1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sandy Point, Crawford, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Crawford County > 1940 Census of Sandy Point

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderDaisy born about 1937
AlexanderDavid born about 1908
AlexanderJames born about 1938
AlexanderMae born about 1935
AlexanderRhoda born about 1915
AllenClyde born about 1885
AllenRosa Leeborn about 1878
AndrewsLonnie born about 1892

B Surnames

BattleLucy born about 1876
BechamBetty Jeanborn about 1929
BechamCarolyn born about 1928
BechamFrances born about 1923
BechamFrank born about 1898
BechamFranklin born about 1927
BechamGladys born about 1933
BechamLouise born about 1925
BechamPaul born about 1937
BechamViola born about 1908
BentleyAddie born about 1883
BentleyAgnes born about 1933
BentleyAlton born about 1927
BentleyAr??? born about 1893
BentleyBuna born about 1922
BentleyCharlie born about 1923
BentleyDoris born about 1936
BentleyEddie born about 1887
BentleyJohnnie born about 1895
BentleyLe Royborn about 1923
BentleyLizzie born about 1932
BentleyMary Lizzieborn about 1912
BentleyMary Maggieborn about 1939
BentleyMelvin born about 1939
BentleyPearl born about 1904
BentleyRilla born about 1892
BentleyRosa born about 1910
BentleyRoy born about 1936
BentleyTempie born about 1927
BentleyThomas born about 1936
BentleyWalter born about 1932
BentleyWilie Jborn about 1936
BentleyWillie born about 1914
BentleyWillie Bborn about 1908
BentleyWillie Eborn about 1935
BlackwellBessie born about 1904
BlackwellLa Verne born about 1929
BlackwellPerry born about 1903
BloodworthAlice born about 1865
BloodworthBelsey born about 1898
BloodworthCharlie born about 1924
BloodworthJack born about 1930
BloodworthLaura Aliceborn about 1928
BloodworthLee born about 1926
BloodworthMarvin born about 1938
BloodworthMyrtice born about 1905
BostickEugene born about 1934
BostickMarton born about 1905
BostickRebecca born about 1908
BostickWilton born about 1936
BowersAnnie born about 1909
BowersMarilyn born about 1933
BowersMary Winnieborn about 1935
BowersPaul born about 1909
BoytEva Maeborn about 1917
BoytJames born about 1904
BoytJoe born about 1905
BoytLena born about 1885
BoytMary Eborn about 1935
BraxterClarence born about 1934
BraxterJame born about 1883
BraxterSarah born about 1893
BrooneLester born about 1906
BrooneLillian born about 1909
BrooneLorene born about 1866
BrooneMarvin born about 1907
BurnetteErma born about 1891
BurnetteLawton born about 1919
BurnetteMargaret born about 1922
BurnetteMillan born about 1891

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C Surnames

CauseyAnnie born about 1886
CauseyCharlie born about 1880
CauseyIda born about 1872
CharyFrances born about 1936
CharyFrank born about 1924
CharyMandy born about 1922
CharyRish born about 1866
CharySusie born about 1915
CharyWilliam born about 1937
ChildersAnnie Maeborn about 1917
ChildersBenjamin born about 1921
ChildersColeman born about 1925
ChildersDorothy born about 1933
ChildersLillian born about 1918
ChildersMarvin born about 1935
ChildersMattie born about 1936
ChildersMattie Pborn about 1916
ChildersMollie born about 1884
ChildersRalph born about 1937
ChildersRichman born about 1922
ChildersVirgie born about 1938
ChildersVirgil born about 1911
ClaudHallie born about 1886
ClaudJames born about 1927
ClaudJosie born about 1893
ClaudMelton born about 1873
ClaudMelton Jr born about 1921
ClaudWillie born about 1877
ColbertEtta born about 1883
ColbertGeorge born about 1918
ColbertJames born about 1923
ColbertJohn born about 1939
ColbertPauline born about 1921
ColinsJobie born about 1917
ColinsJohn born about 1925
ColinsThomas born about 1897
ColinsWilbur born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanielyAnnie Ruthborn about 1940
DanielyDan born about 1925
DanielyGeorge born about 1895
DanielyGladys born about 1937
DanielyGracie born about 1892
DanielyLuise born about 1928
DanielyMattie born about 1930
DanielyRoger born about 1927
DanielySusie Maeborn about 1918
DanielyWillie born about 1933
DavisAlbert born about 1896
DavisAlbert Jr born about 1924
DavisAnnie born about 1885
DavisAnnie Leeborn about 1914
DavisAnnie Wborn about 1934
DavisBessie born about 1900
DavisCarrie born about 1880
DavisCornelius Jr born about 1904
DavisCornelius Sr born about 1880
DavisEdward born about 1918
DavisEllison born about 1929
DavisH Leeborn about 1936
DavisHenry born about 1921
DavisJohnson born about 1867
DavisLula Mayborn about 1927
DavisMinnielee born about 1923
DavisPara Leeborn about 1939
DavisPaul born about 1920
DavisRobert born about 1930
DavisSilas born about 1888
DavisWillie born about 1932
DovieBeatrice born about 1921
DovieBeatrice Leeborn about
DovieWilliam born about 1912
DuncanAddie born about 1884
DuncanRuth Lborn about 1909
DuncanThomas born about 1872

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E Surnames

ElliottAnnie born about 1880
ElliottEmma born about 1866
ElliottJoe born about 1881
ElliottSam born about 1876
EvansAnnie Bellborn about 1903
EvansBulah born about 1919
EvansFred born about 1929
EvansJoseph born about 1914
EvansLucille born about 1922
EvansMary Janeborn about 1887
EvansMinnie Aliceborn about 1924
EvansWalter born about 1879
EvansWalter born about 1908
EvansWilliam Cborn about 1910
EvansWillie Bborn about 1916

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F Surnames

FallerEli born about 1870

G Surnames

GarffiaLeroy born about 1922
GibsonGeneva born about 1901
GibsonMarion born about 1900
GreeneArthur born about 1924
GreeneCarrie born about
GreeneLillian born about 1929
GreeneNaomi born about 1926
GreganAlice born about 1895
GreganClifton born about 1889
GreganPearl born about 1891

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H Surnames

HamlinBernice born about 1923
HamlinBetty Annborn about 1932
HamlinCalvin born about 1903
HamlinClinton born about 1928
HamlinDaisy born about 1900
HamlinEmma born about 1896
HamlinEmma born about 1897
HamlinEva born about 1898
HamlinFlosie born about 1929
HamlinGeorge born about 1924
HamlinJames C Srborn about 1892
HamlinJamesc Jr born about 1915
HamlinJane born about 1939
HamlinLee born about 1898
HamlinLois born about 1925
HamlinRaye born about 1937
HamlinRaymond born about 1927
HamlinRobert born about 1927
HamlinSadie born about 1923
HamlinTessie born about 1926
HamlinTippie Maeborn about 1904
HancockErastus Jborn about 1888
HancockErastus Jr born about 1927
HancockJanice born about 1934
HancockLeda born about 1905
HancockLolita born about 1932
HancockMatie born about 1930
HancockMorgan born about 1902
HardisEdd born about 1905
HarpeBessie born about 1909
HarpeJohn born about 1891
HarpeLillian born about 1927
HarrisWalter born about 1875
HatcherCecil born about 1877
HayesCalvin born about 1875
HeartPearlie born about 1900
HeartWilliam born about 1890
HightowerAlbert born about 1888
HightowerAlice born about 1890
HightowerBeatrice born about 1940
HightowerCarrie born about 1887
HightowerEster born about 1916
HightowerGeorge born about 1886
HightowerMardin born about 1916
HollingshedBertha born about 1902
HollingshedBertha Maeborn about 1928
HollingshedBobby Joeborn about 1932
HollingshedEdward born about 1938
HollingshedErnest born about 1900
HollingshedEverlyne born about 1935
HollingshedGladys born about 1939
HollingshedIsac born about 1939
HollingshedJoan born about 1937
HollingshedJohn born about 1857
HollingshedKerman born about 1924
HollingshedKing born about 1937
HollingshedLillie Maudeborn about 1933
HollingshedLonnie born about 1896
HollingshedLonnie born about 1911
HollingshedMahison born about 1910
HollingshedMandy born about 1865
HollingshedMandy born about 1906
HollingshedNathern born about 1920
HollingshedOdis born about 1926
HollingshedRoyce born about 1928
HollingshedRuby Leeborn about 1916
HollingshedSusie Maeborn about 1897
HollingshedTommy born about 1934
HollingshedWallace born about 1930
HollingshedWallace born about 1936
HollingshedWayna born about 1935
HollingshedWillie Maeborn about 1934
HollingsworthBessie born about 1928
HollingsworthCharlie born about 1900
HollingsworthCharlie born about 1924
HollingsworthFrank born about 1934
HollingsworthJasper Bborn about 1931
HollingsworthJoe born about 1927
HollingsworthKenneth born about 1938
HollingsworthOllie born about 1898
HollingsworthRobert born about 1936
HollingsworthSam born about 1932
HoltRosevelt born about 1922
HowardJoel born about 1912
HowardLivingston born about 1895
HowardMurdie born about 1925
HowardPearl born about 1894
HowardRoe born about 1922
HudsonFannie born about 1873
HudsonJoe born about 1866
HunterAnderson born about 1936
HuttsClarence born about 1922
HuttsLaura born about 1888
HuttsQuinton born about 1917
HuttsRoy born about 1888

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J Surnames

JacksonJames Wborn about 1937
JacksonMaggie born about 1915
JacksonRosevelt born about 1935
JacksonWillie born about 1939
JacksonWillisham born about 1913
JamesRuth born about 1922
JamesWillie born about 1915
JankinsRuth born about 1916
JohnsonBuena born about 1903
JohnsonEdith born about 1930
JohnsonElo born about 1922
JohnsonHallie born about 1904
JohnsonIsak born about 1896
JohnsonLee born about 1899
JohnsonLee Jr born about 1932
JohnsonLorie born about 1928
JohnsonRena Leeborn about 1935
JohnsonViola born about 1927
JohnsonVirginia born about 1936
JohnsonVolgie born about 1924
JonesArthur born about 1932
JonesEva born about 1928
JonesFelton born about 1932
JonesFreeman born about 1924
JonesFullie born about 1937
JonesGeraldine born about 1927
JonesGladys born about 1925
JonesHal born about 1935
JonesHattie born about 1851
JonesIda born about 1928
JonesJacquelyn born about 1922
JonesJoseph born about 1933
JonesLoie born about 1896
JonesLollie born about 1894
JonesLollie Jr born about 1930
JonesLottie born about 1893
JonesMartha born about 1867
JonesMellie Maeborn about 1924
JonesRobert born about 1861
JonesRobert born about 1938
JonesSallie born about 1891
JonesSarah born about 1924
JonesSing born about 1897
JonesWillie born about 1890
JordanAnnie Ruthborn about 1919
JordanBernice born about 1932
JordanElbert born about 1936
JordanFannie born about 1913
JordanMollyne born about 1934
JordanSolomon born about 1911
JordanSolomon born about 1938
JordanVanalius born about 1939
JustiseLamer born about 1914
JustiseNeltie born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaveretteKitty born about 1860
LindseyEugene born about 1935
LindseyHarold born about 1931
LindseyJames Jborn about 1923
LindseyJanie Mborn about 1925
LindseyKing Sborn about 1889
LindseyMabeline born about 1927
LindseyMadeline born about 1933
LindseyThomas born about 1939
LindsoyMae born about 1865
LongAnnie born about 1895
LongCarolyn born about 1935
LongClifton born about 1937
LongClyde born about 1919
LongCorine born about 1939
LongDorothy born about 1922
LongDorothy born about 1932
LongEvelyn born about 1928
LongGladys born about 1916
LongJewel born about 1930
LongJohn W Jrborn about 1922
LongJohn Wesleyborn about 1888
LongJoseph Tborn about 1927
LongMollie born about 1925
LongWallace born about 1913
LongWilliam born about 1935
LongWindom born about 1936

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M Surnames

MarshallSusie born about 1876
MaynardAnnie Rborn about 1922
MaynardClarence born about 1930
MaynardDaniel born about 1931
MaynardElijoh born about 1929
MaynardJames born about 1927
MaynardPearlie born about 1893
MaynardRuby born about 1924
MaynardWill born about 1885
MoranAdle born about 1872
MoranAlice born about 1872
MoranAnnie Claraborn about 1932
MoranClyde born about 1921
MoranDaisy born about 1900
MoranDora born about 1874
MoranGeorge born about 1876
MoranIda born about 1900
MoranJames born about 1903

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O Surnames

OnealDoris born about 1923
OnealEugene born about 1933
OnealJames Eborn about 1910
OnealJohnnie born about 1929
OnealLillian born about 1927
OnealLillie born about 1890
OnealThomas born about 1932

P Surnames

PattersonBarbra born about 1924
PattersonBetty Jeanborn about 1933
PattersonHarlan born about 1919
PattersonMary Graceborn about 1922
PattersonMrs Ida born about 1895
PattersonRaye born about 1929
PattersonWilbur born about 1931
PiersonJames Cborn about 1890
PiersonKathleen born about 1924
PiersonLillian born about 1922
PiersonSallie born about 1897
PiersonSarah born about 1919
PylesAlton born about 1923
PylesDoris born about 1924
PylesGlenn born about 1918
PylesHelen born about 1922
PylesHilda born about 1916
PylesHolma born about 1929
PylesJohn born about 1928
PylesJohn Lborn about 1889
PylesMalsolm born about 1927
PylesMartha Fborn about 1931
PylesMattie born about 1893
PylesRalph born about 1921
PylesVivian born about 1930
PylesWinfred born about 1933

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R Surnames

RainesClarence born about 1924
RainesElaine born about 1932
RainesHenry born about 1900
RainesKing born about 1930
RainesLizzie born about 1911
RainesNellie born about 1902
RainesRobert Leeborn about 1939
RainesRose Marieborn about 1938
RainesRosevelt born about 1936
RainesTomm born about 1934
RainesTommy born about 1908
RainesVerna Maeborn about 1928
RainesWillie born about 1926
RamesMary Annborn about
RamesMollie born about 1883
RamesWillie Bborn about 1890
RespressAnnie born about 1891
RespressAnnie Maeborn about 1930
RespressCalvin born about 1935
RespressClarence born about 1928
RespressHattie born about 1919
RespressHorace born about 1925
RespressJanie born about 1920
RespressLeavogie Jr born about 1921
RespressLeovogier born about 1890
RespressLouise born about 1927
RespressRena born about 1933
RobinsonAndrew born about 1934
RobinsonCharlie born about 1938
RobinsonEdna Leeborn about 1932
RobinsonEva born about 1914
RobinsonHelen born about 1936
RobinsonLane born about
RobinsonTommie born about 1903

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S Surnames

SailAlberta born about 1913
SailHenry born about 1909
SandefurAddie born about 1873
SandefurAmanda born about 1884
SandefurBenjamin born about 1879
SandefurDe Lorisborn about 1938
SandefurIrene born about 1914
SandefurIsa born about 1918
SandefurJohn Hborn about 1913
SandefurSidney born about 1894
SandefurTalmadge born about 1936
SchofieldBulah born about 1927
SchofieldEmma Leeborn about 1931
SchofieldHallis born about 1891
SchofieldLizzie Maeborn about 1929
SchofieldLorene born about 1933
SchofieldLuvella born about 1935
SchofieldRoy born about 1937
ScottCarrie Lborn about 1922
ScottCesa born about 1924
ScottCharlie born about 1934
ScottClinton born about 1924
ScottClinton born about 1931
ScottDolly Maeborn about 1931
ScottElaine born about 1929
ScottElla born about 1882
ScottEllyene born about 1928
ScottErnest born about 1919
ScottFoster born about 1884
ScottFred born about 1927
ScottHerman born about 1898
ScottHerman Jr born about 1928
ScottJack born about
ScottJack born about 1879
ScottJennie born about 1891
ScottKing born about 1911
ScottLee born about 1917
ScottLee Jr born about 1938
ScottLena Maeborn about 1921
ScottLillie Maeborn about 1902
ScottLizzie born about 1877
ScottLouise born about 1936
ScottMabel born about 1922
ScottMamie Leeborn about 1923
ScottStephen born about 1934
ScottSylvester born about 1891
ScottWilliam born about 1939
ScottWillie Maeborn about 1927
ScottWillie Maeborn about 1930
SharpDora born about 1888
SharpEvelyn born about 1921
SharpHazel born about 1925
SharpSam born about 1889
SimmonsAlbert born about 1882
SimmonsAlma Eborn about 1890
SimmonsAnne born about 1930
SimmonsAnnie born about 1939
SimmonsAnnie Bborn about 1895
SimmonsCharlie born about 1924
SimmonsEugene born about 1939
SimmonsEula Maeborn about 1917
SimmonsInez born about 1915
SimmonsJames born about 1922
SimmonsJessie Leeborn about 1918
SimmonsJohn born about 1890
SimmonsMarton born about 1933
SimmonsMary Aborn about 1918
SimmonsNell born about 1926
SimmonsNevian born about 1933
SimmonsOscar born about 1911
SimmonsOtis born about 1918
SimmonsPenkie Mborn about 1920
SimmonsRobert born about 1938
SimmonsRoger Jr born about 1934
SimmonsRoger Sr born about 1910
SimmonsRosevelt born about 1936
SimmonsWilliam born about 1929
SimmonsWillie born about 1923
SimmonsWillis born about 1887
Smith??? born about 1901
Smith??? born about 1916
SmithAgnes born about 1921
SmithAnn born about 1927
SmithAnnie born about 1906
SmithBell born about 1920
SmithBessie born about 1906
SmithCallie born about 1878
SmithCecil born about 1929
SmithDennard born about 1899
SmithEdgar Wborn about 1915
SmithElmer born about 1899
SmithEugene born about 1904
SmithEugene Jr born about 1932
SmithHazel born about 1914
SmithHerman born about 1922
SmithJames Dborn about 1879
SmithJamie born about 1922
SmithJanie Lizzieborn about 1939
SmithJoe born about 1925
SmithLethia born about 1858
SmithMarion Mborn about 1887
SmithMinnie born about 1894
SmithMinniel born about 1900
SmithNell born about 1922
SmithPaul born about 1937
SmithRaymond born about 1927
SmithRonald born about 1935
SmithRuth born about 1924
SmithStella born about 1884
SmithThomas born about 1918
SmithW Austinborn about 1876
SmithWilliam Tborn about 1921
SmithY Dborn about 1878
StembirdgeJohn born about 1921
StembirdgeMrs Pearl born about 1886
StembirdgeWalter born about 1909
StembridgeFrank born about 1917
StembridgeJeanette born about 1917

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T Surnames

TaifonErnest born about 1923
TaifonEthel born about 1918
TaifonEunice born about 1928
TaifonGeorge born about 1878
TaifonGeorge Jr born about 1919
TaifonJames born about 1921
TaifonJohn Thomasborn about 1931
TaifonKatie born about 1916
TaifonMary born about 1915
TaifonMattie Cborn about 1927
TaifonMattie Pborn about 1896
TaifonRhuben born about 1929
TomleCora born about 1881
TroutmanBernice born about 1938
TroutmanBlanche born about 1933
TroutmanEldora born about 1929
TroutmanFred born about 1927
TroutmanHattie born about 1915
TroutmanJacob born about 1882
TroutmanLaveone born about 1924
TroutmanMady Janeborn about 1888
TroutmanOscar Leeborn about 1935
TroutmanRobert born about 1932
TroutmanThomas born about 1909
TroutmanWilla born about 1931

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W Surnames

WadeCarrie born about 1880
WadeJames E Jrborn about 1921
WadeJames Wborn about 1864
WadeLillian born about 1924
WalkesLucy born about 1881
WallaceElizah born about 1917
WallaceEugene born about 1923
WallaceKano born about 1928
WallaceKatie Leeborn about 1892
WallaceNelson born about 1926
WebbAlbert born about 1933
WebbBolino born about 1903
WebbFrances born about 1929
WebbHattie Pearlborn about 1911
WebbManda born about 1939
WebbNancy born about 1860
WebbVirginia born about 1935
WebbWillie Bborn about 1931
WellonsMattie born about 1865
WillisAnna born about 1892
WillisCorine born about 1924
WillisHenry born about 1927
WillisJerry born about 1918
WillisSol born about 1883
WillisThomas born about 1928
WillisViola born about 1926
WillisWillie born about 1927
WilsonBetty born about 1935
WilsonClaud born about 1892
WilsonCloud born about 1923
WilsonEarl born about 1928
WilsonJack born about 1932
WilsonJames born about 1933
WilsonJosie born about 1890
WilsonLila born about 1923
WilsonSarah born about 1892
WilsonSylvester born about 1878

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