1940 U.S. Federal Census of Spence, Grady, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Grady County > 1940 Census of Spence

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBetty Janeborn about 1937
AdamsGladys Gborn about 1904
AdamsLawerence Rborn about 1901
AkinDavid Cborn about 1903
AkinRuth born about 1911
AkridgeCurtis born about 1919
AkridgeElma born about 1926
AkridgeJeneva born about 1929
AkridgeJonah Lborn about 1940
AkridgeLee born about 1894
AkridgeLouise born about 1923
AkridgeMarcia born about 1895
AkridgeOdene born about 1923
AkridgeWilburn born about 1921
AldridgeAlexander Jr born about 1914
AldridgeDess born about 1919
AldridgeEthel born about 1922
AldridgeJohn born about 1920
AldridgeLillie Maeborn about 1917
AldridgeMary Jborn about 1921
AldridgeShelby Fayborn about 1939
AllenBilly born about 1919
AllenEunice born about 1926
AllenMary born about 1888
AllenMary born about 1921
AllenW Bborn about 1880
AllenW B Jrborn about 1930
AlligoodCharles Aborn about 1933
AlligoodDorothy Oborn about 1924
AlligoodFrancis Tborn about 1905
AlligoodOpal born about 1928
AlligoodRoy D Jrborn about 1930
AlligoodShelby Geneborn about 1938
AlligoodWayne Hborn about 1936
AlridgeLeonard born about 1900
AndersonAlton born about 1905
AndersonDallie Bborn about 1911
AndersonElizabeth born about 1937
AndersonLoraine born about 1938
AndersonTommy Cborn about 1928
AndersonUllieses born about 1911
AndersonVerline born about 1932
AndersonVictoria born about 1939
AndersonWillie Cborn about 1935
AnsleyAlbert Eborn about 1933
AnsleyBuice Lborn about 1937
AnsleyJames Dborn about 1936
AnsleyJoyce born about 1931
AnsleyMargarett Aborn about 1910
AnsleyMargie Cborn about 1939
AnsleyThomas Jborn about 1929
AnsleyWilbert Eborn about 1934
AnsleyWilliam Hborn about 1928
AnsleyWillie Jborn about 1904
ArlineAddie born about 1875
AtesJosephy born about 1890
AtesJosephy Jr born about 1925
AtesOcie born about 1923
AtesPauline born about 1894
AtesWalter born about 1932
AtkinsonWilliam Mborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabbsEllie born about 1891
BaldwinAmy Jeanborn about 1933
BaldwinClifford born about 1912
BaldwinDanner born about 1896
BaldwinDianna born about 1934
BaldwinElsie born about 1910
BaldwinEorice born about 1932
BaldwinH Bborn about 1937
BaldwinHenry born about 1887
BaldwinJosephine born about 1927
BaldwinStrudy Bborn about 1923
BaldwinTherrie born about 1933
BaldwinWilliam Fborn about 1925
BankEdna born about 1916
BankWoodrow born about 1912
BanksAnnie born about 1888
BanksArrie born about 1925
BanksB Lborn about 1890
BanksBernice born about 1922
BanksClayton born about 1924
BanksEarl born about 1931
BanksEmma born about 1889
BanksG Wborn about 1888
BanksGeorge Tborn about 1886
BanksGilbert born about 1886
BanksHeywood born about 1919
BanksHorace born about 1923
BanksLemar born about 1928
BanksLeomon born about 1921
BanksLillie Mborn about 1891
BanksLizzie born about 1896
BanksMauverine born about 1926
BanksO Hborn about 1883
BanksWillie born about 1925
BarberBess born about 1916
BarberBill born about 1906
BarberClara Jborn about 1874
BarberEdna Eborn about 1939
BarberElijah born about 1916
BarberElijah Jr born about 1937
BarberEverett born about 1923
BarberLeo born about 1926
BarberMary born about 1928
BarberPearl born about 1908
BarberSarah born about 1931
BarberTrudie born about 1925
BarefieldRichard born about 1918
BarfieldAlbert born about 1929
BarfieldAllen Jborn about 1900
BarfieldAmbry Pborn about 1903
BarfieldAnnie born about 1914
BarfieldChristine born about 1926
BarfieldEtta born about 1910
BarfieldFannie Jborn about 1938
BarfieldH Jborn about 1886
BarfieldHattie Louborn about 1904
BarfieldHomer Jborn about 1912
BarfieldMarie born about 1934
BarfieldMyrtle born about 1932
BarfieldRabon born about 1938
BarfieldRomona born about 1935
BarfieldShirley born about 1937
BarfieldSylvia Lborn about 1934
BarrettDavid born about 1936
BarrettDorothy born about 1934
BarrettErie Eborn about 1903
BarrettEthra born about 1911
BarrettEvie born about 1911
BarrettJames Mborn about 1929
BarrettJohn born about 1887
BarrettJoseph born about 1931
BarrettWilliam Hborn about 1899
BarrettWilliam Jr born about 1927
BassAmanda Fborn about 1873
BassAngeline Mborn about 1939
BassAron born about 1927
BassBlanford born about 1936
BassBobbie born about 1936
BassBroward born about 1935
BassDonald born about 1939
BassDouglas born about 1928
BassFranklin born about 1926
BassFred born about 1940
BassGeorge born about 1933
BassGeorge Aborn about 1878
BassHelen born about 1930
BassIrene born about 1898
BassJames Oborn about 1896
BassLeo born about 1913
BassLeo Jr born about 1939
BassLoney Dborn about 1891
BassMable born about 1917
BassMattie born about 1880
BassNona born about 1915
BassOcie Dborn about 1923
BassOlga Pborn about 1897
BassOra born about 1932
BassOthell born about 1922
BassP Lborn about 1926
BassRonald born about 1939
BassRussell born about 1907
BassW Cecilborn about 1914
BattleMary Lborn about 1878
BattleWilliam Oborn about 1875
BillilllAuthor born about 1916
BillilllNellie Bborn about 1911
BillilllW Mborn about 1871
BolesBernice born about 1929
BolesJ Bborn about 1885
BolesMary born about 1912
BolesMary Fborn about 1933
BownBernice Eborn about 1922
BownEugene Gborn about 1883
BownSarah born about 1916
BownTalmadge Eborn about 1939
BownWillie Hborn about 1908
BrinkleyDoris born about 1922
BrinkleyHugh Lborn about 1930
BrinkleyLoyd born about 1927
BrinsonC Eborn about 1893
BrinsonC E Jrborn about 1924
BrinsonDollie born about 1932
BrinsonMollie born about 1904
BrinsonPhillip born about 1926
BrownAda born about 1913
BrownAndrew born about 1880
BrownBuddy born about 1918
BrownCleveland born about 1920
BrownCora Lborn about 1898
BrownEllen Eborn about 1921
BrownFlora born about 1936
BrownFloria born about 1934
BrownHarty Bborn about 1898
BrownInez born about 1923
BrownIra born about 1903
BrownJ Cborn about 1936
BrownKellie born about 1932
BrownLonnie born about 1936
BrownLucile born about 1927
BrownMattie born about 1875
BrownMelton born about 1937
BrownPlez born about 1923
BrownSimon born about 1935
BrownVirsie Colaborn about 1931
BrownWillie Jborn about 1936
BryantAnnie Bborn about 1918
BryantArlenia born about 1893
BryantBetty born about 1938
BryantBraxton born about 1923
BryantBufford born about 1936
BryantJoseph born about 1915
BryantJuanita born about 1928
BryantKatie born about 1895
BryantOnida born about 1930
BryantOthell born about 1932
BryantR Lborn about 1889
BullockC Hborn about 1917
BullockCarreen born about 1939
BullockDoris born about 1924
BullockFred born about 1930
BullockHazel born about 1932
BullockHenry born about 1922
BullockHenry born about 1926
BullockJulia Mborn about 1928
BullockLilie Mborn about 1895
BullockLula Mborn about 1922
BullockNewell born about 1934
BullockOrine born about 1920
BullockSam born about 1920
BullockW Gborn about 1895
BurnhamGordon born about 1924
BurnhamLoyd Eborn about 1883
BurnhamMollie born about 1907
BurnhamVernice born about 1929
BurtJackie born about 1939
BurtJean born about 1935
BurtJosie born about 1912
BurtT Wborn about 1930
BurtW Mborn about 1908
ButlerBertalee born about 1914
ButlerDora born about 1940
ButlerEugenia born about 1938
ButlerFred born about 1911
ButlerFred Mborn about 1933
ButlerLarry Jborn about 1936
BynumRobert Hborn about 1913
BynumRuby born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CainFannie born about 1874
CainHugh Pborn about 1936
CainIjon born about 1923
CainInez born about 1930
CainIrene born about 1934
CainJohn born about 1908
CainMarie born about 1927
CainMattie born about 1896
CainMerle born about 1924
CainOrena born about 1913
CainR Lborn about 1868
CainRobert born about 1907
CainShirley born about 1892
CainZ Cborn about 1894
CamronDonald born about 1937
CamronFloyd born about 1902
CamronFloyd born about 1928
CamronFrank born about 1931
CamronLaura born about 1898
CamronMary born about 1926
CamronRussell born about 1934
CarmonJohn born about 1917
CarrollJ Eborn about 1882
CarrollJ Wborn about 1921
CarrollK Tborn about 1904
CarrollMaud born about 1920
CarrollNorah born about 1884
CarterA Cborn about 1867
CarterBenny born about 1913
CarterCarry Mborn about 1923
CarterCleveland Cborn about 1924
CarterDollie born about 1871
CarterEstella born about 1898
CarterEthel born about 1896
CarterEthellyn born about 1922
CarterEzra Hborn about 1913
CarterJohn born about 1930
CarterL Lborn about 1896
CarterMelvin born about 1890
CarterMelvin Jr born about 1926
CarterNola born about 1928
CarterRaymond born about 1932
CarterTim born about 1897
CarterWill Cborn about 1890
CarterWyllene born about 1921
CastleberryBetrice born about 1912
CastleberryEdith born about 1912
CastleberryF Kborn about 1904
CastleberryJ Dborn about 1876
CastleberryJourner born about 1939
CastleberryLynette born about 1933
CastleberryMary born about 1874
CastleberryMyrtice born about 1899
CastleberryNalder born about 1919
CheneyElijah born about 1938
CheneyJohn born about 1927
CheneyLaney born about 1904
ChristieAllen born about 1856
ChristieChristine born about 1914
ChristieJanie Mrs born about 1895
ChristieMary born about 1870
ChristieRobert born about 1881
CliftonJ Tborn about 1929
CliftonLula born about 1899
CliftonM Oborn about 1898
CliftonMyrtle born about 1925
CliftonVirginia born about 1928
CollinsCarles born about 1931
CollinsCarson born about 1925
CollinsDaisy Mborn about 1923
CollinsDave born about 1930
CollinsWilla Fayborn about 1928
ConeAnn born about 1932
ConeCarrie born about 1924
ConeCarrol born about 1920
ConeEllen born about 1922
ConeEloise born about 1930
ConeEmory Lborn about 1886
ConeEugene born about 1919
ConeFountain Fborn about 1856
ConeFountain Sborn about 1892
ConeIsola born about 1892
ConeJessie born about 1878
ConeLula born about 1891
ConeMontine born about 1928
ConeNancy born about 1885
CooperAlton Bborn about 1905
CooperDarlene born about 1939
CooperDarr born about 1875
CooperDonald born about 1931
CooperGrace born about 1912
CooperThomas born about 1935
CooperWendell born about 1930
CopelandClarence born about 1908
CopelandDallie Mborn about 1915
CopelandDavid born about 1933
CopelandLeroy born about 1937
CopelandOphelie born about 1932
CopelandRobert born about 1935
CopelandSylvester born about 1939
CowanJames Gborn about 1885
CowanJohn Hborn about 1933
CowanMyrtle Lborn about 1892
CowanPatricia Jborn about 1936
CoxDoris born about 1931
CoxFannie Maeborn about 1929
CoxLa Von born about 1936
CoxLillian born about 1913
CoxLodie Bellborn about 1932
CoxLula Maeborn about 1927
CoxMarcus born about 1911
CoxMary born about 1900
CoxU Mborn about 1895
CoxU M Jrborn about 1933
CrawfordSam born about 1900
CreechA Lborn about 1926
CreechEllie Fborn about 1925
CreechEva Mborn about 1924
CreechFranklin born about 1930
CreechIvy born about 1920
CreechJesse born about 1892
CreechJoe Bborn about 1923
CreechLee born about 1886
CreechLouise born about 1922
CreechLuther born about 1920
CreechN Cborn about 1883
CreechSarah born about 1895
CreechWilborn born about 1928
CriswellBell born about 1902
CriswellCharles born about 1902
CrosbyMrs W Mborn about 1876
CrrossBealrice born about 1932
CrrossBell born about 1921
CrrossBenjamin born about 1923
CrrossHattie Mborn about 1917
CrrossJames born about 1885
CrrossJanie Mborn about 1930
CrrossLewis born about 1926
CrrossSalomon born about 1919
CulbrethCora Eborn about 1928
CulbrethCreylon born about 1936
CulbrethEunice born about 1934
CulbrethMaynard born about 1930
CulbrethMilton born about 1932
CulbrethO Eborn about 1905
CulbrethPaunel born about 1910
CumbieD Eborn about 1867
CumbieJeanette born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisAlpha born about 1907
DavisAna born about 1920
DavisAngela born about 1931
DavisAnn born about 1933
DavisBeale born about 1932
DavisBertha born about 1925
DavisBetty born about 1939
DavisBilly born about 1937
DavisBurton born about 1905
DavisClowers born about 1913
DavisCorine born about 1916
DavisDelilah born about 1934
DavisDellia Eborn about 1858
DavisEdnamae born about 1902
DavisElma born about 1903
DavisEmogene born about 1936
DavisErnest born about 1884
DavisEssie Bborn about 1885
DavisEvelyn born about 1913
DavisGeraldine born about 1929
DavisGrace born about 1930
DavisGrady Nborn about 1902
DavisHarold born about 1923
DavisHenry Kateborn about 1932
DavisHillary born about 1923
DavisJ Wborn about 1931
DavisJennett born about 1934
DavisJonah Bborn about 1902
DavisKatherine born about 1924
DavisL Bborn about 1883
DavisL B Jrborn about 1918
DavisLamont born about 1939
DavisLeila born about 1913
DavisLeon born about 1926
DavisLeonard born about 1932
DavisLois born about 1927
DavisMabel born about 1897
DavisManning Jborn about 1887
DavisMattie Bellborn about 1917
DavisMattie Davisborn about 1890
DavisMilford born about 1911
DavisOlga born about 1938
DavisOphelia born about 1923
DavisRetha Mborn about 1934
DavisSally born about 1886
DavisSalomon Eborn about 1936
DavisSanders born about 1938
DavisSarah born about 1929
DavisShelby Jeanborn about 1940
DavisSolomon born about 1916
DavisThelma born about 1928
DavisThomas Eborn about 1906
DavisThomas Jborn about 1867
DavisW Aborn about 1881
DavisW Cborn about 1927
DavisWilliam Mborn about 1868
DekleB Wborn about 1891
DekleMelwood born about 1925
DeklePearl born about 1891
DekleWilma born about 1918
DennisAnnie Bborn about 1902
DennisBetty born about 1939
DennisMiller born about 1900
DensonMarion born about 1929
DixonDouglas born about 1932
DixonEllis born about 1927
DixonFreda Mborn about 1935
DixonGussie Mborn about 1900
DixonHansel born about 1925
DixonMamie born about 1901
DixonTurner born about 1892
DollarElizbeth born about 1938
DollarIda Mborn about 1939
DollarLawson born about 1908
DollarThelma born about 1918
DraughornC Cborn about 1882
DraughornCharles born about 1920
DraughornDonald born about 1914
DraughornFay born about 1934
DraughornJeanelle born about 1929
DraughornLetia born about 1894
DraughornLetia born about 1931
DukesD Dborn about 1869
DukesEugene born about 1938
DukesGordon born about 1894
DukesHoward born about 1893
DukesHoward born about 1936
DukesJames born about 1923
DukesJoe born about 1929
DukesTrudie born about 1901

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E Surnames

EasonCharles born about 1936
EasonJohn Bborn about 1901
EasonJohn B Jrborn about 1938
EasonLillian born about 1921
EasonNina born about 1905
EasonVera Lborn about 1939
EasonVita Pborn about 1922
EdieG Wborn about 1887
EdieLillian born about 1934
EdieVena born about 1901
EdwardsAnnie Jewelborn about 1937
EdwardsCleveland born about 1931
EdwardsDon Lborn about 1926
EdwardsI Jborn about 1927
EdwardsLinton Cborn about 1906
EdwardsLorenia born about 1934
EdwardsMayola born about 1929
EdwardsMurrah Lborn about 1939
EdwardsOla Lborn about 1914
EdwardsWillie born about 1925
ElrodHollis Mborn about 1927
ElrodJoyce Lborn about 1932
ElrodMary Fborn about 1924
ElrodPearl born about 1891
ElrodWill born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FerrellA Jborn about 1899
FerrellAlcyde born about 1918
FerrellAndrew born about 1930
FerrellBilly born about 1931
FerrellEllen born about 1922
FerrellFelicia born about 1898
FerrellFleta born about 1921
FerrellHarm born about 1933
FerrellIla born about 1923
FerrellJoseph born about 1926
FerrellMable born about 1925
FerrellMamie born about 1902
FerrellR Lborn about 1901
FerrellRobert Jr born about 1925
FerrellTenneth born about 1935
FolsomEssie born about 1917
FolsomJames Eborn about 1934
FolsomJulius Lborn about 1905
FolsomRaymond Cborn about 1937
ForsterJ Fborn about 1870
ForsterMrs Pope born about 1874
FranklinGeorge born about 1912
FulfordDuncan born about 1878
FulghumEdward born about 1921
FulghumMyrle born about 1924

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G Surnames

GaniousDelma born about 1928
GaniousIra Wborn about 1881
GaniousIrene born about 1921
GaniousJ Wborn about 1855
GaniousJulia born about 1885
GaniousLeo born about 1925
GassettAnnie born about 1906
GassettHorace Gborn about 1895
GassettSarah born about 1923
GeeCleveland Gborn about 1940
GeeIrene born about 1921
GeeJames Henryborn about 1920
GillardAlpha born about 1871
GillardEvelyn born about 1926
GillardMary born about 1896
GillardSimp born about 1893
GilliardA Cborn about 1929
GilliardAlford born about 1890
GilliardBecky born about 1915
GilliardCarry born about 1892
GilliardEvelyn born about 1918
GilliardHorace born about 1915
GilliardKader born about 1913
GilliardMarion born about 1921
GilliardO Jborn about 1899
GilliardOcie born about 1924
GilliardOllie born about 1923
GilliardSallie born about 1890
GilliardShirley born about 1937
GilliardThelma born about 1918
GilliardWeldon born about 1931
GlenElla born about 1875
GlenMarian Bborn about 1919
GlenThomas Aborn about 1870
GlenThomas A Jrborn about 1917
GlennCharles born about 1928
GlennMarie Eborn about 1913
GlennMariella born about 1940
GlennMary Fborn about 1934
GlennNaomi born about 1936
GlennRobert born about 1909
GodwinBernice born about 1922
GodwinFoy born about 1909
GodwinGrace born about 1920
GodwinIra born about 1924
GodwinLeah born about 1912
GodwinLinda born about 1939
GodwinMrs E Jborn about 1890
GodwinOpal born about 1928
GodwinTom born about 1917
GoldenBill born about 1931
GoldenMalcolm born about 1901
GoldenRuby born about 1911
GoldenVernon born about 1929
GoldenW Dborn about 1869
GoodenAda born about 1925
GoodenJessie born about 1929
GoodenJohny born about 1902
GoodenMaggie born about 1927
GoodsonA Bborn about 1908
GoodsonBetty born about 1940
GoodsonCharles born about 1935
GoodsonEdith born about 1910
GoodsonElwood born about 1931
GoodsonEthel born about 1936
GoodsonGrady born about 1901
GoodsonTalmadge born about 1933
GrangerSally born about 1875
GrayB Eborn about 1906
GrayBertha born about 1903
GrayHattie born about 1906
GrayJames born about 1933
GrayJohn born about 1930
GrayJohnnie born about 1926
GrayRoy born about 1935
GrayT Jborn about 1902
GreenLila born about 1865
GreenMrs Dollie born about 1862
GregoryJesse born about 1929
GregoryL G Jrborn about 1933
GregoryLevy Gborn about 1901
GregoryLonnie born about 1916
GregoryLucille born about 1919
GregoryPreston born about 1925
GregoryRena born about 1900
GregoryRoy born about 1923
GregoryShirley born about 1939
GregoryWallace born about 1927
GriffinDave born about 1878
GriffinDorothy Lborn about 1938
GriffinEva Maeborn about 1930
GriffinHoward born about 1917
GriffinJohn Bborn about 1883
GriffinJohn Mborn about 1916
GriffinLee Pborn about 1937
GriffinLillie Maeborn about 1916
GriffinLouest born about 1917
GriffinMalissie born about 1881
GriffinOscar born about 1925
GriffinRalph born about 1925
GriffinRosa Meborn about 1936
GriffinRoscoe born about 1925
GriffinViney born about 1889
GrinerJosephine born about 1860

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H Surnames

HancockElla born about 1868
HardisonAlbert born about 1910
HarrellE Eborn about 1876
HarrellFrances born about 1838
HarrellHubert born about 1917
HarrellLa Trelle born about 1926
HarrellNettie born about 1895
HarrellOdressa born about 1905
HarrisonCarl born about 1915
HarrisonFaye born about 1925
HarrisonHubert born about 1922
HarrisonLizzie born about 1880
HarrisonWilliam Bborn about 1878
HartleyAlice born about 1922
HartleyBill born about 1926
HartleyCrie Mborn about 1920
HartleyEdd born about 1924
HartleyHattie born about 1934
HartleyJames born about 1928
HartleyJean born about 1920
HartleyL Aborn about 1885
HartleySusie born about 1900
HartleyVirginia born about 1938
HarveyA G Jrborn about 1910
HarveyAnnie Rborn about 1908
HarveyArline born about 1900
HarveyBobbie born about 1935
HarveyDwayne born about 1934
HarveyFletcher born about 1895
HarveyGeorge born about 1900
HarveyHalley born about 1896
HarveyHazel born about 1918
HarveyHorace Gborn about 1895
HarveyHorace G Jrborn about 1920
HarveyJeneva born about 1906
HarveyJewell born about 1925
HarveyJimmae born about 1905
HarveyJohn born about 1900
HarveyJohn born about 1938
HarveyJosie born about 1906
HarveyLottie born about 1903
HarveyLouellan born about 1929
HarveyMary born about 1936
HarveyMrs A G Srborn about 1871
HarveyShelby Jborn about 1936
HenryNancy born about 1872
HenryRobert born about 1870
HickeyElizabeth born about 1889
HickeyLuther Jborn about 1886
HickeyLuther J Jrborn about 1923
HickeyMildred born about 1928
HillJesse born about 1920
HillMary born about 1940
HillMaurice born about 1918
HinesBernard born about 1938
HinesEdgar born about 1932
HinesEthel born about 1910
HinesEthel Maeborn about 1934
HinesWillie born about 1906
HinesWillie born about 1930
HinsonCarl born about 1927
HinsonCatherine born about 1931
HinsonFay Hborn about 1888
HinsonFrancis born about 1890
HobbsChristine born about 1938
HobbsEssie Maeborn about 1934
HobbsMary born about 1913
HobbsWill born about 1893
HobbsWillie born about 1937
HolleyAudrey born about 1913
HolleyJames born about 1923
HolleyJoseph Jborn about 1889
HolleyLona born about 1884
HolleyLorene born about 1919
HolleyLoyd Bborn about 1910
HolleyThelma born about 1921
HopeArthur born about 1902
HopeBernice born about
HopeJ Dborn about 1927
HopeMattie Cborn about 1905
HopeMoses born about 1922
HopkinsClarine born about 1925
HopkinsEllene born about 1931
HopkinsJoyce born about 1937
HopkinsMay born about 1898
HopkinsV Hborn about 1895
HopkinsWilma born about 1920
HopkinsWyatt born about 1933
HowardAla born about 1895
HowardArthur born about 1872
HowardSherman born about 1875
HowardWillie Oborn about 1929
HowellAlton born about 1916
HowellArthur born about 1929
HowellArthur Lborn about 1881
HowellBurnice born about 1927
HowellCharity born about 1891
HowellCharles Lborn about 1925
HowellChester born about 1934
HowellEunice born about 1917
HowellMurtle born about 1922
HowellRay born about 1919
HudsonEmma Pborn about 1899
HudsonMargaret born about 1919
HudsonS Dborn about 1898
HueitMilton born about 1922
HughesAddie born about 1910
HughesAllie Jeanborn about 1932
HughesHenery born about 1934
HughesLuther Cborn about 1906
HumphriesArtie born about 1861
HumphriesDelma born about 1913
HumphriesDorothy born about 1931
HumphriesEva born about 1905
HumphriesGloria born about 1937
HumphriesHarry Lborn about 1930
HumphriesJohn Tborn about 1880
HumphriesJudson born about 1925
HumphriesMila born about 1915
HumphriesMonroe Eborn about 1889
HumphriesTommie born about 1887
HumphriesWaymon born about 1938
HumphriesWeidell born about 1929
HumprhiesHansel born about 1885
HumprhiesLillie Mborn about 1895
HumprhiesNancy born about 1871
HunterJohn born about 1926
HurstBeatrice born about 1919
HurstE Rborn about 1884
HurstGeorge born about 1922
HurstGladys born about 1920
HurstHazel born about 1927
HurstHenry born about 1907
HurstIrene born about 1930
HurstIrvin born about 1925
HurstJames born about 1923
HurstJean born about 1932
HurstJessie born about 1887
HurstJewell born about 1933
HurstLee born about 1921
HurstLula born about 1884
HurstMamnie born about 1894
HurstPerry born about 1938
HurstRosalin born about 1935
HurstRussell born about 1915
HurstVersa born about 1917
HurstVertolia born about 1926

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I Surnames

IngramEdwarg born about 1877
IngramGlenda born about 1939
IngramH Lborn about 1901
IngramJoyce born about 1924
IngramNancy born about 1902
IngramW Cborn about 1877
IngramWillie born about 1936
IngramWillie Gborn about 1902

J Surnames

JinkinsC Fborn about 1917
JinkinsEarnest born about 1936
JinkinsMollie born about 1875
JinkinsVictoria born about 1901
JinkinsW Lborn about 1870
JohnsAngal born about 1924
JohnsArlena born about 1919
JohnsArthur born about 1880
JohnsDavid born about 1938
JohnsLoney Dborn about 1936
JohnsMable born about 1927
JohnsMarie born about 1921
JohnsMartha born about 1890
JohnsMattie Mborn about 1932
JohnsMelvell born about 1939
JohnsPreston born about 1912
JohnsRuthy Maeborn about 1915
JohnsTimothy born about 1929
JohnsonAlvis born about 1922
JohnsonAnnie born about 1891
JohnsonArlevie born about 1930
JohnsonCharlie born about 1913
JohnsonCharlie Jr born about 1938
JohnsonDella born about 1915
JohnsonDewey Jborn about 1933
JohnsonE Dborn about 1915
JohnsonEddie Lborn about 1928
JohnsonElaine born about 1928
JohnsonElwood born about 1937
JohnsonGrannie born about 1935
JohnsonHoward born about 1932
JohnsonJohn Alfredborn about 1927
JohnsonJulius Wborn about 1901
JohnsonLaura Mborn about 1905
JohnsonLeola born about 1910
JohnsonLillie born about 1896
JohnsonMatria born about 1936
JohnsonMay born about
JohnsonMrs Elizbeth born about 1884
JohnsonMrs J Jborn about 1861
JohnsonOllie Maryborn about 1935
JohnsonPearl born about 1914
JohnsonRoman born about 1892
JohnsonRoman Jr born about 1927
JohnsonS Bborn about 1892
JohnsonTom born about 1934
JohnsonUlyese born about 1920
JohnsonWilifred Rborn about 1940
JoinerB Frankborn about 1930
JonesBell born about 1877
JonesJeanette born about 1939
JonesJeff born about 1867
JonesJeff Jr born about 1907
JonesJeff Jr born about 1932
JonesJosie born about 1910
JonesL Cborn about 1928
JonesLula born about 1889
JonesPerry Lborn about 1934
JonesRobert born about 1917
JonesVictoria born about 1916
JordanHenry born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KellyJohn born about 1911
KellyMardene born about 1932
KellyPearl born about 1911
KellyWilliam born about 1936
KericeC Cborn about 1900
KericeFlorence born about 1901
KericeLynette born about 1925
KingJohn born about 1922

L Surnames

LachleyEdgar born about 1923
LachleySam born about 1897
LachleyVictoria born about 1898
LashleyMaval born about 1928
LawrenceE Lborn about 1932
LawsonCornelia born about 1902
LevarClevie born about 1902
LevarF Dborn about 1906
LevarVera born about 1932
LindsayAlbert born about 1935
LindsayClaud born about 1895
LindsayCleo born about 1906
LindsayDoshie born about 1901
LindsayEdward born about 1926
LindsayEffie Lborn about 1916
LindsayEmmett born about 1914
LindsayFranklin born about 1933
LindsayHervy Hborn about 1902
LindsayInez born about 1928
LindsayIrma born about 1924
LindsayJohn Aborn about 1912
LindsayJulia born about 1856
LindsayRiley born about 1905
LindsayRoy born about 1932
LindsayThelma born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaddoxAndrew Wborn about 1917
MaddoxArmissie born about 1903
MaddoxCharlie born about 1939
MaddoxChristine born about 1938
MaddoxOra Leeborn about 1939
MaddoxRichard born about 1911
MaddoxRossie Lborn about 1922
MaddoxWillie born about 1905
MadisonHenry Rborn about 1909
MadisonMaurine born about 1911
MannJohn Hborn about 1917
MannMildred born about 1915
MarrellBarbrie born about 1937
MarrellDennis Rborn about 1912
MarrellLois Aborn about 1914
MarrellMargaret born about 1932
MarrellRay Lborn about 1931
MartinCarsell born about 1919
MartinDorris born about 1914
MartinMarilyn born about 1939
MartinReuben Oborn about 1912
MartinWallace born about 1937
MartinWendel born about 1934
MccallRosetta born about 1894
MccellandCora born about 1880
MccellandHilda born about 1936
MccellandLillian born about 1912
MccellandMarva Lborn about 1930
MccellandMrs Jane born about 1856
MccellandRoy born about 1937
MccellandRoy Lborn about 1911
MccellandS J S Sborn about 1870
McclellandAndrew born about 1898
McclellandCallie born about 1902
McclellandJackie born about 1935
McclellandShirley Aborn about 1937
MccordHelen born about 1927
MccordIrma born about 1907
MccordJames V Cborn about 1901
MccordMrs J Fborn about 1874
McdanielAlex born about 1907
McdanielBelle born about 1908
McdanielCarolyn born about 1923
McdanielTommie Jeanborn about 1932
McdowellAnnie born about 1893
McdowellAnnie born about 1902
McdowellBell born about 1924
McdowellClarence born about 1894
McdowellE Gborn about 1901
McdowellEva born about 1928
McdowellFranklin born about 1924
McdowellGordon born about 1936
McdowellHarvey born about 1932
McdowellHorace born about 1926
McdowellHubert born about 1930
McdowellMaragret born about 1922
McdowellMrs R Wborn about 1867
McdowellShirley born about 1939
McdowellWillenden born about 1932
McgregoryElmira born about 1920
MckenzieH Pborn about 1916
MckownLarry Lborn about 1931
MckownSam born about 1875
MckownVera Aborn about 1891
MclellandE Tborn about 1876
MclellandM Cborn about 1919
MclellandMay born about 1884
MclellandWillard born about 1916
McleodElla born about 1896
McleodNell Lborn about 1877
McmillanDave Sborn about 1869
McmillanLizzie born about 1904
McmillanLucy Mborn about 1874
McmillanM born about 1895
McmillanRay Eborn about 1921
McneeseEmanuel born about 1897
McneeseJackson born about 1898
McneeseJessie born about 1910
McneeseMartha born about 1857
McneeseMollie Annborn about 1927
MeadowsJennie born about 1868
MillerA J Jrborn about 1918
MillerBernice born about 1926
MillerCharles born about 1940
MillerDewey born about 1924
MillerErvin born about 1930
MillerEugene Dborn about 1898
MillerEunice born about 1921
MillerJoyce born about 1927
MillerKatie Mborn about 1906
MizeCarriedell born about 1880
MizeCourtland Hborn about 1879
MobleyDavid born about 1921
MobleyDortha born about 1939
MobleyFrona born about 1889
MobleyHenry Fborn about 1919
MobleyL Hborn about 1873
MobleyLorene born about 1918
MobleyLorenza born about 1919
MobleyLucille born about 1935
MobleyR Dborn about 1884
MobleyWinford born about 1935
MorganJoe born about 1900
MorrellHewart born about 1917
MorrellMargie born about 1924
MoyeDoris born about 1927
MoyeGeneva born about 1911
MoyeJuanita born about 1931
MoyeW Dborn about 1902
MoyeW D Jrborn about 1921
MurrahOlivia Cborn about 1911
MurrahRobert Hborn about 1907
MurrahRobert H Jrborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NewberryAddennes born about 1917
NewberryAline born about 1929
NewberryAlton Eborn about 1896
NewberryBarbara Lborn about 1937
NewberryCarl Cborn about 1911
NewberryClara born about 1896
NewberryEvelyn born about 1924
NewberryHattie born about 1907
NewberryHazel born about 1930
NewberryJimmy born about 1934
NewberryLavaughn born about 1930
NewberryLoney Mborn about 1886
NewberrySadah born about 1937
NewberrySarah born about 1937
NolesB Bborn about 1898
NolesBurnice born about 1928
NolesMay born about 1891
NolesMay Bellborn about 1926
NortonC Cborn about 1906
NortonCharles born about 1929
NortonDouglas born about 1934
NortonE Ruthborn about 1910
NortonFay born about 1933
NortonLeon born about 1937
NortonLouis born about 1909
NortonVivian born about 1930
NortonWillie Gborn about 1908
NorwoodBertha born about 1889
NorwoodDave born about 1929
NorwoodEddie Hborn about 1923
NorwoodJuanita born about 1927
NorwoodKing born about 1888
NorwoodWarnell born about 1927
NorwoodWilliam born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OatesAmanda born about 1894
OatesBurl born about 1923
OatesEarl born about 1923
OatesEdward born about 1929
OatesF Oborn about 1883
OatesFrank born about 1926
OatesJosephine born about 1920
OatsEulie born about 1911
OatsMonia born about 1920
OwensA Jborn about 1874
OwensArmenthie born about 1884
OwensBuster born about 1923
OwensG Tborn about 1874
OwensGeorgia born about 1877
OwensPearlie born about 1915
OwensRosa born about 1877
OwensW Jborn about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PalmerAlma born about 1917
PalmerBuford born about 1934
PalmerChristine born about 1939
PalmerDavid Mborn about 1898
PalmerDeloy born about 1922
PalmerDewey born about 1931
PalmerEthel Leeborn about 1898
PalmerFreeman born about 1914
PalmerFreeman Jr born about 1937
PalmerHollis born about 1925
PalmerIzetta born about 1912
PalmerJarrelle born about 1931
PalmerLevey born about 1907
PalmerMargaret born about 1929
PalmerMason born about 1938
PalmerOttis born about 1918
PalmerTerry born about 1934
PalmerVeneda born about 1936
ParkerAlbert born about 1906
ParkerCecil born about 1919
ParkerDavid Hborn about 1873
ParkerMyrtle born about 1923
PilcherLila born about 1867
PopeMrs M born about 1873
PrinceAgnes born about 1934
PrinceChester born about 1939
PrinceDavid born about 1935
PrinceDonnie born about 1908
PrinceG Gborn about 1893
PrinceG G Jrborn about 1928
PrinceGlenwood born about 1937
PrinceLillie born about 1905
PrinceLorene born about 1923
PrinceLucille born about 1914
PrinceLunette born about 1937
PrinceMax born about 1932
PrinceMonteen born about 1925
PrinceRoyce born about 1931
PrinceThomas born about 1939
PrinceTom born about 1891
PrinceW Lborn about 1906
PrinceWendel born about 1930
PrinceWilburn born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaganCamilla Mborn about 1878
RaganJoseph Cborn about 1874
RaganLeland Lborn about 1908
RaggettAlton born about 1937
RaggettBetty born about
RaggettDoleris born about 1938
RaggettE Dborn about 1915
RaggettPearl born about 1917
RandalDavid born about 1901
RandalJames born about 1920
RandalJerry born about 1923
RandalMandy born about 1900
RandalSamuel born about 1922
RayAndrew born about 1890
RayAnn born about 1938
RayLuster born about 1928
RayMay born about 1899
RayWesley born about 1927
ReagansAuebess born about 1917
ReagansHenery born about 1919
ReagansLottie born about 1925
ReagansMaggie born about 1885
ReagansR Jborn about 1882
RedmondMarvin born about 1930
RhodesAron born about 1932
RhodesDorthy born about 1929
RichBessie born about 1900
RichIrene born about 1922
RichJ Lborn about 1896
RichLeroy born about 1924
RichVaughn born about 1934
RichardCarrol born about 1928
RickleyDoc born about 1918
RickleyJoe born about 1892
RickleyKate born about 1890
RickleyMarsellen born about 1925
RicksRichard born about 1892
RiversRuthy Lborn about 1923
RobinsonCora born about 1904
RobinsonJasper born about 1905
RobinsonJasper Jr born about 1924
RobinsonJohnnie born about 1926
RobinsonWillie born about 1938
RollandCurtis born about 1918
RollandEffie born about 1919
RollandFloyd born about 1913
RollandMartha born about 1872
RollandPatricia Annborn about 1940
RollandTom born about 1921
RollandW Mborn about 1922
RollandWaldeen born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaddlerA Dborn about 1891
SaddlerLiza born about 1881
SaddlerMargie born about 1879
SaddlerO Fborn about 1877
SadlerAbron born about 1926
SadlerAbron Cborn about 1900
SadlerChristine born about 1919
SadlerHazel born about 1940
SadlerHeyward born about 1918
SadlerJ Jborn about 1886
SadlerJasper born about 1924
SadlerMelvin born about 1922
SadlerMittie born about 1929
SadlerNancy born about 1899
SadlerPryor born about 1920
SadlerSarah born about 1933
SadlerSusie born about 1882
SadlerVerna born about 1937
SadlerWinona born about 1931
SandersA Jborn about 1938
SandersDarbie born about 1923
SandersEmma Jborn about 1940
SandersEugene born about 1903
SandersEula Cborn about 1932
SandersI Cborn about 1928
SandersNettie Bellborn about 1904
SandersOllie Maeborn about 1924
SandersR Bborn about 1938
SandersWillie Dborn about 1927
SappBuddie born about 1933
SappCarson Jr born about 1930
SappCarson Sr born about 1907
SappClara born about 1910
SappThelma born about 1937
SappWilliam born about 1934
SculleyEunice born about 1890
SculleyOcie Bborn about 1920
SculleyW Dborn about 1877
SculleyWillie Dborn about 1928
ScullyE Hborn about 1900
ScullyE H Jrborn about 1927
ScullyMary Eborn about 1924
ScurrySally born about 1860
SellersCasper born about 1912
SellersGwen born about 1939
SellersJewell born about 1914
SellersVirgie born about 1937
ShawEtta born about 1896
ShawEugene born about 1924
ShawJ Eborn about 1889
SheffieldClara born about 1890
SheffieldJames born about 1919
SheffieldJessie Lborn about 1928
SheffieldPeter born about 1871
SheffieldPeter Jr born about 1924
SheffieldR Jborn about 1922
SheffieldWesely born about 1910
ShivarDorthey born about 1927
ShivarEdward born about 1905
ShivarFred born about 1929
ShivarLouise born about 1906
ShivarMartha born about 1931
ShiverAlttie born about 1903
ShiverB Mborn about 1876
ShiverGlenda Sueborn about 1939
ShiverIke born about 1934
ShiverMaggie born about 1936
ShiverMyrle born about 1931
ShoalsCharlie born about 1920
SingletaryDan born about 1924
SingletaryF Pborn about 1898
SingletaryJackie born about 1931
SingletaryJimmie born about 1934
SingletaryLarry born about 1929
SingletaryMartha born about 1930
SingletaryMinnie born about 1907
SingletonAttie Nborn about 1900
SingletonCarl Leeborn about 1922
SingletonGeorge Tborn about 1892
SizemoreJ Jborn about 1866
SizemoreWillie Mborn about 1893
SmithAlfamae born about 1932
SmithAlfred born about 1908
SmithAlvin born about 1918
SmithAuthor born about 1937
SmithCecil born about 1934
SmithClarence born about 1939
SmithCornelia born about 1922
SmithDelie born about 1894
SmithE Lborn about 1891
SmithEddie Wborn about 1932
SmithErnest Lborn about 1939
SmithGrady born about 1930
SmithLillie Mborn about 1912
SmithMary born about 1902
SmithMilton Sborn about 1889
SmithRobert born about 1915
SpanBetty Jborn about 1935
SpanElizas born about 1873
SpanMosaline born about 1938
SpanMoses born about 1912
SpanPearline born about 1940
SpanViola born about 1918
SpenceAlma Jborn about 1901
SpenceAlvas born about 1899
SpenceAmelia born about 1932
SpenceBluford born about 1907
SpenceCarey born about 1919
SpenceCarl born about 1905
SpenceClein born about 1933
SpenceCurtis born about 1910
SpenceDora born about 1910
SpenceEdgar born about 1926
SpenceElene born about 1925
SpenceEllise born about 1917
SpenceErnest Lborn about 1895
SpenceErnestine born about 1919
SpenceEunice born about 1920
SpenceEvangeline born about 1929
SpenceFlorince born about 1915
SpenceFrancis born about 1931
SpenceGeraldine born about 1922
SpenceGreen Sborn about 1851
SpenceHenretta born about 1871
SpenceHorace born about 1912
SpenceJ Pborn about 1917
SpenceJacquelene born about 1938
SpenceJames born about 1931
SpenceJessie Dborn about 1910
SpenceJoan born about 1940
SpenceJohn Eborn about 1904
SpenceJuanita born about 1925
SpenceKenneth Wborn about 1930
SpenceLa Grande born about 1931
SpenceMamie born about 1905
SpenceMary Lborn about 1910
SpenceMaxine born about 1932
SpenceMildred born about 1934
SpenceMinnie born about 1885
SpenceMinnie Lborn about 1923
SpenceMyrtice born about 1928
SpenceMyrtle born about 1918
SpenceOpal born about 1920
SpenceOphie Leeborn about 1920
SpencePaquieta born about 1928
SpencePearlie Aborn about 1901
SpenceRussell Gborn about 1900
SpenceSybil born about 1933
SpenceUlysses born about 1925
SpenceWilliam Gborn about 1871
SpenceWillie born about 1915
StansberryAda born about 1925
StansberryBranch born about 1877
StansberryEllis born about 1928
StansberryHoward born about 1924
StansberryRoberta born about 1888
StephensJennie born about 1897
SteumMarenda born about 1900
StevensA Carlborn about 1880
StevensClara born about 1916
StevensLurena born about 1886
StokerEva born about 1891
StokerMary born about 1860
StokerWilliam Gborn about 1888
SwipesLucille born about 1920
SwipesRoy born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TatumEmma born about 1910
TatumJames Hborn about 1866
TaylorAlton born about 1934
TaylorBetty born about 1932
TaylorBilly born about 1939
TaylorBirdie born about 1898
TaylorClyde born about 1913
TaylorDevon born about 1932
TaylorDoris born about 1928
TaylorErd born about 1901
TaylorEugene born about 1933
TaylorFlora Bborn about 1909
TaylorFrancis born about 1927
TaylorFrancis born about 1931
TaylorFranklin born about 1936
TaylorFred born about 1909
TaylorGlenda born about 1939
TaylorHarry born about 1905
TaylorHazel born about 1916
TaylorIrma Jborn about 1936
TaylorIvah born about 1873
TaylorJ Lborn about 1896
TaylorJesse born about 1906
TaylorKennie born about 1925
TaylorKennith born about 1924
TaylorLeila born about 1888
TaylorLillie Oborn about 1919
TaylorMary Eborn about 1931
TaylorRussell Wborn about 1913
TaylorScerese born about 1938
TaylorTonmie born about 1939
TaylorW Dborn about 1868
TaylorWalter Pborn about 1882
TaylorWayne born about 1934
TaylorWilliam Hborn about 1915
TaylorWilliam Rborn about 1935
TellisJackson born about 1925
ThomasBoston born about 1938
ThomasCharlie born about 1878
ThomasClaud born about 1935
ThomasClaudie Mborn about 1938
ThomasCroft born about 1905
ThomasDoretha born about 1921
ThomasEsta born about 1902
ThomasEugene born about 1936
ThomasFanny born about 1885
ThomasFrances born about 1920
ThomasHelen born about 1930
ThomasJaney Cborn about 1934
ThomasJohn born about 1915
ThomasJohnie born about
ThomasL Jborn about 1934
ThomasLeola born about 1928
ThomasLeroy born about 1917
ThomasLevi born about 1893
ThomasOphelia born about 1921
ThomasPearly Maeborn about 1916
ThomasRuth born about 1938
ThomasT Bborn about 1919
ThompsonBessie born about 1901
ThompsonDorothy born about 1927
ThompsonDoyl born about 1908
ThompsonGerald born about 1939
ThompsonHubert Jamesborn about 1925
ThompsonJames born about 1905
ThompsonJohn Wborn about 1930
ThompsonLaura born about 1869
ThompsonLeonard Wborn about 1900
ThompsonMarjorie born about 1931
ThompsonRalph Lborn about 1933
ThompsonWilliam born about 1938
ThursbyEunice Eborn about 1908
ThursbyEva born about 1900
ThursbyHubert born about 1919
ThursbyJanice born about 1935
ThursbyLena born about 1921
ThursbyPreston Jborn about 1907
ThursbyR Rborn about 1897
TilleyBernice born about 1922
TilleyDoris born about 1927
TilleyElsie born about 1887
TilleyEunice born about 1921
TilleyGladys born about 1924
TilleyMattie born about 1885
TilleyR Eborn about 1880
TratmanEdeith born about 1896
TratmanJames Wborn about 1874
TuggleBernard born about 1923
TuggleHill born about 1926
TuggleJ Oborn about 1914
TuggleJames Lborn about 1939
TuggleLavene born about 1927
TuggleMinnie Lborn about 1919
TuggleRosa born about 1891
TuggleW Fborn about 1886
TuggleWillie born about 1938
TuteinEugene born about 1909
TutenJames Lborn about 1864
TutenL Lborn about 1901
TutenMartha born about 1933
TutenMary Fborn about 1926
TutenRuth born about 1909
TutenSarah born about 1929
TysonCharlie born about 1931
TysonEddie born about 1936
TysonElie born about 1889
TysonGwryndell born about 1922
TysonHenry born about 1935
TysonHilliard born about 1884
TysonLouddah born about 1855
TysonLucile born about 1903
TysonLuetta born about 1930
TysonMcarthur born about 1920
TysonRuthy Maeborn about 1938
TysonSarah born about 1924
TysonStanley born about 1926
TysonSusie born about 1928
TysonThelma born about 1939
TysonWilliam Gborn about 1933
TysonWillie born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VickAuthor born about 1931
VickBillie born about 1922
VickCarrie born about 1898
VickClarence born about 1888
VickClarence born about 1933
VickEddie born about 1934
VickElma born about 1926
VickKatherine born about 1924
VickL Cborn about 1930
VickLevron born about 1920
VickMary born about 1876
VickOneal born about 1928
VickRethia born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadsworthAnnie Lborn about 1897
WadsworthHiram born about 1887
WadsworthRuby born about 1932
WadsworthThomas born about 1927
WadsworthWalter born about 1915
WadsworthWilma born about 1921
WaldronArlene born about 1927
WaldronDella born about 1884
WaldronGrace born about 1907
WaldronJesse Mborn about 1902
WaldronOdele born about 1917
WaldronR Dborn about 1915
WaldronRichard Fborn about 1921
WaldronW Hborn about 1881
WalkerThelma born about 1922
WallCleola born about 1926
WallCreamy Leeborn about 1906
WallSteve born about 1903
WallWillie born about 1924
WalsinghamDollie Mborn about 1911
WalsinghamHazel born about 1921
WalsinghamMattie born about 1883
WalsinghamWillard born about 1918
WaltonBernice born about 1938
WaltonFrandis born about 1917
WaltonGeorge born about 1873
WaltonJ Wborn about 1940
WaltonLinda born about 1928
WaltonManland born about 1881
WaltonMargaret born about 1934
WaltonMargaret born about 1935
WaltonMarie born about 1926
WaltonMauda born about 1854
WaltonRuth born about 1932
WaltonWilley born about 1930
WaltonWilley born about 1936
WaltonWillie Bborn about 1919
WarrenCarrie born about 1888
WarrenEllie born about 1887
WarrenErnestine born about 1914
WarrenFreddie born about 1928
WarrenGenava born about 1931
WarrenJerry Cborn about 1930
WarrenJuanita born about 1926
WarrensJohn born about 1918
WarrensPauline born about 1913
WatersCharles Lborn about 1931
WatersCharlie Mborn about 1909
WatersRelia born about 1909
WatersShirley Gborn about 1938
WebbBirtie Sueborn about 1940
WebbHenry Wborn about 1910
WebbRichard Jborn about 1920
WebbVirginia born about 1918
WebbVirginia born about 1922
WebbWill born about 1918
WelchArchie born about 1914
WelchBobbie born about 1934
WelchEva born about 1921
WelchPauline born about 1914
WelchRaymond born about 1920
WestE Tborn about 1899
WestLaura born about 1894
WhiteA Rborn about 1916
WhiteAnnie born about 1926
WhiteBill born about 1915
WhiteDaniel Hborn about 1884
WhiteDonald born about 1930
WhiteEdward born about 1910
WhiteElla Rayborn about 1880
WhiteGertha born about 1923
WhiteGladys born about 1913
WhiteHarry Dborn about 1916
WhiteHaskel born about 1940
WhiteHattie Lborn about 1892
WhiteHoke born about 1907
WhiteKelso born about 1918
WhiteLeary born about 1935
WhiteLowell born about 1928
WhiteMarcel Cborn about 1867
WhiteMattie Lborn about 1931
WhiteMelton born about 1917
WhiteMyrtice born about 1920
WhiteNorman Eborn about 1900
WhiteSusie Mborn about 1904
WhiteTony born about 1924
WhittleLuther Aborn about 1881
WhittleWilmer Lborn about 1885
WhitusCharles Wborn about 1939
WhitusGrace born about 1906
WhitusIziah born about 1927
WhitusRichard born about 1876
WhitusRichard Pborn about 1929
WhitusThelma born about 1926
WightBeatrice born about 1913
WightBenny born about 1935
WightFreddie born about 1935
WightHenry born about
WightJames born about 1909
WightMaggie born about 1920
WightSophie born about 1911
WightSpain born about 1910
WightWillie born about 1911
WilderA U Jrborn about 1910
WilderA U Srborn about 1869
WilderLeland born about 1901
WilderLittlen Eborn about 1938
WilderLizzie born about 1873
WilderSammie born about 1916
WilderSue born about 1915
WilkersonB Eborn about 1878
WilkesAnette born about 1928
WilkesBilly born about 1939
WilkesClaud born about 1899
WilkesFay born about 1920
WilkesFred born about 1930
WilkesMinnie Lborn about 1900
WilliamsBettie Roseborn about 1936
WilliamsC Wborn about 1876
WilliamsCharlie born about 1904
WilliamsCleveland born about 1908
WilliamsCleveland Jr born about 1935
WilliamsEdrina born about 1903
WilliamsEmanuel born about 1923
WilliamsEmory born about 1924
WilliamsEthel Mborn about 1928
WilliamsFlorence born about 1904
WilliamsFrank born about 1902
WilliamsHurbert born about 1926
WilliamsJames born about 1866
WilliamsJessie Dborn about 1932
WilliamsJohn Henryborn about 1913
WilliamsJohny Lborn about 1922
WilliamsLavern born about 1938
WilliamsLizzie born about 1888
WilliamsM Hborn about 1880
WilliamsMalley born about 1881
WilliamsMay born about 1919
WilliamsMontine born about 1921
WilliamsPauline born about 1928
WilliamsRabbish born about 1921
WilliamsRoxan born about 1921
WilliamsRuth Mborn about 1910
WilliamsWillerene born about 1935
WilliamsonAlfred Mborn about 1912
WilliamsonBerdice Lborn about 1933
WilliamsonCandis Dailborn about 1936
WilliamsonDavid born about 1908
WilliamsonDeloyd born about 1923
WilliamsonElbert Wborn about 1876
WilliamsonElease born about 1923
WilliamsonEmma Lborn about 1918
WilliamsonGeorge Aliceborn about 1907
WilliamsonHarrison Wborn about 1903
WilliamsonHazel born about 1920
WilliamsonJ Cborn about 1929
WilliamsonJeanette born about 1925
WilliamsonJoseph Pborn about 1890
WilliamsonJoseph P Jrborn about 1925
WilliamsonJoseph Wborn about 1926
WilliamsonLonzo born about 1915
WilliamsonMaggie born about 1885
WilliamsonMary Cborn about 1892
WilliamsonRuby born about 1938
WilliamsonTed Lborn about 1932
WilliamsonVelma born about 1935
WilliamsonVereen born about 1936
WilliamsonVerma Mborn about 1909
WilliamsonWilla Viedaborn about 1939
WillisAlmond Hborn about 1895
WillisAnona born about 1929
WillisBerma born about 1912
WillisBettie Aborn about 1937
WillisBrim born about 1934
WillisClara born about 1927
WillisClarence born about 1900
WillisDaniel Mborn about 1893
WillisDavid Wborn about 1936
WillisDollie Mborn about 1901
WillisDorris born about 1931
WillisEddie born about 1890
WillisEsther born about 1937
WillisEthel Hborn about 1897
WillisGeorge Aborn about 1922
WillisHughlee born about 1927
WillisI Jborn about 1910
WillisI J Jrborn about 1933
WillisJackson born about 1929
WillisJames born about 1924
WillisJanice Lborn about 1940
WillisJerome born about 1937
WillisJoyce born about 1932
WillisLem Eborn about 1889
WillisLema born about 1927
WillisMamie Jborn about 1910
WillisMary Eborn about 1938
WillisMaydel born about 1918
WillisMildred born about 1924
WillisMinnie Jborn about 1917
WillisRaiford Cborn about 1915
WillisRoscoe born about 1914
WillisRuby born about 1907
WillisShirley born about 1938
WillisTroy Cborn about 1915
WindHopsin born about 1898
WoodCharlsie born about 1934
WoodDoritha born about 1938
WoodJessie born about 1936
WoodMinnie Leeborn about 1914
WoodRobert born about 1908
WoodedAlma born about 1935
WoodedIda born about 1856
WoodedLizzie born about 1883
WoodedWill born about 1868
WoodedWillie born about 1926
WrightArthur born about 1935
WrightBill born about 1924
WrightEd born about 1882
WrightEthel born about 1918
WrightMinnie born about 1892
WrightMyrl born about 1920
WrightSamuel Aborn about 1918
WrightW Lborn about 1912
WrightWarren born about 1875
WrightWarren Jr born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesPansy born about 1934

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