1940 U.S. Federal Census of Whitfield in Pulaski County, Pulaski, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Pulaski County > 1940 Census of Whitfield in Pulaski County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsEmanuel born about 1939
AkinsWillie born about 1895
AllenCurtis born about 1919
AllenEtta Maeborn about 1922
AllenG Thomasborn about 1917
AllenGussie Maeborn about 1923
AndersonAggie Rheaborn about 1936
AndersonAgnes born about 1936
AndersonBernice born about 1914
AndersonEula Cborn about 1937
AndersonFrankie Maeborn about 1933
AndersonIra Leeborn about 1933
AndersonJaunita born about 1939
AndersonLucious born about 1905
AndersonOtha Dborn about 1906
AndersonRosa born about 1906
AndersonS Lborn about 1924
AndersonSam Lborn about 1904
AndersonSimmie Jr born about 1931
AndrewsLivingston Lborn about 1920
AtesDoretha Dborn about 1935
AtesRufus Tborn about 1920

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B Surnames

BakerBetty Jeanborn about 1934
BakerDollie Maeborn about 1936
BakerEthelle born about 1935
BakerEva Maeborn about 1910
BakerJ Bborn about 1903
BakerJonnie Leeborn about 1913
BakerMinnie Leeborn about 1929
BakerO Cborn about 1938
BakerSparks born about 1912
BakerSparks Jr born about 1932
BakerWillie Bborn about 1927
BanksDoretha born about 1939
BanksLeroy born about 1934
BanksMamie born about 1911
BanksW Cborn about 1936
BanksWilliam born about 1904
BanksWilliam Jr born about 1938
BartonAnnie Leeborn about 1930
BartonCora Maeborn about 1939
BartonCurtis born about 1912
BartonEmma born about 1912
BartonEmma born about 1934
BartonGeorgia born about 1901
BartonGeorgia Annborn about 1870
BartonJames Hborn about 1866
BartonJames Tborn about 1896
BartonJohn Bborn about 1890
BartonJohn Wborn about 1892
BartonJohn W Jrborn about 1926
BartonLeona born about 1903
BartonMae born about 1897
BartonMarcus born about 1904
BartonMary Janeborn about 1891
BartonNed born about 1910
BartonOla born about 1908
BartonSarah born about 1893
BattonBee born about 1929
BattonFannie born about 1902
BattonJohn Leeborn about 1924
BattonLethia born about 1927
BattonRosa Maeborn about 1926
BealLishia born about 1869
BembryAnnie Maeborn about 1910
BembryGeneva born about 1930
BembryHazle born about 1939
BembryJames born about 1936
BembryJohn Lborn about 1929
BembryLeroy born about 1931
BembryNorman born about 1910
BembryRobert born about 1934
BlackWillis born about 1921
BlackshearEmma Leeborn about 1928
BowenBobbie Leeborn about 1937
BowenEchols born about 1880
BowenErnest born about 1909
BowenLelia born about 1887
BowenMamie Bborn about 1916
BowenMary born about 1921
BozemanFreddie Maeborn about 1926
BozemanHector born about 1900
BozemanJosephine born about 1903
BozemanLevi born about 1919
BozemanLizzie Bessborn about 1928
BozemanLizzie Pearlborn about 1918
BozemanSallie born about 1867
BozemanSinclair born about 1922
BridgesAgustus born about 1917
BridgesAnnie Pearlborn about 1922
BridgesBetty Jeanborn about 1940
BridgesBivins born about 1925
BridgesEthel born about 1896
BridgesGrady born about 1914
BridgesMattie Louborn about 1926
BridgesMinnie born about 1935
BridgesNell born about 1931
BridgesPreston born about 1933
BridgesWilliam born about 1929
BrownCornelia born about 1900
BrownEstelle born about 1926
BrownLelia born about 1914
BrownShank born about 1901
BrownWalter Fborn about 1912
BryantEdd born about 1880
BryantJane born about 1885

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C Surnames

ColemanBennie Leeborn about 1920
ColemanRuby Leeborn about 1924
ColeyCynthia born about 1911
ColeyJohn Henryborn about 1932
ColeyLillie Bellborn about 1939
ColeyM Cborn about 1925
ColeyMoses born about 1907
ColeySuzanne born about 1881
ColeyWillie born about 1872
ColeyWillie Cborn about 1931
ColeyWillie Tborn about 1924
ConeyIda born about 1895
ConnerDelma born about 1938
ConnerG Royceborn about 1940
ConnerG Wesleyborn about 1913
ConnerHildred born about 1913
ConnerJames Russelborn about 1940
ConnerJames Wborn about 1909
ConnerJoan born about 1938
ConnerLucile born about 1913
ConnerMary Wylborn about 1933
ConnerNancy Annborn about 1876
ConnerThomas born about 1936
ConnerWilliam Mborn about 1877
ConnerWillie Bborn about 1939
CrozierAda Clydeborn about 1910
CrozierCloie Lenoraborn about 1882
CrozierJames Mborn about 1901
CrozierJames Mborn about 1938
CummingsAmanda born about 1920
CummingsAndrew born about 1883
CummingsFred Aborn about 1916
CummingsJesse Jborn about 1914
CummingsMyrtice born about 1896

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D Surnames

DanielOliver born about 1920
DavisAlice born about 1913
DavisEddie Joeborn about 1928
DavisEdmond born about 1911
DennisA Bborn about 1904
DennisAlec born about 1872
DennisAnna Maeborn about 1914
DennisDavid born about 1908
DennisDaymon born about 1924
DennisDorothy Jeanborn about 1924
DennisDouglas born about 1910
DennisEmma Lborn about 1900
DennisEmogene born about 1939
DennisEva Maeborn about 1920
DennisGene Aborn about 1938
DennisGertrude born about 1905
DennisGracie Maeborn about 1937
DennisHubert Leeborn about 1940
DennisInez born about 1935
DennisIrene born about 1933
DennisJ Cborn about 1938
DennisJ Dborn about 1912
DennisJasper Leeborn about 1921
DennisJohn Dborn about 1934
DennisLillie born about 1882
DennisLonnie born about 1919
DennisLorene born about 1933
DennisLucile born about 1913
DennisMarie born about
DennisMary Elizaborn about 1875
DennisMary Lizzieborn about 1939
DennisMildred born about 1931
DennisMinnie Lborn about 1919
DennisNeo born about 1927
DennisPinkey born about 1906
DennisRuben born about 1926
DennisTommie Rheaborn about 1936
DennisTommy Leeborn about 1938
DennisVernoa born about 1938
DennisW Dborn about
DennisWilliam born about 1899
DennisWilliam born about 1929
DigbyDorthy Lucileborn about 1921
DigbyEvie Louborn about 1900
DigbyJames Lborn about 1882
DigbyJames Tborn about 1932
DigbyJohn Hborn about 1926
DuhartAlonza born about 1910
DuhartAnnie Ireneborn about 1940
DuhartEssie Leeborn about 1911
DuhartJoe Edwardborn about 1934
DuhartSimmie born about 1894
DuhartVera born about 1896
DunawayJohn Edwardborn about 1884
DykesDave born about 1900
DykesGallie Leeborn about 1878
DykesJim born about 1871
DykesJohn born about 1913
DykesSarah Maeborn about 1919

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E Surnames

EdwardsClyde Lborn about 1931
EdwardsFreddy Leeborn about 1934
EdwardsFreeman born about 1929
EdwardsGeorge born about 1891
EdwardsGlady Maeborn about 1919
EdwardsGuss born about 1904
EdwardsJosie born about 1907
EdwardsMaple born about 1923
EdwardsMarie born about 1900
EdwardsMarie born about 1935
EdwardsMartha Mborn about 1927
EdwardsPrincie Maeborn about 1936
EdwardsRaymon Lborn about 1937
EdwardsRobert Cborn about 1935
EdwardsWilliam born about 1914
EdwardsWilliam Sborn about 1934
EnglishAda born about 1907
EnglishGeorge born about 1908
EwingDaisy Leeborn about 1938
EwingFrank born about 1908
EwingFrankie Leeborn about 1936
EwingJ Tborn about 1932
EwingLula Maeborn about 1912
EwingSherman born about 1879
EwingSusie born about 1892

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F Surnames

FairclothGladys born about 1907
FairclothMildred born about 1922
FletcherGeorgiama born about 1870
FrazierDorthy Leeborn about 1934
FrazierOnnie Leeborn about 1928
FrazierWillie Leeborn about 1923
FreemanGladys born about 1923
FreemanJohn Oborn about 1913
FullerWillie Leeborn about 1926

G Surnames

GertmanBecky born about 1906
GertmanHazel born about 1931
GertmanTobe born about 1902
GleeAnna born about 1872
GleeC M R Howardborn about 1929
GleeEliza Maeborn about 1910
GleeLugene born about 1915
GleeStrong born about 1911
GleeYank born about 1910
GoodwyneAlice born about 1880
GoodwyneJack born about 1865
GoodwyneMary Francesborn about 1922
GraceAaron born about 1895
GraceAaron Jr born about 1914
GracePearlie born about 1918
GraceWillie born about 1897
GuyCharlie Mborn about 1894
GuyE Cborn about 1935
GuyGladys born about 1920
GuyJennie Vborn about 1932
GuyL Jborn about 1917
GuyMelton born about 1926
GuyPearlie Maeborn about 1898

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H Surnames

HaliburtonD Jborn about 1940
HaliburtonJohn Hborn about 1915
HaliburtonVera born about 1921
HandleyClaude born about 1913
HandleyR Smithborn about 1906
HandleySalley born about 1877
HandleyZelma born about 1921
HarrellAnnie Louborn about 1900
HarrellJack born about 1922
HarrellJames born about 1898
HarrellLula Belleborn about 1924
HarrellMattie Leeborn about 1934
HewittClifford Leeborn about 1906
HewittInez born about 1916
HewittJack born about 1886
HewittLora Deanborn about 1886
HewittMildred born about 1921
HobbsMervin born about 1922

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J Surnames

JacksonJ Cborn about 1933
JacksonL Maudeborn about 1913
JacksonTiny born about 1937
JacksonWillie Gborn about 1935
JamesAnnie born about 1898
JamesRichard born about 1880
JenningsEdna born about 1890
JenningsTommie born about 1922
JohnstonOlive born about 1895
JohnstonVirginia born about 1920
JohnstonW Douglasborn about 1890

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K Surnames

KelamAlberta born about 1911
KelamHattie Maeborn about 1935
KelamPaul born about 1937
KelamSam born about 1905
KelamSam Jr born about 1936
KelamW Cborn about 1933
KilgoreBetty Jeanborn about 1935
KilgoreJames Bborn about 1909
KilgoreJames Russelborn about 1939
KilgoreRosa Maeborn about 1913
KingCharlie born about 1922
KnightBozeman born about 1907
KnightMary Ellenborn about 1938
KnightMildred born about 1916

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L Surnames

LadlierJinmie born about 1928
LagrierColumbus born about 1927
LaneDamon born about 1923
LeeAnnie born about 1902
LeeAnnie Belleborn about 1928
LeeBonnie Sueborn about 1930
LeeGus born about 1875
LeeLeon born about 1929
LeeThomas born about 1901
LovingThomas Fborn about 1926

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M Surnames

MarshallEllis born about 1918
MarshallRuthie Maeborn about 1918
MartinNannie Belleborn about 1872
MashburnElvie born about 1918
MashburnJames born about 1930
MashburnJohn Hborn about 1870
MashburnJulius Eborn about 1912
MashburnLurena born about 1872
MashburnVernon born about 1936
McburroughsEdward born about 1929
MckinneyBetty Jborn about 1872
MckinneyJames Mborn about 1911
MeansAllen born about 1919
MeansSarah Maeborn about 1923
MelvinCyndie Leeborn about 1938
MelvinHarry born about 1917
MelvinJames Mborn about 1935
MelvinMagaline born about 1920
MillerAlbert born about 1931
MillerAnnie Pearlborn about 1933
MillerBessie Maeborn about 1929
MillerCora born about 1908
MillerCora Leeborn about 1926
MillerCurtis Tborn about 1936
MillerEdna Leeborn about 1911
MillerErnest born about 1937
MillerFrank born about 1876
MillerFrank Jr born about 1920
MillerFred Leeborn about 1934
MillerHattie Maeborn about 1928
MillerJames Bborn about 1893
MillerJimnie Leeborn about 1938
MillerJonnie Maeborn about 1926
MillerLucy born about 1890
MillerMartha Maeborn about 1932
MillerMinnie Leeborn about 1920
MillerNorman born about 1939
MillerRed born about 1916
MillerRosa Leeborn about 1930
MillerSarah Leeborn about 1935
MillerTaylor born about 1885
MillerW Tborn about 1912
MixonChristine born about 1929
MixonDewey born about 1927
MixonE B Jrborn about 1926
MixonEther Bborn about 1893
MixonMartha born about 1893
MobleyBooker Tborn about 1919
MobleyCora born about 1917
MobleyJ Marshallborn about 1872
MobleyMattie born about 1878
MooreIda Maeborn about 1903
MooreMarshall Wborn about 1898
MooreMavis born about 1931
MooreNancy born about 1935
MooreThomas Lborn about 1856
MooreWoodfin born about 1934
MorrisCorene born about 1921
MorrisEssick born about 1860
MorrisJohn Hborn about 1921
MorrisJoseph born about 1939
MorrisSavannah born about 1910
MoseleyCharlie born about 1906
MoseleyCharlie Leeborn about 1930
MoseleyCilla born about 1901
MoseleyJinnie Lewisborn about 1931
MoseleyJohn Henryborn about 1933
MoseleyJoseph born about 1938
MoseleyLilla Maeborn about 1936
MoseleyMichael born about 1927
MoseleyVirginia born about 1928

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N Surnames

NelsonEthelle born about 1913
NelsonGeo A Jrborn about 1912
NelsonGeo A Srborn about 1879
NelsonMary born about 1937
NelsonMaude born about 1897
NelsonNettie Oborn about 1886
NobleEvelyn born about 1919
NobleJaunita born about 1925
NobleJulius Aborn about 1922
NobleLaura born about 1896
NobleMaurita born about 1925
NobleVernon Hborn about 1917
NobleW Prestonborn about 1891
NobleWilliam Lborn about 1932
NoblesAndrew born about 1923
NoblesCaroline Vborn about 1930
NoblesJoseph Pborn about 1887
NoblesMargaret born about 1870
NoblesZimmie born about 1898

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P Surnames

PeaveyEthel born about 1901
PeaveyHeyward born about 1883
PhilipsAlbert born about 1929
PhilipsAnnie Ruthborn about 1908
PhilipsClarence born about 1905
PhilipsClarence Jr born about 1933
PhilipsSusie Graceborn about 1936
PollockAleck born about 1930
PollockBryant Lborn about 1896
PollockElishia born about 1934
PollockHenry Dborn about 1882
PollockIsabelle born about 1889
PollockJack born about 1911
PollockLizzie born about 1885
PollockMartha Janeborn about 1936
PollockMattie Louborn about 1911
PollockMattie Maeborn about 1927
PollockPearlie Maeborn about 1931
PolockGeorge born about 1880
PooleJoseph Wborn about 1893
PooleL Cborn about 1915
PoolePressie Leeborn about 1916
PooleSadie born about 1912
PrinceRosa born about 1900
PutmanRobert born about 1903

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R Surnames

RawlsAnnie Belleborn about 1932
RawlsCora Bellborn about 1928
RawlsFreddy Jayborn about 1937
RawlsGrady Leeborn about
RawlsHerschell born about 1900
RawlsJake born about 1924
RawlsJinmie Leeborn about 1926
RawlsLily Florenceborn about 1934
RawlsMary born about 1904
RawlsRobert Leeborn about 1931
RawlsWillie Jamesborn about 1935
RawlsWillie Lawrenceborn about 1934
ReynoldsGeorge Lborn about 1903
ReynoldsJohn Gellieborn about 1901
ReynoldsJohn Rborn about 1907
ReynoldsMary Ellenborn about 1924
ReynoldsMonroe Wborn about 1876
RobertsJeanette born about 1922
RossJames born about 1926
RossRolly born about 1893

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S Surnames

SangsterJoseph Eborn about 1905
SangsterSula Maeborn about 1905
ScarboroughAnnie Ameliaborn about 1913
ScarboroughMary Gayborn about 1936
ScarboroughMary Louborn about 1875
ScarboroughRichard Leeborn about 1939
ScarboroughSutton Rborn about 1911
ShellFlorence born about 1934
ShellGrace born about 1911
ShellWilliam Wborn about 1932
SherfieldCleveland born about 1901
SherfieldDicie born about 1901
SingletaryJoe born about 1900
SingletaryKathalene born about 1911
SingletaryMary born about 1935
SingletaryRichard born about 1931
SingletarySarah born about 1880
SingletaryTressie Leeborn about 1933
SmileyJim born about 1878
SmithElizabeth born about 1874
SmithEsmond born about 1926
SmithEstelle born about 1925
SmithHuston born about 1922
SmithJ Dborn about 1907
SmithJames born about 1932
SmithRosetta born about 1902
SmithThomas Lborn about 1902
SolomonBessie Maeborn about 1928
SolomonCharlie born about 1882
SolomonCharlie Leeborn about 1926
SolomonHarriet born about 1905
SolomonJulia Maeborn about 1930
SolomonOtis born about 1924
SpiveyAnnie Ruthborn about 1933
SpiveyBuelah born about 1914
SpiveyHerbert Fborn about 1912
SpiveyHerman Lborn about 1937
SpiveyMargrett born about 1935
SpiveyVergie Rheaborn about 1939

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T Surnames

TaylorBernice born about 1935
TaylorHezzie Leeborn about 1931
TaylorJames Gborn about 1929
TaylorJewell born about 1914
TaylorKattie born about 1910
TaylorOscar born about 1903
TaylorOscar Jr born about 1933
TaylorWill born about 1910
TravisRichard born about 1873

W Surnames

WadeCaroline born about 1937
WadeElbert born about 1928
WadeEthel born about 1903
WadeGwendolyne born about 1930
WadeJohn Hborn about 1899
WadeThomas born about 1925
WalkerEva Maeborn about 1915
WalkerJoe born about 1931
WalkerLige born about 1911
WallaceAdam born about 1866
WallaceHattie born about 1875
WellsGeorgia Cborn about 1885
WellsWalter Cborn about 1875
WestGene born about 1913
WestIsaac born about 1938
WestThelma born about 1916
WestWillie Jborn about 1937
WhippleLester born about 1910
WhippleLester Jr born about 1934
WhippleSelma born about 1913
WilliamsEmma Maeborn about 1933

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