1940 U.S. Federal Census of Vinegar Hill, Walton, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Walton County > 1940 Census of Vinegar Hill

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AustinGarfield born about 1912
AustinGrady born about 1920
AustinJesse Leeborn about 1928
AustinMatthew born about 1935
AustinRobert born about 1923
AustinRose born about 1882
AustinRoy born about 1939
AustinSarah born about 1910
AustinSarah born about 1937
AustinUlynissie born about 1919
AustinWillie Jamesborn about 1934

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B Surnames

BallMargaret born about 1925
BallTravis born about 1922
BarnettBertha born about 1936
BarnettLouis born about 1930
BarnettMelvin born about 1932
BarnettNimmie born about 1902
BarnettWillie born about 1911
BentleyAda born about 1929
BentleyEtta born about 1935
BentleyFloice born about 1938
BentleyJ R Jrborn about 1910
BentleyLouise born about 1930
BentleyMargaret born about 1931
BentleyMary Nellborn about 1933
BentleyMinnie born about 1908
BentleyRobert born about 1939
BlanchettBetty born about 1935
BlanchettGeorge born about 1911
BlanchettMannie born about 1906
BloodsawLeroy born about 1915
BloodsawWillie born about 1919
BriscoeEddie Maudeborn about 1914
BriscoeJean born about
BriscoeJohn born about 1904
BriscoeMary born about 1927
BriscoeMattie born about 1880
BriscoeRuth born about 1910
BrooksMartha born about 1865
BrooksWilliam Tborn about 1896
BrownColeman born about 1909
BrownGrace born about 1923
BrownHenry born about 1912
BrownJack born about 1914
BrownVallie Maeborn about 1920

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C Surnames

CollinsBeverly born about 1933
CooperAnn born about 1931
CooperDanny born about 1939
CooperHugh Sborn about 1910
CooperJames born about 1932
CooperJulia born about 1910
CooperPettye born about 1935
CooperStewart born about
CosperAddie born about 1890
CosperColumbus born about 1885
CosperDolly born about 1921
CosperDorthy born about 1928
CosperJames born about 1923
CosperTroy born about 1926
CubreathAnnie born about 1912
CubreathCamilla born about 1939
CubreathFred born about 1916
CubreathFred Lborn about 1938
CulbreathBessie born about 1932
CulbreathBishop born about 1905
CulbreathGladys born about 1930
CulbreathIda born about 1931
CulbreathLena Maeborn about 1928
CulbreathMinnie born about 1915

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D Surnames

DanielJesse born about 1912
DanielMildred born about 1936
DanielRosa born about 1915
DavisGeorge born about 1935
DavisHester born about 1918
DavisIrene born about 1927
DavisJames born about 1870
DavisJames Wborn about 1924
DavisJimmie born about 1933
DavisLouis born about 1936
DavisOdessa born about 1897
DavisSavannah born about 1931
DavisT Pborn about 1922
DavisWillie born about 1929

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E Surnames

EtchinsonAlvin born about 1915
EtchinsonAlvin born about 1935
EtchinsonArtel Jr born about 1921
EtchinsonArtle born about 1889
EtchinsonAzalie born about 1913
EtchinsonCara born about 1919
EtchinsonEssie Maeborn about 1923
EtchinsonFlossie born about 1925
EtchinsonHubert born about 1926
EtchinsonJack born about 1923
EtchinsonJohn Lewisborn about 1928
EtchinsonLottie Ruthborn about 1932
EtchinsonLouvenia born about 1928
EtchinsonModiciah born about 1929
EtchinsonMolly born about 1895
EtchinsonNellie Annborn about 1933
EtchinsonSavannah born about 1904
EtchinsonSilae born about 1934
EtchinsonWalter Leeborn about 1932
EtchinsonWeyman born about 1939
EtchinsonWilliam born about 1900
EtchinsonWilliam Jr born about 1930
EtchinsonZip born about 1936
EverettJ Wborn about 1921
EverettRubye born about 1923

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F Surnames

FlintAnn born about 1937
FlintEmory born about 1917
FlintEunice born about 1919
FlintGlaria born about 1939
FlintHillman born about 1863
FlintSealie born about 1868
FlintWilliam born about 1938
FulcherDilmus born about 1897
FulcherOllie born about 1896

G Surnames

GarrisonBuford born about 1913
GarrisonCharles born about 1927
GarrisonDavid born about 1934
GarrisonElizabeth born about 1904
GarrisonHester born about 1903
GarrisonHubert born about 1906
GarrisonImogene born about 1937
GarrisonJessie born about 1917
GarrisonLee born about 1910
GarrisonLouise born about 1930
GarrisonMartha born about 1939
GarrisonPatricia born about 1939
GarrisonWilliam born about 1925
GravittBascomb born about 1927
GravittCharlie born about 1872
GravittEvelyn born about 1925
GravittLizzie Maeborn about 1922
GravittOma born about 1893
GreenAdolphus born about 1891
GreenNellie born about 1937
GreenNorma born about 1938
GreenVerna born about 1912
GreenVivian born about 1930
GreeneDean born about 1901
GreeneDear Jr born about 1924
GreeneEmma born about 1871
GreeneMary Pearlborn about 1925
GreeneMozelle born about 1903
GriffethDewitt born about 1928
GriffethEugene born about 1938
GriffethHerchel born about 1902
GriffethHoward born about 1932
GriffethLouise born about 1935
GriffethStella born about 1907

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H Surnames

HesterEva Reeborn about 1935
HesterLouise born about 1914
HesterWalter Maeborn about 1936
HoganMamie born about 1906
HowardLassie born about 1910

I Surnames

InesterAugustus born about 1929
InesterCathirine born about 1926
InesterHazel born about 1937
InesterLila born about 1920
InesterLizzie born about 1933
InesterMattie born about 1895
InesterMinnie born about 1923
InesterVivian born about 1934

J Surnames

JohnsonAllie born about 1896
JohnsonAllie Maeborn about 1927
JohnsonEula Maeborn about 1898
JohnsonRalph born about 1930
JohnsonRoy Leeborn about 1923
JonesAnnie Lynnborn about 1928
JonesEmma born about 1897
JonesFarrel born about 1932
JonesGeorge born about 1903
JonesGrady born about 1926
JonesLizzie born about 1902
JonesOscar born about 1897
JonesSallie born about 1868
JonesSue born about 1935
JonesWillie born about 1870

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K Surnames

KilgoreAnnie born about 1904
KilgoreJim born about 1896
KnightBerta born about 1886
KnightDorthy born about 1925
KnightFrances born about 1935
KnightJames born about 1928
KnightJoe born about 1938
KnightJohnnie born about 1909
KnightJohnnie Jr born about 1929
KnightMargaret born about 1932
KnightMiller born about 1919
KnightMiller Jr born about 1938
KnightMinnie born about 1913
KnightRuth born about 1921
KnightWillie Tborn about 1886

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L Surnames

LeeDaisy born about 1907
LeeDorthy born about 1935
LeeGeorge Wborn about 1903
LeeJohn born about 1873
LeeLulu Annborn about 1874

M Surnames

MaddoxSaleum born about 1918
MalcomLillian born about 1929
MalcomMary Nellborn about 1927
MalcomRuby born about 1919
MalcomSara born about 1939
MalcomWiley born about 1904
MarrelAlice born about 1929
MarrelDaisy born about 1937
MarrelHerchel born about 1933
MarrelLeroy born about 1931
MarrelOra born about 1899
MarrelRaymond born about 1924
MarrelRobert born about 1887
MarrelRobert born about 1922
MarrelRosa Maeborn about 1927
MooreAnnette born about 1932
MooreFrances born about 1909
MooreNathan born about 1908

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N Surnames

NormanCharlie born about 1915
NormanLena born about 1917

P Surnames

PalmerJamie born about 1881
PalmerMae born about 1882
PalmerMargaret born about 1924
PhillipsGisie born about 1882
PhillipsJames Mborn about 1879

Q Surnames

QueenBennie born about 1929
QueenMabel born about 1908
QueenMack Aborn about 1906
QueenMary born about 1932

R Surnames

RichardsonAlma born about 1895
RichardsonClara Bellborn about 1919
RichardsonJack born about 1925
RichardsonJames born about 1895
RichardsonJoe born about 1928
RichardsonMary born about 1931
RobertsonGeorgia born about 1894
RobertsonThomas born about 1892
RoweJ Cborn about 1928
RoweMartha born about 1937
RoweRichard born about 1908
RoweSara born about 1909

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S Surnames

ShoresClarence born about 1920
ShoresEverett born about 1922
ShoresJessie born about 1918
ShoresKathleen born about 1927
ShoresRubye born about 1924
ShoresTrummie born about 1898
ShoresWillie born about 1898
SimmonsT Cborn about 1924
SmithAzilee born about 1897
SmithCora Louborn about 1899
SmithDora Bellborn about 1882
SmithEvelyn born about 1911
SmithFred born about 1926
SmithGeorge born about 1922
SmithHarold Wborn about 1905
SmithHazel born about 1925
SmithImogene born about 1935
SmithJ Troyborn about 1895
SmithJames Cborn about 1879
SmithM Perryborn about 1881
SmithRobert born about 1912
SmithRuth born about 1919
SmithSusie born about 1881
SmithThomas born about 1888
SmithWalter born about 1895
SmithWeyman born about 1885
SpenceFloyd born about 1913
SpenceFloyd Jr born about 1936
SpenceRena born about 1919
StillClement born about 1913
StillPearlie born about 1915
SummerJames born about 1927
SummerMarnie born about 1925
SummerourBert born about 1922
SummerourLemon born about 1920
SummerourOscar born about 1923
SummerourSadie born about 1890

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T Surnames

ThompsonCathrine born about 1923
ThompsonGrace born about 1932
ThompsonJohn Lborn about 1920
ThompsonL Wborn about 1925
ThompsonLouvenia born about 1933
ThompsonMarcus born about 1897
ThompsonMarcus Jr born about 1936
ThompsonMary born about 1928
ThompsonRobert born about 1897
ThompsonRuth born about 1930
ThompssonArwe Jborn about 1901
ThompssonEllen born about 1935
ThompssonGrace born about 1928
ThompssonJohnie Maeborn about 1930
ThompssonPearl born about 1903
ThompssonThelma born about 1932

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W Surnames

WagesEthel born about 1904
WagesLouise born about 1931
WagesMargaret born about 1932
WagesO Eborn about 1903
WagesOscar born about 1934
WhitleyAnnie born about 1908
WhitleyArthur born about 1908
WhitleyFrances born about 1914
WhitleyGene born about 1937
WhitleyLucie born about 1892
WhitleyMelvin born about 1932
WhitleyOliver Lborn about 1914
WhitleySandra born about 1940
WhitleyThomas born about 1912
WilkersonFletcher born about 1898
WilkersonMinnie born about 1910
WilkersonRobert born about 1927
WilkersonRosa born about 1925
WilliamsJanie Louborn about 1910
WilliamsJoseph born about 1932
WilliamsOscar born about 1938
WilliamsRobbie born about 1930
WoodyBasaline born about 1940
WoodyElmer Jborn about 1915
WoodyOla born about 1923
WoodyShirley born about 1939

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Y Surnames

YoungFannie Ruthborn about 1935
YoungJeff born about 1913
YoungSallie born about 1915

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