1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wyches, Elbert, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Elbert County > 1940 Census of Wyches

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderBeatrice born about 1938
AlexanderEleanor born about 1935
AlexanderHaywod born about 1936
AlexanderJack born about 1911
AlexanderJanie born about 1917
AlexanderPeggy born about 1939
AlmondArthur Leborn about 1939
AlmondJames born about 1931
AlmondJimmie born about 1913
AlmondJimmie Jr born about 1939
AlmondJosie born about 1927
AlmondLina born about 1913
AlmondLizzie Coraborn about 1924
AlmondLucile born about 1903
AlmondMable Jeanborn about 1934
AlmondMartha born about 1936
AtkinsMamie born about 1894
AtkinsReba born about 1930
AtkinsSara born about 1924
AtkinsW J Jrborn about 1926
AtkinsW Nborn about 1889
AutryAlna born about 1901
AutryW Hborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaggetteAlfred born about 1920
BaggetteClara born about 1901
BaggetteDavid born about 1926
BaggetteJ Aborn about 1897
BaggetteJean born about 1934
BaggetteRobert born about 1932
BarksdaleAda born about 1901
BarksdaleCharlie born about 1900
BarksdaleDoris born about 1938
BarksdaleJim born about 1873
BarksdaleMinnie born about 1875
BarksdaleNinnie born about 1921
BellCharlotte born about 1938
BellDouglas born about 1925
BellG Aborn about 1893
BellInez born about 1922
BellJean born about 1935
BellJeralyn born about 1939
BellLaurence born about 1933
BellLola born about 1905
BellMalene born about 1931
BellMartha born about 1936
BellRuffin born about 1928
BellSara Mborn about 1929
BellT Kborn about 1887
BiggsGenora born about 1919
BiggsHoyt born about 1910
BiggsJames born about 1912
BiggsJuanita born about 1933
BiggsLena born about 1915
BiggsMelva born about 1937
BlackwellCleo born about 1892
BondEmma born about 1901
BondEugene born about 1925
BondGilbert Allenborn about 1929
BondHaley Frankborn about 1934
BondHarper born about 1900
BondJames Altonborn about 1935
BondMary born about 1923
BondW H Jrborn about 1931
BradfordAdelene born about 1905
BradfordAnna born about 1911
BradfordArnoldine born about 1936
BradfordBennie Nealborn about 1923
BradfordBettie born about 1935
BradfordBonnie born about 1915
BradfordBoyd born about 1890
BradfordBoyd Jr born about 1926
BradfordBruce born about 1938
BradfordCarlicia born about 1932
BradfordCatherine born about 1883
BradfordColley born about 1906
BradfordEdna Maeborn about 1936
BradfordEleanor born about 1915
BradfordFrances born about 1919
BradfordFrankie born about 1939
BradfordFred born about 1906
BradfordGordon born about 1893
BradfordHarrison born about 1865
BradfordHattie born about 1893
BradfordHazel born about 1911
BradfordHorace born about 1933
BradfordIrene born about 1918
BradfordJames Thomasborn about 1927
BradfordJemes born about 1924
BradfordJimmie born about 1938
BradfordJohn Wesleyborn about 1919
BradfordLizzie born about 1900
BradfordMattis Joeborn about 1932
BradfordMattox born about 1930
BradfordMildred born about 1931
BradfordOlivia born about 1930
BradfordP Cborn about 1912
BradfordRobert born about 1906
BradfordSusie Maeborn about 1900
BradfordWebb born about 1892
BradfordWesley born about 1886
BradfordWilliam Bborn about 1937
BradfordWilliam Gordonborn about 1935
BradfordWillie Maeborn about 1902
BradfordWillie Robertborn about 1922
BradfordWillie Tborn about 1927
BradfordWillis born about 1928
BradyBen born about 1906
BradyJimmie born about 1937
BradyLewis born about 1934
BradyOlivia born about 1915
BrawnerGeorge born about 1902
BrawnerGeorge Philipborn about 1933
BrawnerJerrishie born about 1911
BrawnerMattie Francesborn about 1936
BrownD Cecilborn about 1890
BrownDavid born about 1931
BrownElmer born about 1915
BrownFrances born about 1923
BrownGeraldine born about 1938
BrownGussie born about 1918
BrownLucy Roseborn about 1925
BrownMary Joeborn about 1929
BrownParks born about 1935
BrownS Bborn about 1916
BullardAddie Bborn about 1931
BullardCallie Maeborn about 1900
BullardJohnnie born about 1934
BullardR Lborn about 1929
BullardSinn born about 1930
BullardSol born about 1880
BullardTonnie born about 1938
BurdenCordell born about 1925
BurdenDrucilla born about 1924
BurdenElizabeth born about 1931
BurdenFloyd born about 1928
BurdenGashway born about 1906
BurdenLamar born about 1919
BurdenMelvin born about 1934
BurdenPearl born about 1923
BurdenTearey born about 1936
BurdenViola born about 1903
BusbyAngeline born about 1937
BusbyJ Cborn about 1909
BusbyMorris born about 1935
BusbyRoy born about 1939
BusbyVernon born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellAlice Reidborn about 1919
CaldwellBertha born about 1917
CaldwellBettie born about 1934
CaldwellGeo Dborn about 1912
CaldwellGeo Wborn about 1867
CaldwellGeorge born about 1923
CaldwellGladys born about 1892
CaldwellIdaleen born about 1923
CaldwellJ Yborn about 1873
CaldwellPeggy born about 1938
CaldwellRosa born about 1874
CaldwellRuby born about 1895
CaldwellW Dborn about 1875
CaldwellW Fborn about 1904
CaldwellW Rborn about 1892
CaldwellWalter Hamborn about 1937
CaldwellWillian born about 1924
CallawayBesse Maeborn about 1919
CallawayBetty Jeanborn about 1935
CallawayEmily born about 1914
CallawayEugene born about 1938
CallawayJesse born about 1933
CallawayLewis born about 1939
CallawayRogers born about 1936
CallawaySylvia born about 1937
CallawayTommie born about 1916
CallawayWillie born about 1914
CampbellJ Cborn about 1924
CarlanB Bborn about 1888
CarlanIda born about 1900
CarlanMildred born about 1919
CarlanMrs G Aborn about 1861
ChristianMrs J Sborn about 1871
CoboLewis born about 1924
CoboMax born about 1933
CoboMike born about 1892
CoboNita born about 1922
CoboSara born about 1904
CraftA Jborn about 1881
CraftAlbert Jr born about 1920
CraftHugh Mborn about 1924
CraftJames Rogerborn about 1926
CraftMary born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DainesJohn born about 1921
DavisGeo Albertborn about 1932
DavisGeo Cborn about 1915
DavisHarold born about 1939
DavisHarvey Nealborn about 1940
DavisHermon born about 1939
DavisHoward Lewisborn about 1934
DavisHoyt born about 1898
DavisJana Louborn about 1901
DavisJoe born about 1919
DavisMargarete born about 1922
DavisMarion born about 1936
DavisNorris born about 1936
DavisRoselle born about 1915
DavisThomas born about 1929
DeadwylerGeorge born about 1860
DiamondWarthe born about 1924
DixonCynthia born about 1887
DixonGeo Rborn about 1883
DownerEmma born about 1915
DownerJoyce born about 1937
DownerNathaniel born about 1921
DownerWilliam born about 1916
DuboseCarnel born about 1931
DuboseClaude born about 1937
DuboseDorothy born about 1937
DuboseEffie Dborn about 1935
DuboseFrank born about 1929
DuboseGeorgia Maeborn about 1933
DuboseJane Annborn about 1939
DuboseLudie Bellborn about 1927
DuboseMazie born about 1925
DuboseMinnie Dborn about 1901
DuboseOmie born about 1923
DuboseWillie born about 1901
DuboseWillie Leeborn about 1924
DunnAlbert born about 1937
DunnEmory born about 1935
DunnInfant born about 1940
DunnLaura born about 1918
DunnSam born about 1914
DyeBetty Bremerborn about 1928
DyeBroadue born about 1916
DyeElizabeth born about 1918
DyeEsther born about 1933
DyeFloyd born about 1898
DyeFloyd Jr born about 1925
DyeKathleen born about 1931
DyeMary born about 1936
DyeMitchell born about 1937
DyeRuby born about 1905
DyeSara born about 1938
DyeThomas Lindaeyborn about 1923

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E Surnames

EppsA Cborn about 1885
EppsA C Jrborn about 1920
EppsAddie born about 1888
EppsErnest born about 1923
EppsJesse Omerborn about 1928
EppsMary born about 1921
EppsThomas Gerryborn about 1917
EppsWillie Leeborn about 1915
EvansAndy born about 1885
EvansAsa born about 1885
EvansClifton born about 1925
EvansEdward born about 1940
EvansFred born about 1922
EvansMae born about 1929
EvansMary born about 1903
EvansWorley born about 1902

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F Surnames

FarmerSallie born about 1877
FergusonCalvin born about 1920
FergusonM Rborn about 1899
FergusonOla Maeborn about 1905
FlemingIrene born about 1922
FlemingLucile born about 1916
FlemingRussell born about 1880
FortsonAdell born about 1928
FortsonAnnie Leeborn about 1921
FortsonCarey born about 1889
FortsonChessie born about 1925
FortsonClara born about 1880
FortsonClaude born about 1922
FortsonClay born about 1893
FortsonCurtis born about 1920
FortsonD Latborn about 1886
FortsonDixie born about 1914
FortsonEarly born about 1924
FortsonEmma born about 1902
FortsonEstelle born about 1906
FortsonFannie born about 1871
FortsonFloyce born about 1896
FortsonHarvey born about 1922
FortsonHenry born about 1874
FortsonHosie born about 1935
FortsonJames Alfredborn about 1938
FortsonJessie born about 1932
FortsonJoe Henryborn about 1881
FortsonLeonard born about 1921
FortsonLilian born about 1889
FortsonLucius born about 1859
FortsonMartha born about 1928
FortsonPauline born about 1910
FortsonQuillan born about 1926
FortsonWeymon born about 1916
FortsonWill born about 1900
FortsonWilton born about 1916
FortsonZeperce born about 1895
FurcrumFannie born about 1911
FurcrumThomas born about 1904
FurcrumWillie Tborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GrayJulia born about 1898
GrayWill born about 1875
GrimesAzalee born about 1904
GrimesBettie born about 1935
GrimesCare Josephborn about 1931
GrimesCharles Philipborn about 1929
GrimesDouglas Walterborn about 1933
GrimesHubbard born about 1928
GrimesJohn Wesleyborn about 1902
GrimesJoseph Aborn about 1909
GrimesMarcellus born about 1894
GrimesMarion born about 1927
GrimesMary born about 1918
GrimesMelvin born about 1926
GrimesNorman Watsonborn about 1933
GrimesPauline born about 1919
GrimesPolly Rebeckaborn about 1911
GrimesThomas born about 1915
GrinesE Mborn about 1896
GrinesMay born about 1893

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H Surnames

HallMrs G Wborn about 1885
HallWilliam Arthurborn about 1923
HamJulia born about 1892
HamLaura born about 1915
HamLucius born about 1919
HamLuther born about 1880
HamLuther born about 1924
HamMary born about 1883
HamMary born about 1915
HamS Aborn about 1921
HamSamuiel born about 1919
HamWill Tomborn about 1910
HamZonnie born about 1916
HammondB Hborn about 1878
HammondDavid born about 1908
HammondEttie born about 1880
HardemanBose born about 1873
HardemanFannie born about 1881
HardemanJohn Tborn about 1926
HardemanMartha born about 1928
HarrisAlma born about 1907
HarrisOmer born about 1905
HarrisRay born about 1917
HarrisTheoria born about 1919
HarrisonJamie Leeborn about 1908
HarrisonMay Bellborn about 1923
HerreraFrances born about 1920
HerreraFrank born about 1887
HerreraMargarete born about 1891
HesterMary born about 1890
HesterWillie born about 1890
HigginbothamAlma born about 1917
HigginbothamLovie born about 1904
HigginbothamMarvin born about 1939
HigginbothamMary Louborn about 1936
HigginbothamNettie born about 1890
HigginbothamW Mborn about 1875
HigginbothamWalton born about 1914
HolbertLula born about 1882
HolbertW Wborn about 1880
HolmesCornelius born about 1920
HolmesDillard born about 1910
HolmesJ Hborn about 1902
HolmesP Aborn about 1881
HolmesWillie Sueborn about 1908
HubbardAma Wardborn about 1937
HubbardB Rborn about 1908
HubbardBobby born about 1938
HubbardMary Vborn about 1935
HubbardMayson born about 1940
HubbardNell born about 1911
HudgensW Mborn about 1874
HudsonLuther born about 1873
HudsonRose born about 1896
HuffBeatrice born about 1893
HuffBessie born about 1917
HuffBrizell born about 1897
HuffEarly born about 1888
HuffHarlie born about 1937
HuffIllene born about 1901
HuffJ Dborn about 1921
HuffJames Leoryborn about 1934
HuffJames Thomasborn about 1930
HuffJune Cborn about 1924
HuffKatheleene born about 1932
HuffLina Maeborn about 1895
HuffLoretta born about 1938
HuffS Tborn about 1925
HuffSteven born about 1890
HuffWilliam born about 1924
HulmeJohn born about 1905
HuntAnderson born about 1887
HuntAnnie Leeborn about 1933
HuntBessie born about 1928
HuntC Bellborn about 1920
HuntCassie born about 1911
HuntFlora born about 1937
HuntGrace born about 1930
HuntHenry born about 1903
HuntJimmie born about 1937
HuntJohnny born about 1925
HuntMary Leeborn about 1924
HuntNed born about 1932
HuntNellie born about 1924
HuntOzie born about 1932
HuntVictoria born about 1898
HuntVivie Leeborn about 1922

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J Surnames

JacksonAllen born about 1907
JacksonAnnie Leeborn about 1917
JacksonAnnie Ruthborn about 1936
JacksonElla born about 1870
JacksonEva born about 1904
JacksonFelix born about 1918
JacksonJimmie born about 1921
JacksonLula Bellborn about 1929
JacksonMae Leeborn about 1923
JacksonMary Leeborn about 1930
JacksonMaselle born about 1931
JacksonRosella born about 1934
JacksonWillie born about 1917
JacksonWillie Leeborn about 1940
JamesEula Maeborn about 1915
JamesEustance born about 1905
JamesRuby Maeborn about 1936
JonesBoykin born about 1872
JonesCharlie born about 1907
JonesClara Jeanborn about 1939
JonesClaude born about 1923
JonesCurtis born about 1932
JonesD Lborn about 1924
JonesDaisy born about 1900
JonesDaisy Leeborn about 1929
JonesE Jborn about 1931
JonesFannie born about 1872
JonesFlorence born about 1915
JonesGeneva born about 1928
JonesHenry Willisborn about 1934
JonesHerman born about 1927
JonesJ Wborn about 1913
JonesJerry Annborn about 1937
JonesLeroy born about 1940
JonesLester Sborn about 1915
JonesLottie born about 1918
JonesLucile born about 1912
JonesMarion Mborn about 1935
JonesOrlondo born about 1937
JonesSally born about 1926
JonesW G Bborn about 1860
JonesWade born about 1866

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L Surnames

LandEmma born about 1886
LandJ Bborn about 1925
LandNathaniel born about 1924
LandWill born about 1872
LedbetterA Mborn about 1916
LedbetterJanie born about 1920
LesterHenrietta born about 1912
LesterIva born about 1889
LesterW Hborn about 1886
LyleGenie born about 1906
LyleJack born about 1935
LyleLamar born about 1904
LyleVernon born about 1940

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M Surnames

Madden??? born about 1923
MaddenMarjorie born about 1924
MartinF Tborn about 1913
MartinHarriet born about 1915
MatrayJohn Henryborn about 1870
MattoxClyde born about 1902
MattoxClyde Jr born about 1927
MattoxDallas born about 1933
MattoxDorothy born about 1932
MattoxDouglas born about 1934
MattoxEmily born about 1923
MattoxEstelle born about 1917
MattoxFrances born about 1917
MattoxGrace born about 1935
MattoxHelen born about 1933
MattoxHerman born about 1927
MattoxJ Cborn about 1932
MattoxJames born about 1911
MattoxJennie born about 1904
MattoxJerome born about 1937
MattoxJesse Jborn about 1930
MattoxJohn Wborn about 1938
MattoxLala born about 1883
MattoxLansar born about 1936
MattoxLucy Maeborn about 1930
MattoxMadie born about 1880
MattoxMaggie born about 1905
MattoxPernida born about 1889
MattoxR Lborn about 1873
MattoxRaymond born about 1939
MattoxRosa Leeborn about 1911
MattoxTom born about 1887
MattoxTommy Jeanborn about 1935
MattoxWilliam born about 1912
MattoxWillie born about 1925
MattoxWillie born about 1928
McneilJimmie born about 1927
MorrisonEmily born about 1873
MunumerCandido born about 1907
MunumerCandido Jr born about 1935
MunumerChristina born about 1934
MunumerFlora born about 1918

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N Surnames

NashE Bborn about 1890
NashEtta born about 1893
NashHaymond born about 1914
NashHerman born about 1919
NashMary born about 1924

O Surnames

OglesbyDrue Gborn about 1892
OglesbyHattie born about 1888
OglesbyJohn born about 1887
OglesbySara born about 1892

P Surnames

PassDelan born about 1869
PassInez born about 1926
PassJohn born about 1871
PowerNorma born about 1913
PowerSam born about 1912
PowerSam Jr born about 1936
PowerTyrone born about 1940

R Surnames

RealesFlorence born about 1927
RealesFrank born about 1932
RealesMary born about 1907
RealesSimeon born about 1903
ReedJames born about 1920
RobinsonErnestine born about 1932
RoyDelree born about 1908
RoyJuanita born about 1932
RoyT Lborn about 1908
RoyleBoozier born about 1908
RoyleClyde Ednaborn about 1916
RoyleEdna Georgeborn about 1935
RoyleG Bborn about 1862
RoyleLynn born about 1936
RoyleMary Georgeborn about 1867
RuckerAnnie born about 1910
RuckerAnnie Ruthborn about 1933
RuckerBetty Jeanborn about 1934
RuckerClara born about 1909
RuckerGeo Dixonborn about 1938
RuckerGifford born about 1911
RuckerLarry Jborn about 1933
RuckerLarry Wborn about 1907
RuckerLula Bellborn about 1939
RuckerMary Janeborn about 1876
RuckerW Lborn about 1886
RuckerWillis Harperborn about 1930
RuffAdeline born about 1908
RuffAlbert born about 1929
RuffAlice born about 1940
RuffAllen born about 1916
RuffAllen Burtborn about 1937
RuffBarbara born about 1933
RuffBetty Joneborn about 1940
RuffCarl born about 1911
RuffCharles born about 1923
RuffDorothy born about 1932
RuffErma Elizabethborn about 1938
RuffFloyd born about 1913
RuffFrances born about 1918
RuffFrances born about 1930
RuffHarold born about 1939
RuffHenrietta born about 1913
RuffHilda born about 1917
RuffIneata born about 1937
RuffJames born about 1938
RuffJenelle born about 1919
RuffJim born about 1907
RuffJoan born about 1937
RuffLarry born about 1940
RuffLois born about 1914
RuffLonnie born about 1909
RuffLoyd born about 1911
RuffMartha Joeborn about 1924
RuffMartin Cborn about 1899
RuffMary born about 1930
RuffPeggy born about 1936
RuffSanford born about 1902
RuffSibyl born about 1935
RuffSuke born about 1876
RuffThomas born about 1921
RuffVatie Louborn about 1905
RuffVictor born about 1901
RuffW Lborn about 1902
RuffW Rborn about 1875
RuffWallace born about 1926
RuffZada born about 1880

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S Surnames

SafoAllen born about 1860
SafoNellie born about 1885
SaxonSangeff born about 1903
SaxonWalter born about 1893
SelfAddie born about 1911
SelfLee Thomasborn about 1927
SelfTom born about 1908
SimmsBeatrice born about 1904
SimmsDelmes born about 1923
SimmsElis born about 1929
SimmsHarold born about 1938
SimmsHarvey born about 1919
SimmsHoward born about 1893
SimmsHoward born about 1929
SimmsLucy born about 1922
SimmsMarion born about 1927
SimmsRuby born about 1933
SlaytonBobby Jeanborn about 1938
SlaytonJimmie born about 1911
SlaytonLester Maeborn about 1919
SmithAddie born about 1889
SmithAddie Bborn about 1919
SmithAddie Lborn about 1935
SmithAnn born about 1866
SmithAursula born about 1924
SmithAurther born about 1930
SmithBirdel born about 1922
SmithCharlie born about 1869
SmithCornelia born about 1932
SmithDorthy Maeborn about 1937
SmithEula born about 1933
SmithEurial born about 1920
SmithFarrida born about 1913
SmithGeneva born about 1913
SmithGeo Duncanborn about 1924
SmithGladys born about 1939
SmithHatrie Clydeborn about 1871
SmithHenrietta born about 1872
SmithHenry born about 1920
SmithHilda born about 1926
SmithHosie born about 1907
SmithJ Bborn about 1919
SmithJ Dborn about 1892
SmithJames born about 1915
SmithJames born about 1929
SmithJimmie born about 1931
SmithJoe Oscarborn about 1921
SmithL Dborn about 1911
SmithL D Jrborn about 1933
SmithLanette born about 1914
SmithLeroy born about 1916
SmithLessie Maeborn about 1928
SmithLizzie Janeborn about 1893
SmithMargarete born about 1921
SmithMartha born about 1937
SmithMary born about 1937
SmithRaymond born about 1936
SmithRosie Leeborn about 1935
SmithT Bborn about 1892
SmithW Oborn about 1897
SmithWillie Eborn about 1874
SmithWillie Maeborn about 1910
SnellingsCharles born about 1931
SnellingsDoris born about 1925
SnellingsFrances born about 1904
SnellingsHarry born about 1915
SnellingsJean born about 1934
SnellingsJesse Sborn about 1901
SnellingsMary Annborn about 1874
SnellingsMiss Bessieborn about 1882
SnellingsMrs Madgeborn about 1895
SnellingsThomas born about 1921
SnellingsWade Hborn about 1867
StoneS Cborn about 1912
StoneWenona born about 1918

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T Surnames

TateAndrew born about 1914
TateBernice born about 1931
TateJanie Leeborn about 1899
TateJessie Leeborn about 1933
TateLaura Bborn about 1935
TateRebecca born about 1884
TateRoberta born about 1926
TateTommie Leeborn about 1927
TateWadene born about 1926
TateZach born about 1922
ThomasAllen born about 1911
ThomasHattie Maryborn about 1910
ThomasJerry Benborn about 1935
ThomasMiner born about 1933
ThomasSara Louiseborn about 1938
ThompsonAbrahama born about 1933
ThompsonCorine born about 1925
ThompsonGeneva born about 1919
ThompsonHattie Lborn about 1919
ThompsonHenry born about 1893
ThompsonHenry Jr born about 1920
ThompsonL Hborn about 1917
ThompsonLila born about 1903
ThorntonBeaulah born about 1866
ThorntonBlanche born about 1923
ThorntonCamelia born about 1940
ThorntonClifford born about 1900
ThorntonCorine born about 1894
ThorntonH Gborn about 1881
ThorntonJ Fortsenborn about 1889
ThorntonJohn Fortsonborn about 1920
ThorntonJos Dborn about 1869
ThorntonLamar born about 1922
ThorntonLaurie born about 1919
ThorntonMissie Nborn about 1883
ThorntonNora born about 1888
ThorntonNorris born about 1921
ThorntonW Hborn about 1876
TrippeBillie born about 1915
TurmanEarly Robinsonborn about 1939
TurmanEssie born about 1910
TurmanFrances born about 1939
TurmanFrank born about 1908
TurmanGeorgia born about 1910
TurmanHomergelle born about 1935
TurmanJames Albertborn about 1931
TurmanJamie Leeborn about 1938
TurmanJanie born about 1894
TurmanJohnnie born about 1929
TurmanLove Malloyborn about 1935
TurmanOlivia born about 1937
TurmanOra born about 1910
TurmanOra Jr born about 1932
TurmanRuby born about 1914
TurmerJewell born about 1934
TurmerMartha born about 1916
TurmerWilliam born about 1916
TurmerWilliam Jr born about 1938

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U Surnames

UpshowCleveland born about 1905
UpshowH Curryborn about 1882
UpshowWillaim born about 1921

V Surnames

VerdelAlice born about 1917
VerdelAnnie born about 1878
VerdelDorethea born about 1910
VerdelDunnie born about 1873
VerdelGilbert born about 1860
VerdelIrene born about 1896
VerdelJoe born about 1902
VerdelLous born about 1926
VerdelMary Janeborn about 1900
VerdelPhnoris born about 1924
VerdelWhit born about 1888
VerdellJimmie born about 1926
VerdellWillie born about 1928

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W Surnames

WaltonJ Cborn about 1928
WaltonQueen born about 1878
WardRobert born about 1936
WarrenHayes born about 1904
WarrenLucile born about 1900
WhiteAddie born about 1884
WhiteAsbury born about 1917
WhiteClayton born about 1932
WhiteClyde born about 1907
WhiteE Tborn about 1930
WhiteEmily born about 1926
WhiteEthelree born about 1912
WhiteEunice born about 1937
WhiteIla Maeborn about 1889
WhiteIrene born about 1907
WhiteJames born about 1919
WhiteJulian born about 1912
WhiteJulian Leeborn about 1935
WhiteLaura born about 1871
WhiteLaura Annborn about 1937
WhiteMattie Leeborn about 1907
WhiteOra Bborn about 1908
WhiteSam born about 1874
WhiteSylvia born about 1911
WilderElizabeth born about 1930
WilderGeorgia born about 1919
WilderGyirine born about 1935
WilderJeanette born about 1933
WilderJohnnie born about 1916
WilderMattie born about 1913
WilderMattie Bellborn about 1912
WilderNancy born about 1884
WilderPatricia born about 1936
WilderRuth born about 1932
WilderSera born about 1939
WilkinsAllen Henryborn about 1934
WilkinsFrank born about 1896
WilkinsJewel Cathrineborn about 1939
WilkinsJohn Henryborn about 1913
WilkinsLizzie Bethborn about 1915
WilkinsMattie Lborn about 1912
WilkinsWilliam Henryborn about 1898
WilkinsWilliam Julianborn about 1936
WillisRose Anaborn about 1920
WorleyArnold born about 1881
WorleySara born about 1916

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Y Surnames

YearginAddie born about 1885
YearginArthur New Tborn about 1923
YearginBetty Allenborn about 1931
YearginCallie Corineborn about 1934
YearginE Sborn about 1887
YearginEwell Claudborn about 1927
YearginFlora Evaborn about 1894
YearginFrances born about 1925
YearginGeorge Lborn about 1905
YearginJ Bborn about 1893
YearginLamar born about 1935
YearginMargarete born about 1929
YearginMary Magelleborn about 1917
YearginPauline born about 1929
YearginPerry born about 1905
YearginWadene born about 1933
YearginsJ Tborn about 1875
YearginsJames Rborn about 1919
YearginsSusie born about 1888

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