1940 U.S. Federal Census of Warthen County, Washington, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Washington County > 1940 Census of Warthen County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsEdmond born about 1880
AkridgeHattie born about 1894
AkridgeHoward born about 1894
AkridgeJoshua born about 1919
AllenAlvin born about 1935
AllenAnnie Kborn about 1930
AllenAnnie Kateborn about 1903
AllenClarence born about 1903
AllenElaise born about 1924
AllenEstelle born about 1931
AllenEvelyn born about 1932
AllenFrancis born about 1881
AllenJames Clarenceborn about 1927
AllenJim born about 1873
AllenJimmie born about 1913
AllenLaura Lborn about 1933
AllenLena Francesborn about 1932
AllenMildred born about 1938
AllenPicola born about 1926
AmersonClora Bborn about 1872
AndersonHenry born about 1888
AndrewsAnise born about 1910
AndrewsBen born about 1926
AndrewsCharlie born about 1925
AndrewsEaster born about 1868
AndrewsEva Maeborn about 1927
AndrewsJosephine born about 1892
AndrewsJule born about 1880
AndrewsLou born about 1910
AndrewsMinnie Leeborn about 1911
AndrewsMissie born about 1915
AnnbleMatthew born about 1938
ArcherAdam born about 1929
ArcherCora born about 1889
ArcherDerothea born about 1905
ArcherEffie Sborn about 1920
ArcherEthel born about 1911
ArcherHorace born about 1917
ArcherJoe born about 1918
ArcherJoe born about 1922
ArcherJoe Leuraborn about 1939
ArcherLula born about 1880
ArcherOscar born about 1884
ArcherPhil born about 1880
ArcherTom born about 1891
ArmstrongCora Sueborn about 1939
ArmstrongJulius born about 1898
ArmstrongMaline born about 1906
ArmstrongStevie born about 1922
AshleyAurther Leeborn about 1938
AshleyAvella born about 1919
AshleyJohn born about 1919
AshleyLonnie Jborn about 1910
AshleyLonnie Jr born about 1936
AshleyOscar Maeborn about 1917
AskenMary Lborn about 1885
AskenRobert born about 1888

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B Surnames

BakerAlex Jr born about 1934
BakerAlexander born about 1911
BakerElla born about 1925
BakerEstelle born about 1917
BakerLee born about 1905
BakerMay Ellaborn about 1935
BakerSylvester born about 1936
BakerVera born about 1938
BarksdaleCharlie born about 1892
BarksdaleMarie born about 1897
BassJohn Fborn about 1927
BasselLillie Maeborn about 1905
BattleHorace born about 1924
BattleNora born about 1895
BellAsbury born about 1917
BellJewell born about 1917
BellLucile born about 1914
BellMary born about 1880
BellTom born about 1935
BellWillie Jborn about 1937
BennettJohn born about 1893
BennettZelpher born about 1906
BerryAmie born about 1878
BerryBobbie born about 1936
BerryClyde born about 1912
BerryJohn born about 1873
BerryMaude born about 1912
BetheaBessie born about 1904
BetheaCrystle Louborn about 1914
BetheaJ Lborn about 1904
BetheaJ Wborn about 1938
BetheaJake born about 1921
BraswellFreddie born about 1900
BridgesAlton born about 1922
BridgesDella born about 1889
BrookinsCharles born about 1895
BrookinsFrances born about 1893
BrookinsSamuel born about 1928
BrookinsW Lborn about 1924
BrookiusLola born about 1891
BrownAlbert born about 1930
BrownAlgero born about 1940
BrownAnnie Lauraborn about 1908
BrownAuther Leeborn about 1935
BrownBara Francesborn about 1917
BrownBertha born about 1896
BrownBessie Maeborn about 1932
BrownBetty born about 1872
BrownBeulah born about 1937
BrownCorinne born about 1924
BrownCynthia born about 1923
BrownDallas born about 1864
BrownDelmar born about 1920
BrownDick born about 1895
BrownDick Jr born about 1934
BrownEdna born about 1922
BrownEula Maeborn about 1938
BrownEva Willborn about 1938
BrownExie born about 1904
BrownFaye born about 1934
BrownFlorrie born about 1923
BrownFrank born about 1918
BrownFreddie born about 1914
BrownGenevia born about 1925
BrownGeorge Leeborn about 1934
BrownGeraldine born about 1898
BrownH Aborn about 1924
BrownHarvey born about 1894
BrownJ Bborn about 1912
BrownJ Dborn about 1928
BrownJ Fborn about 1939
BrownJ Lborn about 1912
BrownJack born about 1895
BrownJennings born about 1907
BrownJohn born about 1895
BrownLamar born about 1916
BrownLinton Jborn about 1884
BrownLloyd born about 1912
BrownLouise born about 1920
BrownLula born about 1879
BrownMae born about 1939
BrownMartha born about 1935
BrownMary born about 1891
BrownMary born about 1930
BrownMattie born about 1894
BrownMattie born about 1908
BrownMattie Evaborn about 1899
BrownMaxie born about 1906
BrownNathaniel born about 1923
BrownOla born about 1896
BrownPete born about 1902
BrownPete Jr born about 1931
BrownPhillip born about 1928
BrownQueen born about 1910
BrownRebecca born about 1939
BrownRosa born about 1916
BrownRuth Bborn about 1891
BrownSally born about 1900
BrownThelma born about 1919
BrownVictor born about 1922
BrownVinson born about 1921
BrownWill born about 1895
BrownWilliam born about 1928
BrownWillie born about 1928
BrownZelma born about 1933
BurbaFoster born about 1937
BurtonClaudia born about 1890
BurtonClaudia Jr born about 1923
BurtonEdward born about 1915
BurtonFannie born about 1922
ButlerClemmon born about 1878
ButlerMillie born about 1893

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C Surnames

CarswellGloria born about 1931
CarswellHershal Lborn about 1929
ChandlerRosebud born about 1899
ChandlerSalomon born about 1885
ChapmanBen born about 1875
ChapmanVinah born about 1895
ChesleyCurtis born about 1921
ChesleyJosephine born about 1915
ChesleyLizzie Maeborn about 1939
ChesleyLouise born about 1922
ChesleyRoy born about 1913
ClapmanEva Maeborn about 1929
ClarkMarie born about 1935
ClarkRobert born about 1940
ClarkRuby Maeborn about 1919
ClarkWillie Leeborn about 1938
CobbAgnes born about 1921
CobbBolden born about 1885
CobbCecil born about 1905
CobbDella born about 1884
CobbElla Willborn about 1886
CobbQuince born about 1853
CobbSteve born about 1883
CoefieldCleon born about 1896
CoefieldHelen born about 1932
CoefieldMartha born about 1935
CoefieldMildred born about 1930
CoefieldRuby born about 1896
CooperJack born about 1894
CooperMary Lauborn about 1892
CranshawRuth born about 1921
CrookerLizzie born about 1870
CullersJames born about 1919
CullersMattie Bellborn about 1919
CummingBessie born about 1913
CummingClaudia born about 1895
CummingHasin born about 1886
CummingHasin B Jrborn about 1921
CummingMattie born about 1865
CummingTom Wborn about 1895
Cummings??? born about 1934
CummingsBoyine born about 1917
CummingsCharlie born about 1901
CummingsCharlie Bborn about 1931
CummingsDorothy born about 1935
CummingsEd born about 1875
CummingsElla Willborn about 1926
CummingsEulicus* born about 1905
CummingsEulius born about 1928
CummingsFrances born about 1940
CummingsFranklin born about 1935
CummingsGenie born about 1904
CummingsHasin Wborn about 1939
CummingsJ Cborn about 1925
CummingsJ Watsonborn about 1939
CummingsJames born about 1937
CummingsJames Wborn about 1937
CummingsJimmie Leeborn about 1921
CummingsJohn Willieborn about 1931
CummingsJohnie born about 1908
CummingsJohnie Maeborn about 1937
CummingsJulia born about 1936
CummingsLillian born about 1921
CummingsLula born about 1890
CummingsMartina born about 1926
CummingsMattie Louborn about 1903
CummingsMildred born about 1933
CummingsMyrtice born about 1935
CummingsOscar Jr born about 1930
CummingsOscar Sr born about 1901
CummingsReba born about 1900
CummingsRobert Leeborn about 1933
CummingsRuth born about 1938
CummingsSam born about 1930
CummingsSeola born about 1940
CummingsThelma Leeborn about 1935
CummingsTommie Leeborn about 1917
CummingsTommie Leeborn about 1932
CummingsVera born about 1903
CummingsWilliam Dborn about 1921
CummingsWilliam Jborn about 1926
CummingsZack born about 1896
CumminsExie Maeborn about 1895
CurryArthur Wborn about 1920
CurryCharlie Lborn about 1927
CurryOscar born about 1886
CurryTommie Lborn about 1931
CurryWimp born about 1924

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D Surnames

DarnerB Eborn about 1907
DarnerBeverly born about 1937
DarnerMildred born about 1914
DicksonCleve born about 1885
DobyMaggie born about 1890
DobyNoah born about 1865
DudleyAlbert born about 1885
DudleyCeasar born about 1923
DudleyLaura born about 1897
DudleyMyrtle born about 1935
DugganAlice born about 1909
DugganAnnie Tborn about 1885
DugganIsadore born about 1913
DugganJessie Maeborn about 1922
DugganJohn Tborn about 1916
DugganMary born about 1890
DugganOtis born about 1917
DugganSusie born about 1872
DugganThomas Gborn about 1911
DyeNathaniel born about 1929

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E Surnames

EdwardsLillie Maeborn about 1922
EdwardsWyman born about 1918
EllisHelen born about 1921
EllisJames born about 1916
EllisN Jborn about 1940
EvansLizzie born about 1884
EzellAgnes Bborn about 1895

F Surnames

FairMary born about 1864
FieldsBen born about 1887
FieldsDavid born about 1928
FieldsLacy born about 1916
FieldsLillian born about 1935
FieldsMattie Juliaborn about 1918
FlemmingAletha born about 1938
FlemmingLizzie born about 1918
FlemmingMattie born about 1899
FlemmingMattie Willborn about 1935
FlemmingMelvinie born about 1937
FlemmingMildred born about 1939
FlemmingPearl born about 1912
FlourneyEmma born about 1881
FlourneyEmma Leeborn about 1936
FlourneyEsie Bborn about 1916
FlourneyHenry born about 1929
FlourneyMarian born about 1922
FlourneyMurphy born about 1927
FlourneySusie born about 1919
FlourneyTom born about 1875
FraleyJulia born about 1901
FraleyM Cborn about 1936
FraleyNancy born about 1929
FraleyRosa born about 1931
FraleyWillie born about 1900
FranklinDorothy born about 1918
FranklinWill born about 1906
FranklinWillie Jr born about 1938

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G Surnames

Garner born about 1939
GarnerClaudia born about 1869
GarnerElla Willborn about 1914
GarnerEula Maeborn about 1921
GarnerFannie born about 1880
GarnerInez born about 1909
GarnerLawson born about 1905
GarnerLeon Aborn about 1895
GarnerMamie Eborn about 1871
GarnerMarguerite born about 1938
GarnerMarvin born about 1909
GarnerMary born about 1900
GarnerRuth born about 1917
GarnerW Fborn about 1868
GattinJim born about 1893
GattinSusie born about 1893
GilbertCeola born about 1908
GilbertEloise born about 1935
GilbertHenry born about 1890
GilbertWill born about 1939
GilbertWilliam Hborn about 1938
GilmoreSis born about 1875
GladdinBeeman born about 1931
GladdinBillie Bborn about 1927
GladdinCaroline born about 1884
GladdinEmma born about 1910
GladdinJonnie Leeborn about 1926
GladdinOdel born about 1923
GleddinEmma born about 1904
GleddinSolomon born about 1910
GloverCharles born about 1939
GranadeElizabeth born about 1918
GrayJulian born about 1923
GreenBettie Wborn about 1922
GreenChristine born about 1939
GreenGusten born about 1919
GreenTheodis born about 1936

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H Surnames

HaceAggie Ruthborn about 1938
HaceAnnie born about 1904
HaceChristine born about 1926
HaceMaggline born about 1932
HaceMary born about 1935
HadgeEvie born about 1901
HadgeGenevia born about 1931
HadgeJohn born about 1892
HadgeJohn Wborn about 1936
HadgesGeorgia born about 1894
HadgesNoah born about 1888
HainesClemmie born about 1897
HainesHoward born about 1937
HainesMattie born about 1929
HallBob born about 1897
HallE Dborn about 1932
HallEugene born about 1937
HallEunice born about 1933
HallEvie Maeborn about 1916
HallHovey born about 1928
HallIda Ruthborn about 1930
HallLan Willborn about 1923
HallLucile born about 1925
HallMarie born about 1934
HallMary Lizzieborn about 1901
HallNannie Louborn about 1912
HallRoger born about 1900
HallSam born about 1910
HallTommie Leeborn about 1932
HaltonEd Wborn about 1881
HaltonMary Dorisborn about 1887
HaltonSam born about 1918
HarperR G Jrborn about 1912
HarperTheresia born about 1913
HawkinsErnest born about 1913
HawkinsErnest Fborn about 1940
HawkinsStella born about 1921
HayneAdler born about 1937
HayneHelen born about 1922
HayneSam born about 1921
HemmingBernice born about 1928
HemmingCharlie Bborn about 1920
HemmingElla born about 1888
HemmingLina Willborn about 1930
HemmingOthel born about 1925
HemmingRay born about 1924
HemmingRobert born about 1882
HemmingT Leeborn about 1918
HemmingThomas born about 1923
HemmingTimothy born about 1932
HicksCharlie born about 1931
HicksEva born about 1885
HicksEva Cborn about 1928
HicksGeorge born about 1895
HicksLeo born about 1926
HicksMattie Bborn about 1929
HicksMinnie born about 1901
HicksWillie Elroyborn about 1923
HinesHoward born about 1875
HinesMandres born about 1936
HinesMinnie born about 1916
HinesWillie born about 1914
HinesWillie Dborn about 1934
HodgeWilbert born about 1916
HooksAnnie Evelynborn about 1924
HooksBarbry born about 1936
HooksBetty Pborn about 1934
HooksCathrine born about 1929
HooksDave born about 1887
HooksEulius born about 1896
HooksEvans born about 1895
HooksH Pborn about 1866
HooksHarold born about 1930
HooksHoward born about 1926
HooksJoe Annborn about 1938
HooksJusnita born about 1924
HooksLuther Bborn about 1907
HooksMandy born about 1900
HooksMartha Jr born about 1890
HooksMarthy born about 1938
HooksMary Fborn about 1928
HooksMattie born about 1917
HooksMinnie born about 1902
HooksRuth born about 1932
HooksShirley born about 1936
HooksTexas born about 1875
HooksWillie Eborn about 1927
HowardCharlie born about 1875
HowardDorothy born about 1911
HowardElbert born about 1917
HowardJohn born about 1922
HowardJoseph born about 1920
HowardJulia born about 1883
HowardNapoleon born about 1913
HowardThomas born about 1924
HowardWillie Maeborn about 1922
HuntNancy born about 1871
HutchinsOtelia born about 1915

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I Surnames

IvyGlories born about 1933
IvyRossetta born about 1913
IvyWillie Benborn about 1910

J Surnames

JacksonBainie born about 1865
JacksonLouvert born about 1923
JacksonNathaniel born about 1918
JacksonNettie Maeborn about 1914
JacksonSevilla born about 1926
JacksonWillie Leeborn about 1913
JamesBertha born about 1938
JamesBurena born about 1940
JamesCathrine born about 1930
JamesJohn Leeborn about 1932
JamesMary born about 1908
JamesMary Janeborn about 1929
JamesWillie Leeborn about 1930
JeffersonJohnie Leeborn about 1924
JenkinsGladys Mborn about 1939
JohnsonAnnie Lauraborn about 1921
JohnsonCharles born about 1932
JohnsonClaudia Mborn about 1921
JohnsonDurie born about 1935
JohnsonGrady Leoborn about 1938
JohnsonHerman born about 1937
JohnsonKatie Vborn about 1924
JohnsonLeo born about 1915
JohnsonMary born about 1899
JohnsonOtis born about 1908
JohnsonSidney born about 1911
JohnsonSilvia born about 1894
JohnsonVernice born about 1890
JohnsonVernice Eborn about 1940
JohnsonVivian born about 1928
JohnsonWilliam born about 1926
JonesB Cborn about 1940
JonesB Eugeneborn about 1938
JonesDorothy born about 1933
JonesElroy born about 1926
JonesJ T Jrborn about 1928
JonesJ T Srborn about 1908
JonesJuanita born about 1934
JonesLaura Bellborn about 1931
JonesLenora born about 1911
JonesVickie born about 1936
JonesWillie Leeborn about 1930

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K Surnames

KennedyEstelle born about 1917
KennedyM Kborn about 1916
KitchensCarrie born about 1922
KitchensEssie born about 1898
KitchensEugene born about 1898
KitchensHerman born about 1927
KitchensMarie born about 1937
KitchensPaul born about 1934
KitchensTalmage born about 1932
KitchensWarren born about 1922

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L Surnames

LardBernice born about 1909
LardBlanche born about 1922
LardC Lborn about 1881
LardDora born about 1885
LatimoreAgnes born about 1906
LatimoreChester Bborn about 1937
LatimoreDenevia born about 1937
LatimoreForrest born about 1898
LatimoreGeorge born about 1914
LatimoreJ Lborn about 1927
LatimoreJ Tborn about 1922
LatimoreJohn Wesslyborn about 1934
LatimoreJohn Willieborn about 1924
LatimoreLaurice born about 1926
LatimoreLillie Bellborn about 1900
LatimoreLillie Gborn about 1919
LatimoreMallie born about 1875
LatimoreNellie Maeborn about 1931
LatimoreOline born about 1921
LatimoreRobert born about 1926
LatimoreSnolia born about 1914
LatimoreT Leeborn about 1915
LatimoreThomas born about 1919
LatimoreThomas Sr born about 1896
LatimoreWalter Leeborn about 1930
LatimoreWilliam born about 1932
LawerWillie Leeborn about 1916
Lewis??? born about 1891
LewisAla Maeborn about 1915
LewisAnnie Maeborn about 1898
LewisBekie born about 1902
LewisCecil born about 1933
LewisDora born about 1928
LewisEthel born about 1880
LewisEugene born about 1934
LewisGrady born about 1911
LewisHarvey born about 1899
LewisHilda born about 1926
LewisIsadora born about 1905
LewisJake born about 1905
LewisJewel born about 1893
LewisJohn Eborn about 1888
LewisJohn Hborn about 1934
LewisKenneth born about 1936
LewisLena born about 1933
LewisLillian born about 1925
LewisLouise born about 1912
LewisLula born about 1896
LewisLuther Cborn about 1905
LewisLuther Jr born about 1935
LewisMable born about 1931
LewisMarie born about 1938
LewisMarshal born about 1895
LewisMarshal Jr born about 1932
LewisMary born about 1889
LewisMary Eborn about 1869
LewisMattie Joborn about 1910
LewisMinnie Coraborn about 1919
LewisNewman born about 1907
LewisNewman Jr born about 1929
LewisOtis born about 1923
LewisRaymon born about 1930
LewisRuth Leeborn about 1915
LewisTeddy born about 1908
LewisTom born about 1888
LewisWillie Maeborn about 1926
LocklinNarciss born about 1915
LozierJ Cborn about 1887
LundyAnnie born about 1892
LundyGladys born about 1925
LundyJesse born about 1881
LurnerBertie born about 1897
LurnerBillie born about 1926
LurnerMargaret born about 1930
LurnerMarvin born about 1921
LurnerRuth born about 1924
LurnerWilliam born about 1893

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M Surnames

MaddoxLeila born about 1916
MaddoxMitchel born about 1915
MarrisDorothy Leeborn about 1926
MarrisMattie Maeborn about 1912
MarrisW Aborn about 1907
MarshJ Aborn about 1903
MarshJames Eborn about 1934
MarshPansy born about 1909
MarshYvetta born about 1931
MarshallMarston Jborn about 1893
MartinSally born about 1853
MartinVivie born about 1860
MassCornelis born about 1918
MassEloise born about 1938
MassInfant born about 1939
MassSterling born about 1914
MathieAndrew born about 1881
MathieEvelyn Dborn about 1880
MathisArnold born about 1862
MathisBath??? born about 1923
MathisClara born about 1875
MathisDorothy born about 1934
MathisGeroldine born about 1884
MathisHarvey born about 1921
MathisJames Eborn about 1927
MathisJohn Arnoldborn about 1882
MathisJulius born about 1923
MathisLaura Bborn about 1911
MathisLouise born about 1890
MathisMaxie born about 1932
MathisNathaniel born about 1925
MathisVerge Jr born about 1910
MathisVergil born about 1868
May??? born about 1934
MayAddie Wborn about 1863
MayDenia born about 1875
MayFlorence born about 1936
MayPinkie born about 1908
MayReba born about 1935
MayTimothy born about 1938
MayTom Gborn about 1909
MayZeffie born about 1908
MeeksBennie born about 1879
MeeksClora born about 1884
MeeksWan born about 1863
MilesCreacia born about 1872
MillerAmma Leuborn about 1931
MillerBilly born about 1939
MillerChristine born about 1934
MillerDorothy born about 1928
MillerEmma born about 1884
MillerEmma Rborn about 1920
MillerEthelyn born about 1927
MillerEulius born about 1919
MillerJack born about 1918
MillerLem born about 1886
MillerLindy born about 1894
MillerLouie Mborn about 1924
MillerMarie born about 1937
MillerMary Juliaborn about 1925
MillerMelvinia born about 1906
MillerRoger born about 1884
MillerSarah born about 1925
MillerWillie Rogerborn about 1936
MillsAlbert born about 1870
MillsBaxter born about 1878
MillsGordon born about 1920
MillsHardey born about 1921
MillsJames born about 1926
MillsJohn born about 1921
MillsJohn Leeborn about 1889
MillsLila born about 1932
MillsLula born about 1876
MillsLula born about 1885
MillsMary born about 1920
MillsNannie Oborn about 1893
MillsOliver born about 1924
MillsSallie Louborn about 1928
MillsVictoria born about 1890
MinceyAuther born about 1883
MinceyBessie born about 1890
MinceyCharlotte born about 1924
MinceyGwendolyn born about 1929
MinceyJ R Reoborn about 1877
MinceyMina born about 1894
MinceyRolle born about 1922
MinonC Jborn about 1926
MinonDarling born about 1918
MinonDelphos born about 1893
MinonGeorgia Rborn about 1927
MinonHattie born about 1918
MinonJiemmie Leeborn about 1917
MinonL Cborn about 1939
MinonMattie Wborn about 1916
MinonStella born about 1920
MinonZ Lborn about 1937
MinorFlorrie Maeborn about 1898
MinorLing born about 1902
MinorWatson born about 1898
MoatsLucy Cobbborn about 1878
MooreEugene born about 1919
MooreMary born about 1880
MorrisCora Leeborn about 1938
MorrisJesse born about 1917
MorrisJesse Jr born about 1939
MorrisWillie Bborn about 1921
MossBessie Maeborn about 1930
MossCatherine born about 1931
MossFrank born about 1928
MossGrady born about 1924
MossSarah born about 1895
MurryVerga born about 1862
MyersJoe born about 1901
MyersMattie born about 1904

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N Surnames

NelsonEd born about 1916
NelsonLillie born about 1909
NelsonVallie Sborn about 1931
NorrisCharlie born about 1901
NorrisFred born about 1938
NorrisGladys born about 1931
NorrisH Tborn about 1888
NorrisHelen Dborn about 1910
NorrisHubie born about 1902
NorrisLillie Bborn about 1892
NorrisNora born about 1872
NorrisOvie born about 1898
NorrisRay born about 1905
NorrisRuth born about 1934
NorrisWill Jborn about 1872

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O Surnames

OsbarnIda born about 1879
OsbarnWalter born about 1878
OsbornBessie born about 1927
OsbornBillie born about 1923
OsbornMary born about 1894
OsbornPolly born about 1930
OsbornRoyce born about 1935
OsbornSarah born about 1921

P Surnames

PachelsChristine born about 1919
PachelsElroy born about 1923
PachelsTom Bborn about 1881
PachelsWinnie Louborn about 1901
PageDegona born about 1929
PageLois born about 1924
PageLuther born about 1909
PageSalomon born about 1874
ParkerEvans born about 1912
ParkerGertie born about 1874
PawellMartha Dborn about 1911
PeelerViola born about 1908
PeevesBetty born about 1895
PeevesLofton born about 1923
PeevesLucile born about 1926
PeevesRudolph born about 1917
PeevesSeabron born about 1929
PerryBeauty born about 1880
PerryLindsay born about 1890
PeynoldsLettie Deanborn about 1920
PeynoldsTommie born about 1918
PooleAmos born about 1937
PooleClemmie born about 1890
PooleCora Leeborn about 1936
PooleDuck born about 1880
PooleTimothy born about 1933
PorterAnnie Leeborn about 1889
PorterLaura born about 1924
PorterRay born about 1915
PorterRoy born about 1915
PowellGeorge born about 1874
PowellJacquelyn born about 1934
PowellMarie born about 1927
PowellMary Ellenborn about 1935
PowellRoy born about 1906
PowellSarah born about 1908
PowellVirgil born about 1932
PrestonAgnes born about 1916
PriceAnnie born about 1887
PriceP Jborn about 1931
PriceShirley born about 1937
PriceWill born about 1880

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R Surnames

RedfernElla born about 1867
RedgernLeon born about 1905
ReevesAuthur born about 1938
ReevesB Cborn about 1936
ReevesC Bborn about 1931
ReevesCatherine born about 1938
ReevesCorinne born about 1926
ReevesEllen born about 1880
ReevesEula born about 1888
ReevesFarris born about 1939
ReevesGeorge Leeborn about 1932
ReevesGrady born about 1917
ReevesIvy born about 1920
ReevesJones born about 1924
ReevesJonnie Leeborn about 1934
ReevesKathleen born about 1930
ReevesLeacy born about 1904
ReevesLex born about 1928
ReevesLula Bborn about 1922
ReevesMar Bessieborn about 1930
ReevesMattie born about 1912
ReevesMattie Kateborn about 1935
ReevesMildred born about 1939
ReevesMinnie Leeborn about 1917
ReevesOla Pearlborn about 1932
ReevesOscar Leeborn about 1935
ReevesPearlie born about 1921
ReevesPenny born about 1839
ReevesRobert born about 1908
ReevesSol born about 1874
ReevesSol Jr born about 1925
ReevesTexas born about 1921
ReevesWalter Leeborn about 1909
ReevesWarren Leeborn about 1930
ReevesWillie born about 1894
ReevesWillie Dborn about 1928
ReynaldsNell born about 1914
ReynaldsRay born about 1912
ReynoldsGeorge born about 1932
ReynoldsHerbert born about 1919
ReynoldsJosephine born about 1905
ReynoldsLillie Bellborn about 1911
ReynoldsOscar born about 1901
ReynoldsRay born about 1920
ReynoldsReba born about 1935
ReynoldsRobert born about 1916
ReynoldsRosa born about 1937
ReynoldsWarren born about 1923
RichardsonAlbert born about 1931
RichardsonEarnest born about 1907
RichardsonEdison born about 1933
RichardsonMaybel born about 1927
RichardsonWilliam born about 1924
RichardsonWillie born about 1905
RivensFannie born about 1838
RobensonGeorge Lborn about 1926
RobersonAlex born about 1883
RobersonCharlie born about 1880
RobersonE Lborn about 1928
RobersonEarnest born about 1917
RobersonGeorgian born about 1886
RobersonJimmie Leeborn about 1926
RobersonOtis born about 1912
RobersonRoss Bellborn about 1922
RobersonSara born about 1855
RobersonSusie born about 1929
RobinsonCarrie Leeborn about 1938
RobinsonClara Maeborn about 1916
RobinsonClaude born about 1940
RobinsonConnolly born about 1909
RobinsonFannie Maeborn about 1934
RobinsonGeorge Luborn about 1934
RobinsonIsscar born about 1937
RobinsonJohn Jr born about 1932
RuseJohn born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

ScottChristine born about 1920
ScottLouisa born about 1882
ScottWill born about 1876
SealsBenson born about 1938
SealsEmmet born about 1888
SealsEmmet Jr born about 1922
SealsEmory born about 1909
SealsEmory Jr born about 1939
SealsFrances born about 1940
SealsMable born about 1918
SealsMarvin born about 1927
SealsRichard born about 1937
SealsTeddy born about 1929
SealsThelma born about 1916
SealsViola born about 1896
SealsViola born about 1928
SheltonBeverly born about 1936
SheltonBill born about 1926
SheltonDaris born about 1924
SheltonGladys born about 1930
SheltonJessie born about 1904
SheltonMildred born about 1920
SheltonRay born about 1896
SheltonRuby Aliceborn about 1938
ShiversBoot born about 1931
ShiversEverette born about 1939
ShiversJessie born about 1908
ShiversJule born about 1869
ShiversMyrtle Louborn about 1923
ShiversSamuel Rborn about 1926
SimsDavid born about 1922
SimsEmma Lborn about 1926
SimsLillie Gborn about 1924
SmithAddie Aborn about 1868
SmithElizabeth born about 1927
SmithJ Lborn about 1935
SmithKathryn born about 1924
SmithLizzie born about 1866
SmithMildred born about 1906
SmithMittie Vborn about 1910
SmithN Cborn about 1895
SmithOscar Eborn about 1870
SmithRalph Dborn about 1906
SmithSteve born about 1931
SmithT Lborn about
SmithW Nborn about 1932
SparksFrankie born about 1894
SparksJoe born about 1896
SparksJoe Jr born about 1928
SparksTerrie born about 1891
SparksThomas born about 1920
SparksVenice born about 1898
StaffardHattie born about 1926
StaffardJoseph Jr born about 1924
StaffardLorene born about 1921
StaffardLula born about 1902
StaffardShirley born about 1936
StaffordElizabeth born about 1914
StaffordElla Maeborn about 1935
StaffordSilas Jr born about 1907
StaffordsCora born about 1902
StaffordsHannah born about 1881
StaffordsJames Edborn about 1933
StaffordsMabel born about 1900
StaffordsSilas Dr born about 1877
StephensJohn Cborn about 1862
StephensMattie born about 1866
StephensRay born about 1890
SwailsNellie born about 1931
SwailsVera born about 1928
SwintAnna Maeborn about 1892
SwintAnnie Lauraborn about 1937
SwintDella Maeborn about 1940
SwintEthelyne born about 1935
SwintHerdie born about 1898
SwintHerdie born about 1934
SwintIda Maeborn about 1923
SwintIola born about 1921
SwintLeola born about 1921
SwintLilla Maeborn about 1922
SwintMasen born about 1896
SwintMasen born about 1929
SwintMattie Juliaborn about 1930
SwintMell born about 1898
SwintRosetta born about 1927
SwintRuth Maeborn about 1900
SwintSammie born about 1938
SwintVerdel born about 1925
SwintWill Artherborn about 1933
SwintWilliam born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TannerAlice born about 1851
TarverA Jborn about 1928
TarverRuby born about 1909
ThomasEddie Leeborn about 1923
ThomasKatie born about 1892
ThomasPeirce born about 1876
ThomasWillie Lborn about 1933
ThrasherLillian born about 1902
ToyAnna born about 1888
ToyChristine born about 1933
ToyGeams born about 1886
ToyWillie Geaneborn about 1930
TurnerBerry born about 1925
TurnerBessie born about 1904
TurnerEdward born about 1937
TurnerElla Fborn about 1893
TurnerGladys born about 1904
TurnerHansel born about 1928
TurnerJeff born about 1895
TurnerJewel Jr born about 1939
TurnerJewel Sr born about 1900
TurnerLouis Jr born about 1915
TurnerLouis Sr born about 1891
TurnerMattie Bborn about 1875
TurnerMyra born about 1939
TurnerRoy born about 1931
TurnerVerzelia born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WackerAdeline Sborn about 1897
WackerEula Aborn about 1884
WackerI Vborn about 1918
WackerRalph P Jrborn about 1932
WackerRalph Plborn about 1893
WalkerClara born about 1936
WalkerEvelyn born about 1932
WalkerMay Pearlborn about 1909
WalkerOscar born about 1938
WalkerReba born about 1939
WalkerRuby Mayborn about 1931
WalkersChristine born about 1933
WalkersFarris born about 1922
WalkersFlorrie born about 1901
WalkersIvy born about 1893
WalkersOlin born about 1920
WalkersValda born about 1924
WarthenAlberta born about 1910
WarthenAnnie Noraborn about 1922
WarthenBurena born about 1931
WarthenElla Roseborn about 1930
WarthenFlorene born about 1882
WarthenIna born about 1897
WarthenJ Eborn about 1913
WarthenMacon born about 1879
WarthenMell born about 1881
WarthenNina born about 1880
WarthenRetha Maeborn about 1928
WarthenRobert Leeborn about 1926
WarthenTommie Leeborn about 1905
WarthenWillie Maeborn about 1933
WarthenZ Wborn about 1925
WarthenZack born about 1873
WheelerDonie born about 1919
WhiteAlton born about 1931
WhiteAnnie Lauraborn about 1938
WhiteC Wborn about 1933
WhiteCurtis Sborn about 1929
WhiteDave born about 1885
WhiteEula born about 1890
WhiteEvelyn born about 1935
WhiteFlorence born about 1888
WhiteGussie Maeborn about 1923
WhiteJuanita born about 1922
WhiteLillas born about 1906
WhiteLinton born about 1933
WhiteLivia born about 1922
WhiteLoftin born about 1919
WhiteLonie born about 1925
WhiteLuther born about 1910
WhiteM Wborn about 1928
WhiteMamie born about 1914
WhiteMilton born about 1931
WhitePeter born about 1877
WhiteRoszena born about 1908
WhiteTeddy born about 1911
WhiteThena born about 1938
WilcherDaisy born about 1910
WilcherEddie Leeborn about 1908
WilcherMatline born about 1926
WilliamsCarlton born about 1909
WilliamsFlorrie born about 1903
WilliamsSally born about 1882
WilmareMaria born about 1885
WilsonB Cborn about 1883
WilsonCelia born about 1886
WilsonD Gborn about 1874
WilsonRosa Leeborn about 1887
WintersWorthy Annborn about 1871
Womble??? born about 1927
WombleCatherine born about 1929
WombleCharlie Hborn about 1860
WombleClara born about 1894
WombleCleve born about 1915
WombleDelois born about 1939
WombleDorothy born about 1927
WombleDorothy born about 1932
WombleEvie born about 1912
WombleFrancis born about 1875
WombleFreeman born about 1900
WombleGrace born about 1925
WombleInfant born about 1940
WombleLee born about 1915
WombleLena born about 1890
WombleLeo born about 1894
WombleLou born about 1893
WombleMarvin born about 1934
WombleMary born about 1921
WombleNissie born about 1861
WombleOstelle born about 1923
WombleRosa Bellborn about 1913
WombleRuth born about 1931
WombleS Warrenborn about 1938
WombleSally Pearlborn about 1916
WombleTexas born about 1873
WombleTom born about 1880
WombleVade born about 1902
WombleVailerne born about 1929
WombleWalter born about 1938
WombleWillie born about 1912
WommackVivian born about 1919
WylieAnelia born about 1926
WylieAnnie Maeborn about 1916
WylieAnnie Ruthborn about 1931
WylieCara born about 1900
WylieCara Leeborn about 1934
WylieChristine born about 1936
WylieDorothy born about 1938
WylieGeorge Leeborn about 1924
WylieGladys born about 1936
WylieJ Wborn about 1929
WylieJimmie born about 1898
WylieJohn Amasborn about 1913
WylieJohn Henryborn about 1926
WylieL Wborn about 1929
WylieLillie Maeborn about 1934
WylieLizzie born about 1875
WylieLizzie Fborn about 1927
WylieLouise born about 1923
WylieMaggieline born about 1939
WylieMelton born about 1924
WylieRay born about 1919
WylieSara Lizzieborn about 1930
WylieWalter born about 1895
WylieWyman born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesBertha Maeborn about 1914
YatesIda born about 1890
YatesLois born about 1926
YatesM Lborn about 1920
YatesMarris born about 1881
YatesMaude born about 1923
YatesMilton born about 1912

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