1940 U.S. Federal Census of Tennessee Valley, Rabun, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Rabun County > 1940 Census of Tennessee Valley

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AcrelJack Kborn about 1913
AdamsGordon born about 1936
AdamsJames born about 1929
AdamsJohn born about 1931
AdamsLassia born about 1907
AdamsLuther born about 1898
AdamsReba born about 1934
AdamsRuth born about 1927
AlexanderAlvin born about 1897
AlexanderDella born about 1925
AlexanderDrucilla born about 1900
AlexanderGladys born about 1940
AlexanderGus born about 1927
AlexanderJames born about 1922
AlexanderJohn Pborn about 1935
AlexanderJunior born about 1932
AlexanderLulame born about 1930
AlexanderManuel born about 1923
AlexanderMargie born about 1906
AlexanderMildred born about 1921
AlexanderSusan born about 1926
AlexanderVerleen born about 1938
AlexanderWallace born about 1936
AlexanderWilliam born about 1906
AmesKatherine born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BarronArthur born about 1925
BarronSally Maeborn about 1906
BeasleyAnnie born about 1918
BeasleyClaude born about 1917
BeasleyFrances born about 1929
BeasleyFrank born about 1934
BeasleyHazel born about 1935
BeasleyHobert born about 1911
BeasleyHomer born about 1938
BeasleyJoe Deanborn about 1939
BeasleyLouis born about 1940
BeasleyRuth born about 1925
BeasleyWill born about 1901
BeasleyWilma born about 1915
BellAngus born about 1921
BellBobby born about 1939
BellDovie born about 1924
BellEdwin born about 1926
BellJohn Wborn about 1878
BellJohnny born about 1937
BellRobert born about 1917
BellRuth born about 1921
BellingrathGeorge Cborn about 1898
BellingrathJean born about 1927
BellingrathMargaret born about 1900
BennettBobby born about 1939
BennettFaye born about 1918
BennettForrest born about 1922
BennettFred born about 1924
BennettGeorge born about 1882
BennettHilliard born about 1911
BennettMary born about 1883
BlainChas Wmborn about 1939
BlainHarry born about 1910
BlainMinnie born about 1918
BlalockBessie born about 1891
BlalockBobby born about 1932
BlalockCicero born about 1923
BlalockFrances born about 1926
BlalockHerschel born about 1891
BlalockLillian born about 1920
BlalockWilliam born about 1922
BleckelyAdaline born about 1893
BleckelyAddie born about 1914
BleckelyEdith born about 1932
BleckelyJosie born about 1872
BleckelySamuel Gborn about 1892
BleckleyBirdie born about 1903
BleckleyGus Bborn about 1894
BleckleyJim Edborn about 1920
BowersBeulah born about 1910
BowieAlbert Sborn about 1864
BowieAlma born about 1889
BradleyElisa born about 1922
BradleyGrover born about 1892
BradleyJames born about 1930
BradleyKate born about 1919
BradleyLaura born about 1893
BradleyRuby born about 1929
BramblettArthur born about 1882
BramblettMary born about 1884
BrownAndy born about 1878
BrownCarrol born about 1921
BrownChristine born about 1899
BrownClyde born about 1933
BrownDeliah born about 1883
BrownFannie Bellborn about 1928
BrownFay born about 1924
BrownFred born about 1900
BrownFred Jr born about 1930
BrownHarry born about 1900
BrownHarry born about 1924
BrownHarry Jr born about 1926
BrownJesse born about 1919
BrownJoe born about 1937
BrownJoe Edborn about 1928
BrownKenneth born about 1933
BrownLoyde born about 1922
BrownMarinda born about 1900
BrownMary born about 1923
BrownNolan born about 1931
BrownTom born about 1927
BruceLouise born about 1917
BurrellArzelie born about 1888
BurrellAubrey Lborn about 1912
BurrellBarnett born about 1884
BurrellClyde born about 1904
BurrellD Bborn about 1911
BurrellDecatur born about 1886
BurrellDecia born about 1887
BurrellDonald born about 1938
BurrellDorthy born about 1936
BurrellEdward born about 1923
BurrellErnest born about 1913
BurrellFrank born about 1925
BurrellHallie born about 1917
BurrellHarris born about 1933
BurrellHattie born about 1897
BurrellHelen born about 1925
BurrellHenry Vborn about 1882
BurrellJune born about 1936
BurrellNed born about 1917
BurrellNora born about 1929
BurrellOneal born about 1925
BurrellR Lborn about 1928
BurrellRay born about 1912
BurrellRobert born about 1919
BurrellRom born about 1890
BurrellRom Jr born about 1928
BurrellRoosevelt born about 1904
BurrellRuby born about 1913
BurrellSarah born about 1876
BurrellViola born about 1923
BurrellWillie Kateborn about 1930
ByrdGenearl born about 1904
ByrdHassie born about 1907
ByrdMargaret born about 1930
ByrdPauline born about 1928
ByrdVirginia born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CannonCecill Cborn about 1908
CannonClarecy born about 1938
CannonHoward born about 1929
CannonIda born about 1908
CantrellEdward born about 1933
CantrellEvelyn born about 1933
CantrellLoyde born about 1926
CantrellMollie born about 1889
CarnesAddie Sueborn about 1928
CarnesAustin born about 1884
CarnesBertha born about 1892
CarnesCarolyn born about 1933
CarnesIris born about 1921
CarnesRobert born about 1925
CarpenterArizonia born about 1936
CarpenterClarence born about 1939
CarpenterFlorence born about 1911
CarpenterHenry born about 1887
CarpenterIda born about 1881
CarpenterJames born about 1881
CarpenterJunior born about 1930
CarpenterLawrence born about 1918
CarpenterMargie born about 1919
CarpenterMarie born about 1933
CarpenterMarlar born about 1921
CarpenterWilliam born about 1931
CarverAlbie born about 1899
CarverDaire born about 1911
CarverEdgar born about 1901
CarverJessie Fayeborn about 1928
CarverJohn Rborn about 1876
CarverLeona born about 1916
CarverLucy born about 1923
CarverMary born about 1884
CarverOma born about 1913
CarverPritchard born about 1926
CathersClara born about 1910
CathersJames Frankborn about 1878
CathersMontie born about 1877
CathersNelson born about 1908
CathersRobert born about 1919
ChadwickBessie born about 1928
ChadwickBlanche born about 1914
ChadwickDorthie born about 1936
ChadwickFrank born about 1926
ChadwickLoyde born about 1938
ChadwickLucy born about 1923
ChadwickMary born about 1933
ChadwickMinnie Belleborn about 1931
ChadwickSamuel born about 1902
ChastainAlice born about 1932
ChastainArthur born about 1895
ChastainCora Leeborn about 1934
ChastainDavid born about 1937
ChastainEloise born about 1928
ChastainHattie born about 1899
ChastainIra born about 1892
ChastainJames Lutherborn about 1922
ChastainJeff born about 1926
ChastainOllie Maeborn about 1928
ChastainPearl born about 1901
ChastainRuth born about 1926
ChastainThelma born about 1924
ChastineBurley born about 1933
ChastineCarl born about 1922
ChastineEarvin born about 1924
ChastineLeonard born about 1928
ChastineLeroy born about 1912
ChastineLonnie born about 1914
ChastineMadison Aborn about 1882
ChastineMark born about 1920
ChastineRosey born about 1887
ChastineWaymon born about 1926
ClaytonAline born about 1882
CoatsRaby born about 1883
ColemanBetty born about 1932
ColemanCarlton born about 1916
ColemanCarol born about 1934
ColemanConnie born about 1911
ColemanGoolie born about 1877
ColemanGrover born about 1910
ColemanIssac Pborn about 1865
ColemanJohn Tborn about 1931
ColemanNorman born about 1903
ColemanPauline born about 1908
ColemanRodney born about 1933
ColemanRonald born about 1940
ColemanRuby born about 1910
ColemanTexas born about 1929
ColemanVernell born about 1937
ColemanVerner born about 1904
ConnerBilly Paulborn about 1933
ConnerBobby Rayborn about 1939
ConnerClifford born about 1936
ConnerJackie born about 1935
ConnerJewel Eborn about 1929
ConnerLessie born about 1906
ConnerMinard Rborn about 1901
ConnerReva Maeborn about 1927
ConnerRoy Leeborn about 1939
CrunkletonPayton Aborn about 1883
CrunkletonPearl born about 1892
CrunkletonPeyton A Jrborn about 1914
CurtisAnna born about 1887
CurtisCarl Bborn about 1918
CurtisHannibl born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaileyGeorge born about 1866
DaleLily born about 1899
DarnellAnn born about 1935
DarnellAnn born about 1938
DarnellBeulah born about 1924
DarnellBilly born about 1924
DarnellBrye born about 1894
DarnellBrye Jr born about 1937
DarnellCarolyn born about 1940
DarnellCatherine born about 1916
DarnellCatherine born about 1926
DarnellCharlotte born about 1931
DarnellClaude born about 1902
DarnellEdgar born about 1915
DarnellEdith born about 1905
DarnellElizabeth born about 1910
DarnellEula born about 1885
DarnellFloss born about 1923
DarnellFrances born about 1926
DarnellFred born about 1911
DarnellGeorge born about 1886
DarnellHazel born about 1928
DarnellIna Sueborn about 1936
DarnellJack born about 1925
DarnellJoyce born about 1928
DarnellKeith born about 1928
DarnellLex born about 1880
DarnellLillian born about 1930
DarnellMargaret born about 1940
DarnellMarie born about 1902
DarnellPauline born about 1897
DarnellPearl born about 1890
DarnellRebbeca born about 1875
DarnellRoss born about 1921
DarnellRozetta born about 1862
DarnellSara Mborn about 1854
DarnellTerry born about 1937
DavisCarl born about 1928
DavisCaroline born about 1935
DavisDillard born about 1920
DavisEdward born about 1925
DavisJack born about 1939
DavisJanet born about 1900
DavisLester born about 1898
DickersonAda Sborn about 1874
DickersonAlma born about 1898
DickersonArizona born about 1900
DickersonBryant born about 1898
DickersonCarol born about 1935
DickersonDavid born about 1927
DickersonDennis born about 1937
DickersonDonald born about 1929
DickersonEdward born about 1883
DickersonElizabeth born about 1933
DickersonElla born about 1890
DickersonEstell born about 1888
DickersonFrank born about 1923
DickersonGrant born about 1938
DickersonIone born about 1911
DickersonJames born about 1898
DickersonJames born about 1916
DickersonJewel born about 1928
DickersonJoseph Mborn about 1896
DickersonKenneth born about 1928
DickersonKyle born about 1934
DickersonLynn born about 1932
DickersonMarcelle born about 1933
DickersonMelton born about 1893
DickersonMilinda born about 1859
DickersonMiriam born about 1895
DickersonNeal born about 1929
DickersonRoy born about 1921
DickersonRuth born about 1936
DickersonSara born about 1921
DickersonSarah born about 1867
DickersonShirley born about 1927
DickersonTerry born about 1901
DickersonTimothy born about 1940
DickersonWayne born about 1931
DickersonWilliam Sborn about 1894
DillardBadgett born about 1929
DillardEula born about 1921
DillardFred born about 1900
DillardGilbert born about 1930
DillardGwyn born about 1920
DillardIrmel born about 1927
DillardKapoleon born about 1894
DillardKate born about 1910
DillardLillian born about 1913
DillardM born about 1860
DillardMamie born about 1894
DillardMinnie Leeborn about 1898
DillardMiriam born about 1925
DillardThomas Cborn about 1923
DillsArthur born about 1911
DillsBernice born about 1930
DillsClyde Rborn about 1939
DillsDoris born about 1933
DillsEsther born about 1910
DillsHazel born about 1937
DillsLester born about 1929
DodginsMandy born about 1885
DodginsWill Wborn about 1882
DotsonAllene born about 1936
DotsonCenna Bellborn about 1904
DotsonFred born about 1902
DotsonJess born about 1901
DoverGrady born about 1929
DoverJack born about 1926
DoverJohn born about 1938
DoverLon born about 1900
DoverLouella born about 1932
DoverLula born about 1909
DoverPaul born about 1940
DoverVaughn born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdmondAnnie born about 1915
EdmondEdward born about 1918
EdmondFrancis born about 1921
EdmondHenry born about 1924
EdmondIrene born about 1937
EdmondJames Wborn about 1886
EdmondJessie born about 1926
EdmondLaura born about 1891
EdmondRandolf born about 1933
EdmondSenia born about 1930
EllerBarbara Jeanborn about 1938
EllerBobbie Joborn about 1938
EllerDora Louborn about 1933
EllerElbert born about 1935
EllerEmory born about 1914
EllerIra born about 1939
EllerJack born about 1935
EllerJay born about 1912
EllerKathleen born about 1939
EllerKemsey born about 1906
EllerLenner born about 1930
EllerLula born about 1909
EllerMarley born about 1914
EllerNellie born about 1911
EllerNora Bellborn about 1934
EllerNorma Jeanborn about 1938
EllerOlttelia born about 1932
EllerRuby born about 1914
EllerRuby born about 1919
EllerSamantha born about 1939
EllerWilliam born about 1936
EnglishFlora Bellborn about 1918
EnloeAlbert born about 1891
EnloeJim born about 1920
EnloeStella born about 1895
EnloeTurner born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FisherBlanche born about 1908
FisherJabel born about 1900
FisherKibby born about 1903
FisherMyrtle born about 1906
FisherStanley born about 1910
FloydBerry born about 1905
FloydEleanor born about 1934
FloydLucy born about 1907
FloydRobert born about 1930
FosterBlonia born about 1900
FosterDonald born about 1927
FosterFrank born about 1894
FosterGeorge born about 1940
FosterJack born about 1938
FosterLester born about 1936
FosterPaul born about 1929
FosterPeggy Joborn about 1934
FosterRay born about 1924
FosterSam born about 1931
FountainBuford born about 1938
FountainHelen born about 1932
FountainIrene born about 1939
FountainJoan born about 1939
FountainJohn born about 1906
FountainJunior born about 1936
FountainLois born about 1908
FountainRay born about 1928
FountainReno born about 1934
FountainRobert born about 1937
FountainRoy born about 1934
FountainRuth born about 1930
FountainThomas born about 1909
FountainVassie born about 1914
FreemanAlgie Leeborn about 1912
FreemanBetty Joeborn about 1939
FreemanDan born about 1881
FreemanLaura born about 1917
FryElmer Leeborn about 1922
FryFrances born about 1924
FryHenry Lborn about 1895
FryJimmy born about 1931
FryMartha born about 1929
FryMattie born about 1895
FryRay born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GarlandBelle born about 1896
GarlandBernice born about 1931
GarlandCecil born about 1923
GarlandClaude born about 1934
GarlandDessie born about 1925
GarlandDorthy born about 1933
GarlandEarl born about 1921
GarlandFrances born about 1926
GarlandLucian born about 1930
GarlandNaomi born about 1923
GarlandO Kayborn about 1903
GarlandOscar Sborn about 1918
GarlandRush born about 1887
GarlandSanford born about 1896
GibsonBarbara Annborn about 1936
GibsonCarl born about 1913
GibsonClaude born about 1908
GibsonClyde Pborn about 1934
GibsonIda born about 1907
GibsonJabel born about 1901
GibsonLouise born about 1914
GibsonRuby born about 1922
GillespieBrabson born about 1871
GillespieFay born about 1900
GillespieWilliam born about 1898
GodfreyFannie born about 1863
GrawbargerErnest born about 1908
GrawbargerMartha born about 1923
GreenwoodEva born about 1892
GreenwoodJames Jborn about 1871
GristAnn born about 1936
GristBelle born about 1906
GristBlanche born about 1915
GristDonna Janeborn about 1932
GristDoris born about 1927
GristDouglas born about 1936
GristFannie Maeborn about 1905
GristGeorge born about 1917
GristHelena born about 1891
GristHerschel born about 1903
GristHerschel Jrborn about 1925
GristHomer born about 1883
GristHoyt born about 1929
GristHubert born about 1929
GristJeanette born about 1938
GristJim born about 1919
GristJoe born about 1929
GristJohn born about 1901
GristJulia born about 1864
GristJune born about 1934
GristLella born about 1892
GristLester born about 1893
GristLester Jr born about 1925
GristLois born about 1919
GristLucile born about 1921
GristMartha born about 1932
GristMary born about 1855
GristMattie born about 1878
GristMay born about 1886
GristMuriel born about 1935
GristNoah born about 1915
GristRobert born about 1933
GristRush born about 1883
GristRuth born about 1925
GristThomas born about 1887
GristWill born about 1879
GristWilla Maeborn about 1913
GristWilliam Dborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HackneyIrene born about 1901
HagoodAudrey born about 1927
HagoodBert born about 1902
HagoodBoyde born about 1935
HagoodEdith born about 1901
HagoodJames born about 1930
HambidgeMary born about 1895
HarkinsFrank born about 1897
HarkinsJohn born about 1867
HarkinsLonnie born about 1924
HarkinsOllie born about 1928
HarkinsSarah born about 1891
HarkinsStella born about 1918
HarkinsTempia born about 1871
HenryKatherine born about 1934
HenryLeatha born about 1899
HenryThomas Iborn about 1881
HensleeBelle born about 1915
HensleeBill born about 1919
HensleeFred born about 1916
HensleeHarold born about 1940
HensleeHoward born about 1925
HensleeKate born about 1922
HensleeRandal born about 1918
HensleeReligh born about 1891
HensleeTom born about 1930
HensleeWallie born about 1890
HilduffMargaret born about 1915
HoltAda born about 1883
HoltAndy born about 1891
HoltBobby born about 1939
HoltCarl born about 1936
HoltClaude born about 1916
HoltEarl born about 1906
HoltErnest born about 1930
HoltEthel born about 1916
HoltFloyde born about 1919
HoltLouise born about 1933
HoltLoyde born about 1938
HoltMae born about 1912
HoltPaul born about 1922
HoltWest born about 1867
HooperCort born about 1898
HooperHoyt born about 1936
HooperHubert born about 1932
HooperLassie born about 1901
HooperOtee born about 1922
HopperAaron born about 1917
HopperAlex born about 1907
HopperAnnie born about 1892
HopperArizona born about 1906
HopperBetty born about 1931
HopperBruce born about 1938
HopperDillon born about 1922
HopperErie born about 1910
HopperEthel born about 1929
HopperEtsel born about 1919
HopperFloyde born about 1935
HopperGeneva born about 1937
HopperGlenn born about 1924
HopperGordon born about 1939
HopperGreen born about 1887
HopperHattie born about 1892
HopperIda born about 1923
HopperIrene born about 1935
HopperJ Sborn about 1926
HopperJack born about 1907
HopperJessie born about 1924
HopperJoe born about 1915
HopperJohn born about 1916
HopperKate born about 1911
HopperKeith born about 1919
HopperKitty born about 1923
HopperL Dborn about 1909
HopperLeonar born about 1882
HopperLester born about 1880
HopperLona born about 1886
HopperLouis born about 1921
HopperMae born about 1888
HopperMaggie born about 1915
HopperMary born about 1918
HopperMary Jeanborn about 1936
HopperMary Roseborn about 1939
HopperMattie born about 1874
HopperMaxine born about 1937
HopperMollie born about 1855
HopperNancy born about 1875
HopperNaomi born about 1927
HopperPeggy Nellborn about 1934
HopperRaleigh born about 1896
HopperRuth born about 1927
HopperSara born about 1926
HopperSelven born about 1895
HopperTroy born about 1937
HowardArlin born about 1934
HowardCharnell born about 1924
HowardD Lborn about 1920
HowardDaeel born about 1939
HowardDollie born about 1898
HowardFlarnell born about 1919
HowardGarlin born about 1936
HowardHenry born about 1922
HowardHerbert born about 1911
HowardJulius born about 1930
HowardJunior born about 1928
HowardLassie born about 1907
HowardMaebell born about 1927
HowardMarion Wborn about 1893
HowardOdell born about 1923
HowardRachel born about 1932
HowellHarley born about 1891
HowellMack born about 1932
HowellMyrtle born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacobsBelva born about 1906
JacobsCarl born about 1900
JacobsJoyce born about 1931
JacobsJulia born about 1924
JacobsLeo born about 1924
JacobsSallie born about 1886
JacobsVivian born about 1926
JohnsonBetty born about 1928
JohnsonElmer born about 1905
JoinerDoris born about 1911
JonesAnna born about 1884
JonesMarie born about 1910
JonesMathew born about 1868
JonesOlive born about 1891
JustusCarolyn born about 1939
JustusLexie born about 1937
JustusMaude born about 1910
JustusOdalee Vborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeenerAberham born about 1858
KeenerAdam born about 1905
KeenerBeatrice born about 1901
KeenerBruce born about 1924
KeenerCleleiar born about 1879
KeenerGeorge born about 1903
KeenerGlaston born about 1921
KeenerJames born about 1893
KeenerLarry born about 1935
KeenerLavern born about 1927
KeenerLeta Maeborn about 1929
KeenerMargaret born about 1872
KeenerNellie born about 1913
KeenerNoel born about 1922
KeenerNolan born about 1925
KeenerRockaway born about 1874
KeenerSallie born about 1890
KeenerShirley Annborn about 1937
KeenerVirgil Aborn about 1882
KellCathrine born about 1937
KellDonald born about 1914
KellElmo born about 1938
KellGrace born about 1918
KellHulda born about 1857
KellyAda born about 1889
KellyAgnes born about 1930
KellyBessie born about 1908
KellyByron born about 1923
KellyDonald born about 1935
KellyDorthy born about 1902
KellyEarl born about 1902
KellyFannie born about 1881
KellyFrank born about 1890
KellyGeorge born about 1880
KellyGilbert born about 1930
KellyGrace born about 1904
KellyHoward born about 1925
KellyHugh born about 1922
KellyImogene born about 1934
KellyJack born about 1928
KellyJohn born about 1939
KellyLudie born about 1925
KellyMargie born about 1904
KellyNannie Leeborn about 1929
KellyOdelle born about 1932
KellyRay born about 1907
KellyRuth born about 1926
KellySam born about 1928
KellyThomas born about 1886
KellyVera born about 1924
KellyWilma born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambAnnabell born about 1920
LambBell born about 1902
LambBeulah born about 1884
LambBill born about 1891
LambBlanche born about 1912
LambDean born about 1933
LambDelcie born about 1915
LambEstell born about 1923
LambFannie born about 1910
LambLamar born about 1935
LambLaura born about 1877
LambMaxine born about 1938
LambMell born about 1903
LambMyrtle born about 1913
LambMyrtle born about 1916
LambPearl born about 1906
LambRobert born about 1915
LambTerrell born about 1878
LedbetterBarbara Sueborn about 1939
LedbetterEdward born about 1933
LedbetterGeorge born about 1927
LedbetterMartha born about 1936
LedbetterRobert born about 1930
LedbetterRosalee born about 1909
LedbetterWebb born about 1902
LedfordCorbin born about 1915
LedfordGrace born about 1917
LedfordGrady born about 1910
LedfordJess born about 1928
LedfordLaura born about 1870
LedfordMary born about 1883
LedfordRaleigh born about 1886
LedfordRappard born about 1913
LennonAlice born about 1870
LindseyDorris born about 1912
LoveCarl born about 1907
LoveCharlie born about 1905
LoveClaude born about 1930
LoveCraig born about 1915
LoveEdward born about 1939
LoveEloise born about 1914
LoveEuthan born about 1933
LoveFlora Annborn about 1909
LoveGlenn born about 1938
LoveJoseph born about 1869
LoveL Dborn about 1936
LoveNeta Belleborn about 1913
LoveRussell born about 1937
LoveSarah born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MarrAllen born about 1926
MarrArvin born about 1934
MarrBetty born about 1937
MarrDess born about 1904
MarrGladys born about 1924
MarrHaseftine born about 1932
MarrHelen born about 1928
MarrLois born about 1930
MarrRobert born about 1902
MartinCatherine born about 1926
MartinEunice born about 1935
MartinOscar born about 1893
MartinPearl born about 1897
MartinRosaetta born about 1873
MartinStella born about 1923
MasonBob born about 1898
MasonClara born about 1914
MasonEllis born about 1919
MasonElmer born about 1926
MasonHarley Fborn about 1888
MasonHoyt born about 1939
MasonInez born about 1892
MasonJulia Annborn about 1861
MasonShirley born about 1916
MasonV Lborn about 1923
MccallAliefaia born about 1919
MccallDora Nellborn about 1939
MccallFrankie Belleborn about 1934
MccallHorace Gborn about 1904
MccallHorace Jrborn about 1931
MccallLeslie born about 1909
MccallLucy born about 1927
MccallMae born about 1906
MccallNora Fayborn about 1936
MccallPearl born about 1929
MccallSylvester born about 1920
MccallTyra Aborn about 1872
McclainGry born about 1898
McclainIda born about 1900
McclainJack born about 1930
McclainJames Rborn about 1922
McclainJoe born about 1928
McclainKatharine born about 1932
McclainL Cborn about 1927
McclainMax born about 1926
McclainOlen born about 1937
McclainOtis born about 1934
McclainWinnie Sueborn about 1939
MccoyAlice born about 1900
MccoyEllis born about 1933
MccoyFred born about 1928
MccoyHoyt born about 1939
MccoyKathrine born about 1936
MccoyMelvin born about 1922
MccoyMildred born about 1930
MccoyPaul born about 1925
MccoyUlyses born about 1895
MccurryJohn born about 1876
MccurryMollie born about 1871
McdowellDaniel born about 1913
McdowellEunice born about 1936
McdowellJim born about 1896
McdowellJimmy born about 1936
McdowellLoretta born about 1939
McdowellLouise born about 1908
McdowellRose born about 1881
McdowellStella born about 1900
McdowellVerlon born about 1938
McelroyOphelia born about 1872
MckinneyLouise born about 1906
MclureEbebb born about 1891
MclureElbert born about 1918
MclureJohn born about 1919
MclureParlee born about 1893
McphersonMattie born about 1901
McphersonRuth born about 1922
McphersonVirginia born about 1927
McphersonWillie born about 1928
MillerAlice born about 1915
MillerAnnie born about 1909
MillerDavid born about 1938
MillerDorothy born about 1922
MillerHazel born about 1925
MillerLois born about 1923
MillerNoah Cborn about 1893
MillerNoah Jrborn about 1932
MooreAlbert born about 1922
MooreAllison born about 1918
MooreAlvin born about 1863
MooreBelzora born about 1889
MooreBert born about 1881
MooreBilly born about 1936
MooreClaude born about 1926
MooreDean born about 1919
MooreDorthy born about 1920
MooreEmory born about 1892
MooreKatherine born about 1926
MooreLaura born about 1920
MooreLex born about 1915
MooreLizzie born about 1902
MoorePaul born about 1924
MooreSarah born about 1924
MooreSusie born about 1884
MooreThomas born about 1883
MooreViola born about 1928
MooreWallace born about 1922
MuleyJunior born about 1931
MunsonArthur born about 1940
MunsonLeora born about 1913
MunsonLester born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealCalvin Wborn about 1894
NealCarrie born about 1887
NealFloy born about 1920
NealFred born about 1929
NealRay Abborn about 1918
NealRex born about 1924
NealRoy born about 1920
NealWard born about 1928
NevilleKate born about 1898
NevilleMattie born about 1867
NevilleSidney born about 1936
NevilleWalter Jr born about 1925
NevilleWylie born about 1929
NicholsonAva born about 1890
NicholsonBen born about 1882
NicholsonCarlvin born about 1910
NicholsonCordie born about 1909
NicholsonDorothy born about 1929
NicholsonEugene born about 1891
NicholsonLola born about 1899
NicholsonLoyd born about 1931
NicholsonMary born about 1924
NicholsonRalph born about 1921
NicholsonWayne born about 1934
NixClaud born about 1917
NortonArthur born about 1911
NortonBetty born about 1931
NortonClark Cborn about 1903
NortonDoris born about 1935
NortonOpal born about 1939
NortonReba born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageBillie born about 1915
PageEdward Fborn about 1877
PageElizabeth born about 1909
PageElizabeth born about 1923
PageHubert born about 1909
PageJoan born about 1936
PageRoxie born about 1888
PageRuth born about 1917
ParkerA Brownborn about 1858
ParkerAndrew born about 1935
ParkerAnoy born about 1865
ParkerAnthony born about 1936
ParkerBobby Jeanborn about 1938
ParkerDessie born about 1898
ParkerEllen born about 1870
ParkerEthel born about 1913
ParkerHazel born about 1932
ParkerIma Jeanborn about 1939
ParkerJames Gborn about 1888
ParkerJohnny born about 1912
ParkerLouise born about 1917
ParkerMargie born about 1929
ParkerMary Annborn about 1924
ParkerMaude born about 1931
ParkerMildred born about 1932
ParkerMilford born about 1885
ParkerRobert born about 1926
ParkerSamantha born about 1890
ParkerTed born about 1929
ParkerTom Brownborn about 1924
ParkerWillie born about 1920
ParkerWinford born about 1921
PattonClifford born about 1924
PattonCora Maeborn about 1937
PattonJuanita born about 1931
PattonLaura born about 1907
PattonMarie born about 1938
PattonSam Hborn about 1934
PattonWilliam Eborn about 1904
PattonWillis born about 1929
PendergrassMargaret born about 1863
PerkerDock born about 1880
PerkerHattie born about 1889
PerkerIda born about 1924
PerkerRichard born about 1917
PetermanMaude born about 1913
PetermanRalph born about 1913
PetermanShebby born about 1938
PittsCalvin born about 1927
PittsEsco born about 1892
PittsMartha born about 1933
PittsMary born about 1902
PittsMary Sueborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QueenBell born about 1907
QueenBillie born about 1934
QueenCalvin born about 1936
QueenClarence born about 1931
QueenEmory Nborn about 1904
QueenFloyd born about 1923
QueenJ Bborn about 1919
QueenJ Dborn about 1914
QueenJunior born about 1929
QueenLawrence born about 1931
QueenLorene born about 1938
QueenLouise born about 1933
QueenMary born about 1916
QueenNelson born about 1927
QueenNoah born about 1934
QueenPearl born about 1907
QueenRalph born about 1936
QueenThomas Aborn about 1899
QueenVera Maeborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RameyWillie Maeborn about 1919
ReeseBarbara Jeanborn about 1939
ReeseRobert Deanborn about 1940
ReeseSudie born about 1916
ReeseVerlin Eborn about 1909
RickmanIcie Bleeborn about 1919
RickmanJesse born about 1905
RickmanJesse Jr born about 1930
RickmanJoan born about 1928
RickmanJoe Eborn about 1868
RickmanMargaret born about 1867
RitchieKelly born about 1908
RitchieTexanna born about 1869
RogersAlbie born about 1907
RogersCarl born about 1919
RogersCatherine born about 1939
RogersFlora born about 1912
RogersJimmy born about 1932
RogersLimey born about 1935
RogersMargie born about 1937
RogersMarinna born about 1885
RogersMarvin born about 1915
RogersNorman born about 1910
RogersRoy born about 1912
RogersVirginia born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

ScruggsBertha born about 1889
ScruggsFrank born about 1885
ScruggsMajor born about 1875
ScruggsWallace born about 1917
ScruggsZoe born about 1884
SeayAnn born about 1920
SeayBess born about 1922
SeayCharles born about 1925
SeayEtta born about 1894
SeayFrank born about 1923
SeayIrene born about 1932
SeayJames born about 1890
SeayJunior born about 1928
ShookAlgia born about 1891
ShookCharles Aborn about 1886
ShopeBillie Bertborn about 1939
ShopeDasper born about 1891
ShopeEllen born about 1882
ShopeMaggie born about 1911
ShopeMontee born about 1920
ShopeRobert born about 1914
ShopeWilliam born about 1877
ShottsMargaret Annborn about 1936
ShottsReynold born about 1909
ShottsRuth born about 1910
SnyderJane born about 1906
SosebeeAlbert born about 1929
SosebeeDwight born about 1931
SosebeeGladys born about 1928
SosebeeJosep born about 1904
SosebeeMae born about 1910
SosebeePaula Jeanborn about 1934
StancilBill born about 1915
StancilCarl born about 1910
StancilJames Hborn about 1867
StancilMyrtle born about 1905
StilesAgnes born about 1907
StilesAlma born about 1937
StilesBetty Jeanborn about 1933
StilesDell born about 1898
StilesEdith born about 1927
StilesFred born about 1939
StilesGeorge born about 1905
StilesHarsell born about 1922
StilesJeanne born about 1934
StilesJoanne born about 1931
StilesNelson born about 1935
StilesPatricia born about 1932
StilesTom born about 1896
StilesVelma born about 1930
StilesVernon born about 1926
SwansonDonald born about 1935
SwansonDoris born about 1925
SwansonGeorge Sborn about 1896
SwansonHattie born about 1897
SwansonLily born about 1873
SwansonMack born about 1931
SwansonMary Ruthborn about 1926
SwansonNoel born about 1929
SwansonOrien born about 1902
SwansonPrudence born about 1903
SwansonRalph born about 1929
SwansonReba born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalleyBessie born about 1938
TalleyEffie born about 1902
TalleyHerschel born about 1926
TalleyJessie born about 1934
TalleyJohn born about 1884
TalleyMargaret born about 1931
TalleyOscar born about 1936
TalleyPearl born about 1929
TannerJesse born about 1867
TannerJulia born about 1869
TaylorCleo born about 1920
TaylorEdward born about 1939
TaylorJim born about 1917
TaylorLouise born about 1921
TaylorMary born about 1913
TaylorOlive born about 1898
TaylorRaymond born about 1900
TaylorRuby Nellborn about 1917
TeagueBilly born about 1939
TeagueClifford born about 1927
TeagueEdgar born about 1919
TeagueEdgar born about 1928
TeagueRalph born about 1925
TeagueSteve born about 1870
TeagueVelma born about 1921
ThomasAlliene born about 1936
ThomasCalvin born about 1893
ThomasDavid born about 1938
ThomasJohn born about 1918
ThomasJulius Eborn about 1887
ThomasLester born about 1914
ThomasLucy born about 1921
ThomasLula born about 1888
ThomasRuby Nellborn about 1913
ThomasRuth born about 1928
ThomasThelma born about 1903
ThomasWinnie Sueborn about 1936
ThompsonFaye born about 1920
ThormondGertrude born about 1911
ThurmondAnna Leeborn about 1915
ThurmondAnnette born about 1939
ThurmondBertha born about 1891
ThurmondClarence born about 1914
ThurmondHugh born about 1927
ThurmondPledger born about 1918
ThurmondRiley born about 1913
ThurmondWade born about 1923
ThurmondWilliam born about 1940
TribbleIrma Ruthborn about 1935
TribbleJames born about 1900
TribbleJames Jrborn about 1938
TribbleMartha born about 1908
TrustyDonald born about 1923
TrustyFredrick born about 1933
TrustyHarvey born about 1927
TrustyLorean born about 1937
TrustySallie born about 1901
TrustyWilliam Oborn about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VangorderMarion born about 1899
VickeryLeila born about 1908
VinsonCarl born about 1910
VinsonH Benceborn about 1862
VinsonHarry Lborn about 1901
VinsonKitty born about 1915
VinsonMichael born about 1938
VinsonSelma Iborn about 1875

W Surnames

WalkerNell born about 1899
WalkerWilliam born about 1891
WarrenAnnie born about 1887
WarrenCharles born about 1894
WarrenEdwin born about 1915
WarrenHarry born about 1926
WatkinsAlvin born about 1907
WatkinsEtta born about 1886
WatkinsGeorge born about 1880
WatkinsMonroe born about 1919
WattsBobby born about 1931
WattsFrank born about 1908
WattsHarold born about 1939
WattsMargie Leeborn about 1929
WattsPearl born about 1917
WeatherlyBee born about 1919
WeatherlyFannie born about 1893
WeatherlyGeorge born about 1924
WebbAllie born about 1894
WebbBetty born about 1923
WebbBirdie born about 1926
WebbCarl born about 1927
WebbCharles born about 1930
WebbClaude born about 1934
WebbGrover born about 1920
WebbIda born about 1934
WebbJ Lborn about 1932
WebbJoe born about 1925
WebbJoe Edborn about 1930
WebbKathleen born about 1932
WebbLee born about 1871
WebbLester born about 1922
WebbLewis born about 1924
WebbLouise born about 1921
WebbMae born about 1902
WebbOma born about 1928
WebbPolly born about 1892
WebbRichard born about 1918
WebbRobert born about 1937
WebbWill born about 1888
WelbornAlice born about 1935
WelbornCarl born about 1909
WelbornCarl Juniorborn about 1932
WelbornLuvenia born about 1912
WelbornMelba born about 1939
WelchCaretta born about 1934
WelchChester born about 1932
WelchEula born about 1907
WelchWade born about 1911
WelshAnna Maeborn about 1939
WelshBeuna born about 1916
WelshGeorge born about 1916
WelshJohn Henryborn about 1938
WheelerAdeline born about 1896
WheelerElton born about 1923
WheelerJulian born about 1898
WhitmireEdith born about 1924
WhitmireJean born about 1928
WhitmireLeslie born about 1937
WhitmireNova born about 1903
WhitmirePaul born about 1926
WhitmireRaymond born about 1903
WhitmireRex born about 1932
WilbornFrank born about 1921
WilbornLafayette born about 1873
WilbornSallie born about 1876
WilburnFlossie born about 1920
WilburnMiriam born about 1939
WilburnOscar born about 1918
WilliamsAnnie Maeborn about 1911
WilliamsBobbie Leeborn about 1932
WilliamsCarolyn born about 1939
WilliamsClarabell born about 1935
WilliamsColumbus born about 1898
WilliamsDellie born about 1912
WilliamsFred born about 1933
WilliamsInez born about 1938
WilliamsJerry born about
WilliamsJim born about 1867
WilliamsJimmey born about 1937
WilliamsKanie born about 1906
WilliamsKelly born about 1909
WilliamsLeda born about 1882
WilliamsLessie born about 1917
WilliamsLucy born about 1903
WilliamsMary Aliceborn about 1935
WilliamsMinnie born about 1905
WilliamsThomas Mborn about 1936
WilliamsWillie born about 1895
WilliamsonAnn born about 1937
WilliamsonBilly born about 1939
WilliamsonClara born about 1900
WilliamsonFred born about 1930
WilliamsonJim born about 1934
WilliamsonLila born about 1928
WilliamsonNed born about 1932
WilliamsonPaul Rborn about 1906
WilsonBennie born about 1935
WilsonBirdie born about 1933
WilsonDewey born about 1922
WilsonElbert born about 1891
WilsonFloyd born about 1920
WilsonGrady born about 1925
WilsonJewell born about 1909
WilsonLeroy born about 1927
WilsonMarvin born about 1918
WilsonOra born about 1901
WilsonRonald born about 1930
WrightWilliam Wborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YorkJimmy born about 1915
YorkLucy born about 1905
YorkMollie born about 1859

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