Clayton Genealogy (in Rabun County, GA)

USA (1,380,571) > Georgia (41,745) > Rabun County (250) > Clayton (37)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Clayton are also found through the Rabun County and Georgia pages.

Clayton Cemetery Records

Bleckley Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bleckley Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Chechero Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Clayton Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Clayton Baptist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Coffee Cemetery Find a Grave online

Flat Creek Baptist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Flat Creek Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Godfrey Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Hale Ridge Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hale Ridge Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

John and Ethel Watts Cemetery Find a Grave online

Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mozeley Memorial Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Mozeley Memorial Cemetery Find a Grave online

Persimmon Baptist Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pickett Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Pickett Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pleasant Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Price Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rabun Memory Park Cemetery Billion Graves online

Saint Helena Catholic Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint James Episcopal Church Memorial Gardens Find a Grave online

Stancil Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Timpson Cove Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Timpson Cove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Timpson Presbyterian Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Turpin Cemetery Find a Grave online

Clayton Census Records

Census Clayton District 1900 US Gen Web Archives online

Federal Census of 1940, Clayton in Rabun County, Georgia LDS Genealogy online

Clayton Marriage Records

Early Georgia marriages WorldCat

Clayton Newspapers and Obituaries

Clayton Tribune 11/21/2013 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Clayton Tribuneļ¾ (1899-1924) Newspaper Archive online

The Clayton tribune, 1899-06-22 to 1924-12-18 Georgia Historic Newspapers online

Clayton School Records

Rabun County High School yearbook, 1961, 1973, 1979 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Rabun County High School yearbook, 1961, 1973, 1979, 1981, 1982 Classmates online

Rabun County High School yearbooks, 1961, 1973, 1979, 1981, 1982 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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