1940 U.S. Federal Census of Woodville, Greene, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Greene County > 1940 Census of Woodville

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderCorrine born about 1899
AlexanderEdward born about 1923
AlexanderZebbie born about 1895
AllensJ Bborn about 1929
AustinSusie born about 1885

B Surnames

BarrawLucille born about 1931
BarrawRudolph born about 1931
BarrawSeole born about 1932
BattleRobert born about 1922
BrakefieldJack born about 1911
BrakefieldLouise born about 1914
BrownElla born about 1905
BrownWill born about 1884
BryantCharles born about 1927
BryantEdwin born about 1921
BryantPearl born about 1897

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C Surnames

CheneyVictoria born about 1872
CollinsCarrie born about 1882
CollinsDora born about 1872
CollinsDorene born about 1928
CollinsMercer born about 1906
CollinsNancy born about 1908
CollinsW Thomasborn about 1883
CollinsWillby born about 1904
CollinsWilliam born about 1932
CronicDoyle born about 1921
CronicLevie born about 1885
CronicNewton born about 1924
CronicThos Pborn about 1885

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D Surnames

DabbisArthur born about 1926
DabbisFrajas born about 1927
DabbisGeorge born about 1876
DabbisHenry born about 1921
DabbisJames born about 1930
DabbisMaggie born about 1928
DabbisMary Leeborn about 1924
DabbisR Lborn about 1920
DalvineJimmie Leeborn about 1928
DanielJack born about 1935
DanielWebster born about 1876
DardenFannie born about 1877
DardenJohn born about 1876
DarghertyCharles Hborn about 1926
DavisVilma born about 1929
DebbricksLula Maeborn about 1920
DebbricksManuel born about 1917
DebbricksMary Lizzieborn about 1938
DebbricksMatilda born about 1938
DillardJohn Wesleyborn about 1914
DillmoreMercer born about 1924
DrakeCora born about 1876
DrakeHelen born about 1924
DrakeLizzie born about 1875
DrummondCerise born about 1880
DrummondFannie Pborn about 1924
DrummondFennie born about 1890
DrummondLeroy born about 1915
DrummondRebecca born about 1920
DrummondWilliam born about 1922
DurmmondGrady born about 1918

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E Surnames

EanfishGrover born about 1913
EanfishMattie born about 1879
EanfishThomas born about 1880
EdwardsWill Jborn about 1893
EnglishMary Virginiaborn about 1920
EnglishParks born about 1913
EvansAnderson born about 1901
EvansFrank born about 1931
EvansFred born about 1938
EvansLeroy born about 1936
EvansMarvin born about 1925
EvansRuby born about 1908
EvansTilda born about 1870
EvansW Oborn about 1927

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F Surnames

FaurisViola born about 1895
FaurisWill born about 1914
FerrellDavid born about 1926
FerrellMattie born about 1882
FerrellWesley born about 1929
FindleyEd Wborn about 1868
FindleyJulia born about 1872
FrazierGarrett born about 1915
FrazierGeraldine born about 1889
FrazierJasper born about 1940
FrazierJohn born about 1886
FrazierLizzie born about 1915
FrazierNina born about 1913
FrazierPecora born about 1926
FrazierWillie Bellborn about 1929
FreemanArch born about 1866
FreemanDoris born about 1936
FreemanElizabeth born about 1929
FreemanJessie born about 1880
FreemanJim born about 1880
FreemanJohnnie born about 1934
FreemanJulia Belleborn about 1915
FreemanMary born about 1886
FreemanMary born about 1910
FreemanNonie Maeborn about 1931
FreemanWillie Jasborn about 1932
FultonAnnie Kateborn about 1931
FultonAnnie Louiseborn about 1938
FultonBab Willieborn about 1922
FultonDave born about 1885
FultonEdward born about 1917
FultonEllen born about 1939
FultonIda born about 1933
FultonJohn Henryborn about 1927
FultonKate born about 1892
FultonLizzie Maeborn about 1922
FultonMattie Pearlborn about 1929
FultonSarah Belleborn about 1924

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G Surnames

GaletAddie Reeborn about 1910
GaletBennie Leeborn about 1913
GaletWillie born about 1890
GaletWillie Maeborn about 1939
GillilandReeder Cborn about 1897
GlennCharlie born about 1922
GolattMaud Esterborn about 1924
GolattVersell born about 1893
GrantEdward born about 1896
GrantEffie Jeanborn about 1921
GrantJohn Wborn about 1918
GrantLucille born about 1900
GreshamGottrell born about 1928
GreshamHoward born about 1921
GreshamHudson born about 1923
GreshamJerome born about 1935
GreshamLonnie born about 1925
GreshamRobert born about 1931
GreshamSallie born about 1890

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H Surnames

HarrisAddie born about 1899
HarrisArthur born about 1887
HarrisEzelle born about 1895
HarrisonEthel born about 1916
HarrisonLock Glennborn about 1939
HarrisonWan Bborn about 1913

J Surnames

JacksonGus born about 1887
JacksonMinnie Bborn about 1897
JohnsonCleveland born about 1919
JohnsonDora born about 1917
JohnsonJ Wborn about 1939
JohnsonJae Willieborn about 1918
JohnsonJohnnie born about 1921
JonesEarnest born about 1915
JonesEdward born about 1906
JonesElla born about 1903
JonesJulia born about 1874
JonesMay Allieborn about 1915
JonesRobert born about 1867
JonesSamuel born about 1878
JonesSilla Kborn about 1877

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L Surnames

LaneJames born about 1862
LanfordAlice born about 1929
LanfordBetty Annborn about 1935
LanfordCaral born about 1890
LanfordCaral Jr born about 1923
LanfordClark born about 1933
LanfordElizabeth born about 1929
LanfordFlossie born about 1898
LanfordGrace born about 1930
LanfordLucille born about 1924
LanfordSam born about 1926
LangsterCrawford born about 1905
LangsterJesie Belleborn about 1905
LattimoreClara born about 1911
LattimoreJohn born about
LattimoreM Lborn about 1921
LattimoreRobert born about 1914
LewisCarrie Levaborn about 1939
LewisCorrinne born about 1918
LewisEddie born about 1918
LewisEddie Leeborn about 1934
LewisJohn born about 1863
LewisPolly born about 1865
LewisSarah Lowborn about 1936
LordAdelle born about 1936
LordEssie Maeborn about 1927
LordJohn Fennellborn about 1902
LordMary Elizabethborn about 1932
LordMaybelle born about 1904
LordNeed Jr born about 1923
LordSyble Leeborn about 1930
LumphisLoomis Nborn about 1871
LumphisMallie born about 1923
LuncefordDavid born about 1874
LuncefordLillian born about

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M Surnames

MaddoxAnnie Lonborn about 1929
MaddoxElnora born about 1928
MarcusEllis born about 1881
MarcusMae born about 1886
MarcusMarvin born about 1932
MarcusTilman born about 1928
MarcusWinnie born about 1926
MccommonsAnnie Leeborn about 1930
MccommonsBessie born about 1908
MccommonsBessie born about 1929
MccommonsCarrie born about 1938
MccommonsEmma Maeborn about 1929
MccommonsEva born about 1931
MccommonsEvaline born about 1934
MccommonsGrier born about 1898
MccommonsHarrison born about 1872
MccommonsJames born about 1927
MccommonsLessie born about 1929
MccommonsLula born about 1897
MccommonsLula Maeborn about 1934
MccommonsMattie Mborn about 1925
MccommonsRena born about 1888
MccommonsSavannah born about
MccommonsVince Jr born about 1927
MccommonsVincent born about 1890
McwhorterAgnes born about 1920
McwhorterCharles Bborn about 1937
McwhorterDouglas born about 1928
McwhorterEdwin born about 1927
McwhorterJoshua born about 1935
McwhorterLucy Maeborn about 1930
McwhorterMarshall born about 1933
McwhorterMary born about 1895
McwhorterR Hborn about 1921
McwhorterRobert born about 1888
McwhorterRobert Jr born about 1925
MeadowsMinnie born about 1864
MitchellHenry born about 1881
MitchellJohn Edborn about 1923
MitchellMattia born about 1891
MizeAnnie Lewborn about 1931
MizeArthur born about 1939
MizeBetty born about 1937
MizeCatherine born about 1938
MizeChristine born about 1936
MizeEarnest born about 1909
MizeFrances born about 1938
MizeHelen born about 1920
MizeJohn Davidborn about 1904
MizeJulia born about 1885
MizeLester born about 1932
MizeMargaret born about 1929
MizeMargie born about 1905
MizeMary born about 1918
MizeMildred born about 1919
MizeMitchell born about 1884
MizeOdella born about 1917
MizeOtis born about 1913
MizeRalein born about 1917
MizeRobert born about 1915
MizeRobert Jr born about 1939
MizeRuby Ellenborn about 1940
MizeShirley born about 1940
MizeSilas born about 1920
MoodyMaggie Reaborn about 1924
MoodyPearl Cborn about 1902
MoodyRobert born about 1932
MoonEugene Jr Vborn about 1940
MoonMannie Lowborn about 1917
MorganDorothy Leeborn about 1937
MorganEva Marieborn about 1938
MorganJulia born about 1939
MorganMarie born about 1910
MorganNelson born about 1898
MorrisonAllie born about 1911
MorrisonHilda born about 1918

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N Surnames

NealThomas born about 1891
NelsonJosie Maeborn about 1921
NesbittAlfonso born about 1935
NesbittEssie born about 1937
NesbittFannie born about 1913
NesbittHarvey Jr born about 1939

O Surnames

OrokeAbel Fultonborn about 1924
OrokeAileen born about 1910
OrokeRd born about 1908

P Surnames

PairettEliza born about 1875
PairettFannie born about 1910
PalmAnna born about 1868
PeckOdessa born about 1912

R Surnames

ReedAlice born about
ReedEunice born about 1939
ReedHelen born about 1938
ReedJames born about 1935
ReedLouise born about 1913
ReedMattie born about 1886
ReedWilliam born about 1916
ReedWillie born about 1876
RiedAlfred born about 1915
RiedMartha born about 1917
RuarkCharles born about 1936
RuarkCharlie Aborn about 1891
RuarkFrances born about 1930
RuarkGeraldine born about 1933
RuarkHilma born about 1922
RuarkMattie Louborn about 1898
RuarkRexford born about 1923

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S Surnames

SaggusCatherine born about 1920
SaggusCharlie born about 1923
SaggusDaisy born about 1900
SaggusDaisy Lonborn about 1935
SaggusEskeline born about 1922
SaggusJames Ja?lterborn about 1937
SaggusJessie born about 1927
SaggusJoe born about 1913
SaggusJulia born about 1926
SaggusLafayette born about 1924
SaggusMary Janeborn about 1913
SaggusRay S Tborn about 1939
SaggusSam born about 1921
SaggusWillie born about 1912
ShawAllen born about 1906
ShawOra Maudeborn about 1930
ShawSarah Maudeborn about 1908
SilveyGrady born about 1898
SilveyHarry born about 1928
SilveyJimmie born about 1901
SilveyMaggie born about 1896
SilveyMildred born about 1912
SmithCarrie born about 1885
SmithClinton born about 1937
SteeleEdward born about 1924
SteeleGlayds born about 1904
SteeleJean born about 1927
SteeleLawrence Eborn about 1899
SteeleMarilyn born about 1939
StephensEugene Sied??yborn about 1908
StephensEva born about 1889
StephensGrace born about 1919
StephensPat born about 1882
StephesnLucille born about 1906

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T Surnames

TaylorAnnie Lanborn about 1899
TaylorAnnie Leeborn about 1867
TaylorJames Alexborn about 1870
TerrellOsburn born about 1937
TerrellRoger born about 1938
ThomasWillie Lowborn about 1919
TuggleAbbie born about 1897
TuggleJim born about 1885
TurnerBeulah born about
TurnerFrank born about 1927
TurnerGen Leeborn about 1900
TurnerGen Leeborn about 1938
TurnerJames Fborn about 1931
TurnerLouella born about 1933
TurnerMamie born about 1907
TurnerPeter born about 1936
TurnerRay Leeborn about 1924
TwilleyMary born about 1933
TwilleyNorma born about 1929

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W Surnames

WarrenPope born about 1920
WhalesCara born about 1900
WhiteEthel born about 1926
WhiteEugene born about 1933
WhiteGrover born about 1899
WhiteIrene born about 1924
WhiteViola born about 1902
WhiteWillie Pearlborn about 1928
WilliamsChristine born about 1936
WilliamsEmma Dborn about 1923
WilliamsLucy Maeborn about 1886
WilliamsNick born about 1921
WilliamsRobert born about 1913
WilliamsSusannah born about
WillisCharlie born about 1915
WillisFrank Allenborn about 1927
WillisL Nborn about 1924
WillisRudolph born about 1923
WilloughbyAlton born about 1911
WilsonEmmie born about 1873
WilsonThomas born about 1859
WindsorEverett born about 1912
WindsorMary Lonborn about 1916
WindsorSarah Ellenborn about 1937
WrightClara born about 1917
WrightEddie Leeborn about 1934
WrightGeorgia Maeborn about 1936
WrightRay Leonardborn about 1912

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Y Surnames

YoungJohn Sborn about 1913
YoungNeal born about 1875
YoungPearl born about 1879

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