalen Dborn about 1879
SmithJohn Westleyborn about 1930
SmithLittie born about 1872
SmithLizzie Mborn about 1926
SmithLouie born about 1929
SmithLucil born about 1910
SmithMaggie Lborn about 1932
SmithMollie born about 1903
SmithWestley Jr born about 1936
SmithWestly born about 1907
SmithWillie Bborn about 1925
SoatsHerman born about 1927

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T Surnames

TalmadgeChappel born about 1924
TalmadgeLeyrell born about 1886
TalmadgeMargret born about 1919
TalmadgePauline born about 1886
TalmadgePope born about 1911
ThurmanJack born about 1908
TinsleyFannie born about 1884
TinsleyW Hborn about 1880
TuggleBettie Aborn about 1938
TuggleEddie Cborn about 1934
TuggleHollie Bellborn about 1908
TuggleR Lborn about 1908
TuggleWilliam born about 1933

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V Surnames

VictrumBuck born about 1910
VictrumEddie Jborn about 1931
VictrumEmma Juelborn about 1929
VictrumFay Routhborn about 1930
VictrumGeorge Wborn about 1932
VictrumLouise born about 1931
VictrumPearl born about 1915
VictrumRosa Maeborn about 1912

W Surnames

WardViolet born about 1924
WillenckerJ Cborn about 1930
WilliamsHellen Gborn about 1930
WilliamsJames born about 1889
WilliamsLendia born about 1890
WilliamsMattie Darlborn about 1934
WyattAnnie Kborn about 1929
WyattAuthur born about 1907
WyattClora born about 1910
WyattTheado born about 1924
WyattThomie Leeborn about 1926

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